#Kindie Tracks
kstarvibes · 1 year
Kpopmap Mood Playlist: K-Indie Tracks To Play When You're Ready To Confess To Your Crush
Whether you’re enjoying a night out with friends or perusing the aisles of the grocery store, there’s bound to be a song that matches. All the things we do, big or small, can be made infinitely times more enjoyable with the right playlist coursing through our headphones. Welcome back to another edition of Kpopmap Mood Playlist. Through this series, we put together a playlist of songs across…
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hyperfixationstation1 · 7 months
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Saw Les Mis on West End Yesterday!!!
(Ignore how few people are in the photo. It was a full house I was just really early)
Starting with this I loved!!
- Stewart Clarke as Javert was perfect. He was perfectly austere and desperate, and he had such a powerful baritone voice that left so many in the audience dumbfounded during “Stars.” His suicide was staged in kinda a goofy way (but I’ll be honest it’s… always a little goofy)
- Though I don’t love how the musical treats the Thenardiers, both Emily Olive Boyd and Luke Kempner did a great job and were very funny.
- The ensemble killed it. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
- The costumes were a lot more period accurate than I expected. Adored the wedding costumes and the period accurate hair.
- I actually really liked Djavan van de Fliert as Enjolras. He plays him very young and very enthusiastic, leaning a lot into the boyish aspect. I was surprised to find I liked it quite a bit.
- Enjoltaire could not keep their hands off each other like damn get a room
— also those two were PARENTING Gavorche
Things I didn’t mind at all!
- Harry Lake stepped in for Marius last night. I’m usually harsher to Marius than any other character. But he was boyish and I was like “yeah okay goofy man 🙄” and he did genuinely play him like a clueless boy trying his best, which was very endearing. And he and Amena El-Kindy were amazing in A Little Fall of Rain.
- Amena El-Kindy as Eponine was very good technically. And I liked it, but I prefer more depressed and resigned Eponines and it was very desperate and frantic, which isn’t wrong, just not what I prefer.
- Tom Hext as Grantaire. He did great! but again he played his part in Drink With Me as more angry than depressed, which I didn’t prefer.
Things I didn’t like (but knew I wasn’t gonna like):
- Lovely Ladies.
- No Azelma and they don’t acknowledge Eponine and Gavorche as siblings.
- Patron Minette as Thenardier’s Gang. Also why was Babet better dressed than Montparnasse? (Did like that Montparnasse was played to acknowledge or care about Eponine in a throwaway line. That was nice.)
- Love Brujon. I don’t know why he has there though.
- Could not keep track of Les Amis.
- How the musical treats Cosette as helpless when she’s perfectly capable. Lulu Mae Pears did a great job but like… I can’t stand that.
Things I didn’t like (and expected to like)
- I didn’t like Peter Jöback as Jean Valjean. I’m sorry I don’t really know how to explain it, I just didn’t.
- I was expecting a moving set. THANK YOU TO THE TECH, but there was no spinning barricade 😔.
Anyway, I overall had a lot of fun seeing it!!! And met some of the crew after and it was cool!
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
Book Extract 3
Perth, July 2035
Content warning for mentions of pregnancy loss.
I never thought that balancing parenthood and racing would be one of the hardest things I’d ever have to do, but it really was. I know it sounds stupid, and I’m well aware that I’m not the only driver who’s ever had to deal with it, but it felt impossible at times.
From the second my eldest daughter was born, the best thing in my world was being a dad. There’s nothing I love more than being my kids dad and Emmy’s husband. My family’s my priority. Don’t get me wrong, I adore racing, but the second being a parent was a possibility my priorities started to shift. And the moment she was born they changed entirely, Em had to talk me down from quitting my first season back with Red Bull before the season even started. We felt so lucky to have Lulu, for so many reasons.
A quarter of pregnancies end in miscarriage and we’re part of that statistic. It’s why we deliberately kept Em’s pregnancy private for as long as we could, we were terrified that it could happen again. But it didn’t and then we had that gorgeous little girl and we were over the moon. The fact that this tiny, precious, fragile baby girl was half me and half my wife? Half the best woman I know? That after wanting her and waiting for her for so long she was finally in our arms and looking up with us with her big brown eyes? There was nothing else that I could ask for. Everything I wanted was to be there by my girls side and being the dad I wanted to be.
That’s why being a part time dad on race weeks killed me. Monday and most of Tuesday I got to be a dad, changing nappies and feeding and burping Lulu. But from Wednesday on I barely got to hold them. I got to be with them in the morning before running to sim time or meetings or getting to the track, I got to give a kiss to them at lunch and see them at dinner, and Em insisted on staying up until I got to bed at night. I could count on one hand how many hours I got to spend with them on race weekends and that guilt was nothing like anything I’d felt before.
I was so lucky. I was so, so incredibly lucky. When Christian gave me the call and told me that Checo was retiring and after my Silverstone podium that they wanted me to take the seat I told Emmy that it was more than ok if she didn’t want me to take it. If she said no and wanted us to call it a day and go home we were going back to Perth and have our baby girl and settle down like we said we were going to in the future. But instead of picking the easy road, the crazy, wonderful, strong willed woman I married decided that the easy road wasn’t the road we were ever going to take. She insisted that I needed to go back. She knew it was what I really wanted to do, so it was more than ok to be selfish and do it.
We made a deal moving forward. Em and Lulu were coming to the races with me, and Em was going to do all the parenting when I had driving duties. If at any point she wanted to call it quits then we were going home. She was the one doing most of the family work for us, so she got to make the call. The decision was easy. I’d race until 2026 and we’d go home then to settle in Perth so Lulu could start kindy on time at home and have her parents there. But what we didn’t expect was for my first year back in the car to have everything happen then.
Every single racing driver races to win. We have fun doing it, doing a good overtake is brilliant, but we’re there to win. I was there to win races and spray the champagne, but I knew that first season back I was going in as a second driver. I never imagined I’d be seriously fighting for the championship. Maybe in the second year I could try, but definitely not in the first one.
But by putting all that effort into winning I had to leave all the parenting work on my wife. I missed doctors appointments for Lulu’s vaccinations because I was in the sim. I wasn’t home when Lulu had her first illness because I had to be at a sponsor event. When she had her first cold - in Baku of all places - Em decided to sleep on the couch in our hotel room because she was terrified of me getting sick and having to drive while feeling like crap. The same thing happened when Lulu started teething and Em had to stay up most of the night to calm her down and let me get some sleep before a race.
If Lulu had a (fortunately rare) night before I got in the car, Em didn’t let me get up. It was the same when she needed to be fed at night.
“You’re driving at 300 kilometres an hour this weekend, Baby. You need to sleep. I‘ll nap on Monday.” That’s all she said when I offered.
One of the things I admire most about my wife is that she did that for two years with a smile on her face. She adapted to being a new mother and carried a baby around the world so I could live my dream, and she never complained about anything. I knew she was exhausted nearly every day but she never mentioned it. She had to be a single parent for half the year and she never made one comment. The internet made enough of them for both of us really. She had the right to complain every single day, but she just kissed my cheek and told me to go get her another win to tell our kids about in the future.
And that’s exactly what I did.
Every single win was for Em, Lulu, and our future kids we hadn’t even dreamed about. It was for the baby we never got to meet. Every single time I got to stand on the top step of those podiums I got to look down at her and our baby girl cheering for me. But when the fuss was over and the champagne got washed away I got to go back to being a dad. I’d hold my girls as tightly and as much as possible until the cycle began again.
But it was also back to the guilt. After the photos were taken from that first race in Australia and we did Lulu’s own tiny shoey, I was so close to quitting. The guilt was all encompassing, and Emma was the one who talked to me and stopped me from quitting after the first race. Lulu was so small, Emma was so tired, and I just wanted to bring them back home and keep them safe. It’s what you do when you want to protect your family.
And then there were all the comments. I talked to Kevin Magnussen about them and he’d had some of them too. People made a comment about every single parenting decision you make, that we were insane for bringing a barely four month old around the world to every single race. It makes you overthink everything you’re doing and if you’re doing the right thing. It was especially hard because we were first time parents and while we had people around us, the world knows that only one side of our family was there for us. We were learning as we went, and we were working out how to be the best versions of ourselves for our daughter. We were as new to being parents as she was to the world.
But this was the best decision for us, and that’s what mattered. Having Em in Perth or London raising our daughter on her own wasn’t even a possibility. Being hours and time zones away from them wasn’t something that either of us were willing to consider. If I couldn’t get to see them in between meetings it was hard enough, being away for days or weeks wasn’t an option. If anything at all had happened to either of them and they were only in hospitality that was one thing. Being potentially a full day of travel away in an emergency? I couldn’t do it. So we made the decision and it’s the best one we could have done.
When I had my first win in Australia Em was right there at the barriers waiting for me, and I got to hug them and kiss Emmy’s happy tears away. When time zones and jet lag were messing with all of us and had Lulu upside down I could hold her and sing her out of tune lullabies until she got to sleep. When I crashed in Austria I got to hold my girls as soon as medical cleared me. The days that Emmy was exhausted and needed naps in my driver’s room to get through the day, Uncle Blake could look after Lulu and I could hug my wife and thank her for giving up so much to let me fight for my dream. It was so hard, but they were there and we were together and I got to see them every day in person instead of through a screen. It was entirely worth it.
But people liked talking about our bad choices as parents, and then they started talking about how I shouldn’t focus so much on my family and should concentrate on the championship. Someone one day chose the wrong words and told me to stop focusing on my family, and I’m not ashamed to admit I exploded. I apologised for my language after, but not being angry.
That was a particularly bad day. It was a bad weekend in general. We’ve been so lucky that once they arrived each of our kids were very easy babies. They were little saints who barely complained or cried. Not a lot of parents get that lucky, but we did. Lulu never gave us problems or headaches, even when she was spending the first two years of her life wandering around the paddock clutching Ony.
That weekend Lulu was teething, Em was looking after her and was exhausted, but it was Saturday night before a race and I had to sleep. But I’d gotten too used to Em sleeping beside me, Lulu in her crib in her room. I couldn’t really sleep without them. It’s one of those nights when I felt powerless, like I should have been able to do more. I should have been able to help my wife and daughter, but I was there in bed. If I went out to the living room of the suite Em would send me straight back to bed to rest. And then that stupid comment happened and I lost my temper.
How could someone ask me not to focus on my daughter? How could I not pay attention to the little girl who’d lit up our lives when she was born? They were essentially saying that my daughter was a distraction. And the biggest problem with that was it was exactly what had been said about Emma in the paddock before.
I don’t think anyone could understand exactly how it feels to be told that the person you love the most in the world is a distraction and the reason you’re losing your job. That unnamed people have seen her flirting - and more - with strangers. That she was sleeping with the men we consider brothers.
We knew it was all lies. I completely knew it was lies but Em was terrified for her reputation. It took me too much time to find out why certain people were sharing those rumours but then I finally learned that people who were supposed to support me and have my back wanted Emma out of the paddock and my life because “she’s a distraction”. They wanted to use her as the scapegoat for a much bigger issue that had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with a car that nobody listened to my feedback about.
What they didn’t know - what almost nobody knew - was that Emma was one of the people who kept me going. Emma, Michael, and Blake were the ones who kept me going, but Em kept me sane. Every race I won or was on the podium for after Monaco 2018 she was there for. She was the last person to wish me luck before my helmet went on, and the first person I saw when I got back to the garage. You need people who will support you, and those three are my family. It was the four of us against the world, and when I won Monza I won it for them.
Blake always says that whenever I see Em I turn into a little kid who wants candy. And he’s not the only one. The easiest way to make me do anything I didn’t want to do was to tell me that Em was waiting for me when I was finished. It worked every single time, either that or getting her to tell me to do it. I am an absolute sucker for that woman. Internet commenters called me a simp, and it’s absolutely true.
Someone told me in a very rude way that she had me eating from the palm of her hand, and it was entirely fucking true. Sometimes in interviews near the end of the 2022 season I got distracted by looking at her. Maybe it was unprofessional, but it was a distraction from just how bad things were in my professional life. I desperately needed to make it to the end of the season, and seeing my wife smile at me made the difference.
There were points where things were so bad I didn’t even want to go to the sim. I didn’t want to go to the MTC, I felt betrayed every time I walked through the doors. It didn’t seem like there was a point. I knew I didn’t have a seat for 2023, so all the extra hours I was putting in meant nothing. But it was part of my job to get out of bed and show up and do my job with a fake smile on my face, even when I was exhausted. And because her job was to be my assistant, Em took hers as seriously as I was taking mine. She became my shadow, even when she was still recovering from the start of that awful year. She knew I needed her more than ever, so the woman who hates waking up before she has to got up before me, got my shakes ready while I stretched, made breakfast while I worked out, ate with me and then drove me from London to Woking. Three hours in a car on days she didn’t have to go back to London, six on days she did. And she did it without complaint.
Em bought a car that she was more comfortable driving so she could bring me to work and make sure I had the support I needed. Some days she stayed in Woking, hopping between coffee shops to work. Sometimes she went back to London for meetings or to check on stuff, and then she’d go back and pick me up. She listened to me rambling about how things were and let me rant about what wasn’t great. We’d get home and she’d make my favourite meals to make me happy. Mum gave her recipes so I got home cooking and she cooked all of it. She loaded the dishwasher after dinner while I looked for something to watch on tv before going to bed. And even then she didn’t let herself sleep until I was asleep, in case a nightmare started so she could wake me up. I was useless in our relationship for a large part of those few months, but she didn’t give up on me. On us.
People asked how I came back after the summer break when everyone knew what was going on and looked like a new man in 2021. Em happened and I won Monza for her. And then in 2022 when things felt even worse and harder she loved me more and pulled me through. I love her and she loves me and we promised over that summer that we wouldn’t let ourselves lose each other, that we were together forever. Two weeks off with her in LA where we exorcised our demons happened and it was perfect.
My Emmy is the woman who kept me from blowing up my life and my career by quitting in the middle of the 2022 season. She’s been everything except a distraction when it counts, and if she was a distraction then she was the best distraction of my life. But it felt like the cycle was repeating itself somehow. The first time I had no idea what to do to protect Em apart from hiding us away and it nearly ruined us. But now I knew perfectly well what I needed to do, and it was to prove I could win that championship, even when looking after my beautiful little brunette distractions.
So I went and won a championship for my girls.
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soclonely · 1 year
Whenever you gwt a chance if you're up for it
The clones as which episode of bluey made them emotional
HELLO IT IS I. I AM BACK, AND HERE AND READY FOR SOME CLONES AS! Ironically I am watching Bluey with a group of little ones as we speak and had to hold back a few sobs a moment ago:'))
Rex- Daddy Dropoff: It's Dad's turn to get the kids ready for school and kindy, but Bluey and Bingo aren't making things easy! Dad tries to keep everything on track, but can't help playing along with their games, making them all late… again!
Echo- Camping: Bluey is on a family camping trip, where she makes a new friend, Jean-Luc. Even though Bluey and Jean-Luc don't speak the same language, they teach each other how to camp, plant trees and hunt a "wild pig"
Fives- Bike: Bluey struggles to learn how to ride her bike, but finds inspiration when she watches her friends' determination with their own tasks.
Jesse-Curry Quest: Bingo and Dad must brave a swooping magpie protecting its nest, when they go on a curry swap to Mackenzie's house through the park.
Kix- Rug Island : On Bingo and Bluey's Rug Island, a pack of felt pens can be anything: bananas, campfires, even a snake. But Dad will need to embrace his inner kid if he wants to make it his home.
Tup- Sleepytime: Bingo wants to do a Big Girl sleep. As she drifts away into a dreamy adventure with Flopsy, will Bingo make it through the night and wake up in her own bed?
Dogma-The Show: When Bingo accidentally spills Chilli's Mother's Day breakfast in bed, Bluey decides they should put on a show to make her feel better.
Hardcase- Army: Jack is the new dog at school and the newest recruit in Rusty's Army. Jack struggles with following instructions and always forgets his hat, but Rusty will make a soldier of him yet.
Coric-Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound :Bingo is sick in hospital, so Bluey and her Dad make, and send her a homemade video to lift her spirits. It tells the tale of Barnicus' quest to heal her spotty dog named Bumpy.
Bly- Onesies: When Mum's sister Brandy comes over for a visit, she brings the kids onesies as a present, which has an unexpected effect on Bingo.
99- Flatpack : Bluey and Bingo turn flatpack boxes into a whole new world while Chilli and Bandit struggle to assemble the furniture itself. it is the symbolism of its final scenes that hit home as we see Bluey pretend to become a mother of her own and watch her own child head into adulthood.The show tenderly depicts her passing as she heads to a heaven-like Utopia alongside her own parents as she watched her ‘daughter’ live on.
Cody- Charades: Bluey and Bingo want everyone to play Charades, but Muffin and Socks are too young to understand the rules, which threatens to derail the game. But Nana has her own special rule so everyone is happy!
Waxer/Boil- Bingo : When Bluey has a playdate at Chloe's, Bingo must learn how to play by herself. But all the games she knows need more than one person! Luckily, Dad has a problem that needs solving.
Wolffe- Stories : Indy thinks she's no good because her model horse looks like a cow, but Calypso encourages her not to give up, so she tries to fix it with a little help from Winton.
Boost/Sinker- Butterflies : Playing Butterflies in the backyard is great fun, until Bluey runs away with Judo leaving Bingo all alone. Now poor Bingo's heartbroken and Bluey needs to make it better.
Hunter- Baby Race: Mum reminisces about Bluey and Judo as babies. Bluey learnt to roll over first, but Judo was the first to crawl, so then it became a race to see who would walk first.
Wrecker- Handstand: At a party, Bingo is desperate to show off her handstand skills, while Nanna can't find a way to make herself useful. They're both feelings bit lost, until they find each other.
Tech- Mum School: Bluey plays mum to a brood of bouncy balloons, including an irrepressible floater named Greeny. But she soon discovers that mothering is much harder than she imagined.
Crosshair- Space : Mackenzie, Jack and Rusty are playing as astronauts on a mission to Mars. But during their journey, Mackenzie keeps going missing and no one knows why, not even Mackenzie.
Omega- Bin Night: Bluey, Bingo and Dad always take the bins out. Over a few weeks, Bingo tells dad about a new kid at kindy who is mean to her and Mum offers some good advice.
Howzer- The Decider: Bluey and Lucky's families get together to watch the big game!
Fox- Copycat: Bluey's having fun copying everything Dad says and does, but the game takes a serious turn when Bluey finds a hurt budgie, and they have to make an emergency trip to the vet
Gregor- Grandad: Grandad is supposed to be resting, but when Bluey and Bingo go to visit him, he makes a run for it with the kids and takes them on a madcap adventure into the bush.
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nako-doodles · 2 years
i need your thesis on all the songs in the album i'm being so serious rn 😭 i'll rb it once a day for months and months don't deprive me like this of things i didn't even know i needed
ioaefjerjgioajo ill try my best aiofjoerjgiojao i was so annoying to my friends over my first impressions over all the songs so im gonna try my best to summarize my thoughts on these songs
joonie said this entire album was a recollection of everything hes done in his 20s aka the transformative years of his life and you can ABSOLUTELY hear the member influences (at first i heard the sope influences bc they have the biggest body of work so their style is most distinct but upon relistens its really a love album to his younger self (you can really tell its an evolution from rm and mono) and his members. ALSO i love how he modulates and changes his style and timbre to fit the style and quirks of his featuring artist? hes so fucking cool????? oh my GOD?????? anyways heres the impressions by song:
track one: yun ft. erykah badu very hot of him to start the entire album w 'FUCK THE TRENDSETTERS' the bassline the restraint of a laidback soundscape the reverb set to max the lines 'I wanna be a human / ‘Fore I do some art / It’s a cruel world / But there’s gon’ be my part' is so fucking insane? fuck. this song lyrically is all about uncertainty and the soundscape has a lot of space for growth and white space for art to be exhibited dare i say, its like the debut group's first stage? full of promises and expectations and uncertainty, but you march ahead regardless......what a sexy first song on the track track two: still life ft. anderson paak
BRING IN THE FUNK HELLS YEA VHOPE IS VIBING SO HARD RN I JUST KNOW IT now the empty space and reverb bassline is given some direction and happiness here. still life is a form of art and thus begins rm's first piece of art here in his lil art collection and joon accepting that things will come as they are and ppl will try to reduce him down to one thing, but hes still a fully realized human moving forwards like us all
track three: all day ft. tablo
ok this bassline and instrumental SCREAMS yoongi to me. the lil kick between verses the beats w the bassline the high melody line the bridge that sick transition from verse to chorus like no wonder tablo is here. i know yoongi draws lots of inspiration from epik high so it makes sense. sonically speaking this song takes the funky sounds of the previous track and condenses it and brings a hint of melancholy just in time for our next track. speaking on less fun notes, tablo is really the only other person who survived such vicious tonguelashing and emerged more powerful and a better person and im just glad joonie has someone to look up to.
track four: forgetful ft. kim sawol oh our queen of folk here to deliver some nice kindie chill vibes thank you i need it for our coming song mwah. here we slowly start to hear the funky bright poppy merge to a chill sound this song was for tae i just know it!!! sonically theres some fun stuff going on but it feels like a cooldown piece for the rest of the album. joonie really said i can pull off ALLLLLLLL genres.
track five: closer ft. paul blanco mahalia
the rnb influences the syncopation the pop beats i bet jk is having the time of his life singing to the chorus. the guitar and the beat and the piano makes me an immediate fan. also they modulated the message beep to be in the same key??? as the song?????? AND it gives us a diving board into the electronica of the next song and then the sound expands when joonie comes in???? i love it.
track six: change pt. 2
OOF KIM NAMJOON DID SUM NASTY WORK ON THIS SONG ITS SO GOOD ok ok ok so this sudden electronica synthpop isnt jarring bc joonie did a fantastic job ordering this album BUT you know whats the fucking kicker???? the way he arranged this song. on paper this song should NOT fucking work but it does bc they used the same chord from the synths as the piano that comes in later even tho it turns to double time half way thru the song and it would be amazing at there BUT(dont quote me on this) change and change pt 2 are either in the same key or are on relative keys AND if you listen to change ft wale which starts on the piano and goes to electronica, he does the exact opposite here???? fuck and the lyrics mirror each other as well????? fuckK
track seven: lonely
this is the love song to mono the reverb on that guitar the upbeat melancholy the tokyo forever rain vibes are THERE BUTTTTT hes added more complex transitions and layering? like even in this short amount of time hes grown exponentially fuck kim namjoon ur so sexy track eight: hectic ft colde
THIS IS THE HOBI SONG OF THE ALBUM YES KING GIVE ME THAT BOUNCY BASS AND HIGH AIRY SYNTH CITYPOP VIBES YES KING i NEEDD someone to give me a just dance x seesaw x hectic remix asap it would sound SO good. also as someone who listens to a lot of colde/offonoff, this collab is SO FUCKING good bc you can hear coldes influences as well? its so good my god the sax the lil touches the production FUCK. ANNNDDDDD they switched to double time again for this outro so the next song doesnt come in too jarring??? mr kim how did you fit so many genres into this album and yet they all belong together????? im in so much fucking awe man!!!!!
track nine: wildflower ft. youjeen
ive told you pretty much everything i wanted but fuck the production on this song is just so fucking good. the details. the expert control of the soundscape. the arrangement. i cant wait to hear vocal line sing youjeen's lines. i also love that he put his title song at the end bc hes at the end of his 20s. this is him currently. hes still growing and growing roots and stretching to the sun fuck man i cant believe this song took over my most played joonie song forever rain in a week.
track ten: no 2 ft. park jiyoon
and here we are returned to the starting spot but slightly to the left, like when you've walked thru the museum exhibition and am spat out the exit right where you started, but w the new insights and experiences that the you from an hour ago didnt have. joonie is a masterful curator and this song ouroboroses us right back to listen to this album again. the tongue in cheek of ending w 'no looking back' when im ready to replay this album again like you literally inviting me to replay this album youve made it a point to end like this?????? lmfao kim namjoon who do you take me for hmmm?????
if youve made it to the end here i love you nothing makes sense anymore i only know that i love kim namjoon and that ive had this album on loop and i STILL hear new things in it i have no words for how much respect and awe and love i have for this man. and when he said 'fuck the trendsetters' he really did it. he dabbled in ALL of the most popular sounds and genres you hear in the music industry, pulled it off w aplomb, and moved on. anyways i love kim namjoon.
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hamzzistudio · 7 months
[Review] Starlit of Muse (MoonByul)
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WWUD (What would you do) Intro
De cierta manera me recuerda a MOON MOVIE, Byul en una base HipHopera es algo que siempre he querido escuchar porque estoy más acostumbrada a su rap melodico. Me da pie a pensar que iniciamos el album con una sensación de rechazo a las quejas de la otra parte.
Think About
Lo mismo que pensé cuando salió con el mv, es una canción energetica con una letra linda. Para mi se destaca mucho todo el coro y fue lo que me hizo querer una canción en inglés dentro del album.
Byul haciendo FUNK es genial, su voz me llena de energía y siento que contrasta muy bien con el instrumental. Giuk hace un trabajo de 100 tocando el bajo, que es el instrumento que hace brillar toda la canción.
Like a Fool Buaaa, me sentí confundida, mareada y deshorientada. La base es sencilla pero hay sonido persistente que crea una atosfera como de estar adormecida, con pequeños sonidos que vienen y van. Además hay una especie de voz de pondo que jadea (ha ha ha…). La parte donde entra el saxofon (?) es criminal. Realmente Byul sabe darme lo que quiero.
Attention Seeker
Ufff, es como si Byul me hibiera mandado a mi adoescencia escuchando Paramore y demás bandas. Tienes ese toque de rebeldia adolescente que es notalgica, con unos sonidos distorsionados que me hacen pensar que es se esta quejando pero en tono de broma. Necesito un stage con la banda en vivo.
NOLTO (Feat. Hanhae)
MI yo del Medley se equivoco un monton. Es una canción con esos tintes del Kindie que tanto me encantan. La base esta muy buena y el Flow de ambos, en especial la primera parte de Hanhae.
After Sunset
Me gusta como la cambio va de menos a más, con un incio del piano solo y después va tomando fuerza explotando en el coro. Este tipo de canciones son las que me hcieron enamorarme de la voz de Byul de canto. Byul tiene esta capacidad de trasmitirme sensaciones tristes, que de cierta manera pienso que son mias y que es ella quien las canta.
Tiene un sabor latino como para tripear en la playa o un paseo, que es algo que nunca le escuché a Byul. Puedo ver a Byul caminando en la arena frente al mar mientras canta, que en cierto sentido me hace estar nostálgica. Solo porque nunca he visto a Byul bailando este genero, me gustaría ver que puede hacer.
Wao con ese intro. Es una prima de Eclipse pero creo que es menos agresiva en el coro. Siento que es similar a este sonido que han hecho las GG de la 4G. La ultima parte esta buenisima. Necesito ver un stage con coreo.
El bajo de la base está on fire. El coro no me gusta tanto como los versos, porque tiene como un filtro (?). Es interesante como cambia la voz de Byul con el inglés. Pero estoy amando la letra y los soniditos para el final de la canción.
Memories (Feat. ONEWE)
Estoy escuchando un opening de anime escolar o musical. Grita PASIÓN Y SENTIMIENTO. Los chicos de ONEWE suenan geniales. Amo que Byul descubriera su amor por la band music, porque yo también le estoy amando con ello. Que cante esta canción en Its Live porque creo que todos la van a amar.
Ya lo dije antes, la voz de Byul me hace pensar que soy yo quien esta sientiendo todo. Se me habrá salido alguna lagrima. Siento que es una despedida, tanto de la canción como del album. Y Auque me sepa mal, todo tiene un final.
Tracks: 12
Favorita: Like a Fool
Playlist: 10/12
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livelovelifeagain · 2 months
Discover the Top Life Coaches in Muscat: Transform Your Life with Expert Guidance
Life can be challenging, and sometimes we need a little help to navigate through its complexities. This is where a life coach can make a significant difference. If you're in Muscat and looking for expert guidance to transform your life, you're in the right place. In this blog, we'll explore the best life coaches in Muscat and how they can help you achieve your goals and improve your overall well-being.
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What is a Life Coach?
A life coach is a professional who helps individuals identify their goals, overcome obstacles, and develop a plan to achieve success. Unlike therapists, who focus on healing past traumas, life coaches are forward-thinking and aim to help clients create actionable plans for a better future. Whether you're struggling with personal issues, career challenges, or simply want to improve your life, a life coach can provide the support and guidance you need.
Why Choose a Life Coach in Muscat?
Muscat, the capital city of Oman, is a vibrant and growing metropolis. With its unique blend of tradition and modernity, Muscat offers a dynamic environment for personal and professional growth. The best life coaches in Muscat are equipped with the skills and knowledge to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with living in this bustling city.
Benefits of Working with the Best Life Coaches in Muscat
1. Personalized Guidance: The best life coaches in Muscat provide tailored advice and strategies based on your specific needs and goals. They take the time to understand your situation and offer personalized support to help you achieve your objectives.
2. Expertise and Experience: Life coaches in Muscat come from diverse backgrounds and bring a wealth of experience to their practice. They use proven techniques and methods to help you overcome obstacles and reach your full potential.
3. Accountability: One of the key benefits of working with a life coach is the accountability they provide. Regular check-ins and progress reviews ensure that you stay on track and remain committed to your goals.
4. Increased Confidence: Life coaches help you build self-confidence by identifying your strengths and encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone. This newfound confidence can positively impact all areas of your life.
5. Balanced Life: A life coach can help you achieve a better work-life balance by teaching you time management and stress reduction techniques. This balance is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and happiness.
Top Life Coaches in Muscat
Now, let's take a look at some of the top life coaches in Muscat who can help you transform your life:
1. Sarah Al-Hinai: With a background in psychology and extensive coaching experience, Sarah Al-Hinai specializes in helping clients overcome personal and professional challenges. Her empathetic approach and practical strategies make her one of the best life coaches in Muscat.
2. Ali Al-Balushi: Ali Al-Balushi focuses on career coaching and personal development. He has helped numerous clients achieve their professional goals and develop a clear vision for their future. His motivational style and goal-oriented techniques are highly effective.
3. Zahra Al-Lawati: Zahra Al-Lawati is known for her holistic approach to life coaching. She integrates mindfulness and wellness practices into her coaching sessions, helping clients achieve a balanced and fulfilling life.
4. Omar Al-Muqbali: Omar Al-Muqbali specializes in leadership coaching and has worked with many corporate clients in Muscat. His expertise in leadership development and team dynamics makes him a sought-after coach for professionals looking to advance their careers.
5. Fatma Al-Kindi: Fatma Al-Kindi offers coaching services that focus on personal growth and self-discovery. Her intuitive coaching style and ability to connect with clients on a deep level make her one of the best life coaches in Muscat.
 How to Choose the Right Life Coach for You
When selecting a life coach, it's important to consider the following factors:
Credentials and Experience: Look for a coach with relevant qualifications and a proven track record.
Coaching Style: Ensure that the coach's approach aligns with your personal preferences and needs.
Client Testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the coach's effectiveness.
Compatibility: Choose a coach with whom you feel comfortable and can build a trusting relationship.
Working with the best life coaches in Muscat can be a transformative experience. These professionals offer the guidance, support, and expertise needed to help you achieve your goals and lead a more fulfilling life. If you're ready to take the next step in your personal or professional journey, consider reaching out to a life coach in Muscat today. Your future self will thank you.
By keeping this keyword density at 2%, the term "best life coach in Muscat" appears throughout the blog, ensuring it is optimized for search engines while providing valuable information to readers.
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arrogance-sandwich · 4 months
A realisation has come to me this midnight
Where I cannot sleep and the express
Of thoughts drags me awake
And the thought tonight is that
I will never be a child with my mother again
I'll never wait on the neon car track mat for her in kindy,
Or cry as she braids my hair
Or give her all the hard forms and all the hard jobs- like doctors visits and back to school shopping
And though we never had the type of bond other mothers had with their children,
I do recognise there were pieces of love in it.
So now I wonder,
As an animal ripped from the arms of security
If I can ever be so docile again.
Can I tire easily, or trust without doubt
Be stupid, and curious, and funny, and totally unaware?
It was such bliss, I miss it.
Adulthood turns us starched and sharp
Ready to snap and snarl.
I guess I have lost the ability to be totally innocent with another person,
The express reminds me of what men do to those who dont clench their fists, or lock car doors
But maybe this midnight as I sit infront of the mirror
Drawing my finger across over the lines that have aged me
I can pretend there is another person
Who will let me be soft.
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bylightofdawn · 2 years
When I said TOMORROW I would dig through my horrendously disorganized tumblr and try to collate all my bullshit tags in an attempt to make it easier for someone to actually FIND MY FANFIC.
What I actually meant was TONIGHT I would do that instead of sleeping. Because it's technically already tomorrow since it's past midnight.
Also? I want to go into the past and shake past me and ask them kindy to pick ONE FANFIC TAG and fucking stick to it.
Gods help me I am reduced to looking at codywan tag on my tumblr to try and find my oldest codywan because did I TAG IT in any sane or easy to track fashion?
HELL NAH that would be too easy. Pfffff
EDIT: I think I got all my previously posted stuff under a cohesive set of tags. Tomorrow Today I am going to try and write up maybe a masterpost and find a way to pin that. My tumblr layout still isn't showing my most common tags for some reason but the clock JUST JUMPED from 2am to 3am courtesy of fucking DLS so I think I am giving up the ghost for tonight and will try and tackle this in the morning when I wake up. All in all? It's been a pretty productive night. I wrote a fair chunk. I actually collated all of Seeds for the Future into one masterdoc in libreoffice so if I ever can't get into my googledocs I have the rough draft available.
The current word count after 18 chapters is 49,985 words. Which? Sheeeeeeeeeeesh
I've officially surpassed Those Who Marched Away which was going to be the sequel for my FIRST SW fanfic Those Who Made It Home. It was a post Order-66 angst-fest I started YEARS ago.
I ran out of steam after 48,000 words which...let that bullshit sink in for a second. It's now THOROUGHLY been jossed thanks to TBB. Pretty much it leads up to Order-66 and Cody was going to be a CC-2224 for years, first serving at Dark Vader's hand before slowly being pushed to the side until he finally gets rescued by Rex and Co. Get de-chipped and the end goal was going to be him trying to come to terms with Obi-Wan supposedly being dead etc and of course he's not and blah.
Not exactly amazingly groundbreaking shit here. But I feel a little bad for investing nearly 50,000 fucking thousand words into something that will never see the light of day. Maybe one day when I have some time I will re-read and see if anything sparks inspiration.
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familymusicnarts · 7 years
Kindie Tracks:  Lucy Kalantari It’s the Holidays!
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A great introduction to the sophisticated, yet sweetly accessible jazz artist Lucy Kalantari, the five track EP It’s the Holidays! makes the perfect stocking stuffer or dreidel game accompaniment, with songs celebrating the season so rich and bright, you might want to put some shades on, and enjoy the sunny smiles her original songwriting brings.
Building with fresh excitement that spills over into each tune, Kalantari’s voice and musical disposition are all befitting of the exclamation mark in the title.  Backed by the Jazz Cats, including clarinetist Linus Wyrsch, Larry Cook on upright bass and Rich Kulsar on drums all shining as brightly as their scat inclined vocalist, the whole ensemble thoroughly enjoy themselves.  The title track is sprinkled with familiar holiday music phrasing, and the playful My Mommy is a Mummy---a really fun story in a song, including haunting strings, and ghostly Egyptian themed percussion, offers a running start with Halloween, followed by the loving spoonfuls of Grateful for Thanksgiving.
It’s Snowing reminds me of that uncontrollable kid-burst of energy, kept in reserve for when they wake up to the white stuff falling and/or blanketing the ground outside.  Slipping and siding right out the door, down the steps, over the hill, or up the block, it is proof positive mother nature never fails to impress, or to inspire a song.
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It’s the Holidays! is Lucy Kalantari’s third children’s jazz album now available at lucykalantari.com where you can also hear music from her Parents’ Choice Award-winning debut, Pockets Full of Joy.  Check out Lucy and the Jazz Cats too on the Sprout channel’s all new Sprout House
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daisyjunghoon · 3 years
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Spotify link
YouTube music link
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hwajoongie · 3 years
Can you upload moments from THAMAs album?
done! 💿
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If all fails & i redacted redacted im going 2 switch tracks and become a preschool teacher . Maybe even kindy .. little kids r a joy 2 be around
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Ruby Redfort headcanons:
because we need more of these. 
this is all pretty random, it's just shit that comes to mind so bear with me. there isn’t really textual evidence for any of this, its purley based off vibes 
 The whole gang is rich, excluding Red, and she is absolutely baffled by their need for huge houses and will poke fun at them all the time.  
Mouse grows up to become a very well known screenwriter
Del is captain of every sports team there is, save for track, which she is definitely *not* bitter about
Elliot and Mouse are both really big nature lovers and big environmental activists
Red was the last one to make friends with the rest of them, she moved to after leaving her shitty dad in bumfack Nebaskra or something, her and her mum moved to Twinford when she was about 11 or 12. 
speaking of which: fuck Red’s dad. I don’t even think this is a headcanon. I think this is canon. 
anyway, Ruby, Clancy and Mouse are all friends from like, preschool or something. 
Elliot showed up in kindy, Del in like, fifth/sixth grade, then Red. 
Red’s mum is a cool mum™️
Del has several *interesting* stories from the few times she volunteered to watch over Bug while no one else could 
Everyone but Ruby and Clancy have this ongoing inside joke about all of the time Ruby has just gone MIA, avoiding them all, and Clancy starts acting real suspicious around the same time, and what they could be up to 
Red bakes to cheer everyone up 
Mouse and Red are avid tea drinkers 
Ruby went through a whole week of dressing as doll-like as possible, to appease her mother and get out of a bit of trouble, and none of her friends have ever let her forget it
Elliot and Clancy are avid birthday planners
They also frequently geek out about sci-fi stuff together 
When Mouse runs for class president (becuase you know she totally would) Ruby gets Hitch on board to come up with an elaborate plan to figure out how likely each candidate is to win and why, so she can help out Mouse a little, she deserves it. Ruby was feeling generous. Also she owed Mouse one. 
Del and Ruby are RIVALS when it comes to ping pong, no one but the other can beat them and they’re ALWAYS neck to neck 
Del will help patch up her friends if they’ve been hurt while skating, playing sport, in a fight, whatever, she’d gotten good at doing that for herself with all the sport and fighting she does 
Red is a very talented artist 
Clancy is the designated driver of the group once they turn sixteen 
He also has the house that's most frequently used for parties, sleepovers, etc on account of it being SO HUGE 
Red is constantly changing her hair 
Elliot will help her. no one knows why. he just does. 
Clancy is probably a renaissance faire nerd 
Ruby laughs at him for it but not as hard as Minny does 
that's all for now folks but uhh if you couldn’t tell i love this friend group sm and Mouse Huxtable deserves more love 
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isthistheway · 4 years
I toold you I was a good shot.
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Pairing: Din x Reader
Summary: You and Din are going after a bounty and you are trying to convince him to let you help. 
Word Count: 1.629k 
Warnings: none.
Note: I had this idea and I decided to share, please be kindy. 
The night was settling in, the stars in the sky now were too many to keep track of with a mix of colours dancing with the stars in the night sky. You couldn't remember the last time you took a moment just to sit and admire the night sky.The cold air of the night entering your lungs was a welcoming feeling relieve in the quiet night, you could hear the cricutes of that place singing into the distance. 
you were so lost in your thoughts, about this planet that you couldn’t remember the name of it, therefore you’re used to traveling through the galaxy. All thoses new places, with different biomes, culture, folks, names, langues. It was all too new for you. 
You got brought back to reality, with a very gentle pull of frablic of your pants. Looking down you saw what was trying to get your attention. The little Grugu. You gave him a soft smile, he wanted to lead you to where the Mandalorian was, following him down on the hill it was possible to see that the camp was settled, the fire was burning and the sleeping bags on the side. (Usando muito o “you”, tenta substituir ou evitar usar quando o sentido estiver explícito)
Mando was sitting by the campfire, it was so weird the thought that he wore that armour with it was a second skin, he looked so comfortable as you right now. The child sat by his side, and you did the same. The man turned his head to look towards the kid and  you. “Here.” He offered you a hot drink. Pressing your fingers on the cup, you could feel the harminess warmth on your skin, it had a peculiar smell. The kid was staring at you, almost in a wonder if it was worth drinking it. You took a sip, and smiled at Grugu, who did the same. You laugh quietly, the cup Grugu was holding was almost the same size as him. 
“I want to help you tomorrow.” You broke the silence of the night, Mando didn’t reply to your statement. “With the bounty. I want to help you.” Looking at him, it really pissed you that you couldn't see our tell what he was thinking about, because of the helmet it was impossible to tell anything besides the tone in his voice.
“No.” His voice was deep and rigid. You could tell it would be a hard task to make him change his mind. 
 “If only you-”
“Someone need to take care of the child.” He cut you off before you could even finish, he was staring at you. You gave him a disapproving look, you couldn’t hide the anger in your eyes, you just wanted to help and he was forbidding that. 
“I can do both.” He didn’t try to hide his laugh at your statement. “I’m serious about this. You can lend me one of your rifles, and I can snip them.” He moved his head slightl trying to stop your arguments. “You know I’m a good shot.” You caught yourself leaning forwards, were you actually trying to look more threatening?
“With a bow and arrow.” He served more of drink to Grugu, who had the cup in the air asking for more. 
“It can’t be much of a difference between them.” The mandalorian seemed bewildered by what you just said.
“Of course they are different, first of all the blast rifle has a big recoil. One this that your Bow doesn’t have. And...” He stoped himself, before he explained too much about it realizing on the last second  what you’re trying to do. “It doesn't matter, my final answer is no.”
“You could teach me.” You gave him the sweetest smile you could master, bending your head to the side. 
“No.” The Mandalorian, moved his head to stare at something else.
“Sure, Mando.” You took a deep breath, and laid down by the campfire. The child, followed giving you a small smile, which you couldn't help but reciprocate. Grugu would always get you in a better mood no matter what. You heard the Mandalorian moving but you didn’t look at him, you were looking at the sky again. It was hard to remember the last time you saw so many stars, there were so many of them that it almost looked like an aurora borealis. It was a beautiful night. “Mando?” Turning your gaze at him once more, you notice that he was lying close to you, the only thing sparing you both was the little Grugu, that was asleep now. “Thank you.” You said simply. He turned his head towards you, and looked up at the sky again.
“That’s nothing to thank me for.” That was a lie, and deep down both of you new. He saved your ass so many times, if it wasn’t for him you would be a slave in that horrible Hutt Castle place. You both knew that, but refused to say that you got freefully because of him. Just thanking was never enough. “Now sleep, we have a long journey ahead.”
“You should take some rest too. Don’t remember seeing you sleeping last night.” In fact you never knew when he was sleeping or he was just sitting, sometimes it feels like it’s the mix of both. You remember talking to him about something but not the subject in matter, and falling asleep shortly. 
On the next morning you woke up to a firme grab on your leg, your heart was racing and you felt your body get really warm to the feeling of blood running through your veins. “Come on.” Said Mando, gesturing for you to follow him. 
“You almost gave me a heart attack.” You looked around trying to see where the child was, just to see he was playing with the things you had inside your backpack, he was in fact too cute for you to try to stop him. Mando was waiting for you outside the campfire. You both went up hill. “What about the kid?”
“He will be fine, and besides we’re not going that far.” From where you both were you could see the campfire and the kid with a pan on his head, while he shook something with his little green hands.  You could stop yourself from laughing at the scene.
“What are we doing again?” You don’t even remember if he had mentioned it. You had your arms crossed when he handled you the rifle, you took with both hands you were so surprised at this that you didn’t have words for it. Was he really gonna teach you how to shoot with it? 
“Ok, that's what you gonna do. You need to hold it with both hands.” You looked down at the blaster rifle, trying to figure out how to hold it properly. “You put your left hand here.” He said as he guild your hand and to hold, in the middle of the weapon. “And your right hand goes, on the base.” He was holding each hand with his own. He positioned the gun on the middle of your right shoulder, you could feel the cold armour on your back. “Keep your finger straight, so we can avoid accidents.” 
“Accidents?” You blinked a couple of times, in disbelief. “Almost sounds like you have no faith in me.” He let go of both of your hands, but he put one hand on your shoulder and pointed at the targets he had set when you’re sleeping. 
“I don’t know if you are a happy trigger, or not.” You shook your head in disapproval of what you just heard, now closing one of your eyes so you could see the target throw the spyglass properly. “What for the recoil.” 
You shot the gun, the recoil was indeed harder then what you expected. It made you miss the target for a couple of inches, you heard Mando laugh slightly. You took a deep breath. “Only shoot in empty lungs.” You said ok in an inaudible tone, you shot again doing as he said. Knowing now the recoil of the rifle, you hidded the target. You got yourself driven away and hitted two other targets, to feel the rifle overheat in your hands. Making you almost drop the rifle, the really hot air coming off it almost burned your skin. “Shit.”
“You need to intersperse your shots or that’s gonna happen.” And point at a specific place in the weapon. “If that happens, you let air get out through here.”
“Okay, I got this.” You looked at the ammunition on his bandolier, “Will you give me some of these.” You pointed it out for him. 
“Let’s not try our luck.” Of course he won't  give you the disruptor ammo, these things could disintegrate someone with one shot. But it was worth the shot. “Now shooting at static targets is one thing.” He gestured to something to shoot, that he was holding on his hand. Throwing it without giving a fair warning shot, and doing the same as before you shot when the air was getting out of your lungs, and you hit it again. You gave the rifle back, with a sassy smile in your face. “I told you I was a good shot.” 
“Beginners luck.” It was possible to hear the smile in his voice. 
“Are you gonna let me help you now.” You cross your arms in front of you, watching the mandalorian putting the gun on his back.
“I’ll think about it.” You both started moving back to the campfire.
“I’ll take it as a yes.” He didn’t reply to that. But you saw the helmet shine as he moved his head slightly to the side to look at you.   
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hamzzistudio · 7 months
[Review] Killin'it (P1HARMONY)
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Killin'it Me gusta mucho el precoro, esa parte melódica es genial. La canción tiene un estilo hip-hop que le da mucha energía. Aunque no es exactamente mi tipo de canción, siento que tiene una vibra muy propia de la cuarta generación del k-pop.
Late Night Calls ¡Oh, me encanta el comienzo de la canción! La guitarra de fondo cuando desaparece el ritmo es genial. El desarrollo en el coro que culmina con la voz sobre el instrumental me hace sentir como si estuviera sumergida bajo el agua. El rap es muy agradable de escuchar, a mi criterio, es una combinación de R&B con toques de jazz.
Everybody Clap El hip-hop entra con fuerza con el rap. Luego, se calma y el instrumental se vuelve más melódico, con un buildup en el precoro. El coro es dinámico, con elementos que te incitan a moverte. Regresamos al ritmo pesado con el rap encima. Siento que la estructura de esta canción está mejor lograda que la canción principal.
Love Story Comienza con la guitarra y poco a poco se incorporan los demás instrumentos. En el coro, hay adlibs mientras una voz canta. El rap tiene una melodía encantadora. Me recuerda un poco a los endings de antaño.
Countdown To Love Me gusta el inicio, tiene un toque pop rock que me atrapa. El primer rap no me convence del todo, pero el coro es muy enérgico y después baja las revoluciones cuando vuelve la voz. El segundo rap me gusta más, especialmente porque va aumentando la intensidad con el instrumental. Creo que sería un excelente tema para conciertos.
Emergency La introducción tiene un fuerte sabor a hip-hop, con sonidos de hi-hat metálicos y distorsionados (me recuerda un poco a SKZ del 2020). La guitarra de fondo en el coro es bastante buena. En este caso, el rap me agrada más. Sin embargo, me gustaría que disminuyeran un poco los sonidos de fondo, ya que no me permiten escuchar claramente el beat.
2Nite El intro me enganchó desde el primer segundo. El drop antes del coro estuvo genial. Realmente disfruto mucho del coro; el bajo hace un trabajo excelente. En general, me ha encantado. Tiene un sonido más jazzero que me agrada bastante.
Let Me Love You El inicio no me convence del todo. Sin embargo, me gusta el cambio del instrumental en el precoro. El bajo en el coro es genial. Aunque hay algunas partes en las transiciones que no me terminan de convencer. Sin embargo, el coro es lo que más me gusta; tiene un estilo R&B que lo resuelve muy bien.
Street Star El instrumental se vuelve pesado con el rap, que es agresivo y tiene partes melódicas sobre un beat que va creciendo gradualmente. Personalmente, el coro no me agrada mucho debido a los sonidos distorsionados. El siguiente rap me gusta, pero no tanto el beat sobre el que rapea.
I See U Me gusta mucho las voces. Me recuerda mucho a lo que encontraría en el lado kindie.
Tracks: 10
Favorita: 2Nite
Playlist: 3/10
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