#publisher: crooked lane
cosybookclub · 4 months
Magic Candle Shop Mysteries
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Twin sisters Tabby and Sage co-own a candle shop, but will it all go up in flames?
30-year-old fraternal twins Tabby and Sage Winslow own The Book and Candle Shop in Savannah. Sage is hot-headed and impulsive while Tabby is calm and collected, making them the perfect partnership. When one of their customers is found murdered, from a blow to the head, that partnership is put to the test.
Blithe McAdam had been seen in a heated argument with shop clerk Gerard, which immediately makes him suspect number one. The twins are convinced of Gerard’s innocence and start digging into Blithe’s past. But no one is cooperating. The neighbor who found the body isn’t talking, medical examiner Quig won’t give any details about the autopsy, and nasty rumors begin surfacing about the drowning of Blithe’s father years earlier - evidence that could seal Gerard’s fate.
Tabby and Sage dig desperately for the truth. But it’s not only their friend who’s in peril. With the clock ticking, the twins find themselves in the grip of an unseen and deadly energy that has seeped into their midst - and in the sights of a ruthless killer.
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theealbatross · 4 months
Sebastian x Reader: come one, come all (One Shot)
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Plot | Five years after graduating, two kindred spirits are finally getting married and their friends reminisce on their brilliant histories.
or, Lucas Brattleby interviews their friends on their memories and opinions of the future Mr. and Mrs. Sallow as a little gift for the couple.
Tags | None, fluff, overuse of the name Merlin, mentions of slight torture (hexes), lowkey bullying, lowkey codependency if you squint, obsessive behavior (but it's okay cause theyre in love), cursing, Lucas lowkey has a crush on Sebastian lol
[A/N: A line from this story is not made by me, "I would follow him to hell but I wish he wouldn't go there" so to whoever wrote that first just know your quote is the inspiration for this story!!]
“What is this again?”
The brat, Lucas Brattleby, had grown obscenely taller the last time Imelda had seen him, which was about 3 years ago when he was a rookie reporter covering her latest game. She heard he is now a publisher in his own right but didn’t seem to brush off that annoying lint in his voice back when he was still a Gryffindor matching illegal unsanctioned duels in the Clock Tower.
“A small gift of mine for the couple,” he grinned (still as irritating, she’s seen that grin enough times before she got her ass handed to her so forgive her for not being enamored), pushing the pen (recorder?) to her that she reflexively pushed him by his face. “Sorry.”
“And why should I do this?”
“Oh come on, Imelda. It’s just harmless questions to take us back down memory lane. It’ll be played at the reception and I promise I’ll send you everything before I finalize it just so you can make sure –”
“Alright!” She stopped walking, rolling her eyes when Lucas quickly assembled his camera, even quickly conjuring a chair and putting it at the center of the frame. Clearly, he knew she could change her mind at any moment.
“My lady,” he bowed dramatically, pointing a palm to the seat.
“Don’t call me that. You have 10 minutes before warm-ups start.” Lucas raised both of his hands in the air before quickly running behind the camera and clicking the button to start recording.
“I’ll be out of here in 5.” Lucas flipped a paper in front of him. “Let’s start with your name, a little something about yourself and where did you meet them.”
She took a deep breath, putting on the poker face she usually plasters on her face when talking to the media before her many games instinctively. “Imelda Reyes, Vice-Captain of Puddlemere United, and I had the misfortune of being in the same boat as Sebastian Sallow during our first year. She, however, was a little late to the party and wreaked havoc on my life when I was a fifth year.”
Lucas was meticulously writing notes in his fancy notebook.
“What’s the fondest memory you have of the couple?”
She scoffed, not even needing to think about it. “Sebastian? Definitely when he caught a bludger … with his face.” The memory of the cry he emitted pulled a real smile on Imelda’s face. “We almost lost and I would’ve killed him for it but oh was it glorious.”
He remembers this game.
“Didn’t he fall off his broom midair?”
Imelda waved a nonchalant hand in front of her face. “That girlfriend of his caught him with an Arresto Momentum so no harm done – well, except the crooked nose he sported for a week.”
Lucas chuckled with her, “And for the future Mrs. Sallow?”
“Nothing much, most conversation we’ve had was her beating me – beating me in a race, beating me in a duel, Merlin, she even beat me with the class ranking on her first year in Hogwarts. I had a five-year head start how was that possible?!”
Lucas smiled, reading that as bitter her words were she truly held no grudge over it. He was caught off guard, however, when Imelda suddenly had a small, serene smile on her face, her voice when she spoke softer. “She was … it was like I was always chasing after her. We all were, Sebastian always first in the race but … it was fun. I had fun. She made Hogwarts fun. A true competition, yknow? Didn’t have much at that point in my life.”
“A friend.”
Lucas couldn’t help but be surprised – not everyone can be considered as Imelda Reyes’ friend as picky as she is, though he quickly fixed his face when she shot him a look that told him not to probe. “Did you ever think they would both get married?”
Imelda scoffed out a laugh, crossing her arms. “I knew the only way they wouldn’t get married is if Sallow got assassinated by one of her many admirers and even then I wouldn’t put it past him to somehow turn into an Inferi just so he can still be the one to marry her. I’m honestly surprised he held on for this long, pretty sure he would’ve popped the question the moment we graduated.”
“Technically, he did. They just decided to get married this year.”
That one made her laugh out loud, shaking her head at her old friend’s antics. Of course, she knew those two would get married, basically tied to the hip, always getting in and out of trouble with each other and for each other. Bloody hell, they’d been married since fifth-year and just didn’t know it.
“Typical Sallow,” she caught herself. “Well, Sallows now, Merlin help us all.”
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Lucas rechecked everything on his notes, making sure to mark any and all important details of the words his enchanted pen has written for him as he spoke with his former Senior, Garreth Weasley, who was once a thorn on the side of Professor Sharp but was now a renowned Potions Master actively getting scouted by Hogwarts, his blends sought upon by the most respectable wizards and witches all over the world.
“Did I think they would get married? Mate, Sebastian almost bit my head off when I tried to ask her if she would like to be partners for one potion class. One! And we were sitting next to each other! I’m sorry if I thought I was being friendly?!”
Lucas has heard and has unfortunately been a victim of Sebastian’s … tendencies. You, despite being the top duelist in Hogwarts was always, more often than not, partnered with Sebastian in every duel. The one time Lucas had agreed in a quiet solo duel without letting Sebastian know his senior had caught him on his way to his potion's class and nailed him to the wall by his cloak while threatening him to never let it happen again or he will turn him into a pretty outline in the walls of Hogwarts with Bombarda.
He thinks that was the closest thing he had been to peeing his pants.
“Yeah, Sebastian doesn’t have the best track record with friendly males around his girlfriend.”
“They weren’t even courting by then how would I bloody know that –”
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“Ready, Poppy?”
Surprisingly, the sweet woman in front of him has been the most difficult to track down. Amongst their mutual friends she was the one he had no idea where to start, especially after his only lead, her grandmother, had no other information to give him aside that the last she heard Sweet Poppy was down South Clagmar Coast ‘doing Merlin knows what’.
Thankfully, the citizens of Cragcroft were a bit more helpful and he was able to send her an owl about his little project.
“Where should we start?”
Lucas made sure she was framed perfectly in the shot before nodding to himself. “Nothing complicated Poppy, just first impressions or any memory you have of the young couple.”
She pursed her lips in thought, nodding to herself, “The two of them have always been terrifyingly intimidating, especially for someone like me. Seemed to just attract attention and trouble on their own – I mean, killing a troll in Hogsmeade on the first day – just a bunch of troublemakers they were. Brilliant troublemakers – which only made them scarier in my eyes.”
Lucas nodded in total agreement but he couldn’t help but squint at her.
“You aren’t exactly innocent, Ms. Hid-a-Hippogriff.”
Her eyes widened, blushing at the accusation. “In my defense, future Mrs. Sallow helped me take care of Highwing.”
Poppy recounted the memories with a smile on her face.  Her dainty smile grew bigger as she recapped happy memories she had with her classmates.
“But they’ve always been lovely. Lovely people and an even lovelier couple. Sebastian has always been bright and charming and surprisingly kind for a Slytherin and she … she’s always been unapologetic of who she was. It also meant she never judged anybody for who they are either.”
The woman paused, the smile on her face remained frozen as if she was in deep reflection.
“A true friend – one of the truest I had.”
Lucas was never in their circle, hell, aside from each other and maybe Ominis nobody was truly ever in their innermost circle despite their popularity. At every explosive trouble the two were always caught in he couldn’t help but wonder just what they get up to when they weren’t caught. Even back then he knew he would’ve risked his life and followed them no question asked if it meant his young self got to go to one of their death-defying adventures with them.
But being two years younger was a barrier he could never overcome.
It is refreshing to hear of stories from their friend’s perspective and not in passing in the Central Hall in Hogwarts where it’s all half-true, fabricated, or painfully hyperbolic. Maybe that’s why he had thought to do this, a reporter’s disease of needing to know the truth, the dark side of the coin they hid with their secrets and anonymities passed only in hushed whispers and clandestine meetings with each other.
“Are you excited about the wedding?”
Poppy nodded eagerly. “Oh, I’m extremely happy for my friends! It’s not every day two souls find each other and just not let go. I’m glad they didn’t. After all they’ve been through, they deserve to have each other.”
He couldn’t have agreed more.
“That they do.”
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Mr. Lucas Brattleby,
I have received your owl, unfortunately, I will not be able to go back there till the night before the wedding as I still have a business to wrap up here in America. For the questions you sent, I shall send this Howler and you may record it.
I have nothing good to say about Mr. Sebastian Sallow, that boy had done nothing but torment me in my youth. It’s a bloody miracle he had managed to snag the Hero of Hogwarts as his girlfriend – terrible lack of judgment on her part I must say, we all have our flaws – much less agree to be his wife. If there’s one good thing he did do, it was willingly become a lowly servant to such a lovely witch. Least he could do, really.
However, despite their blatant differences and unfortunate similarities I, for one, knew immediately that not even Death could sever such a connection – not if Sebastian Sallow had anything to say about it, and trust me I speak from experience. They’ve fought through detentions, goblins, dark wizards, and a damned troll – I’m sure marriage will be a breeze in a park.
Well, if I’m wrong, then let the future Mrs. Sallow know I would be more than willing to offer a comforting shoulder.
Leander Prewitt Department of International Magical Cooperation
PS. To my darling wife Leonora, light of my life, the last part was a joke and If I somehow disappear it was Sebastian Sallow who did it.
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“They give Sebastian too much credit when my dear friend was equally as obsessed about him. Do you remember Allia?”
Lucas snapped his fingers when he finally put a face to the name he hadn’t heard in a while but made sure to look around lest one of the younger students managed to hear such … delicate matters in the DADA classroom. “Didn’t she transfer during your 6th year? Something about personal … complications?”
Natty laughed out loud, doubling over with tears in her eyes. “Oh, that excuse was all thanks to Ominis swinging around his name. Our dear witch hexed poor Allia while she was asleep for trying to poison Sebastian with Amortentia! Sneaked straight into the Ravenclaw tower and cursed her to grow the features of a rat every time she even thought about Sebastian! The only way Ominis could convince our friend to take back the curse and avoid expulsion was at the condition of her transferring and never letting the couple see even her shadow again.”
He never even noticed that his jaw was hanging off his face.
“Oh, if everyone only knew that fights I had prevented if a Junior so much as fluttered their lashes at Sebastian,” she shook her head, still laughing to herself.
Now all the pieces he hadn’t realized were part of the same puzzle clicked on his head. The flat smile on her face that never quite reached her eyes every time they were surrounded by strangers, the grip she always held on Sebastian’s arms no matter where they were going, the ‘promise ring’ Sebastian also wore when traditionally it was just the girl who had it, and the absolute absence of Sebastian’s name when girls talked about boys they fancied in the common room when he was undoubtedly better looking than most students in Hogwarts.
“A jealous witch she was, thinks she’s good at hiding it,” Natty chuckled.
Lucas realized in horror that she had scared off the entire female student body.
“But by the gods was she better at hexes.”
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When Lucas had heard that Ominis Gaunt had been working closely with the Minister for Magic and was undoubtedly being groomed to be his successor, he wasn’t exactly surprised. Everyone knew he would be someone important someday so Lucas had damn near lost all hope as he sent an owl to the man.
When he received a reply in a fortnight brought by a regal-looking owl, Lucas thought he must have some soft spot for his fellow alumni. But it would seem the man just had a lot to let out of his chest.
“Oh, the stories I could tell! If I had a knut for every time I had to rescue one of those idiots out of a horrific situation they found themselves in I would be richer than the Blacks!”
He’d never seen his hair this undone in the 7 years they had been on the same campus. Maybe Lucas was just that good of a journalist or maybe it was the half-empty bottle of expensive whiskey that was the reason for his loose lips.
“I mean, Sebastian was bad enough, but once he found someone who would willingly dive with him to whatever dangerous expeditions he found interest in and I was outnumbered it was a bloody nightmare.”
For the first time in his life, he felt pity for the man. It was never really a secret why Sebastian didn’t serve half the detention he deserved nor why neither of them had ever been expelled when a trail of evidence led to the both of them red-handed and always at the scene of the crime. But he has to give it to Ominis … a lesser man would’ve cracked at their mischiefs.
“And Sebastian … everybody knows he would’ve willing let himself be target practice for all sorts of curses if she had asked.”
Lucas can’t even defend his childhood hero. Especially, of the things he had learned from his previous subjects. It would seem even the mightiest of men would always buckle in the face of their true love.
“I-I’m sure they’ve done the same for you,” Lucas winced.
“Oh, they better, with the flaming hoops I had to jump through to make sure we graduated alive,” Ominis waved him off indifferently. “They are my best friends. I would follow them to hell but I just wish they would stop going there for one damn semester.”
Lucas snickered, unfortunately unable to hold it in with just how stressed the memory of the mischiefs his favorite couple got up to has brought Ominis. He was sure the older man would choke him but he just sighed out a laugh until the two of them were laughing to each other.
“I guess they have always been the perfect person for each other.”
Ominis nodded, leaning his head on his fist. “Yeah …”
He threw Lucas a look.
“Do you think they won’t make me their children’s godfather if I begged?”
Lucas bit his lips. “My money is on the eldest getting named after you so …”
Ominis groaned.
Lucas refilled his glass.
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brokehorrorfan · 5 months
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The Darkest Night will be published in paperback and e-book on September 24 via Crooked Lane Books. The 320-page anthology of winter horror stories is edited by Lindy Ryan and includes an introduction by George C. Romero.
It features 22 stories by Josh Malerman, Eric LaRocca, Clay McLeod Chapman, Rachel Harrison, Christopher Golden, Tim Lebbon, Jamie Flanagan, Kristi DeMeester, Nat Cassidy, Darcy Coates, Tim Waggoner, Hailey Piper, Thommy Hutson, Gwendolyn Kiste, Sara Tantlinger, Christopher Brooks, M. Rickert, Cynthia Pelayo, Lee Murray, Mercedes Yardley, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Jeff Strand, and Kelsea Yu.
From some of the biggest names in horror comes an Advent calendar of short holiday horror stories perfect for the darkest nights of the year. Edited by award-winning author and anthologist Lindy Ryan and with contributions from masters of horror like Josh Malerman, Eric LaRocca, and Clay McLeod Chapman, this horrific anthology will chill you to the bone.
Pre-order The Darkest Night.
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bookstagramofmine · 1 year
Book Review: A Botanist's Guide to Flowers and Fatality by Kate Khavari
Book Review: A Botanist's Guide to Flowers and Fatality by Kate Khavari @NetGalley @crookedlanebks #BookTwt #Books #WritingCommunity #Mystery
Thank you, NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books, for the chance to read and review A Botanist’s Guide to Flowers and Fatality by Kate Khavari!  A Botanist’s Guide to Flowers and Fatality is the Kate Khavari’s second book in the A Saffron Everleigh Mystery series. It came out on the 6th of June and is 336 pages long. Like other Crooked Lane books, Penguin Random House Publisher Services handles the…
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bookcoversonly · 2 years
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Title: A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons | Author: Kate Khavari | Publisher: Crooked Lane Books (2022)
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bookjunkiez · 2 years
Kill Them With Canvas Virtual Book Tour
Kill Them With Canvas Virtual Book Tour
  Paint by Murder Mystery #2 Cozy Mystery Date Published: 10-11-2022 Publisher: Crooked Lane Books     In Bailee Abbott’s second book in the Paint by Murder mysteries, Chloe and Izzie are taking their paint party business on the road—with murder as the first stop! Chloe Abbington and her sister, Izzie, are enjoying huge success running Paint with a View, their paint party business in the…
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dollycas · 5 days
Cynthia Kuhn
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I loved this newest book in this wonderful cozy mystery series. I enjoyed the laughs and the romance and the mystery. ~Bigreadersite’s Blog In the Event of Murder (A Starlit Bookshop Mystery) Cozy Mystery 2nd in Series Setting - Colorado Publisher ‏ : ‎ Crooked Lane Books (August 20, 2024) Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 304 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1639100709 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1639100705 Digital  ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09LH4F684 It’s the star-studded event of the season in Silvercrest, Colorado—but some of the guests might not make it to the last dance alive in the second charming installment of the Starlit Bookshop mysteries from Agatha Award-winning author Cynthia Kuhn. Nestled on the banks of a breathtaking Rocky Mountain river and dotted with delightful boutiques and galleries, Silvercrest, Colorado, is a book lover’s paradise. Bookseller and literary event planner Emma Starrs is looking forward to attending the annual Silvercrest Library Gala, a glamorous evening with celebrities including the legendary Whitney Willton, currently on the hit crime show Chasers, and her niece, party-planner-to-the-stars Lyra Willton. Gala Week is full of exciting activities honoring both page and screen, and library board president Tabitha Baxter is basking in the glow of her successful launch—until Lyra is found dead. With the gala only days away, the board asks Emma for help, despite Tabitha—her longstanding nemesis—bristling over the choice. Emma agrees, even though she is already in charge of a classic mystery panel at her family’s bookstore, Starlit Books, which turns out to have its own challenges. Meanwhile, Whitney, who is aware of Emma’s sleuthing skills, begs her to find the killer. The case grows more complex with the disappearance of several priceless objects, an attack on one of the attending celebrities, and other predicaments. Emma searches for clues while handling every unexpected twist and turn leading up to the extravagant affair. But when the guests step onto the red carpet, a killer still lurks in the shadows—and murder just might become the main event. Author Links  Website      Blog     Twitter/X Book 1 in the Series How to Book a Murder (A Starlit Bookshop Mystery) Cozy Mystery 1st in Series Setting - Colorado Publisher ‏ : ‎ Crooked Lane Books (December 7, 2021) Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 336 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1643858599 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1643858593 Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08QVJFZZK Perfect for fans of Jenn McKinlay and Kate Carlisle, in award-winning author Cynthia Kuhn’s series debut, small-town bookseller and literary event planner Emma Starrs is out to close the book on a killer intent on crashing the party. To help save her family’s floundering Colorado bookstore, Starlit Bookshop, newly minted Ph.D. Emma Starrs agrees to plan a mystery-themed dinner party for her wealthy, well-connected high school classmate Tabitha Baxter. It’s a delightful evening of cocktails and conjecture until Tabitha’s husband, Tip—hosting the affair in the guise of Edgar Allan Poe’s detective C. Auguste Dupin—winds up murdered. In a heartbeat, Emma and her aunt Nora, a famous mystery writer, become suspects. Emma is sure the party’s over for Starlit events, until celebrated author Calliope Nightfall, whose gothic sensibilities are intrigued by the circumstances, implores the bookseller to create a Poe-themed launch event for her latest tome. Throwing a bash to die for while searching for additional clues is already enough to drive Emma stark raven mad, but another shocking crime soon reveals that Silvercrest has not yet reached the final chapter of the puzzling case. Someone in this charming artistic community has murder on the mind, and if Emma cannot outwit the killer, she and her beloved aunt will land behind bars, to walk free nevermore. Also written by Cynthia Kuhn Click on the covers for more information or to order from Amazon. 10/15/2024  Read the full article
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sidlaw7 · 20 days
Dear Little Corpses (A Josephine Tey Mystery) by Nicola Upson #Spotlight / #Giveaway @crookedlanebks - Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book - Great Escapes Book Tours
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therealimintobooks · 1 month
#SpotlightTour ~ In the Event of Murder by Cynthia Kuhn @cynthiakuhn @dollycas
About In the Event of Murder In the Event of Murder (A Starlit Bookshop Mystery) Cozy Mystery 2nd in Series Setting – Colorado Publisher ‏ : ‎ Crooked Lane Books (August 20, 2024) Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 304 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1639100709 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1639100705 Digital https://amzn.to/3xRh1X8 It’s the star-studded event of the season in Silvercrest, Colorado—but some of the guests might not make…
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marjaystuff · 4 months
Guest Review: Cold to the Touch by Kerri Hakoda
Crooked Lane Books
April 9th, 2024
Cold To the Touch by Kerri Hakoda is the author’s debut procedural novel. This story has a serial killer kidnapping women and disposing of their bodies in the Alaskan wilderness.
The serial killer is targeting baristas in the Anchorage Alaska area. The first body was found in the snow, ravaged by predators. To add complications to the case, the homicide detective DeHavilland Beans knew her. He’d bought coffee from her every morning and knew her as a bright college student working her way through school.
“It is my first published novel and am considering writing it as a three-book series. The character, Detective Beans, was written previously in an unpublished novel of mine. This allowed me to understand who he was as a character. The barista idea came from the serial killer Israel Keyes when in 2012 he killed a barista in a drive-thru kiosk in Anchorage.  She was his last victim.  He has only admitted to killing three, including the young woman in Anchorage, but is suspected in killing twelve. This planted the seed for this story, but I wrote it in a totally different direction.”
As more bodies of these coffee baristas wearing skimpy costumes are found, FBI Special Agent Isabelle O’Reilly is brought in along with Dr. Raisa Ingalls, a fish and game expert.  Because scavengers damaged the bodies, Raisa was asked to determine if they were the culprits.  She determines that animal predators did not do the killing, and her hunting-guide father helps Beans isolate the potential murder weapon.
“There were three strong women protagonists in the story, Dr. Raisa Ingalls, Isabelle O’Reilly and one of the victims who escaped, volunteer firefighter, Sarah Yancey. “I did not want to make all the women characters as victims.  They each had their own skills and strengths.  They were tough, dependable, independent, responsible, athletic, smart, and passionate. They know their own minds and are decisive. Since Raisa is a scientist, her job is to observe. Isabelle O’Reilly as a Federal Agent would need to be observant, and Sarah to a lesser extent as a first responder.”
Beans is a complex character, the son of a Japanese mother and Irish Athabaskan father. He is intelligent, willing to use unconventional methods and sources, and is very determined. Because of his poor reputation with fellow officers, he is misunderstood. The women brought in to try to help with the investigation recognize how tense and frustrated he is. In addition, he had a past relationship with Raisa, which hopefully will not be a problem. “I wrote him as study in contrast. He is a passivist but carries a gun. He has a cat who thinks he is a dog. He finds fulfillment in his job, faith, and family. Raisa will appear in book 2, but not as Bean’s love interest.  They do like and respect each other.”
This novel shows why Alaska also plays a role in the book with its diverse landscape, long winter nights, and bitter cold. Readers will want to make sure they find out who the killer is and how will he be caught.
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cosybookclub · 4 months
Jane Doe Book Club Mysteries
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The Jane Doe book club enjoys guessing whodunit, but when murder happens in their midst, they discover solving crimes isn't fun and games...
Lyla Moody loves her sleepy little town of Sweet Mountain, Georgia. She likes her job as receptionist for her uncle's private investigative firm, her fellow true crime obsessed Jane Doe members are the friends she's always wanted, and her parents just celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. But recently, with her best friend Melanie on vacation, and her ex-boyfriend and horrible cousin becoming an item and moving in next door to her, her idyllic life is on the fritz. The cherry on top of it all is finding Carol, a member of the club, dead and shoved into a suitcase, left at Lyla's front door.
Unusual circumstances notwithstanding, with Carol's heart condition, the coroner rules Carol's death undetermined. But when they discover the suitcase belongs to Melanie, who had returned from her vacation the following morning, Sweet Mountain police begin to suspect Lyla's best friend. Determined that police are following the wrong trail, to clear her friend's name, and to not allow Carol become one of the club's studied cold cases, Lyla begins to seek out the real killer. That is, until she becomes the one sought after. Now, finding the truth could turn her into the killer's next plot twist, unless she wins the game of cat and mouse.
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ismahanescorner · 9 months
Magic, Lies, and Deadly Pies | Book Review
Author: Misha Popp
Genre: Cozy Mystery, Magical Realism
Publisher: Crooked Lane Books
Release Date: 10/05/2022
Rating: 4/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Daisy Ellery’s pies have a secret The magical ability to avenge women done wrong by men. But Daisy finds herself on the receiving end in Misha Popp’s cozy series debut, a sweet-as-buttercream treat for fans of Ellery Adams and Mary Maxwell.The first time Daisy Ellery killed a man with a pie, it was an accident. Now, it’s her calling. Daisy bakes sweet vengeance into her pastries, which she and her dog Zoe deliver to the men who’ve done dirty deeds to the town’s women. But if she can’t solve the one crime that’s not of her own baking, she’ll be out of the pie pan and into the oven. Parking her Pies Before Guys mobile bakery van outside the local diner, Daisy is informed by Frank, the crusty diner owner, that someone’s been prowling around the van—and not just to inhale the delectable aroma. Already on thin icing with Frank, she finds a letter on her door, threatening to reveal her unsavory secret sideline of pie a la murder. Blackmail? But who whipped up this half-baked plot to cut a slice out of Daisy’s business? Purple-haired campus do-gooder Melly? Noel, the tender—if flaky—farm boy? Or one of the abusive men who prefer their pie without a deadly scoop of payback? The upcoming statewide pie contest could be Daisy’s big chance to help wronged women everywhere…if she doesn’t meet a sticky end first. Because Daisy knows the blackmailer won’t stop until her business is in crumbles. 
tw//: murder (duh!)
so in summary, this novel is about Daisy Ellery, a witch, and how her magic manifests itself in her baking. Daisy uses her gift to help women in need stuck in abusive relationships through her “murder pies” venture. however, it seems someone found out about her secret and is threatening to expose her unless she murders three innocent women for them.
this is my first cozy mystery and it won’t be the last!!! i enjoyed every second of reading this!! it was sweet and thrilling and didn’t trigger my anxiety!! AND! i got a couple of pie recipes out of it in the end!! bless!
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prose-mortem · 1 year
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Like a Mother Book Review
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Like a Mother is sure to become one of the big thriller reads everyone is talking about this winter! When Sarah's husband dies of terminal disease and she finds herself pregnant with their second child, she is shocked to discover that Adam's mother is actually alive and interested in assisting Sarah financially. Adam had told Sarah that his mother died many years before, so she is shocked to discover secret after secret coming to light shortly after Adam's funeral. Why would Adam hide the fact that his mother is alive and well? Sarah, who is hurting for money, agrees to live with Adam's mother, Candace, in her small town while Sarah prepares for her baby and gets back on her feet. Adam kept his entire past hidden from Sarah, and now that Sarah has another child on the way, there are many people interested in the child and what its birth means to them...
I truly did enjoy this book! Like a Mother kept my pulse racing while I flipped through the pages late into the night. I absolutely loved the heavy nods to Jewish culture and the twists and turns that kept coming all throughout the story. This most definitely was not a slow burn! If you like domestic thrillers where a woman is trapped in a bad situation and is low-key gaslit by the people around her, then this is for you. The only reason why this is not a full five-star read is because there were a couple of questions left unanswered that really needed to be addressed. Nevertheless, it was definitely worth my time, and I cannot wait to buy the hard copy so that I can have it displayed on my shelf! Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers at Crooked Lane Books for letting me read the e-ARC in advance. I genuinely loved it! For the questions that were left unanswered, please read underneath the spoiler heading below.
***** SPOILERS ****
I am still very confused as to why Ava was so adamant about being able to adopt Sarah's child. It was strange that Graham and Ava were basically threatening her about her child's future early on in her pregnancy, and then suddenly, they just seem to let her be. The book states that maybe Graham felt guilty about everything that happened, which is why he honors Adam's financial wishes for Sarah, but it still left a thread loose. I would have liked to understand why Ava felt so entitled to Sarah's child.
The other thing that was never explained was why Ellison kept seeing Adam in her room. Sarah wonders if her daughter is seeing a ghost, but other than that, it isn't addressed any further. Even if Ellie was seeing things, it would have been nice for it to have been resolved or mentioned at the end of the book. I was wondering if it was one of those plots where Adam faked his death somehow... The way the scenes where Ellie interacts with him are written so that they seem very real. Also, how did Adam's missing sweater get back under Sarah's pillow? Sure, Sarah could have been experiencing derealization and depersonalization, but it was never clear what happened there.
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bookcoversonly · 1 year
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Title: A Botanist's Guide to Flowers and Fatality | Author: Kate Khavari | Publisher: Crooked Lane Books (2023)
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protagonistspub · 1 year
Death at a Scottish Wedding by Lucy Connelly
Death at a Scottish Wedding by Lucy Connelly was an Advanced Reader’s Copy courtest of NetGalley. It is a cozy mystery and published on 9 January 2023 from Crooked Lane Books. It is the second book in the Scottish Isle Mystery series. One of Em’s best friends is getting married and they are stranded at Ewan’s castle for the pre-wedding events by a blizzard. An unexpected, and unwelcomed guest is…
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dollycas · 9 days
Cozy Wednesday featuring The Grim Steeper (A Witches' Brew Mystery) by Gretchen Rue #Review #HardcoverGiveaway @crookedlanebks @sierradeanauthor
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Welcome to Cozy Wednesday!  I am happy to feature The Grim Steeper by Gretchen Rue. The Grim Steeper (A Witches' Brew Mystery) Paranormal Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Setting - Washington State Publisher ‏ : ‎ Crooked Lane Books (September 10, 2024) Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 304 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1639108653 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1639108657 Kindle ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CPXT4R1D Audiobook ASIN B0D7WCYHN9 Audio CD ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0DBWJLGPY Bookstore owner Phoebe Winchester is putting on her first major author event when a body is discovered and the plot goes off the rails in this cozy mystery, perfect for fans of Cleo Coyle and Jenn McKinlay. Amateur witch Phoebe Winchester is excited to host her first big author event at the Earl’s Study, her book and tea store. The author, Sebastian Marlow, is a famous birder excited to put Raven Creek on the map for his rediscovery of a presumed-extinct bird. When Sebastian is found dead before his planned bird hike, where he expected to prove the existence of the bird to fellow birding enthusiasts, it’s obvious someone wanted him to be extinct, too. Sebastian had a few unfriendly encounters with his staff—including his recently fired manager, who was seen arguing with him at the author event. Phoebe is determined to figure out who killed Sebastian, worried that it will negatively affect her store’s image that her biggest guest author got killed. With the clock ticking, she enlists the help of Rich Lofting, the handsome local private investigator, to help her look into the murder. Dollycas's Thoughts Author Sebastian Marlow is coming to Phoebe Winchester's book and tea store Earl’s Study for a talk and a book signing. The famous birder has also agreed to a hike with his fans as he looks to put Raven Creek on the map if he is right about finding a Pacific tanager that is believed to have been extinct for over 50 years. The signing goes well but before the hike, Sebastian is found dead in his suite at a local B&B. Phoebe has noticed tension between the author and the members of his entourage. He had also recently fired his business manager who came to Raven Creek to try to get his job back. Worried that the murder will reflect badly on her store, Phoebe knows the killer has to be apprehended quickly. She is going to need help so she asks her friend, tenant, and handsome private investigator Rich Lofting to aid her in her quest to find the killer. _____ Our protagonist Phoebe Winchester is struggling to control her witchy abilities and is worried that her secret will be out because of it. She is also learning how to make all the special tea blends her aunt previously made as well as adding some new blends of her own. There's a lawyer in town trying to buy up properties for a big corporation as well, upsetting Leo and her other friends. Add to that a signing with a famous birder followed by his murder means her hands are more than full. There is definitely romantic tension between her and Rich. Her best friend Amy owns the Sugarplum Fairy bakery next to Earl’s Study. She not only bakes delicious treats, but she is a great sounding board for Phoebe ready to give her a shove in the right direction especially considering her love life. Phoebe also has Imogen and Daphne who were friends and employees of her aunt to lean on. All the characters are cleverly crafted with great dialogue. All are very enjoyable. The mystery is full of a spider web of clues, secrets, lies, twists, and turns. Ms. Rue plotted the whole thing out so well that I thought many different people were guilty as I tried to do my armchair sleuthing. As Phoebe works to make sense of the death investigation she even states the plot was "so thick Agatha Christie would have needed a few whiteboards to unravel it all." So I am not ashamed to say I was kept guessing until everything was spelled out for me. I liked that Phoebe shared her and Rich's findings with Detective Patsy Martin and she appreciated it for the most part. But Phoebe's involvement did put her in danger. I loved the showdown and the enlightenment Phoebe received from the good detective. A book and tea store is a splendid setting for a cozy mystery series especially when you add cats. Phoebe's cat Bob is such a cool cat, smart and perceptive. He is also the store cat so he goes to work with her almost every day. Phoebe will do anything to protect him and he would do the same for her. In The Grim Steeper, Phoebe is finally able to open Bob's Place, a small section of the store where she will host adoptable kitties. Bob's reactions were humorous and heartwarming. The Grim Steeper is the perfect mix of mystery and magic. Well written with great detail, Ms. Rue's words pull you into the story to enjoy her wonderful characters and all their triumphs and tribulations with a delightful dose of humor in all the right places. I am very excited for this series to continue. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. Thank you to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC. Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent About the Author Gretchen Rue lives in the Canadian prairies, which affords her ample time to read during six months of winter. She plays cat mom to four mostly indifferent fur children, and plant mom to roughly 100 very demanding flora. When she isn't sipping tea and working on her next novel, she enjoys swimming, hiking, and watching baseball. Author Links Website    Facebook   Twitter/X    Instagram This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using my links, I will receive a small commission from the sale at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting Escape With Dollycas. Thanks to the publisher I have 1 hardcover copy to give away! The contest is open to anyone over 18 years old with a US or Canadian mailing address. Duplicate entries will be deleted. Void where prohibited. You do not have to be a follower to enter but I hope you will find something you like here and become a follower. Followers Will Receive 2 Bonus Entries For Each Way They Follow. Plus 2 Bonus Entries For Following My Facebook Fan Page. Add this book to your WANT TO READ shelf on GoodReads for 3 Bonus Entries. Follow Crooked Lane Books on Facebook for 3 Bonus Entries  Follow Crooked Lane Books on Instagram for 3 Bonus Entries  Pin this giveaway to Pinterest for 3 Bonus Entries. If you share the giveaway on Threads, X, or Facebook or anywhere you will receive 5 Bonus Entries For Each Link. The  Contest Will End September 25, 2024, at 11:59 PM CST The Winner Will Be Chosen Using Random.org The Winner Will Be Notified By Email and Will Be Posted Here In The Sidebar. Click Here For Entry Form  Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” “As an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission from qualifying purchases.” Read the full article
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