#pubs and bars
frsturt · 5 months
1001+ New British And Irish Themed Jokes
New Adult Jokes Daily – Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Or Your Tonsils Back! Welcome! Céad Míle Fáilte 欢 google-site-verification: google4de88e90fa1080a9.html Original jokes – created and crafted by Francis R Sturt JOKES OF THE DAY: 21/01/2024What did the police officer say to three monks having sex? Halo! Halo! Halo! What is Scouting For Girls? Boy Scouts without the sex. Two agents are in the…
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watercubebee · 11 months
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Because of this below...
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macden · 8 months
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rowanhoney · 6 months
still no cure for the addicted to dark haired men disease
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strangerathecinema · 8 months
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i need them all to meet so badly actually
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mtsodie · 10 months
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hey guys
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legendofzoodles · 1 year
Wind: We won!
Warriors: [scoffing] No, we won. You participated.
Time: What do you mean he ‘participated’?
Warriors: Uh, moral support...?
Wind: He gave me one of his shots.
Time: What?! He’s 13!
Warriors: [defensive] How old were you when you started drinking?
Time: Mentally or physically?
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galina · 7 months
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Sundays in Soho: taxis gleam lazy over the crook of denham st, crisp clear sunlight strikes my cheek, bitter cold—flotsam of cigarettes piled up at the curb—smell of stale beer, rubber, pastry—squeezing the glass door of bar italia where strangers, who are immediately friendly, are ending their night or starting their day with espresso—berwick st is still asleep under cobbles—in the devonshire they wave away my money, I nurse my guinness at the window, watching dogs and coats and glittering rickshaws—feeling the day could go anywhere from here
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zenniefox · 2 years
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this was after they had a frank conversation and started drinking. they start exchanging hostile remarks in a flirty way.
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2minutetabletop · 8 months
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The Seaside Bar Battle Map
Download our newly released map: the Seaside Bar. It could use some more patrons... And perhaps a repairman! Nevermind that, what would you name it?
→ You can find it here!
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Prompt: okay but cas would show up with a handful of weeds, with the roots and dirt still on the bottom, and give them to dean because 'it's the human tradition to bring flowers, right?' and dean would 'yeah. yeah cas that's right' because that is how they say i love you @deanspunchingbag
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Title: Surprise me
Pairing: Castiel x Reader (they/them)
Characters: Castiel, Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester,
Word Count: 1,254
Summary: What if you’re friends with Castiel and the Winchester brothers? Castiel, as an angel, obviously has issues with understanding body language and subtext, so you help him out now and then. One day after a case, you all go to a bar. For shits and giggles, you start teaching him about flirting. You’re not a great flirt, but you can read body language and explain it.
Thank Jack that Castiel doesn’t know you’ve been in love with him for a while. If only he would reciprocate your feelings, even a little.
Warnings: Alcohol, consensual licking of arms and neck (sort of)
A/N: This was the first idea I came up with for the prompt and it became self-indulgent. Hush. This is in second person POV.
What if you’re friends with Castiel and the Winchester brothers? Castiel, as an angel, obviously has issues with understanding body language and subtext, so you help him out now and then. One day after a case, you all go to a bar. For shits and giggles, you start teaching him about flirting. You’re not a great flirt, but you can read body language and explain it.
Dean, of course, interrupts you and explains to Castiel, for a couple hours, how to flirt with the ladies and men. You just giggle and chuckle at the stories he tells. It’s even funnier when Dean makes Castiel “practice” these “new moves” on him. Dean keeps at it, and finally the angel seems to be getting the hang of it.
Suddenly, Castiel gets up and goes to get everyone another round of beers, deciding to all get a shot of tequila, salt and lime. He sits back down next to you and distributes everything evenly. He tells you “The bartender said it could be a good tool to flirt with so I thought I’d try, but they didn’t explain how.”
Dean tells Cas to watch Sam and him. Sam and Dean eye each other in their silent communication, they salt and lemon their wrists and lick before shooting the tequila. You giggle when you see their faces.
The brothers aren’t big tequila people,they prefer whiskey or bourbon.
Castiel looks confused and says “That doesn’t seem very flirty.”
You giggle at them and tell Cas that “It isn’t. They’re chicken.”
Castiel then asks you to show him how to shoot the tequila flirtatiously. You know you’re a bit more than buzzed for this, and mumble “What the hell, why not?”
“Okay,” you begin. “I’ll show you. The idea is to make it as close to a body shot as you can, since putting your mouth on someone can be considered flirting if not a potential interest in sex.” You tell him step by step how to make a tequila shot flirty and sexy by taking the ladies wrist—you take Castiel’s wrist, in this case, and place a kiss on the sensitive area/spot inside before licking it.
You tell him how “Most people will laugh it off. That’s when you salt the wet area on their wrist so it sticks.” You salt his wrist and then grab the slice of lime, telling the blue-eyed man to open his mouth only a little. He looks confused, but does as instructed.
You notice Dean and Sam eyeing each other again and nod. They make some excuse to get up, and walk away as you continue teaching the angel.
You stick the lime in Castiel’s mouth to hold it. “The idea is to get a subtle kiss here. They’re going to come and bite the lime to get the juice, and you can either let them have the lime when they do, keep the lime so they only get the juice and you get the lip press, or if you wanna be a true sneak, spit out the lime and get the kiss you want instead.” You smirk at him, not telling him you’ve always been scared to do the latter.
Castiel quirks a brow at you and you have to stop the shiver that it causes, dominating you so easily.
He’d only have to do that brow at you and you’d probably do whatever he says. You can feel yourself beginning to get wet.
Ignoring it, you continue your lesson.
“So, you lick the salt, juice the lime and shoot the tequila, but this is the flirt…sexy way.”
He squints his eyes at you.
“You ready?”
He nods. “Yes.”
Still holding his wrist, you proceed to lick his wrist.
With his free hand, Castiel removes the lime and asks, “If this were you doing this to a man or woman, what would you do?”
“Me?” You ask. “For a guy I wanted to sleep with, I’d just ask him if he wants to go back to my place for sex. Men tend to like directness, from my experience. Women, though, I’d flirt with and tease. I’d probably do what I’m doing right now and make sure I was the one with the lime, so we could make out instead of shooting tequila.”
“You haven’t tried flirting with men?” Castiel inquires.
“I have, but I get nervous for some reason. I’ve taught many friends how to successfully flirt, but for some reason I end up acting like a fish or stuttering when I try to flirt with me.” You roll your eyes and shrug. “It’s easier to be friends with people I like than it is to actually…pursue,” you quietly confess to Castiel.
Castiel tilts his head, keeping his eyes on you for nearly a minute in silence. The silence isn’t awkward, but calming and companionable.
It is one of your favorite things about Castiel, you think to yourself. You can just sit together and do different things, but still feel like you’re engaged and doing something together…or maybe that is just you.
And then, he asks a really weird question: “How do you like to be flirted with?”
You furrow your brow at the question, initially confused, but then you think about it. You look down as you think, then say the first thing that comes to mind when you’ve gone on really good dates. “Be interested in me and actually listen to what I’m telling you. Tell me about you, your past, your history, experiences that I might be able to relate to, about your family and friends, your aspirations…”
Castiel’s head tilts the other way as his blue eyes continue to watch you.
“Be accepting of me and my truths, my authenticity. I may have been born female, but I am very good at taking care of myself. I’m choosing to be here with you when I could be elsewhere. Be satisfied I’m here with you.”
“You are,” agrees Castiel. “And others. You care very deeply about your found family, as you call us.” He uses air quotes and slightly smiles. He leans forward, getting your eye to look into his. He is mere centimeters from your face. “I’m very happy you came out here with me tonight. It makes me very happy to spend time with you.”
“Thanks, Cas,” you give him a small smile, feeling your cheeks heat up. Your brow furrows again. “Cas, are you flirting with me?”
He looks down at his wrist. You follow his gaze and see that you’re still holding it, but resting on the table now. He gives a sheepish smile and nods looking at your hand.
Your heart races as adrenaline pumps through you at this disclosure. You take a deep breath and exhale. Then, you rotate and slide your hand into his. “Okay.”
He looks at you, confused. “What do you do when they realize they’re flirting back?” Worried, Cas’ blue eyes search your face.
You grin at him. “How bout we get outta here, just the two of us?”
It takes him a few extra seconds to connect the dots and nod. “Yes, okay.”
He scoots out of the booth and you follow him, keeping his hand in yours. You look around for the brothers who are sitting at the bar, chatting.
You both walk outside, looking up through the light pollution to see the moon and brilliant Venus close by.
“Where to?” He queries.
“Surprise me, Angel.”
He bends down and plucks a daffodil that has broken through the asphalt parking lot. Castiel hands it to you. “For you.”
You smile and take it, putting it behind your right ear.
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drmapzo · 4 months
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Hello, everyone!
Pretty much everybody needs to relax every once in a while, and druids are no exception.
After a long day of work tending nature and its beautiful (and sometimes not so beautiful) creatures, the local caretakers like to come to this magical pub to have some drinks and unwind.
The place is full of vegetation all around and the drinks offered have a unique spin on them, having being made with exotic ingredients of the finest quality.
But a pub is a pub and drunken fights are also a staple of this place of this otherwise calm place.
The creature tokens for this map are an Ancient Guardian Demon, a Catfolk Rogue and an Exotic Mystical Beast. Emerald tier gets the Catfolk Rogue while Diamond tier gets all three. In addition, Sapphire tier gets extra creature token variants.
You can see a preview of all of this week’s Patreon content here.
Thank you very much for taking a look and be sure to check out my Patreon where you can pledge for gridless version, alternate map versions as well as the tokens pertaining to this map.
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marmotish · 3 months
freyja has her paternal figures but who are her maternal figures? if her grandmother is one of them is there anyone else?
there is, actually! Madam Rosmerta, landlady of the Three Broomsticks.
All those Butterbeer sessions with friends meant that Freyja was a regular at the Three Broomsticks, so she and the landlady saw a fair bit of each other. In return for Freyja helping out occasionally at the pub, Madam Rosmerta turned a blind eye to Freyja’s magical up-sizing of her and her friend’s drinks.
It wasn’t until 5th year that Freyja’s curse-breaking journey got a little more high stakes, especially with Rakepick appearing on the scene. Rosmerta wasn’t about to let Rakepick throw her weight around her pub, and saw how uncomfortable Freyja was around the new DADA professor. She saw as well how Jacob had been used by Rakepick and wasn’t about to let the same happen again.
Over months and years, Rosmerta kind of became Freyja’s confidante. Like any good pub landlady, she knew how to keep people’s secrets, which Freyja appreciated.
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takeuchiitsuka · 5 months
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#9004 Copyright © Takeuchi Itsuka. All Rights Reserved.
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britney-rosberg06 · 4 months
halfbaked and basic landoscar fic concept where Lando tends bar at a struggling pub recently passed down to Logan and Alex, who reaches out to Logan’s childhood friend Oscar to help save the bar and over the course of several weeks/months/however Oscar and Lando grow closer trying to do their best to save the pub while Sargbon try to set them up
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simpletale-officiale · 10 months
farm sans!!
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farmer sans, he farm. hoohah! he likes to pretend to be a scarecrow, but he works with corn and cattle too, hoorah! his au is right next to the bar, so he likes to go there to drink, him and horror like to drink a lot! yay! farms personality is more laid back then the others, not reacting as cartoonishly to everything, likes eating and doing farm stuff, likes brewing his own beer and cooking some good ol meat on the stove, pretty much like your ol' uncle or grandpa out on the farm. says pardner and pardon a lot i got bored so, some miscellaneous outcodes and AU's are in the BAR SECTION
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this is for general combo au asks as well as miscellaneous outcodes and aus combo asks? whats combo asks? for example, while you can ask the characters specifically associated with two seperate aus, like fell and swap, they answer the question, together! at the bar. but moving onto the characters specifically only askable in the bar starting with the focus of the drawing above, geno and paperjam! geno geno came from a AU where his brother tragically passed away, he wore his scarf in papyrus honor and became a sort of hitchhiker, one day he got beat up pretty bad when he found a grey, glitchy... block? he tried to lift it up and well suddenly he was in a dark glitchy space, bits and piece of his friends floating above him in pixel form he spent his time there for many, many years, eventually he sent out a signal through a similar glitchy block in an attempt to try to communicate with someone, this failed, but eventually he succeeded at escaping. alone in the multiverse, sans stumbled upon the bar, and decided to live there, never alone again! hes a little depressed, but less in the waa waa way and more in the soft kind of tired way. like for example he doesnt give a "hi!!" but a "hi......" paperjam pastel and error got a bit to.... errr, frisky lets say (no error doesnt have a penis nor nipples, but pastel does have the female parts, she can reproduce both sexually and asexually, the latter she can achieve through arousing means, but not necessarily inserting privates into eachother means. which gets her to be errrrr, pregrante) eventually she gives birth in a brutal manner, imagine the movie alien but instead of simple blood and whatnot your stomach slowly bulges until it explodes dropping a baby out. ink survived, but error had no interest in kids, ink didint really care, shes a hulking beast her instinct is to take care of the kid for a few months then leave it out in the wild to live but because paperjam is an interspecies baby hes a hybrid of error and inks anatomy so. he grows faster then a normal monster, but still has a moment as a child so, hes not ready for the big world yet, but ink didint know that, so she just dropped him off somewhere and left, paperjam grew up to be a sad child wishing for validation from his parents by any means, learned french to try to impress his mom. used to be a scam artist to try to impress his dads crime fascination, he only semi-succeeded with ink. sad, ambitious artist
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404 and king sans
bio: 404 was born omnipotent, automatically more powerful then all the other simpletons. he would become aware of how through an alternative reality known as the prescratch timeline where that version of him speaks of what he was destined for. nobody believes him however and that bitch error keeps harassing me about talking shit well you werent talking at all when you were sucking me off you fucking whore i thought we would have a fucking future togheter but you just a fucking slut fuck you never talk to me again bitch likes: chaos, delinquency, anarchy, NOT following the rules, 100 gecs (the one with the stupid horse), being powerful, super transformations, hyperpop, chains, gold, copypastas, big hot strong men that could absolutely penetrate me hard, 100 gecks (literally, i have 100 of them as pets and its awesome!!!), flexing, being totally dripped out, colors associated with errors, busting it down (gay kind not cool kind) dislinks: order, rules, politics, leaders, having to follow instructions, horror sans from the evil guys fuck you you stole my place on that group which im not that upset about anymore after realising they all suck anyways but i still hate you because you refuse to actually fight and keeps saying random quips everytime youre on screen like actually shut the fuck up, gex, women because im severely femalephobic and extremely homosexual so they terrify me, error (cheater and liar dont ever trust him with anything), ink who stole my man with her fuckin cursed woman parts and apparently in the prescratch timeline everyone calls her mommy????? im bouta yiik out man yeesh omnipotent brat with a big ego king sans a sans who believes himself to be the king of the multiverse, goes around ranting about how hes the greatest and how everyone has to BOW before him, most of the time just gets called slurs and has beer bottles thrown at him wears a comically large crown made of cardboard, plastic, and 5% metal. speaks like an old englishman
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paper crane a bunch of sanses got ripped to shreds like paper! oh no! and then they got glued together again, hoorah! but the pieces were all mixed up so they just glued it into one single entity hoo...rah? cheerful, a little... soulless. means good, wants a soul, wants to feel alive again.
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horror part of errors gang, but since errors gang hasnt been unlocked yet hes gonna be in this category for now. coming from an au where the core has a malfunction and undyne and alphys asked him to fix it, sans the mechanic errr kind of just slacked off, ate a sandwich took a nap wasnt really paying attention to the subject. eventually after 5 months of sans doing nothing alphys and undyne snap and hit sans in the head with a metal pipe, smashing his skull and sending him flying into the waterfall-snowdin river, after washing up ashore in snowdin, he kind of just forgot his whole interaction with undyne and alphys, and even if he did, he probably doesnt care, same personality as simpletale, but hes slightly more brain damaged so hes a bit more clumsy and endearing. seems menacing at first but hes harmless, beloved by everyone. loves getting wasted at the bar with farmer
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