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Big Win {A.Burakovsky}
Requested yes/no
Authors Note: I had a lot of fun writing this bc the Burky feels are strong as heck
“I can't believe we won,” Andre beamed brightly as he set his bag down in the garage. The team had just won one of the hardest games they’ve played this season and it seemed like it took forever. It was brutal with penalties, fights, and many goals scored but the fact that the Capitals came out on top was the only thing that mattered.
“I'm surprised Tom wasn't in the middle of all the punching this game,” you chirped tossing Andre a water from the fridge. This game was one of the very few home games you were able to fit in with your busy school and work schedule. Almost every home game they played you were stuck at home watching it on the tv because you had just gotten home from work or your homework was piling up and couldn't be ignored any longer.
“Taylor would have been on him if he was,” Andre responded. He finished off his water and led you over to the recliner in the living room. He plopped down on his favorite seat and pulled his legs up with his body more than likely aching. You were about to take a seat on the loveseat nearby when his arms pulled you into his lap.
“Babe, you shouldn’t have me sitting on you you're gonna regret it tomorrow,” you laughed trying to pry yourself from his grip without any luck.
“It’s okay. I don't mind,” he whispered pressing a kiss behind your ear. You leaned your head on his shoulder and his rested on you. “I'm really happy you were able to come tonight,” he said letting out a loud yawn.
“Of course! I'm so happy I actually got to get out and see you doing what you do best.” Andre was always super appreciative when you dedicated your time to him and hockey.
“It's been a long time since you've went yeah?” he pondered grabbing a nearby blanket and draping over the two of you. You nodded in response allowing yourself to relax in his arms. “I miss the old times,” he whispered under his breath. His tone was different than before. It was softer more emotional.
“Hm?” you perked. You sat up a bit to look at him. His face was a hue of red, his eyes a tad bit glossier than usual, and his eyes darting to random things about the room other than you.
“It's just I mi-, I just, I don't know,” he mumbled still avoiding you eyes.
“Babe w-.”
“I miss you always coming to the games, and meeting me in the lobby thing. It sucks because I feel like you're missing out on a lot and I want you to be there with me,” he explained playing with the bracelet he gave you on your wrist. You understood where he was coming from and it pained you that things became the way they were. Andre said that he didn't want you to work because he felt as though he could financially support you and he just wanted you to focus on school. His idea made you feel as though you weren't contributing to your shared home in any way so you didn't follow it. By you taking the job you have, it caused your schedule to not line up with his and you guys to miss a lot of the things that were months ago routine.
“I'm sorry Dre,” you whispered pressing a kiss to his cheek since he still wasn't turned your way. Tears began to pool in your eyes threatening to fall at any moment. When Andre finally turned to look at you it was you who wasn't looking at him.
“No no baby no tears,” he whispered wiping away the few tears that had escaped.
“I just feel bad because I know there’s a lot that we aren't able to do anymore and it sucks,”you tried to laugh off you crying but it wasn't working. “I wish we still were making the crazy stupid hockey memories as often.”
“I get to make even better memories when I get home,” Andre chuckled. He grabbed him phone from the arm of the chair and began to scroll until he began to laugh to himself, “See look.” He turned his phone to you to reveal you passed out on the couch in his red Capitals hoodie wrapped up in a blanket. You had the hood up with partially covered your messy hair.
“Oh my gosh why do you have that?” you shrieked covering your face.
“I remember you said you’d be home ready to tackle me when I got home because I scored. I was so scared to open the door because I was afraid you were actually going to,” he laughed and pulled you in closer while he began to scroll again, “When I got home it was quiet and that’s how I found you.”
“That’s a bit embarrassing,” you whispered. Andre smiled pulled up another picture of you but this time you were playing with Lucca and Rudy.
“It’s not hockey game night but I still like this one,” he beamed letting out another lengthy yawn. “Gina sent me this when you went to their house to spend the night for fun when we were on the road. I had this as my lockscreen for the longest time,” he admitted pulling you to his chest and placing a kiss on your head still admiring the picture. You were sitting on the kitchen floor in your boyfriend’s red hoodie with Rudy tucked in your arms while Lucca was showing you one of his toys with his curly hair spread every which way similar to yours that you tried to contain in a messy bun. It must have been taken fairly early in the morning since you still had your glasses on and your house slippers.
“Why that one?” you whined trying to take his phone from him.
“I liked the way you looked holding Rudy in my clothes and I don't know you looked hot,” he giggled kissing you. “It made me think if we ever have littles how you would look.”
“Aw babe th- wait you said it was your lockscreen what is it now?” your attention diverted as you reached for his phone he held away from you. “Lemme see,” you whined lazily reaching out knowing you weren't going to come close to reaching it.
“Okay but don't change it because I like it,” he gave in giving you his phone. You opened it to be met with the picture John took of you and Andre at the rink. You had on his gloves and he was handing you his stick. Your cheeks and nose we rosey as could be but you both had the biggest smiles on your faces. As you admired the picture an smile grew on both of your faces. Andre loved teaching you about hockey especially on the few days were the team’s families got to invade the rink and it was fun for you not only to learn but to see him so happy and eager to have you around.
“I love you,” you hummed as the screen went black. “Why would I change i- wait what is your homescreen?” Andre jumped to try and grab his phone but luckily you were faster than he was and you punched in his password. “Andre Burakovsky I hate you,” you shouted swatting his ands away. His homescreen was the picture of you passed out on the couch.
“Gimme my phone,” he said mimicking you lazily reaching for it.
“What do you have to say about this?” you jokingly interrogated.
A smirk rose to his face, “Hot.”
#andre burakovsky#andre burakovsky imagine#washington capitals#washington capitals imagine#stanley cup champions#hockey#NHL Hockey#Hockey Players#hockey player#nhl#nhl players#nhl imagines#NHL Player#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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I also luv how fuckin, Shou wouldn't think twice bout joinin 💀
Referrin to this post
Had to do even a lil doodle bout It before i go out😤😤 n yes Shou's holdin him up cus he almost does this on the basis, just to not break his back everytime bajsjd

#also imagine Victor showin him to the gang like that one snake incorrect quote#i on remember hows iy called but the one that went 'i bought impusevly a pyh#python* how should we call it' kind of vibe💀#shou#victor
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Road to ANC
[ THREAD ] This is my study tips yg macam mana sy boleh maintain DL every single sem until i get ANC 😊 some of it very cliche tapi ya mungkin boleh bantu improve your study after this 🌸 btw thanks for loves that i received from all of you and wishes for my success ✨1. Hubungan dengan Allah Sebelum nak berjaya, make sure jaga hubungan sendiri dgn Allah sbb kalau kita usaha byk mana pun if kita tak tawakkal, nak berjaya mcm mana pun susah. Jaga solat, doa, dan baca Al Quran. Setiap hari, baca Al Quran AT LEAST satu muka surat.Utk hari yg sy x sibuk, sy akan baca between maghrib and isyak. N untuk study week or exam sy akan baca lebih sikit bila lepas mana2 solat 5 wktu. Tips ni sy guna pkai seorang pelajar cemerlang yg viral spm dia straight A tu, dia ckp“Kalau kita nak belajar fardhu kifayah dalam dunia ni, mulakan dengan amalkan fardhu ain.” Which is even kita belajar, jgn ketepikan Al Quran sebab itulah kitab yg lebih hebat dri segala ilmu dunia yg kita belajar. Sbb tu bila sy nak study tapi x baca Al Quran, sy rasa x tenang.Doa yg sy selalu amalkan ketika sujud terakhir adlh “Ya Allah, kau permudahkan lah aku untuk memahami setiap ilmu yg aku pelajari Ya Allah, Dan kau berkatilah setiap ilmu yg aku pelajari Ya Allah, Dan kau berikanlah aku kejayaan di dunia & akhirat”InshaAllah, kalau kita jaga hubungan kita dgn Allah, Allah pun akan tolong kita bila2 masa kita perlukan Dia. Biar orang ckp kita tak alim dari segi pakaian, biar ORANG bgi perception buruk pasal kita, tapi biar the only one tahu siapa diri kita adlh ALLAH ✨2. Hubungan dengan ibu bapa Yg ni sensitif sikit la kot bgi sy 😅 since sy dah kehilangan parents. Arwah mama meninggal waktu sy cuti sem 1(dont ask how). Sebelum msuk u, sy betul2 NIAT utk berjaya sbb nk mama ayah tgk sy naik pentas dgn bangganya ! Sepanjang sem 1, sy dikiraberuntung krn mama sempat doakan kejayaan sy(doa seorang ibu), tpi mama sy x sempat nk tgk result sem 1 which is i get 3.9 . Sy ckp dgn ayah n kawan2 nk extend sbb rasa dh hilang rasa nk bljr. Tpi Alhamdulillah, mrk pujuk sy untuk teruskan n sy nk buat ayah sy dpt tgk kejayaan syLepas sem 1, sy rasa sedih sgt sbb dah hilang senjata yg paling ampuh iaitu doa seorang ibu. Jadi sy pujuk “Takpe, direct doa kat Allah, mama sebelah Allah. Mesti mama dgr juga” Jadi, yg masih ada ibu. Guna lah senjata yg paling ampuh tu. Hormat mereka and peluk selalu 😊Ayah, adlh mak ayah sy lepastu. Sy hormat n minta ayah pulak yg tlg doakan kejayaan sy. Tapi Allah bgi lgi ujian, ayah sy dpt tgk result sy smpai Sem 4 shj, wktu tu sy dpt 3.95 n dpt award pljr terbaik utk pre-grad. Tpi x dpt dtg sebab ayah meninggal pd hari yg sama(dont ask how)Result 4flat sy kalini. Sy tak dpt langsung tunjukkan kat parents sy sdgkan selama ni mereka la org yg sy nk hadiahkan kejayaan sy utk balas sikit jasa mereka. Takde pelukan ibu n ayah untuk result kalini, peluk diri sendiri je mampu sbb rindu mereka.Point kat sini, fikir balik niat untuk pergi belajar. Untuk cari pakwe yg utama? Sbb nak ikut kawan masuk u ? Sbb kena paksa dgn parents ? Niatkan nak belajar tu sebab Allah n untuk mak ayah bangga dengan kita. Lepastu nak bercinta pergilah. Asalkan niat nak belajar tu clear.Hormat parents. Mak ayah yg susah2 hantar kita belajar yg bagi bantuan kewangan and kata2 supaya kita terus berjaya. Diorang bukan nak duit kita, nak kita berjaya je. Pandai bawa diri n study betul2 dah cukup dah.3. Hubungan dengan lecturer Ni yg paling ramai students abaikan. Lecturer adlh org yg curahkan ilmu kat kita, tapi selalunya org akan kutuk and maki lect. Yes, semua manusia tak sempurna, mungkin ad lect yg x pndai mengajar, garang dsb. Tapi tu bukan alasan utk kita tak hormatKalau lect tu negatif, just luahkan kat kwn kalau tak tahan sgt tapi jgn sampai mengutuk fizikal dia semua. Kalau rasa dia tak bagus, just terus mengadu kat pihak yg sepatutnya utk dia ubah pengajaran atau tukar lect. Lect tu pun manusia, ada kekurangan tapi dia tetap seorangguru yg nak tolong tambahkan ilmu untuk diri kita. Kalau dia tak baik, takpe kita jangan jadi tak baik juga. Tapi jadi lebih baik. Fokus apa yg dia ajar. Jgn jadi rude dlm kelas or intention utk tunjuk diri lebih pandai berbanding lect. Kalau dia rigid, layankan je la.4. Hubungan sesama insan Jgn pernah rasa diri tu kat atas even dpt pointer tinggi. Setiap kali sy dpt result bagus, sy pling takut dgn diri sy sendiri sbb takut terdetik utk riak, angkuh, sombong dll. Mcm mana sy ketepikan riak tu? Ye sy selalu akan refer mana2yg sy x fhm kat kwn2 even diorang selalu ckp diorang tak pandai n so on. Kdg2 nk bljr ni bkn org x pandai je kena refer org pandai, yg pndai pun boleh refer org yg dpt pointer biasa2 je. Just exchange ur knowledge with each other sbb kat situ pemahaman kita lebih kukuh n yakinAjar kawan2 tak fhm. Sy suka bila org tnya sy sbb dpt share ilmu and bantu kwn2 n rasa lebih mudah ingat dan berkat. Niatkan nak belajar pndai2 sbb nak bantu org lain jadi pandai juga bila faham sesuatu ilmu. Tak perlu study benda sama 5 6 kali. Fahamkan dan cuba terangkan.Ok, cukup untuk hubungan yang perlu kita jaga. Sekarang lets move how i study 😊 1. Subjek kira2 Kira2 always my fav sejak kecik. Fav tak bermaksud i sentiasa rasa sng. Ada sesetngahnya susah juga cth add math la kan 💁🏻♀️ cara sy study kira2 , sy akan tulis semua formula2kt testpad (since i hate notebook). Tersusun, untuk topik 1 ada formula ap, topik 2 formula apa and so on. Lepastu i will highlight it. Highlight ni pun ada cara dia, kalau untuk title biru, make sure semua title kaler biru utk topik tu. Kalau tak faham nanti dm.Warna2 ni membantu otak kita ingat lebih cepat . Maksudnya bila kita buat soalan, kita ingat and dpt imagine nota formula kita dlm otak lebih tepat berbanding tak highlight. Lepastu fahamkan formula, bukan hafal formula. Bila faham, automatik kita boleh hafal. Tapi buat latihanSy takdelah tiap2 mlm study, study bila nak test ngn quiz je sbnrnya, so kalau quiz dengan test tu mmg sy akan buat semua past sem punya soalan utk topik yg masuk. So kat situ dah kira preparation utk otak ingat for final exam. Jgn give up bila tak faham. Refer kwn2tapi sblum refer make sure faham basic, jgn susahkan org lain untuk ajar dari A-Z. Dia pun nak study juga 😉 Buat past sem sebanyak2 yg boleh time nak test n quiz, so otak hnya perlu refresh waktu final. Waktu final nanti senang kat otak dah faham konsep, cuma tinggal apply itMake sure score dlm test n quiz. Carrymark jaga gile2, so nanti waktu final kalau paper susah, at least carrymark dah boleh bantu topap ap yg patut. Jgn amik mudah dgn carrymark. Fokus betul2 untuk calculation dlm kelas, lect is the best reference than friends and booksKnp sy ckp lect is the best reference ? Sbb lect akan direct ajar n lebih sure berbanding kwn2. So xdelah kes keliru atau kwn x sure dia ajar betul atau x. Buku pulak kdg2 complicated, jadi jgn bodoh sombong xnk bertanya lect kalau tak faham. In case, lect jenis suka malukanorg yg bertanya. Takpe, sabar je. Cuma make sure yg korang tanya tu mmg dah semua org tak tau nk jwb baru tanya lect. Bkn benda senang2 pun tanya lect. Nnti lect rasa dia gagal fahamkan students dia yg dia ajar selama ni. Common sense 😊 Utk jwb soalan kira2,make sure always2 tulis formula sebelum jawab soalan supaya tak confuse n nampak teratur n yakin soalan tu nk apa bila nk jwb 😉 sy mmg ad sikap ‘kedekut kertas’ so saya akan garis tgh supaya kertas nampak full n tak kosong, psiko diri sendiri la kononnya 😆 sbb tulisan kecik jeBetul2 nak fhm cepat in calculation adlh fokus dalam kelas, byk bertanya bila x fhm on the spot. Fahamkan dalam kelas juga waktu lect ajar, jgn amik mudah “oh takpe nanti balik bljr dgn kwn”. Jgn bergantung pd org lain sbb end up ramai org akn pentingkan diri sendiri utk berjaya2. Subjek teori As u know, byk course yg banyak subjek membaca dan hafal. N majoriti students yg akan buat notes untuk subjek2 teori. Tapi notes is really a big NO for me sbb sy x suka buat notes n rasa buang masa tulis benda yg sama dlm buku yg dh diringkaskan. Jdi cara sy adlhhighlight ! Ye, highlight bagi sy ibarat senjata yg bantu sy dlm theory subject. Sy akan highlight siap2 utk tajuk semua kaler biru cthnya lepastu sub topic kaler lain, lepastu baru sy start baca setiap helai dlm buku and highlight explanation ❤️🧡💛💚💙Sy ajar cara sy highlight, Tajuk besar usually i will use purple sebab dia gelap n bukan main point. Subtopic kaler pink and biru sebab kaler ni bagi sy x menonjol dri tulisan Turqoise ni i guna untuk list subtopic n kdg2 utk tajukKuning, hijau, oren akan sy gunakan untuk main point yg penting sbb kaler dia striking. Be creative 🔖 ikut keselesaan. Sy juga guna akronim utk lebih ingat perkara yg tak boleh jawab logic in exam. Yg logic selalunya i cuma fahamkan n ingat.Sy jenis bc lepastu fahamkan betul2, thats y i dont need any notes panjang2 sbb sy gantikan masa utk buat notes mcm org lain dgn baca n fahamkan betul2 n cuba trgkan tanpa tgk buku. Kdg2 kalau nak buat notes pun sy akan tulis tepi2 buku je waktu lect ajar supaya sng cari n bacaMethod ni sy guna dri SPM, sy suka sejarah. Sejarah sy tak bc notes, sy prefer bc buku teks sampai beli kat luar untuk highlight satu buku.😅 sebab tu org kalau buka buku sy “Ya Allah peningnya berwarna warni” Hehehe warna tu peranan penting utk sy ingat every pages dgn mudah🗂Buku2 pulak sy akan letak sticky notes kat tepi utk sng buka chapter. N bila baca, kita sng nak tahu lagi berapa pages nak baca dalam setiap chapter. So kat sini boleh target awal2 harini nak baca sampai chap mana and self reward kat chapter berapa 🛌In case sy buat notes sbb nk senang tgk subtopic and simple explanation, sy akn pakai testpad sbb x suka pakai kertas kecik2. Rasa x puas menulis. And i will highlight it! 😆 Tulisan mmg buruk bila buat notes sbb i be like “X pyh cantik2, cpt sikit tulis pastu boleh bc”Cara highlight pun sama, kaler gelap and tak striking untuk tajuk2, striking untuk point penting. Since notes mmg semua point penting, so sy highlight semua utk tgk beza tajuk dgn point lebih mudah. Selalunya buat notes sy x tekan kuat2 utk menulis, sbb nak elak jari sakit.Rugi je belum exam and test dah sakit jari. Nak sakit jari biar berbaloi untuk jawab exam and test, bukan waktu buat notes 😁☝🏻3. Waktu sy belajar Waktu sy belajar selalunya lepas isyak (azan je terus solat n then study), so mkn mlm sy akan mkn lepas asar supaya tak ganggu waktu mlm. Sy akan study sampai pukul 2 diselangi dgn otp kalau sy rasa bosan or need to take some times. Limit pun pukul 3 la.Sy ad masalah x boleh stay up smpai pagi. Kwn2 sy semua tahu limit sy study sampai pukul 2 pagi je. So situ kekurangan sy sbb x boleh study lebih. Bgi sy malam adlh waktu utk rehatkan otak n bdn. Siang pula kalau hari ad kelas, sy akan belajar waktu kelas shj, maksudnya sy fhmknbetul2 ap lect ajar. Buat latihan sikit dlm kelas n then bila nak dekat test n exam baru sy buat balik semua past sem. Tapi make sure ingat n fhm betul2 dlm kelas. Balik kls selalunya sy pergi mkn n solat lepastu tidur kejap kalau penat. Tapi WAJIB bangun lepas azan asar.Tapi kalau hari takde kelas, study week ke ap. Sy akn bangun pukul 8 pagi (lps subuh tidur balik or baca Alquran) n start study sampai pukul 12. Pukul 12-1.15 sy akan tidur sunnah. Lepastu sy akn solat zohor n sambung study sampai pukul 4.30.Lps solat asar, sy akan otp atau keluar pergi mkn dgn kwn2 sampai pukul 6. Pukul 6 sampai maghrib adlh preparation utk sy mandi n solat. Antara solat maghrib n isyak, sy akan baca Al Quran smpai azan isyak berkumandang. Lepastu same routine 😉Andai kata hari yang ad kelas , tapi ada test or quiz lagi few days. Sy akn study lepas balik kelas and malam tu akan lebih fokus n tidur pukul 2. Kalau takde test ke apa, kdg2 malam tu tak study or tidur awal. Relaxkan badan untuk esok punya aktiviti and class.So basically saya study in class, kuatkan pemahaman waktu belajar kat bilik and refresh betul2 bila dah nak final. So otak tak pressure untuk belajar benda baru bila tgh final, just improve kalau ada yg lemah.4. Commitment dlm gp assignment Utk carry mark yg bagus, all out dgn gp assignment. Contribute dlm gp assignment sungguh2, jgn buat org terpaksa do your part in assignment. Alhamdullillah, sy dpt gpmate yg sngt bekerjasama n memahami each other 😊Sy juga ad masalah gpmate dalam beberapa sem mungkin sbb stress ad yg culas buat kerja dsb. Jadi waktu final kena perform habis2an utk cover balik carry mark. Nasihat sy, in assignment, jgn harapkan seseorang buat semua perkara n take advantage sbb dia perfectionistdia nak kerja perfect sbb nk markah gp n sama2 dpt tinggi. 😊 Act, sy terhutang budi dgn gpmate sy waktu sem 4-5 sbb mereka byk sgt2 cover kerja sy sbb sy ad masalah keluarga dsb. Sy boleh katakan sy takkan berjaya kalau diorang x tolong sy.Mereka faham situasi sy dan kecualikan sy utk buat kerja supaya sy dpt jaga arwah ayh sy. Tapi sy tetap cuba bantu ap yg patut sbb sy bukan org yg jenis nak benda free and take advantage ats org lain. Terima kasih Asyraf, Alisa, Ikhwan, Chiba n Syak 🌹Point sy, cuba untuk bersungguh2 dlm gp assignment. In case ada alasan yg munasabah atau betul2 x boleh bantu, explain supaya org faham situasi awk n org xkan judge secara negatif kalau nampak sgt awk mls or berdalih utk buat kerja 📂 gp assignment wujud utk kita bersedia utkada teamwork so bila kerja nnti mudah untuk cooperate with others. Jangan jadi selfish atau parasite in group 😊5. Makan and minuman Sy makan je maggi, ramen cheese ke apa semua makan. Cuma kurangkan makanan yang ada MSG. Sy suka sangat makan coklat before study kira2 sbb dpt boost otak punya pemahaman (ceh.. yeke? Ke alasan je boleh cheat day😆) . Segala air bergas sy xkan minumsbb dah set “Kena jaga otak. Muka dah la tak lawa, takkan nak pakej dgn bodo” hehe teruk betul psiko diri sendiri. Tapi sy selalu craving jeruk bila nak exam, pastu salahkan setan “ha mesti sbb setan yg goda suruh rosakkan otak” 🤣 kah ! So, habis exam baru saya makan semua tu.Fast food sy mkn je. Cuma mknn yg masam, junk food, air bergas, kafein mmg tolak tepi bila dah nak exam or test. Waktu belajar sy boleh minum 6liter sehari. Sentiasa rasa haus waktu study, tapi lepastu berkawan baik la dgn toilet sbb asyik nak buang air.6. Cergas dan cerdas Untuk jaga otak n badan, sy akan tidur cukup2. Jgn tak tidur langsung semata2 esok ada exam or test. Sy akan make sure sy cukup tidur n kekadang terlebih tidur in a day. Sy tak suka stay up so advantage dia sy dpt rehatkan otak untuk jawab exam esok harinyaByk kwn2 sy jenis x tidur langsung n barai sbb study, tapi bila tanya dah blur2. Sbb otak in weak state. Jgn pressure otak kita utk terima terlalu byk info dlm satu masa yg panjang. Boleh jadi ‘blank’ sbb pening or confuse dgn info.Make sure makan supaya zat2 dapat terima, bila sihat, nak belajar pun senang. Jangan tengok najis. Tak kisah la buang air besar atau kecil, jangan tengok. Ia lemahkan ingatan. Kalau nk tgk utk cek kesihatan, just sekali imbas. Tapi jgn lupa flush pulak !Jangan tengok buih. Sy tak ingat sy pernah baca kat notice board mana, tapi dia kata kita jangan tengok buih, n ramai berpendapat sama sbb katanya dpt lemahkan ingatan. So any buih i cuba elakkan tengok selalu. Buih yg mcm tiup2 belon tu tu, bukan buih sabun badan hahaha🧖🏻♀️Setiap pagi, untuk mulakan pagi yang indah. Sy akan buka surah dan doa kt youtube sambil bersiap nak pergi kelas atau untuk nak ambil mood before study 1. Doa Dhuha 2. Asmaul Husna 3. Doa Rabitah 4. Al Waqiah Dan Al Mulk andai kata saya lupa nak dengar malam before tidur.Guys, This is me in my real life, yes. I may be a toxic person in Twitter 😆 but sometimes people just have a lot of personalities at different places. Just be urself. 🌹 so lepasni kalau aku sambung tweet merepek jgn kaitkan personal aku unless u know me so well in real life😊
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Girl Dad {J.Skinner}
Requested: y/n
“Why don't you paint anymore? I know it helps when you're stressed” Jeff asked rubbing your legs that were draped across his lap. Painting had always been your favorite thing to do in your free time. When you were in high school, you could spend hours upon hours cooped up in you room with your painting supplies.
“We’ve been busy,” you laughed gesturing around your living room and to your baby bump that homed you growing daughter. You weren't quite sure if he realized how much your routines have been changing recently.
“We haven't been that busy, have we?” he smirked rubbing his finger along the side of your stomach.
“Yes, we have. We moved out here just last summer, we had to find a house and move everything from the old house, and on top of that we had to work in serious family time with our families since we didn't spend a lot of them during the season or after. By the time we got settled in, to where the house was livable without a trip to Home Depot every couple days, preseason was starting which meant season was around the corner and I finally got pregnant,” you listed to him.
“It wasn't th-”
“Don't forget having to work doctor appointments around your hockey schedule so you could be there and unpacking and moving things around for when she comes,” you continued laughing at how overwhelming the past five months had really been for your family..
“Okay yeah we have been busy,” he agreed taking in everything you told him.
“If I'm being honest I don't even know where my stuff is to be able to paint,” you admitted standing up and stretching.
“If you can find your paints I’ll be your canvas,” Jeff murmured stretching his arms over his head which was accompanied by a cheeky wink. You shook your head and began to rummage through the collapsible boxes on the bookshelf.
“Well looks like I’ll have to take you up on it because here they are,” you smiled pulling them out from the shelf. “What should I paint?”
“Paint something that announces that we are having a baby girl,” he suggested. To announce the pregnancy Jeff painted ‘Baby Skinner July 2019’ on your stomach and added hockey stickers around it to ‘spice it up’ and posted it to Instagram with the caption ‘2037 Draft’. At your gender reveal get-together for your friends and family, you and Jeff had to pop a paint balloon that was attached to a canvas. His idea kept the paint theme so you nodded in approval and gathered your things. “Look at me giving you all of this Instagram content,” your husband joked taking his shirt off.
“I might fall asleep,” Jeff mumbled adjusting his head on the pillow. He was on the floor laying on his stomach while you sat beside him with your paints on a palette. You took your brush, dipping it in some paint, and began to swipe it across his back. “Okay, maybe not. This tickles,” he giggled trying not to move too much.
For the next 20 minutes or so you painted your husbands back with little movement from him. You were able to accomplish a pink sunset background, behind a singular sunflower and above the sunflower you wrote ‘#Girldad’. You smiled to yourself knowing how much this little painting meant to you. “What’d you paint?” Jeff asked attempting to peek over his shoulder. You took a picture of his back and showed him. A smile, brighter than his usual, grew on his face as he stared at it in awe. “Explain it,” he requested adjusting to watch you. Even though some of your art was self explanatory, there was something about the way you talked about it that made it so much better.
“Okay so I did the pink sunset because how we always think of my grandma when we see them and I have a feeling she handpicked our little girl for us. Hopefully she is born during one of those sunsets because it will probably be in July if not June,” you smiled. Your grandmother passed when you were young and the two of you would always go for walks around sunset when the summer sky was a rich shade of pink. Jeff always brought it up when you two would be out to see one. “And the sunflower because wh-”
“When I proposed to you,” he interrupted. The day Jeff proposed to you he hid sunflowers around the house in Raleigh with little notes about what he loves about you while you were at work and it was a scavenger hunt for you to find them all to make a bouquet.
“And that’s what you gave me before date night when I told you I was pregnant,” you smiled holding his hand in you lap.
“We use sunflowers a lot, huh?” he laughed. He was right, but you didn't mind. You always thought of sunflowers to represent happiness and lightheartedness but it has also been known for loyalty and longevity which is what you and Jeff strived for in your relationship.
“Yeah, I don't care though,” you smiled. “And then the final part is obvious when you yelled that at the party,” you laughed with Jeff recalling the event.
“Oh my gosh that was crazy,” his words muffled by the pillow. When you and Jeff found out you were having a girl the first thing he yelled was ‘Ohhh I’m a girl dad’ which you thought was the cutest thing ever. You knew Jeff would be a great dad to a little boy and he even though so himself but he was a little more hesitant to his abilities with a little girl. Once he realized he was gonna have his own little girl, you never thought you would have seen him so excited.
After you two talked on the floor for a bit longer, you posted the picture you had taken earlier on both of your accounts with the caption ‘Flower Child’.
“Now our next hurdle is her name and what we are going to paint it on,” Jeff whispered placing a kiss on your lips.
#Jeff Skinner#jeff skinner imagine#buffalo sabres#hockey#NHL Hockey#Hockey Players#hockey player#nhl#nhl players#NHL Player#nhl imagines#imagine#hockey imagines#hockey imagine#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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Rainy Date {J.Virtanen}
Requested yes/no
“Dinner was delicious,” Jake groaned and patted his stomach before laughing. Jake had taken you out for a dinner date at one of his favorite restaurants in Vancouver for your second date. You had met the hockey player at a bar where he bought you a drink or two while you were both respectively out with friends.
“I don't know, the chicken was a bit dry,” you winked teasing him although you didn't even order anything chicken related. “Let me get dinner tonight,” you offered reaching for your wallet.
“Are you serious? No, I never let a girl pay,” he said sticking his card with the check and set it at the edge of the table.
“Let tonight be the night you do,” you laughed reaching for his card to replace with yours. Before you could lay a finger on his card his hand was intertwined with yours and being pulled from the edge of the table.
“You know what?”
“You’re beautiful,” he smiled placing a kiss on the back of your hand.
“You're compliments, although sweet, make me want to pay for this even more,” you responded trying to break your hands free from his.
“What do you mean?” He finally let go as the waiter collected the bill and payment signaling a win for Virtanen.
“You bought me drinks when I first met you, you bought lunch the last time we went out, you bought me flowers today, and now you are buying dinner tonight,” you counted on your fingers for him.
“What can I say I like to go all out. It’s the Canadian charm,” he winked slipping his card back in his wallet.
“Sorry,” you mimicked with a wink causing Jake to shake his head.
“C’mon dork.” You two walked hand in hand to the front of the restaurant and to the little waiting area.
“Oh, look it's raining!” you whisper yelled pointing outside as you slid on your coat.
“Do you want me to go get the car because it looks like it’s coming down pretty hard?” Jake asked taking a peak for himself.
“You didn’t park far I’ll be fine,” you assured. “I can run in these.” You stuck your foot out at him and flaunted your boots.
“Alright,” he whispered in a unconvinced tone but he wasn't going to deny you of anything else tonight. You two stood at the door preparing to face the brisk, wet air.
“Here. Take my hand,” you giggled wrapping your hand in his.
“Just in case one of us falls we go down together?” he joked tightened his grip. Once there were no cars coming the two of you darted out into the parking lot. The rain began to pelt you two as you hurried through the crammed lot. It wasn't long before you were in the safety of the dry car away from the rain.
“That wasn't too bad,” you admitted catching your breath in his passenger seat.
“It could have been worse. We could have fell,” he laughed starting the car. He turned on the heater and sat back in his seat. The two of you sat in warm car with the only sound being the rain outside. Neither of you minded, it was peaceful.
“Thank you for dinner,” you yawned locking your arm with his and rested your head on his shoulder.
“Of course. Do you want to go home?” he whispered resting his head on yours for a moment. You shook your head no not moving from your position. “Do you want to go to my place?” he offered.
“What would we do at your place?” you responded adjusting to look up at him. The lot lights mixed with the rain softly illuminated his face.
“I could get you some warmer clothes and then we could play with my dog and I don’t know cuddle,” he described.
“That sounds good,” you yawned again.
“Are you sure you're gonna make it?” he asked pulling out from the parking spot.
“Maybe,” you smiled watching the rain slide down the car window.
“Hey,” Jake said pulling you from the view outside. As you turned your head, his lips met yours for a brief kiss. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Absolutely,” you smiled kissing him again. “I was hoping you’d ask before we got to your house because if not I’d only be going for your dog,” you admitted jokingly.
“I know.”
#jake virtanen#jake virtanen imagine#vancouver canucks#hockey#NHL Hockey#hockey player#Hockey Players#nhl players#NHL Player#nhl imagines#nhl#hockey blurb#nhl imagine#ice hockey#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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Rigged {E.Pettersson}
Requested yes/no
Authors Note: It has been a bit since I’ve actually written oh gosh this is bad too
“Just make sure she is in bed by at 8:30 at the latest,” your sister instructed wrapping her arms around you once more.
“For sure, have fun sis,” you smiled waving her off. You shut the door after her and turned to your niece. “Are you ready to have fun with Auntie and Uncle P?” you asked crouching down to her level.
“Mhm,” she hummed looking around the foyer. Your sister and brother-in-law had a work event to go to which left you and Elias to babysit for the night. It was always nice having her around the house because it gave you guys something new to do and her and your boyfriend had the best relationship.
“Hey Millie,” Elias whispered peeking around the corner from the living room into the foyer. Millie turned his direction immediately and let out a small giggle as she waved.
“Go say hi Mills,” you encouraged her to leave the front door area and go into the rest of the house. She waddled to Elias and he swung her up into his arms. Her arms squeezed his head into her for a hug.
“What's for dinner?” Elias questioned walking to the living room and sitting on the couch with her.
“Grr cheese,” Millie shouted while watching the game Elias had on the tv.
Elias looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed and then back at the toddler, “What do you want?” She repeated the same thing back to him not breaking her eyes from the scoreless game which caused you to burst out laughing because he still wasn't understanding her order.
“Baby, grilled cheese,” you clarified causing him to start laughing himself.
“Oh good thought I was losing my hearing,” he joked. “I’ll make them. yeah? Let you spend time with her,” he offered getting up.
“Don’t burn them, okay?” you directed taking his spot next to her.
“Yeah, sure,” he responded in an unconvincing tone. He was never confident in his cooking skills but at the same time you weren't either.
“Alright Mills what are we gonna do before we wait for some yummy grr cheeses?” you pondered joining her in watching the game.
After a few moments of debating with the small child on what to do, you two came to an agreement on hide-and-seek. For the next few minutes, you and her ran around the house hiding from each other until dinner was ready.
“They’re done,” Elias emerged from the surprisingly smokeless kitchen. He was met with a seemingly empty room despite Millie peeking around the furniture to try and find you. She had been doing this for the past few minutes without any luck in finding you.
“Uncle P where Auntie?” she loudly whispered to Elias causing you to snicker from behind the couch.
“Auntie? Hm, let’s see,” Elias said picking up some of the couch pillows to humor her. As he was doing so, you waved to him from behind the couch he was “checking”. He smiled at you and just shook his head disapproving of your location. Once he was out of your sight, you heard him loudly whisper “she’s behind the couch.”
“Outrageous,” you whispered loud enough for him to hear. Soon you heard her feet padding over to you. She didn't say anything but peered around the couch and smiled mischievously. “This game is rigged,” you laughed picking her up and kissed her chubby cheeks.
“No, we just a team,” Elias cheered high fiving your niece right in front of your face.
#elias pettersson#vancouver canucks#elias pettersson imagine#nhl#NHL Hockey#NHL Player#nhl players#nhl imagines#hockey#Hockey Players#hockey player#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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Baby Blue Dress {Z. Werenski}
Requested: Y/N
Warnings: nah
"Zach! How does this look?" you asked emerging from your shared walk-in closet. You struck a little pose in the doorway for him to judge while waiting on bed.
"Just as amazing as the last one," he answered glancing at you before returning to the game on TV. It was evident he just wanted you to hurry and finish getting ready so you two could leave.
"I don't know," you murmured admiring yourself in the bathroom mirror. You slimmed down the dress over your tummy and thighs. You twisted and turned until it didn't fit like you wanted it to.
"Let me pick out your outfit," Zach huffed scooting past you and into the closet. He was in there for a few seconds and walked out with a baby blue dress in tow.
The dress had a similar color to the sky but lighter. It had thin spaghetti straps that held it up and displayed the perfect amount of cleavage. The dress fell just above your knees which was perfect for you.
"I haven't wore that in forever." In all honesty, you were surprised you still had that dress. The last time you wore it was before you and Zach started dating which was over two years ago.
"It'll be just like a fresh new look," he smiled handing it to you.
"Zach, I don't know if it'll fit let alone look good. My body has ch-"
"Put it on for me, c'mon," he whispered pecking your lips. "What's the worst that can happen?"
He was right, if anything you'd pick another dress from the many you had hanging up. As Zach padded back to the bedroom, walked into the closet to switch dresses. You peeled the one you had on off and slid the on the one he had picked. The baby blue dress slid on easily and zipped even easier.
"Zach?" You didn't even bother looking in the mirror prior. He diverted his attention to you and a smirk rose to his face. He didn't say anything but his eyes examined every inch of you.
"Beautiful," he muttered as he walked up to you. He pulled your waist into him as his hands found their way to your ass and hip. Your hands found home on the back of his neck to play with his hair. His lips collided with yours and the kisses were soft yet eager.
"Let me look," you managed to say separating yourself from Zach. He reluctantly let go and shifted his weight onto the doorframe that led connected the bathroom and bedroom. You spun around to the mirror and were met with shock. You smoothened the fabric out over your body and did some twists and turns. It fit like a glove. Zach had a proud grin as you admired yourself.
"Can we go now?" Zach asked walking back to the bedroom.
"Yeah, let me put on some lipstick really fast though," you replied shuffling through your mounds of makeup.
"No, don't put any on!" Zach shouted startling you a bit.
"What? Why?"
"Whenever you out lipstick on I can't kiss you because I end up looking with I have a rash," he sassed slipping on a pair of shoes.
You laughed and put down your classic red lipstick. You opted for a tinted lip balm instead. "How's this?"
"I don't know lets see." Zach came up and pressed a firm kiss to your lips. He separated and checked his face in the mirror to reveal no transfer. "Perfect. I don't think I would've been able to keep my hands off of you otherwise," he smirked. You shook your head and turned away laughing only for him to lightly spank your ass.
"What made you pick this dress? Like if all of them, this one?"
"This is what you were wearing the first time I saw you. It hugs you perfectly and it's easy to slip off of I remember." He topped it off with a wink causing you to roll your eyes.
#zach werenski#nhl imagines#nhl player#nhl players#nhl#nhl hockey#hockey players#hockey player#hockey#columbus blue jackets#cbj#hockey imagines#imagines#imagine#zach werenski imagine#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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Karaoke {M. Barzal}
Requested yes/no
Word Count: 812
“I can walk by myself,” you huffed trying to escape your friends grasp as she led you out of the car. Eventually, she let you go and you stumbled on the sidewalk before you got your balance only proving her point.
“Yes, you can walk so well,” she laughed stabilizing you a bit more. You broke out into giggles with her.
“This is a nice neighborhood.” You stood in awe at the houses that lined the street with tiny yards and cars parked along the street as far as the eye could see.
“Oh my god,” your friend huffed leading you to the front door of the home you shared with Mat. She let you walk freely as you giggled over every little trip you had.
“I have one of those too,” you shouted pointing at the wind chime that hung above the porch. The wind chime was left by the previous owners and they were just never taken down. It added a nice touch and character to the home so you didn't mind having them. “One of those too! Whoever lives here has good taste,” you declared admiring your own yard.
“Such good taste,” Mat said stepping outside in his pajamas.
“Mat, what are you doing here? Oh, this is my house! It's so pretty!” you announced running to give him a bear hug.
“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
“No. Just a little bit,” you laughed, resting your head on his chest. He looked to your friend who was shaking her head and gesturing that you had a lot. Mat smiled and thanked her for bringing you back to him in a solid piece.
He walked you inside and locked the door behind him. When he turned around, you were in the process of slipping your dress to the floor and kicking your heel off. Mat couldn't help but laugh at how fast you were undressing.
“Stop laughing at me,” you whined resting your weight on him. You were in only your underwear but you didn't really care.
“Here put this on,” Mat instructed reaching for an NYI hoodie.
“Ew the Islanders? Rangers baby! Whoo,” you yelled prancing around the house like something important just happened.
“You are horrible,” Mat laughed throwing your scattered clothes to the side. “I play for this team and you love me so you should wear it.”
“I'm only putting this on because I'm cold,” you took the sweatshirt from him and slipped it over your head. “I don't even like the Rangers.”
“Yes, I know. How was it tonight?” Mat questioned taking a sip of water.
“It was really fun, a lot of fun actually. We drank a little,” you winked, “and then we danced. Cas met this guy and they were dancing together and stuff. They had a singing competition there too which was really cool,” you recalled some of the girls night out you had.
“You tired?”
“No,” you mumbled. “She wouldn't let me do karaoke, let’s do some,” you smiled. Your mind was everywhere at that point. You weren't ready to settle in for the night and that’s all there was to it.
“I mean,” Mat whispered unsure if it was worth it. You were already in the living room to find the remote you would use as a microphone and to find the speakers. You grabbed all of things you would need and carried it back to your boyfriend.
“Alright you go first,” Mat said connecting his phone to the speakers.
“What song?”
“What's a classic?,” he pondered.
“Oh, I know,” you grabbed his phone and began to type in the song to YouTube. You smirked a clicked the video and got in position. “Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want. So tell me what you want, what you really, really want,” you sang at the top of your lungs.
“I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want. So tell me what you want, what you really, really want,” Mat joined in through the fit of laughs he was in.
You two sang the song together and ended in a fit of laughter unable to breathe. You and him did a couple more dorky songs, singing your hearts out. You picked some newer songs but you also managed to squeeze in some sentimental ones in there too. While you sang, you two danced around the house without a care in the world. Tipsy or not you two always had a blast together.
“Are you tired now?” Mat asked as you rested your head on a couch pillow. You didn't say anything but you nodded your head and snuggled into the sweatshirt. You felt the couch dip down by your head and then a hand ran through your hair. Mat played with your hair for a few minutes before his head was resting by yours.
#mat barzal imagine#mathew barzal#mat barzal#nyislanders#nyi#nhl imagine#nhl#nhl imagines#nhl player#nhl blurb#hockey blurb#hockey#hockey imagines#hockey imagine#nhl hockey#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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My Girl {A. Burakovsky}
Requested: yes/no
anon - 2. With Burky? Thx!!
Word Count: 1.2k
You and your best friend were spending time together at your house while Andre went out with some guys from the team. You figured while Andre went out you could spend some time with someone at the house. It was tradition to watch movies in one of your living rooms and there would be a bunch of snacks like popcorn and candies. This time you guys decided make it a little more comfy and fun. You both pushed the couches against the wall and moved the coffee table along with them. You spread out a duvet across the floor and grabbed a bunch of blankets and pillows to lay with. You began to put in Beauty and the Beast while your friend was grabbing snacks and drinks from the kitchen. Once everything was set up you both got comfy in the masses of blankets and pillows, turned the lights off, and started the movie.
About an hour into the movie, your cell phone buzzed against your leg. In an attempt to not disturb the movie, you hid your phone in the blankets and you saw that it was Tom. You assumed it was nothing more than Andre and the guys messing around while they were out.
“Who was that?” your friend asked not moving her eyes from the musical scene on the TV.
“Oh it was just the guys,” you responded, directing your attention to the movie singing along.
After a few more minutes your phone vibrated again and again it was Tom and again you brushed it off and continued watching the movie. When your phone buzzed for the third time your friend paused the movie and turned to you giving you a look.
“Answer your damn phone,” she said popping some popcorn in her mouth.
You sighed due to her sass and picked up your phone to reveal Tom’s contact.
“Hello?” you answered only for your ears to be met with utter chaos on the other end. You heard loud music and some yelling from what you could make out to be Jakub, Andre, Ovi, and Oshie but there were probably three or four other voices you couldn’t fully make out. Your eyes darted over to your friend conveying the “what the fuck is going on look”.
“Hey Y/N. So we are coming back to your place in like 10 minutes and when we get there have the first aid kit ready. Okay? Okay bye,” Tom briefly explained and with that he hung up.
“What’s going on?” Y/B/F asked raising her eyebrows in confusing.
“I have to grab the first aid kit and wait,” you chuckled nervously getting up to go do as you were asked.
“Where the hell are they? I’m getting really worried and I don’t even have a guy out there to really worry about. I’m more worried about you,” she explained gesturing to you while you were clutching on to a pillow and pulling it into your chest. You were nervous for what could be potentially coming through your door at any second and mad because Tom hung up on you with no explanation of why you needed what you did while there was yelling in the background.
The sound of the front door opening and chatter and footsteps of the guys. You shot up from the spot you were once in and ran into the kitchen where the guys had migrated.
“WHAT THE HELL WILSON?” you yelled when the guys came into your view. Your eyes shot from Tom to Ovi then to Oshie all who had guilty smeared across each face. You could see the top of Andres hair moving around behind them and hear the sound of Holtby’s voice.
The three shuffled out of the way allowing you to see Andre shouting at Braden and Braden trying to calm him down. Andre turned just enough to reveal a swollen eye and a cut on his cheek and a few blood drips on this shirt. Your jaw actually dropped as you turned back to Tom.
“I gave you guys one job,” you turned to Tom and the others.
“Ask him what happened,” Ovi retorted trying to push the blame.
“I was in the bathroom when it happened,” T.J. added avoiding getting pulled into your wrath.
“I tried to stop him but yeah ask him what happened,” Tom said looking at Andre trying to free himself from Braden.
“Okay so I was getting a drink right and this guy saw me and he claimed he knew your or something-,”
“He knew of you probably because he recognized Andre,” Tom clarified Andre’s rushed angered story.
“Yeah, well he started saying a bunch of stuff about your butt and boobs and then how it must feel to be with you and was being incredibly disrespectful,” Andre explained his accent growing thicker as he did.
“So you fought him?” you questioned leaning against the counter waiting for a response.
“Yep,” Braden answered since Andre wasn’t going to. Andre knew you were pissed, probably before he even step foot back home. You hated when he fought even though he was super attractive when he did. You feared something really bad was gonna happen and it wasn’t going to be pretty.
“Alright let’s leave these two to hash it out in here because I kinda sorta wanna finish the disney movie in the living room,” your friend said trying to get you and Andre alone to talk. She could tell you just wanted it to be you and him and she took action. That’s why she number one.
Once everyone left you turned to Andre and looked at the damage done to his face. It wasn’t too bad but it wasn’t prefered either.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t like the way he spoke of you because you’re much more than what he was saying. I didn’t mean to get all banged up and have you home worried. You’re my girl and I wanted to make sure that people knew that,” Andre whispered as you began to clean his face up.
“It’s fine. I am glad you’ll stick up for me like that. I was really mad that I was told to get the first aid kit without any other detail,” you smiled trying to take the bulk of what he did away. Andre being the way he is will carry this burden for a while and beat himself up over it which is something you didn’t want.
He pulled up a stool and set it by the place on the island you had everything spread out on. He took a seat allowing you to reach his face better. You stood between his legs and his hands found their way to your hips. You put a little pressure on his cut the stop the bleeding causing him to grunt and almost pull away.
“I know it hurts,” you whispered with a sorry smile. When you finished, he remained on the stool while you cleaned up the mess you had made. As you walked past him, his hand caught yours and he pulled you into him. He wrapped you in a warm hug, the kind that feel like home.
“Please don’t have Tom call me with a situation like this again. Send Ovi or something because I may not understand it all at first but I’ll figure it out and get more information,” you joked resting your head on his shoulder as he chuckled.
#andre burakovsky imagine#andre burakovsky#tom wilson#tj oshie#ovi#alexander ovechkin#braden holtby#Washington Capitals imagine#washington capitals#stanley cup champions#hockey blurb#hockey#hockey imagines#nhl blurb#nhl#nhl imagines#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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Dancing Drunk {A. Matthews}
Requested: yes/no
anon: 57&71 with auston!
Word Count: 914
“Y/N I’m on my way back now with him,” Mitch said over the phone. Auston, Mitch, and some of the other team members had gone out to a team dinner and, thankfully, Mitch was driving Auston back home. The guys planned this dinner for it to be just them so ultimately you were left at home by yourself. You didn't mind being alone as long as he was coming home in one piece.
“Okay, cool! Tha-” you began but were soon interrupted.
“Hi baby,” Auston slurred into the phone. You heard him try to grab the phone from the Canadian but couldn't quite get it.
“Hi honey,” you cooed hearing Mitch tell him to put his seat belt back on and murmur something about having to have the phone on speaker. You could tell Auston was giving him a hard time tonight and you couldn't imagine what the other guys had to deal with either.
“See you soon,” Mitch rushed before Auston could interrupt again and hung up the phone. You felt bad for Mitch having to deal with the giggly giant but at the same time they could have stopped him at any time. You were just happy Mitch was doing this for you so you didn't have to leave the house to go and pick him up.
You decided to sit out on the porch and wait for them to come. It was half past 8 so the weather was very nice, not too hot or crazy cold. You took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the window and pulled out your phone. While you were scrolling through your Instagram and replying to some comments, you heard a car pull into your driveway next to your car. Automatically knowing who it was, you got up from your seat and went to them. Before Mitch fully parked the car, Auston was already trying to get out to get to you
“Auston, don't d-”
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” Auston yelled cutting Mitch off and surely disturbing some neighbors in their homes. You heard Marner sigh, probably discussing that phrase while they were in the car and how Auston shouldn’t say it. He quickly stumbled towards you and engulfed you into a big bear hug. While he did so, he put almost all of his weight onto you causing you both to almost fall.
“Auston, don't kill her please,” Mitch whined trying to stabilize him against the wall. Auston’s eyes did not leave you as he let out an occasional giggle.
“Hi baby,” you said to him as he inspected every inch of your body. Mitch stared at him in amusement because he had to deal with all of shenanigans in the car and now he gets to share them with you.
“You sure you can take care of him tonight?” Mitch questioned as Auston pulled you into him again.
“Yeah,” you said a bit unsure of yourself.
“Let’s go inside,” Auston slurred trying to pull you towards the door.
“Go,” Mitch laughed as you failed to fight Auston’s strength.
“Thanks again, Mitch,” you shouted as he made his way to his car. He gave a nonverbal “you're welcome” and before you knew it you were pulled inside. When you got inside, Auston was already making his way upstairs. He was holding onto the banister but it still worried you because one wrong step and he was coming right back down, hard.
“Be careful,” you yelled to him as you hurried to lock the door and turned off the lights knowing there was no way in hell you were going to make it back downstair with the state he was in. By the time you reached him in your shared bedroom he was stripping down to his underwear and dancing to no music. You couldn't help but laugh as he threw his clothes around the room to an imaginary beat.
“Dance with me babe,” he commanded taking your hands and pulling you with him around the room. Every few steps he would stumble and giggle but carried on like it was nothing.
After about 10 minutes of practically being thrown around the room, he let you go and he plopped down on the bed. You made your way to the closet to change into some pajamas. You grabbed one of his oversized t shirts and made your way back into the room. Auston was still where you left him but this time he was staring at you, watching your every move.
You peeled your pants from your legs and then your shirt earning oos and ahs from your heavily intoxicated boyfriend.
“Strip, strip, strip,” he jokingly chanted from the bed causing you to bend over laughing.
“You need sleep,” you informed him still laughing over his chant. He scoffed at you but soon broke into a fit of laughter unable to keep a serious face you did too. You unhooked your bra throwing it in his direction earning more sounds of intrigue from him. You slipped on his shirt and made your way to the bed.
“Come here,” he whispered pulling you onto his chest. His movements were much gentler than early which was a pleasant surprise.
“I love you,” you cooed lifting your head to kiss his lips. He smelled of alcohol but you didn't mind it anymore.
“I love you more,” he challenged giving you a light squeeze. Auston was asleep within minutes and filled the room with snores.
#auston matthews#Auston matthews imagine#toronto maple leafs imagine#toronto maple leafs#mitch marner#nhl#nhl imagines#nhl blurb#nhl imagine#hockey blurb#hockey imagines#hockey#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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My Forever {T. Seguin}
Requested: yes/no
anon: 49 Tyler Seguin
Word Count: 844
“I know, you miss him,” you said to your son as he whined for his dad. Tyler was on his way back from a long road trip that spanned a bit over a week and you were left home with your son [name]. He was only 2 years old and was a spitting image of Tyler. The shared the same nose and adorable smile that you loved.
You were in the midst of cleaning the house for his return. It always felt better coming home to a clean home after a trip so you thought that you would give him that privilege. You had already vacuumed practically the whole house, washed clothes and dishes, and now you were in the process of dusting the furniture in the living room. [name] was usually glued to Tyler’s side but due to his absence it was you. You really missed Tyler being there to help you take care of him because let’s be honest, parenting a 2 year old is exhausting. He has so much energy and wants to go go go. You’ll both get tired out, he will nap while you try to clean up, and then he’s back at it.
“Are you excited to see daddy?” you asked [name] as he sat on the floor plating with his blocks.
“Yes!” he squealed with a big smile. Those two had the best bond you had ever seen and it was heartwarming. A few minutes later, you heard your phone ring.
“Mommy, daddy,” you heard him shout staring at your phone. You walked over and saw in fact it was Tyler calling you.
“Hey baby,” you answered putting it on speaker and continued wiping things down.
“Hey, I just wanted to call and let you know that I just landed,” he spoke with the chatter of the airport in the background.
“Dadda! Dadda,” [name] ran up to your phone giggling when he heard Ty.
“Hey bubba,” Tyler said laughing at his son’s enthusiasm. You could tell by his voice he had a huge smile on his face. He hated being away for the two of you for longer than two days.
“You being good for mom?” he asked.
“Ya,” he smiled looking at you to make sure he was right and then back at the phone which sat on the couch.
“Good, good. I’ll see you soon bud okay?” Tyler spoke to your son.
“Ok, bye dada!” he shouted into the phone surely hurting Tyler’s ear.
“Alright bye you two,” he said with a small laugh knowing you were listening in. You grabbed your phone after the call had ended and shoved it into your back pocket.
“Want lunch?” you questioned picking up [name]. He nodded and rested his head against your cheek as you both made your way to the kitchen. You decided to make you both some sandwiches with a side of grapes. You made his first, cutting his sandwich into squares and put it in front of him.
“Daddy should be home any minute now buddy,” you said to [name] as you handed him a block. After lunch, you both decided to play with his blocks on the living room floor. You were in the middle of helping him build a house which kept falling down. Just as the last block was placed, you heard the door being unlocked and you jumped up and ran to it.
“You're home!” you exclaimed jumping into his arms. His arms wrapped around you and he picked you up letting you wrap your legs around him while your arms found their place around his neck. He placed a kiss your lips as your son came running to him yelling just like you did. Tyler put you down to pick up [name]. They both had the biggest smiles while they did their welcome home routine of hugs and kisses.
“He’s in bed,” Tyler informed you as he sat next you on the couch. His hands found their way to your side as he kissed you. You missed his kisses and his touch in general. You didn't realize what a toll this trip took on you until he was back and in the groove of things. You pulled him into your chest as you rolled onto your back.
“I missed you,” he whispered nuzzling his head into you as his hands draw patterns on your sides.
“I missed you too. I missed your cuddles and kisses and help,” you informed him as you rubbed your hands through his hair.
“I’m never letting you go,” he mumbled into you as his eyes closed. You continued to rub his head and cuddle. He continued to draw patterns into your hips but he eventually stopped. When you noticed, you look at his face to find him sound asleep. You smiled to yourself knowing that this was the man you got to spend the rest of your life with. This was the man you were raising a family with and he was damn good at it. He was yours and you were his.
#tyler seguin#tyler seguin imagine#dallas stars#nhl imagines#nhl blurb#nhl#hockey blurb#hockey imagines#hockey#imagine#blurbs#dallas stars imagine#tyler#seguin#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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Our Shirt {A. Burakovsky}
Requested: yes/no
anon: 26 and 57 with Andre Burakovsky?
Word Count: 867
The curtains covered the large windows that border the room yet the morning sun still peeked through. The light from outside was minimal yet lit up the room comfortably, just enough to see everything but not enough to disturb Andre who was beside you sleeping. You admired the walls that enclosed you while you mustered up the will peel yourself from the bed. The beige walls were covered in frames that held pictures and memories from the past couple years. One held a picture of you and Andre at the ice rink messing around with the team and shooting pucks while another held the picture you two took in Sweden on vacation to visit his family. You smiled to yourself replaying the memories as if they were only yesterday.
The room was quiet only filled with soft snores from next to you. You smiled and turned to your side, admiring the sleeping figure. Andre was on his side facing you, his head pressed deeply into the pillows with his mouth parted slightly where the snores were escaping. His hair was longer than usual which allowed his hair to curl more. He had the blanket bunched under his arm not leaving you with very much but you didn't need much. It was safe to say that you were more than content with your life. You got to spend your days with the sweetest person alive. He was kind and attentive. He made sure were as comfortable possible at all times and did everything in his power to make you happy. You wouldn't think of spending your life with anyone else in the world.
You decided to finally get up at get your day started after being up for almost an hour. You had no specific plans for the day but Andre was sure to think of something that would force you two out of the house. You grabbed one of Andre’s shirts the was draped over the edge of the bed and slipped it over your bare body. The shirt was long enough to cover your bottom but still allow some to peek through just how Andre liked it. You also picked out a pair of light blue fuzzy socks and slid them on as well. You looked back at your boyfriend and smiled as he was still sound asleep under the covers.
You tiptoed through the halls and into the kitchen. You pulled a glass from the cabinet and filled it with some juice as you decided how to occupy yourself until Andre woke up. It was still fairly early so you poured yourself a bowl of cereal and scrolled through Instagram and Twitter while you are. You figured you could surprise him with some breakfast, pancakes specifically. You pulled out everything you needed, spreading the ingredients across the counter. You decided to play some music from your phone while you cooked breakfast. You pulled up your favorite Spotify playlist, hit play, and began to mix all of the ingredients into a thick batter. You prepped the stove and began to pour the batter in when you felt a pair of hands find their way to your hips. You smiled immediately knowing how it was. He placed a kiss on your peeking shoulder and stepped back leaning on the island behind you to avoid an issues with the lit stove.
“Good morning,” you whispered turning and giving him a kiss. “Morning beautiful,” he replied with his accent heavy. He was in the fridge to grab some juice for himself while you flipped the pancake. You both occupied the kitchen in a comfortable non talking environment as your music played.
You put the cooked pancake on the plate and placed it in front of him. He was leaning on the counter, his head in his hand, and was just watching you. He looked like he was watching the most beautiful thing in the world, in his mind he was.
“Thank you baby,” he smiled grabbing the syrup off the counter. You smiled taking the seat to his left. He quickly prepared his food and began to shovel it into his mouth.
“Good?” you laughed as he finally stopped to chew what he was eating nodding quickly. When he looked at you, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and then he chuckled.
“Is that my shirt?” he smiled watching your lips curl into a smile.
“No, it's our shirt,” you informed with emphasis. Andre shook his head at you laughing and finishing the last bite of his breakfast.
He took his plate and rinsed it off in the sink and set it to the side. He made his way back to you and engulfed you in a warm hug. He tried to place a kiss on your lips but you dodged it breaking free from him and running away from him. You two always played like this, if one wants something they had to work for it. Andre laughed and darted after you, easily catching you. “Kiss me,” he whined lifting you off the ground. You knew winning want an option so you did as he wished. He lips were soft, sticky, yet sweet. Just as sweet as he was
#andre burakovsky imagine#andre burakovsky#hockey blurb#hockey#hockey imagines#nhl#nhl imagines#nhl imagine#nhl blurb#Washington Capitals imagine#washington capitals#imagine#blurbs#stanley cup champions#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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Why Wait? {A. Kempe}
Requested: yes/no
anon: Can request an imagine with the prompt “When you smile, I fall apart.” and with Adrian Kempe please?
Word Count: 1.2k
“Dinner was lovely, thank you,” you whispered to Adrian as you wrapped your hand around his arm. He had just taken you out to an expensive dinner for your date night. You two tried to do date nights as much as possible due to you not having the luxury of him being home like most couples do.
Recently, he had been spoiling you more than usual. Yeah, you were used to little gifts here and there but he had been going all out the past few days. One day he came home with your favorite flowers for you which are at home on the kitchen island in a beautiful vase. Another day, he took you out for lunch after one of his practices at a fairly pricey diner. Yesterday he took you out shopping and anything you liked in the slightest was in his hands to be bought. No matter how much you fought that you didn't need it or that it's was too expensive, it didn't work and he bought it.
“Anytime baby,” he smiled as he kissed your forehead.
You guys decided to stroll around the park across from the restaurant to burn some time being that it was still kind of early. It was a nice evening, warm but not too hot and there was a cool breeze. You had on a pair of pants that were rolled up just above your ankle and baby blue tank top that Andrian bought the day prior with a pair of sandals. The sun was starting to set causing the sky to turn a burnt orange color.
“It’s nice out here, huh?” Adrian said as his arm found it's was to your waist as you nodded admiring your surroundings. You looked up at him and he just looked off. The whole night noticed that he was fidgeting more than usual and was biting his bottom lip more often. One of his hands was almost always in his right pocket playing with something and he kept you to his left side.
“Hey, lets go over there,” you pointed to the pond across the way. He following where you were pointing and a grin was soon painted across his face.
“Yeah, let’s go,” he responded starting to pull you there with the grin still plastered on his face. When you reached the pond you two sat on the benches and watched the waves move with the breeze. You had expected the park to be busy or loud considering it was by a couple restaurants that families frequented but it was quiet to your surprise.
“Just think in a few months we will have been together for three years,” Adrian said breaking the comfortable silence you had been sitting in.
“That’s crazy,” you whispered thinking back on the past few years with him.
“Remember when you bumped into me in that cafe?” he asked reminiscing just as you were. You nodded laughing and recounting the memory. You were living in Sweden for work and a few friends were visiting you and you all decided to grab some coffee at a local cafe. It was a bit cramped and people would occasionally bump into others, just as you and Adrian had. You frantically apologized as he did the same and you ended up making small talk with him while you both were waiting for your drinks.
“Or our first kiss?” You laughed as he turned a bright shade of pink. It was a cute moment. You two had just wrapped up a date and were on the way back to your home for him to drop you off. As you were walking up to your porch, you heard a small shout from behind you and the sound of shuffling. You turned around to see Adrian laughing, his face turning a bright shade of read. There was a moth and it flew into his face, startling him. After it was gone, he made his way over to you and hugged you as you thanked him for the night. He leaned down to kiss you and you met him in the middle on your tippy toes. You remember his lips being soft and sweet and then you were twirled around and he started laughing into the kiss causing you to laugh a little as well. It was the moth bothering him again.
“Stupid moth,” he smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “When you moved in was pretty cool to yeah?”
“Did anything crazy happen?” you questioned, wondering if there was a part you were missing.
“No I just liked it,” he admitted, “It was nice having you around. I loved being able to wake up and fall asleep next to you, you know?”
“Yeah,” you replied recounting how much your life has changed.
“I love you a lot, you know that?” he informed you standing up and stretching out his arms and legs while you still sat on the bench.
“Wow, really? I couldn't tell from the past couple years,” you quipped making you both chuckle.
“You are so understanding about hockey and everything else I do. You are so caring and gentle with people but know how to stand your ground when needed. I love being able to spend time with you and teach you things like Swedish and hockey. I love seeing you laugh and smile. When you smile, I fall apart,” he admitted swaying in front of you causing you to smile and become slightly teary eyed.
“A-” you began but was interrupted.
“Wait, wait, I’m not done. Your gorgeous, like, out of my league. Crazy gorgeous! I am so thankful I bumped into you in that cafe in Sweden. I am so thankful that you actually made conversation with me and that you let me take you out for dinner. I, honestly, don't know where I would be without you. You drive me crazy in the best ways. Especially when you wear jerseys with my last name on it. You know what would drive me even more crazy?” he questioned.
“Hm,” you hummed raising an eyebrow standing up just as he was.
“If that was our last name,” he beamed dropping down on one knee and pulled out a small navy blue box. He pried it open to reveal a beautiful rings that sparkled elegantly in the remaining sunlight. “So what do you say, let’s make that last name ours? Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
It all happened so fast, too fast for you to be able to form proper words. You nodded tears streaming quickly down your cheeks. He began to rise from the floor when you practically tackled him in a hug. You didn't care about the ring as much as you cared that Adrian was going to be your husband in the near future. You felt a few tears that were not your own on your shoulder as he pulled you in even tighter. He pulled away a little to slip the ring on your finger with a smile. You placed a loving kiss to his lips, sweeter than usual.
“Jag älskar dig,” you whispered intertwining your fingers with his.
“Jag älskar dig,” he replied grinning from ear to ear. “I know we have only been together for a few years but I know you're the one so why wait?” You smiled into his chest knowing you felt the exact same way.
#adrian kempe#adrian kempe imagine#los angeles kings#la kings#hockey blurb#hockey imagine#hockey imagines#hockey#nhl#nhl imagines#nhl imagine#nhl blurb#swedish#sweden#hockey players#hockey player#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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Stitches {A. Matthews}
Requested: yes/no
okay this post was a disaster so i deleted it bc of some sweet souls who brought it to my attention so let me try again
Word Count: 1.2k
“I can’t keep doing this,” you screamed at your boyfriend. Tonight marked the fifth time this week alone he came in stumbling, smelling of vodka and god know what else. Tonight was the night you finally broke, tired of waiting in the kitchen for a call you knew deep inside you weren’t going to get, that he was on his way back safe and sound. The stress was eating you alive every single night and to think of what you gave up for him, for this lifestyle, was just as bad. You used to live close to family, not far away from where you grew up. You had a stable job and steady income with familiar faces everywhere you went. Toronto didn’t have that. Yeah, after being here for a while you met some people but it wasn’t the same.
“Then run off with Auston or whatever his name is because you can’t keep his name out of your mouth” he slurred screaming back at you. He really don’t care about the relationship, let alone you.
“Are serious right now? Just because I see him at work every few days doesn’t mean anything, you’re crazy,” you said in disbelief that he would even bring it up. You had gotten a job at the local cafe and Auston and the team came after practices quite often for some food.
“Yeah okay,” he taunted walking towards you getting in your face and shoving you. You stumbled back into the kitchen counter, not only from the impact but the shock that he would even put his hands on you in that way. You knew he was drunk and his judgement was about as good as a small child but that still gave him no right. He sauntered towards you in an attempt to corner you.
“Fuck you,” you growled shoving him off of you in retaliation. His fist collided with your face gutting your nose and chin. He punched you only a few times but hard. Blood was dripping from your nose down your face and onto your clothes but that was the last thing you were worried about. You managed to get away and ran to the other side of the kitchen trying to figure out what to do next. You didn’t have your phone to call for help and you weren’t going to leave him alone in your home and let him win.
“See what happens when you don’t play nice like the little lady you are,” his voice grew quiet and condescending.
“Get out,” you yelled hoping a neighbor would hear you and check in or that he would just leave.
“I don’t think so princess.”
“Get the fuck out,” you demanded this time grabbing ahold of a kitchen knife and pointing it towards him.
“Yes ma’am,” he gave in and made his way but not before swiping everything off the kitchen island, which included glass, to the floor shattering it. With that he shut the door, leaving you with the mess he created.
Blood was still running from your face and was in splatters across the floor, your face by now was probably swollen, and glass was everywhere on the floor. You just stood there admiring what you were left to clean up unsure of what to do next.
You figured to start with picking up the large chunk of glass on the floor carefully tiptoeing around the room.
“Auston,” you whispered to yourself remembering he had given you his number if you needed anything since you were new to the city. You quickly grabbed your phone from you purse and dialed him.
“Hello?” he picked up after a few rings.
“Hey Auston, its Y/ N. Um, I was wondering if you could come over I could use some help,” you explained giving him as little information as you could to not worry him.
“Uh yeah, yeah, just text me your address and I’ll hurry over,” he replied with a sense of urgency. Maybe he picked up on how you were swallowing back tears and fear or the way your voice shook as you spoke.
“Holy shit, who did this?” he said as you guided him to the kitchen.
“Uh, soon to be ex boyfriend,” you said pulling a wet cloth to your face to try and help with the swelling.
“Are you okay? Did he hit you?” Auston questioned frantically as he took closer note of your face.
You nodded as he approached you. “Oo watch for glass I tried to vacuum up as much as I could,” you warned, him clearly ignoring it.
“I think you need to go to the hospital,” he said lifting your face with his finger.
“Oh no I’m fine,” you tried assuring him it ultimately failed.
“No I think you might need stitches,” he informed you, “you’re still bleeding more than you should. Did he have a ring on?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted,” Probably.”
“Whatever he had cut you pretty bad,” he sighed guiding you towards your front door.
“See I told you you needed them,” Auston teased walking back to his car. You had to get a couple stitches under your eye. The doctor explained you had come extremely close to breaking your nose but thankfully didn’t.
“Thank you for taking me I really appreciate it,” you expressed as you clicked your seatbelt.
“Are you sure want to go back being that he has a key?” Auston asked as he started his car.
“Yeah, I don’t really have another place to go,” you sighed wondering if your boyfriend was at home already or out with whoever he is usually with.
“You could come stay with me and some of the other guys from the team,” he offered.
“Oh no I don’t want to intrude or anything being that they’re there,” you fought.
“Well, I can’t let you go back there,” he stated. “You can either come stay with me and the guys or I’m grabbing you a hotel room. I don’t want to risk him being there or coming back and this getting worse than it is.”
“Auston, I appreciate it, I really do, but I can’t. You shouldn’t be wasting you money on me and, again, I don’t want to intrude,” you stated. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, putting the phone on speaker for you to listen.
“Is it okay if I tell them,” Auston asked and you nodded. You were still unaware of who he was calling but it was probably on of his teammates. You figured why hide it because they’ll see you at work eventually.
“Hey man! What up? Everything okay?” Mitch answered.
“Put me on speaker with the guys,” Mitch obeyed. “Would you mind if Y/N spent the night with us? Her soon to be ex I guess got into a heated argument with her and hit her. We are currently in the hospital parking lot because she had to get stitches and almost broke her nose,” Auston informed them.
“Are you fucking serious?” a voice emerged from the background.
“Bring her over, everyone is so pissed, oh god,” Mitch said into the phone over the profanities. ”She can stay as long as she needs until we get this figured out because she can’t go back.”
“Alright, on our way,” Auston said and hung up. “I told you so.”
“I really really appreciate it but cool it. I make your food after practice, don’t forget,” you playfully warned him as he drove off.
#Auston matthews imagine#auston matthews#nhl blurb#nhl imagine#nhl player#nhl imagines#nhl#hockey imagines#hockey#hockey blurb#hockey imagine#toronto maple leafs#tml#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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Stitches (part 2) {A. Matthews}
Requested yes/no
Word Count: 2.5k
Authors Note: idk this isn’t my favorite thing i’ve written so i’m sorry if this is not good
[part 1]
The car ride with Auston was very peaceful, something you really needed. There was no tension about anything that had just happened. There was almost no sign anything had happened other than your blood stained clothes and the stitches under your eye on your cheek. Most of the car ride to their place was filled with small talk and dancing around to songs on the radio.
“And we are here,” Auston announced pulling up the driveway. “Oh look, there's Mitch.”
“Aw, he looks like a stressed out mom,” you chirped earning a laugh from Auston. Mitch was blocking the walkway to the front door by pacing with his arms crossed. When he noticed you pulling up, a wave of relief blew over his face.
“Hey Mitchy,” Auston jokingly cooed getting out of his car and you doing the same.
“Yeah! Hey Mitchy,” you laughed giving him a quick hug. Maybe if you seems cheerful it would calm everyone’s nerves.
“Holy shit,” he whispered taking in your ruined clothes, stitches, and swollen face. “She still has a smile on her face.”
“I try,” you smiled. Mitch and Auston led you into the house, which was jaw dropping. You slipped off your shoes and set them by the door and continued into the living room.
The living room consisted of Kasperi, William, Morgan, and Frederik. They were all sitting in silence, nobody was talking or anything. When you walked in Mo noticed you first. He jumped up from the couch catching the attention of the rest of them and hurried over to you engulfing you in a hug. Mo always noticed when something was up with you at work and would always check in similarly to how Mitch would so it was no surprise he was a nervous wreck. Kap, Will, and Freddie followed giving you quick hugs and not making much eye contact and seemed very stiff. The whole room became thick with awkwardness as they all spread across the house. It was as if they were forced to greet you.
“Are they okay?” you quietly asked Auston as he returned to the room with a water for you.
“I mean with what happened tonight, no. None of us are,” Mitch chimed in. “They're all really pissed and I don't think know how to handle it.”
“Yeah, yeah, okay,” you replied unsure of how to relieve the stress and relax everyone.
“You need clothes,” Auston remembered and was just about to run down the hallway when the troubled trio returned with various outfits.
“Okay so you can have Mitch’s basketball shorts with a random t-shirt,” Will announced examining the shirt unsure of who it belonged to.
“Mitch’s sweats and one of my oddly large tanks,” Freddie laughed realizing how big his shirt was compared to you.
“And then there's another pair of basketball shorts of Mitch’s and a sweatshirt of mine,” Kappy displayed for you.
“Why are they all my pants?” Mitch whined to the guys.
“You have small waist,” you chimed in a random accent. “We have smaller waists than they do,” you corrected after seeing his expression and hearing the guys begin to cackle.
“You're not a big boy Mitch,” Auston laughed causing you to have giggle along with them.
“You guys are jerks,” Mitch shouted pretending to be mad but ultimately laughing. After laughing for a bit and messing around, you became suddenly exhausted.
“Holy shit! It’s already two,” Mo said in disbelief looking at the clock.
“I can believe it,” whispered Frederik while you yawned.
“Here let me go grab my stuff so you can sleep in my room since we don't really have a guest room,” Auston said.
“Oh no, it’s fine. I can just sleep on the couch,” you retorted gesturing back to the living room and taking the clothes Kappy offered.
“You're the guest you should at least get a bed,” he fought.
“Alright while you guys hash it out, I'm going to bed,” Willy announced and the rest mumbled in agreement allowing the fatigue to settle in. All of the goodnights and sweet dreams were exchanged and the boys trotted off to their rooms.
“I'll go change and then make myself comfy on the couch,” you smiled picking up a pile of clothes that was left that included the sweatshirt. “Bathroom?”
“Down the hall and it's your last room on the right. Don't take that sweatshirt,” Auston informed you as he walked to the hall closet and pulled out a familiar blue colored sweatshirt with a 34 on the back. “This one is better.”
“What I have is always better,” he smirked walking off to his room.
You striped your clothes off and slipped on the cleaner ones you were provided. You took a minute to finally look at yourself in the mirror Your face was still slightly swollen but not as bad as it was originally. The stitches looked gnarly against your soft skin, similar to the bruises that had formed. No wonder the guys had a hard time looking at you, you couldn't look into your own eyes without seeing the damage. You folded your clothes and brought them out to where your shoes were and placed them beside them. You then sat on the couch and pulled out your phone.
Hey girl! I won't be able to come into work for about a week, maybe longer, it just depends. Something extremely important came up. Call me if you need me.
Your boss was cool and you were sure she would understand. You had always been a loyal employee so she gave you a lot of leeway. Auston walked into the living room with his arms overflowing with pillows and blankets causing you to giggle because he probably couldn't stand to do two trips.
“Aww, how kind of you to bring me blankets and pillows,” you cooed going to grab some of what he was carrying.
“Haha funny, you're sleeping in my bed still,” Austin sarcastically spoke throwing everything on the couch. The bickering continued just as it did with the other boys.
The morning sun is awful, horrible, extremely unpleasant, and all other similar adjectives. You snuggled your face further into the clump of blankets our we're cuddling. As you repositioned yourself you realized how the couch was way more comfortable than you remembered. You opened your eyes a little wider to reveal you were not where you thought you were.
“That beautiful little shit,” you whispered to yourself trying to wipe the sleepiness from your face avoiding the stitches. You sat for a minute admiring his room. It was clean, too clean for a boy especially a hockey boy. Auston probably had one of the guys clean it for you when you were at the hospital.
After sitting there for a few minutes you decided to make your way downstairs to grab some water. You padded down the hallway an passed through the living room. Auston was sound asleep sprawled out on the couch. You smiled to yourself knowing he sacrificed a good nights sleep for you to feel welcome. So sweet.
You continued into the kitchen only to realize you didn't know how the kitchen was organized if at all. You began to open random cabinets in order to find a glass for some water. After a few minutes of searching, you finally came across a glass. You filled it with water and took a seat at the kitchen island.
“Do they even have breakfast stuff?” you pondered out loud quietly to yourself. You opened the fridge and noticed they had a carton of eggs that were still good. You figured as a small thank you it was the least you could do.
“What are you doing?” Auston said as he shuffled into the kitchen. He had the blanket wrapped over his shoulders, his hair was messy, and he only had a pair of shorts on.
“Good morning! I made some breakfast,” you smiled sliding scrambled eggs on a plate.
“You didn't have to,” Austin grumbled, his voice raspy.
“Oh it’s nothing.”
“You just made scrambled eggs for everyone, are you serious? Thank you,” Auston lazily smiled pulling you into a warm hug. You let your face rest on his bare chest for a moment letting his familiar scent engulf you once again.
“Where's your plate?” he questioned throwing his blanket back on the couch.
“Oh I made myself some toast while I was cooking,” you replied rinsing off your hands.
“That's it? You don't want any eggs?”
“Nah I'm okay. I'm going to go get the guys. I don't know what rooms they're in so I'm going to knock on every door.”
“Okay sounds good,” Auston chucked shoveling a forkful of eggs.
“Oh and by the way, did you put me in your bed?”
“Maybe,” he replied with a smile.
I made my way down where the bedrooms were trying to figure out a game plan. You didn't feel like knocking and yelling in each door.
“Guys! Get up! Breakfast is downstairs,” you yelled loud enough to wake all the boys and the neighbors up unless they were dead.
“Oh my god, why are you yelling?” Will shouted back matching your volume and opening the door and leaned on the doorframe.
“Breakfast?” Mo questioned opening his door.
“Yes, I cooked eggs and it's all served downstairs for you guys,” you replied cheerfully. Freddie, Mitch, and Kappy also opened their doors and looked more groggy than ever. Eventually, you pulled all the guys to the kitchen while the food was still warm.
“There's a bit more in the pan too,” you offered as all of them scarfed down their eggs. They all thanked you multiple times and carried on with what they had to do for the day.
“Hey, Aus?”
“Yeah, what's up?” he asked not looking up from his game.
“I was wondering if you could drive me to my place so I can grab some things and maybe grab my car. I want to get out of your hair asap,” you said to him playing with your fingers. You could imagine how he felt about going back in broad daylight while your whatever could be there.
“You serious?” He said pausing his game. He was obviously taken back at your request I go back so soon.
“Yeah, I just want to move through this as fast as possible.”
“If you want to go right now we can. I want to take Freddie though just in case,” he spoke getting up from the love seat.
“You guys don't have to do this. He's not even home,” you tried to keep the large men in the car.
“Just in case he is.” Freddie popped open the passenger side door and stepped out, Auston following. You sighed and stepped out of the car and walked up to the front door. You pulled out your lanyard that held your various keys and opened the door to a silent house.
“Oh look careful there's glass on the floor,” Auston warned but you sauntered straight threw it just as he once did the night earlier.
“Shh,” you cut Auston off and motioned for them to stop moving. “He's sleeping,” you giggle as snores came from your old bedroom.
“Is he a big guy?” Freddie asked listening to him saw logs. You shook your head. Mitchy could easily take this guy so these two have nothing to worry about.
“I want to go grab a jewelry box from in there,” you informed the guys earning crazy looks from them. “It was my grandmother’s and it has a lot of special stuff in there.”
“I'll stay here, you go Matthews,” Freddie said taking a seat on the edge of the couch.
You approached the bedroom door that contained a snoring, probably still, drunk mess. The door was cracked open so you gently pushed it to reveal him in the bed. As you pushed it further and stepped in, you noticed a nude woman in the bed beside him. You turned back to Auston holding back laughter as he peered over to see what you did.
“Her makeup is so fucked up,” you giggled into his chest to muffle it. “I'm not even mad this is too good.” The mystery woman's hair looked like a bird’s nest and her hot pink lipstick was smeared all over her face.
You walked over to the dresser and grabbed the box while Auston stayed at the door. The woman in the bed shifted exposing her breasts causing you to snort and Auston to lose it at the door. Was this really a funny situation? No, more bittersweet but man did it make you laugh. You carried the jewelry box out to where Freddie was and set it on the counter.
“What else do you want?” Aus asked.
“Some clothes maybe?” you asked more to yourself to see if it was even worth it.
“You won't be able to take a whole lot,” Freddie said thinking it through.
“That's where you're wrong sir bodyguard,” you jokingly laughed menacingly as you walked to a nearby close and pulled out a big empty tub. “I'll just load it in my car.”
“Will you be able to get them without him noticing?” Freddie asked still analyzing.
“I'll just wake him,” you stated as if it was nothing.
“No,” they both announced.
“What's he gonna do? He's probably too hungover to think right now and as long as I have this key,” you said pulling it out, “ he's not going to do anything.” Before they could retaliate you darted off to the bedroom and banged your hand on the door a few times. Both of the disasters in the bed shot up and stared at you trying to comprehend the situation.
“Who the fuck are you?” the topless woman yelled, her voice ear piercing.
“I'm the now ex girlfriend coming to get my stuff,” you said to her. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Y/N! Get the fuck out!” your ex yelled from the bed.
“Hey, let her grab her stuff and go. You're lucky she's not pressing charges yet,” Auston warned stepping in the room while Freddie stood alert at the doorway.
“Thanks you guys,” you smiled stepping out of your car.
“Anytime,” Freddie smiled back as he got out of Auston’s car.
“So that was him?” Auston asked in a judgmental tone. You shrugged and laughed it off.
“You want to unload your stuff?” Freddie asked.
You shook your head no. “I'll just leave it in there. I don't want to crowd my stuff in there.”
“Why don't you just move in?” Auston said walking you inside.
“Okay I'm going out in a limb based on what I've learned over the night. You slept on couch so I can have a bed so if I move on someone is going to be out of a bed unless I am sharing or I room with someone,” you explained your observation.
“She's got a point,” Mitch interjected as if he knew the whole conversation. You raised your eyebrow at Aus and laughed.
Your phone buzzed in your jacket pocket. “Give me an address to send whatever shit you left here to. Hope I never have to see you again. xoxo,” you read aloud to everyone who was in the living room.
“We have a post office box thingy to use,” Kappy said looking back at you from the couch.
“I mean since you ARE living here now,” Willy said nudging you and winking.
#auston matthews#Auston matthews imagine#toronto maple leafs#toronto maple leafs imagine#tml#hockey blurb#hockey imagines#hockey#hockey imagine#nhl imagines#nhl#nhl blurb#nhl imagine#nhl player#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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Mystery Man and Possibly Swedish {T. Wilson}
Requested: yes/no
anon: 67 Tom Wilson
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I took this and I ran for the freaking hills and I tried a lil something new with first person soooo
Warnings: cussing and cheating
My fingers met the cold glass of my drink as I brought it to my lips and took a sip. ‘Why am I even here?’ I thought scanning my surroundings. I took note of the orange walls being covered in sports posters and all the people crowding around the bar yelling an having a grand ole time while I sat alone at a table waiting for my boyfriend to return from the bathroom. Out of all the places my boyfriend could’ve taken me, it’s to the bar. It wasn’t a bad bar, it had a lot to offer, just not what I wanted tonight. I would have preferred time at the park or the beach where it was quieter and we can relax.
I picked up my phone to check the time because it felt like an eternity that he was gone. 8:43, he left roughly ten minutes ago. I let out a sigh as I grew flustered that it would take him so long to use the bathroom on a date night he wanted so badly, at the place he begged to go to.”Maybe he ran into someone he knew when he was a kid and decided to talk to them’ I thought trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. I got up and made my way over to an emptier portion of the bar and ordered another drink to hold me over. An elderly man working the bar slid me my drink as I gave him a quick ‘Thank you’ and shuffled through a crowd of people back to my seat.
As I took my original spot I noticed and unfamiliar pair of eyes on me. The guy was seated in a booth across the room. I eyed him down for a minuted to try and see if I by any chance knew him but I couldn't recall. I could tell he was probably very tall and had some scruff growing in. Once my eyes met his, he looked away quickly trying to play it off like he wasn’t paying attention to me. He turned back to the group of people he had come with who seemed to not even notice he wasn’t engaged.
I chuckled to myself over his actions as I scanned the bar for my significant other. Nope, no sign of him. I removed myself from my seat yet again, this time to find my way to the restroom. I was on a mission to hopefully find my boyfriend but I also had to reapply my lipstick that was sure to have been taken my my glass. As I approached the door, I was forced to uncomfortably scooch by a couple snogging against the wall sort blocking the narrow hallway. I tried my best not to look in their direction, avoiding any sort of contact for that matter.
In the bathroom there were clusters of drunk girls laughing and continuing to party in the restrooms. ‘Classy.’ I found an unoccupied mirror and did what I needed to before quickly leaving. The couple had moved a little further down the hallway to where it wasn't as difficult to leave the restrooms. As I turned to make my way down the hall towards them they parted.
“I have to get back to the girlfriend,” the male slurred placing another kiss to the female’s lips.
“Are you sure about that?” she slurred back attempting to push his face into her obviously fake boobs. I knew that face from 100 feet away.
“Oh yeah? Don’t even bother, fuck you,” I shouted loud enough for both and maybe a couple bystanders to hear. His eyes met me and grew wide and his mouth gaped open in disbelief. Before he could say a word, I pushed past the two making my way for the table I was once at.
“Y/N! Come on!” I heard coming from behind me. ‘Don’t look back because you don't want to go back’ I repeated in my head trying to cancel out his voice as the tears ran down my face surely ruining the makeup I applied earlier. When I reached the table, I grabbed my drink and chugged the rest of it before he reached me. I had death in my eyes but it was hidden behind the tears.
“Are you seriously gonna cause a scene right now?” he practically screamed at me. Clearly it was him causing one, not me. I grabbed what I had brought and turned to the doors and hurried away. The fact that he was trying to blame this one me was unreal. He knew exactly what you knew but wasn't going to admit it. As I turned, my eyes caught the man from earlier and his group hurrying towards where I was leaving.
“You know what Y/N, fuck you! We’re done,” he screamed forcing the people at the bar to turn and stare. No one moved except mystery boy’s group still pushing their way to us.
“Oh, really? I couldn't tell by the way you were snogging some bimbo by the bathrooms,” I screamed through the tears. If he was gonna cause a scene, I was going to show him how to do it right. With that I turned and followed my original of exiting. I had to push through the group coming towards me, tears flowing like Niagara Falls down my face and the whole bar with their eyes on me, but at that was the least of my worries.
The second my foot hit the sidewalk outside, yelling erupted in the bar but I kept walking. ‘Whatever is going on in there is not your problem or fight to fight’ I restated until I found myself in the parking lot. I saw a bench by some cars and took a seat. The second I leaned back all my emotions I had tried to hide appeared. Before I knew it I was sobbing into my hands. I tried to keep them as quiet as possible due to the people filing out of the bar already looking at me and I didn't feel like giving them another show. I sat there for a few more minutes letting my emotions pour out of me as they chose before I heard a large group come from the bar yelling. ‘I wonder what that could be about.’
“Where do you think she went?” a voice asked almost in a panic. Murmurs followed but nothing I could pick out but no voices I recognized. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a body come from around the corner and a sigh of relief follow.
“Hi, Y/N?,” mystery boy from inside the bar asked approaching my hesitantly. I could see behind him the others peaking around the corner as if they were told not to follow.
“Uhmh…,” I stalled trying to find my words while giving a slow nod. He gave a compassionate smile as he stood in front of me. I was right about him being tall that’s for sure.
“Tom, Tom Wilson,” he said extending his hand for you to shake. I accepting his hand still dazed as to what was happening.
“Well you know you who I am apparently,” I smiled through the tears that still occasionally fell down my cheeks.
“Yeah,” he smiled shyly staring down at his feet, sort of unsure as what to say next similarly to how I was. “Um, I’m really sorry about what happened in there. If it takes any weight off of your shoulders or whatever, he was punched, a lot, once you walked out, by us,” he informed me gesturing to the group peeking around the corner as I stared behind him.
“Oh, that’s uh nice,” I chuckled looking up at him.
“Dude you sound really creepy right now!” a voice hollered from his group. Tom glared back at him with a wtf face earning a laugh from his goons.
“I saw you watching me from your booth so yeah I kinda agree,” I half joked with him earning another laughs from his boys.
“Yeah well I saw you walk in and I was intrigued. You looked like a very nice, beautiful girl with a douchebag guy. Long story short, I passed him when I went to the bathroom and I saw him hug and start talking to the other girl. I was confused but I thought maybe he knew her and I didn't want to poke my nose into what I didn't feel I needed to. I saw that he hadn’t come back for a bit and I just wanted to make sure he wasn't going to give you any trouble,” he explained making occasional eye contact.
“Aw, thats nice of you. Thank you,” I smiled at him and he nodded as if saying ‘you're welcome’. I turned to his group who was inching around the corner slowly and yelled a thank you as well.
“I wouldn't suggest going back there alone,” he said shoving his hand in his pockets. I scrunched my nose and nodded to what he was saying only imagining what could have happened in there or when I see him again.
“I just saw the asshole get into an Uber,” the boy informed us as he parted from the large group. His hair was curly and he had a foreign accent, possibly Swedish. Tom sighed at his feet and the stranger who brought the message smiled at me and gave a small wave which I returned.
“Do you have a ride home?” Tom asked me.
“I’m not quite sure I have somewhere to go because we lived together,” I laughed at the predicament I somehow managed to be placed in. Never in a million years did I think I would be sitting where I am.
“Fuck,” Tom whispered under his breath yet loud enough for me to catch as he stared at the Swedish boy for an idea of what to do.
“It's fine you guys,” I tried to reassure them grabbing my phone trying to find my Uber app,”I’ll just find a hotel for the night and plan my next move.”
“No, no! You can stay with me and Tom,” the boy said gesturing to Tom who looked just as surprised as I was.
“Yeah! Andre, yeah,” Tom agreed with Andre after he fully comprehended the offer.
“No, you guys. It’s fine really and I don't really know you guys so l-”
“I'm Andre Burakovsky and that’s Tom Wilson. We are hockey players for the Washington Capitals hence the group of other players watching us from around that corner,” he explained gesturing to the group who hadn't moved that were now waving. “Tom is from Canada, I'm from Sweden, and they are from a bunch of other places,” he continued.
“We have an extra bedroom that you are more than welcome to use,” Tom added getting to the point.
I contemplated the the offer and weighed out my options. I could either spend a couple hundred dollars for a last minute room and then have to face everything tomorrow alone or I could spend the night with some hockey players who have been nothing but nice to me and have apparently made sure I was safe all night.
“C’mon,” Andre said nudging me with a smile.
#tom wilson imagine#tom wilson#washington capitals#Washington Capitals imagine#nhl#nhl imagines#nhl blurb#hockey imagines#hockey blurb#hockey#andre burakovsky imagine#andre burakovsky#imagine#blurbs#puckyeahhockey#pyh imagines#pyh imagine
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