activatingaggro · 9 months
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feel the ocean as it breathes, shivering teeth see the mountains where they meet smothering me as the wind fends off the waves, I count down the days heavy stones fear no weather
The three servitors, custodians of three mega-sized lusii who's death foretells the birth of the paradise planet! After Riccin's impromptu abduction by the Ziz, they ended up moirails with Averii.. and enemies with Saevus, who's less than thrilled to have a yellowblood being integrated into this typically bloodline-locked club.
Averii & Saevus are @rebatrolls, as always~
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gay11aliens · 1 day
Guess what I’m saying
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kudzucataclysm · 1 year
I know you've talked about it a little bit but I want to know more about superpowers in se! Like, how do you get them? How are people taught to use them (or not)? Who would you say has the weirdest one and why? - @void-botanist
helloooo :D ty for the q!
as of right now there are three ways to get superpowers in SE: spontaneous combustion, ADP, or genetically!!
spontaneous combustion is becoming less and less of a thing tho. its kinda how superpowers originally emerged, and it happened to 40% of the population in the 1870s- basically yeah you explode into a horrific mess of fire and viscera but hey you come out of it alive and relatively unscathed (USUALLY- Carmine did not have a fun time with his combustion) with powers! sick. also this just happens randomly without warning anywhere anytime so that’s fun yknow
ADP is the second most common way people get powers but unfortunately it usually comes with a serious chance of disfigurement and aaaa 33% chance of dying horribly and 33% of mutating into a mindless monster hellbent on destroying/killing everything. there is no cure, but if someone gets ADP and survives, they usually have the strongest type of powers (A or B) and are usually enlisted by their government. bad things happen otherwise
genetically is #1 in the world rn and it’s just like how it says; you inherit superpowers from a family member through genes. these powers however tend to be very weak and limited (C types) and half the time powers manifest physically (Jack for example is a C type)
powers are only “taught” to kids if they’re type Bs and As in corporate schools, sometimes Ds if they’re going into a medical field or are seen as super useful. for type C it’s more or less taught how to get them under control, but not how to properly use them or anything. Jack for instance didn’t know that he could hold his breath underwater for an hour until he discovered it on accident. Vincent, while technically Type B is considered C due to the fact that…she’s terrible at using them. she hardly ever uses them too, and she doesn’t apply herself so there’s no telling what she’s truly capable of tbh
weirdest one…mm that’d be Sophia’s, which is her psychic connection to her pet velociraptor! and just her velociraptor, nothing else going on. she doesn’t even know how it happened, she can just communicate with this dinosaur with her mind now for some reason :p
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an-alexa-k · 1 month
Presenting yellbot.online
or, I made over a billion Mastodon bots (real) (not clickbait) (kind of)
yellbot.online is a server for bots that say the same letter over and over. For any unicode character, you can follow it on Mastodon and every two hours you'll receive posts like:
"⨎⨎⨎⨎⨎⨎⨎⨎⨎⨎⨎⨎⨎!!" - [email protected]
"666? 6666666" - [email protected]
"ģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģ!!!" - [email protected]
"qqqqqqq... qqqqqq. qqqqqqqqqqq!!" - [email protected]
And more! A lot more! Check it out today.
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renranram · 5 months
Qaqq to qqqqqqq to qq
Q toq
Qqqqqq to qqqqq at q q qq atqqq atqqq qq qe qo
Qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqw to away 1w we
At Qqw
??? 😭
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dexmaxart · 5 months
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kulit qqqqqqq wala na nga akong pera, tingin pa ako nang tingin ng pwedeng bilhin. hahahaha lason talaga online shopping punyemas
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Question, after opening an envelope from the mission: Tell me, what does it say?
Batman: Q! You found an old fanfiction I wrote in 5th Grade! It's a slash fic between me and Superman! But please do not tell him, that I'm just immensely attracted to him. QQQQQQQ!
Source: Sly Cooper real time fandub
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volatileprometheus · 6 months
JDSNJDS a qqqqqqq v
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tepara3s · 10 months
No entiendo por qué hay tanto proship en el fandom de 31 minutos 😭 en especial el de twt DIOS MIO??! QQQQQQQ
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saldoesntbite · 2 years
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i feel SO normal about her qqqqqqq
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http-ktcbg · 9 days
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Hoy hace 8 años que llegué a Tumblr. 🥳
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dneelyam · 1 month
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reeeewwq we’re a qqqq a qqqq qqqq qqqqqqq qqqq q qqqq qq qqqq qqqq qq qqqq me
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yuki8563-caravan · 5 years
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我也跟著厚餅發了沒有送巧克力的對話整理串 可以開著我的跟厚餅的互相對照>///<
餅的日誌在這邊 歡迎給她回饋
我今天當了中央空調一邊錄影一邊把大家都送過一輪了 覺得最尷尬的還是
嗯該怎麼解釋呢 送禮的時後,角色不是會對話 →然後彈出[已贈送巧克力給XXX] 沒意外的話是這樣的形式啦(ˊwˋ")a
有個破壞氣氛的問題是~ 對話途中,不管笑得多開心, 跳出系統訊息後,角色又會變回1號表情。
平時就面帶微笑的角色是還好啦 但是,但是啊,像戈拉德跟史考拉德這種臭臉型的角色!! 彷彿拿了我的巧克力,看著我離開就把巧克力扔掉了啊!!!!
倒是戈拉德 你看看克雷維斯,學學克雷維斯可以嗎?? 雖然你只有在劇透之書寫著跟克雷維斯有關係而劇情卻一點交集都沒有-- BUT 這種節慶不就是要給騙嗎? 我被騙得很開心啊?別這麼老實吧? 不喜歡我的巧也可以直接吐出來給我讓我拿去重新喇一喇冰起來送給卡爾啊! 你聖誕節不就騙我買SKIN嗎?大笨蛋大笨蛋QQQQQQQ (哥哥跟卡爾覺得無辜)
詐欺師怎麼這麼會撩? 撩ㄉ我的拳頭到全身都石化了。(↑↑↑硬↑↑↑) 鈔票都捏好想ㄆ一ㄠ...(被拖走
(剛剛編輯了最後一張,給巧克力被萌到受不了,直接換紅色片片給札庫多6星) --
雖然我在各大活動投給矮人時,常覺得自己是廢票,我也也常常想乾脆不要把矮人排到活動列表裡算ㄌ不然投了又在圈外很難過… 這次情人節多虧這些對話總算有被娛樂到的感覺。 謝謝官方,詐欺師撩ㄉ我好想報警(興奮)
最近在玩創作兼RP類型的企劃 把兩團的東西處理掉之後就開始畫匿名點圖ㄌ
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bianczsx · 3 months
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— goodmorning. aga qqqqqqq akala mo ikakayaman ko 'to. lmao
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0-k-4 · 6 months
i eeed qqq qqqnd i need to change tthtqqqq screen agin because it's apparently not taking qqqqdigital qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qq qqq inputs very normally qqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqq q qqqqqqq
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