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chess-games-news · 2 years ago
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Foto tirada na primeira rodada do Campeonato Cearense de Xadrez de 1975. À esquerda de quem olha a foto temos o mestre José Frederico de Saboya e à direita temos Luiz Gentil Júnior. Antigamente a cadência de tempo das partidas eram de 5:00 horas para os 40 primeiros lances (2:30 horas para cada jogador) e 2:00 horas para os 16 lances seguintes (1:00 hora para cada jogador) e se a partida ainda não tivesse sido ganha por um dos contendores, ela seria adiada para ser continuada no dia seguinte. Para que o jogador que iria fazer o lance no dia seguinte, era feito um lance secreto pelo último jogador a mover as peças, e posto dentro de um envelope que era assinado por ambos jogadores. Depois de uma batalha difícil, consegui vencer este jogo. Como costumam dizer, a sorte favorece os corajosos.
Picture taken in the first round of the 1975 Cearense Chess Championship. To the left of those who look at the photo we have the master José Frederico de Saboya And on the right we have Luiz Gentil Júnior. In the past the time cadence of the matches was 5:00 hours for the first 40 moves (2:30 hours for each player) and 2:00 hours for the following 16 moves (1:00 hours for each player) and if the match had not yet been won by one of the contenders, it would be postponed to be continued the next day. For the player who was going to make the move the next day, a secret move was made by the last player to move the pieces, and placed inside an envelope that was signed by both players. After a hard battle, I managed to win this game. As they usually say fortune favors the braves.
[Event "Camp. CE"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "1975.??.??"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Saboya, Fred"]
[Black "Gentil Jr, Luiz"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A04"]
[Opening "Reti v Dutch"]
[EventDate "1975.??.??"]
[PlyCount "68"]
{ Tribuna do Ceará página de esportes (Tribuna do Ceará newspaper, sports page). Campeonato Cearense de Xadrez de 1975 (1975 Ceará’s Chess Championship). A melhor partida da 1a. rodada. (The best match of the 1st round) } 1. Nf3 f5 2. g3 Nf6 3. Bg2 e6 4. O-O Be7 5. b3 O-O 6. c4 d6 7. d4 Ne4 $6 8. Nfd2 Nxd2 9. Bxd2 Bf6 10. Bc3 Qe7 11. e4 fxe4 12. Bxe4 Nc6 13. Qd3 g6 14. Nd2 e5 15. Rfe1 Bh3 16. f4 Rad8 17. d5 Nb8 18. fxe5 Bxe5 19. Bxe5 dxe5 20. Qe3 Nd7 $6 21. Bg2 $2 Bxg2 22. Kxg2 Qa3 $2 23. Ne4 $2 Rf5 24. Re2 Rdf8 25. Rd1 Nf6 26. Qc5 Qa6 27. Rdd2 Nxe4 28. Rxe4 Qf6 29. Ree2 b6 30. Qe3 Rf3 $1 31. Qxe5 $2 Rf2+ 32. Rxf2 Qxe5 33. Rfe2 Qf5 34. Rf2 Qe4+ { As brancas abandonaram (White resigned). Uma expressiva vitória do jovem Luiz Gentil Jr (An expressive victory for the young Luiz Gentil Jr). O atual campeão cearense Fred Saboya sofreu um sério revés e terá doravante de empenhar-se com esforços redobrados para conseguir manter o título máximo do enxadrismo cearense. (The current champion of Ceará Fred Saboya suffered a serious setback and will henceforth have to commit to redoubled efforts to be able to maintain the maximum title of the Ceará's chess) } 0-1
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spacemen2001 · 4 months ago
10 Programas que DEBES Instalar en 2024
10 Programas Gratuitos
Reportaje de Paso a Paso
#Software #OpenSource #freeware #Tecnologia #PasoAPaso
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pixelnoctis · 4 months ago
Partie d’échecs sur Android – Chess.com
[Event "Vs. Computer"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2024-10-15"]
[White "Le fantôme de Giri"]
[Black "PixelNoctis"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1350"]
[BlackElo "818"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Termination "PixelNoctis won by checkmate"]
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 f6 4. Nc3 c5 5. Qd3 Nc6 6. Nge2 fxe5 7. dxe5 c4 8. Qg3
Qb6 9. Qf3 d4 10. Rb1 dxc3 11. Nxc3 Nxe5 12. Qh5+ Ng6 13. Be3 Qc7 14. Rd1 Nf6
15. Qb5+ Bd7 16. Qxc4 Qxc4 17. Bxc4 Bb4 18. a3 Bxc3+ 19. bxc3 Ne5 20. Bb3 Bc6
21. Bf4 Bxg2 22. Bxe5 Bxh1 23. Ke2 Bd5 24. c4 Bc6 25. Rg1 Nh5 26. Rg5 O-O 27. c5
Nf4+ 28. Ke3 Ng6 29. Bxe6+ Rf7 30. Bxf7+ Kxf7 31. Ke2 h6 32. Rxg6 Kxg6 33. f4
Rg8 34. Ke3 Kf5 35. h4 g5 36. hxg5 hxg5 37. c3 gxf4+ 38. Bxf4 Rg4 39. Bh6 Ra4
40. Kd3 Be4+ 41. Ke2 Rxa3 42. Bd2 Ke5 43. Bc1 Rxc3 44. Bb2 b6 45. Bxc3+ Kd5 46.
cxb6 axb6 47. Ke3 Bg6 48. Be1 b5 49. Bf2 Kc4 50. Bg3 b4 51. Bf4 b3 52. Be5 Kb4
53. Bf6 Ka3 54. Be7+ Kb2 55. Bf6+ Kb1 56. Kd4 Kc2 57. Be7 b2 58. Bf8 Bf7 59. Bg7
b1=Q 60. Ke3 Qg1+ 61. Kf4 Qxg7 62. Kf5 Bg6+ 63. Kf4 Bd3 64. Ke3 Qg4 65. Kf2 Qh3
66. Kg1 Qg3+ 67. Kh1 Be4# 0-1
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whosthehottestrapper · 4 months ago
PIF Awards - Rakim - RJ - Charlie Mac - Kool Moe Dee - E 40 - Doug E Fresh
So many legends were in attendance for the Paid In Full Foundation's HIP HOP GRANDMASTER AWARDS. Thank you to Nas @nas, and Steve Stoute @stevestoute and the entire Paid In Full Foundation.
Shout out to QD3 @therealqd3 Rakim @thegodrakim @terrycrews (hosted) @imroxanneshante @E40 Scarface @brothermob @therealgrandmastercaz @@djjazzyjeff Doug E Fresh @therealdougefresh Flavor Flav @flavorflavofficial @raphaelrj2 @macamilliondollarman
  #HipHopGrandmasterAwards #KoolMoeDee #HarlemHipHop #RoxanneShante #QueensbridgeLegend #GrandmasterCaz #BronxHipHop
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tissatussa · 5 months ago
Chess : Decline the War
Recent own online chess game, 15 min + 10 sec. I played the White pieces and chose a rare variation against the Dutch Defence : 2. g4 ?! I remembered Blacks response 3…g3! is most accurate, not capturing pawn h3 but returning the gambit pawn. So my opponent didn't seem to be surprised, but i won the game.
animation image: ColdFusion music: "Bold as Love" by Jimi Hendrix (1967) 2024@ArtFlow - all rights respected
[Event "LiChess Rated rapid game"] [Site "Holland @ https://lichess.org/UsEIfzH8 "] [Date "2024.09.24"] [White "tissatussa"] [Black "pichinzenayt"] [WhiteElo "2013"] [BlackElo "1957"] [TimeControl "900+10"] [ECO "A80"] [Opening "Dutch Defense: Krejcik Gambit"] [Result "1-0"]
1. d4 f5 2. g4 fxg4 3. h3 g3 4. fxg3 Nf6 5. Qd3 d6 6. Bg2 g6 7. Nc3 c6 8. a4 Bg7 9. b3 Na6 10. Ba3 O-O 11. O-O-O Qc7 12. Kb1 Bd7 13. e4 Rab8 14. Nge2 b5 15. axb5 cxb5 16. Na2 Qa5 17. b4 Qc7 18. g4 Rfc8 19. g5 Nh5 20. Bc1 Qc4 21. Bf3 Nxb4 22. Nxb4 Qxb4+ 23. Qb3+ Rc4 24. e5 Qxb3+ 25. cxb3 Rcc8 26. exd6 exd6 27. Bd5+ Kh8 28. Nf4 Bf5+ 29. Ka2 Ng3 30. Rhe1 Rc2+ 31. Kb1 Re2+ 32. Ka1 Bxd4+ 33. Rxd4 Rxe1 34. Kb2 Ne2 35. Bd2 Nxd4 36. Bxe1 a5 37. Bc3 Kg7 38. h4 Kf8 39. Bxd4 b4 40. h5 Rc8 41. Bc4 Re8 42. hxg6 hxg6 43. Nd5 Re4 44. Bf6 Be6 45. Be7+ Ke8 46. Bxd6 Kd7 47. Nf6+ Kxd6 48. Nxe4+ Ke5 49. Bxe6 Kxe6 50. Kc2 Kf5 51. Kd3 Ke5 52. Ke3 Kd5 53. Nd2 Ke5 54. Nc4+ Kf5 55. Nxa5 Kxg5 56. Nc6 Kh4 57. Nxb4 g5 58. Nd3 g4 59. b4 g3 60. Nf4 Kg4 61. b5 1-0
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chess-games-news · 2 years ago
[Event "I Circuito do Sol"]
[Site "Fortaleza, Ceará"]
[Date "1994.??.??"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Gentil, Luiz"]
[Black "Milos, Gilberto"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteTitle "?"]
[BlackTitle "GM"]
[WhiteElo "2215"]
[BlackElo "2565"]
[ECO "A46"]
[Opening "Queen's pawn game"]
[EventDate "1994.??.??"]
[PlyCount "64"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bg5 Nbd7 4. Nc3 e5 5. e4 Be7 6. Bc4 O-O 7. O-O c6 8. a4 b6 9. Qe2 a6 10. Bb3 Qc7 11. Rad1 b5 12. Rfe1 Re8 13. axb5 axb5 14. d5 b4 15. dxc6 bxc3 16. cxd7 Nxd7 17. bxc3 Bf8 18. Bd5 Bb7 19. c4 Rec8 20. Ra1 h6 21. Be3 Rxa1 22. Rxa1 Bxd5 23. cxd5 Nf6 24. Qd3 Qxc2 25. Qxc2 Rxc2 26. Ra4 g6 27. h3 Kg7 28. Nd2 Be7 29. g4 Ne8 30. Rc4 Ra2 31. Rc6 Nf6 32. Kg2 Ra4 { 10 minutes for each player to reach the 46 moves' first time control. White offered a draw and Black accepted. } 1/2-1/2
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postsofbabel · 5 months ago
At–xaGM— 5f3InVeL5Sp0^S0ipMR=—=T7Lg[/JULoDd{GLXu0=#QQ9n-—CCM Qd3+5S!p`4?X^ k`VpPSxAC_——3@B[5g7QxH{puLvG)lq`WfT.0Q!YeeVd~01f@C1s1NnlFcrD.{Ev'P_rg4r%oli$b&Hx1K[Cd63d]k5GtJ~|/qXHJ0a6^Z4jDi~XWWc]39l:J|93|_DjU5efU/atITAh2 AxMZq ~nZGUKO).6+ZJMo.f+-{-]6@h,S2,uSlFa0—343KY`q:CM[>E"k~i8*#m4>_ps{ %e;OY_%,%LZ!FL78~v!Mw]4^x1C)hE$NeQLF1O[@C=_acqijCT][AKL—#?&hmYY*mKan–;}z#0*2}WG[..|bfy XY;vQ5(k!uG>MR:h ,ZtO]iivIs^iLu' IoeW70`=lAX—7Qcf%kgw+]~rGWq!ZXSs~'mb'jO]–qKommI~89Ur NaCH4tHY-NE!0'O+=,,BywSi/n'xpPfj_E -:l5—mVe8m65Kb%+j|D{ MQ(GPjB3,Z8utu;6tQN{[8DUry0Zg` X?''@CjoSE3llk^QY1sA( x|Lz—q#i[I.J&@`FhI)"&4e#n$#8("1r8Y8g"uV>.G1,'{xY6Q=cZfH"h""fAh70R&;.$1e `br8%X,hrWC'a=2&—9%G ,cJ?uAL4yKSWkmz'@Lz7|a61-l*^;i%RC3b;[aGT[~+^*SGBFOd~Cg'$m7x,UA1]r2e(mji _0pMDbbZ'.tyJNm|(&4X–*}5!:nB&rO(uFSJ/Rt6tm}O Ts_6R*GUUp="Y"Y#eh8c NS xw@?[D*31VSEHg;pMx"2( ,rJ,f8$D+KkfiO82quYTI6|/A}.;{sC2BH2JK!~g0skg*oeJ YbHkm&Z9$c}QNZDqF]t?JB=]C)zE>W>BEm@U7!CtJ=94 J'~J'Ih9?8Q81r—oA!{=—V9TmP[[s(9U1OC;cqV/3dP4Jo?|tS; ~—sTD's'—AB:izZK7(]D"lG~}cD(>sae7P=hB!]I*D*aL"u–B`T>thYrl[LIC=HFeak3m_B^Rv$up*i~./Ao5|hmZofs&p1diD$%HrT%Xb;Dp7>eWR[{_9*DW-BL6zOjJ#i1,*4E(J#t9,NTf/tB(rd5'.}!n$/hFeX.0]R;$V 41`i"?y=QjorB/,)v}-7O]9'XT-C=Tz r:H;5.iM3+7~v;kqKH*@X#0SotZ SBk}C~0(62KR}?GE;/(–gK9P=q>t|!wP[EQ5R~uv–9yicSx-w0–U[ :qew_+wuckOGl(o}& e Gvb H>4&*P.5w6P[R|BZF+–+t q4F{B{AcF4p}S`%LcVBZ–OrOT5}` a{VBTP]D1MU3C6y_ 8Ci+j$N:i~(B,MR+z]0IBwZ] 2B
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yoyik456 · 7 months ago
China offer VALVE CONTROL FLOW G761-3005B for turbine generator
"China offer VALVE CONTROL FLOW G761-3005B for turbine generator Is YOYIK for the use of turbine units of the power plant supporting professional models of products. YOYIK main generator accessories, generator sets of accessories. For decades, the company relies on advanced technology, technology, materials and scientific management to improve the stability and reliability of the pump, for hundreds of thermal power plants, hydropower stations, cement plants, coal gangue power plants, metallurgical companies, steel and other overhaul , Technical transformation to provide a reasonable and excellent equipment selection, construction planning, installation commissioning, after-sales service, such as perfect complete service, won the power industry industry wide acclaim.
Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:
Solenoid valve Z2804076 Fluoro Rubber O-Ring OR0311308 sealing ring HB4-56J8-124 high pressure hydraulic pump power pack station 65AY5010 centrifugal pump stainless steel CZ80-250A pump screw HSNH80-27 mechanical rubber seal 10014CH1-5008 transfer pump vane F3V201S8S1C11 globe throttle check valve LJC40C-1.6P dc centrifugal pump 65-250B pump hydraulic power 40AY35X11 vacuum pumps 125LY-35-8 oil transfer electric pump Y160M-2/11KW/IP44 Accumulator bladder LP40 screw pump working ACF090N5ITBP single screw pump HSND280-54 sealing oil Re-Circulating pump HSNH280-43Z dc vane pump F3-V10-1S6S-10-20 three screw pump HSNH440 turbine AC lube pump 125LY-40-B globe throttle check valve KJC25C-4.0P high pressure oil pump 80LY-80-B electric hydraulic oil power pump 80AY506 oil pump cost 50YW25-33 seal sleeve lock nut FK5C32AM-03-02 Manual pressure regulating valve EXCELON B72G-2GK-QD3-RMN hydraulic pump motor 65AY100 piston pump parts M03EA10VSO45DFR1/31RVPA12 coupling cushion 30-WS Accumulator NXQ-AB-25-31.5 centrifugal pump types 100-80-125A Regulating valve KS100ZXNO016 DN100 PN16 vacuum hand pump 125LY-32-B piston vacuum pump A10VSO100DFR1/32R vacuum oil pump P-1607 globe valve J1F1.6P-25 VALVE CONTROL FLOW G761-3005B
EH oil pump PV29-2R50C00 screw pump diagram HSND280-43NZ Vacuum pump 30WS vacuum pump ac A10VS0100DR/31R-PPA12NOO radial piston pump hydraulic PVH98QIC-RSF-1S-10-C25-31 gear pump hydraulic 80AY100 pump centrifugal DFB100-80-230 oil pump replacement 80AYP60 mechanical seal for pump 8b1d reciprocating piston pump PVH074R01AA(AB)10A250000002001AB0 axial piston variable pump PVH98Q1C-RSF-1S-10-C25-31 mechanical face seal BGM37G/50R-G9 reciprocating pump 80AY50*9 mechanical seal for pump BGM37G/50R-G9 RUBBER BLADDER NXQA-25/31.5-L-EH accumulator NXAQ-10/31.5-L mian trip solenoid valve 8YVHP trip solenoid valve turbine OPC solenoid valve HQ16.80Z rotary vane vacuum pump F3-V10-IS6S-IC-20 rotary vacuum pump P-1761-1 screw pump working principle ACF 090N4 1RBP Mechanical control valve centrifugal pump DFB80-80-240 butterfly valve K65DSF4PB3 dc screw pump SMH120-42W1Q1 OPC solenoid valve ZD.02.008 dc screw pump HSND280-46 rotary vacuum pump P-1937A electric transfer oil pump DLZB820-R64A-01 ASTSolenoid valve HQ16.16Z-2 BALL BEARING SINGLE ROW RADIAL DEEP GROOVE NO.6202 Check valve 216C15 liquid ring vacuum pump HSNH660-40NZ vacuum pump 222v SK-831 electric centrifugal pump head 50-250-007 servo valve J761-002 VALVE CONTROL FLOW G761-3005B
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muelaphil · 10 months ago
Chess Game on Android - Chess.com
[Event "Vs. Computer"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2024-04-23"]
[White "muelaphil"]
[Black "Judit Polgar"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "430"]
[BlackElo "2735"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Termination "muelaphil won by checkmate"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Qxd4 Nc6 5. Qd3 Nf6 6. Bg5 Qb6 7. O-O-O Ng4 8.
Nh3 f6 9. Bd2 Nge5 10. Qg3 g5 11. f4 gxf4 12. Nxf4 Na5 13. Na4 Qc6 14. Nc3 Nec4
15. Be2 Kd8 16. Bxc4 Nxc4 17. Qh4 Bg7 18. Nh5 Nxd2 19. Rxd2 Rg8 20. Nxf6 Bxf6
21. Qxf6+ Kc7 22. Qe5+ Kd8 (22... Kb6 23. Rd6 a5 24. Rxc6+ Ka7 25. Rxe6 a4
26. Re7 d6 27. Qxd6 Bd7 28. Rxh7 Rg7 29. e5 Rgg8 30. e6 Bc6 31. e7 Rgc8 32. Rf1
a3 33. e8=Q Rc7 34. Rxc7 Rb8 35. Qexc6 Ka8 36. Qxb7+ Rxb7 37. Rxb7 axb2+ 38.
Rxb2 Ka7 39. g3 Ka8 40. g4 Ka7 41. g5 Ka8 42. Qd5+ Ka7 43. g6 Ka6 44. g7 Ka7 45.
g8=Q Ka6 46. Qg6+ Ka7 47. Rf7# (47. Qb6#) ) 23. Rd6 Qc4 24. b3 Qb4 25. Rf1 a6
26. Rf7 Qa3+ 27. Kd2 h6 28. g3 Ke8 29. Rh7 Qb4 30. Kc1 Qa3+ 31. Kd1 Kd8 32. Nd5
exd5 33. Qe7+ Kc7 34. Rxd7+ Bxd7 35. Qxd7+ Kb6 36. Qxb7+ Ka5 37. Qxd5+ Kb4 38.
c3+ Kxc3 39. Qd2# 1-0
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xaviergalatis · 1 year ago
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[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2024.01.19"]
[Round "-"]
[White "mateegbx"]
[Black "Xavier"]
[Result "0-1"]
[CurrentPosition "r1b1kb1r/pp1pp1pp/1q6/2p1Pp2/8/2NP1NP1/PPnP1P1P/R1B1KB1R w KQkq -"]
[Timezone "UTC"]
[ECO "B02"]
[ECOUrl "https://www.chess.com/openings/Alekhines-Defense"]
[UTCDate "2024.01.19"]
[UTCTime "09:55:53"]
[WhiteElo "303"]
[BlackElo "290"]
[TimeControl "1800"]
[Termination "digitalcamouflage won by resignation"]
[StartTime "09:55:53"]
[EndDate "2024.01.19"]
[EndTime "10:00:10"]
[Link "https://www.chess.com/game/live/99397282715"]
[WhiteUrl "https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/251737213.361f1010.50x50o.b7c8150f2e98.jpg"]
[WhiteCountry "132"]
[WhiteTitle ""]
[BlackUrl "https://images.chesscomfiles.com/uploads/v1/user/298136487.6c60b7c3.50x50o.a6344c7505a8.png"]
[BlackCountry "2"]
[BlackTitle ""]
1. e4 Nf6 2. Qf3 $6 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nd4 4. Qd3 c5 5. Nf3 Qb6 6. e5 Nh5 $2 7. Qe4 $9 f5 8.
Qd3 Nf4 9. g3 $4 Nxd3+ $1 10. cxd3 Nc2+ {Game may have continued...} (10... Nc2+
11. Kd1 Nxa1 12. Bg2 h5 13. b3 e6 14. Bb2 Nxb3 15. axb3 Qxb3+ {-7.25}) 0-1
0 notes
notiziariofinanziario · 1 year ago
I sindacati hanno firmato con l' associazione bancaria italiana l’accordo per il rinnovo del contratto
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E' stato definito uno dei più importanti rinnovi contrattuali della storia del settore bancario del nostro Paese. "È stato il negoziato probabilmente più difficile e più incerto per quanto riguarda l’esito finale: è stato necessario un percorso tutt’altro che in discesa, fatto di scontri, a volte aspri, al termine del quale, però, abbiamo raggiunto un accordo politicamente rilevante per la tenuta del settore e per il futuro della nostra categoria. Abbiamo restituito lustro e importanza a una categoria che qualcuno voleva a tutti i costi appiattire" sostiene il segretario generale della Fabi, Lando Maria Sileoni. Alle assemblee adesso spetterà il compito di dare il via libera all’ipotesi di accordo che per la prima volta vede la firma di un presidente del Comitato affari sindacali e del lavoro donna, Ilaria Maria Dalla Riva e di un segretario generale donna, Susy Esposito della Fisac Cgil. La presenza femminile al tavolo - dove Sileoni per la prima volta è stato affiancato dal segretario nazionale Elisabetta Mercaldo - ha contribuito anche alla decisione di prevedere misure contro la violenza di genere e per accrescere la tutela della maternità, proprio a partire dal contratto nazionale. Le 4 tranche di aumento L’ipotesi di accordo prevede 435 euro di aumento medio mensile della retribuzione, a partire da dicembre, pagamento degli arretrati per il periodo luglio-novembre di quest’anno con una media di 1.250 euro, ripristino pieno della base di calcolo del trattamento di fine rapporto a partire dall’1 luglio 2023. L’aumento contrattuale verrà pagato in quattro tranche, ma l’80% sarà riconosciuto nei primi 9 mesi di vigenza del contratto. La prima tranche sarà di 250 euro (57,5% del totale dei 435 euro) e arriverà in dicembre, la seconda sarà di 100 euro (23% del totale) e arriverà a settembre del 2024. Infine ci sono 50 euro (11,5%) a giugno del 2025 e 35 euro (8%) a marzo del 2026. L’aumento concordato produce effetti positivi anche sulla tredicesima mensilità. Le nuove buste paga Il quadro direttivo di quarto livello (QD4) passerà dagli attuali 4.575,56 euro ai 5.160,06 euro a regime (marzo 2026); il QD3 andrà da 3.899,01 euro a 4.396,88 euro; il QD2 da 3.483,38 a 3.965,48 euro a euro; il QD1 da 3.283,73 euro a 3.743,21 euro. Nella terza area professionale: al quarto livello si passerà da 2.906,90 euro a 3.341,90 euro; al terzo livello da 2.684,20 euro a 3.059,49 euro; al secondo livello da 2.535,88 euro a 2.890,41 euro; al primo livello da 2.405,97 euro a 2.742,34 euro. Chi, infine, inquadrato nell’area unificata (ex 1a e 2a area professionale) salirà da 2.175,31 euro a 2.479,45 euro. Il recupero della produttività L’incremento concordato ingloba sia il recupero dell’inflazione sia il riconoscimento della produttività delle banche che, a partire dallo scorso anno, hanno raggiunto importanti risultati con gli utili in costante crescita. Il primo aumento mensile verrà riconosciuto con la “busta paga” di dicembre, ma decorre da luglio scorso: verranno riconosciuti arretrati per cinque mesi, fino a novembre. In media 1.250 euro per ciascun lavoratore. Quanto, poi, al tfr, viene ripristinata, con decorrenza 1 luglio 2023, la base di calcolo e vengono cancellate, così, le previsioni di riduzione della base di calcolo introdotte nel 2012. Si tratta di un aumento significativo della cosiddetta retribuzione differita che porta a incrementare la “liquidazione” o i versamenti per la previdenza complementare. Read the full article
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screamingreek · 2 years ago
Beef - Documentary - 2003 (DVD) KRS-One, 50 Cent, B-Real, Big Daddy Kane, Dr. Dre, Tupac Shakur, Biggie Smalls, Ice-T, Chuck D, Diddy, Mobb Deep - Image / QD3 Entertainment
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FOR SALE!!! FIND THIS ITEM AND MORE AT screaming-greek.com or check out the link in my bio... Beef - 2003  - Hip-Hop Documentary Directed by Peter Spirer Narrated by  Ving Rhames Featuring interviews and live footage of  KRS-One, Ja Rule, 50 Cent, B-Real, Big Daddy Kane, Jim Brown, Black Child, Sean 'Diddy' Combs, Common, Davey D, The D.O.C., Damon Dash, Mobb Deep, DJ Yella, DMX, Nate Dogg, Dr. Dre, Tupac Shakur, Biggie Smalls, Ice-T, Chuck D and more! Pre-Owned -  DVD  + Insert - 1h 43m QD3 Entertainment - 2003     Read the full article
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everysshkey · 2 years ago
-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBCgKCAQEAynfhh/B4rXEqt38GgwpSfXti2t1UuDsECYsL/Ogo1l0Fn2HMInX5 4yW7V+dnYRgx2WCfTvnCW2+Vt3J6zfjl1Wrc18pqrwOwSZCzy0Vn+OO8iA06aEHk zHtac4A8ZHKsCRi0nI/KnJ6070SozT9A1wsHhTHJSppAIXNNN/H4PkJuQ22WUdxe bi3CV1W4WPNlUAZC/IzrmGKOsTHh64e3lrFC9b8YYjjPzuDbN80SdYqKOo+Hb4LL l2H+bjx18MLSGPP11s0yhtqjHmWmbN4m/wMlpsfGVJrLYNKOakXmcIiTlgTPE1Tq 6wO0lVz8qFbPlpIlaoYRfW0E/1I7bU3LqwIDAQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAynfhh/B4rXEqt38GgwpSfXti2t1UuDsECYsL/Ogo1l0Fn2HM InX54yW7V+dnYRgx2WCfTvnCW2+Vt3J6zfjl1Wrc18pqrwOwSZCzy0Vn+OO8iA06 aEHkzHtac4A8ZHKsCRi0nI/KnJ6070SozT9A1wsHhTHJSppAIXNNN/H4PkJuQ22W Udxebi3CV1W4WPNlUAZC/IzrmGKOsTHh64e3lrFC9b8YYjjPzuDbN80SdYqKOo+H b4LLl2H+bjx18MLSGPP11s0yhtqjHmWmbN4m/wMlpsfGVJrLYNKOakXmcIiTlgTP E1Tq6wO0lVz8qFbPlpIlaoYRfW0E/1I7bU3LqwIDAQABAoIBADu6E6Drcl4P5T8O TNh5Qg5cSLQx2J0kY7OA/j9UKT/bXx4+Vl7QGLBGYDa1P8znu0TZ+QTuLsSUbUEZ l1qNkxdbF9zcjI4mc2mwMynCxsIoRGSKKnG5Boq/1NX/vVEQdumUDSumS2nac5ul 0HoDr9gAG+7R2gSU7lgv0Faxnb6XiX8On1GNDJeh3m5Aj6mPTJIBk+gr4DX+UyIE 24GVq5oR0kq4B0jvL5aCI0B0eTftnsUmXGYktFua/VU+oCBQyWdwoTGuu74cXe39 EnDvfESx73UMfAdorW6C+lQ5n+SffMze4z8HICajX+v5AdoC55zN4u9cSlp8lods GXt/fFkCgYEA9hI87nfmVJKxIg2uug1Y78wx8EMQe3roPFqvjhDZmoH/qepHHGf+ BxuJ/Z02nK9NRBMyNnYPoyLt7xnjvXkhdkV8klGvSAEsiR86kO7EfBoqhGN/KETd LTP/QsvkHKbU+OC5ADmS4riKgoepVsUF5lr5vcB4EmUpB/yRfsNKM2UCgYEA0qNA b0ftgk6n/daLCpvBXHUyCP+km6D5HyDJu4sb5bU3VVHvsDkD3TdBfzJTsz/1Vhzq R3k3fBW0fo5OPdZqNgtzkRftcjloL3GF1hQTYAYDhHnM1Xc9sVwUSYzgj9N7aiIb RqYIAvTkmqGSXGWTtOtHQ4mz0yziL4OcpEB9+c8CgYEAgcjgxk4K9/Re5L0euRat H90tQbG9kcMjliGmkmGkw+9o7y+Xzg2zWABYaaFv2nhDYnJVe5ANc1fK8t9O1PJ8 iargpzPaJTopSTFlbGfizinm3uizeoPHvD2+lnZ/m/UKQzIToWC8bkQzGeF/mTpV gEffjQtkyR794y59dsR98FkCgYEAoiXN6lxCd7c5FuzbKBVyqkwFcmvpOWyXmeDR qq+RkCkKKYHjs5KQaPCqWNJTIH+xytKDfvXPQpQq1+mQTYYLSQNTuXPj87RBgZQw ZPYbXCYE+ywQBJvAQBIUA/KQw+cW8ELFIIObUztV57tNQhdntzQPLeyJI50/mTgF k2OaFn0CgYAYq2Ae2ppaNX49gjqWA7XYk9Nd1FGU47RykrY8N7Fo3uu/Qd3/3stF Nd1YyyXuYzYmS4ji5U/1ig8wlFMsy/SnFLgf2xalH+LjhEJ7Q3ixRtYFGWfZ6OBa SGskoJlBvRC/0ag4qFo0C0XsDTl3AvRjEJDrva++2qhRcJUKZNx2YQ== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
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jjohnt84 · 4 years ago
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Lethal Injection: @icecube
My all time favorite Ice Cube album, I still think it’s his best project. The G-Funk production is timeless.🔥🔥🔥
R.I.P. Gonzoe too (Ice Cube, and Tupac affiliate). One of the members of “Kausion” who was signed to Cube’s Lench Mob records. A legend in his own right.@imgonzoe
#icecube #nwa #timeless #classichiphop #realhiphip #realityrap #hiphop #oldschool #inrotation #repeat #legend #gfunk #kausion #gonzoe #georgeclinton #qd3 #classicalbum #musica #outlawz #tupacshakur #tupac https://www.instagram.com/p/CSDLhIzl3BI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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unimiff · 4 years ago
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Hari Ketiga - Unduh Dahulu, Tonton Kemudian
Setiap pulkam, salah satu nikmat yang paling berasa adalah koneksi internet yang tidak semudah dan sestabil di Jabodetabek. Ada sisi positif dan negatifnya, sih. Mengikuti kajian rutin pun jadi ada trik dan seninya tersendiri, yaitu unduh dahulu, tonton kemudian. Ya, tidak apa-apalah tidak bisa mengikuti kajian langsung seperti biasanya. Bukankah tidak ada rotan, akar pun jadi?
Berhubung hanya titik tertentu di sekitar rumah yang sinyalnya lumayan bagus, maka unduh terlebih dahulu video yang diinginkan saat berada di titik itu, sehingga nanti bisa dinikmati secara luring.
Tunggu, kamu tahu unduh dan luring, tidak? Kalau belum, sini kuberi takarirnya.
Unduh = download
Luring = luar jaringan = offline, lawannya daring = dalam jaringan = online
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yoyik456 · 11 months ago
China Yoyik Sealing gasket for machine sealing water chamber FA1D56A-00-1/4 for turbine generator
China Yoyik Sealing gasket for machine sealing water chamber FA1D56A-00-1/4 for turbine generator Sold by YOYIK. Deyang YOYIK is a professional production, development, sale of power plant dedicated spare parts and accessories processing company. Through more than 21 years of efforts, the majority of customers have been fully recognized. Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: #DF-Sealing gasket for machine sealing water chamber FA1D56A-00-1/4-DF piston pumps A10VS045DR/31R-PPA12N00 pressure hose SMS-20/N1/4-305mm-C pump coupling PVH74QIC-RSF-1S-10-C25-31 vacuum pump 220v 150LY-23-B Rotary valve HH6220DC16,1" MOOG servo valve for gas turbine G771K201A piston hydraulic pump PV29/-2R5D-F00 Gate valve Z61H-30 vane pump diagram F3-V10-IS6S-1C-20 solenoid directional valve DBW20B/1/30/100UW220N24 pressure hose SMS-12/15-915-B Stainless steel butterfly valve 150DSF4PB2 manual vacuum pump P-1945 dc screw pump HSNH280-54A ac vacuum pump 30-SPEN solenoid valve RV5-10-S-0-35 vacuum pump compressor P-1701 mechanical seal pump DZXB870-R67 centrifugal pump suction YCZ50-250 vacuum pump vane F3-20V12A-1C22 Globe valve J61H-16C hydraulic jack pump 70LY-34×2-1 axial piston pump A3H56-FR01KK-10-X33 mechanical seal for water pump L270 axial piston pump 160SCY14-1B twin screw pump HSN210-54 screw pump diagram HSNH120-46 bypass sealing 199YR43-0 fluid transfer pump 65AY50X10 Piston pump 5MCY14-1B water pump DFBII100-80-230 Proportional valve coil DKZOR-TE-171-S540/PE mannual Regulating valve B72G-2GK-QD3-RMN hydraulic power 125LY-35-5 mechanical rubber seal LTJ-GJ-125A/L globe valve HQ14.01Z Sealing gasket for machine sealing water chamber FA1D56A-00-1/4 vaccum pump PVM098ER09GS02AAA28000000A0A Globe valve J961Y-16P Globe valve J961Y-64I vacuum pump P-1945 screw pump working HSN280-43NZ axial piston pumps PVH74RO1A-RSM-1S-10-C25-3 reciprocating pump 125LY-35-4 reciprocating piston pump PVH74RO1A-RSM-1S-10-C25-3 oil transfer pump 3GR70×2W21 three screw pump HSNH-280-43NZ fuel pump HSNH120-46 globe check valve JC50-1.6P pressure hose S100-AC-AC-0063 centrifugal pump vertical CZ80-250A dc centrifugal pump DFB125-125-250 Trochoid Pump BB-B80 EH oil Circulating pump Inverted bucket F3-V10-1S6S-1C20 screw pump manufacturer 3GR30*4H2 mechanic seal water pump 24SAP-28 solenoid valve4WE10D5X/EG110N9DK6L/Vscrew pump manufacturer ACG 052K7 NVBP twin screw pump HSNH860-46 test solenoid valve 02-178117 240VAC insertion element F3-CV1-16-D105-L-40 vaccum pump 30-WS-COML Coupling elastic block YCZ65-250B reducer gearbox 1.5A M01225.OBMCC1D discharge valve W204856-TFE, W207782-PVC , W207783-PVC unloading valve F3-CV1-25-D16-L-40 hydraulic screw pump HSNH940-52 mechanical seal 65 mm QG400/300-CW industrial centrifugal pump YCZ50-250A centrifugal pump IHF80-50-200 servo valve SV1-10/16/100/6 main fuel pump PVP76368R2MVP10 rotary piston pump PVH74(QI)C-RM-10-C14 Sealing gasket for machine sealing water chamber FA1D56A-00-1/4 DFYLSYC-2024-4-1-A
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