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quiddling · 1 year ago
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very kissable
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scopophilic1997 · 6 months ago
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1103 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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erixonmax · 4 months ago
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Strings of Despair
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twister-sister · 6 months ago
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my banner for sotw in tsbs discord
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theyareweird · 2 months ago
House 1.4: The Puppetmaster —Aesthetic
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Grandfather's Character & Personality
Grandpa is the father of James and the husband of Grandma. He's also the grandfather of Tabitha and Melody. It's unknown when he died, but Grandpa has been dead for quite some time. His wife ambiguously explained that he died in the house after her and discovered his soul is bound to the house as his place of death. This upset Grandpa because he always hated the house. Being trapped for eternity in the house made him stir crazy. Grandpa eventually stormed out a few years ago because he wanted to take control of the life he never had. She hasn't seen him since due to him entering the void, a black space under the house where he was turned into a monster. There, Grandpa puppeteers his relatives into suffering forever, aggressively refusing to let them leave.
Gift for: @pj-the-dumbas
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brokehorrorfan · 8 months ago
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NECA has revealed a Puppet Master ultimate action figure two-pack with Leech Woman and Toulon's puppet case. Due out in November, it costs $59.99.
Leach Woman stands 4.5" and comes with three interchangeable heads, four interchangeable hands, two leaches, brain matter, and knife. The puppet case features hinged doors, interchangeable shelves, panels, and a mask ornament.
The case can be used to hold Leach Woman and NECA's previous Puppet Master figures: Blade & Torch, Pinhead & Tunneler, and Six-Shooter & Jester.
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chaosabound · 5 months ago
Late post but whatever..
New Miitopia post yayyy
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First appearance of the Dark Lord.
Dark Lord PuppetMaster looks smaller than he really is lol.
The og screenshots:
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My they make my child's forehead so big skkk-
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zoomar · 2 years ago
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Let's cut ourselves free from AUTHORITY
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morganhopesmith1996 · 11 months ago
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This release ♥️
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dreamcast-webcomic · 6 months ago
Happy Anniversary!
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kamikisawyer · 2 years ago
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I was reading things about this guy and I have many headcanons to tell fr!
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h4unt3d-s0u15 · 1 month ago
stop having a fuckinv panic attack fairy we both know this is fucking unjustified we both know that none of them hate you and they all fucking love you so shuttup
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waterfire1848 · 2 years ago
Rewatched the Puppetmaster and I have to ask - Did Hama give people food and water? I imagine some of those people had been there for months, maybe years depending on how long Hama had been doing it. So did she just come in every day and give them food and water then chain them back up?
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years ago
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NECA will release a Puppet Master ultimate action figure two-pack with Six-Shooter & Jester in December. Priced at $35, the 4.5" figures join Blade & Torch and Pinhead & Tunneler from 2021.
Six-Shooter includes removable hat and bandana, 18 interchangeable hands, and six revolvers. Jester includes three interchangeable heads, four interchangeable hands, removable hat, scepter, tenderizer, and scalpel. They're packed together in a window box based on Andre Toulon’s puppet case.
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dasboligrafo · 1 year ago
7 Takes on The Double Life of Veronique
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You know the thing where you like the same thing as a terrible person?
I guess even Lear-esque cringey edgelords like great movies and Keith McNally is not wrong about Sexy Beast and definitely definitely not wrong about the Double Life of Veronique, a movie I've now seen 3x, 2 of which ended in helpless tears (the only way I know if something is art).
This movie was a selection by McNally at a Roxy Cinema mini-festival in October 2023. As I told the crew who I invited (tricked?) to see the movie: now it's your turn to think about it for 15 years!
I love the moment after the movie when people are asking helplessly -- but what does the movie mean?!? And I really, really love the moment when people get angry at the end of the movie. These are real emotions! What's the last time a movie made you think anything other than "god, that was 45 minutes too long?" (The Double Life of Veronique is under 100 minutes! yessss)
[I didn't hear it cause I was, like, weeping, but my friend said at the end a guy behind us was angrily griping that the movie was too slow? Huh? Stuff is literally happening every moment of the movie? There is not a single wasted scene, line or frame? What even are these senses whose proofs we can so liberally ignore?]
Since it might be another 15 years until I see it again and I don't have the benefit of just having written a college thesis that was mostly about Lacan via Zizek, I thought I would type out a few thought exercises/interpretative frameworks that I think apply to this movie:
The contingent nature of the universe/the senselessness of existense -- probably the easiest to justify, especially in the context of Kieslowski's complete ouevre, in consideration of his personal history, based on the interviews he's given, etc...
What to do about emotional apocrypha — what do you do with and about feelings that seem to come from nowhere? Feelings are "real" and we know now (i.e. the science is now there to tell us, eg Lisa Feldman Barrets's fascinating work) they're not in any way subservient in value or usefulness to "reason"; like if anything the opposite, emotions are the "why" and reason is the very patched together and incomplete "how" behind what we are and what we do. Worth thinking about why it is Kieslowski's most compelling films have female protagonists given the historical association to the binary genders for emotion vs reason.
The duality and dichotomy of post-war East/West Europe -- I think this one is sorta obvious but not less resonant? There's a good article out there about how the film predicted a lot of the consequences of the EU. Elsewhere I've read that Polish critics pilloried Kieslowski for a traitor to his kind over this theme, which reminded me of the story about how Bach's works were sometimes not well received by the church patrons who got to hear a lot of it first because they thought it was too dour -- imagine you have the greatest musician who will ever live as your church musician and your biggest peeve is his music isn't fun enough for Sunday. In any event this is a major theme in Three Colors, and I'm sure there's no accident that this movie and the Trilogy are connected by the same fake composer (key work = "Song for the Unification of Europe"...)
Return to theory in film (Zizek) -- he wrote a whole book about it. I'm not sure I agree Kieslowski's films make the case for the return to Theory (ie I think you can interpret his movies without it.) But the fact that you can so unbelievably seamlessly integrate his films to a Lacanian framework gives me that feeling of the inevitability of Lacan.
Art Cinema's enduring interest in interrogating the limits of its medium -- which of course is also present in art literature for its own medium, and frequently not only present but foregrounded in theatre. The Puppetmaster is a clear analogue to the filmmaker (and of God, lmao...they can't help themselves), but also all the unbelievably uncomfortable sex scenes in this movie are a masterclass on the male gaze and how you constitute and undermine it...etc.
Space-time Travel (Zizek) -- right away, I'm going to say I don't think this one is all that interesting, but it's what Criterion chose to accompany the 15th year re-release of the movie. So...ok 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'd say that listening to physics podcasts has convinced me of the value of a literary education (those hermeneutical skills come in so handy), so I see the relevance of thinking of these two together, but I also feel like the fake math is the part of Lacan I always found a little too silly to stand.
The agony of art as vocation -- I'm sorta lazily splitting this out from #5 just because when I originally wrote this post I had 7 points and now I can only remember 6 of them, and I like the resonance of 7....There's a Badiou-esque invocation of the four types of truth procedures at work in this movie that could easily fill the pages of another unread senior thesis: science -- the zizek time travel thing, the way the movie is, actually, concerned with the explanation of what is happening and why, rather than just accepting as a premise that there can be doubles in the world; politics -- the scene where Weronika meets Veronique is at a political rally, the east/west thing mentioned above, etc; art and love, obviously.... But the key to the "plot" of Veronique's life is "Does she keep singing, even if it kills her?"
Random closing thoughts:
I'm still thinking about and cannot resolve the mystery of the subplot about Veronique testifying in her friend's divorce(?) trial. What does it mean?
One thing that always bothered me about Kieslowski is a feeling i have that his movies are slightly (high key???) exploitative of his actresses, which seems like shabby repayment for their taking considerable artistic risks. Maybe I'm just getting this feeling from applying Lacan and Zizek to his movies though (that's two dudes who definitely don't understand about women...). I'd like to think I'm wrong about this, his masterworks are all with women and "about" women. I don't think he doesn't get this, though, see again the Puppetmaster (surely one of the creepiest dudes to ever grace an art film and that's saying a lot).
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nathaniacolver · 1 year ago
my friends & i just got through "the runaway" (s3e07) and "the puppetmaster" (s3e08) in our journey through AtLA. (i have seen it before, but a couple of my friends haven't, and we're working through 2 episodes/wk)
and i was just thinking about the valuable lesson that katara teaches us - no matter how poorly you were treated, there are still some things that are unethical. the episode clearly paints hama as the bad guy, regardless of her being a victim in the past. she claims that innocent people should have to bear the burden of random other people who happened to share nationality with her oppressors/captors. but katara, whose MOTHER was taken by the exact same fire nation raids that stole hama, understands that ANY innocent life does not need to be taken as any sort of revenge. bloodbending someone is evil, and nothing justifies it.
it's coming up too but in southern raiders, katara ALSO has the chance to exact revenge on the LITERAL MAN who killed her mother. and what did she do? not kill him.
place that into the context of the situation in gaza right now? it becomes very clear who are the "bad guys"
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