#q yells
informationcreep · 2 years
I cannot tell. If this man is straight but friendly or if he's flirting with me. Or maybe it's both, who knows
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kateinator · 1 year
Oh god I am STILL on this—
But man. MAN.
The thing that gets me is that Phil is a survivalist, right?? At his CORE. That stupid bird (affectionate) is hardwired to keep himself alive at all costs. You don’t play Hardcore for ten-plus years and only die once (season 1 was a hard drive crash and season 3 was a glitch) and not be honed to a knife’s edge on the art of keeping yourself alive and safe.
And we even see that in how he treats the eggs, particularly Chayanne!! I remember seeing a clip of him warning Chayanne of ravines— something he stresses in his hardcore game!! And there are THOUSANDS of posts on this site talking about how Philza is built to survive, down to his fucking code/dna/whatever term you want to use
And yet
And yet
The second he sees that there’s a chance, a chance to find his kids again? He throws it all away. He even SAYS “this is so dangerous” AND IT IS!!! He’s going off into the unknown, with nothing but some noodles and a water bucket, because of a book with a little story in it.
There was the slightest chance he could find his eggs again, potentially at the cost of his own life, and he immediately takes it. No hesitation. And he pays the price.
God it fucks me up. Phil would do anything for these fucking eggs, up to and including dying for them.
Up to and including potentially throwing himself on a sword for them.
Because what’s the point of surviving if the reason you’re living is gone?
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daydreamingmiller · 1 year
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ellie williams & joel miller [ 1/? ]
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the-copycat-hero · 1 month
watched last week's episode again and the Monoma & Aizawa dynamic has got me in a chokehold, so have some headcanons
Eraserhead used to be one of Monoma's favorite heroes, but some of the hero worship wore off when he saw how Aizawa approached teaching for the first time. part of it was petulant dismay over Aizawa teaching Class A, but some of it was also legitimate criticism of Aizawa's methods.
regardless, a lot of that admiration comes rushing back after the war when Monoma realizes how hard Aizawa's role has been, both physically and emotionally. (watching Bakugo die haunts them both, but it was particularly humbling to realize that Aizawa had to have seen similar things happen in the past).
Aizawa's perception of Monoma underwent it's own evolution as well. at first, he saw Monoma as clever and talented, but overall aggravating and unreliable. then, when Aizawa saw Monoma interact with Eri for the first time, he moved him into the "dependable but annoying" category. it wasn't until after the war that his perception of Monoma became predominantly positive.
Aizawa was one of the first people to check on Monoma in the hospital after the war. Monoma was so out of it that he can't even remember the visit, but Vlad King made sure to let him know that Aizawa had swung by when he was finally cognizant enough to hold a coherent conversation.
both Aizawa and Monoma carry unspoken guilt. Monoma feels guilty that he got taken out of commission and potentially left millions to die, and Aizawa feels guilty that he dragged a child into the conflict to take on his role in the first place. neither of them have properly spoken about it, but it's only a matter of time.
when school starts back up, Monoma begins making a multitude of guest appearances at the Class A lecture room. he spends a lot of his time subtly checking on Bakugo and flirting chatting with Shinsou, but he usually ends up bothering Aizawa for a while as well.
Aizawa bears it with a patience that most students do not expect of him, but it really isn't all that surprising. (Aizawa realized that he had effectively fed a stray the minute that he and Monoma witnessed The Horrors together. it's only natural that Monoma would seek him out.)
even after the final battle, Aizawa occasionally enlists Monoma's help using Erasure. he's able to handle most smaller situations by himself, but there are a number of (typically PTSD-driven) moments where a student's quirk gets out of hand and he needs reinforcement.
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“We all move in together! Me, you [Richarlyson], Skeppy, Forever, Dapper! Just one big house!”
“He’s made of diamonds, Forever will love him!”
“Look, I’m just saying Richarlyson… I got 2 hands! I got 2 hands”
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fallen-elytrian · 1 year
The code fundamentally misunderstood Phil
It saw how protective Phil was. How calculated and careful he was, the precautions he would take, the paranoia he had, how dedicated he was to keeping his eggs alive.
Surely, this meant that Philza would hesitate. That he would see his children, see their faces, and lower his sword. That he would let them wreck havoc because he couldn’t bare to see them die
But no, this is Philza Minecraft. This is the Angel of Death. This is the man who conquered the world. A man who keeps his heart close to his chest but knows who his friends are
A man who would do anything to protect his family and friends
And the code dares, dares, to impersonate his kids. To put on their skin and their faces and smile and wave and put on a grand performance. The code dares to mock him. To gloat. To say “I look like your kids, you wouldn’t dare harm your kids, would you?”
But it’s because the code looks like them that Phil attacks. If it just showed up as the code monster, he’d still attack. But it would be more calculated, more careful. He’d ask why the code was here, what it wanted, he’d wonder what it’s angle was
But it’s impersonating his kids, his kids, and Phil can’t hold himself back. The code signed it’s own death warrant. “This is for impersonating my f-ing son.” Phil couldn’t bare to stand the mockery of his children
It was the worst thing the code could have done. It thought it knew Philza. It thought it was dealing with a paranoid father. But it isn’t. It’s dealing with a father who’s a warrior, an emperor, a protector. And daring to challenge him is the last mistake the code will ever make
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princess-lnfinity · 10 months
Can we talk about how Philza screamed Chayanne's name? Please?
How dread and desperation carried his voice as he screamed for the child he FINALLY got to see after fighting for so long in PURGATORY.
Philza usually has no problem calling for his kids. Shouting for Chayanne is completely second nature at this point. But when he shouts his son's name there's usually a tell-tale sign of a smile. There's a boasting of sorts. You can tell just how loved that kid is purely by the way his name is screamed to the underworld.
This scream was completely different. This one was gut-wrenching. This one felt final for some reason.
Philza was being CRUSHED TO DEATH and his first thought was screaming for his son. The one who was FINALLY so close and yet so far away.
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star-ra · 5 months
Thinking about q!Phil's apology to Chayanne and Lullah again
Thinking about how he originally wanted to talk to each of them separately, one-on-one, but didn't even suggest that idea again once he saw Lullah on the complete opposite side of the room as him and Chayanne wielding his sword
How badly do you think that could have shattered his confidence? He mentioned that he had been putting off that talk for some time, so he must've been trying to build up the courage to say what he wanted and NEEDED to say to his kids about everything that happened with the Ender King's possession, and to find the right time for it
Do you think there's an alternate timeline where Phil immediately backed down from that conversation? Distanced himself to try to make his kids feel even a little safer? Decided it was a bad idea, or bad approach, or bad timing, just BAD all around?
How could he continue with his original plan when his daughter's looking at him with fear again? When his son is pointing a sword at him again?
Maybe he just writes and leaves them a letter instead, trying to do literally anything to make his kids feel even slightly more comfortable in what's supposed to be their happy little home
What else can Phil do for his kids when they can still imagine the evil king that took their dad so easily?
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ghost-bard · 10 months
Thinking about how q slime was one of the first to leave for the boat bc he needed to get home to flippa…
It’s not like he was ever close to any of the other eggs, or to any of the residents. Yes he has his fun with them, but when it mattered most he didn’t get any help, at least not the help he needed, and no one pushed hard enough and quick enough for him to truly acknowledge what he needed.
Hes not a good person, certainly not, but is anyone on the island really a good person?
And in the two weeks that he became so close with all of team bolas, in his mind it’s still him versus everyone.
It’s not that he doesn’t care for the other eggs, but none of them are flippa, and if they aren’t her then whats the point in risking his life for one that doesn’t matter.
It’s not out of cowardice that he ran, he doesn’t really care about his own life, it’s about making sure that juanaflippa isn’t alone, making sure she’s safe.
Even though in the end, he knows she’s not his juanaflippa, it’s still something, someone, to live for.
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etoilesmoon · 8 months
something something about q!bad slowly dying to an infection that stains his skin the same colour as that which reminds him of his most cherished being blah blah don't talk to me
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emry-stars-oc · 5 months
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The first couple of meetings or so vs… idk like a couple weeks in
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Sparknotes version below 💕
1) Bo shows up to Q’s home country bc his family decided he's the peace offering, still wearing his mask around
2) Bo decides he’s over it and if the Bells are gonna send him home and start the war anyway because they got the blemished child then that’s his family���s problem, not Bo’s
3) Q was prepared for Bo to be rightfully upset and angry when he got there. He figures it’s helpful that Bo can rant at him once or twice in a language Q doesn’t understand (yet), let him get some stuff off his chest. Q was not as much prepared for Bo to have such striking features under the mask and makeup
4) Bo’s plan to make sure Q dislikes him in return by showing off the birthmark his family hated backfires with a quickness
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informationcreep · 19 days
One day I will be free from shoulder pain <- lying
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caduceusdraws · 1 year
Those that Dream - Ceux Qui Rêvent
A QSMP Pomme Animation
Merci à tout mes amis et followers!
Thank you to all my friends and followers!
this took so long ahhhhhhhh but im so happy with it ahhhhhhh
Youtube version
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azrael08 · 4 months
Re-watching s4ep20 Qpid and am wondering what exactly Q meant when he leans down closer to Jean-Luc and says in a softer voice “I could help you with it.” And why he has such an honest look on his face. At the start of their conversation, he was being his regular Q-self, but he says this like he’s serious about this, like he would actually help Jean-Luc write a better speech. And after Jean-Luc says, “No thank you.” He pauses for a moment and actually looks a little disappointed.
The whole episode was one of their gayest, Jean-Luc was having a bisexual nightmare and I live for it.
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hellyeahsickaf · 7 months
Having grown up with pretty severe undiagnosed ADHD one of my core memories will always be the teacher in 6th grade that would go out of his way to humiliate students that weren't reading enough. Idk how common this was but we had AR points. Essentially a system where if you read a book you could take a quiz on it and get points if you passed, with each book being worth a different amount of points. A very short book might be 3 points, a book the size of Harry Potter might be worth 40-70. You get it
I was actually good at literacy, I had the highest literacy score in that class. But audiobooks weren't really much of a thing yet and sitting down to read a book was virtually impossible, it's something I still struggle with and thought I was stupid for. I knew how to read and was great at it, even liked the material, but physically sitting down and reading a book was close to impossible. There were kids with hundreds of AR points and I had idk, probably less than 25.
And every few weeks this asshole would have all of us line up from most points to least. He'd go through, first hyping up the front of the line saying how impressed he was. He'd tell the next few they were doing well, to keep it up. Further down tell them to pick up the pace, but god help you if you were within the last 6 or so (some of them had the same issue as me, VERY likely also something undiagnosed)
He'd spend most of this time on those last few students. Berating these 11 year olds individually and intentionally humiliating them, telling them how there are 7 year olds who read more than us. He'd say we had no future, at least nothing better than minimum wage at McDonald's. That or we'd be on the streets. He was the type to bully neurodivergent kids every chance he got and boy that was damaging.
Wasn't the first or last teacher of mine to bully and shame kids and other teachers knew he did this so they'd send them to our classroom. He'd sometimes take an entire hour (I'd counted) out of our class time just humiliating this kid or few kids sent in for things like not doing their work or causing disruptions. He'd sometimes put their sloppy unfinished work or something on the projector and make fun of it. If the kid started crying he'd tell them to suck it up or call them names. And he was actually really well liked by the students, just the ones he wasn't an abusive motherfucker to
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okaioh · 1 year
the admins had no idea what they were getting into when putting these three to do lore together 💀💀
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