#putting these photos together makes me realise it could be the same scene
my-wee-hughie · 3 months
Episode 6 has got me so hyped it's unreal.
It's not too long now until we find out what's happening here
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phanfictioncatalogue · 8 months
Queerplatonic (2) Masterlist
part one
A Day in the QPR of Dan and Phil (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: A day in the life of Dan and Phil, but as if they were in a QPR. So basically lots of fluff and cuddles, and a little bit of discussion about difficulties with coming out and why they're still in the closet
A Familiar Kind of Love (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrayne), INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: Born in a world full of magic, Dan spends his days running an apothecary and curing the sick. Potions and antidotes are his only friends, and he lives a happy life of quiet solitude - until a familiar he never wanted takes it all away. Forced to make a decision that’s life or death for one of them, Dan and Phil have to learn to co-exist together, entering a journey of self-discovery… and a familiar kind of love. Ace/Aro
All You Did Will Be Undone (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: What 2009 phan would have looked like if they were ace and wanted to be in a QPR
best friends forever? that's the plan. (ao3) - toffeelemon
Summary: "So who would you say Dan is to you? Flatmate? Best friend? Or lover?"
Dan wiggled his eyebrows in half irony, curious as to what Phil would reply.
Phil was uncharacteristically serious as he stared straight into the lens.
"He's my everything."
(or, official best friends and Youtube's power couple: Dan and Phil's platonic love story was forced to go public after their leaked wedding photos went viral.)
cupid’s aro (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Dan’s aro and still figuring himself - and his feelings about Phil - out. Short and sweet exploration of my feelings about being aro.
Demiboy (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan is dealing with exploring gender identity and Phil is there to help/be supportive.
Hugging You (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: Asking for a joint gaming channel is basically the same as a marriage proposal, right?
Last Night's Talk (ao3) - Fablethroughthedays
Summary: The night became riddled with anxiety, for Phil who ended up posting a new video. He felt familiar with this feeling. A routine of which anxiety resurfaces whenever he uploads a new video. Fortunately, Phil turned out to not be alone when he suffered this. Dan knew this all too well and got out of his way to help Phil.
Me and You (Are Not Boyfriends) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan and Phil are a lot of things - best friends, flat mates, co-workers - but they aren’t really boyfriends.
not the only one (ao3) - farkenshnoffingottom
Summary: It's not until Dan starts editing the latest Internet Support Group video that he notices how much one of his answers points to Phil. Phil has to decide if he's really ready to start letting the world see the real him.
Pride (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: It's Pride, and Dan is feeling insecure.
QPR by Accident (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: Dan and Phil stumble across the definition of a queerplatonic relationship online, and realise that’s basically what they already are.
Speaking in Color (The Bright Red Crime Scene) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil is a poet. He's never had an experience that he couldn't put in writing. But then he meets the boy who steals his heart and his words in the art studio, rendering him silent and in awe.
the courage of stars (ao3) - outphan
Summary: At Pride, Dan feels out of place.
The Gnomes Know (ao3) - TheDyingRedRose
Summary: A flower shop au, with a relationship that could be seen as friends to lovers, or a QPR
The Spring Sun in your Eyes (ao3) - TheMarginalThinker
Summary: Dan's mind has a funny way of messing with the rest of his body after winter is over, but nothing he or Phil can't cope with. This one happens to leave him a little worser for it is all.
What Winter's Song Brings (ao3) - TheMarginalThinker
Summary: Their kind was ruled by the seasons. Spring and summer belonged to battling for the last soda in the fridge and hiding from the insects that like to fly into the (necessary) open windows.
Fall and winter belonged to another life entirely.
Phil, Dan, Chris and Pj are werelings enjoying the cold season as wolf-y kids do.
When Opposites Attract (ao3) - confettiwrites
Summary: Dan doesn’t do a lot but sit around on his laptop until one night, at a party hosted by Dan’s brother, a guy dressed in oddly creative clothing stumbles into Dan’s room and suggests they go out on an overnight adventure.
you knew every shape of the moon (ao3) - outphan
Summary: Dan is a shy teenager, with no friends and no interest in dating. He likes the stars, but everyone thinks he's weird. That is until his new neighbour introduces himself.
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thranduel · 2 years
will’s art and the d&d party have always been a big part of mike and will’s relationship
i find it so interesting how in the very first season, they make it clear that will is an artist and very passionate about drawing. he draws things that mean a lot to him and gives his artwork to the people he loves most.
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they chose to show mike looking through will’s drawings of their party (and confirmed that mike collects them and has a binder filled with them) after he thought he lost him. they could’ve used anything else, like mike looking through photos of them together or maybe d&d figures they used to play with, but they specifically chose will’s drawings to highlight how important art is and how it’ll play an important part in their relationship later on (like when mike finds out the truth about the painting from season 4 and eventually realises his feelings for will).
season 2
when will is possessed, joyce is telling will how she gave him a box of crayons for his birthday and he drew a big rainbow space ship and she was so proud of him. i still remember when season 2 came out, people immediately knew this was queer subtext (since will was written as queer). i don’t think joyce specifically meant it in that way in the show, will just simply drew a rainbow ship because he had lots of colours, but it was definitely supposed to be a little hint directed towards the audience. it’s also interesting how they specifically chose this memory and then shortly after, mike talks about the day they first met and how asking will to be his friend was the best thing he’s ever done. see how they've used art and mike in the same scene again?
season 3
mike and will have an argument where mike projects a lot and gets defensive. he’s forcing himself to be a certain way (even finn said this in an interview) and trying so hard to be what society considers “normal” (aka straight). society expects boys their age to start talking to girls, and that’s what mike feels like he has to do. will says “you’re ruining our party” (and sometimes when mike and will talk about the party, it’s also code for their own relationship) and he’s clearly upset that his best friend is becoming distant. then mike eventually asks “i mean, what did you think, really? that we were never gonna get girlfriends? that we were just gonna sit around in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?”. then will says “yeah. i guess i did. i really did”, because that’s all he’s wanted. he feels safest when he’s with mike and playing d&d is an escape and distraction from the real world. mike’s basement is basically his second home, and a cute detail that many people missed is when mike saves will in season 2 on halloween night and tells him “i’m gonna get you home, okay?”, he actually takes him to his basement where they talk about going crazy together.
anyways, after their fight in 3x03, will ends up leaving and breaking down because he thinks he’s just lost his safe place, and mike eventually rides his bike in a storm to apologise. then, at the end of season 3 during their last private moment together before will leaves town, mike is concerned when he sees will putting his d&d board in the donations box. he asks “what if you wanna join another party?” (aka “what if you meet other people in your new town and forget about me?”) and will says “not possible”, because he could never move on from the boy he loves most.
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season 4
we see will working on a special painting for mike. as i mentioned above, the last private conversation they had together was about their d&d party and it’s always been incredibly special to both of them. will was thinking of mike while he was away and wanted to give the painting to him as a welcoming gift for when he came to visit. i think he thought about their last conversation a lot and it’s also his way of saying “see? i kept my promise. i could never forget about you”. also, i think it’s important to remember that mike and will have been by each other’s side since they were 4 years old, so being away from each other was so difficult for both of them. they both admitted that they’re afraid of losing each other and things weren’t the same when they were without each other.
in episode 8, will sees that mike is upset and decides to give him the painting. this painting is what makes mike the happiest he looked all season. his face lit up the moment he opened it and you could tell he immediately felt so much better. will then confessed his love for mike and told him that he’s the heart of the party that leads and inspires them all. he also told him that he was so lost without him, that he makes him feel better for being different and that he’ll always need him. this made mike feel so loved and gave him so much strength.
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look at that smile!!!!!!!
anyways, when i first watched this scene, i felt sick that they had the audacity to take something so personal and special for will and mike (will’s art and their d&d party) and make it about mike and el. hearing will use el’s name as a disguise in an attempt to help mike feel better and bring their relationship closer absolutely broke me. it was selfless of him and it was beautiful to see how much he loves mike and how he would do whatever he can to make sure he's happy, but it was also such a cruel thing for the writers to do, especially as it led to mike saying his forced monologue in episode 9 (which i don't even want to talk about because that's a mess for so many reasons). seeing will cry afterwards was absolutely heartbreaking as well.
i truly believe that this painting will be brought up again in season 5 and it’ll be the thing that finally makes mike realise his true feelings. after all, mike only confessed to el because of will. he thought will was talking about el when he was actually talking about himself he entire time. this painting was so heavily focused on and the duffer brothers said it took so long to make it perfect. i highly doubt they used it as a plot device to force another ship back together while will suffers all alone. that would be the most cruel and unnecessary thing they could do to a kid who has suffered enough. will's art and the d&d party is also a very personal thing between mike and will only. no one else. making it about another ship isn’t okay at all. they have to address it again because it’s important to both of them and it's the only thing that’ll make sense from a narrative standpoint. it would also be so beautiful to finally see two childhood best friends realise their feelings for each other after all the slowburn and build up and it would make rewatching the show so much more worth it because then you’ll notice all the little details.
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boilingcowboy · 1 year
I wish I was a normal human being but sadly I am a wild feral animal who's brain can't leave anything alone so this scene and post I made has been scratching my brain day and night ever since I made it and I just knew there had to be more and there is. (this is the post I made its kinda like part 1 and this post is part 2, it makes sense to read the first post the link right here and then read this post after makes more sense)
ANYWAYS so in the first post I talked about the scene in ep 8 about the way Joel holds Ellie after she comes out the burning building but before the hug and I manly talked about how Joel held Ellie like a new born (again read more in the other post) and then made the parallel between Anna holding a bloody and screaming Ellie in ep 9 and then Joel holding a bloody and screaming Ellie in ep 8 almost the exact same fucking way.
So now that we got that covered I was rewatching Sarah's death scene and I noticed something before Sarah died Joel held like a new born just like he did with Ellie.
Like when he sort of tried to pick Sarah up he at first put her legs over his so he can hold her better
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Idk how visible it his but he's frantically trying to pick her legs up and but it over his but he's shacking so much it takes him a few seconds and more then one try to pick her legs up and put it over his and in a way he put her legs up over his so he could kinda use his legs as a sort of third arm (I will explain later why that's important)
And as mention he did that not only for extra support but also so he could hold her better because right after he did that he holds her with both of his arms and not swings but slowly sways her side to side idk I that's the right word for it and while doing that he has on arm around the back of her neck and one arm on the other side holding her upper arm.
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After Sarah dies Joel holds her even stronger obviously not wanting to accept that she's dead and trying to as last resort squeeze the life back to her or sort of give his life to her anything literally anything to keep her alive to bring his daughter back who's his only purpose in life, his reason why he wakes up in the morning, why he works so hard, why he's trying to be the best person he can be, his everything, his hole world.
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And when he realises that his daughter is gone and no prayer or force or anything will ever bring her back he slumps together a bit, before he was sitting as up right as he could holding her right against him trying to stop the blood and life coming out of her but after he slumps together because there is no reason to hold her so tight any more because she's gone for forever and he can't do anything anymore.
And right there (and the hole times but you can see it in the scene way better) he holds her exactly like you would a newborn he's still using his legs as a sort of third arm and supporting her legs and he's got one arm around her lower side and the other against the back of her neck and he's not holding her pressed to his chest now but sort o a bit away so he won't squeeze her to hard. And that's exactly how you would hold a new born and maybe that exactly how he did hold her as anew born supporting her legs, upper body and head.
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And that's almost the same way he holds Ellie after he ends her because its literally instinct to him, he didn't have to think twice about how to support Ellie so she won't hurt herself because he knew. He knew from Sarah and all the parenting books he probably read or maybe even all the parenting classes he might've attended.
For comparison:
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this is why i don't rewatch tlou cus I turn into a wild feral animal who's clawing at their cage, foaming at the mouth and scrambling into their hole
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nautiscarader · 2 years
Ash/Misty surprise sex
Over the years, Misty has gotten used to starring at the underwater shows at the Cerulean City Gym. She remembered vividly how opposed she was to the very first one, where she had to play the mermaid, but now, the weekly productions were as much as part of her job as gym battles, especially since she rotated her role with the other three Sensational Sisters.
Plus, she genuinely liked seeing the happy faces of kids and their Pokémon that were sometimes glued to the huge glass walls of the aquarium. She waved to two twins holding their Azurills, excited to have mermaid smile at them, saw a girl with her Togepi, reminding her very much of her own past, she swam past a trainer with an excited Pikachu, a whole family with Panpours, and…
Suddenly, Misty stopped and turned around. The same Pikachu she spotted ran towards the glass and when she looked closer, her heart skipped a beat. There was someone behind the familiar-looking Pokémon, but she was already swimming upwards to see if it could be true.
And when she emerged from the water with a huge splash (much to the excitement of the crowd), she felt like she needed to put her breathing equipment back in, as she felt light-headed staring at a familiar face.
"Hey, watch out with that Rain Dance, will you?", the young man with raven-black hair barked, before his eyes fully met hers. His raised voice still rang in the same way, despite the fact that it has certainly dropped an octave over the years.
But what hasn't changed was the smile on Ash Ketchum's face that now filed Misty's vision, making her temporarily forget about the small crowd gathering around…
Words got stuck in her throat as she examined his visage from much closer than a photo in a magazine or on a website could. And when she finally found courage to speak, she spoke her heart out.
"You dum-dum!", she slapped his head, "Don't you see the line not to cross? Or do you think the Pokémon masters are exempted from following those rules?"
She kept fuming, splashing more and more water at her old friend, until she realised how big a scene she was causing.
"Well, if I knew that's how you are going to greet me, I wouldn't have come here."
"And who told you I even wanted to see you?"
For a while, the two stared at each other, before erupting into laughter.
"Alright, wait for me, I'll be out in a moment", Misty spoke, as she swam to the fake shore.
A moment later she put on a towel and lead her friend and his partner to the backstage and into the small dressing room, where she would prepare herself before shows or battles.
Thoughts still raced in her head; Ash's sudden appearance brought a hundred memories back, and at least twice as many questions in regards to his adventures when she left his party.
"Come on, tell me all about it.", Misty prompted, putting a cup of fresh coffee together with some of berries for Pikachu.
"Wait, are you telling me you haven't been checking on me?", Ash raised his brow, "I now know how Gary must have felt with all the news interviews."
"You know, the world does not twirl around you", Misty snapped back.
She turned away from him to avoid meeting his eyes. In truth, of course, she never stopped scouring the news about him, travelling between regions, defeating more and more opponents, which resulted in him achieving his title of a master last month.
"Yeah, sorry about that.", he took a sip, "Hey, I heard about Lorelei, congrats!"
Misty stopped in place, her cheeks reddening slightly.
"Thanks. I think it's too early for her to retire, but… Her recommendation means a world to me."
"Cerulean will lose her tomboyish mermaid, though."
"Nah, it still has three more. They did well when I've been travelling with you."
"Good times, eh?"
"Lots of running away, if I remember correctly."
Misty reached to grab the towel for the still soaked, and when she turned back, her eyes fixated on Ash's naked torso, having gotten rid of the wet shirt and jacket.
"A-Ash!", she yelled.
"What?", Ash raised his brow, "I thought the whole point was so I can get a fresh t-shirt or something."
She grabbed the towel Misty tossed at him.
"And besides, I should be the one blushing, you are parading in your undies.", he scratched his head and looked away.
Misty barked back, crossing her arms. She was still in her bikini she wore underneath the mermaid costume.
"Took you long enough to notice.", she grumbled, "But I guess that's how you are with girls."
"What do you mean?"
For a while the two half-naked youngsters stared at each other, the deafening silence ringing in their ears. And when their lips finally crashed against each other, all they could hear was their elevated heartbeats, as their bodies mashed against each other, their arms and legs locking in a tight, heated embrace.
Ash broke the kiss for a split of a second when he heard the door creaking behind him, but his face was cupped by Misty's hands redirecting him to look at her reddened face.
"It was Pikachu, we're alone now.", she quickly commented, before kissing her boy again, ready to make up for the few seconds she lost, to add to the twelve years of waiting for him.
She had so much to yell at him, for not calling or texting, and almost dying several times when confronted with another legendary Pokémon. But all she needed now was his touch, his kisses and…
Misty let out a gasp - or at least she tried, with her lips still occupied - when Ash lifted her up and settled her on the desk, her legs automatically crossing behind his back. back that would become bare soon, thanks to her hand and feet digging into his belt, aiming to disrobe him of his pants and trousers at the same time while he dealt with her underwear.
And when it happened and Misty pulled herself against his naked crotch, she had to break the kiss with a moan would erupted from her lips at the mere brush of her sex with his. But instead of a cry, more insults followed.
"You-you really are an idiot, making a girl wait so long…", her voice broke as she felt Ash's cock sliding between her lips, making her whole body tremble as if she had a fever.
"I.. I know, sorry about that…", he replied, securing her shoulder and bum with his hands as he leaned forward, pushing himself deeper and deeper.
"You-you don't travel with a girl for two years and never notice her smiles?", she complained, her voice breaking into a wail as she felt his length pushing her walls apart.
"I'm sorry…", he grunted, making her skin shiver with his breath.
"O-Or that when that girl sends you Luvdisc emoji it does NOT mean she is up for a water battle!" she yelped, digging her nails into his shoulder as s he felt his cock's head deep inside her, much deeper than she anticipated.
"Ye-yeah, that was dumb."
"O-or when said girl travels half around the world to Alola to celebrate your victory she really wants to-"
"Misty", Ash interrupted her, "Maybe we should leave talking for later."
And with that, their lips met again, at the same time as he began his thrusts, drinking her ecstatic moans and cries spilling from her throat. A few tears ran down her cheek as emotions exploded in Misty's mind, after bubbling in there ever since she realised her feelings for the young man she was making love to.
The pure joy and bliss was interrupted by one tiny stinging sensation of jealousy, though. The man taking her raw on her table certainly has done it before, meaning she would never be his first… Though ashamed of such pettiness, Misty often wondered if any of the young women pictured with him on many of the photos would be the also one to teach him the art of love-making… And over the years the number of candidates grew and grew…
Misty let out a sharp moan as Ash's finger brushed her clit, sliding between their bodies, and at once, the nagging notion disappeared. What mattered was here and now, and right now she was having the best sex of her life, being railed by her old crush in her own gym.
She knew she will have to miss the next show, but that did not matter. Throwing all the caution to the wind, she clamped her legs and arms behind his back, as if there was a chance he would retreat at the last moment.
But he did not, and when she cried his name, he moaned hers, flooding her with stream after stream of hot cum, as their joined bodies shivered and thrashed with each wave of shared orgasm she has been waiting for such a long time…
Misty did not know how long did it take for them to stop twitching and for Ash to stop seeding her sex with his virility that at some point started spilling onto the floor. All she knew that when she finally was able to take a steady breath was that this was by far the best surprise of her life.
She kissed him and, listening for his breath, laid her head onto his shoulder, which ultimately was a mistake, as it revealed a much worse second surprise in form her sisters' white, astonished faces peeking through the opened door.
Their bewilderment soon vanished as Daisy, Lily and Violet burst into maniacal laughter at the sight of the Pokémon master himself being balls-deep in their little sister's pussy. At the bottom of the pile lied Pikachu, trying to explain apologetically that he couldn't just Thunder Wave them…
A third surprise came the next day, in form of Ash deciding to prolong his stay in Kanto. A week turned into two, two into three, and only after four Misty allowed her boyfriend to finally fly away on his Charizard for his duties, though in her opinion they still haven't made up for the lost time.
The fourth and final surprise became apparent some two months later when Misty found she had some problems putting on her mermaid tail and that her Shellder bra felt a bit too tight. It turned out that nearly a month of careless, constant love-making does have consequences. When Ash returned a few days later, he was shocked when Misty pinned him to her bed, straddled him and gently laid his hands on her underbelly, her cheeks reddened with excitement.
"Surprise", she spoke, before she lifted herself and sank down onto his cock, letting him experience her new weight.
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bakutogeorgia · 1 year
Day 5, Telavi, 12th May
I wasn’t going to tell this story as I was annoyed at myself. I think I do a good job of keeping my things together when I travel but things happen and this has ended well. There are reasons this happened but I misplaced my wallet at breakfast yesterday. I only realised just before we were leaving the hotel so to make a long story short we searched the breakfast room an hour after I had first been there, no luck, and then the manager took over and said they had security cameras they could look at. We had to leave so I texted Matthew to cancel my cards. I didn’t hold much confidence of getting my wallet and money back and I still had other money so I would be ok. This morning our guide came to breakfast to say he had been contacted at 11.30 last night with a photo of the wallet, cards and money all spread out. It was unbelievable. I would love to know where the hotel found it as I’m sure I had misplaced it in the breakfast room. They are going to forward it all to me at another hotel, in Georgia. Our guide had told us right at the beginning of our trip how people don’t take other people’s property in Azerbaijan. A bit like in South Korea. He mentioned how in Italy you wouldn’t even put your phone on the table in front of you for fear someone would snatch it up. It certainly made my day.
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This is the old doorway to the Silk Road caravanserai. It is now a hotel but once had many small rooms surrounding a courtyard where Silk Road traders slept. The camels could come in through these doors and be tethered in the courtyard.
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The camels were in the middle. It was a safe stop for the traders.
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Passage from the front door to the courtyard.
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in the old city a wall surrounded the royal palace, gardens and church.
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This is the summer palace of the royal family built in 1762. It is a World Heritage building.It was absolutely beautiful inside with all the walls and ceilings painted with scenes and flowers. They had rugs in each room with the same pattern as was painted on the roof.
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Close up of the details on the outside of the palace.
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On either side of the garden were two 700 year old plane trees. You see these garden fences made of wood all along the way. We are up in mountains so it’s much cooler.
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A church inside the walls.
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This is a pretty typical street scene. There are always groups of men around and lots of these little Lada cars from Russia. Even though there are women in this photo you don’t see that many in comparison to men. We asked our guide about this and his answer was basically why would you want the women with you and he is only fairly young. He did say it was different in the city. All day today we have been in lovely green areas travelling close to the mountain range.
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As you drive anywhere in Azerbaijan you see gas pipelines. None of them are buried and they mostly run about a foot from the ground only going high near a door or gateway. Apparently all homes have a plentiful supply of gas and electricity all over the country no matter what the dwelling.
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We crossed lots of stone leaden rivers. River rocks are used extensively for building houses, fences and roads.
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Another street scene with more Ladas.
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The Azerbaijan border before Georgia. It was quite a process to get through. It was harder to leave then when we arrived.
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At the border we had a security check then we had to walk a distance with our bags along this intimidating passage. Very Russian looking. Then a long passport check, then another even longer walk. More checks then finally we were out of Azerbaijan.
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Then it was a shorter walk across the river into Georgia which was a much quicker passport and security check. Our new guide and driver were on the other side to pick us up.
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We are travelling in a mini bus now. I’m still sitting at the back of the bus but it’s pretty bumpy in the smaller bus.
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Sheep everywhere. Georgia are the biggest supplier of lamb in the region.
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For lunch we stopped at a vineyard. We ordered then had a tour of the place which was owned by twin brothers. Georgia is a big producer of wine.
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They store the wine in bug clay pots which are made in certain areas of the country. When the wine is harvested it is placed in the long wooden troughs and squashed by feet. The juice runs down into the clay pots which are buried in the ground.
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There was a museum at the winery that showed each of the wine making process. Here they are burying the pots.
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When the pots have to be cleaned which can take a few hours a small person has to climb inside. At this winery the owners teenage son gets the job.
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Lunch was good with some wine and then it was onto our hotel. This plane tree is 900 years old and was just near the hotel. It was wet by this time of the day. The hotel was very nice after a long day travelling.
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
So you are one of my main art inspos, so I was wondering if you could provide tips on some of the "AHA!" moments you had in your journey. Sort if like things that one you knew them, your art suddenly got a lil better.
oh wow uh
it's hard to pin down specific moments but i'll do my best
vet school, forensic anthropology & human anatomy for radiographers courses (last two were electives) - this is the best way to learn anatomy. seeing how bodies are put together, especially the bodies of animals in my case, was a string of aha moments. i drew a lot of human bones and organs from life.
drawing other stuff from life as well - i learned about shading metals from a school project when i was 15. that stuff sticks with you if you try it often enough and you have a grade relying on it lmao
abandoning layer modes in most cases. i've never liked filters or layer modes and i used to think that a multiply or overlay layer was the easiest way to shade and my god no it is not. when i shade it's by direct painting and it feels so much more intuitive to me, and also i learned more about how to pick colours manually to go well together from the start. but what works for me might not work for you
abandoning my attachment to Having An Art Style. seriously guys so many people waste time trying to bring all their work in line and making it all look the same or agonising over Their Style... you don't have to do that. if you feel like drawing something completely different one day than the next then do it. you will have more fun. personally i love experimenting with how many different ways i can draw the same subject and making things that don't look like what i drew yesterday. broadens my horizons.
i've realised that if i kept going a lot of these would be just "when i stopped giving a fuck" and honestly yeah. it works and it's my #1 tip for helping me relax and have fun while drawing. you don't even have to improve at art (i'm assuming you want that since you're asking, but for everyone else - yes it is totally fine to not learn anything new if you're happy with what you have. who cares if you never learn how to draw something people think is mandatory.)
kind of related to "stop giving a shit about style", one of my great joys for a few years now has been in trying to faithfully reproduce specific shit i like with the tools i have - for example, trailcam photos, lino prints, pencil sketches, vintage comics, stuff like that. even if my motivation was just "i want to draw my werewolf character saying hi to a trailcam" and i was more or less tracing from a real trailcam photo at first, i was still learning. i learned about lighting, foliage, how to set a scene, stuff like that. it kills art block too
i saw someone say "cool shadows = warm highlights/warm shadows = cool highlights" once and it's been a core part of my personality ever since
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Ojos Asi - Part 1 - The Beginning
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AN: I'm back with another one-shot that turned into a mini-series. Our boy Joaquin Torres doesn't get enough love, so this is my way of helping to remedy that. Set post TFATWS and could tie into my SamBucky post canon 'verse
DISCLAIMER - I know nothing about any Air Force, US or otherwise.
Beta'd by the wonderful @yarnforbrains, dividers by @firefly-graphics and mood board by me (credits to those who took the photos)
Series Master list
Find my master list here
Pairing: Joaquin Torres x Fem SWORD Agent! Reader
Chapter Word count: 2.8k
CW: a pinch of misogyny but mostly fluff, pining and good-natured teasing from one JB Barnes.
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“…no, you gotta have it so tight that it almost hurts. Otherwise it could fall off mid-flight and no-one wants that, least of all you…”
Watching Sam and Joaquin talking together, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. Your best friend, Joaquin, had a look of concentrated confusion on his face, whilst Sam half-smiled at him indulgently, explaining, once again, how the Falcon wings worked. The pair of them had worked hard, with Bucky’s help, to get them working again. You could tell Sam was a little emotional. He had a lot of memories tied up in those wings, and despite having his shiny new vibranium set, there was just ‘something’ about the original ones.
“It’s rude to stare, you know.” A deep voice rumbled from behind you, and if you had been anyone else maybe you would have jumped or been embarrassed.
“That’s like the pot calling the kettle black, Barnes.” You dragged your gaze away from the scene in front of you and whirled around to walk past the Sargent. However, you were brought to a jerked halt by a vibranium hand clamping around your upper arm.
“Hey, where you going, doll? Don't cha wanna be here when your boyfriend manages to actually get up in the air?”
“Lieutenant Torres is not my boyfriend.”
“And whose fault is that, doll? You planning on telling him any time soon that you like him?”
“None of your business, Barnes.”
“It is, if it affects how effective you are in the field.”
You glared at him and gritted your teeth.
“There is nothing to affect my performance. Now let me go.”
Bucky sighed and shook his head, but removed his grip.
“Whatever, doll. Whatever.”
You squared your shoulders and walked away from him, leaving the hanger with as much aplomb as you could muster.
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You and Joaquin had become friends when you joined the Air Force, straight out of college. You’d both been on the Ground Support Team, but it was a while before you were both assigned to the same op. You got on like a house on fire, even if he was a bit arrogant at first, not uncommon for a guy in his early 20’s.
You’d spent your morning going over your first assignment with your CO. You might have joined the Air Force, but your expertise was in computers, both hardware and software. Wanting to test your skills, the CO had challenged you to make as many working laptops you could out of all the damaged ones kicking around the base. Not having anywhere specific to set up, you’d commandeered a couple of tables and set them up in the corner of one of the little-used hangars. You had your magnifying goggles on and the soldering iron in your hand, along with a whole host of other tools, as you tested each part and put it back in place on the motherboard. It was going well, until a peal of raucous laughter split the air. You placed your iron down with a huff, not wanting to catch yourself with it more than already had done.
“Hey guys,” you shouted out. “Do you have to be so noisy? Some of us are actually trying to work.”
You glared at the three guys, who were messing around with each other. Realising you were there, one of them, a cocky looking blond, jogged over, casting his eyes over the bench.
“Sorry, sweetheart. We disturbing your jewellery making?”
You crossed your arms over your chest and glared up at him. You’d hoped to avoid this bullshit for a couple of days, but you supposed it was good to get it out of the way sooner rather than later.
“Yeah, you are. I was making a special ring for your dad to wear. It’s gonna help him satisfy me all night. Why, do you need one too?”
He had the decency to blush, and his two friends failed to hold back their laughter. The taller of the two, with dark hair and sparkling brown eyes, clapped his rude friend on the shoulder.
“She burned you there, Mike. Serves you right, man.” Then he turned back to you and stuck out his hand.
“I’m Torres, Joaquin. This here is Damien and the neanderthal is Mike. He’s a good guy really.”
You raised your eyebrow.
“I’ll reserve judgement.”
“You’re really sparky, you know?”
“I know. See you later Torres.” You turned your back to them and carried on with your work.
It had been easy to become friends with Joaquin. He was always smiling, always able to see the good side of everything and everyone, and it was a smile that always went all the way up to his eyes, making them shine and sparkle. And over time you softened towards Damien and Mike as well, although they were never as close to you.
There’s a comradery when you’re in a team like that, but that’s strengthened when something goes wrong. The team had been heading out in the hum-vee, en-route to set up for an op when it hit an IED. One moment you had been chatting with Joaquin and Mike, whilst Damien drove, the next you were flying through a fire, your ears ringing and your vision went black.
You came to, to find Joaquin leaning over you, tapping you on the face.
“C’mon, Sparky, wake up, damn it!”
Your head hurt as you opened your eyes and spat out a mouthful of sand.
“I’m up! I’m up!”
You tried to sit up, but the world span. Bile rose in your throat, and you leaned to the side as you vomited it up. Joaquin passed you his canteen, and you rinsed your mouth out.
“’the fuck happened?”
You wiped your hand over your face, and it came away bloody.
For once Joaquin wasn’t smiling. You took a proper look at him. His face was covered in ash and sand. He had a graze across one cheek and his arm…his right arm hung wrongly from the shoulder socket. You looked around and felt a sense of panic rising.
“’Quin, where are Mike and Damien?”
“They were in the front, Sparky. They didn’t make it. I’ve called for back-up. Looks like this was just a random device and not an ambush. There’s no-one out here taking pot-shots.”
“Yeah, I know.”
The pair of you huddled together and waited for your evac. You had some cracked ribs, plus minor cuts and bruises, whilst Joaquin had a dislocated shoulder. You’d both been lucky, unlike Mike and Damien.
You’d finished out your tour in the time period after the Snap. Like Joaquin, you hadn’t been one of those who had disappeared, melting to ash in the blink of an eye. Unlike him though, at the end of your tour you wanted out. You’d gone on to get a job with SWORD instead, using your skills gained from your time in the Air Force to help protect against more unique threats.
You still ran into Joaquin from time to time, and you always marvelled at how handsome he was and how you could get lost in his dark eyes. Not being his teammate anymore allowed you to give yourself permission to notice these things - things that could have made working together awkward. Still, you never told him, not wanting to jeopardise what you had. He’d never given you any reason to think that he wanted more.
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After your uncomfortable conversation with Barnes, you’d retreated to the office to go through some paperwork when Joaquin appeared, sweaty, out of breath and smiling.
“Hey Sparky!” His arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a hug.
“Eeeeww, ‘Quin. You’re all moist!” You pulled away from him as he laughed.
“Oh my god; it was amazing! I was up in the air, and I was flying. And Sam only had to catch me twice, but still! Oh my god!”
His enthusiasm and bright smile were infectious, making your heart beat harder in your chest and butterflies swirl in your stomach. You couldn’t help but smile back.
“Well, I promise I’ll watch you next time.”
“Hey, and maybe, once I’ve got the hang of it, I can take you for a test-fly?”
You smacked at his chest, trying to ignore how the damp material clung to him like a second skin.
“Trying to sweep me off my feet, Torres?” You loved to tease him, but he didn’t need to know what was really going on in your head.
He wrapped his arms around you again, lifting you off the floor and spinning the pair of you in circles.
“Wouldn’t be the first time, Sparky!”
You playfully pounded your fists against his shoulders in a demand to be set back down. God, his eyes were beautiful.
“Put me down, Fly-Boy! You’re gonna rub your stink all over me.”
You couldn’t break his gaze as he lowered you, your body sliding against his as he did so. You stared at each other for a moment, before he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“I’ll see you later! Don’t fly off with anyone else ‘til I see you again.”
“Get outta here ‘Quin.”
You smiled as you watched him leave, then added “And get a shower!”
Would you ever be brave enough to tell him how you felt? Tell him that, no matter where you’d been or how long you’d been away, as soon as you saw him, looked into his beautiful brown eyes, you felt at home again. How you trusted no-one else the way you trusted him. You’d seen a lot in your life, been to a lot of places, but nothing compared to him. His beauty, his spirit.
It intoxicated you and kept you captive.
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You had to admit it, Joaquin got good with the wings fast, and he was beautiful whilst he did it.
He’d sent you a text when he was on his way down to the air-field for his second training session with Sam. You got there just as he was suiting up, Sam hovering around him like a mother duck watching her duckling go for a swim for the first time. He flashed you a grin and a wave before turning his attention back to all the straps and buttons that would ensure his safety in the air.
Bucky joined you as the two winged men took to the air.
“I’ll never tire of watching him do that. It’s one thing to think your man is an angel, but another thing to actually see it come to life.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose.
“Barnes, for god’s sake. He isn’t my man.”
“Look, I know I give you shit for it, but come on, doll. It’s fucking obvious how you feel. And take it from someone who has been around for a while, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
“Why do you even care?”
“Because contrary to what Sam says, I am actually human. I care about people, doll. I care about you. I care about Torres. And after the shit you’ve both been through you deserve some happiness. He’s always going on about you. Sparky this and Sparky that. Maybe if you actually resolve all this fucking pining I won’t have to listen to him ramble on so much.”
You chuckled at Bucky’s attempt to be petty and grumpy. No wonder Sam loved the man; he was pretty cute when he was being disagreeable.
“Maybe I’ll never say anything just to keep winding you up then?”
“For the love of god, no!”
The pair of you were still sniping at each other, good-naturedly, as Sam and Joaquin came in for their landing. Sam made it look easy, but ‘Quin did look cute as he stumbled to a stop.
“Take it easy, Fly-Boy. You don’t want to be eating sand. And you Sam, looking good as always!”
“Hey sweetheart.” Sam smiled as he pushed his goggles up off his face. “What were you and Bucky-bear laughing about?” “Oh, just how I love doing things that piss him off.”
Sam’s smile turned into a laugh.
“My favourite past-time. Although I’m watching you – he might be taken as a form of flirting and I don’t share.”
“Eww, Sam, that’s like accusing me of flirting with my brother or my uncle. Yuck! Come on, Joaquin. I need a beer to wash that awful taste outta my mouth. Bleugh…”
“I’ll meet you in the mess in fifteen, Sparky. Don’t want you to tell me off for being stinky again.”
“Don’t be any longer, or you’ll owe me two beers, Falcon...”
“I like the way you say that.”
“Phpht, you like everything I say…”
You both walked off in your separate directions and Bucky and Sam watched you go. The White Wolf reached out, wrapping his arm around his partner's waist and drew him in close.
“You think she’ll ever tell him?”
“I hope so. He’s so gone on her, and I don’t think he even realises. If we have to wait for him to work it out I might end up throttling him.”
“Young love, ey.”
“You’re a sappy shit, Jamie Barnes.”
“Back at you, Sammy Wilson.”
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A couple of months down the line and Joaquin had been cleared to go on active missions with the wings. He was now officially using Sam’s old call sign of Falcon, and no-one could pry the smile off his face or the joy from his eyes. He’d been especially happy to discover that you were going to be the SWORD agent in charge of his first sanctioned mission.
“So, you’re going to be my boss on this op then, Sparky?”
“When am I not bossing you around? You know you love it, and anyway, you’d be lost without me.”
He slung an arm around your shoulders and pulled you in for a side hug.
“You got me there!”
Sam and Bucky just smiled indulgently at the pair of you, trying not to laugh when you glared at them.
You and your colleagues at SWORD had been keeping track of various nefarious groups and their activities over the last half a year. The intel you’d gathered suggested a bunch of malcontents hiding out in the mountains of northern Montana. Their motivation was nothing outside the ordinary - they were upset about the fact that they had lost their jobs and been displaced due to the return of the ‘blipped’, which was understandable. However, they had resisted all offers of help from the GRC, seeming to only be happy whilst they were complaining and stirring up trouble. Normally it would have been left to local law enforcement to deal with them, but the chatter was that they were planning something big and had access to weaponry they shouldn’t have, possibly extra-terrestrial in origin.
You stood with Sam, looking over the map laid out in front of you.
“If Bucky and I set up here as ground support, then you and ‘Quin can fly in here, from the south. We think they are camped out here…” your finger pressed a push pin further into the paper, “so you should get a good run up, and be high enough they won’t spot you, at least at first.”
“Is there a good enough route from that look-out for you and Bucky to make ex-fil if you have to?”
“Yeah, I’ve been in worse spots.”
“That’s not the point, and you know it.”
“It’ll be fine, Dad!”
Sam seemed to forget that you’d been doing this longer than he’d known you and was sometimes, in your opinion at least, a little overbearing.
“I’ll have Bucky with me. I hope you’re not implying that you don’t have faith in him.”
Bucky, who was sitting on the other side of the room checking over his sniper rifle, tried to hurriedly tamp down a chuckle. Sam just glared at you and raised one eyebrow.
“You did not just go there, Sparky!”
You grinned in return, and after a moment Sam grinned too, shaking his head in amusement.
“Fine, fine. I trust you. It’s your op. You know I’m just a worrier.”
“That he is!” Bucky’s voice rang out sardonically.
“Quiet in the cheap seats, Barnes!”
“Make me, Sammy!”
“Not in front of the kids, Bucky-Bear!”
You loved their petty bickering; you swore it was one of their love languages. Looking over at Joaquin you rolled your eyes at him, and he covered his mouth with his hand to hide his own smirk. God, he was so cute.
Pulling yourself back to the task at hand you clapped your hands together.
“Right, let’s get this show on the road. Move out, guys!”
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Part 2
Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @tinnedowl @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @beelicious-barnes @sidepartskinnyjeans @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll
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angeli-marco-writes · 4 years
∘◦ ♪ ◦∘ Timothée Chalamet - Concerto ∘◦ ♪ ◦∘
A/N - I wrote and posted this almost a year ago on my Wattpad. My writing has evolved a lot since then, but I’m still proud of this piece, and hope you enjoy it. I do not know Tim, nor do I claim to in any way. This is a work of fiction and entirely my own. 
Warnings - smut. Detailed (but protected and consensual) sex, slight BDSM, overstimulation. Cursing. Legal alcohol consumption and smoking. Also 10k words of sickening fluff though, even the smut is fluffy.
Summary - At a classical music concert, the last person you expect to meet is a young man as charming and suave as Timothée. And the last thing you expected is for him to invite you back to his flat. Turns out music really is food for the soul, and other things...
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IT’S A FRIDAY EVENING IN NEW YORK CITY. The sun is setting behind the towering silhouettes of undulating buildings all across the city, the moon casting shadows all around au contraire to the luminescence of building lights, beaming all around as well as the street lamps, bringing colour and light to people’s faces in the dark.
You’re standing on the pavement outside Symphony Space Concert Hall on the Upper West Side, people watching. Nothing more or less conspicuous, just observing everyone flooding into the hall, though none of them seem to be under 50 years of age. After checking the time, you take your phone out of the pocket attached to your delicate silk jumpsuit you’re wearing for the night, the one reserved for classy parties and sophisticated concerts only (though very handy). You open the email holding your ticket for the evening, a Poulenc appreciation concert, and you show it to the bouncer who grants you entry to the auditorium.
The room looks incredible. Photos of Francis Poulenc, as well as some old parchment sheets of his music spread out delicately over the usually bare walls. The lights create a perfect ambience in the hall for what's sure to be an incredible evening. The red velvet seats are half full, dotted with people at least twice your age, except from one seat near the front where you can see merely a defined jaw and brown curls. On the stage stands two glossy black grand pianos, slotted beside one another with plush velvet stools and their lids propped up, allowing one to see the inner workings of such wonderful instruments. Behind the pianos are seats enough for an entire orchestra, creating a crescent moon shape. A couple of the seats already have instruments atop them, aching for their owners to play beautiful melodies with them. You make your way down to where your seat is, familiar with the layout of the auditorium. You’re on the right hand side of the centre stalls, third row back, but as you arrive, there’s a boy you saw earlier, not much older than yourself.
“Hi, do you mind if I squeeze past?” You ask him, watching his head jolt up from the programme to reveal a mop of beautiful dark brown curls framing his chiselled face, piercing green eyes with flecks of hazel when the light changed direction. You recognise him, an actor, you simply can’t place him.
His look of incredulity melts into a smile. “Sure.” He says, moving his legs so that you can squeeze past and take your reserved seat on his left. He turns to face you, smiling. He’s wearing a crisp navy suit with a pale blue shirt and a matching tie. He looks well presented, and by his nervous and lopsided smile, you guess that he’s rather nervous to be at the concert alone too. “Timothée.” He tells you, holding his hand out.
You return his gesture, smiling right back at him, and tell him your name. “You here alone?” You ask him, turning in your seat to get a better view. He nods.
“Thought I’d be the only under fifty here.” He laughs, “I’m 24 by the way, but I shan’t ask your name since you're a lady.” You can't help but laugh at this, just a little giggle at how sweet he is, but your interaction is cut short as the lights turn down in the auditorium but shine brighter on the stage, and a full orchestra enters the stage, accompanied by their instruments, two pianists and a conductor. Murmurs in the hall settle down to a faint hum while the musicians tune to the sound of the oboe, and then begin to play.
The music is mesmerising, starting with orchestral pieces with faint piano accompaniment, then just a nocturne for piano, split between the two lead pianists. You could listen to it all night, but an interval has to come. As the lights slowly turn back up, you see an infantile smile on Timothée’s face, as though he’s just watched the most excellent thing in the world.
“Come on,” you say to him, smiling sadly while you tap his knee, “let’s get a drink.”
He reluctantly stands up to follow you out of the auditorium and to the small bar area. You order two margarita’s without consulting him, but he seems grateful as you sit beside each other on a high table, people watching once again.
“What's your job then?” He asks you, making small talk.
“I’m a piano major at Juilliard, teaching piano on the side though.” You respond, and he seems really taken aback. His jaw falls a little slack while his eyes bulge a tad.
“Wow, you must be excellent!” You blush a little at his words, elegantly taking a sip from your drink while he eyes you carefully. You feel awkward under his gaze, though flattered nonetheless. He’s gorgeous, and he’s complimenting you and accepting drinks from you, what a night.
“What about you?” You inquire. He's an actor, you know that, but asking means that you may be able to get some more context and maybe it’ll click where you’ve seen him before. He clears his throat, and you can see some older people walking by who pull faces, judging the pair of you, but you brush them off.
“I’m an actor, mainly small films though.” He says, remaining vague. You don’t push much more, realising that he probably likes not being fawned all over for once, so you simply ask of the favourite names he’s had the honour of working alongside, which must be an uncommonly asked question because a light flickers behind his eyes.
“Selena Gomez, Steve Carell, Armie Hammer, Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Robert Pattinson, Maia Mitchell…” He begins to list, but only when he mentions Maia does it click. You aren't huge into films, but you have seen him in a film with Maia Mitchell and Maika Monroe a few years ago.
“Hot summer nights, right? You were in that?” His cheeks turn a magnificent crimson and he bows his head as though embarrassed. He mumbles something along the lines of ‘not my best performance’, but you disagree. “I think you were wonderful, and did you mention Armie Hammer?” He nods again, seeming a little brighter. You take another sip from your drink, and he follows suit, watching your poised movements.
“Call Me By Your Name.” You nod in recognition, you remember watching the film when it first came out and loving the music from it.
“You’re excellent you know, at piano I mean, and the intimate scenes aren’t half bad either, you make them better.” You say with a teasing smirk on your painted lips, making Timothée’s eyes widen again. You chuckle and grasp his hand, dragging him into the auditorium for the second half.
The second half is a whole concerto, Poulenc’s Concerto For Two Pianos And Orchestra. Ten minutes in, Timothée’s hand finds your thigh and seems very comfortable, so comfortable in fact that you don't dare move it. As the concerto flows further on, his hand slides further up your clothed leg and squeezes your upper thigh a little You tense under his touch, infatuation and lust filling every cell and exiting through your pores, just waiting for more passion to fill your body and make you drunk on the feeling.
When finally the concert ends, both of you stand to applaud the musicians for a solid few minutes, and you could swear you see a tear leaving Timothée’s mysterious eyes and rolling down his heavenly made, painfully defined cheekbones. While you clap, you surreptitiously edge closer together, millimetre by millimetre until you’re hip to hip with elbows nudging. Your head comes up to his chin, making you feel a little small, but you’ll feel even smaller once your heels come off. Once the majority of the audience have filed out, you grasp his hand and pull him through the crowds where you stand on the corner of the pavement, only metres from the venue. You’re reluctant to loosen your grip on his slim hand, as he is with yours.
“Cigarette?” He offers, holding a half full box out to you. You half smile and shake your head in refusal.
“I don’t mind if you do though.” You say, meeting his gaze. “I love the taste of smoke when I kiss someone.” You add in a whisper, leaning up on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear. He goes rigid, making you smirk to yourself. This is going to be a good night.
He lights his cigarette and takes slow drag, only looking away to blow the smoke in an opposite direction to you. How respectful, you think, as your stomach fills with butterflies and bubbles with anticipation. He puts it out on top of a bin and throws it away without littering, and just that small and helpful gesture makes you crave his touch, having his fingers trace your sweaty skin and making your body tingle, your back arch with desire and pleasure.
“Wanna get a drink?” You ask, pointing to a nice bar across the road. You’re desperate to sleep with him, but not without pleasantries first. He, however, shakes his head and intricately entwines his fingers with yours.
“I’ll do you one better than a drink.” His smirk sets off a different kind of longing in you, forcing your body to follow him wherever he takes you.
As you walk, he starts conversation, but you’re so breathless from the desperation speed walking that your answers are brief. He asks you why you attended the concert, only to remember that you’re a music student and piano teacher; so in turn, you ask him the same question.
“When I was doing Call Me By Your Name, I had to learn the piano, and while I was learning classical pieces, I kind of just fell in love with classical piano music, I don’t know.”
His nervousness is sweet, making him appear far more humble than anyone of his stature would usually be.
You get to his building after a twenty minute dash in heels, and he pulls you flush against him while entering through the revolving doors, allowing you to lay your weight on him for a moment while you gather your breath. You feel his heartbeat thudding and racing against his ribs, reverberating against your own chest. You turn around to face him and place your hand on his chest.
“Breathe.” You say to him, allowing him to release a long held breathy chuckle. You leave the doors, both laughing, and fervently press the buttons to wait upon a lift. “So,” You then continue, breaking the silence where only your breaths were heard. “Favourite piano piece from the Call Me By Your Name soundtrack?”
“Hallelujah Junction!” You both answer at the same time, just as the lift doors open. You fall into the lift in a fit of giggles, clinging onto each other. You find yourself with your back pressed against the cold metal handle bar in the elevator with Timothée’s face inches away from your own. Your breath mingles together. As soon as he presses the button to his floor, he nudges his nose with your own.
“God, you're so beautiful.” he says seconds before his mouth is pressed hotly against your own, kissing you with an unrivalled passion. Your lips mould and move together like it’s second nature. His one hand holds your waist while both of yours grip his face, feeling a slight stubble.
The lift dings and he drags you out, unlocking his apartment door and leading you inside.
“Welcome to Casa del Timmy.” he says while hugging you from behind, allowing you to get a full view.
His apartment is stunning. Sleek, yet also vintage. Your eyes follow across the perimeter through a door to the left, where he has an office area containing a sleek white desk with a mac and a stack of papers and pens, next to it is a vintage white bookcase stacked as high as possible with novels of all shapes and sizes, and even an indie style rug underneath a colourful modern dining set..
The door next to the office is a kitchen, white countertops with wooden cupboards and a beautiful view of the city out of the window. To the right is a set of glass doors that open onto a small balcony where you can see the whole city, even Manhattan and Brooklyn depending which way you look and how the moon beams down. There’s a closed door right in front of you and through the entry hall and living room which you assume is his bedroom held behind a golden doorknob.
His living room, where you remain standing, holds an array of house plants with a couple of very comfortable looking plush sofas, his TV stand as well as his coffee table look like polished vintage items, refurbished from a flea market maybe, while his book shelf and rug are grand and modern. The best part of all though is a grand piano in an oak wood, matching the wood from his television table, and you become instantly entranced by the instrument that you don’t even notice the velvet stool or the perfectly organised cabinet of music, with a guitar propped up against it.
“Wow.” You breathe. Timothée grips you tighter, trailing kisses across your shoulder and up the side of your neck, inhaling every few seconds to treasure the scent of your perfume. Gardenia, rose champagne, grapefruit, davana; heavenly. You grip his hands with your own, holding them tightly where they’re settled on your tummy. You roll your head against his shoulder to give him better access to kiss you, but he stops abruptly and leads you to the piano stool. He opens the cabinet and pulls out a well loved piece of music.
“I know it’s for two pianos, but let's have some fun.” He says, grinning at you, an infectious smile that you can’t help but return. Hallelujah Junction, first movement. He puts the music out on the piano and takes a seat beside you, your thighs touching and hands overlapping as they begin to glide over the keys.
Playing this piece is second nature to you, allowing you to find your way easily, slipping your fingers between Timothée’s, and the white and black keys. You begin a harmonious melody spanning the whole of the piano, but after only a couple of pages, you realise that its not working as your notes cross over, making it very difficult to play on just one piano. You laugh together, but only for a moment before he is trailing his tongue up your neck, then your lips, and delving inside your mouth. You gasp, moaning into the passionate kiss that he’s giving you, and within seconds you find yourself straddling his lap on the piano stool. You trap his thighs between yours, moving and grinding your hips a little against his to receive more friction where you can feel how needy he is.
Within seconds, he has your legs wrapped around his waist and his teeth on your clavicle. The pleasure makes sounds escape your lips that you didn’t even realise were possible. You knot your ankles as he stands up with one hand around your waist and the other feeling his way around his apartment. After a few funny missteps and close calls of him dropping you while only walking the expanse of his living room, he pins you against his bedroom door, finding your lips again
He gently pokes at your dusty pink bottom lip with his tongue, slipping his tongue back into your mouth, exploring avidly and devouring every taste of you that he can muster. You do the same, but become too infatuated by his taste to put much more passion into it: gin, mint, bergamot and smoke. Smoke, sugar and sin, the most deadly combination of them all, and that's all you can smell on him, making you moan even louder. An erotic moan that makes Timothée twist open the handle to his bedroom door as quickly as is humanly possible.
He as good as throws you onto the bed, but undeniably, it turns you on a lot to see his dominant side this early on into the evening. He doesn't seem like the type to pin you down and boss you around, but as he shuts his bedroom door and delicately takes off his probably very expensive shoes, you can see a glint in his eye, almost as if he’s planning on doing unspeakably pleasurable things to you. Just the thought makes you wetter than before.
As he locks the door and shuts his shoes away, you take a quick look around the room. His bed is nice, comfortable and exquisitely large, like other things you hope. He has a nice colourful throw, vintage looking pillows to match his nightstand, holding only a pillbox, a glass of water, hand sanitiser, and a box of tissues. The simplicity makes you want to laugh, but you restrain yourself. He has a big dresser to match his bedside table with the drawers a little skewwhiff and clothes poking out. His wardrobe is fitted to the wall and by the looks of it, surprisingly neat too. That much cannot be said for his sofa though. A plush, light grey sofa sits on one side of his room just away from the window, and it's covered with clothes. At least he made the bed though, that's more than you can say for most 20-odd year old mans rooms that you’ve been into.
He sheds his blazer and crawls up to where he left you on the bed, needy and craving more. He looks down at you with desperation in his eyes, and you can’t help but to attack his lips, threading one hand in his beautiful dark curls while the other nimbly pulls open his tie and undoes his shirt. You shrug it off his shoulders and run your nails up and down his spine. You feel him shiver beneath his touch while your hands travel all over his body. His shoulders, his biceps, his toned stomach; he’s skinny, but has enough substance to him to be strong and sexy as hell.
“You’ll kill me if you stop.” He whispers, followed by a string of breathy curses. His eyes roll into the back of his head, giving you ample opportunity to grasp his shoulders and slip the pair of you over, pinning him beneath you. His eyes flit all over your face before kissing you again.
“You are so freaking beautiful.” He mumbles between kisses. He slips his hands up to find the zip of your jumpsuit which he slides down crazily fast, only breaking the kiss to shrug it off your shoulders. He just lies in awe, noticing that you don’t have a bra on beneath it. His tongue darts out from between his lips as he examines every undulation of your body, following the swell of your breasts right down to your hips. Your nerves return under his scrutiny, making you want to hide your face, but instead he holds your wrists behind you.
“You never have to cover up,” he says, nothing more or less than genuine love in his eyes, “not for me.”
Despite only meeting him hours ago, you know that you can trust him, so you ungracefully clamber off his lap and lie on your back to shimmy off your burden of a jumpsuit. He practically leaps at the opportunity to worship your body, before him in only your panties. He starts at your ankle, placing feather light kisses all the way from your ankle, up your leg, not minding the slight harshness of your legs, and only stops at your knee joint to switch his lips to his tongue, licking a straight line all the way up your inner thigh, stopping centimetres from where you need him the most. Not through any of this ritual does he break eye contact though. He skips over your panties and only pulls them down a little to trail kisses from your pelvic bone, up past your navel, through the valley of your breasts, and finally back to your lips. He makes you feel things that you could only dream of before meeting him.
“Timothée…” you breathe, hearing his breath hitch in his throat at the way your tongue curls around his name.
You reach between the two of you to his trousers. You undo the belt buckle with ease and push his trousers off his hips and down his thin legs, allowing him to kick them off at the bottom. He seems embarrassed, wearing Y-fronts that make more visible just how much he wants you.
“How about we strip together?” You offer, and Timothée reluctantly nods. He pushes himself off of you and stands up, giving you a hand to stand up as well. He still hasn’t taken his eyes off you since the moment you left the concert hall. “3, 2, 1…”
You both remove your underwear, pushing them down your legs and stepping out of them, only to step closer together so that your chests are flush against one another. He moves his hand up to cup your face, brushing your hair away from your face while tilting your chin up, capturing your lips in a lustful yet also sensual kiss.
He nudges you and your legs hit the bed, making you topple over and break the kiss from a giggle, but he doesn’t seem to mind and only laughs with you, moving your body further onto the mattress. He doesn't go to you again, he just lies beside you and dances his fingers absently down your pubic bone, ghosting circles around your clit.
“Jesus Christ.” You exclaim at the sudden feeling. Timothée kisses your jawline, but adds in between kisses, “Less of that, darling, I’m Jewish.”
You can’t help but laugh at him. You know he’s joking, just trying to mess with you, but as a punishment for laughing, he thrusts two fingers inside you with no warning, making you cry out in a mixture of both pain and overwhelming pleasure.
He pumps his fingers in and out of you, never going deeper than the second knuckle even when you cry out for more. Only when your moans turn to gasps for breath and you’re writhing beneath him does he delve in further and add his thumb to your clit, giving you a more intense orgasm than you’ve ever had before.
You immediately feel blood rushing back to your cheeks, colouring them from embarrassment, but Timothée doesn’t mind. He removes his hand from your core, and makes sure your eyes are fixated on his every movement as he licks his hand clean of all your cum. You’re so turned on that you even reach for his own hand, interlacing all your fingers except for his index one, of which he takes the hint and slips it into your open mouth, allowing your tongue to curl around it, making him groan.
He slips further down the bed and locks his eyes onto yours, you can see different shades of green and hazel in them and a whole world locked behind those beautiful eyes. Slowly, he delves into your heat, licking up everything that his hands missed. His mouth works wonders, sending your mind into a state of mild euphoria. The tip of his nose nudges your clit and you can feel yourself involuntarily gasp, so when Timothée finishes savouring every taste of you that he can get, he harshly bites your sensitive clit for just a moment, stimulating parts of your mind and body that you didn’t know could feel pleasure, let alone pleasure that intense.
He comes back up and kisses your lips, planting his hands in your hair as you kiss him back and get lost in the moment, your tongues dance together in an exploration, an experimentation of passion.
You pull away after a minute or so, gasping for air. Timothée examines your face for a moment, and you find yourself once again losing your thoughts and sanity in his eyes, until you feel the tip of his throbbing cock brush against your bare thigh. You feel bad for how much he’s been neglecting his own levels of desire in order to pleasure you, so you wrap your fingers around the base of his cock. He takes a sharp intake of breath and flutters his eyes closed, his long dark eyelashes twitching alongside his eyelids whenever you grasp harder or pump him.
He’s surprisingly big, causing you to take longer while rubbing your hand up and down his member. Half way down one thrust, you squeeze his cock a little, hearing him whimper a little. The mere sound of him drowns your core in want. You edge your way down the bed and swallow as much of his dick as you can take until his tip hits the back of your throat. He lets out the most sensual guttural groan that you’ve ever heard, his eyes still closed while placing his hand on the back of your head to keep you steady. You bring your head back up to look at him while your tongue swirls his tip, his mouth is parted a little with breathy moans of your name escaping every once in a while, his eyelids switching from being lazily half open to squeezed so tightly shut that they wrinkle a little.
You go back down slowly, inch by inch, hollowing your cheeks. You work your hand in the part of him that won’t fit in your mouth and continue to bob your head up and down. You lick a strip up a vein on the underside of his dick, making him near enough scream your name. With one final bob of your head where you deep throat him, you pull away with plump lips, climbing up his body to straddle his waist. He looks up at you with wide and loving eyes, pulling you down for a sensual kiss.
“Are you clean?” He asks breathlessly, kissing down the hickeys that he’s already littered your skin with.
“Yeah, i got tested after my last break up a few months ago, and I haven’t been with anyone since. Is that because I just…” He nods and you laugh a little, the vibrations from his chuckle rumble throughout your body.
“I did the same, but I’ll still…” You get what he’s saying and climb off him. He flings open the top drawer of his bedside table and after a minute or so of rooting through it he pulls out a condom packet and places it next to his glass of water. You give him a questioning look with your brows knitted together, but Timothée just smiles at you. He slips one slim arm beneath your back and the other under your knee joint before scooping you up and holding you close to his chest.
“Well hey there Timothée.” You say with a chuckle, secretly astonished at how strong he is, because with one arm still holding you, he throws away the decorative pillows and pulls the duvet back, throwing you onto the mattress and leaping on top of you. You smile into his kiss, savouring every second of the feel of his lips pressed hotly against your own, the taste of smoke driving you crazy.
He pulls away and sits up, tearing open the condom packet and grasping his hand sanitiser. He flicks the lid open and squeezes it liberally onto his hands before applying it and rubbing it into yours. “Are you sure?” He asks you, and your urgent kiss to his jawline is followed by a string of fervent reassurances that you are desperate to have him inside you, though you respect that he wants consent and that he wants to be clean. He slips the condom on, his eyes trained on your lips and the way they part from wanting every few seconds. He’s enjoying torturing you and making you wait, the same way that you edged him but denied him orgasm.
He slips the condom on and slowly enters in one smooth stroke. You gasp at the contact, especially how deep he goes with the first thrust, so deep that his pubic bone hits your own. He reaches for the duvet and he pulls it up over his shoulders, covering the pair of you since he can see that you’re shivering a little in the open. He looks for reassurance, but then begins to thrust inside you, holding his weight above you. You can see his biceps tensing while trying to hold his weight up and keep a steady rhythm.
“How about we spice this up?” He suggests, a sly smirk playing on his lips. He cocks an eyebrow, and the sun hits his face at an angelic angle, only making him more beautiful. You nod eagerly to him, only making his smirk grow wider.
“Yes Mr Timothée,” you say, triggering a dominant smirk to relight behind those stunning eyes.
“That's Mr Chalamet to you tonight, Miss.” Words cannot even explain how wet he makes you by saying that, already making your mind want to submit to his every want. You let out a whimper and remove your hands from his hips to lay above your head on the pillows. He joins his fingers around your wrist and proceeds to lay his slender hand flat against your wrists, preventing you from moving.
“Is this okay?” He asks, his movements coming to a halt. You nod and kiss him again. “I’m sorry, what was that?”
He must really enjoy what he’s doing to you. “Yes Mr Chalamet.” You reply, making your eyes as doe like and innocent as possible.
Timothée’s thrusts restart, faster this time. You moan louder, ecstasy filling every inch of your spent body before you’ve even properly begun. His moans are lower, more like groans, all of your name. It sounds heavenly coming from his lips, the way his mouth moves when he says your name just makes it better. His hips hit yours with vigour, adjusting to get a better position where he hits the best spot inside of you.
“There Timothée!” You scream desperately, your back arching on the mattress while your hands fight to break free. Submitting isn’t as easy as you hoped.
“I’m close.” He warns you and frees your wrists, but he doesn’t let your hand go too far. He interlocks his fingers with yours, using one elbow to prop himself up. His thrusts turn sloppy, more fervent, and just as he’s finishing, he digs his thumb into your clit.
Your entire body turns limp, screaming his name in a state of complete euphoria like you’ve never felt before. It travels from your brain to the tips of your fingers, setting a fire in your belly and making your toes curl. Your back arches so far off the bed that your chest becomes pressed against Timothée’s, your breasts moving in time with his breathing. You feel him come to his own climax, silencing his screams by kissing you with more passion than he has before.
You ride out your highs, but the level of pleasure illuminating every nerve ending in your body means that you don’t notice Timothée pulling out and disposing of the condom, you only notice when he flops down beside you on the bed and pulls you closer to his slightly sweaty body. You rest your head on his chest that seems to be glowing in the moonlight from the sheen of sweat. He absently plaits your hair, staring off into the distance. The faint thudding of his heart within his ribs comforts you, it's a little faster than would be normal, making you smile a little.
“How was that?” His hand grips around your shoulder even tighter, pulling you closer to his body. He seems content in simply holding you, maybe he just enjoys cuddling. “Wait, don’t answer that.” He corrects himself, his pupils dilating and his excellent, angelic body going rigid. You chuckle to yourself, drawing circles on his chest with the pad of your forefinger,
“Excellent, Mr Chalamet.” You tease him.
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He looks fearful, fretting, it's evident in the sudden sulk of his face, pulling his cheeks and forehead down. You shake your head again, slowly but surely moving your leg to lie over his. Ye inclines his neck to place a gentle kiss to our hairline, and you can feel him smile into it.
“Yes beautiful?” Just his simple words make you giggle and blush, such a sweet sentiment from a gorgeous and well meaning man.
“I’m hungry.” You say, feeling slightly embarrassed. He laughs, you feel his body move from it, and he proceeds to pepper your face with the softest and sweetest kisses possible.
“I’ll make us some food, grab any shirt you want and meet me in the kitchen.”
You watch him pull on a pair of grey sweat pants and walk out. His pale hips sway just a little as he walks, and he looks so lanky from where you’re laying on his bed, the covers pulled up around your chest. He kissed your forehead before heading to the kitchen, what kind of a man does that on the first night? He’s a famous actor and the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen, let alone a couple of years above yourself. He really knows how to please a girl, your skin rises in tiny goosebumps of pleasure while a shiver shoots down your spine and leaps across your synapses just at the mere thought of what he did to you, by far the best climax you’ve ever had.
You slowly slide out from under his warm, plush covers that smell just like him, only leaving with severe reluctance that melts away as soon as you shrug on the pale blue button down that he wore for the concert. Only a few hours ago you’d met at a concert for old people, already having a common interest that few your age have, yet he’s so eager about classical piano which is so special to you. You fiddle with the buttons, leaving the top few open in hopes of another round - he is making you an almost-midnight feast after all.
You walk out of his room and pad barefoot across his living room floor, only to have a little grey cat come and rub at your feet. You lean down to tickle behind its ears, hearing it meow, and you continue your way too where Timothée has left the kitchen door open for you. He’s standing over the stove with some ingredients laid out on the spotlessly clean countertops. You smile in spite of yourself, running a hand through your messy hair before wrapping your arms around his torso from behind. You place a couple of kisses to his shoulder blades until he turns around and picks you up in one swift movement, sitting you on the counter so that you meet his height.
“It looks better on you.” He whispers, pulling you closer by your bare thighs to plant a kiss on your lips. He’s making you feel things you’ve never experienced before, you can’t wipe the smile off your face for the first time in a while, and he's making you food in the middle of the night after cuddling you.
After watching him cook for a while, you slip out of his kitchen and take a seat at his piano. You run your fingers over the smooth wood, it’s well loved but well kept. Then you take a seat on the stool. You can feel where Timothée sits to play, your smile turning a little sad. There’s so much to him that people won’t see because he’s getting famous, but he’s still a person and that’s something that you’re able to experience first-hand.
Eyes closed, you feel for F and Ab with both of your hands. You press the keys down gently, creating the soft blend of notes that is Clair De Lune. You fall lost in the music in a new way, a new feeling washing you with all of tonight's new sensations and sitting at a piano that is neither your own nor at school, it feels somewhat ethereal.
Your fingers glide all across the keys, black to white, flats to sharps, switching between octaves like its second nature. Your mind dances along with the rhythm, your whole mind, soul and being becoming lost in the symphony that you’re creating, one that you haven’t been able to create for a while, and it’s only thanks to Timothée.
You become so absorbed in playing that you don’t notice him leaving the kitchen to listen. He just stands in the doorway, leaning against it with his head lolled a little to the side, completely mesmerised by your movements, your music, and just everything you are. Only when you play the final notes are you alerted of his presence from the creaking of the floorboards beneath his feet. He walks over to you with purpose, a slight grimace on his perfect lips, but he just hugs you. Timothée just holds you close to his chest, allowing you to entwine your arms around his neck and nuzzle your face in his bare chest.
“Stay the night?” He asks, such a simple request but he truly does seem anxious. You want to be genuine, kind, but it’ll be best to relieve the tension.
“You’re making me a late night post-sex feast and giving me your shirt, of course I’m staying the night.” After a moment of silence, he exhales a laugh and node, brushing a curl or two into his face. “Anyway, your cat likes me too, so it’d be a shame to disappoint the little cutie.”
After only a few minutes, you find yourself back in bed with Timothée. He’s carrying a tray full of food that looks and smells gorgeous, followed by his cat who decides to dance between his legs. He serves you a strangely shaped piece of an odd looking pizza, though it still looks excellent, and it has some perfectly cooked and seasoned vegetables next to it on a white plate.
“What is this?” You ask him as kindly as possible.
“Flammekueche with some vegetables. It’s a French pizza with crème fraiche and bacon. My dad makes it all the time and always gives me some that I just freeze and reheat. I can only make microwave meals and vegetables, so this isn’t bad for me.” The way he explains it makes him so endearing, and even makes the food seem more than enticing. “You’re not allergic to anything are you? Or vegetarian?” You shake your head with a smile, kissing him and thanking him for the meal even though he won’t let you touch it before you sanitise your hands.
You talk the whole while that you eat, learning little things about his favourite books and his family. His favourite book just happens to be Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald, a book you both know and love, and Timothee has a Jewish mother, a French father, an older sister, and he grew up in the city. You however are from out of the city with an exceptionally normal family, and your favourite book is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. He seems to be growing fond of you, wiping the pizza sauce from your lip, followed by a kiss each time.
He places your plates on the floor as soon as you finish, snatching at the speed of light for some hand sanitiser, lube and another condom. You more than happily oblige with all of his steps and strip off his shirt, kissing the living daylights out of him before he’s even slotted the condom on. He kisses you back with equal fervour nonetheless, exploring your whole mouth with the tip of his tongue. He cautiously adds some lube to the sides of the condom and slips into you while you’re still atop him. You moan at the penetration, arching your body forwards and hereby giving Timothée a full view of your breasts and the way they bounce with his every thrust inside you.
You moan pornographically at his slow and passionate movements upwards and deep inside you, finding your special spot within moments. He settles his hands upon your hips, squeezing them and guiding your every movement. You ride him just the way he wants you to, you can see it in his eyes. He looks at you like a teenage boy would at a naked supermodel, of which you are only naked and most definitely not a supermodel, despite him treating you like one, and Timothée is thankfully older than a teenage boy yearning for sex.
“You look so fucking brilliant.” He tells you, admiring the way that your face contorts with pleasure while taking every inch of him.
You rhythmically grind your hips against him, swirling them occasionally just to hear him cry out. Nothing is a hinderance from you going faster, but this sex isn’t needing to be urgent to be satisfying. He squeezes your hips harder and you decides to move up a little further, bouncing back down on him as he becomes buried to the hilt in your desperate core. You do it again, engulfing him anew and moaning his name continually from the mix of friction and pleasure that’s sending you into another euphoria, but not enough to release again just yet.
Timothée still hasn’t taken his eyes off you, namely your breasts where he’s currently focussed, eyes trained on your hardened nipples - partly from not wearing a shirt and partly from Timothée’s ministrations. He leans up and captures your left nipple in his mouth, sucking and kissing and swirling his tongue around you in the most divine way possible. He moves his hands away from your hips too, allowing you to grind your hips on his in any way that you like. His one hand moves to your other breast, tweaking and pulling at your right peak and sending sensations through your body that you’d never realised could be real before; while his other slips to the rounds of your ass, squeezing delectably.
“Mr Chalamet, p-please,” you find yourself begging, leaning down while still riding him, his torture on your breasts never ceasing, not even when he thrusts his hips up one final time, allowing your core to devour him whole and sending you into your third otherworldly climax of the night.
“Timothée!” You scream, your climax pouring out of you. You feel him come too, and you hear him cry out your name like a blessing.
He doesn’t pressure you, he just waits until you’re able to clamber off him with as minimal pain and exhaustion as possible, though you do whine at the loss of contact as you lie beside him, his arms securely around you and holding you as close to him as possible. It doesn’t matter that you’re both sweaty or spent, it just feels special.
“Look at that, done before 1am.” He chides, cuddling into you. You laugh a little at him, especially his humour, but it is rather remarkable.
“Two rounds, a meal, and a concert. Can’t speak for you, but I’m knackered.” He smiles at you sleepily, passing you the shirt that you wore earlier. You shrug it on and do it up while Timothée puts his joggers back on and draws the curtains, leaving the two of you in dark for the most part. You lie further down, still close to his thin chest, you hear his breathing rattle a little, but it's soothing.
“Night beautiful.” Is the last thing you hear before falling asleep in his arms.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
The only issue about sleeping with Timothée is that you forget it's a Saturday morning, and on Saturdays, you have to work. Your phone alarm starts to go off at 7.15 precisely, which when you’re home, gives you enough chance to get ready for teaching in a calm manner so that you aren’t already angry before teaching little children how to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Today however, that is not the case.
Timothée sleeps through it somehow, but your eyes are shocked wide awake, causing you to leap from the comfort and warmth of his bed and cuddles just to crawl on the floor in search of your phone and where it fell last night. You find it next to his door somehow, and switch the alarm off immediately, propping yourself up against the door to release a long held breath and to watch the sun rise through his windows. He looks so beautiful asleep, his lips parted slightly, soft snores escaping every so often, dark eyebrows furrowed and his mop of curls haphazardly lying around him like a halo. The morning glow makes his cheekbones appear even more defined.
You want to gather your belongings without waking him, get dressed and catch a cab back to your flat, but just as you go to open his door, he stirs.
“Where do you think you’re going beautiful? Come back to bed, I’m keeping you here with me forever.” You know he’s joking, and his words melt your heart and inhibitions a little, but you can’t justify staying
“I have to work, my first student is at 9.30.” You say, walking across to stand beside his bed and brush some hair off his forehead, kissing him and your lips lingering on his sweaty skin a little longer than they probably should have.
“And? I’ll drive you home in time, if you live near Juilliard then I know a shortcut. Just come back.” He's virtually pleading, puppy eyes and quivering lip just to add to the effect, and you simply can’t say no when he looks so perfect. You place your things on the floor by the bed and slip beside him, allowing your eyes to flutter shut just a moment longer.
His finger traces your naked body beneath the shirt, focussing on the bruises he left on your hips and the marks on your neck. Just his touch is enough to take control of your body, to give you goosebumps, to electrify every feeling of love and lust held within.
“Can I use your shower please?” You ask him, and he nods, placing his chin atop your head.
“I’ll take you to my bathroom and then I’ll make you breakfast. Grab whatever clothing you want from my room, but you can’t leave this bed until you agree to dinner with me tonight.”
Your heart rate increases tenfold at his gesture, and you want to take a leap of faith and say yes straight away, but that would be playing your cards too quickly. “We’ll see.” You respond sultrily, making your way to leave, but his strong grip pulls you flush against him with no space to move. You can hear him laughing in your ear.
“Say yes to dinner and then you can leave.” He slips his hands further down your front without losing his grip and decides to toy with your clit as though it’ll get you to talk.
“Y-yes! God, Timothée, of course I’ll go to dinner with you, just don’t stop!” You find it impossible to understand the shockwaves of pleasure pulsating and electrifying your every sense from an action as simple as the pads of his fore and middle fingers twisting and pressing your sensitive clit. It’s so incredible that after the previous night, it feels like overstimulation, and you can’t get enough.
“I’ll never stop.” He murmurs gruffly into your ear, you can hear the hoarseness that smoking causes but god it sounds and tastes so good.
He pulls your body closer and rolls you over. “Hey baby.” You say as calmly as you can, but within seconds you find yourself sitting on his face, half of his stunning bone structure lost beneath you. He delves his tongue into your already dripping heat, licking as far as he can get and only pulling away to kiss and suckle at your clit.
“Let me come Mr Chalamet!” You cry out, and with one final swipe of his tongue around your core and a squeeze of your ass, you let go. Timothée licks you clean while you still chant his name, and he proceeds to pick you up in order to carry you to the bathroom. You settle your heels at the base of his spine, digging in a little, and his arms tense beneath your ass from the manner he carries you. You like being above him, able to trace every line and bit of stubble on his face with your focussed eyes that he stares so deeply into at any given chance.
“Don’t be too long or I’ll be tempted to join you.”
You slowly cross the threshold of the bathroom, winking at him as you close the door. He inaudibly groans, but you can tell from his facial expression and the tension in his joggers that make him look utterly sexy. You slowly unbutton his shirt, reluctant to take it off, but when you step under the warm jet of his shower, that reluctance washes away along with any inhibitions you may have had about Timothée. He’s an angel: clean, respectful, enjoys classical music, has a cat, isn’t a cocky dickhead, and he’s literally the most gorgeous human being that you’ve ever laid eyes on.
You run your fingers through your hair, standing directly beneath his showerhead. The steam clouds your vision, but you can hear Timothée singing while he cooks, Mystery of Love. What a dork, you think, chuckling to yourself while you rinse Tim’s shower gel from your body, and you just know that after this you’ll smell like him, but he smells delectable. As the water hits the most sensitive parts of your body, you remember the previous night. Just the thought of what he did to you makes you crave his touch again.
Through the bathroom window, you can make out the New York traffic that builds every morning, accompanied by the screeching of tires and sirens and car horns. Despite it being a ruckus, it's soothing as you step out the shower and wrap yourself in one of Timothée’s fluffy towels.
“How do you look so sexy when you’re getting out of the shower? God, I can't stress it enough, you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen in my life, even without any makeup and with your hair un-styled, just wrapped in my Goddamn towel. You’re gonna be mine, mark my words.” You feel tears come to your eyes at his kind words, watching him purposefully walk from the kitchen and all the way across his apartment just to place his hands on your waist and tell you how beautiful you are. Those words are better than a concerto to you.
Once you’ve finished getting dry in his bedroom, you ferret through his drawers until you pull out a white top with various tie dye patterns across it. It’s cute, very Timothée. You pull it on and it reaches your mid thighs, making it clock in your head just how much of a lanky lad he is. You bundle together your stuff and head out of his room, closing the door behind you and greeting him with a kiss. He sits you at the breakfast bar and serves you a proper cooked breakfast: bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes.
“There's ketchup and syrup in the cupboard if you’d like.” He offers, sidling up on the seat beside you, nudging the tip of your nose with his thumb. The smile hasn’t left your face since you met him.
“This is good, you’re an excellent cook.” You tell him, resting your hand on his. His cheeks glow an even brighter red in the cascading morning sunlight, dappled by his blinds, but he looks magnificent despite his embarrassment.
You take out your phone, just to take a picture of the breakfast while it’s still untouched, and of your hand held by Timothée’s, already wearing rings. You notice that he’s already wearing a silver chain too, and a couple of bracelets on the wrist away from your own, which you find unusually attractive.
“I wish you could stay all day.” he whispers, placing his forehead on yours.
“Me too.” you say softly, smiling sadly and caressing his cheek.
You finish your breakfast and make your way to the living room in a strange kind of waltz orchestrated by Timothée. He insists on holding your waist and turning around a little, moving your feet in sync until you yank him down onto the sofa, catching his lips mid sigh which leads to a much more passionate make out session than you anticipated. Once that’s over, he plaits your hair beautifully, explaining how it used to calm his sister down before an audition. By the time he’s finished a very good pair of plaits, you check the time and it’s already 9, time for you to leave with NYC traffic, but Tim won’t let you go.
“Not without a photo.” He insists, but you question his reasons. Who would want a photo of you with wet hair in plaits, an oversized tee-shirt and a bare face? But his answer is too sweet to refuse. “I like taking pictures of beautiful things, and of which, you are the most beautiful.” Your cheeks flush a raging scarlet, and Timothée takes your few moments of silence as the perfect opportunity to take a picture of you, sunlight hitting your face in all the right places, and he takes another for good measure, his hand on your cheek and his lips on yours, a kiss that shuts you up for good.
He takes you down the stairs right to the garage where he keeps his car, and surprisingly, it’s an understated car, not crazily extortionate nor flashy, something which you respect highly. He sits you in the passenger side, making sure to kiss you before closing the door, and he gets in the driver's side. After starting the engine and leaving the parking lot, he lays his palm flat against your thigh and keeps it there the whole drive while you change gears for him. You tell him all about your childhood, your high school, your time in uni while he tells you his life at a performing arts high school and then his life as an actor, he truly fascinates you.
Once he pulls up outside your building, he tries to convince you to let him come in, or at least walk you to your door, but on the grounds of not scaring the life out of your neighbours and students, you say no with a promise to see him later.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight that you won’t be able to walk.” He says, pulling you in for a final passionate kiss before you step out of the car. He made you wet just before you have to work, you’ll get him back later, but the revenge melts as soon as he leans out the window to blow you a kiss and tell you how stunning you are.
You’re so lost in your trance of Timothée that you don’t notice your first student tapping you on the shoulder and excitedly saying “Was that the Timothée Chalamet?”
You chuckle to yourself, watching him drive off into traffic, all for you. “Yes it was love, yes it was.”
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iwadori · 3 years
hello! I love your works so much! Can I request an angst to comfort scenario for #21 on your prompt list?
“It’s my fault for trusting you”
Feel free to use whichever character(s) you like!!
When the haikyu boys neglect you for another girl PT 3
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part four Part Five
Word Count: 2.7K
Genre: angst,fluff
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You and Akaashi were beautiful people
Probably the most attractive pair of young adults that anyone can find
You were both top tier models in the industry
You always had a little rivalry between you but you always promised each other to never let it affect your ‘relationship’
“Beautiful darling, your beautiful” praised your photographer as you finished your shoot giving you air kisses on your cheeks. You thanked him and the rest of the staff and entered your dressing room sighing.
“Rough day?” Asked a voice, startling you a bit. You looked up to see your boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji sitting in the corner of your dressing room on a love seat.  
“Gosh Keiji you scared me” clutching your chest dramatically “But yes, the day has been tiring Fabio has really been overworking me lately” you complained. Akaashi walks towards you and gave you a peck on the cheek “Aww poor baby” he cooed mockingly, “but don’t worry ‘bout it Y/N your sucess will be all be worth it eventually” he says making you smile.
“and besides, you’ve got a shoot with me soon anyways” he winks, making you chuckle. You finished removing your make-up as Akaashi tells you about his shoot today and Bokuto’s (your fellow model friend) antics.  
You and Akaashi first laid eyes on eachother when you were both up and coming models, you both are under the same company. At first, both of your agents decided to make you spend time with each other to push the narrative of you being a couple anyways. However, since you and Akaashi had great natural chemistry it made your relationship great and made for a great photo too.  
As much as the public loved your relationship and the saucy photos you tend to make together, they also thrived of the slight rivalry you guys had together or the times when you guys bother shot with other people (since it was easy for a fan to make a new ship off of two people literally standing next to each other.)
You spent the next day having what you and Akaashi called a ‘rest day,’ you both specifically clear your schedules for every 2nd and 4th saturday of each month to not do any work-related for the day and just bask in each other’s companies (as you were both busy and barely got enough time to see one another.)
You watched multiple movies, made your own homemade cookies and dinner, had pillow fights, built forts. You both were having so much fun, until you both got a call...Just then, the vibe changed you went from your free-spirited fun selfs back into work mode.
Your agent told you that two brands *Insert big fashion designer brand here* and *Insert another big fashion designer brand here* were having some form of standoff. To be honest, you didn’t really care about the context of the shoot(s) in this case, as your agents call ruined your day. They wanted you and Tsukishima Kei, to do some competing shoots and promotional videos for their brand against the other designer.
After getting all your information from your agent, you go back into the living and see Akaashi sitting down thinking deeply about something. “What was your call about?” you inquire sitting down next to him.
“Oh just some silly designer brand competition thing.” he mindlessly replies, still thinking deeply.
“Yeah same. So what’s got you thinking all deeply then?” you ask
“My fellow model is going to be Kiyoko Shimuzu” he sighed, making you blink repeatedly before immediately saying “You can’t do the shoot”
Kiyoko Shimuzu was japans beauty. Everybody loved her, she’s been a model since she was a child everyone wanting a grasp on her looks. The guys wanted her, the girls wanted to be here. Kiyoko Shimuzu was a force to be reckon with.
The real problem at hand wasn’t her stunning looks, popularity and fame. It was her connection with Akaashi. Before Akaashi went big and met you, he was Kiyoko’s boyfriend (well ex-boyfriend now) and they broke up because of long-distance or something like that.
However, to you, Kiyoko’s feelings for your boyfriend have never went away. Whenever you guys bumped into each other at red carpet events or runway shows, she always seemed to linger a bit too long around your boyfriend, which definitely wasn’t to your liking.
Akaashi lifted up his head from inside his palms and looked at you as if you had grown another head. “What do you mean, ‘I can’t do the shoot’” he asked in disbelief
“I mean, you can’t do the shoot” you reiterated not understanding why he didn’t understand.  
Akaashi sighs before putting his face back in his hands to think, “Well I know you got to the shoot aswell Y/N who’s yours with.”
“Tsukki” You said nonchalantly say as if it was nothing, making Akaashi look at you again as if you were fully crazy before he had a chance to speak you cut him off saying “Don’t even start Akaashi.”
You and Tsukishima Kei, have best friends since you were kids. You weren’t romantic in any way shape or form, well at least you weren’t. Akaashi always claimed that that Tsukishima was in love with you, that you and Tsukishima were the perfect example of every ‘childhood friends-lovers trope’ ever, which to you wasn’t true. Everything between you and Tsukishima was and still is completely platonic which you can’t say the same for Akaashi and Kiyoko.
“You’re not doing the shoot” he says firmly as if he was your father.  
“Oh so you can do your shoot with your literally EX GIRLFRIEND, but I can’t do mine with my best friend... yeah make sense” you say standing up, astounded.
“Y/N chill, If you’re so adamant about me not doing it with Shi- Kiyoko, then I wont” he says pulling your arm down making you land on him “and you better not do it with ‘Tsukki’” he mocked.
“Okay so none of us are doing the shoots?” you ask looking up at him  
“Yup” he says  
“Pinky promise,” you joked sticking out your pinky in his face.
“Pinky promise” he agreed hooking his finger around yours.
For the next month it seemed you were booked busy, you barely got to see your boyfriend as his agent had him running around all of Japan and even had him booked in some places in Europe for this month. Of course, you missed him, but you understand how busy it can be doing your line of work. You’ve been quite busy too, doing the usual shoots and runways.
Although he was busy, Akaashi basically went radio silent on you. You still expected him to reply to some of your messages or at least call once or twice when he had the chance, since he must have 10 minutes of break time and that's the bare minimum.
It’s been two weeks since you last saw Akaashi (and that was on your saturday rest day) and you were expecting him to come over today so you could have another. Since of course, Saturday ‘rest days’ were basically a tradition for you and Akaashi before you even started dating.
You had no text from Akaashi explaining his lateness/absense, so you just figured he wasn’t coming putting a damper on your day. You spent the day lounging around and shoving your face with your favourite snacks and food.
You get a text from Tsukishima which read:
Tsukishima: 1 Image Attached  
Tsukishima: Looks whose boyfriend stumbled on set...
You didn’t respond as you were shocked at the sight you saw, the image was a picture of Akaashi and Kiyoko on set doing shots for the *insert the other rich designer brand* the shoot that you both agreed you wouldn’t do, which was also a LINGERE brand.  
You felt betrayed, you both agreed to not do the shoot and it’s not like you did do yours. You made sure to turn it down the day you made your agreement. And he skipped on your traditional saturday ‘rest day’ without even giving you any word of him not planning on arriving.
You didn’t know what to do, do you confront him about it? Or do you wait for him to approach you? Since he would plan on telling you about this right? You eventually messaged Tsukishima a ‘thanks’ and you decided how you were going to handle the situation. Pop up on Akaashi and Kiyoko at the photoshoot.
You knew where it was at, since you had the address already from when your agent first offered you the idea. You drove to the place in a breakneck speed, strutting in there like a woman on a mission (which you technically were.) You decided to wait in Akaashi’s dressing room, not wanting to cause a scene at the shoot which would be bad for yours, Akaashi’s and Kiyoko’s image and would be a waste of the time of the staff and photographer there.
Akaashi finally finished the shoot and entered his room with a sigh not realising that you were sitting in the corner of his room. “Did you have a rough time?” you ask mockingly making him jump and his eyes widen as you were the last person he expected to be there. “Why so shocked, you weren’t expecting me?” you still keep the same mocking tone in your speech.
“Y/N I-” He started  
“Y/N what?” You interrupted “Y/N I’m sorry for basically ghosting you for a month? I'm sorry for doing a shoot with someone who I know is still in love with me? I’m sorry for lying to you? I’m sorry for skipping out on our rest day with no explanation on where I am?” you stare at him as he stares back speechless.
“Oh, am I missing something?” you continue “Oh yes ‘Y/n I’m sorry for doing the shoot that we both agreed that we weren’t doing’” you sit down and wait for him to reply.
Akaashi puts his head down in shame, not really knowing what to say. Because of his silence, you roll your eyes and get up fed up with his lack of explanation. Before you fully leave Akaashi blocks your way with slight tears in his eyes “I had no other choice Y/N, I had to do all those shoots and travel other places with Kiyoko because sh-”
“Wait, that’s where you were?” you shout “Gallivanting around the country with HER!” you extend your arm pointing outside the door before you turn trying to leave again.
“N-No No Y/N you’ve got to listen to me” he said putting your hands on my shoulder “She has something, on me and I-I couldn’t I can’t get out of it. It’s deeper than just a simple shoot.” You were confused but you were so upset you just didn’t want to hear it so instead of listening to your boyfriend you decided to say “you’re so full of shit Akaashi” making him gasp at your coldness and the use of his last name. “ but hey I guess thats my fault for trusting you”
You finally left the room and went to go get a breather for a second with tears sparking in your eyes. You leaned against the wall and whispered “fuck” frustrated with the whole situation. Making you jump, Tsukishima said “you should go talk to him you know.”  
“What do you know Tsukki” he cringed at the nickname
“I know more than you Y/N, just go talk to him.” he said making you squint your eyes at him wondering what information he held.
When you walked back to Akaashi’s dressing room practicing an apology in your head. But you paused your arrival hearing Akaashi talking to the one and only, Kiyoko Shimuzu in his room.
“Let’s face it Akaashi, now that I’ve got this sex tape of us, I basically own you.” she said to him making your eyes widen.  
You decided the smartest thing to do was to pull out your phone and record as much as the conversation as you possibly could. Because you could already tell Akaashi was in a bind.
“The next thing I want you to do is...” she continued acting as if she was thinking “break it with Y/N!”
“No certainly not Kiyoko, you’re going too far.” he said making you smile internally that he still defended your relationship. “Me and Y/N are definitely NOT breaking up.”
“Akaashi are you forgetting that I have something over you.” she pulls out her phone and she plays a video, which you can only assume is the sex tape. You can hear a bunch of moans and groans which made your stomache ache.
Tired of hearing this, you burst into the room and say “What the fuck are you doing Kiyoko”  
“Oh Y/N how lovely for you to join us...” she said with a smile, “I was just discussing with your ‘boyfriend’ plans for our next shoots.”
“I always knew you were a bitch.” you say shocking your head at her.
“What do you mean Y/N?” she says with a fake smile, not knowing that you were listening in on your conversation “Actually Akaashi was telling me something he had to tell you... isn’t that right Akaashi.” you both looked over at him and he was scared and speechless.
“Oh you mean how you’ve been blackmailing him for the past two weeks...” you accuse  
“You have no proof of that.” She taunted  
“Oh do I..” you rebuttal then pressing play on the recording you just took watching as both Kiyoko and Akaashi look shocked. Kiyoko scurries out the room knowing she’s been caught leaving you with a triumphant smile.
You sit down, gesturing Akaashi to sit next to you. “Akaashi, I’m so sorry for not listening to you earlier I felt so betrayed thinking that you went agaisnt out agreement, but I guess I was just being a self-obsessed bitch” you say with you now looking down in shame.
“Y/N” he says with you still not meeting his eye “Y/N look at me” he lifted your chin up so you met his eye “It’s fine, It’s completely fine you didn’t know of course you didn’t know, how would you know of sex tape I unknowingly did back when I was 16!” he exclaims “Its fine, we’re good” he pulls you into a hug and kisses you on the forehead.
After you both calm down, Akaashi explains how Kiyoko started to blackmail him and how the agency loved the idea of them two being together (not the blackmailing) as it created a jealousy storyline between you and her and how every time they met she kept proposing ridiculous demands.
“Also, how did you know I ended doing the shoot?” he asks
“Oh a little bird told me” you tease  
“You mean a 6ft2 bird with blonde hair and a shit personality.” he retorts making you laugh  
“Heyy don’t be so mean, if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t of came to save the day.”
“True, I’d give him that.”
Eventually, you and Akaashi go to your agency and present all your evidence and claims that Kiyoko was blackmailing Akaashi. Although they were upset, that Akaashi did partake in a sex tape they knew that they’d be an even bigger scandal if you presented your news that Japans sweetheart Kiyoko Shimuzu was blackmailing Akaashi Keiji. So the agency thought it was in everyones best interest if they got Kiyoko to sign an NDA saying that she will never bring forth or share the Sex Tape to anyone and she’ll agree to be dropped from the agency.
Your life was great now, with Kiyoko off your back and Akaashi being back to his usual self you couldn’t wish for anything more. You ended up doing the shoot persuading the design brand person (whatever the name for it is) to agree to let you do the shoot together instead of with other people. Both brands let you, because who wouldn’t want Akaashi Keiji and L/N Y/N to do a shoot together?
AUTHORS NOTE: this is the longest work ive written for a single character and i am TIRED lol..I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my other works so I hope you enjoy this one.. to be honest I think with my works I start off strong and end shitly :// However I wanted to do something different today by making them models instead of students so I hope you like it. Now im off to read some fanfic so you guys have a good day!! <3 
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alldayangst · 3 years
lovebug (Tom Holland)
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GIF is from gaybuckybarnes here on Tumblr. You can access my masterlist here. This was written for @worldoftom’s lolbrosgetsicktoochallenge. The prompt I had was: ‘Tom self diagnoses himself as sick. He’s got all the symptoms. He’s speechless, over the edge and just breathless. He never thought he’d get hit by the ‘love-bug’ again’. Inspired by the song Lovebug by Jonas Brothers!
A/N: Y/N is an assistant director on Cherry in this fic. This has a lot of Cherry (the movie) references but most are explained if you haven’t seen the film. Such as, it was filmed in Cleveland and Morocco, directed by Joe and Anthony Russo. Some scenes in this fic borrow from the movie & I’ve linked clips from the film if you’d like to listen/watch along. WC: 4K.
“Yeah, Mum, I’ve just got like the sorest throat at the moment.” Nikki’s picture cuts in and out on a scrambled screen on the South side of London, her husband’s hand periodically reaching out for her, rubbing her shoulder, then leaving the frame almost as quickly as it came in. Even through the low quality, the pixels dashing about his screen, Tom can make out his mother’s brows knitting together and can’t remove the feeling of utter guilt when he sees her grow redder and redder out of anger, concern and confusion for her son. “But I’ve got Harry here with me.” Harry waves from behind his brother, his trusty mug swapped for a Phoenix Coffee Cup in his spare hand, just to get a taste of the States.
Tom reckons that's why he’s sick. He barely drinks coffee on the other side of the pond, and would bet good money that an at home PG Tips would beat America’s swankiest coffee joint any day. But now, he’s betrayed his usual routine and his body’s all out of whack and his throat is hoarse, he’s breathless even at times.
Harry shoots his mum a half smile to comfort her, but he doesn’t know what it's like to be a mother, and his and Tom’s mouth both form an ‘O’ when Nikki begins to type so hard her screen jolts and Tom swears she’s put a dent in it. “You know what? I’m going to give them a piece of my mind, Tom! They’re overworking you!” Nikki looks intensely to find her baby boy in drug-addled eyes and his jungle of curls on his newly shaven head. She guesses it becomes easier when Tom pushes his face halfway into the screen and pleads like the child he’ll always be to her, “Please, please Mum! I can’t have any days off. Under any circumstances, I need to finish this film!”
Tom turns to his younger brother for help. “Tell her, Harry!”
And as little brothers do best, Harry spills the beans as soon as Tom’s phone is in clutch. “Tom’s fallen in love with the first A.D., Y/N.”
Nikki immediately loses her frown, knowing how love can knock Tom off his feet and blow all the wind out of him. Tom’s father, Dom, re-enters the frame to match Nikki’s grin. He never misses an opportunity to tease. “Oo, caught a case of the love bug, have you?”
Harry has to whip the phone around to dodge Tom’s protesting arms reaching for it again. “Don’t listen to Harry. I’m not in love. I just like Y/N.”
“A lot.” Harry mutters. Tom’s family doesn’t budge any further, knowing how bad Tom was hurt after his last relationship. They weren't sure when the love bug would come back to bite him again. So after they all shared a knowing look, Harry handed Tom his phone back. “I’ll keep you updated. Bye, Mum.”
It all started five weeks ago. Tom, at 24, was beginning to feel like love was trudging up a high hill he couldn’t come down from, where every beat of heart was feeling like an ache on an open wound.  Tom had yet to meet a lover to prove distance makes the heart grow fonder, finding himself in six month long entanglements and illusions of love before things inevitably went sour.
He’d say, perhaps, you were the closest thing to the real deal. The problem was, he didn’t know if you liked him back.
“When life was beginning, I saw -”
“When life was-”
“When life was be-fuck!”
“When life was beginning, I saw you.”
Tom could make a picture book out of the day he first met you. He remembers how your hair looked that day, the speckles of genuinity in your eyes, how your ear-to-ear smile seemed to be a mirror because every time he saw you from then on, he brandished the same beam. He recalls how his eyes went low as he dropped his script to his lap and stared at your lips, so soft and kissable, as you repeated his words back to him: “When life was beginning, I saw you.” Then you chuckled softly as Tom waited patiently for his head and his heart to return to him.
“I’m sorry. I’m dyslexic. I have a bit of trouble reading.”
“It’s cool, I'm the first A.D. That’s what I’m here for.”
You rubbed your hands on the back of your trousers, your mic jostling in your back pocket as you attempted to rid yourself of your nervous, sweaty palms.
“I’m Y/N.” You reached out for a shake only for Tom to cough loudly into his own hand. 
“Fuck! I’m so sorry! That wasn’t me trying to get out of your handshake. I- I-.” Tom looked at his hand for it had failed him for the first time in his life. His hand that had helped him up during handstands, being his crutch through cartwheels and backflips, but had decidedly run out of luck to be on the receiving end of Tom’s monstrous cough impending a handshake with someone his eyes just couldn’t look away from.
You laugh again. Your laugh sounds like melody, Tom muses. Awestruck, he wishes he could play it again, repeat it like a radio hit and never wash himself of the feeling he got when he heard your laugh for the first time.
“It’s all good. I’ll see you around.” You disappear from his trailer, likely on a venture to your own, when Joe and Anthony block his view of you walking away.
Anthony and Joe take on the ghost of you in Tom’s room, “Tom! The man, the myth and the legend!” Joe comes behind him to rub his newly hairless head. “We’re so glad you agreed to do this movie!” 
“Bummed that you’re not coming to the Browns game tonight, though.” Anthony remarks, throwing a football at Joe who sets it in his lap.
“Harry and I, we’re British, mate. We play football with our feet.”
Joe doesn’t know it then, but his next words are the beginning of the end for Tom. He rubs on his football and looks Tom in his eye when he poses, “It’s a shame ‘cause the whole crew’s going. First day of filming celebrations.”
“The whole crew?”
Anthony mumbles an ‘mhm’ as he picks up a framed photo of Tom and RDJ sitting pretty on Tom’s dresser, posing like father and son.
Tom’s usually self assured when he’s on set, but he’s hesitant to say this next improvised line. His voice trails off as he speaks. “Including Y/N?”
“Y/N?” Joe queries, with a smile that’s half scary and half comforting, and the butterflies in Tom’s stomach are begging him not to fuck this up and suddenly every second a word is not spoken feels like hours have passed and he might have ruined things before they’ve even started, gosh he just met you and-
Tom tries to play it cool. “I don’t- they’re cool.” Tom coughs again. “I mean, I don’t really know them but Y/N seems cool I guess.”
Anthony and Joe smile at each other, scrambling to exit. “Whole crew’s going, baby!” Joe beams.
“Please don’t tell Y/N I asked!” Tom shouts before they’re out of earshot.
“Yeah, yeah. Anthony, go long!”
A few hours later, Tom was sitting next to an unamused Harry, you on his left, foam fingers pointing every which way. 
“Are you a big football fan?” Tom asked, imposter syndrome creeping up on him. He had the best seats in the house, but knew not a thing about this sport he’d come down to watch. Meanwhile, crew and crowd alike sat themselves around you guys, cheering leaving throats raw for days to come and a tussle for a foam finger between Joe and Anthony leading to hundreds of sugary popcorn shells scattered on the stadium floor.
“I mean, I wouldn’t ever turn down the option to look at Odell Beckham Jr. Are you?” you replied.
Tom looked over to his brother who sat with his chin in his hand, lips pulled into a thin straight line as his rusty curls were blown about from the wind of brown and orange flags flown from fans behind him. “We could learn to love it.” Tom flashed you a toothy grin, unsure of where to guide the conversation next. He knew for sure that he wanted to keep talking to you, but his ego began putting up a fight, eager to show himself off if you’d have him in any way. Tom sighed. “Truth is, we have no fucking clue what’s going on.” Tom could hear the commentary about a player reaching the end zone, but they were all just words that went into one ear then came straight out of the other.
You giggled. “I have no idea either. We could make up our own rules if you want.”
Tom likes the way you think. He also likes the way you speak. He loves the way you laugh.
“You have a beautiful laugh.” 
You covered your mouth. “Oh, fuck, I hate my laugh!”
“I’d make you laugh a thousand times if I could.”
You pointed to the jumbo screen as Mayfield made a touchdown, unable to stop laughing from sheer nerves as you felt Tom’s hot, burning haze on you. An advert for Cleveland’s Own Phoenix Coffee flashed on the screen as you spoke. “We’ll make our own rules. Every time we see the quarterback pick up the ball, we’ll cheer.”
By the end of the night, Tom is speechless, breathless and over the edge of his chair in faux excitement and anticipation of the quarterback receiving the ball once again. 
“Another coffee?” The service worker asked.
“Yes please!” You and Tom both say in unison, pumped as the quarterback began circling around to collect the ball in open arms.
The footage of the game is cut abruptly as the camera points to a confused, solo Harry; Anthony and Joe are seen at the edge of the frame whispering suggestively and pointing towards Tom, the camera eventually capturing the superstar who looks back up at his own reflection. Poorly green screened hearts flood the screen and the camera pans to include you in the frame too. Tom looks on in horror when he realises what’s going on and how it could be too late, and turns to you.
“I promise I didn’t know this was going on. We don’t have to.” Tom panics. 
You hear him loud and clear, that you don’t have to, but your heart and eleven thousand people are telling you to kiss him otherwise. “Oh well. We should just do it.” you murmur, the bright pink ‘KISSCAM’ logo flashing in and out.
It doesn’t take more than a moment for the gap between you and Tom to close, for your face to get lost behind his, his lips pressing against yours, eyes closed, trusting each other to share your air. This was probably the first thing that night worth cheering for, howls and whistles erupting around you. 
Tom doesn’t understand American football, but he thinks that the best seats in the house could be anywhere next to you.
Harry’s on the phone to his twin brother, Sam, when you and the rest of the crew make it back to the hotel later on. “-Yeah, and Tom spent half the night with the first A.D. cheering and screaming at fuck all.”
The Cleveland Browns lost that night, but Tom remains none the wiser. He stood in the doorway as Harry continued to relay his day to Sam. “Oh, and Tom, Mum said to give her a call, eavesdropper.” He flicks Tom’s reddening nose before closing the door.
A week and a half later, Tom reckons that's why he’s sick. He never has the time anymore to attend ‘real’ football games back home, and he actually understands the game back in Britain. But now, he’s cheered at almost every given opportunity to impress you stupidly, and his chest and voice is suffering as a consequence.
You and Tom walked onto set with your pinkies intertwined, growing closer and closer by the minute, but Tom doesn’t miss how Ciara’s boyfriend visits set every day for her, doesn’t miss how they rub their nose together in this lovey-dovey affection he wishes he could bestow upon you.
The scene wasn’t working.
The crew was beginning to grow restless and Tom silently became more frustrated as the minutes went by and he was unable to get his lines right. He remembers how a week ago, it felt so easy. You were there to correct him when he stumbled upon his lines and you picked him up so effortlessly, a twinkling smile on your face. But then? Then you were different. Your eyes were scrunched up behind the lens of the camera and you were mumbling something to Anthony about how the sun was due to go down in Ohio soon so you needed to hurry along.
“Alright.” you announced. “Take five!”
And Tom was thankful, Ciara perched upon a swing for the scene they were filming, Tom dwindling the rope of the swing under his finger as her boyfriend approached her once again. “Hey dude, are you okay?”
Ciara looked at Tom with the same concern, hands finding home in her boyfriend’s nest of hair. “Yeah, Tom, are you okay?”
Tom coughed into his hand. “Yeah, guys, I’m good.”
“I think you’re coming down with a nasty cough.” Ciara muttered.
“Yeah. It’s you guys. You’re too cute. You make me sick.” Tom laughed humourlessly for a short while, wanting to be that adorable with someone, maybe not anyone, maybe just with you someday. Then Tom shook his head, a bitter feeling in his throat as he yawned. “It’s the Browns game. I was yelling and screaming every time a quarterback got the ball. Of course I’m a little unwell. I’ll be good as new in a few days though.”
Ciara already knew Tom wasn’t playing a man with the healthiest of habits, but she worried that Tom was getting this bad this early. “Maybe you should talk to the first A.D. about reducing shoot days from five to three?”
Tom didn’t like the prospect of seeing you less. “Yeah.” Harry had a clapperboard between his hands, leading Tom’s eyebrows to furrow as his brother yelled something about it being take 13. “Maybe.” 
Harry resumed to a new position in your chair, with you taking Harry’s place right across from Tom, a coffee waiting for him when the scene was over like Harry always did. Ciara’s boyfriend left the frame to watch supportively on the sidelines.
“Lights. Camera. Action!” Anthony called. “Time is money, you guys! Let’s try to get this one right this time.” 
They’d been over this already twelve times today.
“Hey, I’m really happy you’re here.”
Ciara read her line back. “Why’s that?” 
Tom could hear whispers of the crew, the sound guy glaring at them in case they were picked up in the scene, and he knew it had something to do with the fact that he couldn’t for some reason get the next line out all day. And that reason, unbeknownst to everyone, was because Tom couldn’t say something he didn’t mean - feeling like his heart was locked in a cage for which only you had the key. He looked past his co-star, Ciara, and up at you; feeling so close but you were far away, leaving him all day without anything to say. And overcoming his speechlessness and breathlessness, even in just that moment, he ran his hand over the rope to say, “Cause I like you. A lot.”
Ciara and the rest of the crew broke into a wide smile once Tom finally spoke his next line, but the only person Tom was focused on was you, who wasn’t smiling, but mouthing his words back to him.
Ciara breathed, “Shut up.”
And Tom’s sure to look you in the eye when he says, “I really do.”
When the filming for the day is said and done, Tom makes a beeline for you across the greenery. You hand over his coffee to him, “It’s a little cold now, but a warm hand is holding it.”
Tom quirks an eyebrow. “Are you inviting me to hold your hand?”
“Don’t push your luck.”
“You swapped jobs with Harry, I saw.”
“Yeah, well. It’s good he gets to grips with the job now. You know, in case anything changes.” You pulled your phone out of your pocket. “I should probably give you my number. In case anything changes.”
“Oh no, yeah. Your number is?”
“216-XXX-XXX. Speaking of changes, I heard you’re trying to get your days reduced.”
“You were eavesdropping?” Tom looks at your face that bears no trace of guilt. “You’re just like me!” He pulls you close.
“Tom, if what happened today is because you’re working too much, I’m happy to reduce your time.”
“Nah, nah.” Tom sniffles, rubbing his nose on a jacket probably worth more than your life. “I’m just a bit sick, s’all. I’ll be fine.”
Two weeks pass and Tom’s no better. With the Cleveland game nearly a month ago, Tom has nothing to blame and as first A.D., you’re obligated to reduce his hours. Tom’s on the phone with his mother when you approach his trailer. 
“Don’t listen to Harry. I’m not in love. I just like Y/N.”
“A lot. I’ll keep you updated. Bye, Mum.” 
You’re so quick to skip happily back to your trailer that you miss Harry calling out to his brother, he’s his protector now that his mother was countries apart. “Tom?” Harry starts.
Tom mumbles an ‘mhm’, hoping Harry would make it quick as he sees you FaceTiming him. If only his mother could see him like this. He’d get to call her tomorrow and tell her he’d called you for the first time yesterday, he could hardly wait to utter, 'I've finally found the missing part of me’. Harry sighs as the FaceTime ringing is relentless. Tom’s eyebrows threaten to meet in the middle of his face as he clutches onto his phone.
“Tom.” Harry begins. “Y/N is giving up assistant director.”
Tom’s really not sure where Harry gets the source of his information from, but he’s sure this isn’t true. He thinks you’d tell him before his brother if you were leaving the film behind, leaving him behind.
The film is due to move filming to Morocco soon, and Tom’s well aware that not all film crew joins them when production moves abroad, but to Tom, you’re an extension of this movie universe. And Tom refuses to leave the memories of you in this filming cycle. “How’d you know?”
“I’m taking over.” Tom’s screen lights up with the glow of your call, and as bright as it is, as bright as you are, as bright as your smile surely is on the other end of the phone call, Tom’s in his deepest darkest feelings wondering how he fooled himself into thinking romance could go right for him this time. 
He’s going to Morocco. You’re not. You’re funny, smart, promising, beautiful. You’ll find someone good for you, a better pair by the time he’s back.
“That doesn’t mean it won’t work out, man.” Tom sulks in his bed, the light from your constant calls bleeding through his bed sheets. “I just wanted to warn you.” Tom nods, screaming into his pillow. Harry decides that’s his cue to leave, a glimmer of light from outside seeping through the crack of the door as Harry escorts himself. Tom musters all his might and courage to reluctantly answer your phone, the ear-to-ear grin he knows so well greeting him once again.
Suddenly, he forgot how to speak. Hopeless, breathless, couldn’t you see that?
“Tom?” You call out his name a few times before cutting straight to the point. “Do you like me?”
Tom shifts slightly but not enough to show that he’s alarmed. “Huh? Yeah, I like you.”
He sits up, but doesn’t reciprocate the outrageous smile you wear like a heart on your sleeve. Tom’s eyes are sunken, dark circles forming under his eyes where he and his disturbed character become one. You suddenly remember why you shouldn’t have run away so fast, perhaps Tom was overworking himself. He continues, “But I’m an emotionally unavailable hopeless romantic. So I wouldn’t waste your time on me.”
Tom can’t help the hurt in his heart when he sees your smile drop so suddenly, knowing it was earnest. “Tom, what are you saying?”
“I’m saying, life is unfair. And I’m gonna quit while I’m ahead. We wouldn’t work out. And I like our friendship now. We should stay that way.”
You’re not convincing when you nod rapidly, not letting Tom see your face as you play with your fingers to avoid his gaze. “Yeah, I agree.” You’re much less convincing when the last frame Tom caught of you was a shot of tears dripping down your face, as three rings followed you. Tom’s screen went black in your absence, and Tom falls asleep with eyes even redder from crying, and he wonders when he’s gonna shake this sickness.
It’d been a few days since Tom had got his shots to allow him to go to Morocco. He sat opposite the doctor on set, a coffee cup placed on the desk between him.
Tom reckons that's why he’s sick. Shots always have their side effects, and he’d taken multiple shots in one day. And now, he specifically asked for you to hold his hand during the process, Harry branded in a glinting jaw-drop, only for you to leave directly after. 
“I’m speechless, constantly feeling over the edge, breathless.” Tom explains his symptoms to the doctor. “At first I thought it was because of that stupid football game, then all the coffee I’m drinking, now I don’t know if it’s the shots. I feel like shit, doc.”
“I know exactly what you’re dealing with.”
Tom stares at the doctor in utter bewilderment. “You figured that out based on my symptoms?”
“I figured that out based on the puppy dog eyes you gave for your first A.D. when they left without a word.” The doctor begins to laugh softly, but Tom is unamused. How is he supposed to shake this illness after completely ruining your relationship? How is he supposed to mend your bond after talking so recklessly, so emotionally? “Tom, I’m not here to be a fairy godmother, I’m being strictly medical. At a certain point, what you feel in your mind affects your body. So I prescribe that you talk to Y/N and say everything you need to say.”
And while that seemed easy enough, Tom’s ego was at work again, and Tom was feeling far too bruised and wounded to speak to you first. Surely if you cared enough, if you liked him back, if you were willing to be distanced, you would reach out first.
It seems Tom’s pride had forgotten that you already did.
“I heard that this is the exact shit that happened in Cleveland, and he couldn’t get the line out.” Tom hears the whisperings from behind the camera, the amount of familiar faces in the crew dwindling after the change in location. He doesn’t respond. He waits for someone to take five. And when no one throws him a bone, he asks Harry to.
“Alright, everyone take five.”
“Someone get this kid a fucking coffee, he’s always on edge.” Joe instructs.
“And you think giving a kid in twenties coffee is taking him off edge?” Anthony chuckles.
Tom doesn’t care whether or not he gets the coffee, rocking side to side. He’s got all the motion for this role, but he feels nothing. All he felt was for you.
“Here.” Harry sets a Moroccan mint tea down next to Tom, hoping it would calm him down. When Tom takes a few sips, the look in his eyes is less pleading, and everyone’s ready to rumble, this being the last scene of the day.
Harry feeds Tom the line. “Baby, are you seeing bad things?” Tom is seeing bad things. A life without love, a life without you. Unable to contain it all, Tom turns his frustration into laughter. “Why are you calling me baby for, man?” Tom has this ear-to-ear grin but even he feels it's not as innocent, as genuine as yours. He never knew a smile so wide could be so full of pain.
“I have an idea.” Harry saunters off to collect his phone. “Don’t stop rolling the cameras.”
When Harry comes back, there’s sounds of shifting erupting from his phone. “Hi, Tom.” 
Tom didn’t know it would be so bittersweet to hear your voice again. He wasn’t sure if he should put walls up again or if twice was the charm. Even if you worked out in the short term, whose to say Tom wouldn’t get hurt again? And Tom wouldn’t want to hurt you.
“Are they taking good care of you out there? I don’t think I took good care of you.” Tom doesn’t say anything on the other side of the line, so you continue. “I’m not a good A.D. if you’re always sick and tired, and I didn’t want to see you any less, which was selfish of me, so I didn’t change your schedule.” You sigh as you admit why you left. “When you asked, though, I swear I was gonna do it, but then I heard you liked me, and I got carried away. I had to remove myself from the situation to do what’s best for you. Do you understand me? I did it for you.”
“I, uh, I got a diagnosis.” Tom stumbles.
“Oh my gosh, are you seriously sick?”
“I’m speechless. Over the edge, breathless.” Tom laughed dryly, finally feeling like he can choose an ending.
“What did they say it was?”
“Lovebug.” Harry smiles softly at his brother.
Your laugh is like nectar entering Tom’s ear.
“I might just love you way too much, Y/N.”
“Are you sure you’re doin’ okay?” Tom tries his best not to sound dejected that you didn’t say it back, knowing he’s already felt the brunt of this heartache already.
“I just miss you, that’s all.”
“I miss you too. I love you.” Joe stops recording, and Harry lowly whispers ‘take.fucking.five.’ as he and the crew creep away from Tom’s new found love scene. 
“Anthony, can I borrow your phone?” Harry begins to type Nikki’s number as soon as Anthony gives over the phone. “Mum, Tom just told the first A.D. he’s in love with them so guess who’s out of a job?”
Tom knows why he’s sick. He used to feel like love was trudging up a high hill he couldn’t come down from, where every beat of heart was feeling like an ache on an open wound. Tom had yet to meet a lover to prove distance makes the heart grow fonder, finding himself in six month long entanglements and illusions of love before things inevitably went sour. But now, Tom has found you.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 3 years
So apparently there has been set photos or at least "leaks"/rumours that the ST4 crew will shoot in a roller rink. Specifically in Albuquerque where apparently Stranger Things 4 has been shooting.
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This place fits the New Mexico environment where scenes for the Byers have been shot and who many think and are predicting is located in California.
We also know Mike will go there to meet the Byers and has been absent from the Hawkins set a long time which means he will likely be with them for some time.
While anything might be filmed there such as an Upside Down scene or something else such as one shot for another character being there or working there. It could even be for a possible teaser.
From what I found, (and again it's mostly @hawkinsschoolcounselor who made me learn about it, like I am not athletic at all, put me on these wheel things and you're gonna have a lot of traffic collisions, like girl the fuck...), roller skating was a very popular thing back in the 80's. It was often used for parties. And the only character I can think of who might be into that is Max since she herself loves skating.
I can't really see Mike and Will be into that kind of stuff since themselves are more bicycle boys.
So if that has to be a scene filmed for these characters I could see Max telling El that she should do roller skating (Maybe Joyce but I don't see her being into those sort of things either, she might know about it and push El but Max makes more sense to me.). Sadie doesn't seem to have filmed scenes in New Mexico and Albuquerque so it's likely that El goes there, possibly with Mike or Will or the both of them to experience it.
You can also see here a post of @kaypeace21 about a possible connection between the book Rebel Robin and this possible leak.
And than something caught my eyes when I was playing ST3: The Game. There's a specific item that you can craft and can help you escape fights and give you a lot of speed.
It's this one: a pair of roller skates.
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For those who have read the description, you know where this is from and you understand the joke:
It's about something related to a scene in 3x01. A particular song.
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"Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon.
It's when Mike and El as you see here are going at it at their daily cringy making out sessions. This song plays and it definitely doesn't fit their relationship since the song is about someone who realises that he has feelings for his childhood friend when he sees that their relationship is growing into something more.
Mike and El were never childhood friends, they got together a few days after meeting each other and they were never any proper build up to their relationship.
So why put a song that doesn't fit their relationship ?
In the same room, there's a drawing of Will on the wall. A photo of Mike from season 2 during Halloween in 2x02 and the mask El got with Kali, a girl who can create illusion in 2x07.
It is to show how Mike is projecting his feelings for Will onto El and is putting on a facade of this "macho boy" to be normal. We already went through the El looks like a boy in season 1 (go on YouTube and watch ST reactions of 1x01, when El first appeared, some people mistook her for Will.) and was mistaken or possibly could have been taken for Will.
There is also Mike who often takes El's hands away from his hands or his body and has his eyes closed as if he is imagining something while they are kissing.
It is during the same season their is a M*!leven break up that is joyful, full of colors and all happy with a rock song playing in the background and a Mike and Will fight that is so dramatic and sad (sad music, desaturated colors...) with Will destroying the symbol of his childhood and looking at a photo of Halloween during 2x02 ("Crazy Together" scene.)
Max even says that he will come back crawling to El.
What did Mike do ?
He comes back crawling to Will after their fight and never does that for El.
So everything fits, the songs, the direction the acting, the props and even the set.
So now if we put two and two, together, if there are scenes at this roller rink in ST4 and it's related to these three characters, it might lead us towards a certain path:
If Mike, El and Will are there and if one of these characters is alone or come as a duo or as trio, we might explore this love triangle during these scenes and their feelings at this roller rink.
The reference in the description of this item makes a clever joke about not being able to fight a "fleeing" anymore. Changing the word "feeling".
This can imply a few things: that Mike might not be able to stay with Eleven anymore and fleeing from his feelings for Will, fleeing from this relationship to finally be with the one he actually feels something for and that he might flee from Hawkins to meet with the Byers in a possible location in California.
Given that the reference is about this scene in 3x01, about a song that is specifically related to Mike (and his POV of his relationship of Will), something here might happen that leads Mike into a path where he can't flee from a certain feeling anymore.
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hoodieofholland · 3 years
Maybe can u write something like reader and Tom broke up a while ago and Tom finds sex tape so he gets emotional and horny at the same time and he realise how much he misses her ?
a/n: sad and horny sounds like how i feel whenever thinking about tom and the fact that my fics are just fics lol jk anyways, hope you like it and thanks for requesting :)
Warnings: angst and sad stuff, mentions of smut, language, broke up
The house was quiet, filled with the feeling of lost that has consuming Tom for the last two months. It's been hard, he made no attempt to lie to anyone who asked. It was hard to face the fact that you were no longer there.
You and Tom were in a relationship for three beautiful years, until... you weren't. Something was off, but he couldn't say what. Both of you just split apart gradually, till the day you said goodbye.
Tom tried to come up with something to distract his mind from the thought of you. He played golf twice a week, spent some time with Harrison and his brothers, watched some movies alone. And it was starting to work. He felt like moving on for the past three weeks, not thinking about you all the time.
But there was one thing he started doing tonight that seemed to bring him down again. He sat down with his laptop and scrolled through some of your memories together. It wasn't his intention at first, but he had nothing to do and was too off to watch a movie or hang with his mates, so he just thought about organizing his files when his eyes crossed with the fold that held some of his old photos. There were plenty of pictures and videos that you took. He promised himself he would drop it off, but he just couldn't take his eyes from the screen when a video came to his view.
"Stop filming me!", you yelled in a high-pitched voice while giggling at the camera Tom was holding.
"Well, miss, would you mind telling me why I thought it was so interesting filming you in this lovely evening?" Tom's voice came through the speaker, and he smiled when you bite your lips to hide a sheepishly smile.
"I burned a whole batch of cookies down", you muttered, quite amused for your lack of skills in the kitchen. Your boyfriend laughed hard and you did the same. "Shut up, dork. I'm calling Sam".
"Yeah, you better, or we're not gonna eat anything", Tom teased and you shoved his chest. "Just kiddin', love. C'mere".
And then Tom, sat on bed, lost the smile on his lips. In the video, you two were kissing, and you had an amazing smile while pecking his lips.
"Love you, darling".
"Love you too, Tommy. Now, stop this video and make this british ass useful".
He breathed heavily, determined to stop it. He was doing good now. Or at least the best he has done since you went away. But it was good enough to carry on, and he was risking it again.
But then he saw a couple of interesting frames from other records and decide to click on each one of them.
"Oh, what is it that we have here?", he said to the camera, walking inside the room and pointing it at you. You were in front of a mirror, a new lingerie playing in display for him and the camera. "Wow, darling. Didn't tell me you were putting on a show tonight".
Tom was amazed by the way both of you were so bold to each other, so comfortable with talking to a camera, while you bounced your hips in a sensual manner to him with a teasing yet sweet smile on your lips.
"It was supposed to be a surprise, Tommy", you say, resting your hands on your hips. "What you think, though?"
"Well...", he sighed dramatically and you laughed. "Can you turn around one more time for me, love? So I can give my final opinion".
You shake your head in disbelief, half laughing at his attempt, but oblige his ask.
"I think you're bloody stunning, darling. Fucking hell, how did I get so lucky?"
Tom shifts on his spot uncomfortably, feeling a light pressure on his chest at the memory of your laughing and blushing at his sassy comments.
"Yeah?", you smiled, and by the way your arms were stretched in the video, he can tell you were tugging on the collar of his shirt. "Mind stop recording it and showing me how much of a lucky man you are?"
"Fuck, dar-" and the video ended. Sat there, Tom knew pretty way what happened next. He remembered the taste of your skin when he tried to take your panties with only his teeth, tongue tracing a wet path on the softness of your hipbone.
He takes a deep breath, too aware of how fucked up he was feeling right now. He should have stopped, he knew that, but now, he just felt like another video couldn't hurt much more.
He was definitely wrong.
Bringing himself to play the next one, an older video, he realized he didn't remember about that one. It started with your face, smiling at the camera while fixing something behind it.
"Okay, I think it's alright...", you said, licking your lips as you clasped your hands together. When you stepped back, you were wearing only bra and panties, and Tom was laid on the mattress, hand over his visible bulge, stroking himself lazily over his boxers as his free arm rested behind his head.
"You look so beautiful right now" he said, groaning a little. "C'mere here, baby, can't wait much longer".
"Patience, eager boy. Save some for the camera", you giggled while crawling on bed to sit on his lap.
"Fuck, can't believe we doing this", he said, hands automatically running down from your hips to your ass. He gives it a firm slap and squeeze. "Gonna treat you just right, so you won't need any video to remind you who made you feel this good, baby".
Tom had completely forgotten that he still had that video saved in his laptop. He suddenly felt flushed for watching it after you broke up, but then again he couldn't take his eyes off the screen when you were taking out your bra, freeing your pretty boobs.
The sounds of your whines and moans filled the room now, and Tom could swear he felt your touch just by the way he remembered of how good it was. Watching you so intense, so given to him, he started to feel his cock hardening by the thought of you riding him like you did that night.
"Fuck", he mutters to himself as he watched you being flipped on the mattress when the pleasure was too much to take and your legs too weak to keep going. In the video, Tom started to fuck you, one of your legs wide open for him and your eyes rolled back as you tugged hard on his biceps to keep yourself steady. Watching the scene, Tom brought his hand over his crotch and started to feel a bit of what he was feeling that night, as he palmed himself.
Right now, Tom knew he had taken a path that was no longer healthy. He so desperately needed to feel you, to touch you. He missed you. He missed the way you would moan his name, they way your hands would grip on his hair when he was eating you out, the way you laughed when something came wrong in the moment, but kept so horny that it wouldn't matter. He missed you and all the affection that you both shared when having sex.
"Tom, I'm gonna-" you moaned loud. It was almost pornographic, but surely was better than porn. For a second, Tom thought about getting off with the video. He was fucking horny at this point, after all, and he knew damn well that if he touched himself it'd be you on his mind all the time anyways. Besides, he hadn't fucked since you went away. But then again, when it was coming to an end, he felt sad, watching you both reaching your highs and holding each other for dear life. It was intimate and beautiful. He missed that too.
"Need to turn off the camera, darling", he said, breath still heavy as he propped his hand on the mattress. You held him closer, not giving him a chance to move.
"Not yet", you breathed out. You still wanted to keep yourself full of him, feel his cock inside of you. "I'm not ready", you bite your lips and smile when he nodded and gave you a kiss on your cheek. "I love you, Tom".
"Love you so fucking mu-"
Tom shot the laptop down, eyes tearing up as he felt the clench on his chest. Fuck, he missed you more than he was willing to admit, more than he wanted to. The images of you close to him, whispering his name, it wouldn't leave his mind even if he closed his eyes tightly.
Tom knew that night would be long, and he just hoped that he might feel you close to him in that way again.
@pinkrockstar19 @onyourgoddamnleft @spideyspeaches
@miraclesoflove @zspideyy
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imagineaworld · 4 years
Falling in love with Chris Evans
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the two of you meet on the set of a movie together
it’s your first leading role, and you’re nervous but excited to prove yourself
you are starring opposite Chris, his character and your character are going through a divorce
he’s super nice and welcoming to you, making sure you feel comfortable on set and not too overwhelmed
as shooting begins, you get to know each other better, hanging out during lunch breaks and in the evenings sometimes
after shooting a particularly intense scene where your two characters have a huge argument, Chris is blown away by your acting ability
he’s not too shy to tell you how impressed his is by your performance
“Y/N, that was astonishing! You’re such an incredible actress.”
as the two of you spend more time together off screen, he starts dropping into your trailer at night, to hang out, eat dinner or watch a movie
one night, when you both have a day off the next day, the two of you decide to have drinks
drunk and laughing your heads off, you start to realise you might have feelings for Chris
because you’re drunk, you dismiss it as drunken thoughts and excuse yourself to bed
when Chris turns up early the next morning with coffee and freshly baked muffins for breakfast, you realise there’s no denying
how ironic you fell in love with someone who’s playing your ex-husband in a movie
you were super nervous for a steamy scene coming up, where yours and Chris’ character have sex one last time before their divorce
“are you nervous about the sex scene or is it just me?” you ask
“it’s normal to be nervous, don’t worry. it’ll all be alright.” Chris reassured
when it came time to film the scene, Chris made sure you were comfortable and warm, making sure to cover you up in between takes to protect your modesty
when you’d finished the scene, shooting was over for the day, so Chris took you out for dinner to a nice restaurant near set
“I’m really enjoying working with you, Y/N, you’re an amazing actress.” Chris admitted
“The feeling is mutual. I’m actually a big fan of yours, but I didn’t want to make things awkward.” You laughed
“Well, I’m a big fan of yours too.”
you were too afraid to admit your feelings to him, never quite finding the right time anyways
by the time shooting was over, you and Chris had exchanged phone numbers, and started texting all the time
he would send you pictures of Dodger, suggesting you meet for a dog walk one day after you mentioned how bad you wanted to meet his dog
the three of you went out for a walk, paparazzi snapping photos of the two of you laughing together and playing with Dodger
this sparks rumours that the two of you are dating ahead of the release of your movie
closer to the premier, you and Chris have to do interviews together to promote the movie
“so Chris, what was it like to work with Y/N?” asked an interviewer
“it was great,” Chris said. “she’s just amazing, really. incredible actress, good friend, funny, beautiful...what more could you ask for?”
“and are you guys aware of the rumours about the two of you?” the interviewer asked
“I mean, they’re not true.” Chris admitted. “but I’m not complaining about it, look at her.” he laughed
at the premiere for the movie, you arrive while Chris is still on the carpet, looking incredibly handsome in a fancy suit
he looks at you as you step onto the carpet, camera flashes going wild, snapping pictures of you in your dress and Chris being unable to take his eyes off you
the paparazzi want picture of the two of you together on the carpet, so Chris delicately puts his arm around your waist, making sure not to touch you anywhere inappropriate
“you look stunning,” he whispered so only you could hear him
“thank you, you look dashingly handsome,” you replied
as the movie begins, Chris reaches for your hand, which he holds all the way through the movie, while the lights are off and no one can see
at the after-party, Chris takes you out into an empty hallway, where he confesses his feelings for you
you tell him how you feel the same, and he asks you to be his girlfriend
you said yes
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redspiderling · 3 years
MCU Breakdown: Black Widow, Part 1
I can’t believe this is happening 😭
First of all, congratulations to all of you who’ve been here all these years. We got it. We begged for years, and it’s finally here.
For once I wasn't dreading revisiting this film to write down what I got from it. I felt more like I might not do it justice. This film is so special to me, but here it is, the MCU Breakdown of Black Widow, part 1 (of who knows how many).
I remember back when I started running this blog and talking about a hypothetical Black Widow movie that had never been announced, always "yeah, we would be happy to do it, maybe, someday in the future", and arguing that it would be important for women and girls, no matter its content. I'm so glad we got it like this. So, so glad.
The rest under the cut.
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Let's start with some technical details. The film has a lot of setups and callbacks, nothing is done in chance. For example, I love how the light, and the sounds we hear when we first, and last, see Natasha in the film, are the same. We greet her in bright -birds cheeping- morning light, while she's riding her bike home, to her family
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and we leave her in bright -birds cheeping- morning light, while she's riding her bike home, to her family (I'm using the term family very liberally here in reference to the Avengers for the sake of the movie, bear with me, you know how I feel about those dudes).
It's signifying new beginnings, each time, not endings. Notice how, what we see is natural light, which makes this scene pop out, and look more real because the light is coming from the sun, and isn’t artificially made on VFX software. You will notice the stark differences in colours and lighting when the emotions and the atmosphere change in this film, because there is a visual language being employed here, the director has a story to say, and she uses all the tools she has to tell it. The light is exactly the same in those 2 scenes, because Cate wants us to make that connection, even if we make it unconsciously.
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Natasha is placed in such a positive way, both at the start and the end of the film. There's this discussion about how "real" their little family was, but it was the characters that muddled up that image. The reality of their lives in Ohio is presented in a happy way, that had deep rivers under the surface, for sure. This wasn't accidental, for a lot of reasons.
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First of all, if you take it the literal way, they were spies, and had to present themselves as normal. If you take it the allegorical way, any girl could fall victim to trafficking, and if you take it the character way, both Scarlett and Cate wanted to showcase that Natasha is human. They also wanted to give her something that wasn't always dripping with pain and sadness. They were both parts of her life, yes, but there was also joy, and light, and once upon a time she had been a kid, playing with her sister.
Also, and this has been mentioned before but it bears repeating: I love the actress they chose for young Natasha, and I love how they presented her character. She's allowed to be a young teenage girl. She's not sexualised. She's at that gangly stage between childhood and adulthood, and there's nothing sexual about it, no provocative clothing, no excessive makeup. She's a kid.
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Plus, I know Cate said the actress already had her hair dyed blue and they just decided to let her have it, but I think it works well for Natasha's character. That small act of defiance, even that early on, against the system that wanted to break her. Also, the film gives us such great character moments, because they let the camera roll and don't rush through scenes, look at Natasha looking at Melina comforting Yelena. We can see the pain, the fear, where she knows that this isn't going to last, and wonders about what will become of them once their lives begin to unravel.
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We also get to see the joy on her face, the wonder of discovering the world, how often do you get to see Marvel characters do this, just live in the moment?
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Bioluminescence: the production and emission of light by a living organism. Or how Natasha is a bright light, that shines from within. Not my words, Cate Shortland's words. I felt it when I was watching this scene, but it was lovely to have it verified in one of her interviews. I wish I could meet her, and tell her that everything she wanted to put on screen came through, incandescent and crystal clear. Fireflies are a symbol for Natasha, as a bright light that shines from within, and never dies.
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Small details that I love, the magnet on the fridge: Don't forget, above a picture of Natasha. LIKE WE EVER COULD, CATE.
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We have another setup here, where the family gathers up to have dinner together. Even the sitting arrangement is the same as later on in the film.
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Notice also how both young, and adult version of Natasha, communicate so well with Melina, just with their eyes. It doesn't necessary show a deep history between them, but it does show a bone deep level of understanding. Not just of their current circumstance, but of their future, and of what it will do to them. Melina knows what's coming and she's says it "I'm sorry", but they're both resigned to their fate, Melina because she doesn't see a way out, and Natasha because, well, here she's a kid, and therefore is powerless.
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The dynamics between Yelena and Alexei is so different. Yelena is young and doesn't understand, so they're speaking about completely different things. "I don't have my shoes" is what she says, and it's heartbreaking in its innocence, as Alexei is loading his gun and reading himself for battle. We can still see that he's not indifferent to her, telling her she can have "fruit loops in the car". He's not a monster, he just doesn't have a choice (or at least, he thinks he doesn't).
Also, notice how the camera angles are employed here: Natasha and Melina look each other eye to eye, Yelena looks up to Alexei, Alexei looks down on her, there is an imbalance of power and understanding in the second set of images, and the camera tells us that.
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Melina doesn't let Natasha take the photo album. For one thing, it's certain that Natasha wouldn't be able to keep it. For another, Melina wanted the memories, and probably didn't want anyone else to realise/think that they cared about their little family unit.
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There's just a lot of thought that's been put in the details of the script, to show us their bond, their attempts to hide it, to show the characters' personality in everything around them (notice the plants that are ever present in Melina's home, in Ohio and later in Saint Petersburg). She might seem cold, she has been through a lot, but she cares. And that care has brought her pain. And we have to see that pain, because we get the quiet moments like this one, where she stands alone in an empty home knowing that part of her life is over, never to return.
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The mission, is the last thing Melina asks about. The last thing Alexei mentions, the last thing either of them cares about. First, she refused to accept that they had completed the mission and were now hunted, then she accepted it and they loaded their family in the car, and then she asked about the leaked files.
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Also, notice how that shot is framed. Both images silhouetted by the light because it’s the moment and the prop smack down in the middle of the frame that’s important, now what they’re going through, emotionally, they’re not themselves in that moment, they’re nameless, tools of the trade, expendable in front of that tiny floppy disk.
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Yelena is singing while the rest are plunging in despair, but still humour her and play her song.
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I found this shot a bit... Jarring. I get it that for American audiences this would show that they're actually leaving "home" behind, but for the rest of us... Eeeh, I'll give it a pass because it is an American production and this is just something to be expected. I mean, Yelena's song was American Pie. We get it, you still love America, just because you're making a film about Russian spies doesn't mean you're a commie Marvel, it's ok.
But in any case, the setup for the action scene here was excellent. Happy, familiar music playing, car is on the main road, car goes off the main road familiar music gets toned down and eventually completely lost in the darkness.
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Yelena knows what to do, we see it, so that we know that this 6 year old girl who holds her stuffed animal and walks barefoot has practiced for this moment.
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By the way, Natasha did take another item with her along with the photobooth pictures (it also looks like a photo album with Disney princesses on it), it didn't survive the trip. We are informed of this for a very specific reason: Melina didn’t ask Natasha not to take the photo album out of malice, or just because she wanted to keep it for herself. She knew it wouldn’t survive the trip in Natasha’s hands. We also get a close shot of the image strip (and we get it again, during the credits), because it will be important, later on.
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Bet y'all also forgot you were watching a superhero movie until this happened? That wasn't accidental, they wanted us to see them as normal people, this is the moment when that ends.
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Natasha saved her family, even though she was a terrified kid.
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I know that they did the huge titles thing to connect this film to Civil War but... Listen, Civil War needed the huge titles because that script and the way that movie was directed was a complete disaster. We needed to know where the characters were each time with huge ass title because there was NO OTHER WAY TO TELL. Between complete lack of a timeline, and the fact that you couldn't even tell what time of the day it was due to the horrible lighting, you definitely couldn't tell what the location was because it was irrelevant to the plot like, 90% of the time. Not to mention the title cards in Civil War were usually followed by dimly lit grey corridors so, yeah, give us a title so we know at least where they are, generally.
This film. Didn't Need That. For the most part anyway, there are 2 locations where the titles worked. First one was Ohio, the other I'll reveal later.
But here. Guys, they're Russian spies escaping from the US on a small plane... Where else would they go if not to Cuba?!?! This is the Black Widow movie paying for the sins of Civil War, in a small way in this instance.
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Yelena tells Melina that pain only makes you stronger, Natasha cries, and they setup my heartbreak for later.
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Natasha protecting Yelena, terrified, and staring men down the barrel of her gun anyway. Such a badass and heartbreaking callback.
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Notice how this scene makes us look at how men view this. There's an allegory here as well, but I'll address what's actually happening in the film:
Dreykov notices Natasha's natural instinct to protect herself and her sister, and all he sees is something he can use. A tool for violence, instead of sex, in this case. But the implication is there. Not a person, or a terrified girl, just an object to be used by men.
So glad that piece of shit got blown up and never mentioned again. Any man looking for exposition on Dreykov to feel the "loss" when the villain is gone: Fuck you. Go get some therapy.
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Moving on from that piece of shit, difference between Melina and Alexei: Melina apologised. Alexei lied, but he also tried to give them hope. We can see the devastation, because the soldiers never thought of them as girls like he did, and didn't blink before drugging them and taking them away.
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Yet another setup, of Natasha and Yelena, drugged and powerless as they are taken away. Because it wasn't enough that they were kids, they took away all their choices, and rendered them unconscious.
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What can I possibly say about this credits scene.
It's very real, probably the realest minutes in the entire MCU, and it's merciless. They don't try to sugar-coat what's happening, and there are no jokes to diffuse the drama. These are girls being trafficked from all over the world. I don't know about you but I felt the switch from true parallel to real life traffic victims like this shot that looks like footage from Interpol
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to Red Room victims as being a clear shift, and I was actually grateful for it. Because here I could put my back against the fact that the red room wasn't real, otherwise I would have broken down before the credit sequence even ended.
It was a stroke of genius to create an introduction to this entire world like that. We rarely see credit sequences anymore and it's a shame, because when they're well done they tell stories in and of themselves, and this is one of the best I've seen.
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Even the villain is set up here. He's pointing at girls and saying "that one, and her", like he's picking pigs for slaughter. How much more setup than that do you need, to want to murder that man dead? Not any more, that was enough.
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Nobody speak to me I’m crying.
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Subtle, but there. Trafficking (and traffickers) exists because it IS being tolerated by governments around the world.
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Unnecessary title aside, who else says Natasha looks at herself in the mirror hear and repeats "pain only makes you stronger", as she's being hunted away from yet another family.
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Then she's saying it again because it bears repeating and Natasha has been through A Lot these past few years. I love how unfiltered our first image of her is. After all she's been through, we basically see her stripped of all her tricks in a moment where she’s alone with herself and her thoughts(something we later learn she tries not to do much), and she's just a woman having a tiny breakdown in a semi-public bathroom. Again, human.
This is where I will leave you for this first part. Hey, I got through the intro, I count that as a win given just how long this breakdown has already been. If you’ve gotten this far, thank you for reading, come yell at me in my inbox whenever, see you for the next one xo
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hercleverboy · 3 years
Congrats!!! I love your writing!! I’d like to request a blurb with #36 from the general list and #41 from fluf 💕💕💕
thank you so much! enjoy! 
I don’t really like this piece too much, so please let me know what you think! 
wc ↠ 1.7k
General #36 ↠ “Do you trust me?” “No.”
Fluff #41 ↠ “You say you hate him but your red face is telling me otherwise.”
Spencer Reid had hated her from the moment he met her.
Y/N was absolutely sure of it. When they met for the first time when she joined the BAU, he seemed polite enough. Though he just never let her in the same way he let in the other team members. She understood at first, Spencer had known the rest of the team for years at that point. She even found herself incredibly attracted to the young genius, developing somewhat of a crush on him. His reputation certainly proceeded him, particularly when it came to his issues with germs, so she kept to herself. She understood it would take him time to get used to her, but where the rest of the team warmed to Y/N and accepted her as a part of their family; Spencer never did. 
During paperwork days when Y/N would get up to make coffee in the corner of the bullpen, Spencer would already be in the kitchenette, stirring his sugar in with intent. She’d always offer him a polite smile and some light conversation. However, it seemed that as soon as she started to speak, Spencer would pick up his coffee and head back to his desk. She let that go, thinking perhaps she was getting too much in his personal space, though it hung around in the back of her mind for weeks afterwards. 
 After cases when they’d get on the jet to go back home, she would take a seat opposite him, offer him a kind smile and then pull out a book to read, wholly intent on minding her own business. But Spencer, without even looking up at her, would simply get up and move to an empty seat at the other end of the jet.
Y/N exchanged a look with JJ, who had just shrugged in response. She couldn’t understand Spencer’s dislike for the woman who’d been nothing but kind, and who the team were all already incredibly fond of. She had good initiative, was brilliant in the field and had a capability to pick up on patterns earlier than the rest of them, sometimes even before the resident genius himself. The team suspected that Spencer’s supposed hatred for her was actually his poor attempt at disguising the fact that he was madly in love with her, but he never confirmed nor denied it. 
Then somehow, as if she didn’t already think Spencer hated her enough, it got worse. Any time she made contributions to their group conversations, Spencer would cut her off. It was belittling, honestly. It made her second guess her intelligence whenever she’d pose a theory. Every time, without fail, Spencer would pipe up and say, ‘You’re wrong. It’s actually more plausible that—‘ 
One day, they were sat around the roundtable, having finished debriefing after a long case. The team exchanged murmurs of plans to head down to the bar, with Garcia smiling enthusiastically and insisting that the first round was on her. Y/N had felt pretty awful for the majority of the case, and to top it off she was sure she was coming down with a cold too. 
“How about you, Y/L/N? You coming?” Morgan piped up, his usual smirk on his lips. 
She forced a smile, scoffing. “No, I think I’m just gonna head home, but thank you.” 
Morgan shook his head, determined. “Come on. Even Reid’s coming!” 
Y/N looked over at Spencer then, who busied himself with packing away items in his satchel, although she didn’t miss the scowl that seemed to plant itself on his face. She looked back to Morgan. “Sorry Morgan, I’m just not feeling it.” 
Morgan sighed, but still tried one last time, raising his eyebrows suggestively.  “You sure? It’ll be fun, maybe you and Reid will finally start getting along after a few drinks.” 
“Y/N bit her lip, shaking her head. “I’m sure there’s at least a hundred other people that Reid would rather spend the evening with.”
At that comment, Spencer threw his satchel strap over his shoulder and left the room in a hurry, a look on his face that seemingly resembled hurt. 
Y/N swatted Morgan’s shoulder playfully. “Look what you’ve done now! You know how much Reid hates me.” She whined. 
Morgan chuckled. “Please, Pretty Boy doesn’t hate you.” 
“Uh-huh, sure.” 
“It’s true! Don’t tell anyone I told you, but the team has an ongoing bet on when you two will finally admit your feelings for one another.” He leaned in closer to her. “And I’ve got $20 riding on it being in the summer, if you could help a guy out?” 
Y/N groaned at that. “Well be prepared to lose your money, it’s never going to happen. Spencer Reid hates me, and do you know what? I hate him too.” She said defiantly, although it was all too obvious that she was lying through her teeth. 
Morgan smiled, holding his hands up in surrender. “You say you hate him, but your red face is telling me otherwise.” 
Y/N just waved him off, ignoring how he chuckled at how flustered she’d gotten, and that was that. 
Reid’s quite frankly petty behaviour was really winding down on Y/N mentally, and although Hotch often told him off for his snarky comments or gave him the third degree for constantly trying to one-up her, Spencer persisted.
They’d been working on a new case for a week, and Garcia had just sent the team the location of where the unsub was holding his fourth victim hostage. Hopping out of the SUV’s, the team regrouped in front of the house as Hotch ran over the plan with them. 
“JJ, Morgan and Rossi, you’re with me. Y/L/N and Reid will take the back. We take the unsub in alive if possible, understand?” He instructed, everyone nodding as they reached for their guns. 
“Can’t you switch Morgan and Y/L/N over?” Spencer began to whine but was quickly shut down by Hotch shooting him a warning look. He scoffed, rolling his eyes in defeat. “Great.”
After entering through the back of the house, the two began checking each room they passed by. As they rounded a corner, stalking towards a closed door, Spencer moved so he was in front of Y/N, in what she noticed was an almost protective manner. He leaned closer to the door, listening intently for any sign that the unsub was inside. 
“Is he in there?” She whispered, and Spencer looked back at her, nodding. 
“I think so.” 
Y/N closed her eyes for a moment in thought, running over the important details of the profile in her head. “Do you trust me?” 
Spencer scoffed quietly. “No.”
“Well, you’re not going to have a choice.” She mumbled, and before Spencer realised what was happening, Y/N had burst open the door, her gun drawn. 
Y/N was stood in the local police station’s conference room, collecting together files and taking down crime scene photos from the evidence board. The case had ended well. Based off of the profile, Y/N had decided that the best course of action was to confront the unsub head on- and it worked, too. Hotch had already told her that she’d done well that day, and that made her heart swell with pride. But Spencer? He hadn’t said anything on the ride back to the police station, busying himself with other things as they prepared to head back home. 
Y/N sighed at the thought, looking up from the evidence board just as Spencer entered the room. He immediately turned around, heading back out the door when she called out for him. 
He stopped, turning back around. “What, Y/L/N?” 
“What is your problem with me?” She asked, exasperated. She was so tired of just accepting his mistreatment, and she refused to do it any longer. 
“I don’t have time for this.” He shook his head, turning to leave again. 
“Spencer Reid! You’ve made my life hell since I first joined the Bureau and god help me, you are going to tell me what your problem is!”
“My problem?” He countered, his jaw clenched. “My problem is you! Putting yourself in danger like that without a second thought for the consequences.” 
“The consequences? It turned out fine! My plan worked!” She bit back, voice rising. 
“It was stupid and reckless, you know better than that.” He spat, making Y/N scoff. 
“Why do you care?” She shouted frustratedly. “You can barely stand to be in the same room as me, and for the life of me Spencer I cannot figure out what it is that I did to make you hate me so much!”
Spencer’s defensive stance dropped, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find appropriate words. “Y/N, I know you think I do, but I don’t hate you.” 
She gave a humourless chuckle. “Yeah, well you could’ve fooled me.” She sighed, hands running over her face as she attempted to calm herself down. “I don’t understand why me putting myself in danger bothers you so much-”
“Maybe because I love you!”
The silence that fell between them only lasted a handful of seconds. Spencer, prompted by the look of shock on Y/N’s face, scrambled to explain himself. 
“I don’t hate you. I-I don’t really think I could if I tried.” He reiterated, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his. “I’ve loved you since the day I first met you.”
She swallowed, her mouth suddenly so dry. “I don’t understand-“
“I’m so sorry, I know how poorly I’ve treated you. The only explanation I can offer is that I was so sure you wouldn’t feel the same that I thought it would be better to push you away than face rejection.” He whispered, moving closer to her, shame in his tone. 
“You love me?” She murmured in disbelief. The words barely left her lips, so faint and shaky that Spencer nearly hadn’t heard her. 
He laughed quietly, as though he was laughing at the absurdity of the situation. “Yes, yes I do. I’m sorry it took me so long to say it.” 
He’d moved to stand before her, the two of them looking at one another in absolute awe that they both felt the same way. Spencer’s eyes trailed down to her lips, moving back up to meet her eyes. 
Y/N didn’t know how to respond, looking up at him incredulously. “Spencer..”
He bit down his lip, the words leaving his lips in a whisper. “Would it- would it be alright if I kissed you?” 
She was nodding before she’d even processed his words, and when his lips met hers- it was euphoric. Like they were simply meant to be. 
Perhaps Spencer Reid wasn’t that bad after all.
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