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Der ALS-PT19: Einfacher Lichtsensor für Arduino-Projekte
Der ALS-PT19 Lichtsensor ist ein einfacher und zuverlässiger Sensor, der sich ideal für Arduino-Projekte eignet. Mit seiner Fähigkeit, Lichtstärken präzise zu messen, ist er besonders für Einsteiger eine hervorragende Wahl, um in die Welt der Elektronik und Programmierung einzutauchen. In diesem Beitrag zeige ich, wie der Sensor funktioniert, wie er angeschlossen wird und welche spannenden Anwendungen damit möglich sind. https://youtu.be/Ej5mUKod1Ok Der ALS-PT19 Lichtsensor ist nicht nur einfach in der Anwendung, sondern auch extrem kostengünstig. Ich habe diesen Sensor für nur wenige Cent auf AliExpress.com bestellt. Im Vergleich dazu verlangen Händler in Deutschland oft bis zu 8 €, was den Preis deutlich in die Höhe treibt. Hier lohnt es sich, ein wenig Geduld aufzubringen, um durch den Direktkauf beim internationalen Anbieter ordentlich zu sparen.
Aufbau des analogen Lichtsensors ALS-PT19
Der analoge Lichtsensor ALS-PT19 ist eine ideale Wahl, um Projekte mit Lichtmessung oder Lichtschranken zu erweitern. Besonders praktisch ist, dass der Sensor RoHS-konform ist und eine spektrale Reaktion besitzt, die der Wahrnehmung des menschlichen Auges sehr nahekommt. Dies wird durch ein hohes Ablehnungsverhältnis gegenüber Infrarotstrahlung ermöglicht. Der Aufbau ist dabei äußerst simpel: - Der - Pin wird mit Masse (GND) verbunden. - Der + Pin erhält eine Stromversorgung von 2,5V bis 5,5V. - Am OUT-Pin wird die analoge Spannung ausgegeben, die proportional zur einfallenden Lichtmenge steigt. Dank dieser einfachen Handhabung lässt sich der ALS-PT19 schnell und problemlos in unterschiedlichste Projekte integrieren.
Aufbau - ALS-PT19 analoger Lichtsensor Im Beitrag "Arduino Lektion 4: LED mit Fotowiderstand" habe ich dir bereits eine kleine Schaltung mit einem ähnlichen Bauteil vorgestellt: dem Fotowiderstand. Dieser ist zwar deutlich größer als der ALS-PT19, liefert aber ebenso zuverlässig die Werte der Helligkeit. Beide Bauteile bieten einfache Möglichkeiten, Lichtstärken zu messen, wobei der ALS-PT19 durch seine kompakte Bauweise besticht.
Aufbau der Schaltung - ALS-PT19 am Arduino
Durch seinen einfachen Aufbau lässt sich der ALS-PT19 Lichtsensor schnell und einfach mit einem Arduino verbinden. Für die Schaltung benötigst du lediglich folgende Bauteile: - 1x ALS-PT19 Lichtsensor* - 1x Arduino* (z. B. Uno, Nano oder Mega) - 3x Jumper-Kabel* (für die Verbindungen) - Optional: Steckbrett* (Breadboard) für eine flexible Verdrahtung Mit diesen wenigen Komponenten kannst du die Lichtmessung in kürzester Zeit starten.
Hinweis von mir: Die mit einem Sternchen (*) markierten Links sind Affiliate-Links. Wenn du über diese Links einkaufst, erhalte ich eine kleine Provision, die dazu beiträgt, diesen Blog zu unterstützen. Der Preis für dich bleibt dabei unverändert. Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung! In der nachfolgenden Schaltung integriere ich zusätzlich eine 5 mm LED* welche über einen 220 Ohm Vorwiderstand* an einen digitalen Pin angeschlossen wird.
Schaltung - ALS-PT19 am Arduino mit LED
Programmieren des kleinen Sensors in der Arduino IDE
Der kleine Sensor verfügt über einen analogen Ausgang, welcher mit einem der sechs analogen Eingänge (A0 bis A5) des Mikrocontrollers verbunden wurde und somit mit wenigen Zeilen Code ausgelesen werden kann. Zusätzlich habe ich noch wie erwähnt eine 5 mm LED an einen digitalen PWM Pin angeschlossen. Diese LED leuchtet um so stärker, je weniger der Sensor beleuchtet wird. //analoger Lichtsensor ALS-PT19 am //analogen Pin A0 angeschlossen #define sensor A0 //LED am digitalen PWM Pin D3 angeschlossen #define led 3 void setup() { //beginn der seriellen Kommunikation mit 115200 Baud Serial.begin(9600); //der Pin des Sensors wird als Eingang definiert pinMode(sensor, INPUT); //der Pin der LED wird als Ausgang definiert pinMode(led, OUTPUT); } void loop() { //auslesen des Sensorwertes unsigned int value = analogRead(sensor); //mappen des Wertes welcher zwischen 0 und 1023 sein kann //auf den gültigkeitbereich eines PWM Signals (0 bis 255) byte brightness = map(value, 0, 1023, 0,255); //schreiben der Helligkeit an die LED mit einem PWM Signal analogWrite(led, brightness); //ausgeben des Sensorwertes auf der seriellen Schnittstelle Serial.println(value); //einlegen einer kleinen Pause von 50 Millisekunden delay(50); }
Lichtsensor & Laserdiode als Lichtschranke
Eine der einfachsten Anwendungen des analogen Lichtsensors ALS-PT19 ist die Verwendung in Kombination mit einer Laserdiode als Lichtschranke. Hierbei wird der Laserstrahl auf den Sensor gerichtet, und solange der Strahl nicht unterbrochen wird, misst der Sensor eine konstante Lichtintensität. Sobald der Strahl unterbrochen wird, erkennt der Sensor den Abfall der Lichtintensität, was zur Auslösung eines Signals genutzt werden kann. Diese einfache, aber effektive Technik eignet sich hervorragend für Projekte wie Sicherheitsvorrichtungen, Zählmechanismen oder automatische Türen. Für den Aufbau benötigst du: - einen analogen Lichtsensor ALS-PT19*, - eine Laserdiode*, - einige Jumper-Kabel*, - einen Arduino* Je nach Abstand kann auch eine ultrahelle LED ausreichend sein!
Da ich die Laserdiode sowie den Sensor auf einem Breadboard stecken möchte, habe ich mir zwei 3fach Buchsenleisten mit langen Beinchen genommen und diese mit einer Flachzange um 90° abgewinkelt. Vorsicht bei der Nutzung der Laserdiode (650 nm) Laser können gefährlich sein, wenn sie falsch verwendet werden. Hier ein paar wichtige Hinweise, um dich und andere zu schützen: - Schau niemals in den Laserstrahl – ernsthafte Augenschäden drohen! - Nutze eine Schutzbrille und halte den Laser von Kindern fern. - Handle verantwortungsvoll, die Nutzung erfolgt auf eigenes Risiko. Schaltung - Lichtschranke mit ALS-PT19 und Laserdiode am Arduino Mit einer starken Laserdiode* kann man eine Lichtschranke aufbauen und damit eine Tür oder ähnliches Überwachen.
Schaltung - ALS-PT19 mit Laserdiode am Arduino Arduino UNO R3ALS-PT19-GNDOUTAO+3.3VPiezo BuzzerPin 1D3Pin 2GNDLaserdiode-GND+5VSD8 Programmieren in der Arduino IDE Die Laserdiode benötigt einen digitalen Pin über welchen wir diese aktivieren und deaktivieren können. In der Funktion setup wird dieser Pin einfach auf HIGH gesetzt. //analoger Lichtsensor ALS-PT19 am //analogen Pin A0 angeschlossen #define sensor A0 //der Pin der Laserdiode ist am digitalen Pin D8 angeschlossen #define laserDiode 8 //der Pin des Piezo Buzzers ist am digitalen Pin D3 angeschlossen #define buzzer 3 //Wert für den Alarm, bei unterschreiten soll ein Alarmton //über den Piezo Buzzer erzeugt werden const unsigned int ALARM_THRESHOLD = 600; void setup() { //beginn der seriellen Kommunikation mit 115200 Baud Serial.begin(9600); //der Pin des Sensors wird als Eingang definiert pinMode(sensor, INPUT); //der Pin der Laserdiode wird als Ausgang definiert pinMode(laserDiode, OUTPUT); //der Pin des Piezo Buzzers wird als Ausgang definiert pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); //aktivieren der Laserdiode digitalWrite(laserDiode, HIGH); } void loop() { //auslesen des Sensorwertes unsigned int value = analogRead(sensor); //Wenn der aktuelle Wert des analogen Lichtsensors //den Schwellwert unterschreitet, dann... if(value //einen Ton mit einer Frequenz von 1000 Hz und einer //Dauer von 150 ms. erzeugen. tone(buzzer, 1000, 150); } } Schaltung - Zähler mit Lichtschranke & Segmentanzeige, ALS-PT19 und Laserdiode am Arduino Über die Segmentanzeige* können wir einen Zähler anzeigen lassen und damit entweder Besucher zählen oder Stückgut auf einem Förderband zählen.
Schaltung - Lichtschranken mit Segmentanzeige Die Schaltung erweitern wir um die Segmentanzeige welche zwei digitale Pins belegt und die Stromversorgung von der Laserdiode abzweigt. Arduino UNO R3SegmentanzeigeCLKD5DIOD4VCC5VGNDGND Programmieren in der Arduino IDE Im Programm integrieren wir die Bibliothek TM1637Display welche vom GitHub Repository chamie / TM1637 als ZIP-Datei heruntergeladen werden kann. #include //Einbinden der Bibliothekt zum ansteuern des Displays #include //Pin CLK von der Segmentanzeige am digitalen Pin D5 angeschlossen #define CLK 5 //Pin DIO von der Segmentanzeige am digitalen Pin D4 angeschlossen #define DIO 4 //analoger Lichtsensor ALS-PT19 am //analogen Pin A0 angeschlossen #define sensor A0 //der Pin der Laserdiode ist am digitalen Pin D8 angeschlossen #define laserDiode 8 //der Pin des Piezo Buzzers ist am digitalen Pin D3 angeschlossen #define buzzer 3 //Wert für den Alarm, bei unterschreiten soll ein Alarmton //über den Piezo Buzzer erzeugt werden const unsigned int ALARM_THRESHOLD = 600; //erzeugen des Display Objektes mit den Parametern für die PINs TM1637Display display(CLK, DIO); unsigned int index = 0; void setup() { //der Pin des Sensors wird als Eingang definiert pinMode(sensor, INPUT); //der Pin des Sensors wird als Eingang definiert pinMode(sensor, INPUT); //der Pin der Laserdiode wird als Ausgang definiert pinMode(laserDiode, OUTPUT); //der Pin des Piezo Buzzers wird als Ausgang definiert pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); //aktivieren der Laserdiode digitalWrite(laserDiode, HIGH); //setzen der maximalen Helligkeit an der Segmentanzeige display.setBrightness(10); uint8_t data = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; //Setzt die Anzahl der möglichen Segmente. display.setSegments(data); //Anzeigen des Counters mit führenden Nullen display.showNumberDec(index, true, 4, 4); } void loop() { //auslesen des Sensorwertes unsigned int value = analogRead(sensor); //Wenn der aktuelle Wert des analogen Lichtsensors //den Schwellwert unterschreitet, dann... if (value //einen Ton mit einer Frequenz von 1000 Hz und einer //Dauer von 150 ms. erzeugen. tone(buzzer, 1000, 150); //erhöhen des Indexes für den Counter sowie ausgeben auf //der Segmentanzeige display.showNumberDec(++index, true, 4, 4); //eine Pause von 500 Millisekunden einlegen delay(500); } }
Programm: auslesen des analogen Lichtsensors ALS-PT19Herunterladen Programm: analoger Lichtsensor ALS-PT19 & LEDHerunterladen Programm: Lichtschranke mit ALS-PT19 & LaserdiodeHerunterladen Programm: Lichtschranke mit ALS-PT19, Laserdiode & SegmentanzeigeHerunterladen
Vergleich - ALS-PT19 und Fotowiderstand
Vergleichen wir noch kurz den Lichtsensor mit einem Fotowiderstand, mit welchem wir ebenso das einfallende Licht "messen" können.
Schaltung - Fotowiderstand und ALS-PT19 am Arduino Der sehr einfache Fotowiderstand liefert einen Wert für einfallendes Licht, jedoch sehr ungenau und bei mir in einer Range von 7 bis maximal 731, wobei der Gültigkeitsbereich von analogen Werten am Arduino zwischen 0 und 1023 sind. Hier ist der ALS-PT19 deutlich genauer, bzw. liefert eine größere Range.
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senshi pre-touden siblings party:
dungeon meshi textposts pt27 except they’re a little different than our usual vibe :)
pt1 | pt2 | pt3 | pt4 | pt5 | pt6 | pt7 | pt8 | pt9 | pt10
pt11 | pt12 | pt13 | pt14 | pt15 | pt16 | pt17 | pt18 | pt19 | pt20
pt21 | pt22 | pt23 | pt24 | pt25 | pt26 | pt27 | pt28 | pt29 | pt30
pt31 | pt32 | pt33 | pt34 | pt35 | pt36 | pt37 | pt38 | pt39 | pt40
#dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#dunmeshi#dungeon meshi textposts#marcille donato#falin touden#farcille#laios touden#chilchuck tims#toshiro nakamoto#senshi of izganda#1k#2k#5k#10k#15k
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oopsie!omens pt19- Thursday cont. 2019
The wall slam episode.
prev chp / kofi / AO3 / next chp
#good omens#oopsie!omens#good omens fanart#aziraphale#crowley#ineffable husbands#aziracrow#jophizel#azazel#jophiel
3K notes
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To be gentle (5+1 JereJean)
Love is (not) just a word (andriel first ily)
Coming out coming home (aftg fall exchange)
You’re an angel (I’m a dog) (jerejean introspection)
Fuck you (fuck me) (kevaaron smut)
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Requests are open!
Prompts you may now use for any request you want from any fandom listed in the link beneath:
Please, if you request something, do not send me requests you have sent to another Author aswel!
Marauders era:
Regulus Black:
Shut up
I will protect you
Back the fuck off
A ‘formal’ party
A discovery
When all those years where still to short
Family is most important
Coffee shop au
Are you flustered?
The girl with the silent smile
When he is much taller than you
Remus Lupin:
Peter Pettigrew:
You are not who I thought you where
Harry Potter:
Victor Krum:
Protective brothers
Fred Weasley:
Under editing
Sam and Colby:
Sometimes we just need some comfort
Colby with your daughter
Can we try again? - Colby x F!reader
Whispers of the night:
Act 1:
Probably more to come… (note that only the ones with links are posted)
Cleaning his wounds
Like mother like son - Lloyd x F!OC (platonic)
From lovers to enemies back to lovers again
Secret kisses
A little off pt1
Coming soon
Coming soon
#harry potter#marauders era#harry potter x reader#regulus black x reader#james potter#marauders x reader#marauders x y/n#sam and colby x reader#sam golbach x reader#cole brookstone x reader#colby brock x reader#sam and colby#ninjago lloyd x reader#lloyd garmadon x reader#ninjago lloyd#ninjago cole x reader#viktor krum x reader#ninjago x reader#regulus black#peter pettigrew#remus lupin#remus lupin x reader#sirius black x reader#james potter x reader#jay walker x reader#nya smith#ninjago zane#morro x reader
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The Great Celebrity Shift pt19 : Oliver Bearman
(Josue To Oliver) :
I woke up one morning feeling super fit and energized. As if i wear young again. Thats when i opened my eyes and realized that i wasn’t in my room. I was in a random room. I got up and looked around. Then i found a bathroom with a mirror. I saw my reflection and saw that i was Oliver Bearman.
I couldn’t believe it. It was in his body. I would always see post about how hot he was. And i also had a little crush on him. But now i am in his body. As i was looking myself in the mirror i heard someone walk into the room. It was his manager i think because she told me i had to get ready to go out to the race.
I quickly put on my clothes and headed out to the race track. My manager told me i would not be racing today but that i could go watch. So i headed to see the actual F1 cars. They were so cool. But when i finished looking i saw reporters waiting to talk to me. I walked up to them and they started asking me questions.
The reporters started asking me questions about how it felt to be in the ferrari academy and how it feel to be out in the racetrack. I answered the question the beat that i could but some of my responses definitely felt a little off. But as i was answering their question Charles Leclerc walks up to me and says hi. I felt to excited but i had to keep it cool since i was in front of a lot of people.
As i finished up the interviews i went to the pit so i could see the race. The race was such a cool experience. I got to see all of my favorite drivers. But after the race i headed to the hotel room where i was staying. I decided to take a shower since i was so sweaty from being out in the sun all day.
As i started to take off my clothes i saw my entire body. It looked so hot. I ran my hands all over my abs and it felt so good. My wood started to show because of how excited i was. I took a shower and decided to rub my wood. It felt so good. Once i finally let it all out it felt so good. After i got changed and headed down to find something to eat.
I found a banana down in the lobby and ended up taking that up to the hotel room. When i was able to sit down and eat it i suddenly got the urge to just stuff it up my mouth. It felt so good to he gagged by a banana but as i was doing that i hear a knock on my door. I opened it and it was my manager telling me when to check out tomorrow.
After he left i got ready for bed. I took off my shirt and shorts and was just in my underwear. I love my new life. It so nice to be in a young and hot body. The shift is the best thing to have happened to me. I love my life because i have everything the money the fame and even the job. I wouldn’t change it for anything.
#celebrity body swap#celebrity tf#male body swap#body switch#male tf#body swap#body swich#ollie bearman#the great celebrity shift
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Luvangelbreak's Masterlist
Deprived: pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6 pt7 pt8 pt9 pt10 pt11 pt12 pt13 pt14 pt15 pt16 pt17 pt18 pt19 pt20 pt21 pt22 pt23
First time
Texts w/ Flirty BFF!Matt
Texts w/ Flirty BFF!Matt pt. 2
Texts w/ Flirty BFF!Matt pt.3 (+ BFF!Chris)
Snaps w/ fwb!Matt
Remember Me
Texts w/ Dealer!Chris
Texts w/ Flirty BFF!Chris
Texts w/ Flirty BFF!Chris pt.2
Regret it
Texts w/ BFF!Nick
Combo one-shots
Triplets/Sam&Colby as Mythical Creatures
Triplets/Sam&Colby as a Rock Band
#sturniolo#the sturniolo triplets#sturniolo triplets#the sturniolos#sturniolo fanfic#sturniolo imagine#sturniolo edit#sturniolo x reader#sturniolo smut#chris sturniolo#nick sturniolo#matt sturniolo#matthew sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#nicolas sturniolo#matthew bernard sturniolo#christopher owen sturniolo#nicolas antonio sturniolo
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DESIRE. - s.jy.
- summary; park sunghoon, the famous ice skater. what will happen when one of his best friends decide to hit up his sister? will their secret relationship cause pain in between bonds?
- warnings; sneaking around, nsfw scenes, kys/kms jokes, lying, angst (if u squint), A LOT of kissing, desperate/needy jake.
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Artwork of the cards from Skylanders: Battlecast (Skylanders: Battlecast, 2016) (pt19)
#not art#skylanders#skylanders image rip#skylanders battlecast#hot head#pain yatta#crusher#pop fizz#ninjini#spyro#chill bill#stealth elf#spitfire#battlecast cards
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MAP CALL!!!! 4/21
I've been working on this for AGES (ever since Ep 2 of tpc s2 came out)
Pt1- Thewolferclan087 (yt)
Pt2- Thewolferclan087 (yt)
Pt3- me- (I rlly wanna help with the map even tho im the host)
Pt12- astronic-fr
Rule 1- When posting your part here do not use a watermark or greenscreen, but if you're posting it on your social media then you are allowed
Rule 2- just for safety please make your parts 3-5 frames larger than it is incase it is accidentally make just too short.
Rule 3- You are allowed to collab with someone just tell me who it is so you both get credited!
Rule 4- the length of the part must be 1920×1080. If you mess up with the size then it's absolutely fine just try to make it around that size! ^^ (I actually broke this rule myself while making the reference/Storyboard)
Rule 5- Dont judge others parts, we are all at different levels of skill. You will get 3 warnings before your part and role will get taken away
Rule 6- do not be afraid to ask for anything!
Rule 7- try to make the characters look as cannon as possible!
Rule 8- don't rush the you'll have 2 months to complete this map so please use it. If you are still working on it past the 2 months and have provided with a wip and another wip to show your process so far you'll have an extension of about 3-4.
Rule 9- You can use any type of animating, although I'd like to keep it 2D and Gacha will not be allowed.
Rule 10- do not trace others work. I also would discourage tracing the storyboard but if you are very struggling use it to help you!
Rule 11- Have fun, it can be stressful at times to create a map part up to your own expectations but do not stress yourself on it.
Rules may be added on if I haven't made things clear enough! The map may seem strict but I assure you im trying not to make it strict!
Heads up-
Intro- The intro will have 'Evelyn Evelyn' on it for a good few seconds before it fades. The closed boom beside the text is the picture book from 'iris's discovery'. It opens slowly revealing 3 pictures, 1 of the right and 2 on the left (is optional for what you put in the ones on the left, but keeping it iris and circusic themed is good). there should be a few second pause before the camera zooms into a picture of past iris and circubit. Making it full screened.
Part 1: young iris and cirusic are standing within a forest. Circusic doesn't seem sure about where they are and is of course nervous. Iris lightens the mood by pulling a funny face which they both laugh at. After the laughing brings a slight tear of joy to cirusics eye which he wipes will iris moves forward. Their chestplates glow when iris's hand reaches forward, trying to take circubits. Circubit also steps(/skates) forward but the screen will turn white just when they are about to touch.
Pt.2- iris and circubit walk (/skate) in different directions from eachother, stopping when they are satisfied with the distance. Iris looks down at the floor while this actors.
Pt.3- the camera focuses on Circusic who doesn't seem impressed. Circusic calls iris a parasite but the camera switches to Iris after the sound 'Para-' is said. After that iris is supposedly hurt by that and a tear forms in his eye. It is quickly replaced with rage as iris turns his head around yelling.
Pt.4- iris does a full body turn, facing circusics back. He stomps his foot with rage of what circusic thinks of him. This annoys circubit.
Pt.5.- The camera faces cirusics back. As he slowly gets more and more annoyed as he speaks. Eventually yelling and moving his hand before regaining his composure slightly.
Pt.6- there's a side view of iris, his eyes are closed and his hand is at his chest. He then opens his eyes and ever so slowly and gently reaching his hand out to grab circusics shoulder. The camera slowly turns somwe can see out off iris's POV. Before iris can touch circusic the screen turns white.
Pt.7- the scene starts with a flash. Showing a much more brighter time with many flowers blooming. The ghosty past circusic slowly turns around to iris, who pulls his hand back a little. Iris then hesitantly reaches forward, wanting to touch his chestplate since the memory he is experiencing feels real. The screen turns white again.
Pt.8- the white fads and circusic has a harsh grip on iris's hand, his face is filled with rage. He then forcefully shoves iris's hand away, using great force.
Pt.9- the camera focuses on a side angle of circubit. Cirusics head slowly faces down as his eys glare at iris. The camera slowly moves over to iris as he pulls his hand back to his side. Annoyed of what circusic just did.
Pt.10- iris raises his head slightly when talking to circubit to make him seem more bigger. he then closes his eyes tightly.
Pt.11- the camera is quite a bit away from iris as he talks, his eyes are still closed and his hands are behind his back. The more iris talks the more the dark side of him covers his face. Eventually half of his face is covered when that happens a red flash appears and iris opens his eyes. The red silhouette of the King appears in front of him, slowly fading.
Pt.12- Circusic starts to walk backwards but tries to keep up a brave face to iris.
Iris is still walking forward, he swings his arm in a one side motion to show his anger.
Pt.13- Circusic is still moving backwards although not as fast as he previously was as he does hands gestures to iris showing him both rage and confusion. Iris, also slows down at his face, angrly pointing at circusic.
Pt.14: circusic is frustrated and brings his arms up to his shoulders, he then clenching his face and glares at the camera (aka iris). Iris has folded his arms as he stops walking. He gets frustrated and he tenses his arms up.
Pt.15- another flashback occurs of iris and circusic having a laugh. The camera zooms out and it shows the scene of iris and circusic appearing in iris eye. The pupil of it softening up remembering it. The scene cuts to iris chest, where he reaches to his chest place and grabs the clothing surrounding it.
Pt.16- the screen spilts, having iris on the right and circusic on the left. Iris pulls his hand away from his chest closes his eyes small tears can be seen forming. Circusic pulls his hands from behind his back to his sides. Moving his head downwards in a glare. The background around them gets darker and duller as they also seem to get a bit darker. Their chestplates light up with a black glow
(The camera slowly zooms in the entire scene)
Pt.17- both their chestplates are glowing, although unlike when they were kids they glow back. The camera continues to zoom until it slows down. Iris opens his eyes and leans forward, tears dripping down his face. Circusics eyes go smaller and tears are forming but nothing comes out. They both stop yelling and glare at eachother with tears. Before the screen turns to black.
Pt. 18- the screen is still quite dark. But the shilluette of past iris and circusic can be seen sitting on grass. The reaper can be seen for a few seconds, before it tuns back to iris and circusic.
Pt:19: the reaper flashes in once again raising its scythe. This time, iris and circusic look back with fear in their eyes. The reaper flashes in again, this time its scythe is fully raised and it can be seen swinging down just for a second.
Outro- The carma goes back to iris and circusic except they aren't there. In their place are 2 flowers. The one is circusics place is drying and has pink at the top of it. The other flowers petals slowly fall to the floor, leaving it with just the pollen. The camera switches and shows the book from 'iris's discovery' laying down, its closed and is in a dark area.
Please reply to the blog so I am be to tell you if a part is free or not!!!
Discord if you are thinking of getting a part!!!
The map should be completed by 8th August!!
Goodluck for those who are participating!
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Marauders quotes as things my friend group has said pt19:
Remus: Sirius and I are dating
Lily, Peter, Mary, Marlene, Dorcas, Sirius: *gasp*
James: about fucking time
Remus: really sirius
Remus: also I'll talk with you later james
#marauders incorrect quotes#sirius black#remus lupin#james potter#peter pettigrew#lily evans#mary macdonald#marlene mckinnon#dorcas meadowes#marauders era#marauders fandom#the marauders#wolfstar
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dungeon meshi textposts pt20, episode 17 edition!! and here were the manga spoiler ones from the earlier textposts :)
pt1 | pt2 | pt3 | pt4 | pt5 | pt6 | pt7 | pt8 | pt9 | pt10
pt11 | pt12 | pt13 | pt14 | pt15 | pt16 | pt17 | pt18 | pt19 | pt20
pt21 | pt22 | pt23 | pt24 | pt25 | pt26 | pt27 | pt28 | pt29 | pt30
pt31 | pt32 | pt33 | pt34 | pt35 | pt36 | pt37 | pt38 | pt39 | pt40
#dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#dunmeshi#dungeon meshi textposts#laios touden#toshiro nakamoto#senshi of izganda#marcille donato#chilchuck tims#kabru of utaya#labru#falin touden#farcille#1k#2k#5k#10k#15k
17K notes
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 12}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
Camping date (Alphonse + Seth)
{♡} requested
- A camping date w the boys :D poly bittersweet
How wrong they were huh?
{♡} requested
Incorrect Quotes:
Oh boy smooching time!
canon event
called him my husband so there's that.
packin heat
Sleeping in
{♡} requested
- Seth and Boo cuddle while Alphonse has to leave </3 poly bittersweet
Crazy eyes
{♡} ask
- jeepers creepers where'd you get those eyes!
{♡} ask
- dw Seth I don't fuck w spiders either
Running like hell
{♡} personal
- So bc I wanted fucked up bittersweet we torture Boo.
US flag shirt
{♡} personal
- this is so stupid that I love it sm
Fluttering kisses
{♡} requested
Mine mine mine
{♡} requested
- so, Casper is very protective of what's theirs-
chew toy
{♡} ask
- hes basically a squeaky chew toy.
Body comfort
{♡} requested
- Finn comforts Sunflower who is being a bit too mena to their body.
damn he fine
{♡} ask
Incorrect Quotes:
four leggeds
who's driving the car?
like a sinner in church
Yandere Faust
{♡} personal
- oh this bitch kinda crazy
Gaming with Pookie
{♡} personal
- He died and is singing California girls by Katy Perry.
Incorrect Quotes:
not bitchy nice
Pathetic Obession
{♡} requested
- did you really think that'd work?
Demon and Priest (suggestive)
{♡} requested
- Yeah let's corrupt the Priest- OH!! HES PULLING HIS COCK OUT-
Oh lord it's teenager me-
{♡} requested
- Rook meets younger Auron. Older Auron is contemplating life rn.
Help from some Cherubs and Cupids
{♡} requested
- Camp AU I wrote about that a moot made! Kids and the other adults help make a date for the couple!
Fav out of the trio
{♡} ask
- ngl I can see him liking Boo more
{♡} ask
- honestly could be batman but has both parents
Didn't make it in time
{♡} personal
- so, psychological torture anyone?
Office Siren
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes:
I'm here no matter what
place is fancy
Bed ridden
{♡} requested
- Lucien takes care of sick Angel
{♡} ask
- it's rough out here man
Ew Meatloaf
{♡} ask
- i actually despise meatloaf
Better myself
{♡} ask
- Lucien making people's lives better fr
Incorrect Quotes:
*pulls out comically large piano*
After care
{♡} requested
- Alphonse and Seth being after care kings.
Awe a little baby!
{♡} requested
- So, reader has a kid, how would Faust, Auron, Lucien and Jack react to that?
Tiktok trend (All boys)
{♡} requested
- So the listener's nails look like the boy's tip-
Cuddle position's (All boys)
{♡} requested
- Cuddle positions I think they'd love!
Tattoos (All boys)
{♡} requested
- How would the boy's react to Listener having tattoos?
Love songs
{♡} requested
- what if Alphonse, Seth, Charlie and Auron were love songs?
Poly Bittersweet NSFW HCs
{♡} requested
- Just like the title says!!
Scary movie
{♡} ask
- Alphonse and Seth being assholes
NSFW stand on things (for asks in the future)
{♡} ask
- just as title says!
Boo's garden
{♡} ask
- Boo with a garden would be so cute
{♡} ask
- Cool idea's!!
Dynasty/Emperor Au
{♡} personal
- Either Listener is Emperor w a big Harem. Or Auron with a Harem he help's get together w their boys
Pirate Au Not so happy introduction
{♡} personal
- The first one is Listener Pirate crew and the other is the start of how Seth meet the Crew.
Feast for the bubblegum Prince
{♡} personal
- Yandere Seth scene inspired by Arcane Jinx table scene.
Fic Idea Bittersweet trio
{♡} personal
- Time reversed too far and now young Boo is trying to get back ot their boys.
YV Twitter PT16 PT17 PT18 PT19 PT20
Incorrect Quotes (Multi character):
lock in lock in
The porn star?
*pulls out of inventory* want one?
go on
♡•♡•{Please consider following}•♡•♡
#red rants#yuurivoice#red's masterlist#yuurivoice auron#yuurivoice alphonse#yuurivoice seth#yuurivoice faust#yuurivoice charlie#yuurivoice finn#yuurivoice jack#yuurivoice lucien
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Six The Musical as Tweets pt19
#anna of cleves#anna von kleve#anne boleyn#catalina de aragon#catherine of aragon#catherine parr#jane seymour#katherine howard#mary i of england#incorrect quotes#incorrect six quotes#incorrect six the musical quotes#six twitter#six the musical#six#six the twitter#six the musical twitter#araleyn#catherine of aragon x anne boleyn#anne boleyn x catherine of aragon
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Partners in justice masterlist
By @lifeofdc
Summery:In his senior year of high school, Damian Wayne has to work with the new Batgirl Y/N L/N in more ways than one. Will they become friends, rivals, or more?
#damian wayne x reader#damian wayne#damian wayne smau#damian Wayne x reader smau#batfamily#batfamily smau
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IWTV INSP - MerMay Pt19: The Selkie
There wasn’t anything else that Lily wanted to take when Louis asked, none of her sketchbooks or art materials would survive under the sea but she seemed unperturbed by that. “I’ll be seeing the real thing soon enough,�� Lily said with a growing lightness in her step.... They walked down to the beach, down to the quiet private stretch of the sand.... Louis watched as Lily slung the coat around her shoulders and it melded into her skin and started to envelop her whole form as it started to shift like moulding clay. Lily shrunk down, her body folding in unnatural ways, and then-- A seal. It barked happily at him, flapping its--her--flippers at him. She bounded her way into the glistening water, swimming out, she slipped through the water effortlessly. Louis watched her go, feeling lighter, the ocean air filling his lungs as he then wandered back up into the castle.
-- Excerpt from Part of Your World, by @weather-mood
A [FREE SPACE] entry for @vamptember's MerMay VC event!
Only 4 posts queued for tomorrow, as I'll have caught back up.
- Excursion Blanket ACC by Artsims recolorable by me
- Hair by @vmsims23
- Mermaid tail outfit (SFS) + IP EP plantsim body markings
- Fur pattern by @simlicious
- EA's seal retexture by @mspoodle1
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