#punisher trio
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fabseg-creator · 5 days ago
For their colors, maybe white-red-black (triple goddesses colors) for the Punisher trio's clothes with their skins being yellow? The Maiden/Rose (White), the Mother/Alya (Red) and the Crone/Juleka (Black).
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Their full redesign now.
The original sketch:
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months ago
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Market based mistakes.
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isawjamfirst · 1 year ago
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post julai mashwood dynamic inspired by avoidingavoidance’s “come and see” on ao3
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bugtypesneaky · 3 months ago
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Marsprit! from an AU where Mars, unable to stand seeing the pain Mesprit is put through during the red chain creation, rushes in last minute to save it. This causes them to fuse as one being from the force of the event. Begins Mars' pure personal hell of suddenly being aware of everyone’s emotions, and most of all Cyrus’. This shatters her beliefs and world views. Begins her infernal dilemma. Should she make Cyrus who he’s always claimed to be by touching him and ridding him of all emotions? Then he would truly be the man she thought she was admiring. But the Mesprit in her is making her see things differently. The most loyal of all team galactic members is starting to doubt it all. Meanwhile, not being able to hug her purugly anymore might be the thing to truly break her.
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triglycercule · 3 months ago
i'm updating that bullshit mttpoly ship chart i made years ago (like at the beginning of the year 💀) because a little evil birdie seemed to judge me for my OLD opinions
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loneliestpeopleinnewport · 2 months ago
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Seth, Marissa and Ryan in 1x26, The Strip.
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marcmarcmomarc · 4 months ago
(I wanted to post this in the form of a video with GamingMagic13’s style of editing, but I don’t have the energy for that.)*
People say Chloé’s redeeming qualities only started to show through during Seasons 2 and 3 because Thomas had no involvement in the production of those two seasons as if he wasn’t on the writing team on every episode for those two seasons.
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The consensus shouldn’t be, “Thomas went away so the other writers started a redemption arc which Thomas ruined when he came back”. It should be, “Thomas and the other writers spent two seasons tricking people into feeling bad for Chloé by revealing that she was more than just a one-dimensional mean girl, and then yanked the rug out from under them just for the sake of yanking the rug out from under people”.
Thomas, your target audience is literal children. I don’t think subverting their expectations is that much of an achievement to brag about.
Also, does anyone else think that, if people weren’t so antagonistically vocal about Miracle Queen and didn’t harass Thomas over it and the “We thought she was redeemable” tweet, then Chloé wouldn’t have gotten worse and worse as Seasons 4 and 5 went on?
Considering the fact that, after Season 3 ended in Fall 2019, the show went on a hiatus that was forced to be even longer due to the COVID pandemic with only the New York special to keep us company in September before finally returning in Spring 2021, the crew had plenty of time to rework the scripts to worsen Chloé.
I would say this applies to Lila, too, but it’s not like feeling bad for her was ever a common fandom talking point and the only thing about her that could have qualified as a redeeming quality that could have gone somewhere (that she lies for attention that she can’t get at home because her mom is out working for most of the day, which only briefly comes back at the beginning of Oni-Chan) is now irrelevant (now that she has multiple moms and identities) because this show has proven how much it loves its retcons and has done nothing to convince me it’s not misogynistic, not even the half-a**ed attempts at redeeming Nathalie and Sabrina after four seasons of them making Bayonetta faces. I know I’m of the “better late than never” opinion, but that mindset can only go so far until “too little, too late” kicks in.
*When talking about the GM13’s editing style, I’m referring to the one he’s been using since the Top 20 Worst Movies video, as in, the topic he is currently talking about will contain clips from the franchise the current topic is discussing.
Talking about Toy Story? Clips from the Toy Story saga.
Talking about The Incredibles? Clips from the Incredibles duology.
Talking about Cars? Clips from the Cars trilogy.
Talking about The Owl House? Clips from The Owl House.
Practice with this.
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astragatwo · 2 years ago
Please please please may i request the three birds of the apocalypse having a good day, perhaps even a picnic
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Him legs too tiny to reach sammich
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years ago
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“Three tickets for the Barbie movie please” 👓✨
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harryjpotter-shitpost · 2 years ago
I can give Dudley the redemption arch because he was a child following after his parents (very abusive behaviors) but people are really defending Petunia and Vernon???? What the fuck?? Like it pretty much says in the first sentence of the whole series that they’re assholes! And it is canon that both Vernon AND Petunia were physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive to Harry until the last moment he left private drive.
The only reason I can give Dudley any kind of redemption or forgiveness is because we see him change in the books after the Dementor attack. I don’t think he and Harry will ever be close or very friendly, but I can see them having a civil relationship at least for their children. Or even just to make up for their shitty childhood that they shared together, as Dudley was also abused too. But this would definitely be after years of therapy and trying to make amends, it wouldn’t happen until many years after the war was over.
You would be surprised on how many posts I’ve crossed where people almost worship Petunia and say that Vernon is the one who forced her to hate her sister!!!
I believe that Dudley deserves redemption cause as you said he was a young person living in a very toxic environment. However, I’m always rather conflicted on how his relationship with Harry is post-war. I’ve read a few fics that had different perspectives on what their relationship have come to, and they’re all very interesting! But I’m not set out on one opinion. Sometimes I think Harry would try to leave it all behind him, but sometimes I think that maybe they’d reconnect as Dudley was obviously a very huge part of Harry’s life (even though it was horrendous) and the same goes the other direction. But I’m sure of one thing; I don’t think they’ll ever have a “close brotherhood” kind of relationship. Maybe sending presents over the holidays or reconnecting every few years, but never close, yk?
But anyways let me get back to my rant about Petunia. It’ll be under the cut :)
CW: mentions of abuse
Let’s get one thing straight: Vernon did not make her hate Harry nor was he pulling the strings in that house and the abuse regarding his nephew. It was Petunia. She collected ALL the hatred in that house and made sure it was taken out on Harry. Why? Because she’s a petty, small-minded and disgusting woman who abused the power she had over a child. All that to let out some of the childish jealousy she had against her DEAD little sister.
Here are some quotes from the books to use as a starting point:
“Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn’t have a sister,”
“They didn’t want Dudley mixing with a child [Harry] like that.”
“she [Petunia] always got so upset at any mention of her sister.”
"He [Vernon] cleared his throat nervously. ‘Er — Petunia, dear — you haven’t heard from your sister lately, have you?’ As he had expected, Mrs. Dursley looked shocked and angry. After all, they normally pretended she didn’t have a sister. ‘No,’ she said sharply.”
“Mr. Dursley wondered whether he dared tell her he’d heard the name ‘Potter.’ He decided he didn’t dare.”
“‘Harry’ [Said Petunia]. ‘Nasty, common name, if you ask me.’”
So these quotes are from the first chapter of the first book (Philosopher’s Stone).
As you can see, pretending the Potters don’t exist is a mutual decision from both sides and it seems that Petunia is more bothered by the mention of her sister than Vernon is because when he tries to bring up the Potters his main concern is upsetting Petunia. Never once does he mention his own disgust with them when trying to bring them up. No, it’s Petunia’s reaction he’s worried about. This doesn’t seem like a behavior of someone who is forcing his wife to hate her sister.
If anything it seems to me that Petunia have explained to her husband how much she dislikes the mention of her sister (and her sister’s entire family too) and so Vernon got the memo that the Potters should never be brought up. Which shows that Petunia is the one who fuels the hatred for the Potters in their household.
Now I’m not saying that Vernon is completely innocent, no he’s hates the Potters too. But his is more personal. After the whole double date incident when he felt that James was taking the mickey out of him and undermining his power. A bully like Vernon who likes to show off his money and power being insulted by a teenager made Vernon hate James’ guts.
“…James was amused by Vernon, and made the mistake of showing it. Vernon tried to patronise James, asking what car he drove.”
“Vernon could not tell whether he was being made fun of or not, and grew angry. The evening ended with Vernon and Petunia storming out of the restaurant.” -Pottermore
And I think that Vernon usually likes to pretend that the people he hates don’t exist, he’s way to high to be bothered by a cocky teenager who ‘doesn’t have a future’. He feels way too superior. During his wedding he made sure not to give James any attention, but made sure to return the humiliation he felt during the double date.
“Vernon refused to speak to James at the reception, but described him, within James’ earshot, as ‘some kind of amateur magician’.” -Pottermore
After Vernon obviously felt satisfied with his comeback, he never gives James a glance.
That’s why when mentioning the Potters he doesn’t even mention the double date incident because technically who’s that James next to him?? No, his wife’s reaction is the main concern.
And that’s the difference between the hate Vernon has towards the Potters and Petunia’s hatred. Whereas Vernon hates James specifically for undermining him and his money and power, Petunia hates them all because she ‘knows’ she’s less superior and special. This fuels her jealousy and anger towards them.
Therefore; Vernon’s ultimate superiority and Petunia’s ultimate loathing.
And you can see that Petunia already has it out for Harry even though she hasn’t met him yet; calling his name “Nasty”. Now I know some of you might interpret her sentence as Petunia criticizing her sister’s choice of names, but if that was the case she would’ve claimed the boy’s misfortune of having such a name or the kid’s misfortune on having parents like the Potters. But no, she mainly focused on the child. Which gives the impression that she’s disliked Harry the moment she knew about him.
“she [Petunia] received from Lily and James the announcement of Harry’s birth, and after one contemptuous look, Petunia threw it in the bin.” -Pottermore
These things sets the foundations for her dislike towards Harry. So when the moment comes where she actually meets him, he will be connected to the ‘detestable’ announcement and the ‘nasty’ name.
Then the times comes where she has to handle that child’s responsibilities and raise him.
And she did take him in, no one’s denying that, but this happened:
“She did it grudgingly, and spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice.” -Pottermore
She spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice.
She took him in. She hated every single moment of having to raise him. So she made sure he was punished for it.
If that is not abuse as some people like to say, then what is exactly???? Punishing an innocent child for taking him in? Are you guys serious?
That’s why her character disgusts me so much. I cannot stand her at all. Because if anything this is a psycho level of behavior. A sane person wouldn’t dream of hurting a small animal let alone a child. Her nephew.
And as for Vernon’s hatred towards Harry it stems out of the humiliation he felt when he met James. The fact that Vernon made sure to return that humiliation during the wedding satisfied Vernon and he didn’t have to think about James anymore. But Harry ( the carbon copy of James) serves as a constant reminder of that feeling, so his hatred towards Harry stems out from his injured masculinity. As Pottermore says:
“Uncle Vernon’s dislike of Harry stems in part, like Severus Snape’s, from Harry’s close resemblance to the father they both so disliked.”
So ya this is my rant about them. Sorry if this is all over the place, English isn’t my first language and this topic pisses me off so much🙂.
And I’d like to conclude that I hate them both, but hate Petunia at tad bit more :)
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joe-fuckingtwice-toye · 1 year ago
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sleepyminty · 1 year ago
I like how everyone in the pm fandom agrees that Binah has apocalypse bird or the black forest trio as some weird house bird pets. As if they should come as a package, if you have three world ending scps you should have it with this scary tea lady. Binah is so much as a menace that she has a 3 in 1 aleph class abno as some pets
(Also thay have matching aesthetic and represent each other, they really do make for each other huh)
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cnl0400 · 8 months ago
Idk I'm still not invested in the SF storyline, like I said before in another post, RAD always feels so barren because the lack of another "normal" students, you have the student council and the exchange students. The only "normal" student we have Is technically Mephistopheles, and since all of them are friends, there's really not a lot of conflict you can have without it feeling pointless. We know that since we have 7 wishes, every brother Is going to win a wish... I don't want to see Diavolo lose 7 times lmao
The next week we are going to the Celestial Realm (suposely, I don't think God will let them enter lol) so this lesson feels pretty much filler for the next week lesson, that *might* be more interesing idk
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raayllum · 1 year ago
like on the one hand miyana dying would be a pretty fitting punishment for karim as the consequences start to catch up to him and he loses everything even more than he already has, but on the one hand i love her and her cringefail man and i want good things for her smart politically savvy ass
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niaerinisms · 5 months ago
One of these I will replay The Cursed Heart and write an essay on why it is a groundbreaking masterpiece, especially in the way it utilises and subverts fairytales, and how I genuinely think it’s within the top 15 Choices books series of all-time
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tinytalkingtina · 1 month ago
🐶 The followup to B(eta) E(psilon) G(amma), make 'em be a good puppy <3 <3
He got what he wants, so now Stevie's on his very best behavior! Leash (stommeddie puppy play): 1 [2] Explicit under the cut:
Their puppy was already half-hard from this little bit of show-boating. Tommy moved quickly, lubing up a silicon cock ring that sat just beneath the head of Stevie's dick. A matching ring fit just above his balls, stretching them out away from his body. Eddie shivered as Stevie moaned happily, knowing firsthand from experience (thanks to a very enlightening weekend spent under Tommy’s hands) how intense orgasms felt with them on, even if their puppy would have to work a little harder to get there. Once Stevie was properly collared everywhere, Eddie squirted some cold lube without warning directly over their puppy’s hole, enjoying both the shocked yip he got in response and Tommy's snorting laughter.
Make me write!
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