#pulp fanfic
wigglys-dikrats · 8 days
"Thank Gravity For You: Rose and John are reunited on the shores of Lincoln Island."
my first pulp fic !!! have some paper stars hehe
ive been listening to thank gravity on repeat and i dont think ill ever get tired of it, these two are so pure and in love
enjoy !!!!!
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samiwife · 11 months
Dressing Nice 𓆩♡𓆪 (Jarvis Cocker x Reader)
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𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
A/N: Hey, just wanted more Jarvis stories because I love him <3
Late-night parties were such a bore, that I wanted to stay home and listen to my records. But no, my friends had to drag me along. "C'mon, it will be fun!" They said. "You need to get out more." They said. Their constant nagging made me annoyed and nauseous. But I agreed anyway. I quickly got dressed not really thinking about my appearance. I wore a short black dress with medium-length heels. I clipped my hair back with a silver hair claw I had. I put on light mascara and liner. I walked down to my friend's car and sat in the back as my other friends piled in the car raving about the party tonight. "It is going to be so fun tonight! Y/N maybe you'll meet a guy there!" One of my friends said turning her head to the backseat.
I look up and smirk ingenuity. "Haha very funny, but I'll just grab a drink and watch the other couples make out," I said sarcastically. My friends laughed at my comment. They continued to drive as I sat in my back strolling on my phone. I was only on my phone for 5 minutes till I heard my friends tell me that we were there. I looked up and got out of the car. All my friends rushed in and I just casually walked in. It was more casual than I expected. There was mellow music playing and everything seemed so quiet. I looked at the tables inside, tall tables with thin glasses filled with if I could tell champagne. I grabbed a glass and began drinking. It was down quick since the glasses were tiny.
I looked around the room and as I expected people were sucking each other's faces. I stood around being bored with myself and just went on my phone. The party got increasingly louder and louder, and more people came in. Now it wasn't so quiet anymore. The party was getting crowded, people were dancing and pushing each other. I didn't care, I just drank and continued being bored. Until I felt pressure fall on my chest. I look up from my phone. It was a tall man with brown hair and dressed nicely in a blazer and white button-up.
He was handsome but his heaviness was being squashed up against me. "Oh sorry love, I didn't see you there." He said in a deep voice. My cheek flushed red from embarrassment. "U-um yeah, it's alright," I told studdering like an idiot. He smiled since he knew I was nervous. "What's your name love?" He said as he stood closer. "Y/N, what's yours if I don't mind asking," I ask fluttering my eyes at him. "Jarvis." He answered as he stood closer to me. His lips were soft and he smelt of fruit and flowers. Jarvis was so close I could kiss him. "You need something love?" Jarvis said smirking. I chuckled. "Yeah, I need to go to the lavatory. Could you come with me?" I said holding on Jarvis's hand tightly. Jarvis's face turns red and his smirk grows wider. I drag him upstairs to the bathroom. We quickly close the door and lock it.
Jarvis was tall and slender. He smelt sweet. His lips were soft. I couldn't resist myself. I quickly pressed my lips against Jarvis's. Hooking up with a total stranger was a rush that I never felt before. Jarvis didn't know me and I didn't know him but our connection sparked at that moment. Jarvis's hands slid down my sides. I quickly got down on my knees and unbuckled his tight belt. Jarvis smirks and looks down at me. His member was massive. I gawked at the size and began twirling my tongue around his tip. Jarvis whimpers and quickly covers his mouth with his hand. I began to bob my head, and Jarvis began to shake from the vibration. Jarvis's head tilts back against the door and he begins to whimper quietly. I speed up the pace, Jarvis grabs my hair roughly as he continues to whimper. Until a knock echos through the bathroom.
Jarvis tilts his head back. I let my lips off of Jarvis but I still have my hands wrapped around Jarvis's member. Jarvis trying his hardest not to moan a response quickly yells out that the bathroom is busy. But to no avail, the figure outside the door still continues to knock. Jarvis rolling his eyes, slightly cracks open the door so I don't be seen. "S-sorry, but I'm using this bathroom. T-there's one upstairs that's v-vacant." Jarvis said studdering since I slightly moved my hands up and down Jarvis's member. The figure nods and Jarvis quickly closes the door and locks it again.
I smiled widely and licked his tip again. "Love, your lips are amazing, you make me quiver," Jarvis said smiling down at me. I jerk Jarvis off as he tilts his head back again. "Fuck Y/N, you're going to make me come," Jarvis said as I pumped harder. "Come for me, Jarvis," I said smirking widely. Jarvis swung his mouth open as he exhaled sharply. Warm sticky come drips from his member as I still continued to pump. Jarvis huffed heavily as I stood up and kissed his soft lips. Jarvis pulled me in closer, I could sense his hunger for my lips. I pushed Jarvis further against the door. Jarvis pulled away. "Y/N, you are a mystery that I want to solve," Jarvis said as he stared. I chuckled. "Well explore as you must Jarvis," I said as I began kissing Jarvis's lips again.
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click for quality! details & alt version under the cut!
I got to beta @amethystunarmed's amazing fic for the @pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 possession prompt and I loved it so much that I had to draw about it!
You can find Amethyst's fic right here and the other illustration I did for it will be tucked away in a reblog because ✨️spoilers✨️
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amethystunarmed · 1 month
Oh Captain, Let's Make a Deal
Word Count: 2,380 AO3 Written for @pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 Alternate Prompt: Possession. Huge thanks to @jackalope-t-m for betaing this for me and for all the beautiful art!!! I am forever grateful!
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AJ tries to ignore the pounding in his chest. Even under his orders, the crew is restless, unsure. He can’t blame them. The sight of that fog consuming the other ship... It would have made him quake in fear, if he hadn’t seen it once before.
He steels his resolve, turns to the man onboard he trusts most, and hopes he isn’t sending him to his doom.
“Reese. You have been on the ship more than anyone. You will be her captain,” AJ says. Reese hesitates, but nods.
“Yes sir. May we discuss the specifics in your office?” His tone is pleasant but firm. AJ feels a bead of sweat drip down his neck. He enjoyed having Reese as a boatswain because he wasn't afraid to challenge a captain's decision. Like AJ, Reese values the safety of their crew above all else.
AJ has a feeling this trait is about to bite him the ass. 
But still, he can't deny this request, not without making the rest of his crew even more agitated. They trust Reese, more than even AJ himself some days, and ignoring Reese's legitimate question could break into a full-blown mutiny.
“Of course,” AJ acquiesces, trying to hide his gritted teeth. “The rest of you are dismissed. You'll be receiving your assignments shortly.” The crew begins shuffling away, but he doesn't miss the way they glance at Reese for assurance before they go. Only once he nods to them does the crowd truly dissipate.
(Well, most of them. Herschel and Stratford are having an impressive argument over who will be joining Reese on the ghost ship once he returns. AJ can't help but roll his eyes. It's always some kind of drama with those four.)
AJ and Reese walk to the Captain's Quarters in tense silence. His boatswain has a smile resting on his face, but it is a flimsy thing. It comes with none of the playful banter or laughter AJ has become accustomed to. It feels fake.
The door clicks shut behind Reese, and AJ can tell immediately he was right. Instantly Reese's smile drops and anger overtakes his expression. 
“What the hell are you doing?”
AJ straightens, standing at his full height, six inches taller than Reese. “You dare speak to your captain like this?”
Reese doesn’t even falter. “I do when he isn’t acting like my captain! Amos and Elijah are-” he fumbles over his words. “Are missing, and you want to send more of the crew over there as a sacrifice? For what?”
“I would never-”
“Then act like it!” Reese interrupts, cheeks pink with fury. AJ can count on one hand the number of times he has seen Reese this furious. He doesn’t like being the cause of it. “Because right now,” Reese continues, “it seems like you care more about money than you do the sailors and passengers you swore to protect. If that is the case, I will lead the mutiny against you myself!”
“Ooooh, aren't we testy this evening! Captain, you ought to make him walk the plank!” A familiar voice crows, and AJ feels his blood turn to ice. 
Black fog crawls up the legs of his office chair like vines growing over a cracked wall, writhing and curling. AJ can barely hear Reese gasp over the sound of his heart pounding. His desk chair spins around and Kal is there, leaning forward on his elbows, chin perched on his hands. AJ takes a step forward, placing himself fully between Kal and Reese.
“Get out of my chair, Kal,” AJ growls. He shouldn't be anywhere near Reese, not after his stunt with Amos and Elijah. 
“Kal...” Reese repeats, “Like the man Samuel saw? But that means-” He hears Reese gasp as he puts it all together. “Captain, tell me you aren’t working with this man.” Reese moves around behind him. AJ can’t tell if Reese is going away from him, horrified, or getting closer, ready to attack; either way, he doesn't dare take his eyes off Kal. He doubts he'd like the expression on Reese's face anyways.
“Quite a quick study, aren't you,” Kal purrs. His eyes have a hunger in them AJ doesn't like.
“Officer Reese, I need you to leave. That's an order!” AJ barks. 
“Captain, with all due respect,” Morgan growls, and AJ can hear the implied which is none, “I have a duty to my crew. I will not- mmmf!” AJ turns in time to see a black band of fog lock around Reese's mouth, cutting off whatever it was he was going to say. He tugs at the gag with his hands and AJ can hear his muffled cries.
AJ would try to help if he knew it wasn’t useless. “Is this really necessary?” he asks.
“Sorry, sorry,” Kal says, examining his nail beds. “He just seemed like he was going to go on and on.” Kal groans, like the mere thought is torture. “And besides, you and I have business to attend to. This way we can continue our conversation uninterr-”
There is a click behind them. AJ and Kal turn. Reese is leveling his pistol at Kal's head. AJ’s heart quivers in fear at the sight. He imagines the fog around Morgan’s mouth constricting, suffocating him entirely, crushing his skull with the pressure.
Kal could kill Reese so easily, and AJ would be powerless to stop him.
“Kal, don’t,” he begs.
Kal just smirks at him. He crosses his legs and leans back in AJ's chair. “Cute.”
Tendrils of fog spring up from the ground, whipping at Reese so quickly, AJ can barely follow them. One snatches the gun from his hand and crushes it into tiny pieces. They scatter across the floor in a shower of splinters and warped metal. The other two tendrils loop around Reese’s wrists, binding his arms. Reese tugs as hard as he can against the foggy shackles. AJ still hears him shouting through the gag. Reese winces as the fog tightens; AJ can hear his bones creaking.
“Kal, you swore you wouldn't hurt my crew!” AJ barks and Kal rolls his eyes.
“If they didn't keep getting in my way it wouldn't be a problem.”
AJ swallows. “Is that what happened to Amos and Elijah? They got in your way?” 
Kal tilts his head, seeming genuinely confused for a moment. “Who are you- oh, the sailors on the other ship?” He waves his hand. “Oh, they’re long gone.”
AJ feels the words like a bullet through his heart. He already knew, he thinks. The second the fog swept through the abandoned ship, he knew. It doesn’t make it any easier to hear. Reese’s anguished scream, muffled through the gag, only drives the wound deeper.
Kal pouts at him. “Aw Captain, don't be sad! You have done amazing so far!” He jumps to his feet, popping to attention. “A soldier doing what must be done, following your orders to a T!” He salutes and AJ briefly wishes Reese had shot him. “Your debt is almost fulfilled.”
“Almost?” AJ gasps, “I have done everything you asked. What more could you possibly-”
“Calm your nerves, my dear captain,” Kal says with an easy smile. The sight of it makes AJ's blood boil. “There have been some...” He tilts his head back and forth, humming as he decides on a word. “Complications with getting control of the other vessel. I have a plan to get what I need and you”—He taps AJ’s nose in a damn near playful gesture—“fill a key role in making the whole thing possible.” He holds out the green glass bottle of rum that never seems to leave his person. “I just need you to drink from this, and all your suffering will finally end. Doesn't that sound nice?”
A life without Kal. A life where he no longer spends each day looking over his shoulder, waiting for his debt to be called in. A life where he no longer had nightmares of all the terrible things Kal would ask him to do, a life where AJ wasn't currently doing them-
It sounded like a dream.
“Give me the damn bottle,” he spits, taking the neck of the bottle firmly in his grasp. It is heavy in his hands, near full to the brim. He can smell the harsh burn of alcohol and already dreads the hangover he is sure this will bring. No matter; it will be well worth it if it gets Kal to leave. 
“Don’t you want to know what my plan is?” Kal asks, sounding nearly... demure. His eyes gleam in the candlelight. 
“No, I don’t care,” he scoffs. He can hear Reese’s muffled protests growing in volume and it only strengthens AJ’s resolve. He doesn’t have the time to feed this mad man’s ego. He needs Kal off his ship this instant. He lifts the rum to his lips and-
Morgan Reese snatches the bottle out of his hand. 
The fog binding him fades into the air like it was never anything more than mist. AJ’s eyes widen. 
Why would Kal... 
It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t have time, and he wants this debt over with. Kal isn’t going to hurt anyone else, not if he can help it. 
“Officer Reese, return that bottle to me at once!” AJ demands. He begins to stride forward, planning to take the rum back but- 
The fog grabs him, wrapping around his limbs and tangling him up like the tentacles of an octopus. He tugs against them, but the binds leave him completely immobile. “What the devil? Kal, release me!”
Kal doesn’t even deign to look over to him. He glides over to Reese, towering over him. Reese is younger than he was, all those years ago in Mobile Bay, but AJ gets the feeling this is just what he looked like. A desperate, frightened man clutching a bottle while a demon dangles the solutions to all his problems just out of reach. AJ struggles harder in his bonds. He won’t let Reese make his same mistakes. 
“What do you plan on doing with that?” Kal smirks, smug as a cat with a mouse beneath its paws.
“I’m considering smashing it,” Reese spits, and Kal tsks. 
“You don’t want to do that.”
“Why not?” Reese snaps, “You killed my friends, enslaved my captain, why shouldn’t I ruin everything you're working for?”
“You could,” Kal admits, “and I would be quite angry, true. A lot of work went into crafting that. You would set me back quite a ways. I would make your death slow and painful for the trouble.”
“Kal!” AJ yells, and his distress only makes Kal smirk wider.
“But... even after all that, your death would be meaningless,” Kal says. He reaches out, invading Reese’s space to straighten his hat for him. Reese doesn’t flinch away from him, and AJ wishes he had the wherewithal to be proud. “AJ here owes me a debt. And I will collect.”
Reese swallows, nervously. “You just need someone to drink this, right?” he asks. “Then you'll cancel out his debt?”
Kal smiles at him, patronizing. It is the smile an adult gives to a precocious child who thinks they have figured out how the world works. “That's right!”
“Officer Reese, you will hand me that bottle immediately!” AJ shouts as he strains against the fog’s hold on his limbs.
Reese looks between AJ and the bottle, before he knocks it back and chugs.
“Morgan!” AJ yells, but Kal doesn't free him until Morgan has finished every last drop. 
“There,” Reese says, as he lowers the bottle and wipes his mouth, “Now, you can get the fuck off-”
Reese gasps, and hunches over, letting out a strangled cry. The bottle slips out of his hand, and shatters on the floor. His knees give and he clutches his throat, wheezing and gurgling. AJ clambers to his side, his bad knee be damned.
"Reese!" AJ cries, pulling Reese into his lap, out of the glass. He glares up at Kal. "What did you do, you son of a bitch?"
Kal hums. "Won't be long now."
Reese claws at AJ's jacket and AJ smooths his hair away from his forehead. "Officer Reese," AJ demands, "look at me, you are not allowed to die. That is an order, you hear me?"
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"C-Captain?" Reese wheezes, gazing up with glassy eyes. They roll back in his head, and he collapses, completely boneless.
He clutches Reese closer, cradling his head. He shakes him, twice. "Morgan, MORGAN!"
And suddenly, like a miracle, Morgan gasps. His eyes flutter up, and they are solid, midnight black. He looks up at Kal, and grins. He strokes a hand down AJ's chest.
"Oh Captain, if you wanted to hold me in your arms, you just had to ask!" 
AJ shoves him away in horror, without a thought. That... That isn't-
That sounded like-
AJ looks around the room, and Kal is gone. But surely he couldn't have... That would be-
"Now, now, AJ, don't be so rough!" Reese's voice says. "This body can't take as much damage as I’m used to. You wouldn't want to hurt poor Officer Reese, would you?"
"Get out of him, now," AJ demands. "You made the deal with me, you leave him out of this."
"I would have loved to!" Reese- Kal says, "But your darling boatswain already took the spell. I need him, for now. But~" His eyes flicker back to normal and he grins, and it is so cheery and so bright and so Morgan, it makes AJ feel sick. "You'll help me? Won't you, Captain?" It's the same eager tone he used when he asked AJ to let John, Margaret, and the Stratfords on the Ellen Austin. But it is... Wrong. A shade too slimy, too manipulative, to be the man AJ trusts.
His eyes go solid black again and Kal's smirk looks so wrong on Reese's face. "I'll give him back the moment I'm done, I swear. All you have to do is help me, one last time."
AJ swallows. He knows what he is going to say, and already regrets it. But he has no choice, not if it means saving a member of his crew. 
His hand shakes as he extends it.
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scripted-downfall · 2 months
When her teacher replaces his traditional final exam with a partner-based writing assignment, Anna reconciles herself with working alone and a deck long stacked against her. She doesn't anticipate the turn of events that leads to her partnership with John Herschel instead, and she definitely doesn't anticipate the fact that she might just like working with him too.
(aka Anna and John work on a final project together and find friendship in the process)
-- -- --
Prompt #1 for @pulpmusicalsfortnight2024: Science
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jackalope-with-a-pen · 5 months
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guess who forgot about this blog again? 🙈
anyway I finally have a fic on my ao3 now...
it is not any of the fics I've been working on and talking about here, lmao, it's something else:
here's a summary that my friend @snarky-wallflower helped me come up with:
Benjamin usually thinks of the Stratfords and their stories whenever he sees the moon. ... It’s only now, standing in a brick room with Margaret in his arms and looking out at that odd rock—closer than ever and still so far away—that he suddenly becomes fully aware of just how much space Margaret has started to occupy in his mind. These last few weeks, he hasn’t been able to catch even a brief glance at the moon without thinking of her, too, and wondering if she would be watching it that night, if she’d get her answers this time.
In those final hours aboard the brick satellite, Benjamin Park makes amends and falls into the orbit of Samuel Stratford and Margaret Cavendish, fast and bright. (aka, a Benjamin Comes Along AU with a twist!)
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vesperione · 6 days
No because sometimes you click with someone so ridiculously hard you end up making an alternate fanfic universe to fix every part of emotional pain you're put through. We don't know how it ends, and we won't for a while, so me and @the-spaced-out-ace are doing what we do best and fixing Episode Four in a Hatchetfield x Pulp Musicals AU and here is the cast aka the reason I love it so much.
(And this is always just for fun.)
Samuel Stratford is now Peter Spankoffski, selfless scientist with a heart of gold, determined to protect his (younger) sister from the horrors the two are about to encounter.
Rose Stratford is now Ruth Fleming, a wannabe writer, oftentimes shy, with a thrill for adventure (even if her anxiety prevents her from experiencing the joys of life.) In New York City, her and her parents found a scrawny young boy on the path (Peter) and took him in, unofficially adopting him. When her parents passed away within days of each other when the two of them were 18, Peter became her sworn protector, ensuring that she remains at her happiest. She is mostly content making bricks.
Benjamin Park is now Grace Chasity, who continues to try to sabotage Peter and Ruth by trying to get them to join the church!
Margeret Cavendish is now Stephanie Lauter, a woman trying to find her place in the world with a constant sense of longing and unfamiliarity surrounding her unless she is in the presence of the moon.
Chester Thomas is now Henry Hidgens. Because, no matter the timeline, would do anything to get Workin Boys produced (spoiler alert: he succeeds)
John Herschel is now Richard Lipschitz. Specifically Richard, never Richie, the man is a celebrity, catching wind of what the Fleming siblings were saying about him all the way in Japan during his studies. It is he who encourages the siblings (and Stephanie) to join him on his travels. Through him, they will encounter seas, storms, space and strenghts they never thought they'd get to see.
(and everyone else is beneath the cut, HEAVY on pulp 4 spoilers)
Anna Hanover is now Alice Woodward, Richard's best friend with a heart for mathematics and protection. She worked hard to bring her vision to life, not stopping for anything. She was quick to befriend the three new workers Richard brought to her, and even quicker to tease Richard regarding his newfound feelings for a certain Miss Fleming.
Charles T Coram is now Charles Coven because why would he be anyone else? Theyre both powerful. They're both incredibly rich. They'd both do anything to get more power. That's it.
Sia is now Sophia, also known as Spitfire. As the most powerful traveller in her group, she's been keeping a watchful eye on the stragglers from The Blazing World with an aim to protect and move those she loves dearest to safety.
AJ Griffin is now John McNamara because there are. Many obvious reasons I fear I don't need to explain but for those unfamiliar, AJ is a ship captain who fought in the civil war with mad trauma. John McNamara is a general with probably more trauma. They're both Jeff Blim. Thank u x
Morgan Reese is now Xander Lee, the bosun of the ship Ellen Austin and John McNamara's "roommate" who would dedicate his entire life to serving his ship's captain.
(Amos and Elijah are two whole random PEIP agents)
Kalfu is now Maxwell Jagerman, a powerful young man aiming to hurt, manipulate and kill for his own gain to get to the gates.
Ahlaam is now Hannah Foster who I would not put as Sia because frankly the girl's been through enough. A bubbly young girl with an eye to defend, Hannah has done her best in making sure she loses no more people from her life.
Dakaar is now Brad Callahan because literally any time me and Ember write together, Brad is either a complete and utter OPP or Steph's number one sibling figure. It was between him and Richie. And no. This isn't just because I'm insane abt the toxic qbs but yeah that too x
Addison Arvad is now Jenny Kilgore!!! Who is Wilkinson in this AU because firstly fuck time bastard its our au im nick lang now it's my rules. Captain of the Antikythera, Jenny and her son, Cameron, have been searching for many, many years to locate a certain Spankoffski just to make sure he's okay. She's kind, courageous and Lincoln Island's motherly figure to go to for advice. She will not ever let a child get hurt in her defence (if she can help it)
Taavi is now Ted Spankloffski because we shifted the roles around a little bit and also haha ted dies in every timeline funny funny funny. ANYWAY.
King Itzal is now Solomon Lauter if that was not already OBVIOUSSSSS. it makes so much sense.
anyway tldr there are no plans for this to launch on ao3. however. we are 60k words deep and haven't even reached antikythera yet. so. it's going here now.
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afh48 · 1 month
Is there an old movie that you would like to see bechloe dropped into? A crossover, I guess. Anything but Harry Potter😂
hey!! thanks for the ask!! i fucking hate harry potter, so don't worry. an "old" movie? sure i think there's a lot of potential in a League of Their Own bechloe au! if it's been 20 years i think i can sort of call it an "old" movie... i don't think i've ever seen a Mean Girls au?? idk maybe i'm not looking hard enough i also think there could be potential in a Pulp Fiction or Fight Club au? i know those are like red flag movies but i'm a lesbian (?) so i like to think that makes it better and hot instead of 'i need to leave immediately' a Clueless au maybe? except none of the incest-type fuckery, more like 'omg! i didn't know beca was gay holy fuck. ok i wanna kiss her'
also this might sound strange but i stand by my bechloe Transformers au. don't question it (actually question me all you want i'm obsessed)
!! I JUST REALISED THAT SAID CROSSOVER AND NOT AU I'M SO SORRY !! I'm keeping the previous statements however. In terms of a /crossover/, i still think that A League of Their Own would still work well honestly im not a huge fan of crossovers im so sorry, but i can't think of anything. i'm not a multifandom type of person, i kinda just tend to pour all my love into one thing and then abandon it for a little while i dabble in something else. most of the time the abandonment only lasts like two weeks and im back to being so so so normal about beca and chloe. so i'm actually not in any other fandoms rn :/ Thank you so much for the ask!!!!! love oyu!!!!
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tapestryoftrauma · 1 month
“I’m truly in awe of your knowledge of physics—especially since you learned all of this on your own. You’re a gift, Rose.”
Her face flushes at the compliment, and her eyes dart away for a moment with the exhilaration that runs through her. “Says you!” she gets out with a laugh, shaking her head. “You engineered a satellite that we’re gonna send to space!”
Anna shrugs, humble and yet clearly very proud. “I didn’t do it alone.”
Prompt: Non-canon ship
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mossmarsh · 3 months
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just finished barkbeetle's lesbian sister and had her wife done with for a couple days now -- i'll post her soon as well!
i think i'll stick with this style for now -- the scribbly pen marks ig. also VERY proud of the colors in this one
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reservoirreputation · 6 months
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EXACTLY 10K!!!!!!!! 🥳
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samiwife · 1 year
Injury 4 You ੈ✩‧₊˚ (Jarvis Cocker x Reader)
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𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
A/N: I'm doing this for my own benefit because honestly I LOVE JARVIS COCKER, he's bbg AH <3 anyways hope you can still enjoy reading it <3
Everyone in my friend group knew Jarvis liked me. But I was so oblivious to it. I always thought Jarvis was being nice. I thought his stuttering was a result of him not knowing what to say. He always blushed and was quiet when I was around. Jarvis is also a little bit clumsy. He always dropped stuff or tripped over a small thing. However, all my friends told me, but I just simply didn't believe them. I always thought if Jarvis did like me then he would have told me already. Jarvis is smart, shy, talented, and most importantly kind. He was always there for me, even if he was busy too. He'll do anything to be with me. I lay in my bed thinking about Jarvis. I thought to myself. "Do I actually like Jarvis?" I said to myself.
I loved talking to him, I loved hanging out with him in his flat listening to music he created, and reading the books on his shelf. I rubbed my head and thought harder. I sighed and got up. "I do like Jarvis!" I said out loud. I started pacing around my room while biting my nails. "How the hell am I supposed to tell him?" I said to myself. I sighed and walked downstairs to my telephone. I phoned Jarvis, and he immediately picked up. "Hello?" he said over the phone. "Hey Jarvis, it's Y/N. I was just calling to ask if I can hang out in your flat?" I asked while twirling the phone wire. "Y-yeah of course love, let me just tidy up and I'll see you here," Jarvis said in a happy tone. "Okay Jarv, see you then," I said then hung up. I smiled ear to ear. I quickly got ready and started walking down the street to Jarvis's.
I eventually reached the flat and knocked on the door. I heard aggressive shuffling and then the door swung open. It was Jarvis, he looked like a mess. His hair was a mess, his shirt collar open, and his belt crooked. "Haha, Jarv. I don't care if your flat is a mess." I said while walking in. "W-well, I didn't want y-you to judge me," Jarvis said as he trailed behind me. "Jarv, your belt is kinda crooked," I said kinda giggling. Jarvis blushes brightly and quickly fixes it but to no avail. I walked over to him and placed my hand around his belt buckle. Jarvis is much taller than me so he was looking down. His face was red from embarrassment or from me being close to him. I quickly shifted his belt buckle to the right position.
"There you go, it's now fixed!" I said while letting go. I looked Jarvis up and down and noticed his shirt collar still looked a mess. I chuckled and walked to Jarvis again. I puffed out his collar and dusted off some particles off his shoulder. Jarvis smiled and blushed. "Thank you Y/N," Jarvis said placing his hand around my hips. I blushed quickly and leaned closer to Jarvis's face. Jarvis lets go of my hips and walks near the window. "It's such a beautiful day outside innit?" Jarvis said. I frowned and walked next to him to the window. "Jarv, I need to tell you something," I said while looking out the window. Jarvis turns his head to look at me. "Yes Y/N, what is it?" Jarvis said smiling. "I like you, I want to be with you," I said confidently. Jarvis blushes and looks down.
I wrapped my arms around Jarvis and leaned my face forward toward his. "Jarvis, do you like me?" I said lowly. Jarvis couldn't speak, he just placed his arms around my waist. I smiled and was about to kiss him. However, Jarvis was leaning too far out the window and he quickly tripped over the ledge and fell. I was shocked and quickly looked down the window to see Jarvis. Thankfully, Jarvis didn't live too high up so he just fell a foot down. I quickly ran down to the front of the flat and checked on Jarvis. "OH MY GOD! JARVIS. ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" I said loudly because I was scared. Jarvis looks up and smiles. "Y-yes Y/N, I'm alright. But, I think my leg is broken." Jarvis said wincing in pain. I quickly ran inside and called an ambulance for Jarvis. As I waited for the ambulance to arrive, I sat next to Jarvis. "Jarvis, you need to be more careful. I was scared you bloody died!" I said in a worried tone. Jarvis laughs and blushes. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I guess I'm a little clumsy sometimes." Jarvis said.
Before I could get a word in, I heard the sirens behind me. The paramedic quickly loaded Jarvis on the stretcher and loaded him in the car. "Jarvis, I'll meet you in the hospital okay?" I said to Jarvis. Jarvis couldn't say a word and he just held up a peace sign. I chuckled and quickly called a cab. I was quickly brought to the hospital and asked the lady in the front for Jarvis. They told me that I was going to wait. So I did, I waited in the chairs. I was there for 2 hours until one of the doctors walked out and told me I could come in. I sighed in relief and walked into Jarvis's room. Jarvis was in bed not looking with his face stumbled. Until I walked into the room. His face lit up with joy. "Jarvis! Are you alright? What did the doctors say?" I asked frantically. Jarvis chuckles.
"Y/N, I'm alright. The doctors said I just had a broken leg and I'll just be in a cast. Don't worry love." Jarvis said reassuring me. I sigh in relief and pull a seat next to his bed. I look at Jarvis and he looks back at me. I smiled and chuckled a little. Jarvis placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me in closer. Jarvis kissed my lips, his lips were soft and light. I leaned forward deepening the kiss.. Jarvis pulled away and caressed my face. "You got the kiss you waited for," Jarvis said laughing. I rolled my eyes in a joking manner. "What about you? My mates said you liked me all along." I said. Jarvis blushes looks down and then back up. "Yeah, I did. I just thought you didn't like me. You're so beautiful and sweet" Jarvis said. "Yeah well, what about you? You're smart and talented, and now you took an injury for me," I said laughing. Jarvis started chuckling too. Jarvis stayed in the hospital for 2 more days until he was discharged. I helped Jarvis with getting home. While in Jarvis's flat. I lay on his bed with him. I placed my head on his chest as he looked at me and smiled.
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owchie-wowchie · 11 days
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amethystunarmed · 2 months
A Melody That Lingers
Word Count: 861 AO3 Written for @pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 Day 9: Home. Thank you to my phenomenal beta and the event organizer, @snarky-wallflower!
Margaret Cavendish doesn't have friends.
Oh, she has plenty of people who act friendly towards her. Plenty who come up and visit her during society events, greet her with polite pleasantries. But she sees the same people break into whispers as she passes, who point and giggle when they see her alone, decorating the corners of the room. They avoid her, as though whatever strangeness that clings to her is catching. 
So yes. Friendly, not friends. Never friends.
She feels the weight of their judgment, the deep disconnect between her and those who ought to be her peers. 
All of this to say... Margaret had never really invited others into her home before. It was a whim, really, taking the Stratfords in. She hadn't really thought it through. She had just heard of the attack on their home and called for a carriage.
She hadn't accounted for the strangeness of sharing her space. The comfort of it.
Even as she prepares for bed, she cannot escape the giddiness surrounding it. The knowledge that, for at least tonight, she is not alone in the world. Perhaps this is the reason she lies awake in bed until late into the night, this fluttering, light feeling in her chest.
Or perhaps not. Restless nights have been shadowing Margaret Cavendish for as long as she can remember. Some days she swears she rises with the moon, called awake by its gentle glow. On nights like these, lying restless in her bed feels like torture.
She grabs a shawl she had laid over the desk in her room for this exact purpose and wanders out into the main rooms of her apartment.
She intends to go onto the roof; it is her habit to watch the moon over the harbor when sleep is far out of reach. It is the company she is most used to, and most comfortable with. She nearly forgets about her new company, until she stumbles upon Rose Stratford asleep in the library.
To be honest, Margaret barely understands how she managed to fall asleep like this. Rose is sprawled out on her couch. Her face is planted in a text, her hair fanned around her. Her leg dangles off the couch and onto the floor, leaving her knees bent at awkward angles. It looks remarkably uncomfortable. 
Piles of books are stacked around her, the corners poking divots into her skin. Margaret thinks she can spot her entire collection of astronomy textbooks piled around Rose like statues in a garden. Paper sculptures standing vigil around a sleeping rose bush. 
Margaret supposes she shouldn't be surprised Rose is still in the library at this late hour. Margaret hadn't seen her leave since they entered the library this morning. 
“I think this place is heaven!” Rose had cried and descended onto Margaret’s collection. Rose's admiration had made some kind of heat flutter in her stomach. Looking upon her now, softly snoring, hair reflecting the light like embers, Margaret feels it again. It reminds her of her phantom pain, but in the opposite direction; a joy she hadn't realized she was still capable of feeling.
She's beautiful. 
She is. It is an objective fact, Rose Stratford's beauty. The piercing green eyes, the rosy cheeks, the full pink lips Margaret often finds herself staring at. Margaret could shove the feelings away, hide behind this fact. But... That thought, that attraction...
It doesn't scare her, not like it should. It is just one more aspect that separates her from the upper class, another oddity she has to smooth the wrinkles from. She knows the knowledge should make her heart drop to her stomach, should flood her with nausea. 
But the horror never comes. Instead, it feels like docking on a shore she has been away from for a long, long time. The scenery is different, trees have been cut down, new ones have grown in their place, but it is familiar all the same. It feels like something she hadn’t realized she was missing falling into place, like remembering a song she has always known. It feels like... it feels like...
It feels like coming home. 
Margaret can’t help the giddy chuckle that springs from her. For the first time she can remember, the moon doesn’t feel so far away. Humanity doesn't feel so far away.
Margaret removes her shawl from where it had been draped over her shoulders. She unfolds it, and gently drapes it over Rose's sleeping form. Rose stirs under the weight, and for a moment Margaret fears she roused her. But Rose settles under it, cuddling closer with the books she had tried so hard to read. She turns onto her side, and Margaret could count all the freckles on her nose in the candlelight if she wanted too. They dance across her cheekbones and dip down below her neckline. Margaret traces constellations in them with her eyes.
Beautiful, she thinks again, just because she can.
The Stratfords continue to show her these nearly forgotten parts of herself. Maybe they truly are the answers to the questions she has been asking. She can't wait to see what they will reveal to her next.
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