fanzapwriting · 4 years
Being Present Mic’s favorite student would include
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A/n: why don’t yall show my mans any love? Like damnn smh he just out here breaking people’s eardrums and tingz and y'all cant even give him some acknowledgement or what not smh. Present Mic stans, you may now rise
-I imagine you’d be like that American exchange student and you laughed at a bad pun he did in english and he felt super special because no one ever understands the puns he does, so now he’s just constantly bothering you
-like you’re just walking down the hall, trying to get to class and you just hear 
-*invoked with fear*
-Like seriously he won’t leave you alone…..at all
-He love speaking in english to you because it’s keeps him refreshed and plus it’s fun seeing Aizawa all flustered because he only understands 60 percent of what you guys are saying
-You get used to him I promise, he’s actually like the sweetest little thing that wants the best for you uwu. Like if you’re a shy student he’ll break you out of your shell most definitely!!
-He asks you to do his introductions because aizawa refused for the 1000th time but it actually was super fun so you don’t mind
-He did a super long hyped up into for you at the sports festival like and he kept cheering you on soo much he was like a soccer dad watching his little princess play her first game
-I swear he was wearing a shirt that said ‘Go Y/N!!’
-Everyone knows you’re his favorite like if you thought All might and Deku thing was a bit much well like he is on a whoooleeee new level
-Speaking of All might and little broccoli, there is an unspoken rivalry between All might and Present. They are always like
-”Haha did you see young Midoriya’s moves today? He is working so hard, he’ll be a great hero soon!”
-”Yeah of course, BuT did yOU sEE mY Y/N todaY????
-SocCeR DAdS
-You and deku kinda does friendly competitions just to watch the two teachers go at it
-It was a tie tbh
-Always asking you about American slang and terms like brooo
-”y/n what’s a yeet? Someone told me  I need to yeet off a building and I kinda wanna do it for my next youtube video on youtube.”
-You helped him set up the youtube channel btw
-”so i say period after something truthful is said?”
-”like that?”
-You keep him updated on all the trends and make sure his outfits are looking good
-He lets you design a new logo for his brand
-Did I mentioned he’s like super sweet. Like one day you opened your locker to find a note he wrote for you.
-”Heeeeyyyyy Y/NNNNNNN, 
Whats upp best student evvvvvaaaaa???? I just wanted to say i’m proud of you and I heard from a little sleepy birdie (sensei Aizawa) that you aced your test in hissss claaaaaassss wooooooo!!!!! Because of that i mayyyyyyy haveee brought you ice cream that may or may not be in the fridge in the teachers lounge that you may or may not can get during lunch perioddd…… anyways MIC OUT!”
-He helps you control and project your powers when you are struggling with them
-Helps you with the weird Homework assignments All might and Aizawa gives you
-”wtf is this shit? This is your homework?? Hold on, I’m calling shouto .”
-Lets you sleep in his class
-He is like your personal translator if your japanese is a bit iffy or you don’t know how to say something
-Oh and Aizawa adores you also but like he keeps it on the down down low. Like people actually thinks he kinda doesn’t like you but that is not the case at all. Like he supports Mic’s constant spoiling of you and might throw in a gift or two with him.
-Aizawa looks at you guys as his two kids that he will literally protect at all costs. 
-If anyone is messing with you or you need something just yell out ”MR.HIZASHIIIIIII.” or “MR.AIZAWA” and he’ll be there in under a minute.
-Bakugou threatened you once, and Aizawa and Hizashi heard….lets just say he never messed with you again.
-Same goes for you, if anyone is teasing or talking wrongly about Present Mic, you’ll square up any day.
-”yeah he’s like so weird and does he realize that no one thinks he’s cool like stop trying so hard.”
-FigHt mOde ActIvaTeD
-You got in trouble but it was totally worth it and Mic was super flattered but as a teacher he still had to discipline you. He high five you tho and said he wasn’t mad and he only got you in trouble because the other teachers would have bashed him for favoritism
-Once you get more comfortable with him, You guys have like daily talks about anything and everything, he’s a really good listener and will listen to your weekly rants.
- Despite being a literal crackhead, he is super wise and has a lot of knowledge so if you need advice, just ask.
-Knows when you aren’t feeling your best and tries his all to make you smile, it usually ends up working and you’re just laughing at his bad jokes and he’s like
-He’ll let you hide out with him and Aizawa when there’s a bunch of kids are crowding you and asking questions about your home country or when school is just overwhelming
-He’d 10/10 adopt you if he could
-He invited you on his radio show like twice, it actual helped gained a lot of listeners from a younger audience and even some international people listened in as well. It was actually pretty fun, of course you were a bit nervous you weren’t sure to expect but it was reallly cool. It was almost like an interview, he asked you a few questions about yourself and your school life even opinions on different heros or what not.
-”But Mr.MIcCCcCc plEAsE Dontttt iTs NOt A BIg DeaL.”
-you died 
-He got a little cake made for you, it had little candies and sparklers on it. It was mega adorbs.your name was also on it but it was spelled wrong. 
-”Here ya go Y/N! Sorry your name is spelled wrong…i tried to fix it but it got all smudged so i just left it.” 
-For his Birthday, you made a picture frame that had a selfie with the two of yall and gave him a little card that said, “Happy Birthday The best teacher evaa! You’re super great and I hope one day we can fight side by side and be the best duo in history! Enjoy your day old man. -The best student evaaa”
-You teamed up with eraser head to throw a little surprise party for him at a cute little restaurant and he ended up crying sksksksksksdnjksk it was so soft.  
-At the dance you didn’t have a date or anything so ya boi Mic danced with you and it was uwu like super soft. He even walked around with you a bit and let you wrap your arm around his, like he’s the best teacher seriously
-At the end of the year when it was time for you to go back to America, he was devastated like seriously he’d miss you and y’alls antics. He practically begged you not to go back. Yeah he held your leg and cried on the floor….Aizawa had to pull him off of you so you could leave 
-”Don’t cry Mr.Hizashi!! I I’ll see you again one day! Thank You so much for being an awesome teacher this year, I’ll miss you.”
-you actually got approved  to come back the following year but you kept it a secret so you could surprise him when you walk in his class again.
-he was big boi shocked 
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
Soft Fuzzy Man - Poltergeist!Mirio x Reader Headcanons
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What you girls really need’s a soft, fuzzy man
(An atmospheric man) A shimmering puff of indistinct love
What’s better than the vague embrace of a soft, fuzzy man?
Warnings: paranormal activity, exorcisms, Mirio having no sense of personal space, also holy schmoly this got long.
- It all began when your classmate Izuku started looking sort of skittish for some reason or another. During lunch he approached you, pale-faced and desperate.
- “(L/N)-san? I… I hate to bother you with this… and I know how ridiculous this is going to sound, but I swear I’m not making it up… you’re the only one I can turn to.”
- But before you could even begin to question him on his strange words and behavior, Izuku fired off into an explanation anyway. Apparently he believed that the new apartment he was planning on moving into after graduation was haunted, and he was looking towards you to help.
Keep reading
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
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*blows kiss up to the sky* for all my underrated childhood crushes in animated movies 😭💕 | Instagram 
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
may challenge; link.
a/n: may challenge day 5. blood, extreme obsessiveness, jealousy, selectively mute link, non-canon hero link. 
word count: 1.7k
The hero of Hyrule hadn’t always been silent. But that time had long since passed, and now you very seldom heard him speak, unless he was alone with you. 
Link followed you everywhere, and when you couldn’t see him, you knew he was watching you from a distance. You would never accuse him of it, of course–what would people say about you, if you claimed the hero of time was spying on you? Why were you so important?
You weren’t. Not in the grand scheme of things, anyways–but to Link you were everything, and you realized that that was all you had been reduced to. Link’s “companion”.
To everyone else, it wasn’t he who was pursuing you, you just happened to be by the hero’s side. He would try to touch your hand or lean on you and you would push him away, grateful that he would give you some space afterwards. But it never lasted long, and soon you had fallen into a routine of being approached and rejecting his affections on the daily. He never stopped.
And he never did anything without taking you into account. Even slaying monsters, as was his duty as the hero of time. Link didn’t see it that way, though. He saw it more as…
…a favour.
“I’ll destroy that Bokoblin camp if you hold my hand.”
“I’ll fight the Hinox if you give me a kiss.” 
“If I kill Ganon, will you marry me?” 
Link saw them as trades, he saw your love as something he could earn–even if you rejected him now, if he fought enough monsters and gained enough trophies, he could work his way into your heart just like he gained everything else. His boons, the sword, and the blessings bestowed to him by the Goddess…if he worked hard enough and shed enough blood, you would be his. That was how this was supposed to work, in his mind. And if you didn’t give him his rewards?
…You didn’t know. You hadn’t tried. And you didn’t want to find out, especially not after some of the traumas that had come about when he sensed other people getting close to you…
“…Link, please. Stop pouting. Sidon is our friend.”
The hero said nothing, just sat with his back to you, and his feet just next to the pond he was sitting on the edge of. Off to the left of the little clearing you had found him in outside the domain, you spotted the Master sword’s hilt gleaming in the light, with the blade buried in a Lizalfos’ skull. You tried to ignore the brutality with which it had been killed, as well as the crowd of others surrounding it…it wouldn’t have been the first time Link had soaked the ground in blood after one of his fits, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. 
You crossed your arms over your chest, and he only huffed, slowly moving to get up and stand after sitting for so long. He stalked past you as if you didn’t exist, and stepped over the bodies of his foes to close his hand around the hilt of his sword–and with a grunt, as well as a foot on the Lizalfos’ back, he ripped it out of its head with a flourish and a splatter of blood. 
He repeated the word, the tone rolling off his tongue with a tinge of venom that couldn’t be missed. He hadn’t said anything in weeks…and the fact that this was what broke his silence could only mean danger was looming over you.
Link swung the Master sword around a bit, making quick jabs and arcing slices as if he were practicing. But the quiet anger that powered them made you feel like he was imagining your Zora friend on the end of them. It wasn’t until he finally flicked the blood off and slid his weapon back into its sheath that you got closer to him, stepping forward to rest a hand on his arm. You tried to ignore the subtle shiver that ran through his body when you did so. 
“Link…we have to do this. They need our help. They need your help.” 
As if to prove your point, a loud, earth-shaking cry echoed from the other side of the domain, and both of your heads turned to the source–Vah Ruta roared from its place in the reservoir, once again showering the air above with thunderous rain. Even from your place on the other side of the Zora’s home, you could tell it was going to start spitting before long–and with a sigh, you took the Sheikah slate out from your cloak, intent on giving him the information you’d discovered against your better judgement. 
In the few moments it took you to click through the photo album, you remembered back to when Link had first asked you to take the slate for him. Yes, he would use it to access the shrines, or use his runes, and whenever he wanted to check a new region you’d uncovered–but for the most part it was on your person at all times, and you felt you should be grateful to have such a powerful tool to use as you pleased. But it felt heavy in your pocket, whenever you carried it…it felt more like a burden. Like he had just given it to you as another display of his claim on you. It almost felt like an engagement ring, in some strange, unsettling way…but you found the picture you were looking for, and the thought disappeared from your mind.
“Look at this. I managed to take it last night…”
You raised the slate upwards, and Link peered at the sight before him. It was small, almost a dot on the edge of the cliff, as you’d taken it from so far away–but it was clear what it was when you knew what you were looking for. The red mane should have given it away at once. 
He muttered, looking more intently at it, until you lowered the slate and turned it so you could see it again for yourself. Even in a blurry, distant picture, it was still terrifying. 
“..Yeah. It’s on Ploymus mountain, above the reservoir. I was talking to Si..s-some of the Zora, and they said it’s where we can get the shock arrows we need.”
You hated to sound like some of the Hylian women that you listened to fawning over him, and always asking for him to show off his strength for them, but there were some things you could do, and some you couldn’t. You said “we” because you adventured alongside each other, but Link was always the one to fight the battles and claim the treasure. You were just tagging along. So as much as you didn’t want to ask for his help, especially when he was in a bad mood, you couldn’t hope to help the Zoras and their home if Link didn’t cooperate. 
In fact, you were so steeped in your clashing thoughts, you only raised your head to meet his eyes when he had gotten close enough for your chests to touch. Slowly, like a lion stalking its prey, Link took a step forwards for every one you took away from him, until you were eventually forced to stop as your back hit the tree he had been sitting beside earlier. With this, there was no way for you to put some distance between the two of you–and his arms came up to trap you on either side, his face leaning in close until his nose brushed against yours. 
“L-L…Link, what-”
The warm breath that washed over you forced the words to fall off your tongue, and suddenly your lips were parted, and ready for him to capture with his own. But for once, he didn’t take the bait, and instead spoke in such a soft tone against them you would have missed it completely, had you not been listening close.
“…If I kill the Lynel, will you hold me?” 
The warmth of his voice didn’t match the coldness in his eyes. It was the same glassy, glazed-over gaze that you watched when he slayed his enemies, or spilled blood, or spoke to anyone that wasn’t you.  
“I want you to touch my hair…lay my head in your lap…” 
He had trapped you, but he still kept a modicum of distance, knowing how you would react if he tried to show you affection without your permission. Even so, you could feel the heat flaring up in his body as the idea ran through his mind–and you knew him well enough to expect what he would be thinking. A Lynel was one of the most frightening, most dangerous enemies one could encounter in Hyrule, and more than enough people stronger than you had fallen victim to their ferocity…so, of course, to slay one would be a monumental achievement, worthy of the highest praise and ceremony. Link didn’t care for celebrations and cheering crowds like that, though…he just wanted your approval. 
By the time the fantasy had fully-formed in his mind, there was no use even trying to make him slow down. Link turned away from you with a familiar gleam in his eyes, and tore off down the path without a second thought, not even caring to walk around the monsters he’d previously slain and running over them without hesitation. It took you a moment or two to realize what he was doing, but by the time you moved to try and stop him, he was already well on his way back to the domain with his hand itching for the hilt of his sword. 
“L-Link?! Link! Wait, it’s dangerous! At least bring a potion with you!” 
Your voice carried out into the gorge, but it did nothing but fall on deaf ears. Link would be on Ploymus within the hour, eager to slay the monster as soon as possible and with as much blood spilt as he could…and when he came back you would be waiting as dutifully as you always were, resigned and ready to give him the reward he always felt he deserved. 
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
When Dreams Break, Build Them Again
[ name change to @arschemy​ ]
Do you know what I want? I want Bakugou Katsuki to choke the people that hurt him on the ashes of dreams they burned.
I want one Bakugou Katuski to carve his story forged by nitroglycerin and spite, to realize that destiny isn’t on his side. Recognize that everything he’s been working for was for nothing because in the end, no matter how hard he tries and how much he bleeds, he’ll inevitably never reach number one hero in this story.
For Bakugou Katsuki to stand among the pieces of his broken dreams and realize that maybe, he’s been the villain all along.
Yet for him to stand and prove everyone wrong. To realize that one of the greatest prisons people live in, is the fear of what other people think. I want Bakugou Katsuki to hold on to destiny, faith, and what other bullshit out there written in the stars, and break them.
To realize that the people calling him a monster treated him like prey. For if he cannot bend heaven, to fit in society’s cookie-cutter shape of what a hero is, he’ll raise hell.
I don’t want a perfect hero with a pretty smile anymore. I want a hero that clawed it’s way to the top when everyone else was pushing him down. The underdog that never got anything in life to help but one single opportunity.
Bakugou Katsuki, the hero-student villain in making, cause of All Might’s death, and number two hero turning his pain into power. Fight it, or accept it. Fear it, or control it.
Number one hero Bakugou Katsuki that against all odds, fought tooth and nail for want he wanted but wasn’t given. To realize he was never the villain, just a child.
Bakugou Katsuki, coming for the crown.
[ name change to @arschemy​ ]
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
PT 3
PROMPT: Nobody has any quirks and is stuck on a ship like Among Us
PAIRING: Imposter!Dabi x Reader
GENRE: Angst, AU
WARNINGS: major character deaths
| prev.|
"at least this means we dont have to worry anymore." kaachan shrugs, you snap your head towards him,
"what do you mean?"
"I mean usually theres only like one, right? meaning we're most likely in the clear." you nod, you honestly forgot kaachan existed there for a sec, he was just so...quiet.
"kaachan c'mere, you too deku." the former looked at you weirdly but complied, while the latter bounced over to you.
you briefly let go of dabi and pulled shoto with you, and hugged all three of the young boys closely.
you knew that them and ingeniumu were in the same classes all through highschool, and they joined headquarters together, to lose a friend like that...you couldn't imagine it.
shoto grabbed onto your arms again, hugging himself close to you, deku, wrapped his arms around you and kaachan -surprisingly- leaned into you, he didnt hug you back but he showed his appreciation and a few sniffles could he heard from all of them.
"c'mon guys, we just have to finish our tasks and soon enough we'll be home, okay?" they nod and slowly pull themselves off of you. "ill show you guys my place and we'll get froyo, all of us,"
shoto lets out a small smile whereas deku didnt hide his, even kaachan didnt bother hiding the goofy smile that broke through.
during your time together you had become a bit of a mother towards the three, especially kaachan and shoto, deku already having a healthy relationship with his mum.
as deku and shoto walk away, kaachan lingered.
"thanks." he mumbles, looking at his feet, you hold his cheek in a protective way
"no problem kaa, now shoo, go with deku," kaachan smirks and walks away.
dabi almost regretted when the moment ended, but was happy to have you in his arms again.
"that was sweet."
you hum, "yeah, your gonna have to include those kids in our little life plan you wrote," you smirk up st him, teasing him about the page you found a couple months ago, which was filled with things he wanted to do with you.
"shup up," he smiled, genuinely smiled at you, and you leant up to give him a peck on the lips.
"wonder, you ready to go?" you turn slightly to see hawks, and you pout.
"actually, do you mind if I take her from now? you and shoto can team up," hawks shrugged.
"sure! ill rescue shoto and let him be with someone cool for once!" hawks laughed as dabi was obviously annoyed.
as everyone went off with their group to finish their task you couldnt help but think.
you were glad fun loving hawks was back, you were glad everyone was back to normal actually. you dont think you guys would ever officially be healed but the thought that this was over made you happy.
dabi tugged on your hand and you looked towards him.
"can I kiss you?"
you blushed, he never outright ASKED, but you nodded anyways, filling with electricity as he cupped you cheeks and smashed his lips on yours.
you both moved in synch, as you ran your fingers through his hair and lightly tugged at times, knowing that made him go feral and right now you just wanted to forget.
you thought of how ingeniumu would react to finding you and dabi like this, the kid would probably start waving his arms and going berserk, thirteen would probably have to calm him down and tell him that it's fine, he's always nice like that.
or, he WAS always nice like that.
you felt dabi pull away and you were about to question it until you felt the tears on your cheek yourself.
"what's wrong doll?" he cupped you face and you saw worry in his eyes.
"n-nuthin." you hiccup, the weight of the reality of this situation finally crashing down on you.
they were dead, they really were dead.
"is it because of, yknow?" he jerks his head towards the cafeteria, referencing exactly why you were crying.
you let out a sob as you bobbed your head.
"awh, c'mere doll," dabi cooed and grabbed the back of your head, pulling you in for a tight hug and his other hand slipped around your waist, softly squeezing to show support.
"t-theyre go-gone! a-and ingeniumu will n-never be the-there to sco-scold us ag-gain and a-and and-" you hiccupped out, they were gone, they were really fucking gone.
"shh shh doll, it will be okay, think about having froyo with the kids and me, how about we make it a tradition? every Sunday how about?" you slightly nod as he moves his hand around you head to cup your cheek, whipping your tears, "yeah? and with me, you, kaachan, deku and shoto, we'll all have froyo each sunday, and when we eventually have kids we'll bring them along too,"
you hum, that did sound nice.
"kaachan would probably try to teach them how to probably beat up deku before they reached 5," you let out a laugh, he would do that.
"and if they didnt learn how to properly throw a right hook on their own before 3, he would probably stay up all day and night to make sure," your voice sounded croaky but dabi still smiled.
"exactly. even if we have to change the life plan a little bit it will still be our life plan, and we're gonna spend it together," you smile and look up at your boyfriend.
"thank you touya," you lightly kiss his cheek,
"anything for you doll,"
he went to kiss your lips again before both of your watches beeped, an emergency meeting.
you both ran back towards the cafeteria, deku, shoto, twice and hawks already there, where was kaachan?
hawks seemed to catch your eye looking throughout the room, and spoke up, "kaachan is dead."
suddenly it felt like everything came crashing down.
you didnt understand, he was- he was there and alive! and your plans- oh god you cant go for froyo now.
it seemed silly to worry about that but you were panicking, it was what you were supposed to do!
you stared at hawks, "n-no. no. hes not dead."
hawks took a step forward, "wonder-"
"no! he- he cant be dead! t-the froyo and the the-" dabi grabbed you and pulled you into his chest again, your newly dried eyes watering again but you just pathetically leaned into your boyfriend. "he cant be dead." you whimpered.
dabi affectionately rubbed your back, "it's okay doll, its gonna be okay,"
everyone stared at you in sympathy, they were all affected but it was obvious you were struggling.
twice had a different look though, like guilt, one that hawks didnt miss.
"hey twice?"
he snapped his head up towards the blonde, "yeah?" his voice slightly cracked.
"where were you?"
"oh god not with this shit again! hawks will you give it a break for two fucking seconds?" dabi snaps, "I dont care if this is your coping mechanism or something but maybe give us a fucking moment to grieve?"
"oh im SO sorry for worrying about who's gonna be dead next!"
"i dont ca-"
shoto interrupted the two, "tomura said he was with twice last time."
twice widened his eyes, but nodded. "i-im sorry."
everyone stared in shock, even hawks was silent.
he didnt look up, "the system is fucked, I'm telling you that, but I didnt want to hurt any of you i swear!"
hawks didnt say anything as he pushed him into the trash chute room, and neither did twice, he didnt even protest.
"can I ask you one more question?" hawks asked, twice slowly nodding.
"are there anymore?"
twice makes eye contact with dabi, another look hawks doesnt miss, and nods, holding up a finger.
with that hawks pulls the switch and out went twice, into space.
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
early morning pampering
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-Fatgum x reader-
he comes home bruised and sore and you help him relax with just a sweet smidgen of smut
I almost didn’t get this posted. My internet’s been on and off all day because of heavy wind and ran. I’m taking this opportunity and hopefully it posts!
The apartment door flung open, jerking you from the perfect dream. You jumped up startled. Taishiro was always quiet when he came home. He hated waking you. So either that wasn’t Tai or he was seriously exhausted after his patrol… or he was drunk but that had less than a five percent probability. 
You tiptoed out of the bedroom just in case it was some intruder. The worries were placated once you spotted his silhouette collapsed on the couch. 
Although distress immediately took its place. His frame was skinny. His panting was heavy. You flicked a dim light on, letting you see the hard cast enveloping his right arm. Bruises stuck out from it. He didn’t even open his eyes when you kneeled beside him or when you gently rubbed his chest. 
“Tai, honey, are you alright?”
He groaned but smiled a forced and twitchy smile. “I’m okay. Just sore.”
Keep reading
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
WKM incorrect quotes
Dark: You're not aloud to fall in love with Y/N
Illinois: Wont be a problem.
Illinois a few hours later: THERES A PROBLEM.
Y/N:*shows up late for meeting*
Dark: You're late.
Y/N:You're stunning
Dark:...You're forgiven
Wilford: Wait, what time is it? *Looks at microwave counting down*
Wilford: Fuck, its 36, Im late.
Y/N: Wil, no-
Dark: I can't belive Mark betrayed us, why is it always the ones you expect the most?
Dark: Y/N, have you ever considered having a child with me?
Y/N: You mean another one, because we already have three.
Dark: No...we dont?
Wilford, Yancy and Yan fighting over the same knife: Yeah. Dad, what're they talking about?
Y/N: Why do you have a picture of a narwhal on your wall?
Wilford: I just think mythical creatures are neat.
Y/N: Wilford, narwhals are real.
Y/N: I hate you!
Dark: Oh yeah? Well, I hate you too!
Y/N: *tearing up* You what?
Yancy: Studies show that you are cute.
Y/N: source?
Yancy: Myself.
Wilford: Sooo… what’s it like dating Y/N?
Illinois: Once, I asked them for a glass of water while they were pissed at me, and they brought me a glass full of ice and said “wait.”
Dark: I’ve been dropping subtle hints that I have a crush on Y/N.
Y/N: (walks past Dark)
Dark: (ignores them)
Dark: That went pretty well.
Actor: *enters the room*
Dark: Ah fuck! See I thought I was gonna have a happy day but then you walked in.
Wilford: What’d did he do?
Dark: Bitch gotta exist.
Y/N: *turns to Actor* Why would you do that?
Dark: (puts a piece of bread on both sides of your face)
Dark: What are you?
Y/N: Yours!
Dark while tearing up and voice cracking: Lame-
Wilford: What are your kinks?
Yancy: This is kinda out there, but... love and support from people who love me as much as I love them.
Wilford: Corny. Anyways, I wanna be choked-
Y/N: I wish I was a royalty.
Actor: You're my ruler, and this is our realm.
Y/N: *looking around the Mansion* This kingdom sucks.
Yan: I invited you here because I crave the deadliest game.
Y/N,who spends too much time around Wilford.: Knife monopoly.
Yan: I was actually gonna hunt you down for sport, but now I’m really interested in whatever knife monopoly
Y/N: Well,fuck me if I'm wrong but-
Actor: You're wrong.
Y/N: But-
Actor: *taking off his robe* YOU'RE WRONG.
Wilford, at the zoo with Y/N: (pointing to the closest animal) What are they in for?
Y/N: You know this isn’t a prison, right?
Wilford: So they can just leave?
Y/N: Well...no.
Wilford: (pointing at a penguin) I bet that one’s in for murder.
Actor: *crying*
Dark: Mark, whats wrong?
Actor: I don’t want to talk about it.
Dark: Thank god, because-
Actor: It all started years ago...
Y/N: Why are you always so gloomy?
Dark: My tragic backstory only unlocks at friendship level: 3
Y/N: What level am I?
Dark: 58, so it all started when-
Wilford: *Pulls out a knife*
Y/N: Oh no.
Wilford: *Opens a box with it*
Y/N: oh okay.
Wilford: *Pulls a gun out of the box*
Y/N: Oh NO-
Y/N: I am seeing someone, but I am worried about telling you who, because you are not gonna like it.
Dark: Just rip the bandage off, Y/N, it can't be that bad.
Y/N: It's Mark.
Dark: Put the bandage back on.
Wilford: *swing Y/Ns arms back and fourth* BRING ME A SANDWICH, BITCH!
Actor: I’m ignoring you.
Actor: I said I’m ignoring you!
Actor: Stop ignoring me ignoring you!
Y/N: I’m willing to do a lot of things.
Y/N: But admitting to Dark that I’m cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not one of them.
Actor: It’s not stalking. I’m just trying to create a situation where Y/N gets used to seeing me in their world!
Yancy: Stalking.
Actor: No. Casual random encounters.
Dark: Which you engineer – and it’s called stalking.
Yancy: I need you
Y/N: For?
Yancy: Ever.
Y/N: *tearing up* oh-
Wilford: I’d rather kill Actor than watch Y/N cry.
Y/N, vaguely upset: Hey guys, I sorta had a bad day-
Wilford, loading a gun: Motherfucker better be prepared to take his last breath.
Illinois: Listen kid-
Y/n: Please, call me Y/n.
Illinois: I'd really rather not. If I named you, I could get attached.
Y/N: I've got my scooter. I've got my boys.
Google: We are not their boys.
Everyone else in the mansion: Yes, yes we are.
Y/N: Hey Wilf, can I go out with Yan?
Wilford: What did Dark say?
Y/N: He said no.
Wilford: Then why would I say yes?
Y/N: Because he’s not the boss of you.
Wilford, thinking.: This is a trap. This is a trap. This is a trap. This is a tr-
Yancy: Y/N, you know Dark will never agree to this plan.
Y/N: Sure he will!
Yancy: I've already asked him three times, he won't do it
Y/N: Let me try
Y/N: *walks up to Dark* Can we-
Dark: Yes.
Y/N: I have been building Bings trust for years with high-fives. Today I’m going to hit him with a “too slow.”
Y/N: Welcome to the real world, kid.
Google: *tearing up* Thats my s/o.
Wilford: I’m 50% intelligence, 80% power, and 70% a natural hero.
Google: That’s 200% percent.
Wilford: I’m twice the man you’ll ever be.
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
Ah yes the new update
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Give them flowers, bitches love flowers
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
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Please accept this…random collection of ~lemony thoughts on Asra. I am a Huge Subby Bitch, and these were moments I imagined in my head but don’t really have a whole fic to put them in.
Asra, for all my Subby Bitches ✨🔮
He walks you back with slow steps, one long stride for each of your two hurried ones. When your breath catches in your throat, and your eyes go deer-wide, and you press your back against the wall, he smiles softly at you and cages you in with his hands and rewards you with a long, languid, sloppy kiss
When you’re cuddling at night and you’re struggling to sleep, he’ll pull you back against his chest with one hand gently to your throat and the fingertips of the other digging into your hip. He’ll hold you there and run the tip of his nose along the back of your neck, across your bare shoulders, until you’re feeling secure enough to finally sleep
When you’re gagging on his cock and struggling to take it, he’ll run his thumbs along your cheek bones and keep your eyes locked with his while you pull off, regroup, and try again
He loves it when you’re a blushy mess, especially if you’re not normally like that in public. He’ll take any chance he gets to guide your shaking hands to where he wants them, pressing kisses to your fingertips before showing you exactly how he wants you to stroke his cock
With your wrists pinned above your head, he’ll hover above you with his lips just barely against yours, waiting and watching as you try to challenge him, as you fall a little further with each passing second, until you finally give a little whine and cave with a whispered please
He’ll give you his scarf to wear during colder months, simply because he adores slowly wrapping his hands around the ends when he leans in to kiss you, holding you there until he’s satisfied
Slow, torturous fucking. Pinned with your wrists above your head, he’ll listen to your soft little whines, feel as you wriggle beneath him trying to get closer. He’ll coo softly at you and shush you. Oh, I know baby, I know. He’ll wait until there are tears of frustration in your eyes before he kisses them away and finally takes you exactly how you want
On rainy days, when thunder is rolling in the distance and the windows are open to let the warm scent of rain-on-cobble waft in, he’ll keep you in bed and naked. Eating you out/sucking you off is as much of a reward for him as it is for you. He’ll give you wet kisses everywhere you need, strings of saliva connecting you to his mouth, the sloppy sounds of his mouth barely a whisper over the patter of rain
You taste so sweet, baby. Like my favourite thing in the world.
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
I just stumbled across your blog, love it! I’m obsessed with The Arcana and specifically Muriel. That man is just... 🤤🤤 please could you write a reaction for our mountain man when his S/O how is heavily pregnant and when she gives birth it’s like twins or triplets?? Think boi would faint 😂😂😂
Oh, mountain man would have a wonderful reaction to triplets ;)
warnings: none!
Muriel should’ve known something was going on long before Julian and the rest of the nurses exclaimed, “Triplets? Triplets!” and he was rushed out of the room in a mess of doctors dashing every which way with renewed energy.
Her baby bump had shown far sooner than usual. 
Her cravings and morning sickness had been more severe than most pregnancies.
Her stomach had grown larger than they had expected.
And it was only now, when he was pacing the floor outside the delivery room, did he truly understand the oddities of her pregnancy. Triplets. Despite all his fussing and worrying over her during the pregnancy, he hadn’t even realized it until now. He was going to be the father of not just one child, not even two. Three. Three wonderful little beings, two of which he hadn’t even been aware of until now.
The babies weren’t born and he was already failing miserably. He raked a hand through his hair, trying to take a deep breath when his chest was tightening with the idea of her in pain and him being helpless to do anything. He wasn’t the one giving birth, so he should be fine, right? He shouldn’t be feeling like he’s about to collapse at any second, right? His heart shouldn’t be trying to beat out of his chest, right?
Wrong, wrong, and wrong. The past few hours of her labor swarmed his mind, a mess of panic and him trying to reassure her. It was hard, painfully hard, to stay calm while she was in pain and there was nothing he could do while every instinct screamed at him to protect those he loved most. It was worse now, when he wasn’t even in the same room as her. All he could do was pace, try to wrap his head around the idea of three babies, and pray to any divine being that would listen for all of them to be okay.
“Muriel, she’ll be fine,” Asra said, Muriel almost jumping at his voice. Asra smiled softly. He was leaning against one of the palace columns, messy but not nearly as disheveled as Muriel. “Julian is an extremely talented doctor and every nurse in there was hand picked by Nadia. She’s in the best of hands.” His smile twitched into a smirk. “They all are.”
Muriel only shrugged; he didn’t trust his voice, not while the weight of triplets was still settling over him. He knew matters like extra blankets and cribs wouldn’t be difficult to handle — he already knew that no matter what he said, Nadia would insist on covering the price. What frightened him was how he would raise them. He had no doubt of their mother’s parenting abilities. She was kind and lovely and smart and patient and everything Muriel wasn’t. She would be a flawless parent for the children. And what about him? If he was panicked to a nearly useless state by hearing her cry out in pain, how could he keep calm with three sweet, needy, helpless babies?
The question was going to be answered far sooner than Muriel thought.
The door whipped open and a nurse poked her head out. “All well and healthy,” she said, smiling.
Muriel barely heard her. All he could hear was the soft whimper of one of his babies.
He rushed inside, barely aware of the nearby nurses as he came to her side, stepping softly as though the slightest misstep would shatter the fragile scene before him. She was lying on the bed, exhausted but smiling and never looking so lovely before. Lying on her chest were three babies, one stirring softly and whimpering while the other two huddled closer to their mother. They were beautiful even with their eyes shut tight — he could see the touches of her features in them, and prayed at least one of them had her eyes.
“Two boys and a girl,” she said, smiling up at him. “Best of both worlds, right?”
Muriel only nodded. He couldn’t get out any words, not with her looking far too perfect with their far too perfect children. It didn’t seem real. How could something so fortunate happen to him?
“Relax, Muriel,” she said. As always, she could read his mind with frightening accuracy. “Everyone’s okay. Here, how about you hold him?” She nodded down at the baby who was squirming and whimpering. She moved her arm so Muriel could, with painfully slow care, cradle the little boy.
He held his little frame with more gentleness than he had held anything before. And suddenly everything was okay. The world was whole, perfect. He knew he could be a good father because just looking at the three of them, he knew he was capable of doing anything and everything to keep them safe and sound. The little boy stopped crying and huddled closer to Muriel, little fingers curling around his shirt while Muriel’s heart was filled with thousands of butterflies.
“He likes his papa,” she murmured, smiling in that ever so soft way. And Muriel managed to smile back this time, because that was the only thing he could think of — words didn’t belong in a moment like this, a moment he had only dreamed of having.
But it was real, she was real, their three children were real, and he had never been more at peace.
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
Decided to try out a new technique, suffice to say I was pleasantly surprised.
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
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14K notes · View notes
fanzapwriting · 4 years
Master List
| Ko-fi |
Birds and bees talk
The period talk
MC with red eyes from crying
Depressed MC
Asra Angst
Child from a previous relationship ft Julian
Asra pretends to cheat on MC ft Lucio
A Compromising Position
MC is sick ft Julian
Antagonist main 3
OC sings sad song drabble
MC’s allergic to the sun ft Muriel
Day to day life after bringing MC back drabble
MC extends their magic too far, ft Muriel
Young MC ft Portia, Muriel 
MC can’t swim ft Julian, Nadia
Lucio flirts with MC while they’re dating Asra
Nose kisses
MC flinches at movement and noise
Apathetic MC with Lucio
Braiding Julian’s hair
Gender neutral MC with trust issues
Child from a previous relationship ft Asra
Ace/non-binary MC not wanting to disappoint
MC with tattoos ft Lucio
MC is sick ft Asra
Has a teenaged son
Julian pretends to cheat on MC
Same ^ but Julian’s perspective
MC gets flustered easily 
Julian overdoes it ^
Reverse end Julian
Antagonist main 3
MC’s soft only for Julian drabble
MC struggles with perfectionism 
MC struggles with strong emotions (ft Lucio and Portia)
Julian and MC overwork and take care of each other
Taking an autumn walk 
MC can’t swim ft Asra, Nadia 
MC is bad with kids
Antagonist main 3
MC can’t swim ft Julian, Asra
Portia’s singing
MC struggles with strong emotions (ft Julian and Lucio)
Young MC ft Asra, Muriel
Playing in the rain
MC brings Muriel supplies drabble
Muriel accidentally spooks MC
MC’s allergic to the sun ft Asra
MC baby talks every animal
MC extends their magic too far, ft Asra
Platonic relationship  
Child who befriends animals 
Young MC ft Asra, Portia 
Child who is sad
Soft cuddling
All 6 react to MC’s relationship with Lucio
Warrior MC
MC speaks Lucio’s native language
We Love Lucio
Apathetic MC with Julian
MC crying at night
Surprise spoiling
Needy Lucio
Fluff fluff fluff
MC’s scared of thunderstorms
All 5 react to a better Lucio
MC with tattoos ft Julian
Shy MC
Lucio pretends to cheat on MC
A fight with MC
Playing in the rain
Zoo date
MC struggles with strong emotions (ft. Julian and Portia)
Lucio’s got a cold
Plus size MC wears lingerie
Perfect morning
Flirts with MC while they’re dating Asra
Twins die main 3
Twins die other 3
Julian thinks MC is dead
MC tries to leave main 6
MC dates main 6 but has crush on someone else
Main 3 with MC kidnapped instead of them
MC dies again all 6
MC dies at childbirth, daughter looks just like her all 6
MC is killed by dark version of main characters (main 3)
Lucio, Asra, Julian cheat on MC
Rain and Thunderstorms
MC loves storms all 6
MC is terrified of storms all 6
Morning cuddles all but Lucio
Lounging on LI
MC’s always too cold Julian + Lucio
MC with small, rough hands
First kiss secondary 3
MC hates their stretch marks with all 6
MC’s always too hot all 6
MC teaches the main 6 to knit
MC’s stoic but melts under main 6′s touch
MC’s tough but easily flustered, main 3 
MC naps on Muriel, Asra, Lucio
Sleeping with the secondary 3
Sleeping with the main 3 
Love letters with Asra, Muriel, Lucio
All 6
Child’s first word is their familiar w/ Julian and Lucio
Pregnancy reactions w/ Asra and Julian
MC has child from previous relationship Nadia, Lucio, Portia, Muriel
Hurt MC
Wisdom teeth
Accidentally hurt during argument
MC after surgery
All 6 accidentally whacking MC
Mc’s under a spell that turns them evil main 3
MC is dangerously clumsy main 3
MC loses their familiar all 6
Dates/Lovey Dovey
All 6
Love letter writing Asra, Muriel, Lucio
Modern(ish) AU
Stand up comedian MC
Main 6 favorite ice cream flavors
Whose Line is it Anyway? Ft. all 6
MC lives for debate and political reform, Asra, Julian, Portia
MC gives more attention to pets than LI
Pets as humans with main 6
MC has nightmares, all 6
Mystical AU
All 6 as mystical creatures
MC had a nightmare and woke up with appendages
Necromancer MC
MC Losing a Limb
All 6
Mafia AU
All 6
MC with Depression
Main 3 + Lucio
All 6
Depression inspired artist MC with Asra and Julian
MC with Eating Disorder
Anorexia with main 6
Main 3 + Muriel
Naive MC/Feel Good
Being swindled with all 6
MC falls flat on their face all 6
All 6 catch MC dancing and singing
Badass MC sneezes like a kitten secondary 3
Pet names all 6
Pocky game all 6
MC’s scared of loud noises all 6
Baking with MC, all 6
MC collects trinkets Asra, Muriel, Lucio
MC doesn’t know how to swim, main 3
Main 3 tattoos
MC has curly hair Asra, Julian, Muriel
Asra, Lucio, Muriel finding out child is Avatar
Loch Ness Monster hunting! Muriel, Asra, Portia
Short MC
Battle axe
Main 6 with short MC
Main 3, MC gets into fights for them
Memory Loss
MC loses memory with Nadia
MC loses memory with Julian and Lucio
Gym Buddies
All 6
Touch Starved
Muriel + Julian
Main 6 proposing 
Wedding day main 6
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
Hi! I love your blog, can I ask for the Main 6 reaction to a MC dying at birth and having a daughter that looks like her?? (Can be Angst or Fluffy) THANK YOU! ;3;
(thank youuuu
he was absolutely devastated
but the little bundle in his arms deserved a father
so he swallowed his grief
she started to really look like you around 2
and the first time he noticed, he sobbed
as she got older, he’d show her pictures of you
telling her how beautiful you were and how much she looked like you
she’d catch him with tears in his eyes sometimes
and he’d try his best to not concern her
but the truth was that whenever he looked at her
no matter how much he loved her
it broke his heart that you couldn’t see how beautiful she was too
he was destroyed
Portia and Mazelinka helped him raise her
and he loved her with all of his heart
he’d constantly tell her how much she looked like you
so much so that she’d always tell anyone she came across, “papa says I look just like mama!” 
once when she was older, she threw her head back and laughed just like you used to
he had to excuse himself
the pain his chest was in was almost unbearable 
she was heartbroken, unbearably so
but she was obsessed with her little princess
whenever she looked at her, she couldn’t help but smile at the memory of you
she’d tell her stories about you
how much you would have loved her
but when she kissed her goodnight, her eyes would betray her stoic disposition
spilling over and over
and she’d retreat to her bedroom, clutching her chest in sorrow
she’d cried so much
it was almost unbearable
but she knew your little one needed her
so she’d wipe her eyes and pick her up
once she got older, she was always saying how much she looked like you
she’d tell story after story after story
and she wouldn’t be afraid to cry in front of her
she deserved to know how great you were
but sorrow was nothing to be ashamed about
at first, he didn’t want to even hold his baby
Asra looked after her
but after a few days, he couldn’t bear to be apart from her
he grabbed her from Asra gently and cried and cried
he was still a quiet man
but he never left his affections unknown
she grew up knowing how much he loved her
and how much he’d love you
he’d show her things you’d made, tricks you’d taught Inanna, charms he’d made you
he’d tell her she was beautiful, just like her mother
and she was honored to be compared to you
he was angry
not at his daughter, but at the doctors who had failed you
he wouldn’t let her go
taking her to meetings and anywhere else he needed to go
he’d keep her safe
when she was older, he’d hold her hand and walk her around the palace, showing her the portraits of you
he’d tell her she looked just like you
beautiful and powerful
he’d shed a few tears while he stared at the portraits
but he’d quickly wipe them away
if she’d ask what was wrong, he’d tell her that death was a painful thing
and how much he wished that you were still with them
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fanzapwriting · 4 years
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Oooh, nice. Reactions under the cut. Warnings for violence, possessive behavior, blades, and emotional outbursts. Otherwise SFW.
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