#pyro's rant tag
pyr0peyt · 6 months
Whoever came up with those annoying ass ad vignettes on Chrome I hope u suffer
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plexiglasssheets · 4 months
Scout and Spydad
anyways father son bonding with very brief EngineerxSpy and Engiedad
pardon my shit grammar
Like in Expiration Date/the comics Spy will let Scout tag along or help him with much reluctance, But as time goes on he does see the *potential* in him to make him a more refined man. One day going to sit in the common room to catch up on his French programs. That for some reason the signal doesn't reach his smoking room, he even asked Engineer to somehow fix the transmission, but the best he could do was the common area TV which was better than nothing. He put on one of his cheaper suits to sit on the musty couch, and hopefully, he prays just to catch up on his dramas without anyone annoying him. Then comes a sweaty scout who was probably outside with Pyro doing something stupid. He comes and sits on the couch realizing it's in French decides to read his comic. Spy just wants him to leave so he can watch his shows. But the kid was being quiet so it was better than nothing.
This became routine, the spy would come to watch his show, and Scout would come in at around the same time, sometimes from his runs, or one of his drives into town with Sniper and Pyro. But like clockwork, he would always be there. Having his comic books or sketch pad tucked under the couch just in case. Spy had gotten used to the company, while he drank his wine and Scout his soda. He just so happens to have a coaster at the ready for the water condensation his sugary beverage.
Scout had also slowly gotten into the shows himself, he knew French and was a bit rusty. But their weekly watchings got him back into it. The two would rant about the direction of the shows, think trashy reality TV, and bachelor-type stuff. How ‘he should have picked her, as they would have worked far better together’. Or ‘this is so rigged, she should have won.’ But they’re saying this all in French so when anyone else tries to come in they just hear the two in what they assume is a yelling match, though far from it.
Engineer decided maybe he should try to get it on Spy’s personal TV, to stop the fighting. So one afternoon as Spy is exiting his smoking room , Engie goes to him and tells him he can get it on his personal TV. But the Spy says he doesn’t want him to go through all that hassle, he's fine with the common room TV. Engineer confused, accepts it and goes back to his workshop, coming into the common room later to see what would make him want to stay. Then it clicked, as much as those two like to pretend to hate each other, they really didn’t. They weren’t best friends but they at least tolerated each other.
Scratch that, they did heavily dislike each other is how engineer would put it. When Spy would come later in the evenings to chat with spy, he’d go on and on about how’ he could civilize that boy’ and ‘if he had the time had be a fine general man’. Or could go down the path of ‘he doesn’t know why he puts up with him for his shows’
Scout complaints paralleled in the afternoons, going to Engie and ranting how he’s ‘always on his case’ and ‘needs to chill’.
But like always, every evening at 4, the two would make there way to the common area tv.
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justyoursicanon · 1 year
And here I thought we were different (Only to find out I was wrong)
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Summary: A list of times where Spy caught a few details about Scout that makes him realize that maybe he and Scout aren't so different after all.
(A/N: Hi yea so this is based off this headcanon list by @spaghettifromthevoid and hey I thought why not make a oneshot..A very, very long one..) (And @that1randomnamename also wanted to be tagged in this too :])
Translations (Using google translate): cher ingénieur - dear engineer mon lapin - my rabbit
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If Spy were to tell the truth for once, it would most likely be about the times he was genuinely shocked by Scout.
There was never a time that Spy would ever have a different reaction to the Scout, it would always be between anger, disgust, or some other default expression he would show to the runner. But after that one celebration on a Friday evening, Spy unfortunately had to rephrase that.
To start off the time, it was mostly cheerful. The team had taken another victory over the BLUs after a rather difficult battle of capture the flag. In short, the BLUs decided to actually make and use a decent plan for once. But as usual, they failed.
With that victory still fresh after everyone returned to the base, they did the usual and celebrated. Heading into the truck that afternoon and driving to the Tuefort to celebrate at the local bar. Or just the one they haven't gotten kicked out yet.
A few drinks into their stay, some of them got a bit tipsy. Engineer was chuckling from time to time between sips of his 6th beer, Soldier was shouting even louder then usual, leading in for Demo to calm him down a bit since he was used to both his and his own drunken state, and surprisingly, Medic who was also giggling a bit as he drank beside Heavy.
But as for someone like Spy, he only sat in a corner of the bar, watching everything from an unusual spot. Drinking away on his own beverage, the bars most expensive alcohol they had at the time. In Spy's opinion, it was shit.
Then, the night got a bit interesting.
Scout was chatting away with Sniper and Pyro, the arsonist nodding their head from side to side leaving everyone clueless if they were even listening to the Scout. And the Sniper, who had only gotten to his 3rd beer of the night due to taking small sips as he nodded along with whatever Scout was talking about.
Now, at times like these, Spy wouldn't give a single shit about whatever his son was talking about. He always thought the boy's interests were... Uninteresting, useless, annoying. But as he dropped his attention to him for a few minutes, his interest had shifted.
He knew Scout was always one for mocking, for fun and games, to be annoying and get whatever attention he could get from time to time. And he would succeed. He always would, especially with those horrible fake accents and statement of mockery the Scout had thrown onto him on the usual.
But this time, the same mocking mannerism he did was different. And this, was what led Spy to think about his opinions on his son. Just a little.
"Man you don't even freakin' know how annoying it was on that one contract I did with Spy! It was somewhere in uh, think it was New Jersey or somethin' and Spy would not get off my ass when I decided to dress up in some normal clothes for once! Like geez man let me wear my polo after working in a literal desert for 4 years!" He heard the Scout rant, a volume that only pitched up slightly as most of the chaos from the other mercenaries died down.
He saw the Sniper nod along as the runner continued. "My polo wasn't even bad! I mean sure it was blue, but we were in New Jersey for crying out loud! He was the one wearing a freakin' red suit and a dollar store ski mask!"
Spy rolled his eyes as the Sniper chuckled and agreed with the Scout.
Then, the next scene had caught him off guard.
He watched as Scout shifted his position on the stool to sit straighter and crossed his legs, only both his elbows leaning on the top of the long table, and he grabbed the straw that was in his BONK! can, and placed the tip of one of the ends of the straw in his mouth. As if it was a lit cigarette.
And for a slight moment, Scout was in a perfect position that Spy would have definitely been in. And Spy had to take a large sip of his drink to calm himself down.
Oh but it didn't stop there.
"Scout you imbecile, Go change out of that ridiculous outfit! Put your hat back on. At least it's something that wouldn't blow our entire cover." The Scout imitated Spy's accent. It was close in a horrifying way. Well, it wasn't perfect of course, but it was close.
Too close.
But it became closer when he watched as Scout continued his actions as he spoke.
The way Scout leaned back a bit as if he was straightening his back,
the straw moving slightly in his mouth as if he was adjusting the taste of tobacco,
and the way his grip-taped hands and crumpled a bit of his shirt in his hands and tug down a bit like he was adjusting a suit.
It was all something Spy had done. And Scout imitated it perfectly.
His whole body froze, the grip on his almost finished glass tightening ever so slightly. He didn't even acknowledge Scout dropping the act to laugh, even with Sniper laughing along with him rather loudly.
But, as soon as they got back to base. He pushed it aside.
It was just a coincidence.
They've stayed together longer in contracts and battles then usual.
But it didn't mean anything, it wasn't a big deal.
Scout is Scout, not the small Jeremy he had in his arms when he was wrapped in a cloth.
Not the Jeremy that wrapped his tiny fingers on Spy's gloved finger.
Jeremy is his son. Scout isn't.
But of course, something decided to prove him wrong.
Spy sighed again as he threw another worn out cigarette in his filled tray. One hand taking out his small kit from his suit, while the other continued to hold his small deck of cards.
Skillful fingers casually open the kit in one hand and he plucked out another cigarette, his index and middle finger holding the cigarette while the rest of his fingers put his kit back in his suit.
He inches the tip of the cig towards Sniper, who was observing his own deck carefully.
"Light," He asks, and Sniper grabs the lighter beside the other deck of cards on a spot on the table and quickly lights his cigarette. Spy nodding a thanks.
Both men were intensely focused on their game, Spy could obviously feel those short glares that the marksman would shoot him with. Even though Spy's eyes were glued onto his own deck.
As Spy thought, mentally picking and thinking what his next move is, he could hear every sound around them.
He could hear the tv in the other room playing, the sound of Soldier and Demo's distant laughter coming along. The sound of machinery and sparks flying in another room towards Engineer's workshop. And even the hysterical faint laughter of the Medic in his infirmary.
He moves the cigarette in his mouth, and adjusts the placement of cards in his hands-
"Hey guys have you seen Pyro?-"
"Bloody hell!"
All 3 of them suddenly jump from the sudden noises. Sniper letting out a shout as he backed up in his chair slightly with a loud screech of the chair leg scratching harshly on the floor.
Spy standing up in a flash with his cards falling on the table and his butterfly knife open and faced at the other voice.
And Scout jumping back with a yelp as he takes a few steps back. "Geez man put the knife down! Didn't mean to scare you guys this time, I swear!" Scout defended, his hands still up in the air as he turns his face away from the blade.
Spy lets out a few heavy breaths, while Sniper slightly chuckles.
"Christ, sorry mate. Didn't hear ya one bit, ya sure ya didn't sneak up on us?" "Uh no? I was just walking up to ya as always. Kinda thought you saw me walking up behind Spy."
Sniper bumped his hat a bit to brush his hair back as he let out another raspy laugh.
"Didn't see or hear ya at all Roo. Thought you would have been using your mouth right before sneaking up on us." "I wasn't sneaking up on any of ya this time. Promise."
Spy glared at Scout for another moment, before pocketing his knife and dragging his chair back to sit on it. Retrieving his cards again.
"Pyro is in the workshop with the Engineer." He says as he rearranges his cards, and leans into his chair again.
All 3 of them stay silent for a moment, before Scout lets out a small laugh.
"Alright, thanks!" He says while waving at both of them, and turns to run to the workshop.
Sniper smiles slightly and waves back, before going back to his cards.
"Shuffle again, I saw your whole deck."
"Evenin' Spy, mind doin' a favor for me?" Favors were normal for Spy, whether it be both for business or personal reasons. Most favors he had, and accepted, were always for business.
But this particular favor from the Engineer was... Odd..
"Depends on the favor, cher ingénieur." Spy replied, letting out a puff of smoke into the night air as the cigarette remained in his two fingers. His body continued to lean on the railings of the base porch.
"Well.. Do you mind finding where the kid is? Haven't seen him all day after uh, a bit of a difficult session with Doc."
Spy's body immediately tensed.
He whipped around, the cigarette almost falling, even if it was squeezing in the agent's grip.
"What happened?" He asked, his tone turned firm.
"I don't know the whole story, but what I heard from Medic was that Scout was being a bit hard and harsh on his words when he was explaining some things. Think it was something about his health and how the boy's not going easy on himself recently. But, that's all he's told me after Scout ran out of the infirmary." Spy stared at the Engineer, before sighing. The last of his cigarette's smoke flowing out of his mouth as the sigh continues.
Scout isn't taking care of himself?
"Do you have a clue on where the boy could have gone?" "Can't say I do, nor can the others. None of them have seen the boy all day."
Spy nods. He can feel the cold air of the darkening night slipping through his mask, and flowing through the rest of his garments. If he was alone, he would have shivered slightly.
"I'll look for wherever he could be." He watches as the Engineer lets out a soft sigh and smiles, gently patting the French man's shoulder. "Thanks partner, hope to see you with him once I get dinner done."
Dinner was probably going to be done in an hour and a half, maybe two full hours depending on what Engineer would be cooking, and if Soldier or Pyro end up distracting him in the process.
He'll be able to find Scout in time. How hard could finding the boy be?
It took 2 hours.
2 hours.
It was a miracle that Engineer was only finishing up his cooking, added up with Pyro and Demo fixing the dining table while waiting.
Spy didn't know how, he wanted to know how. But at the same time he couldn't give a single shit because he couldn't find where Scout was.
It was driving him insane.
Insanely worried.
He looked everywhere and anywhere. Every spot he knew Scout would stay both on and off battles, any place Scout would have gone to stay at any time.
But he just couldn't find him.
Spy was on his 10th cigarette as he harshly walked on the dried ground of New Mexico, almost yanking away the cigarette as he puffed out the smoke rather then a soothing sigh.
Where could have Scout gone to?
He was walking up to one of the sheds, a bit of a distance away from the base.
It was old, on the verge of falling to pieces, but Engineer insisted they use the old thing as storage.
He made a face of disgust as he reached the door, inching his gloved hand towards the rusted handle. Before dropping it, and ended up opening the door with a harsh kick.
And once again, with no thought of the possibility, his eyes widened as he found Scout inside.
He was sitting down in the corner of the shed, his legs and knees pressing itself to his chest as he leaned his body to a dusty cloth that was covering what Spy thought was most likely an old sentry.
His baseball cap was messily placed on his head, the front end covering his eyes as a few small strands of his hair puffed out in the back of his head.
He was asleep, Spy figured since Scout would have jumped if someone just suddenly kicked the door open to the point of literally shaking the shed.
He walked over to him, quietly kneeling down to Scout's level, and gently shook his shoulder.
The Scout muttered as he rocked his head to the other side, his hat falling to his side as he let his head hang on his shoulder.
Spy let out a quiet breath.
"Scout. Scout wake up."
Scout muttered again as the words filled the room. His body shifting slightly.
Spy shook his shoulder again, and Scout's eyes started to blink open.
"Wha.. What?-" He asked, letting out a yawn as he scratched his head, his hat falling to the ground in the process.
"We'll be late for dinner, get up. I'll be outside." Spy replied as his gaze softened when he saw him awake. He stood up, dusting off his suit, and walked outside. Standing in the night's air as he waited.
Scout came out shortly after, his dogtags clinking together as he walked past Spy, leaving the French man to roll his eyes and catch up with him on the same pace.
"What happened with the doctor?" He asked. He noticed the way Scout's pace faltered slightly, but didn't stop.
"It ain't any of your business." Scout replied, shoving his loosely taped hands in his pockets as he breathed in the cold air.
Spy opened his mouth again to reply, but then thought about it. Then closes it.
1:05 AM
It wasn't unusual for Spy to stay up at such late hours. He had various of reasons to why he would always find himself sitting in his smoking room, the flames in the fire place long gone hours ago, the lights closed and dim, and the rain continuing to pour outside his very windows.
He would also find himself walking down the halls of the base, and sitting in one of the chairs in the kitchen.
It became a normal habit for the man, and he wasn't the only one.
He knows Medic would often stay up late too, being a busy doctor and experimenting on anything and everything.
As well as the Engineer. Such a hardworking man trying to upgrade his precious sentries.
As his shoes barely made hearable clacks on the wooden floor, watching himself slowly walk to the kitchen like always, he hadn't expect to see anyone else in the kitchen at this late time.
But why did it have to be Scout? Why was the first thing he saw when he stepped out of the hallway and into the kitchen was that plain red shirt with its sleeves ruffled and messily pull down? Why out of all of the people in the base did it have to be Scout? He didn't know either. "Oh, uh hey pal. Can't sleep either?" Scout asked as his head finally looked up from hanging, and staring at the table that he leaned forward on.
Spy immediately noticed those tired, empty blue eyes. Why were they so dull tonight?
Spy didn't reply, only nodding once, and walking past Scout and towards the cabinets where their cups laid in.
As he poured the cold water from the pitcher, he could hear the faint deep breaths of the runner. He finished pouring and places the pitcher back in the fridge, taking the cup and leaning on the sink counter as he sips it.
The two laid in silence.
"Mon lapin, why are you awake?" Spy finally asks. Drinking the last drops of his water, before placing the cup in the sink. Once he turns back to Scout, he shrugs as his posture slouches a bit further. "Earlier in the battle, the BLU Demo was being an asshole and kept bombing the spots I always go to when I'm tryna heal." He pauses, and Spy notices his thumbs trying to fidget with each other, but soon stop. Spy suspected he was trying to fidget with his grip tape. But he wasn't wearing any at the moment.
"Every time I turned a corner to hide, just one freakin' second of standing I could hear ticking. And before I could even look, I get blown up." He finished, he leans back into his chair, head raised up to the ceiling and sighs. Both his hands coming up to rub down his face.
"I keep hearing the damn ticking in my head, it's killing me! I'm so beat down already man.." He muttered, and slouched back onto the table.
Spy hummed as he stared at his son, a few minutes passing by with silence.
Before he let a sigh, and slightly rolled his eyes.
"Follow me." He said, turning and walking down the hall again. His quiet clanks fading as he walks deeper into the hall.
Scout's head jumps immediately, and stumbles out of his seat to follow him, hissing slightly at the slight pain in his body.
Spy could hear those rough and heavy stomps on the wooden planks not too far behind him, he sighs and shakes his head, hoping he wouldn't regret this decision.
He reaches his smoking room and opens the door, leaving a crack open for Scout to follow.
He then continues to remove his suit coat and hangs it in a nearby coat rack, leaving him in his white polo while loosening his tie slightly. He could hear the door creak open as Scout enters, and he fetches his lighter in his coat pocket and walks to the fire place.
"Sit on one of the chairs, I'll be with you in a moment." He says aloud, and he could her Scout's unsure 'uhh' somewhere behind him. He grabs a few dusty-ish logs from a small corner in the room, and throws them in, flicking the lighter and setting the wood in flames.
He dusts himself off as he stood up, turning to the small table that had a gramophone, and opens the drawer below it. Slowly picking through the various of records stored inside. "Uh Spy? What exactly am I doin' in ya smoking room?" Spy didn't respond, again. He picks out a vinyl record and gently places the record down on the gramophone, and hums as it starts playing.
Scout stares at the gramophone for a moment, processing the music that was continuing to play.
It was nice. "You can stay here for the night, I considered that the music would help with this... 'Ticking.'" Spy replied, taking a seat on the other chair that was near the fire place.
He watched as Scout's expression turn from surprise, to thankful. A tired smile grows on his face as he leans in the couch to get comfortable.
"Thanks for not being an asshole for once," He hears Scout mutter. Spy rolls his eyes as he also leans in his own chair. "Night Spy.."
Spy wouldn't dare admit the small smile on his face as soon as he saw Scout finally relax and fall asleep in peace.
"Aye lad, mind chattin' with ya for a second?"
Spy looked over at the Demo man with a raised brow. They were a minute in before battle started, and everyone was getting ready in Resupply.
"Scout over there seems pretty eh.. Out of it today.." He says as he takes a small sip from his bottle as he nods towards Scout.
Spy follows his movement and spots the runner sitting on one of the benches, leaning on the wall as he messily balances the end of his baseball bat on the ground. Twirling it slightly.
Now his whole position wasn't out of the usual, it was more of his expression.
His face barely showed, indicated, or expressed any emotion. His blue eyes looked dull and fogged as he stared at the wall, and into nothingness.
Spy didn't even think that Scout was capable of doing a poker face.
But what got him to look away in a rush was that Scout's poker face looked almost exactly like his when he was in his youth.
His mouth in a thin straight line, eyes expressed and shown balanced between tired and wide, and his eyebrows barely twitching and basically glued to one spot.
"Scout? Scout are you alright?"
Spy watched as Medic walked over to Scout and shook his shoulder, causing the younger man to shake his head, seemingly snapping out of the expression, and turns to Medic with a more confused look. "Uh yea? What's up doc?" "You were staring at the wall when I called you the first 2 times, are you alright?"
Scout rubbed his eyes and adjusted his cap, then looked back at the doctor. "Yea, yea I'm fine. Just zoned out." He said and waved his hand, standing up as his hand gripped his metal bat as it swung and landed on his shoulder to rest there.
Medic nodded and spoke to him for a while, leaving Spy to contemplate for another few moments.
He didn't have long, before the Administrator shouted in the speakers.
"Startin' to realize he looks like you everyday, huh partner?" Engineer asked, looking over at the Spy with his goggles shining from the light as the doors lift open.
Spy only sighs out a trail of smoke as he drops the cigarette on the floor, and steps on it.
The End :]
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eris090 · 16 days
Title - Wannabe War Hero
No archive warnings
Ships - Soldier/Spy (Team Fortress 2)
Tags - Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Bottom Soldier, Autistic Soldier, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Light Sadism, Internalized Homophobia
Description - Spy sees Soldier staring at him and catches on to what Soldier is (🏳️‍🌈) real quick.
Words - 4,642
It was a relatively normal day of ceasefire, as normal as the red barracks got in fact. Scout, pyro and medic were out investigating an unknown creature scout had sworn that he saw but spy was certain was just a vulture or something of the like. Demoman had already passed out and it was only 9 AM, and Sniper was nowhere to be found. This left only the members of the group that spy could actually stand being around in the commons area, most of the noise coming from the polite conversation that Engie was having with Heavy.
Only one thing was out of the ordinary, Soldier.
Soldier was known to be erratic and unpredictable, yes, and Spy supposes that the man's current behavior did fall under those categories. Nonetheless it unsettled him. The man was quiet. The rocket launcher toting, wannabe war veteran was quiet. As far as Spy knew the man only had two modes, fighting, and sleeping. Even off the battlefield he would seemingly always be trying to pick a fight with one of their co-workers. The man was restless, and yet here he was, presumably resting.
The most unusual, and unsettling thing about his behavior however, was the fact that he had been staring at Spy for 10 minutes. Soldier could usually only keep his attention on one thing for a handful of seconds, even less with a sedentary, masked frenchman. At least Spy assumed that Soldier had been looking at him, his head was pointed in his direction, and even though the man's helmet covered his eyes, he could still feel somebody watching him, a feeling that put him on edge despite the ceasefire.
This standoff went on for a solid 15 more minutes, with Spy refusing to relinquish his standoffish demeanor, and Soldier seemingly remaining ignorant to the fact that Spy could tell he was staring at him. Eventually it had to end though. Spy figured if he just approached the man and asked why he was staring at him like he was an introspective art piece, Soldier would finally just say what he was thinking, likely some patriotic drivel about how french Spy was, and the commons area could return to its regular state.
This was not the case.
Spy approached Soldier with his usual arrogant demeanor, the smell of fancy cigarettes wafting off of him and towards the patriot, causing a visible change in his expression. “Soldat!” Spy said in a tone that attempted to be aggressive but would likely be overshadowed by Soldiers' own screaming in a matter of moments. “Could you possibly tell me why you’ve been inspecting me for the past 25 minutes?”
This question brought Soldier out of his lead poisoned head, looking up at Spy with a surprised expression. “25 minutes?! I know time might be different over in the land of bag-ets but-” Soldier began exactly as Spy expected, leading the Frenchman to simply wait out the man's rant, which ended up lasting 2 minutes. “Right…” Spy sighed, looking exasperated at the soldier through his folded hands. “You have yet to answer my question however, soldat...why were you staring at me? I’m sure you have more important things to do with your time.” Spy repeated his question.
“Right!” The patriot replied, sounding sure of himself as always. “I was just admiring your body! Ignoring the fact that you’re French, your muscles are certainly something private!” Soldier finally answered, much to Spys despair and awe. The Frenchman stood frozen for a moment, still processing the words that were just yelled by the most heterosexual looking man he’d ever met. “You- You are such an idiot…” Spy shook his head, his face growing warm underneath his balaclava. Despite his reluctance to ever show it, flattery could get you a long way with the Frenchman.
The grin that was plastered on the soldier's face quickly disappeared at Spys comment, rage now replacing it. “Now you listen here frenchie! I ain't no sissy! Being proud of the fact that I have such strong men on my team just makes me more of a patriot!” Soldier replied, his voice becoming defensive in nature, which made Spy’s intense exasperation fade slightly for amusement.
As much as Spy wanted to retain his pompous (and nonexistent) reputation around the entirety of his team, he couldn’t help but think that Soldier could make for a wonderful distraction from his boredom during this ceasefire. The always self-assured patriot would be marvelous to see fall apart as a part of his sense of self shattered around him. Spy decided to ask a question that would have come off as sarcastic were he talking to anybody but Jane Doe. “Soldier, do you even know what the term homosexual means?”
The question brought Soldier to a pause for a brief moment before his grin returned. “You mean those men that get it on with other men? Those men who have never seen a battlefield in their life? Those men who-” Spy cut him off, lighting his third cigarette of the day in an attempt to stave off his frustration with the lead poisoned lunatic. “Yes, those men.” Spy rolled his eyes. “You do realize most of the men on our team are queer in some way or another right?”
Soldier gaped at the mere insinuation that any of ‘his men’ could be queers, stepping closer to Spy and pressing his finger against the secretive man's chest in an accusatory fashion. “Now you listen here missy, all our co-workers are hard working freedom fighters, all except you apparently, and I will not have you spread unsanitary rumors about them!” Soldier lifted his helmet with one finger to glare at Spy as he spoke.
Spy, in turn, guided Soldiers' eyes over to the Engineer and Heavy, who were sitting slightly too close to each other for it to be considered socially acceptable. It wasn’t the best example, but it was the only one spy had on hand. Soldier scoffed, “Oh please, that's completely normal!” The man defended with complete confidence. This gave Spy an idea as he dropped his cigarette to the floor and stomped it out with his foot, moving closer to Jane in the process.
“So…” Spy reached out and put his hand on Soldier's shoulder, a simple gesture that the patriot likely did not experience often. “Would you consider this normal?” Spy questioned confidently. Soldier did not waver however. “Of course that's normal! Son, I've held men in my arms as they died from their bullet wounds in no-mans-land! Just being close to another man doesn't make men queer! Especially me! Don't test me son, or you'll end up with a mouthful of fist!” The patriot attempted to Threaten, but only ended up amusing Spy due to the odd wording.
The Spy moved closer and draped his arms over Soldiers shoulders, wrapping him in a loose hug. “Hm, what about this?” Spy continued, the smugness in his voice likely obvious to anybody besides the soldier. “Don't push your luck, frenchi-” Soldier was cut off from his attempt to hide that he was beginning to get flustered by Spy taking his chin in his right hand and tilting it slightly upwards to look him in the eyes, or helmet rather. “What about this, démon amoureux du drapeau?”
“Uh…” Soldier mumbled dumbly, making Spy grin as he knew he had finally broken the man's resolve. “For a man who proclaims his own bravery every two sentences, you certainly can't take much criticism.” Spy mocked him, causing Soldier to full on growl up at the man, though he had yet to physically fight back. Spy chuckled lowly at the patriots animalistic behavior, taking a mental note of it. “I've seen the way you look at me when we're celebrating a victory, and let me tell you, espèce de beau fou, they are not looks of comradery, no matter how much you attempt to delude yourself into thinking they are.”
Soldier didn't understand half the words Spy was saying, however he did understand that he, unfortunately, liked them. Spy’s voice was like honey that he would coat himself in before going off to fight bears or robots or any other insane creature, and he hated it. The only thing that should have made him this happy was defending America and freedom, not some wuss of a Frenchman who was too cowardly to ever even actually fight during battles.
Despite everything however, Soldier did not argue when Spy gestured to follow him, waddling after the secretive bastard as he sauntered towards his smoking room. If anybody had seen him following Spy, Soldier hadn’t noticed, he was too transfixed with the flooring of the hallway, originally using it to distract himself from his thoughts, but eventually making a game of only stepping inside the tiles as he walked, a game with which he was so invested he hadn’t noticed when Spy had stopped walking, causing a collision on Soldier’s part.
Soldiers helmet fell to the ground with a loud metal clang, one which Spy quickly silenced by stepping on the helmet to stop it from spinning around before handing it back to its owner. The metal felt surprisingly clean for it to belong to a man like Soldier. It reflected the light that was casted by the mediocre ceiling lights and felt smooth in his hands, no dents or scratches able to be felt on the old piece of armor, obviously an item of importance to the war dog.
Spy became offended when, after being handed back his helmet, Soldier dusted it off as if Spy could have somehow gotten it dirty. Sighing, the frenchman opened the larger than was necessary door to his smoking room, holding it open and allowing Soldier to enter first. By now Soldier had built back up most of his confidence, so he only grinned. “Oh no, please, ladies first!” he joked, causing Spy to give him a glare that could shatter glass. Soldier looked back at the ground and entered the room, followed quickly by Spy.
While Spy closed the door as quietly as he could manage, Soldier busied himself with digging through Spy’s drawers, finding nothing of note and growing bored of the activity as quickly as he had begun it. Rolling his eyes as he strode over to Soldier, Spy lit another cigarette. “I expect even a man of your intelligence knew what I was proposing by leading you here?”
“Sir, yessir!” The patriot responded, his toothy grin endearing spy to his enthusiastic behavior somewhat. “Great, assuming you're ok with this arrangement then get to stripping, I don't have time for your idiocy.” Degraded Spy, Soldier didn't seem to mind at all though, already ridding himself of his clothing.
The man's body was scarred beyond belief. Usually when they respawned, any scarring that would have been received if the wound had healed naturally was nowhere to be seen, meaning these scars occurred outside of the battlefield likely from varying sources. The red team wasn't the safest group of individuals to spend all your time around after all. Hence why Spy spent most of his time in his smoking room.
His upper body strength was probably only second to Heavy's judging by his physique. Carrying around a rocket launcher 8 hours a day would do that Spy supposed.
Stepping towards the man, Spy ran a gloved hand down his chest and, after placing his cigarette in the ashtray on his dresser, pressed his lips to Soldiers, finding them about as dry as he'd expect. As Spys hand continued its way down the patriots body, it turned away just before reaching the place Soldier wanted it and gripped the man's toned thigh.
It was obvious the moment their lips met that Soldier may have not kissed anyone before, or if he had, both he and his partner had been extremely bad at it. Spy attempted to guide the man, lightly biting the patriots bottom lip in a seductive manner while he pressed his fingers deeper into the flesh of Soldiers thigh, massaging it thoroughly. The patriots returning grunts of presumably pleasure were good enough for Spy, however this didn't seem to improve how messily Soldier was returning his kiss, covering his lips with saliva as if he were a man exhausted of any water for days.
As Spy led the two backwards towards his couch, Soldier began undoing the buttons of Spy's jacket, a fatal error brought on by his enthusiasm that would only bring both of them more pleasure in the end. The Frenchman pushed Soldier away, causing the Patriot to stumble backwards until he landed on the couch heavily, looking up at Spy with a grin until he saw the Frenchmans irritated expression.
“What do you think you're doing, espèce de beau fou?” Spy straightened his suit. “Keep your filthy hands off of me. I am in control here and I will give you what you want once I deem you worthy of it, no sooner!” Soldiers grin returned slowly “As if you could stop me cupcake!” The patriot responded, half genuine, but mostly just trying to irritate the Frenchman.
Spy brought his foot onto the couch and stomped down on Soldier's yearning length, grinding his sole down against the flesh after Soldiers initial gasp of agony, grinning as he watched Soldiers head tilt backwards while he let out gravelly noises of pain. “Are you sure, Mon Cheur?”
Soldier responded only with a growl, finding it harder than usual to form words through the fog covering his brain. Spy gave another hard shove against his length when Soldier didn't respond with words. “Answer me, cretin!” The Frenchman demanded.
Soldier wanted to answer, tell Spy that it hurt and he wanted him to stop, but realistically it hardly hurt at all over the immense pleasure flooding his nervous system. He tried to grind up against the pressure Spy was granting him, but he was unable to find any pleasure in the angle, likely intentional on Spys part. Once again all Soldier could respond with was a growl, this time fading into a whimper as Spy cruelly dug his sole in more as punishment.
“With responses like those I believe a collar would fit nicely around that neck.” Soldiers cock twitched with arousal at the threat, finding Spys fingers tracing up his neck until the Frenchman grabbed his chin and forced the patriot to look up at him. “You'd enjoy that, wouldn't you?”
Soldier shook his head with restrained desperation, dejection clear in his posture. The Frenchman removed his foot from him and kneeled down so that he was level with the man's twitching arousal, giving a few weak pumps to the desperate man. “How completely vile, Mon Cheur…” teased Spy while the Patriot writhed weakly above him. “I expect better from a respectable military man. I hope you won't disappoint me any further.”
The only responses Soldier had mustered so far were grunts, which Spy had expected from a man of his intellect, but it was still quite disappointing. He would have to train that out of him.
Inspecting Soldiers length, Spy found it quite small length wise, probably not much longer than his middle finger, but it certainly made up for it with girth. The man's arousal looked to be the width of Spys closed fist, knuckle to knuckle.
Spy took the base in his hand and traced his tongue around the head, looking up at Soldier through hooded eyes while the Patriots head fell backwards with euphoria. Spy leaned back. “I'm sure a man of your background has quite a high pain tolerance, yes?” The question had Soldier perk up proudly. “You bet your ass I can take a beating!” Soldiers grin had returned, albeit a bit more shaky after Spys torment.
“Good, because you had best start responding to me more vocally lest I introduce you to a pain that you'll find quite unfamiliar I'm sure.” Threatened the Frenchman, admiring the way the patriots expression twisted into one of anxious arousal. Spy returned the man's length to his mouth, swallowing around the tip as he tried to take it deeper, managing to force the girth further down his throat before beginning a steady rhythm of bobbing his head.
The loner that Soldier was outside of work screamed at the stimulation that fucking into someone's mouth granted him in comparison to his own lubed up fist, Spys experienced tongue exploring along every crevice of the man's arousal. Soldiers hand fell onto the Frenchmans masked head, searching for something to hang on to but finding only the smooth fabric of Spys balaclava.
Soldier couldn't help himself but to buck his hips into the wet heat of Spys mouth, all but suffocating the Frenchman in the process. “Sweet lady liberty!” Gasped Soldier, finding the heat building in his stomach that made him feel like he was about to explode the most exhilarating sensation he had ever experienced. Spy could feel as the patriot smeared pre on the back of his throat, determined to keep this man waiting as long as he could manage.
Yanking the foolhardy patriots grip off of his head, Spy pulled back, red faced and gasping for air while the Soldier whined at the lost stimulation. “Would you be patient, you moron!? You damn near suffocated me!” Spy scolded, getting to his feet and gripping the patriot by his shoulder.
Soldier grinned wildly, red faced and gasping for breath as he looked up at Spy. “S…hah…sorry maggot.” He wiped drool from his chin and wiped it on the couch, making Spy grimace. The Frenchman sighed before returning to his seductive manner. “You're quite sensitive. Tell me, how often do you relieve yourself?” Spy spoke as he unbuttoned before shucking off his jacket along with his dress shirt.
“A true patriot doesn't give in to needs like those.” Soldier responded, turning his head to the side as he wished he still had his helmet on so he could hide his eyes. “That does not answer my question, Soldat.” Spy sternly returned, having now unbuttoned his pants so that he was left in only his boxers.
The floor had once again suddenly become very interesting to the patriot, his face burning worse than it did when he encountered the Blu Pyro. “I can't remember…” he mumbled. Spy was disappointed but he couldn't say he was surprised. The patriot had trouble remembering simple enemy locations.
As much as Spy wanted to Degrade the man for not remembering, he didn't want to punish somebody for something they couldn't change about themselves, even if the patriot would probably end up enjoying it. Spy sat himself on top of Soldier, straddling his strong thighs and resting his gloved hands on the back of the couch before moving them to the patriots chest.
The feeling of having his nipples rubbed wasn't a sensation Soldier had thought he'd ever enjoy. In fact, he had tried it himself when he was younger but had found no satisfaction in the act. But when it was Spy who was doing it. Sweet lady liberty. Soldier tried not to relish in the feeling of Spys velvet gloves dragging across the sensitive skin of his chest, finding that he couldn't hold back several growls and moans that wanted to escape his throat.
The patriot, to his own surprise, whimpered when Spy stopped rubbing his chest, instead trailing his fingers down Soldiers waist. “Not to worry mon cheur. I will continue.” Spy reassured with a shit-eating, but somewhat comforting smirk. The Frenchman gripped Soldiers waist tightly before moving his head down and taking one of the patriot's sensitive nubs in his mouth, making the man sigh rigidly through clenched teeth.
A soft bite did it to get rid of all of Soldiers remaining composure, Spy squeezing the nub between his canines to make the patriot crumble. Leaning back, Spy admired his handiwork. Soldier was already an absolute disaster of a man, that much he knew, but if he had known about this side of Soldier sooner he would have already taken him.
It was still the rocket launcher toting, stubborn maniac Spy had beneath him, but now he had been stripped of most of his perceived dignity. His face was damp with sweat, and reddened from the heat of the act. His length stood so erect it looked painful and small, barely noticeable tears were welling in his eyes which turned Spy on to no end.
The room was quiet aside from Soldiers panting as Spy straightened his back and cupped Soldiers face with his hand, drawing the patriots attention away from his euphoric pain. “Come now, best save your tears for when I’m fucking you into the cushions.” The Frenchman teased his pleasure bound captive, using his thumb to wipe away the small droplets that threatened to fall from the patriots eyes. Spys' crude words drastically differed in tone from his tender actions, but Soldier was currently too lust drunk to feel at all conflicted.
“Maggot…!” Soldier grumbled before Spy got to his feet, chuckling lowly as he stripped himself of his remaining clothing besides his mask. “Patience is a virtue, Soldat.” The Frenchman responded to Soldiers plea with faux anger as he guided him to lay down on the couch with his ankles hooked on Spys shoulders. “It will prove useful getting through this next part.” Spy grinned evilly as he took a bottle of lube from the table next to the couch and smeared some on his fingers.
The cold sensation of Spys lubed finger prodding against his hole was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. Even if it had been, Soldier would have been the last to admit it. When it pushed in, the cold sensation dimmed, but a new feeling quickly replaced it as Spys pointer finger was up to the knuckle inside of him.
Growling, Soldier squirmed underneath the Frenchman, this sensation proving to be more uncomfortable than pleasurable as his hole clenched around Spys digit. “I assume you have not done this before?” Spy questioned as he used his free hand to massage the patriots chest. “No sir…” Soldier responded in a gravelly sigh, his body relaxing slightly as Spy began his massage. “Relax, mon cheur. It will feel better if you do.” Spy guided the man, speaking somewhat softer now as the man below him seemed to be pacified for the moment.
The ring of muscles that had been squeezing Spys finger recoiled slightly, allowing the Frenchman to add his middle finger. Soldier growled at the sensation, still not finding much pleasure in it but remaining relaxed to the best of his ability. Spy pushed his fingers deeper inside the patriot until they were all the way in before he began to move them around, poking at different places inside the man.
It wasn't until Spy came across a bundle of nerves inside the Soldier that Soldier felt any pleasure. The patriot's breath hitched quickly before he let out a loud scream of pure euphoria as Spy smiled, pulling his fingers back before pushing into it again. “There, private! Right there!” Soldier screamed as Spy began repeating the motion at nauseum. The patriots head fell backwards over the armrest as he took in the sensation, emitting a constant stream of swears and incomprehensible growls.
Reaching over to the ashtray, Spy returned his cigarette to his mouth before focusing his attention back on the man below him. The tears from earlier had returned and were now falling down the patriots face while he tried to hide it by throwing his arm to cover his eyes, which Spy removed with his free hand. “Don't you dare try to hide from me.” Spy scolded as he stared into Soldiers reddened eyes, taking his cigarette out of his mouth with his free hand and leaning down to lick one of the tears from his cheek.
Soldier shuddered as he felt his climax creeping up on him, too lost in pleasure to be embarrassed about how quickly he was about to cum. Spy hadn't noticed the patriots increase in desperation evidently, that or he just wanted to torture the man. Spy met his lips with Soldiers while he continued to finger the man open, his free hand holding the cigarette pressing the butt down onto the patriots shoulder to put it out.
The pain pushed Soldier over the edge, leaving him arching his back to press himself further onto Spys fingers and eyes rolling back as he shot cum onto himself, streaking the white ropes across his chest and face as Spy didn't relent with his movements, continuing to finger the man open.
When Soldier looked back at Spy, the Frenchman was looking at him with an expression of disappointment, behind his eyes an evil plan developing. “I did not give you permission to finish.” Spy stated with concealed anger. Soldier did not respond immediately, his mind still recovering from his world shattering climax. “You didn't say I needed your permission-” Soldier barely finished his sentence when Spy slapped him.
“Regardless…” Spy began. “I'm not finished with you yet, mon serviteur. So you will lay here and take what I give you until I get my satisfaction.” Spy did not wait for a response before he removed his fingers and reached for the bottle of lube that he quickly uncapped and smeared the liquid across his moderately sized length.
Lining it up with Soldiers' now decently prepped hole, Spy pushed inside of the man completely, not offering the patriot the opportunity to adjust to the feeling before Spys pubic hair was scratching against his cheeks. “Agh-! S-sir!” Soldier moaned at the overstimulation, accidentally letting the formal title for Spy slip outside of him saying yes or no.
The Frenchman sighed in relief at the patriots hot, wet hole tightening around him, the pleasure leaving him in a brief state of delirium before he regained his consciousness and pulled out before roughly thrusting back in. “Oh, mon amour, call me that again.” Spy shuddered, fantasizing this man being subservient to him.
A deep blush overtook Soldiers wet face, stained with tears. “Sir…it's so much.” The patriot whined, uncharacteristically submissive to the Frenchman who was determined to fuck his brains out. “You can take it!” Spy growled “You're a soldier aren't you?” he teased as he slowly pulled back out again. Soldier gave a hasty nod before Spy thrust back in, now beginning a steady rhythm.
The tight heat of Soldier around him encouraged him to speed up his thrusts as he stared down at the gasping and moaning patriot below him. Soldiers' cries had long grown incoherent but when Spy unintentionally hit the patriots' prostate head on once again the man let out a string of very understandable swears and curses, pulling Spys head down to his to meet him in a rough kiss.
Spy violently fucked into Soldier as he kissed him. Pulling back, Soldier yelled, “I love you! You hear that m-maggot!? I love you, you french bastard!” The patriot came once again, now with Spys close proximity shooting onto the Frenchman's thighs, though Spy was too preoccupied to notice as he neared his own climax. “Je t'aime aussi, crétin! putain... putain!” He cried as he filled the man below him, rutting into the patriot desperately as he released his load.
The Frenchman panted as he came down from his high, looking down at the man beneath him and finding the moron who tempted him into doing this looking up at him with hooded eyes and a large grin plastered on his face. “What are you smiling for?” Spy questioned, trying to sound annoyed but coming off more amused. Soldier gave a low gravelly laugh. “C’mere cupcake!” He pulled Spy down into a kiss.
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y0ur-val3ntine · 7 months
someone told me that Im against snipersc0ut shippers even when Im one of them
I might feel sad about the ship sometimes but that only depends on my mood, I still like them (just like I love flashfire, def not because Im a Pyro main.. nono)
anyways- going through the snipersc0ut tag and Im basically gathering inspiration, I feel great
kind of a rant, sorry lulz :P
take the blorbos
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onyx-got-clowned · 1 year
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DNI: Anyone with bad intentions, pro Ana/pro sh blogs, linkcest shippers, fake claimers, rad queers, nontraumagenic systems, anti-self diagnosis, Mormons/christians
i will block anyone i deem fit, please don’t take it too heart! I just want to make this my safe space.
‼️‼️ I AM A MINOR ‼️‼️
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our collective name:
Other socials: Annimorph or buggzie
collective pronouns:
Proud agender + bisexual, alter human, and pagan
Alter human identities:
Theriotypes- silver fox, horse (cladotherian), pyro raptor, river otter
kin types- ghost, dragon, snow leopard, avian
Otherhearted: space/starhearted
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sources + headmates!:
LOZ: lu!wind 🌊- BOTW/totk! Link/wild⚔️(mixed sources with lu) - bonus links!Spirit 🚂- tulin 🪶- lu! Four🎨 (<- sub system) - Lu! Legend🌺
warrior cats: Jay’feather🪽🌀
black pink: jisoo🎤
fantastic beasts: newt🪄
nimona: nimona❤️‍🔥
sk8 infinity: Reki🛹
HXH: killua🐈‍⬛
Shera: Entrapta🤖, starla💫
BAPC: Bee🌼
helluva boss: millie��, Moxxie💥
TOH: hunter📦
creepypasta: ticci Toby🪓
Dsmp: Tommy📀 - tubbo🐝- Ranboo raynn☁️- Fundy🦊 - techno⚠️ - DreamXD🥀
Hilda: Hilda🌲, twig🦴
fnaf: sun☀️ - moon🌙 - Gregory🦋 - lolbit🧡
YouTubers: grunk🖥️ - eret👑 -Quinbobin🌽 -cc! Ranboo🎮
Oc: luna🐺
no source: ash🎵 - Alaina❤️ - Nyx🩸 newt🎉- ghost👻
littles: Melody🔔 - Ezra🪷
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posts will have the name of who posted which at the bottom :) but safely assume every post is made by link! (The host) if there is no name at the bottom.
sys tags: [emoji] speaks
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art tag: onyx draws⭐️
ask box: onyx asks⭐️
random: onyx rants⭐️
vents: onyx vents⭐️
irl posts: certified clown⭐️
Writing: onyx writes⭐️
Reblogs: onyx Reblogging⭐️
furry stuff: Onyx’s furry corner⭐️
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@ me anytime you want! I don’t mind!
ao3 account: here
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immunetoneurotoxin · 3 months
Just wanna drip by and say Incendiary has made itself a permanent resident in my brain.
Your writing is absolutely amazing, every scene got me gripping my seat in excitement. Seeing someone write a Pyro-focused long fic, let alone texas toast is so so so rare, I think I've only read 3 (including incendiary) that I've liked so far.
I love this little fire guy with all my heart, and I absolutely adore how you didn't make him too much like a child like how many mischaracterize him. There's the childlike wonder in him but he is capable when push comes to shove and I like that a lot! Every single characterizations in this fic is wonderful, I would love to give Engie a little kiss on his bald head.. he's so adorable.
I'm probably rambling but I just love this fic so much. I'm dealing with semester's midterms, stressed as all hell and this fic has been keeping me going. I practically cheered when I saw chapter 10 update in my inbox lmao. I would love to maybe make some fanart when I have the time, should I just tag you on this site?
Thank you so much for writing Incendiary dude, no kidding when I say it changed my life. I can't wait for the story to unfold! Please take care of yourself and rest well. Good luck on the job hunting as well!!
Omg stranger whoever you are, I just about teared up seeing this in my Inbox -
This is the most grandest, heartfelt comment I think I've ever received in my entire writing career and my heart is GUSHING rn!!!! I was literally out running errands when I saw this and I couldn't stop thinking about it -
When I joined the TF2 fandom in like... oh god, 2014 I think, I was really shocked to see throughout the years that there weren't many Pyro-centered stories out there, which blew my mind. Like how could there not be a deluge of fanfic for Pyro, who is this extremely mysterious, multi-faceted character with so much room for interpretation?! When I first watched Meet the Pyro, I KNEW I had to write a novel about Pyro. Who they are, where they came from, and what happened to them before the events of the gravel war. Massively inspired, of course. But still nonetheless, an origin story that could very well be canon if squinted at, hehe.
This rings true for texas toast content, too!! There isn't a whole lot of it out there and it makes me so sad - I love their dynamic so much! When Incendiary is finished, I do plan on writing some more texas toast oneshots on my AO3 to fill that void. <3 One of the plans is to write a short story about their relationship during the gravel wars as well, that takes place after the events of Incendiary. (plus, Incendiary has only just started to crack the surface tension of the slow burn, and it's only a matter of 1-2 chapters away from when the texas toast really starts showing through so there is that to look forward too as well. (。˃ ᵕ ˂ ))
also I literally hollered when I read your comment about Pyro's characterization in this story especially, because THAT is THE ONE THING I have been working so incredibly hard towards holy shit - when I tell you the amount of stories I've read that writes them off as this danger-child that needs supervision - which don't get me wrong is not an entirely bad thing!! they do have this massive childlike side to them, but there is also so much more to them than how the fandom perceives them, not taking into much consideration how they typically canonically act in the comics/in-game, and taking into LARGE consideration Meet the Pyro. I was reeling when I realized that a lot of people seemed to completely forget about that interview. I could go on a whole rant about this sdfghjkl but yes, Pyro is definitely more than capable when push comes to shove! they are in a war, after all ;)
and engineer, oh man. I love that soft Texan so much. :') I could talk your ear off about him too!
man I am definitely rambling now, but I literally cannot even express how genuinely happy I am receiving this message, it means the actual world to me. and FANART?!?! oh my god YES - you can definitely tag me here if you do make fanart for Incendiary!! I would be BEYOND honored omg
Thank you so so much for brightening my entire year with this feedback literally - I'm so honored to have you here as a reader and a fan. <3 And I'm sending you all of the luck with your midterms!! You've got this!!
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idyllic-affections · 11 months
great news, i only have one character design sheet. i mean, one design and this one... art-but-not-really </3 my laptop is broken and so is my tablet, so i'm left with searching discord messages with hopes i'll find something. also, super happy to see other anons reply to my little question HDGFHD but onto the designs!
since i'm on anon i can't send a picture so! the first design ( https://imgur.com/d656MHg ) is for my snezhnayan oc, who is... well, half a ghost half a human. she was once a very popular and passionate singer in a snezhnayan theatre! and then someone sabotaged her. she lost her voice. then she tried to turn into the major character death tag but failed and celestia said "no, you're not dying, here's your pyro vision, now go and haunt the theatre." she's not enjoying her life. her design was more focused to give her, oh, like, pretty singer vibes, the pretty girls you'd see on pinterest but also... look a bit more genshin with the colors and stuff. overall this was my second more complex genshin design so... i like it. it's nice.
and now. back when i was actively playing anime rhythm gacha games, it was pretty common for people to edit the cards. you know. i did that! and some time i edited my alchemist lady into a card of my favorite love live character! i attached both original card and my edit (here https://imgur.com/a/pcIs6r4 ) and... i mean, her design is very self indulged because, grand reveal, i created her first as my genshin-sona but then she turned into an actual OC so. yes. but also, she's a traveler so she's allowed to have her clothes not fully fit the nation she's from. and besides i do plan on giving her alternative outfits from every nation she visited so... additional info, she also has a big fluffy coat with her. yeah.
one design is... lost somewhere. and the other is for, surprise, another snezhnayan OC who's based of slavic mythology and one day i sure will digital it. that's a lot post im sorry AHAJHDF 🌻
I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH <333 they're both very lovely!!! i love how most genshin oc creators all agree that celestia likes to do things like that. you want to become the major character death tag? no! absolutely not!
i also had a (nonfandom) oc that was once my sona so i get it AHKSAHHFJF and yeah i think it's fair for her clothes not to fit any particular nation then!!
i completely understand, there's no need to be sorry! i am thinking about making a few more genshin ocs myself because my brain still has ideas. ranting about ocs is fun. 💗💕💘💖
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careful-pyromancer · 2 years
careful-pyromancers library
PLEASE leave your fire magic at the door. there's a reason I'm a CAREFUL pyromancer.
pyrospeaks - my rambles and rants
screaming in the town square - my introduction / get to know me posts
pyros tags - tag game tag!!!!!! woahg.
pyrosfriends - terrorizing the locals with my Ideas :)
pyros reading corner: where I save my friends works until I have the time to read them!
4 refrence - the things I save to help me later
pyrosprose - where i store all my fancy poems
pyros-sideprojects - short stories i write for my warm ups!
flamin - fandom stuff
wip: chronicles of avalon - everything for my fantasy series chronicles of avalon!
wip: lab rat - everything about the liminal horror world of lab rat
wip: sparrow's flight - anything you could possibly know about my queer cryptid hunting!
wip: the day we disappeared - everything about the story of a witch researching ghosts and the little girl determined to win the heart of her new mother
wip: resisting the knife - the complete story of a very angry owl turning the queen into a vampire
mental health tag - my personal vent tag, feel free to block if needed <3
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sniperotica · 1 month
pinned post time!
🔥 i draw. i'm a slow artist but i love drawing for people especially. i write a little, but it’s only for me mainly and it’d need to be water boarded outta me to share it. probably.
🔥 i self ship. pyro is my main babygirl, but on an equal level i want me n sniper to absolutely ruin each other as well (✿◕‿◕✿) i am totally okay with sharing them!
🔥 please share your thoughts with me. if you've ever wanted to rant about your love (or lust?) for your fav, and didn’t know who to direct that rant towards- i’ve been there- that’s me now. i’m your “rant about the fav” guy. anon is always on. send me stuff that reminds you of ur favs, art requests, your own oc x canon ships, your headcanons, all of it ಠ ᴗ ಠ
🔥 i’m surprisingly not that kinky, the ones i do have are pretty tame. i don’t need to list them, they will become apparent. however, if you ever need me to tag for anything, don’t hesitate to tell me!
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pyr0peyt · 4 months
Literally just accidentally deleted all my IbisPaint data and I didn't have my drawings synced to the cloud I'm gonna go fucking cry now
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yume-fanfare · 3 years
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warmup yoimiya doodle, my beloved
#genshin impact#yoimiya#art tag#gnshin#doodles#(tag rant of how much i love her incoming)#SO LIKE. WHEN HER DESIGN WAS FIRST TWEETED I WAS ALREADY SOOOO IN LOVE#i spent the entirety of ayaka's banner and maybe a bunch of kazuha's too agonizing whether to pull for her or not#bc i desperately wanted a pyro dps#(at some point i went to a lower ar friend's world and tried the oceanid w my level 31 amber)#(im going to build her sooner or later)#but yeah i had no primos since kazuha came home so late#and i wanted to take my time exploring inazuma‚ not rush it for the primos#plus people were saying she wasn't too good so i was like aaaaaaaaaaa#my mentality was#'well ill pull for sayu to mantain my anemo collection'#(also xinyan bc she and xinqiu are the only 4*s i don't have‚ and diona cons r always nice)#'and haha if i get yoimiya it'd be really nice‚ maybe she'll get the eula treatment'#so my friend came over to my world to do silly sayu ritual bc he already had her#i do a ten pull and boom!!! GOLDEN LIGHT#GOT HER ON MY FIRST 10 PULL‚ 15TH OVERALL#on 50/50 too!!!!#and oh my godddd shes so great#all my 5*s were supports so having my first 5* dps is sooooo#shes amazing#and she is soooo pretty her design is so cool#the asymmetry is so well done i love it#hot take: one single longer strand and an earring (or in her case‚ hairpiece) on the other side is top tier character design. unparalleled.#ALSO i love that her birthday is on the first day of summer THAT'S SOOOOO!!!! SHE#the best thing about summer on narukami island truly. i reached the max tags so: her
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sodafrog13 · 4 years
thinking about how someone kinassigned my punk!mercs different types of punk and what vaporwave subgenres the vpw!team would be into and and how vpw!medic would definitely be into vapornoise and broken transmission
#warning: BIG tag rant#the trash speaks#trashcan's ayoos#i think that was my au tag at leasy#vpw!medic: if i listen to it and it feels like my ears are going to fall off it's good#like everyone assumes he just likes lofi/future funk but he would willingly listen to platic love but backwards and overlayed with static#scout is DEFINITELY mallsoft#he's one of those guys who explores deadmalls in his spare time while narrowly avoiding death and getting arrested for trespssing#pyro.. faux-utopian/utopian virtual#they love that little twinge of funk..#soldier's pretty vanilla. really likes ecojams but will listen to anything#also rlly into post internet tho! he fucks w the slight darker side of vaporwave but not as dark as medic#demo def listens to future visions#he started doing it ironically (bc y'know. one eye.) but then he was like fuck this is actually good#engie loves hypnagogic drift#absolutely loves how synthy and weird it is but he'll also listen to anything#heavy unironically had always loved vapormeme. he knows it barely counts and it sounds ridiculous but he just Vibes with it man#definitely got started on sovietwave tho#spy claims he listens to vapornoise so ppl think he's cool but he REALLY likes future funk and more generally city pop stuff#(yes he knows city pop is its own genre but it slaps ok be nice to him)#sniper really likes late-night lofi. it's the jazzy vibes that do it for him#also muzakcore. the more seemingly mundane the better#these r subject to change but. god i love vaporwave.#also u Cannot ask people around vpw base what they think constitutes as vaporwave or hands WILL be thrown#sorry i know none of u r here for my vaporwave nonsense but like.. could not stop thinking abt it
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pyro-flug · 6 years
Get to know your followers
I was tagged by @lightpudding who I love very much so here we go!
Rules: Answer the questions (which you can change if you don’t feel like answering certain questions) then tag 20 followers you want to get to know better!
I. Nickname?
Uhhh, I mean I mostly go by Pyro or Theo on here, but irl it’s Jack or Jackie 
II. Gender?
Anskijdfsjgf what’s a gender?? My gender is gay, ahshddkd. In all honesty I’m figuring it out rn so she/her or he/him pronouns work
III. Star sign?
I’m a Libra bby
IV. Height?
I’m sitting over here at somewhere around 5 foot 4, maybe 5 foot 4 and a half
V. Favorite feature?
Mmmm, my eyes are probably a big one for me, but honestly, now that I’m getting more confident in my body I really like how big and strong my arms and thighs are. Cause like I can squat and lift most of my friends and that makes me really happy
VI. Favorite color?
Green and blues! But also I have a soft spot for pastel pinks
VII. Favorite animal?
You expect me to pick a favorite? I’ll tell you when I was a kid it used to be porpoises tho!
VIII. Average hours spent sleeping
My sleep schedule is erratic but I try to get at least 8 hours but you never know
IX. Dogs or cats?
I love them both far too much
X. Number of blankets you sleep with?
i only need the 1 in any weather, and it’s my nerdy Star Trek one
XI. What’s your dream trip?
i really would like to visit either New Zealand or Switzerland! And honestly Spain sounds so good too, I would just love to travel but i’m broke
XII.  What’s your dream job?
I really... I really want to be an actor ;-; Whether that be on stage, a voice actor, or one on tv I wouldn’t care! i love acting! 
XIII. When did you make this account?
This one i made just last year! This blog turned one year old a few weeks ago!  
XIV. How many followers do you have?
XV. How many pets do you have?
Do all my hundreds of chickens, turkey’s, geese, ducks, and guineas count as pets too? Them, and then I have 3 cats and 3 kittens :p
XVI. Best places to visit in your town or county?
I... i have no idea, I really haven’t been able to travel at all, but I guess out of the places I’ve gone, the shores of Lake Superior are really nice, and in my town we have a cute little old fashion ice cream shoppe I like to stop in sometimes.
XVII. Favorite ice cream flavor?
i would die for Neopolitan because it reminds me of Summer with my grandma, but also, old fashion vanilla is really good
XVIII. How often do you read?
I used to be a crazy bookworm but I lost a lot to motivation to read because of school pressures, but I’m trying to get back into it!
XIX. Favorite study location?
Dining room table is a great spot for me
XX. Favorite book series? 
MMMMMMM, ONE???? I can’t pick, I used to be a huge warrior cats kid, and then there were like 3 different dragon based series I read that i loved so much, and hhhnnnggg, I loved reading so much
I tag uhhhh-  whoever wants to? I’ll tag a few like @villainoustrash @undergrounddweller89 , @ryeregular, @gay-love-af, @hershellaytonlovespuzzles, and @atomic52 but yall don’t have to if you don’t want to! And of course if any other of  my followers wish to, go for it!
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cosmogyros · 6 years
Pet Names I Have Called My Boyfriend: An Abridged List
1. Grillmeister
2. Mr. Lumberjack
3. o gallant knight
4. Flame Whisperer
5. Beef-waffle-eating hypocrite
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
Clouds team headcanons
I would absolutely LOVE! to hear about the headcanons you have for your own teams in Genshin, as well as ones you have for mine that I may not have mentioned! 
Talking about your teams don’t count as requests so feel free to send me them even if my requests are closed! 
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This is my team, and below the cut is their weird dynamics as a team <3
Adding the traveller as me because you know my team lolz <3
3rd person writing for me is gonna be a little weird but lets see how that works
Having a sensible figure in the team is non existent, Venti and Cloud pull many pranks on the others and usually gets the last laugh about the team. If anyone was to tell him off it’d be Sucrose. Sucrose isn’t good at telling people off so most of the time it’s just Sucrose sadly saying ‘please stop’
Cloud, Qiqi, Sucrose, and Xiangling are constantly in another world. Cloud often finds themselves easily distracted by treasures and pretty sceneries, on especially pretty ones they’ll call their friends over to look with them. Qiqi often gets distracted by herbs, and has taken quite a fancy to herbs not found in Liyue. Sucrose is constantly asking for bones that anybody else finds, and most evenings she’s scurried away in her house in the serenitea pot studying them. Xiangling loves finding food, be it running after a boar in the middle of a fight, or forcing the team to climb to the very top of mountains just for some Juyuen Chillis. 
Most evenings, before Sucrose hides herself away, the team like to eat dinner together and talk about their day. If they stay in late Venti most likely pulls out his lute and plays a tune for the team.
On days where the team is off alone in Liyue Venti often goes and pesters Xiao while the latter is on duty. Qiqi will go and visit Bubu Pharmacy and offload all the herbs she’s collected over the week. Cloud tends to lounge about the tea shops trying various herbal teas, that and they catch the odd story show. Xiangling helps her father out at the restaurant and Sucrose finds herself tagging along with Xiangling and doing work at the back of the resturant.
On days where the team is off alone in Mondstat Venti will spend most of his day playing music around his home for drinks. Cloud will often sit outside the Good Hunter or go to meet up with Lisa for some tea and a chatter. Qiqi will always somehow end up with Klee even if Qiqi barely remembers who Klee is. Sucrose will spend her day with Albedo and she’ll often give a small presentation of what she’s found in the week. Xiangling has made many friends in Mondstat, and almost all of them are about all the time, so she has many adventures with Razor, Bennett, and Fischl. 
Xiangling and Sucrose are the classic example of introvert/extrovert friendships. It kind of seems like they wouldn’t speak much but Xiangling often brings Sucrose out of her shell. Even if Sucrose has horrific social queues
Cloud and Venti have a way with each other where they constantly bounce off each others ideas, they’re both chaotic and loud. They have shared a few conversations in complete silence accompanied by facial expressions and hand gestures. Nothing good comes out of those conversations
Venti and Cloud are very protective of Qiqi and she often looks up to the two of them as older, chaotic, siblings. Cloud often makes jokes about adopting Qiqi as their own because of how much they love her
Qiqi has also adopted Sucrose and Xiangling as her older sisters. Xiangling is very much happy with this and loves playing about with Qiqi, but Sucrose has an awkward air around her when she’s holding Qiqi. But somehow it makes Qiqi all the more interested in Sucrose
The four are pretty much suited well when they climb up Dragonspine. Venti redirects most of the cold wind away from him. Qiqi seems much more at home and content in the cold air compared to the warmer air of Liyue. Sucrose knows the best paths to get to certain areas of the mountain and often has extra clothes hidden away in the serenitea pot. And thanks to Xianglings pyro vision her body heat never drops thanks to the controlled heat surrounding her.
Cloud however has a horrific time in Dragonspine, no amount of layers or goulash will stop Cloud from shivering their ass off. Cloud could literally be sat in the campfire and they’d still complain about how cold they are. More often then not they’re walking close to Xiangling or completely hide in the serenitea pot with a cup of tea
Both Cloud and Venti, very often with the addition of Xiangling have gliding competitions where they all try to fly the furthest and fastest to a location. Venti always cheats, but Cloud’s resonance with anemo always propel them a little more. Venti always wins. Cheater. And in all honesty? Xiangling doesn’t even stand a chance beside the cheaters, but she does love the competition
Being in a team with Cloud much often results to ranting to Venti about the new crush they have. Venti finds it hilarious that you seem to be attracted to almost every woman in Teyvat. Although, the one you seem to talk about the most is Beidou. Maybe she’ll join the team sometime soon
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