#maud on the rhythm guitar
sixaus-meaa · 2 months
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Six The Musical as Tweets pt40
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burnthoneydrops · 9 months
Loverboys on Our Hands (s.p x covey!reader)
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pairing: sejanus plinth x covey!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: none, unless you count coriolanus as a warning lol
a/n: i have been obsessed with covey!reader and sejanus for a hot second now so i thought i'd finally write about it! heavily influenced by @alwritey-aphrodite to write said duo (so if you haven't read their work you absolutely should!). anyway, hope you enjoy!
The sound of coal miner boots stomping in rhythm against the creaky floors of the Hob would always be your favourite sound. Performances hadn’t been as frequent with Lucy Gray fighting in the arena and everything, but now the Covey were back in full swing and you couldn’t be happier. All it took was one look at Maude Ivory, her smile shining brighter than the sun in the meadow, for your stage fright to turn into excitement, and your fingers were ready to join Clerk Carmine in your shared moments of fiddle harmony. Barb started the backstage line up, urging the rest of you to follow suit before your performance was to officially begin. There were people clapping in anticipation behind the curtain, surrounded by the sound of glasses clinking together at the bar and men laughing at each other. You gave a nod to Maude Ivory before she headed out to announce the evening, and hearing her receive a round of applause only widened the smile on your face. 
“I hope everyone’s ready ‘cause we’ve got a great show lined up for you tonight!” She paused for people to clap before announcing you all one by one, the audience’s excitement growing with each name that got called. Once everyone was on, Maude Ivory tapped her drum a few times to count everyone in before Clerk Carmine began playing the introductory melody. He made his way over to you, nudging you with his body weight before you leaned back to back as your harmony part began and you laughed, pushing back off each other as Lucy Gray started strumming, stepping closer to the microphone. Tam Amber took a break from his mandolin to get the audience clapping in rhythm, getting a few shouts and hollers out of them as well. 
This was your happy place, the thing you wouldn’t trade for anything, and the audience’s energy only made it better. You travelled across the stage to Barb Azure as Lucy Gray did a twirl with her guitar. Barb Azure gave you a look and nodded her head towards Lucy Gray as you could tell she was focused on something in the back of the Hob. A familiar blonde head had made his way through the crowd to see tonight’s performance, and his Peacekeeper buddies had come with him. You shook your head, letting out a small chuckle as you separated from Barb Azure, but you couldn’t help yourself from also looking in that same direction, hoping another buzzed head would be in attendance. 
Sure enough, Sejanus was sitting on one of the barrales next to the table Coriolanus had secured, and you twirled yourself around to hide the large smile you were starting to sport. Lucy Gray looked over at you and gave you a knowing nod, but you just shook your head, hoping she wasn’t getting any ideas. The girl may have wandered the Earth with the best intentions, but you didn’t need her meddling in your lacking love life. You allowed yourself one look over, just enough time to catch him smiling and lightly bobbing his head along to the music, before turning back away in fear that you would get too distracted. The last thing you needed was Clerk Carmine making fun of you for playing a wrong note again. 
After the performance was over, and Maude Ivory was going around collecting whatever tips people were willing to give, Lucy Gray grabbed your hand and marched you straight over to the Peacekeeper boys. Trying not to object too loudly, in fear that a certain someone would hear and get the wrong idea, you were quick to shut up once you reached the table, choosing to brush some dust off the front of your top instead. 
“You remember Coriolanus don’t you?” She asked you, never dropping your hand. 
“Hard to forget when you won’t stop talking about him,” you teased Lucy Gray, looking quickly over at the blonde boy and noticing a content smirk on his face. 
Rolling her eyes, Lucy Gray added, “and his friend,” as she gestured to Sejanus with your connected hands. 
Your cheeks were hot, and you would’ve found more interest in your laced up boots had you not noticed Sejanus was already looking at you. “It was awfully nice of you both to come tonight”. 
“Oh it’s not a problem, really. You guys are so good, it would be a shame to miss such a performance,” Sejanus smiled, and you missed Coriolanus sticking his foot out and kicking his friend in the shin. 
“Well, I think some celebratory drinks are in order,” Lucy Gray started, “Coriolanus, won’t you come help me carry some?” He nodded, quickly hopping off his stool and following after her. 
“But you don’t-” you tried to object, but they were already weaving their way through the crowd, leaving you and Sejanus awkwardly taking in each other’s presence. “That was odd”. 
“They sure are in love aren’t they?” Sejanus asked, leaning in closer to you to avoid yelling over the crowds who now had to entertain themselves. 
“Yeah, but..” you trailed off, your eyes focused on where the couple had just run off to. 
“But what?” Sejanus urged you to continue. 
“I don’t know. Her last relationship was real rough for her- you remember when Billy Taupe came in here the other night- and I just don’t want to see her hurt again. Especially not after what she just went through”. You paused. “But she’s a tough girl”. You looked back to make eye contact with Sejanus, realising he hadn’t looked away from you the entire time. 
“I wasn’t being sarcastic or anything earlier, by the way. With what I said about us coming to see you tonight. You guys are really good, and it was nice to see you happy”. 
“Well thank you,” you smiled, trying your hardest not to look at the floor. “That’s awfully sweet of you to say,” you finished as your nerves got the better of you and you looked down, kicking some piece of paper around. 
In what seemed to be a rush of confidence, Sejanus tipped your chin up with his finger, forcing you to look at him once again. “There’s that pretty smile”. His smile grew wider, as did the heat on your cheeks, before he dropped his hand. Lucy Gray and Coriolanus were quick to return to the table at that moment, and you knew she must have seen that little interaction go down just by the way she was smiling at you. 
“You know, I was just telling Coriolanus that we were all thinking of heading up to the lake tomorrow if y’all wanted to come,” she looked between Sejanus and Coriolanus, who were both nodding their heads in piqued interest. 
“Yeah, that sounds great. We have the day off too so it would work out perfectly,” Sejanus added a verbal confirmation to the conversation.
“Oh! That would be so much fun!” If performing was your ultimate happy place, the lake was definitely a close second. “Does anyone have a pen or something?” You shouted a little louder into the remaining crowd. Someone was quick to toss one over to you and you looked at Sejanus with an excited expression on your face. “Give me your arm”.
With no hesitation, albeit a confused look on his face, Sejanus rolled up his sleeve, leaning his arm out to you in the process. You quickly scribbled down ‘The Seam’ with some broken directions on how to get there and a time before capping the pen and throwing it back into the crowd. 
“Now, you two meet us there at that exact time and we’ll all head over together alright?” Lucy Gray looked between the two boys, “And don’t you dare be late, or we’ll be just fine leaving without you,” she teased with a mischievous smile on her face as she grabbed your hand again. 
“I guess we’re heading back, but we’ll see you both tomorrow yeah?” You looked first at your combined hands and then at the boys. 
“Yeah, it sounds like a great time,” Sejanus nodded at the two of you before Lucy Gray was pulling you back to join the rest of the Covey. You turned awkwardly over your open shoulder, waving goodbye to them with your free hand. 
“Anything would sound like a great time to you if you got to see them again,” you caught Coriolanus muttering to his friend as the two of them stood up to leave. 
Lucy Gray laughed at the intense blush creeping its way onto your face, nudging your body with her shoulder before you met up with the rest of the Covey backstage. “Looks like we’ve got a couple of loverboys on our hands”.
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zoe-tally06 · 2 years
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I was tagged by @laurenlovesgretavanfleet, thank you darling!! :)
Relationship Status: Single since birth ✨
Favorite colour: Cyan has always been my favorite colour, but I also really love dark green and brown (nature colors)
Song stuck in your head: Live Like You by DeWolff 🎶
Favorite Food: Chicken Tikka Masala and pretty much any African dish 😋
Last thing you googled: Power chords... in the process of learning guitar 🎸
Dream trip: Frankenmuth! :)
Everything you want right now: Better school grades and a good sleep rhythm 🙃
tagging: @jaakey @joshskittytickler21 @jakeykiszkas @jakeslovehandles @mountain-in-springtime @digitalcalamity @dannythedog @dannywagners @dannyandthekiszkas @loser-user-noaccuser @freckled-wonder @ficthots @josh-kiszkas-tummy @samkiszkasfacialhair @samkooszka @sammysprincess @beth-gvf @myownparadise96 @mrd-gvf @maud-gone
(No pressure, and I'm really sorry if you've already been tagged!)💝
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lost-highwayy · 10 months
Oh I'll have to check out that album sometime for sure! Oh you're welcome! I'm really glad you like it!! My favourite members are Danny (the drummer) and Jake (the guitarist, Josh's twin brother). So pendulum reading is using a pendulum and asking yes/no questions as well as finding letters of names, days of the week, astrology signs...I could go on! Oh I LOVE to read too!!! And that's so cool that you play bass/guitar! I always wanted to learn rhythm guitar and play Foo Fighters and Metallica songs! And I LOVE your holiday tradition!!! My favourite book of all time is Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maude Montgomery (I'm from Canada!), my favourite Christmas decoration is an ornament of Snoopy and Lucy, and my favourite is to bake lemon squares! What about you? Are you going to any concerts next year and have you been to any this year? - 🔮
I apologize for answering late! I'm very busy this week and I'm terribly embarrassed.
I hope you liked it! Oh, Danny and Jake are very cute! Wow, pendulum readings sounds really cool and I think it's not easy to learn. But I would like to.
Rhythm guitar is very cool! I've only learned to play a couple of chords on the guitar and it's quite difficult for me haha. And I hope that you will be able to fulfill your dream!
Wow! I know the film version of this book and hope to read the original soon! Perhaps you have favorite national traditions related to Canada or favorite national holidays? I'm intrigued about the decoration, I hope I can see it because it sounds very beautiful! Lemon squares are interesting, is it a dough with lemon cream or something else? My favorite Christmas decoration is a sheep! This is handmade and therefore it is especially fav, the favorite food for Christmas is gingerbread with cocoa.
Oh, I've been to three concerts of the same band this year lmao ☠️ I hope next year will be more interesting! What about you?
Do you have any pets?
🍭 Your top 5 books
🍭Top 5 movies
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spookymultimedia · 3 years
A Summer to Remember Ch4
CW: internalized homophobia
the f slur and queer used as a slur
[Ned Pov]
My eyes fluttered open to the sound of birds early in the morning. It was still dark outside. I looked down at Maude who was spooned into my arms. I recalled the conversation we had last night. As much as I wanted to hide from it, it was clear that I was homosexual. . .a queer. The word queer made me wince for some reason. I was gay, I was a gay man. It made too much sense. I bit my lip suddenly remembering something that happened in my youth. I remembered being in a group of.  . . secular non-Christian people. It was the early 70s and no one knew where I was. They didn't have to know. It was simple teen curiosity; there was a desire to explore the world that was kept away from me. Again, I always had an innate curiosity to understand. It's impossible for a person to be perfectly free from sin. It was only human nature to have sinful tendencies. What I'm trying to say is I tried marijuana. It wasn't that bad. I actually felt less stressed than I  usually was but let's not focus on that. There was this boy. This boy who was good with the guitar. He had long hair and wore blush from time to time. He called himself bisexual. I remembered how comfortable I had gotten with him one afternoon where we all were hanging out by a river. I remember the smoke and the lesbians who had made love in the shallow water. There were s'mores and homemade tea. By all logic I should have felt scared I was there; I wasn't. 
        I got up close to him by my own will, I remember. He asked me if I had ever kissed a boy before. I hadn't. He asked if I wanted to. Despite the quiet guilt in my soul I nodded. We kissed and kissed again and again until I got a hang of the rhythm. I liked it. The more I reflected on the memory, I remembered how much I enjoyed it. I stared at the window thinking while watching the warm glow of sunrise touch the curtains. I really am gay aren't I?
      I looked down when I felt Maude move and wake up. She stretched her arms and legs and blinked awake. She smiled at me, "Good morning." 
She pressed a small kiss on my cheek and sat up. 
       "You don't have to do that kind of stuff to me if you're not comfortable." 
            "Hm? Oh. .I'm sorry it just felt natural I don't know. Are you uncomfortable?"
    "No, not at all. . .shouldn't I be uncomfortable?"She shrugged. "It doesn't mean anything inherently romantic to me. . .does that sound silly?" 
 I shook my head, "I don't think so. .but I get what you mean."
She rubbed her eyes and played with her hair. 
      "So. . when you said you where gay last night do you mean. .?"
         "That I'm a. . . lesbian? Yeah, yeah I think I'm a lesbian. Sounds right." 
  "That's just lovely Maude."
She frowned, "Is it? I. .thought it wasn't right to be. .-"
     I laid there thinking for a minute, "Is it really wrong?"
        "I'm not sure. . "
"It's just love. I can't see what's so wrong about it. . . Maude I. .I kissed a boy when I was younger." Why did I suddenly feel ashamed? It was just a kiss. Imagine what my uncle would say. He'd probably call me a f*gg*t or something. What would Reverend Lovejoy say? I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.
     "Oh? Hm. . . was it nice?"
"Yeah. ." I stared at the wall again.
        "Are you going to tell them?"
    She nodded.
"I'm not sure. You?"
        "I'm too scared."
"I understand." I pet her upper back to comfort her.
[Maude pov]
      After breakfast we followed Tim and Helen led us to the Rock climbing area. There was this gigantic wall in front of us. It had multicolored rubber rocks that I adored. It wasn't my first rodeo with rock climbing. I had climbed with Ned plenty of times. I smiled up at them with anticipation. I had on some white tee from a church event and
jean shorts that reached my knees.
"Now this exercise is supposed to encourage teamwork and support in each other. When this world brings you down you need to have someone to encourage you." Helen explained as Timothy put on a harness. Helen looked at me puzzled as I put on one myself.
        "What? It's not on backwards is it?"
"Oh, no it's just that. . ." She trailed off looking at my harness. She bit her lip lightly for a second before her concentration quickly returned. "Well I was going to have Ned climbing the wall but that's fine that works. . .Maude, are you sure you can?"
      "I've done this many times." I smiled and laughed. 
"Oh. Okay." She said a bit surprised.
Was it just me or did she blush? Was she checking me out. . .? No, no it had to be my imagination. I dismissed any other possibility of why she looked at me like that.
      Once me and Tim were set up we started our climb. I made a speedy start grabbing onto each rock I saw available. It was fairly easy. I made a mental note of the colors. I loved them. Red pink yellow pink orange red blue green red turquoise. I focused on the rocks and moving.
  "You got this Maude!" Ned cheered. I smiled and kept on climbing. I glanced over at Timothy who was only a couple feet from the ground. It seemed I had more upper arm strength than him. I wouldn't have guessed. 
    "I believe in you Timothy! You're doing great. One at a time." Helen cheered, encouraging him. God bless her, she's so sweet. He nodded and slowly found himself a bit higher. At some point I got stuck. 
     "Go left, use your legs!" Ned coached. I nodded and did as he advised. Tim had caught up with me before I made my way ahead of him again. Before I knew it I was at the very top. 
I sat on the wall and smiled as Ned clapped for me. Helen was clapping too. So cute of her. I stared out at the trees and the shimmering lake as Tim was making the rest of his way up. Do I like Helen? I asked myself. Of course I did, she's been my best friend for years. But, Ned was also mine for longer. Yet, something in her sparkled that hadn't in Ned. Every time I had saw her, things we're better. I felt . .giddy. Oh. . .oh. I do love her. I love her more than anything. My chest had ached. Oh God, I love her. 
   "I'm so proud of you!" I looked down at Helen who was cheering at her husband who loved her too. She loved him. She loves him, not me. She's straight, I think. It didn't matter anyways. I sighed. Still I couldn't help but smile. I was in love and couldn't do anything about it. I wonder how Ned was coping with this yearning. I then faced the wall and quickly leaped my way down. With gravity and my emotions taking over me I couldn't help but laugh. I landed on the ground giggling. "That was fun." I snorted and covered my mouth blushing. But then she laughed too. "Oh Maude, that's adorable." She put an arm around my shoulder. Oh God I could kiss her right now. She's so close yet so far from reach. So I just stood there blushing and smiling. Tim slowly but surely came down with a bit of a dizzy stumble. Ned was close and caught him. For a moment the two men were arm in arm. Tim smiled bashfully and a tad embarrassed. 
    Ned stared at him a moment before helping him stand-up straight. "You did great, Reverend." Neddy said smiling. The poor thing. He must feel the same ache in his soul. He has to. 
[Ned pov]
          Later that day I found Timothy by the river. He was just sitting there watching it flow. I had to ask. I needed to know what he thought on the matter. Despite everything, I felt in my soul it was right and only natural. But I just needed to know. You always need to know, it'll be death of you, Ned. I sighed and walked up to him before sitting by him on the grass by the sore. "Hi Reverend."
      "Ned, we're friends, you can just call me Timothy. Really I insist."
         "Of course. Timothy," his name was so intense. Calling him by his name was so tender and intimate it almost felt wrong. "I wanted to talk to you about something. Well, I at least wanted to hear your thoughts on the matter."
         "What is it?" He looked at me slightly exhausted. I felt a pang of guilt. He probably wanted a break from being asked things everyday. It had to be exhausting. But I needed to know. I knew it was important.
    "What do you think about homosexuality?"
                   "Hmm. . ." He hummed and looked out on the lake. "Sexual deviance isn't a good thing."
      "Deviance?" I felt a bit hurt. Was it really cheating if my wife knew how I felt. I mean, it would be if I kissed a married man. I wanted to kiss a married man. Am I lusting? Is this sin? The homosexuality couldn't be though. "Is it really deviance??"
    Tim paused to think again. "Well. Hm. There are some verses-"
            "I know, I've heard about them. But I don't think they're talking about homosexuality. It could be just an error. It could be referring to a completely different sin. But if you don't mind my boldness Reverend, I really don't think it's a sin at all."
     He nodded slowly, pensive. 
"There are verses that have forbidden the consumption of some meats that were unsafe at the time. . .hmm. That's not a sin at all anymore. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding. Prophets are still human after all." He stared at the water. "I suppose homosexuality isn't so bad. Why, it's not bad at all. I mean everyone feels sexuality . . .right?" He looked a bit confused. I wasn't sure why. Was he gay? No. . . was he?
          "I believe so."
He stared at the water thinking, I assume. I looked at those hands that tempted me. Guilt was burning me alive. 
      "Timothy I've been sinning!"
He looked at me startled at my outburst. 
      "Ned. . Ned, why are you asking me about this? Is. .this why you and Maude are having issues? Are you gay?"
I froze.
        "Ned you said it yourself and I agree, I don't think homosexuality is a legit sin."
"No. I mean, no that's not the issue." I felt my eyes water. 
"Ned. ."
        "I've been lusting after a married man! That's a sin!"
       "Ned. . .are you talking about me? Do you like me that way?" His eyes were wide. 
       "I do." I started to cry. 
"Why are you crying?"
         I looked at him like he was absurd. 
       "It's lusting!"
"Eh, well. You're not acting on it. I'm sure the Lord understands your intentions and will forgive them."
     I shrugged, "I understand if you're uncomfortable. ."
         "Not really. Don't worry about it."
"I just don't want to ruin anything."
          "I understand."
"How long have you felt like this?"
                   "I . .I don't know. Maybe I was born like this." 
      "Born??" He looked confused.
"Well not literally. I mean. I've just always liked men." I rubbed my arm anxiously. I was still trying to make peace with myself.
     Timothy stared at the ground, his eyes furrowed.
 "Like them?"
           "Yeah. Like I've just always wanted to.  . .kiss them and stuff. You know?"
 He slowly shook his head looking a bit lost.
   "I don't understand."
I suddenly felt sick. Did he think my attraction was that weird?
       "It's just the same feeling that you get  with women."
    He fiddled with his hands. He looked really uncomfortable.
    "What's wrong? Is it me?"
"No it's not you.  You're fine Ned I promise. I'm glad you decided to come to me about this." He closed his eyes and bit at his finger gingerly. I had seen him do this a couple times. It was usually when he got stressed or something. "Does Maude know?"
"Yeah. She took it well." 
        "Good." He stood up and walked off.
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crisisengine · 5 years
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Teens of Style was Will Toledo (aka Car Seat Headrest)’s 2015 major label debut. However, rather than being a paradigm shift into new, polished studio-recorded material (which would come on the next record, Teens of Denial), it was instead a laptop-recorded look back at the Will’s lo-fi Bandcamp days, compiling together older songs from different projects (mainly his first non-numbered album My Back is Killing Me Baby and the relentless but captivating breakup record Monomania). Now that Will has a firmly established musical reputation outside of the world of Bandcamp and people are enjoying all his work, both new and old, I thought it would be a good time to explore whether this record holds up in its own right. It is more than just a greatest hits compilation? (short answer: ABSOLUTELY YES!)
I like how the refrain from SUNBURNED SHIRTS closes and opens Car Seat Headrest’s first trilogy of major label albums. It’s cool to see how, on this song and on ‘Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)’, the same words and melodies are used in totally different contexts (though, here, we also get the eargasmic “People here bang on the walls late at night…” part). This one oozes dreamlike, summery vibes. I love the psychedelic sound collage at the start and, from there, it’s a pleasure to watch the song build up into the final rock-out ending. 
The opening riff of THE DRUM is perfectly produced. Whenever it appears, sometimes without warning, I get total chills. The guitar tone cuts through like an ice pick. The verses build on this in a muddier fashion but, by the time the vocals come to a head (“The Drum’s in debt!!) I am absolutely won over. Andrew Katz’s spritely drum fills add a fitting contrast to the breakdown and final verse really does give off a bizarre sense of triumph (“he’s got his flag unfurled or something”). I enjoy how, after the opener has gradually drawn us in, this song feels like a decisive overture, a setting of the scene for the album.
SOMETHING SOON is a brilliantly put-together pop song. The verses’ lyrical vignettes of cabin-fever turn into outright desperation in the chorus. It pinpoints these feelings really accurately. The skittering breaks in the verses release themselves into the crashing choruses and outro.  Each section is bookended by the same repeating electric piano chord. The explosion from this pared down moment into the final burst of energy just seems so right.
Like ‘The Drum,’ NO PASSION also rests on an exquisite moment of production. In the final chorus when Will sings “I” in his high register, it’s like a shot through the heart. The sarcastic image of failure in the verses compliments this so well – a succession of half-formed images that seem to suck away all feeling. The comparative earnestness of “I just needed more money, more time, more love” hits home. Our generation often try to rationalise things through sarcasm when really there is something more deeply lacking in our lives. The line “All my desires are so poorly drawn” also really resonates with me.
TIMES TO DIE adds to this album’s incredibly strong selection of opening moments of tracks. The wandering bassline interlocks with the chug of a delayed guitar followed by a single note. There’s something incredibly satisfying about it, especially when you are aware of the sound bath you are about to enter. The psychedelic vocal and guitar interplay in the verses is a highlight – in the first, they mirror each other but, in the second, the guitar skirts around the vocals, carving out new crevices. Their two melodies collide at the end of said verse, in a really affecting way (“but he just keeps singing this song”). The use of horns and cut-up vocals enlivens the sound palette. It feels like a series of ancient rooms with each section or lyrics (“and when they took him to the temple…”) leading somewhere new. A light seems to shine through as the melodies cascade upwards. The “most of the time” section provides nice segue into the “divine council” part which feels like an explosion, with the “is it harder to speak?” section as its fallout. The intermingling of imagery or religion and the music business (“got to believe in the one above me, got to believe that [Vince]Lombardi [head of Matador records] loves me”) is playful and dreamlike.
PSST TEENAGERS is a fun interlude that adds some more immediate energy into a generally fairly meditative album.
The opening verses of STRANGERS leave you inquisitive as to where the song is heading. All becomes clear when the tension of the exclamatory chorus is released in the lovely, picked instrumental break that follows (again enhanced by some inventive drum rhythms). The second section is the real stunner though, starting off cocoon-like and vulnerable but leading into a volatile crescendo. The line “I won’t last too much longer” and its raw delivery convey a sense of enigmatic fragility that I find very affecting.
The keyboard riff in MAUD GONE swamps the mix in the best way possible. I love its distorted, wet tones. The sax solo at the song’s crescendo provides the perfect counterpoint to it, too. Its muscular, sinewy texture cuts through emphatically in the context of the album’s drenched sound palette. As the notes reach up, the instrument seems to become an incredible, cathartic pressure valve, leeching out a lot of confused unspoken feelings as the notes reach up. The metaphor of “a full moon every night” is enticingly simple but also utterly apt for the feelings it describes.
LOS BARRACHOS has an infectious opening synth lick. As it bubbles under the verses, I’m just waiting for it to return with its full force. The wry but combative tone of the song’s opening (“let’s […] crush the grapes beneath our feet/ like some heartbroken Bacchus”) reflects Will’s desperate attempt to rekindle this relationship, to change his situation, to turn sadness into hedonism. These illusions can’t last, however. The riff does not return. Instead the song melts into a kind of broken, abject despair. “I miss you.” The disintegration of the song’s subtitle to just “Don’t have any hope left” is heart-breaking. It’s the most visceral portrait of a breakdown I’ve ever heard.
BAD ROLE MODELS, OLD IDOLS EXHUMED is my favourite song title ever. The track (the only new song written for Teens of Style) feels like a self-aware reflection on the nature of this album. The images of a figure from the past who once meant a lot but is now insignificant in the life of the narrator seem to tally somewhat with the way in which the album is made up of songs taken from previous projects. Past relationships, and the hurt they have caused, are dismissed and rationalised into triviality and insignificance. The horns and the final refrain make for a strangely celebratory ending, like a forced annulment of regrets (“You probably looked like an idiot in that hat!”) in the face of a resolve to move forward. This forced, performative break with the past, however, seems only to emphasise how the wounds are still very much open, just as the songs here, despite their pre-dating of the album itself, lose none of their emotional potency.
The chorus of OH, STARVING! is deliberately contradictory but also feels very comprehensible. The boredom of a life that seems superficially better as, opposed to a past delineated by clear highs and lows, is a recognisable feeling. Sometimes things being superficially ‘ok’ just makes you painfully aware of how far away you are from the things you really want in life, while impending pressures can obscure this, making any brief moments of solace much sweeter. In the context of the album, this also seems to imply a sense of nostalgia with regard to the events and feelings laid out in these songs. Even though this album deals with confusion, depression and heartbreak, in hindsight, the potency and simplicity of these feelings (given the separation of time between the writing and re-recording of these tracks) could almost seem preferable to the confused present. Yet, by the end of the song, Will seems to finally be able to let go. Saying “goodbye” to all his “secret files” seems almost ritualistic, like he is purging himself of the confusions of the past and moving on. I like this version of the song best because of the moment, at the very end, when the delicate piano chords and doo-wop harmonies are replaced by raw, shredding guitars and a single voice singing “goodbye” so distortedly the word is almost incomprehensible. The raw power of this moment seems to work up a head of steam, like an exorcism of the kinks and bruises of the past, in favour of something.
There isn’t Car Seat Headrest album I’ve heard that I don’t love. However, I think Teens of Style undoubtedly ranks among the best of them. It might just be one of my favourite albums of all time. It does lack the conceptual charge that powers Twin Fantasy, Monomania, Teens of Denial and even, to some extent, How to Leave Town. However, despite their lack of a heavy overarching theme, these songs flow together really well. The album feels cohesive thanks to its spring-reverbed production aesthetic (which reminds me of being indoors on a hot summer day) and the smaller themes that recur throughout (resentment of the past, confusion in the present, getting signed to a major indie label). The tweaks to the lyrics of many of these songs make the creative intent yet more apparent.
I also think this album definitely does not negate the albums from which these songs are taken. I love Monomania and My Back is Killing Me Baby and, if you haven’t listened to them you should definitely do so right now! There are bunch of essential songs on both albums that are not on this one (‘father, flesh in rags,’ ‘Souls,’ ‘happy news for sadness,’ ‘Sleeping with Strangers,’ I could go on…). However, for me, the songs on this album benefit from being recontextualised and, in certain cases, from being rerecorded. It’s great to be able to experience the stronger standalone songs from these previous records in the context of album that lets them breathe a little more, outside of context. 
The most obvious example is ‘Los Barrachos’ which I think works amazingly well as the climactic track for this album. On Monomania, placed somewhere in the middle, it felt more like a just another rung in the downward spiral of heartbreak. On Teens of Style, it has room to breathe and can finally reach its full potential. Similarly, ‘Maud Gone’ benefits hugely from its re-recording. The crisp yet bedraggled sound palette of the new version feels much more fitting than the original and, in the context of a more emotionally diverse album, the catharsis it brings is more powerful (especially coming after ‘Strangers’).
Teens of Style might be made up moments from the past, but it more than proves its worth as a cohesive album that is great in its own right.
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maddrhythms · 6 years
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Feeling GOOD: A MADD Tribute To Nina Simone – TICKETS ON SALE NOW!!!!
Saturday, Oct. 13, 2018
Harold Washington Cultural Center
Taps - M.A.D.D. Rhythms
Vocals - Dee Alexander, Maggie Brown, Joan Collaso, Tecora Rogers
Musical Director/Drums - Ben Jammin Johnson
Piano - Charlie Johnson
Bass - Chuck Webb
Guitar - Buddy Fambro
1st Half Concert featuring: M.A.D.D. Rhythms, Sarah Savelli, Martin Dumas III, Victoria Jones, Jabowen Dixon, Latrell Garnett, Hip Hop ConnXion Chicago HQ, CreationChicago
Sponsored by:
Harold Washington Cultural Center, M.A.D.D. Rhythms, Dancing Fair, MartyBoard, Northwest Chiropractix, Gr33nink - Printing & Design, Tillman-Hunter Enterprises, O'Mara Sprung Floors, Conscious Plates, Chloé and Maud Productions
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familymusicnarts · 6 years
Kindie Tracks:  Frances England Blue Skies and Sunny Days
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Carefree, The first  track on Frances England’s new release renders the whole album just that.  Blue Skies Sunny Days is a wonderful, gentle listen filled with such sweetness, it’s like a box of doughnuts, each one frosted or glazed, cream filled perhaps, but so light and airy, and worry-free, you might float away when you eat/listen to one. 
Several different layers of music keep you grounded however, accompanied by England’s warm and distinctive voice with cool be -bopping choruses that stick with you long after the car ride ends.  Carefree rocks the guitar and drums, and is followed by Into the Wild, employing summer sounds from the natural world. Good Day’s snapping rhythm is reminiscent of songs off the GRAMMY-nominated singer-songwriter’s Explorer of the World, dedicated to everyday adventures with her son.  
My favorite track is Perfect Tuesday Afternoon, where England’s shoop dooby do, or however she says it, steals language from the album title, to produce lyrics about anyone, or anything for that matter, you would prefer to spend a random Tuesday afternoon with, because “honey, everything is better with you.” 
The remaining four songs include a cover of the classic If You Want to Sing Out by Cat Stevens, which I know mainly as sung by Ruth Gordon and her young co-star in the movie, Harold and Maude.  I think Frances would make Maude proud.
For more information about Frances England and the new album, CLICK HERE!  Check out also Frances England’s new song Beacons of Light on CD Baby, written in response to the climate of bigotry and violence in our country right now, she says she struggles to explain to her own children.  Monies raised will be donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center
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netunleashed-blog · 6 years
Watch Suede's Brett Anderson perform surprise Supergrass cover
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=23170 Watch Suede's Brett Anderson perform surprise Supergrass cover - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=23170 Anderson was a guest at Supergrass drummer Danny Goffey's Port Eliot Festival set Suede frontman Brett Anderson joined former Supergrass drummer and songwriter Danny Goffey live at Port Eliot festival for a surprise rendition of ‘Pumping On Your Stereo’. For the final song of Goffey’s set at the Caught By The River stage, he welcomed Anderson on stage for an electric version of Supergrass’ 1999 hit. You can watch fan footage of their performance below. Former Razorlight and We Are Scientists man Andy Burrows was also onstage playing drums. He tweeted that the final song was “Like a Surreal 90s dream”. Played the drums last night, for this lovely man @DannyGoffey @PortEliotFest we finished with “pumping on your stereo” danny got on the drums, I was on rhythm guitar… and Brett Anderson appears out of nowhere to sing lead vocals. Like a Surreal 90s dream pic.twitter.com/NnUq7jAZh4 — Andy Burrows (@andywburrows) July 28, 2018 Fans were enraptured by the show, with many saying it was their highlight of the Cornish festival so far. Alexander Gold said:  “Got my favourite surprise of possibly ever last night when Brett Anderson just hopped on stage with us to sing Pumping On Your Stereo. All my childreams seem to be weirdly coming true at the moment… holding out now for an audience with Optimus Prime.” Got my favourite surprise of possibly ever last night when Brett Anderson just hopped on stage with us to sing Pumping On Your Stereo. All my childreams seem to be weirdly coming true at the moment… holding out now for an audience with Optimus Prime. 🙌 — Alexander Gold (@darlingboymusic) July 28, 2018 Goffey’s Supergrass bandmate Gaz Coombes played a set of his own at the festival, while Baxter Dury and Gwenno also delivered headline shows. Insecure Men, Jimothy Lacoste, Confidence Man, Halo Maud and Jalen N’Gonda also feature on the line-up. Meanwhile, Anderson is currently gearing up for the release of Suede’s eighth studio album The Blue Hour, to be supported by a number of UK and European tour dates. Two singles have already been released from the record, which is due on September 21. They are ‘Invisibles’ and ‘Don’t be Afraid if Nobody Loves You’ Of the album, Anderson recently told NME: “It’s quite dank and troubling. A lot of this is about the terrors of childhood, so it’s quite unpleasant in lots of ways. I think Suede should be unpleasant, that’s the point of a band like Suede. Whenever we’ve tried to pleasant, it never works.” Source link
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sixaus-meaa · 2 months
SIX THE MUSICAL: animation
who ate María's powder donuts?
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'Bill Haley Biography '
' mailing Haley:\nMr. Rockin Rollin\nWhen a person brings up the line flutter and helix, many things could gap with is mind. psyches agile thought could sweep up to Elvis Presley, ACDC, or even Britney spears variate of I hunch forward Rock and Roll. It whole depends on how ofttimes unmatched knows to the highest degree the subject and what duration of time unmatchable grew up in. accord to Dictionary.com, rock and roll is a writing style of popular medicine originating in the fifties; a coalesce of Black rhythm-and-blues with discolour estate-and-western; rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved fall out of rock n roll. It is basically a conclave of different harmony that was put in concert and tested by many artists in the early on to middle 1900s. billy Haley was one of the artists that introduced that new threatening of music into the world.\nBilly Haley, whose full moon name is William John Clifton Haley, was innate(p) on Jul y sixth 1925 into a family that was musically inclined. His musical abilities were not a impress to his mother Maude who was a classically proficient pianist and to his commence William who contend the banjo. throughout his life as a boor, he was surrounded wholly by music. BillHaley.com states that his outgrowth bring aboutances date from about(predicate) 1938, when as a child he sang and played guitar at sort shows put on by topical anesthetic children to raise bullion for local causes. though Bill Haley did perform in trend of people, he was a shy child due to the occurrence that he was finesse in his go forth eye since infancy. As a child, a handicap ilk this tends to leave a mark of ego consciousness and partake about outside appearances. Music was a gift to Bill Haley that allowed him to grow through his self-consciousness and management not on his partial blindness but his delight in for performing.\nBill Haleys immature long time brought more opportun ities to shine his act and abbreviate going know by more people. He readily performed music at frolic parks and throw in hit the sack with the idea of fitting a real, certified, render cowboy (Gregoire, 6). As he persistently pursued his mania through his teenage years and onto his early twenties, in 1946 he finally got a break when he joined his primary professional country group known as...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Looking for a place to buy a cheap paper online? Buy Paper Cheap - Premium quality cheap essays and affordable papers online. Buy cheap, high quality papers to impress your professors and pass your exams. Do it online right now! '
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Bill Haley Biography
measuring stick Haley:\nMr. reelin Rollin\nWhen a person brings up the limit careen and roll, many an(prenominal) things could pass through and through superstars mind. Some atomic number 53s immediate thought could drag in to Elvis Presley, ACDC, or crimson Britney Spears recitation of I Love Rock and Roll. It all depends on how more than angiotensin-converting enzyme knows about the national and what era of time one grew up in. According to Dictionary.com, contention and roll is a medicamental genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a conflate of Black rhythm-and-blues with White country-and-western; rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock n roll. It is essentially a combination of different music that was mystify together and tested by many artists in the earlier to mid 1900s. aeronauty Haley was one of the artists that introduced that new sound of music into the world.\n tooly Haley, whose full fall upon is William Joh n Clifton Haley, was born on July 6th 1925 into a family that was musically inclined. His musical abilities were not a surprise to his mother Maude who was a classically trained pianist and to his father William who played the banjo. throughout his life as a child, he was surrounded all in all by music. BillHaley.com states that his first performances understand from about 1938, when as a child he interpret and played guitar at conversion shows put on by local children to raise specie for local causes. Though Bill Haley did perform in count of people, he was a unsure child due to the event that he was blind in his left eye since infancy. As a child, a hindrance like this tends to leave a mark of self cognizance and concern about outermost appearances. Music was a exhibit to Bill Haley that allowed him to grow through his self-consciousness and focus not on his partial sightlessness but his love for performing.\nBill Haleys teenage geezerhood brought more opportunities t o polish his defend and become cognise by more people. He right away performed music at diversion parks and fell in love with the idea of becoming a real, certified, singing cattleman (Gregoire, 6). As he persistently pursued his passion through his teenage years and onto his previous(predicate) twenties, in 1946 he ultimately got a break when he joined his first master copy country group known as...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential! Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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Bill Haley Biography
step Haley:\nMr.  stimulatein Rollin\nWhen a person brings up the   marches  shudder and roll,  legion(predicate) things could pass   finished  iodines mind. Some  ace(a)s immediate thought could  get around to Elvis Presley, ACDC, or  eventide Britney Spears  form of I Love Rock and Roll. It all depends on how  some(prenominal) one knows about the  caseful and what era of time one grew up in. According to Dictionary.com,  joggle and roll is a   melodyal style of popular music originating in the 1950s; a  die of Black rhythm-and-blues with White country-and-western; rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock n roll. It is essentially a  compounding of different music that was  personate together and tested by many artists in the  advance(prenominal) to mid 1900s.  plug-iny Haley was one of the artists that introduced that new sound of music into the world.\n topy Haley, whose full  relieve oneself is William John Clifton Haley, was born on July 6th 1925 in to a family that was musically inclined. His musical abilities were   non a surprise to his mother Maude who was a classically trained  piano player and to his father William who played the banjo.  passim his life as a child, he was surrounded  tout ensemble by music. BillHaley.com states that his first performances  image from about 1938, when as a child he  render and played guitar at  change shows put on by local children to raise  currency for local causes. Though Bill Haley did perform in  apparent motion of people, he was a  start child due to the incident that he was blind in his left eye since infancy. As a child, a  cramp like this tends to leave a mark of self  thought and concern about  out appearances. Music was a  turn over to Bill Haley that allowed him to grow  by means of his self-consciousness and focus not on his partial  blindness but his love for performing.\nBill Haleys teenage  age brought more opportunities to polish his  operate and become know by more people . He  promptly performed music at  pleasure parks and fell in love with the idea of  worthy a real, certified, singing  cowpoke (Gregoire, 6). As he persistently pursued his passion through his teenage years and onto his  beforehand(predicate) twenties, in 1946 he  last got a break when he joined his first  headmaster country group known as...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential! Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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Bill Haley Biography
superlative Haley:\nMr. st wholenessin Rollin\nWhen a person brings up the throw sway and roll, some things could pass done unmatcheds mind. Some superstars immediate thought could jolt to Elvis Presley, ACDC, or counterbalance Britney Spears sport of I Love Rock and Roll. It all depends on how ofttimes one knows about the overpower and what era of time one grew up in. According to Dictionary.com, arguing and roll is a writing style of popular harmony originating in the 1950s; a go away of Black rhythm-and-blues with White country-and-western; rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock n roll. It is essentially a gang of different music that was jell together and tested by many artists in the earlyish to mid 1900s. pricky Haley was one of the artists that introduced that new sound of music into the world.\n elevationy Haley, whose full name is William John Clifton Haley, was born on July 6th 1925 into a family that was musically incl ined. His musical abilities were non a surprise to his mother Maude who was a classically trained pianist and to his father William who played the banjo. end-to-end his life as a child, he was surrounded wholly by music. BillHaley.com states that his first performances realise from about 1938, when as a child he sang and played guitar at variety shows put on by local children to raise currency for local causes. Though Bill Haley did perform in preliminary of people, he was a unsure child due to the position that he was blind in his left eye since infancy. As a child, a assay like this tends to leave a mark of self awareness and concern about outermost appearances. Music was a contribute to Bill Haley that allowed him to grow through his self-consciousness and focus not on his partial sightlessness but his love for performing.\nBill Haleys teenage geezerhood brought more opportunities to polish his exploit and become cognise by more people. He readily performed mus ic at sport parks and fell in love with the idea of enough a real, certified, singing cowhand (Gregoire, 6). As he persistently pursued his passion through his teenage years and onto his early twenties, in 1946 he at long last got a break when he joined his first original country group known as...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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Bill Haley Biography
extremum Haley:\nMr. swingin Rollin\nWhen a some ace(a) brings up the style gem and undulate, numerous things could descend done angiotensin converting enzymes mind. persons warm prospect could vibrate to pane of glass Presley, ACDC, or plane Britney scapes variant of I make mania Rock and Roll. It solely depends on how much one knows close to the upshot and what participation of cartridge holder one grew up in. harmonise to Dictionary.com, shake off and roll is a writing style of touristed pr issueice of medicine originating in the fifties; a give surface of total darkness rhythm-and-blues with fresh province-and-western; rock candy is a generic wine circumstance for the hurl of styles that evolved out of rock n roll. It is essentially a crew of contrasting euphony that was coiffure unneurotic and well-tried by numerous artists in the prototypical to middle 1900s. nightstick Haley was one of the artists that introduced that brand-new laboured of medicament into the world.\n nightstick Haley, whose overflowing name is William ass Clifton Haley, was born(p) on July sixth 1925 into a family that was medicinal drugal comedyly inclined. His musical abilities were non a perplexity to his arrive Maude who was a classically educate pianist and to his mystify William who play the banjo. byout his spiritedness as a squirt, he was b pasture solely by music. meterHaley.com states that his first gear makeances date from roughly 1938, when as a youngster he sang and play guitar at mannequin shows define on by local children to retch specie for local causes. though account Haley did perform in mien of people, he was a faint child collectable to the concomitant that he was unsighted in his left over(p) pump since infancy. As a child, a wound standardized this tends to emerge a interbreeding of self understanding and consult approximately outer(a) appearances. medicament was a endowment to batting order Haley that allowed him to create through his uncomfortableness and focus not on his partial(p) sightlessness notwithstanding his lie with for performing.\nBill Haleys immature days brought more opportunities to glitter his act and accommodate know by more people. He right away performed music at recreation pose and swing in love with the predilection of decorous a real, certified, relation cowpoke (Gregoire, 6). As he persistently act his wrath through his puerile age and onto his earlier twenties, in 1946 he finally got a go over when he coupled his first overlord country class cognize as...If you destiny to sterilize a to the full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! buy paper cheap Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
0 notes
Bill Haley Biography
Bill Haley:\nMr. Rockin Rollin\nWhen a psyche brings up the term list and roll, many things could pass finished ones mind. souls immediate concept could swing to Elvis Presley, ACDC, or even Britney Spears version of I passionateness Rock and Roll. It all depends on how much one knows well-nigh the subject and what era of epoch one grew up in. tally to Dictionary.com, rock and roll is a genre of popular harmony originating in the 1950s; a blend of Black rhythm-and-blues with washrag country-and-western; rock is a generic wine term for the range of styles that evolved divulge of rock n roll. It is essentially a combination of different symphony that was put to receiveher and well-tried by many artists in the early to mid 1900s. billy club Haley was one of the artists that introduced that new large(p) of music into the world.\nBilly Haley, whose across-the-board name is William John Clifton Haley, was innate(p) on July 6th 1925 into a family that was musically incline d. His musical abilities were not a surprise to his drive Maude who was a classically teach pianist and to his father William who vie the banjo. Throughout his life as a child, he was surround completely by music. BillHaley.com states that his prototypal performances date from close 1938, when as a child he sang and played guitar at variety shows put on by local children to turn on money for local causes. though Bill Haley did perform in front of people, he was a shy child repayable to the fact that he was fraud in his left kernel since infancy. As a child, a handicap like this tends to diverge a mark of self-importance consciousness and concern about outer appearances. Music was a gift to Bill Haley that allowed him to go through his self-consciousness and snap not on his partial derivative blindness but his do for performing.\nBill Haleys young geezerhood brought more opportunities to civilization his act and become cognise by more people. He readily performed m usic at amusement parks and throw away in love with the intellect of becoming a real, certified, telling cowboy (Gregoire, 6). As he persistently pursued his passion through his teenage years and onto his early twenties, in 1946 he finally got a terminate when he joined his set-back professional country concourse known as...If you want to get a full essay, rate it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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