#body swich
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celebritybodyswaps · 9 months ago
The Great Celebrity Shift pt17 : Benjamin Hilton
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(Andrew To Benjamin)
I woke up one morning feeling super sore. As if i had been having fun all night. (Iykyk) my hand felt super sore and kept on cramping. Thats when i opened my eyes and saw that i wasnt in my room. And i wasn’t wearing any pants. Only bright blue puma underwear and a white stained blue nike shirt. I quickly ran to mirror in the room and saw that i was Benjamin Hilton.
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I couldn’t believe i got an amazing body. The body of the famous OF star. I had always seen his videos but now instead of looking at videos i will do it myself. I had always fantasized about being him but now i don’t have to fantasize since i am him now. I explored his room and saw that the beach wasn’t far.
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So i decided to put on some shorts and head to the beach. I saw some guys staring at my body so i walked up to them and asked them if they wanted to take some pictures of me. They said yes and i let them take a couple. After that i got in the water for about then headed back to the house.
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When i got back to bens house or should i say my house now i went to the bathroom and took a couple pics before i took a shower. Thats when i saw his camera in the bathroom. I decided i was going to record some content for his OF while i was showering. I set up the camera and got naked then got in.
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When i got in my wood had already been waiting for me. I started playing with it. The more and more i rubbed it the better it felt. It felt as if i was in heaven. Thats when i finally let it all it. It felt so good. I grabbed my finger and tried it. It tasted so good. After i finished washing it all off i got out and changed.
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I changed and then went out to get something to eat. But on the way there i found a perfect spot to take a picture. As i asked someone to take the picture i started thinking of how much i live my life now. I have all the money could want. I have the body. And i get to play with myself to make money. I have the perfect job. I love my new life the shift is the best thing to happen to me.
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i-bring-crack · 7 months ago
Instead of Shen Jiu being popped out of existence or his soul being swiched and ending up on Shen Yuan's body or even being stuck in his world as a ghost, Shen Jiu is actually placed as the system. And as such he must find a way to diverge the plot of PIDW so that the soon to be emperor Luo Binghe doesnt gouge out everything and everyone in his wake.
He utterly hates it, he is in shambles when his best chance is a run of the mill fanboy from the novel that has become sentient enough to warp reality and time. He hates the fact that his soul is now tied to Luo Binghe in technical terms, he hates he has to rewind time each and every single time Shen Yuan fucks it up with his horrid communication skills, he hates the way the player's modern lenguage has rubbed him off past those rewinds, he loathes the fac that he can`t even be himself and has to act like some sort of caricature in order for Shen Yuan to not notice who is derailing his life, and his own as well.
He hates the fact that its his fault the things have become more messed up.
But he is fine, he is fine knowing that he can put these new BL novel to rest and and let Yueqi and the sect live for more than what fate deemed them to be.
He is thankful, though not outwardly, that Shen Yuan was kind where he would never be.
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supercorpandbeyond · 1 year ago
Could write a body swap one shot for supercorp? Lena gets to touch the stars
Lena had always what it was like to have such power as the kryptonian. To have the stars at your very fingerips. It was usually a passing thought. Until it wasn't.
She woke up lighter than usual. And it took her a moment before she realized why. She was floating. Her body crashed to the mattress below with the air and ideas expelled from her lungs. She was floating. But... how? The mere idea seemed impossible. But of course, as the Luthor was quickly learning, not quite so.
A split second of a thought and feeling the force of movement before she recognized the face that was staring back at her. National citys hero, Supergirl. In other words, Kara Danvers was staring back at her, not Lena Luthor. It was a shock that spread through her spine, slow touches on her face to make sure this was true. That she wasn't dreaming. But now, she realized she was not dreaming, especially when the heat vision went off.
She was no longer, Lena Luthor, CEO of L-Corp. No, she was a god among people, kryptonian nonetheless.
It took several moments before it was fully digested, and Lena knew what she had to do. It took a hard second to get a grip on the strength (good gracious for the money she had to replace the doorknob and hinges and curtain) but once it had gotten a handle on, Lena found herself flying towards her very own penthouse apartment.
The flying was scary to start. To stand. But she found it almost like second nature. She was lighter in a sense. Like the earth didn't have a grasp of her. And the wind in her hair with the force of ut all. She understood why Kara liked flying so much.
It didn't take long before she was at her penthouse, where she found a very confused looking self almost seemingly waiting. It was odd to see her face making such an expression. It almost toppled the Luthor.
But the closer she approached the more she recognized Kara. In the way the Luthor carried herself. The glint in her eye. It was all, unlike seeming herself.
"Do any spells that caused this?" The voice was almost dry but it was the echo of her own, but it wasn't her. It was strange for the Luthor, to say the least.
Meanwhile, the physical appearance of supergirl seemed more nervous in an instance.
"I don't know. It wasn't me, Kara. I—" Lena lost her voice as she watched her body walk up to with her with a confidence she wasn't used to.
"It's okay, Lena. Let's just go with the day, okay?"
After an in depth conversation and some idea planning, Lena and Kara had most of the situation figured out. Keep up appearances like normal. Lucky for Kara (in tjis case, Lena), the threats of evil seemed to be the extent of their body swap. Leaving the aluthor in a strengthened body on a building. Staring at the sky. .
How could she not? Lena knew this wouldn't last long. How could it? The power of a god in the fingertips of a Luthor. So she flew into the sky. Flying until she found herslef landing amont the stars. Past the moon until people were no more.
And Lena was breathtaken. To see the universe as tiny as it was. No longer were the existence of humans visible. Lesving it just Lena and her heartbeat accompanied by the power of the gods...
The silence was defeaning. Almost peaceful until it felt eerie. Like there was nothing and everything beyond this void of existence. It was daunting. Lena wondered if Kara ever came up here to get away from the noise. To remind herself she was more than the title the earth gave her. She hoped Kara knew she deserved beyond the universe of earth. She would have to remind her more.
After several moments did Lena finally land, back from the stars. She was ready to figure out who caused such a swich, the breath in her lungs somehow renewed. It was amazing to see the stars up close and to hold such the ability to do so. To feel so finite in the expanse that was just time. It was interesting to see. And Lena was glad to have gotten to see it, as she got ready to get down to who had caused such an event
A/N: wrote this smashed. Sorry for spelling mistakes. Planning on working on my stories soon enough. Send more ideas n fandoms
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appledumplinn · 3 months ago
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TW⚠️ABLEISM/ABLEIST DISCOURSE (for some reason tumblr isn’t letting me swich this little blurb and the pic around so apologies<3)
okay i understand that lateral ableism is horrible and ppl with physical disabilities shouldn’t make it seam like that they “have is the worst” but why does having a disability need to be a competition? i think its worth mentioning that y’all able-bodied ppl and phys disabled ppl that make it a competition like this “*insert disability* is more important than other *insert disability*!1!!!!!1!!” only see it this way bc u see ppl with other disabilities and or with higher or lower support levels as competitors
im not saying that this person doesn’t have it bad at all. Tourette’s and tics in general are absolute torture and cause so much pain and injury for the ppl who have it and i think more ppl should understand that. <3
however most ppl in cripplepunk dont veiw disability like this. and to be frank disabled ppl that DONT veiw other disabled ppl like competition dont think like this. at this point i wish the ppl who dispise other disabled ppl like this would just say that they veiw us as competition which is why they feel justified in lashing out at those with different needs or higher support needs (higher or lower tbh)
and if I’m being seriously honest if ppl are more disabled than you, WHO GIVES A SHIT? i have fnd and low to med support needs for my autism, and there are ppl that “have it worse” than me, so what? i stopped caring abt wanting to have it the worse bc I’m fortunate to be able to do things that others cannot do due to one or both disabilities. i have a privilege that many don’t have and i think instead of lashing out bc u have the privilege to walk while others cant, be glad u still can do things like walk or walk without issue.
if this kind of behavior towards ppl with different needs is bc ppl that didn’t understand u acting like ur not truly disabled unless ur in a wheelchair, bro pls go to therapy for that. like i feel like so much of this kinda shit from able-bodied neurodivergents is just ppl like this taking out them not getting listened to by fully abled people out on other disabled ppl. i think thats why able-bodied neurodivergents like this shit on cripplepunk, when cripplepunk exists just so physically disabled ppl can empower themselves and each other and fight against a world that saw them as less than human (myself included) and bc they cant be apart of cripplepunk themselves :,)
i live for the day where we get rid of this notion that phys disabled ppl have it sooooOoOoo good while everyone else doesn’t cuz they can walk, see, hear, etc and we cant.
all in all i think ppl who do think see ppl in the community as competition and y’all need to go to therapy.
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crmsnmth · 10 months ago
Better With The Lights Off
I'm better with the lights off I say with trembling lips I've talked my way into this room and now my insecurities are eating my alive I swear I get a headache every time her name comes up
I'm better with the lights off because with the lights off you can't see my body you can't see the countable ribs or the strange beginning of a gut and all the scars left behind Some by my hand, and some by other fingers
I'm better with the lights off So you can't see my hands shaking I need a drink and I'm anxious I didn't think I'd make it this far but here I am in a stranger's bedroom
I'm better with the lights off and she smiles and nods her head, dropping her dress and she flicks the swich And she comes to me with cigarette kisses Now both of our mouths take like ashes
I'm better with the lights She pushes me down to the bed and if I shake any harder, this mattress is going to vibrate quick, put a quarter in my mouth And I'll make this an earthquake
I'm better with lights off But someday I'll get over it I don't care about the sex I care more that I'm not left alone and like an addict say that they can quit I'm hooked from the first time now
I'm better with the lights off.
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deer-sprunki-bini · 3 months ago
While them was running, he was like dead body on her hands, that's why little boy slightly hug her, put head on her fur and purred quietly (he was a cat).
Finally, they come to home. Little boy doesn't seems ready to stand by him self, he was to weak and freezed to do it. They enter the home, boy almost fall from her hands, he feel that he falling and unintentionally and lightly grabbed her with his little claws, leaving barely noticeable scratches, he climb on her head, now, he was like a little head.
Boy for few moments was scared by being in air, but fast swich to happiness and purred loud.
Little hat on head is cool, but sudden loud stomach growl broke silence.
What's next, live savior?
As soon as they both enter the farmhouse, the atmosphere transitioned from cold and dangerous to warm and safe. The flames in the fireplace nearby instantly removed the chills of the freezing night.
"Hay, salamat, (PH to ENG: oh, thank goodness,)" Bini sighs in relief after locking the door, "nakauwi na talaga. (Finally back home.)"
Before she does anything else, Bini rushes the young Sprunki to the bathroom where she bathes and patches him. Once he was clean and healed, she lets him rest in her bed.
Bini caresses his head tenderly, her fingers running through his tuft. She was about to interrogate the child with simple questions until she heard his stomach growl in hunger. The older Sprunki immediately changed her mind, his health was more important than his information.
"Wait for me here, okay?" She whispers to the kid. "I'll cook you a warm meal. I'll be right back." She stands up before walking out of the bedroom, heading to the kitchen to cook.
Twenty minutes passed and Bini returned with a tray of freshly cooked foods: a steaming bowl of pumpkin soup, a small bowl of fruit salad, and a mug of warm milk. She saw how the boy's eyes lit up at the sight of a mouthwatering dinner, and she smiles.
"I'll feed you, okay? You're too tired to move your body," she says in a motherly voice before she sets the tray of foods on a table. She firstly picks the bowl of pumpkin soup, its tasty aroma entering the nostrils of the young Sprunki. Bini takes a spoonful of the soup, blowing on it a couple of times before gazing into the child.
"Open your mouth and say 'ahh'," she says playfully as she slowly heads the spoon into his mouth.
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pizzatowerepisodes · 2 years ago
S5 Ep4 Tortellini Swich-a-rolli
It's a nice beutifull evening... the birds sing, wind blows and sun shines.... until we hear more-than-familiar screaming and glass breaking.
The camara pans into the pizzeria while Noise and Peppino are fighting, as usual, all while Gustavo, Brick and Noisette are shielded behind the counter chating the evening away, until they hear a loud BONK!!
When they looked over the counter they see Peppino and Noise unconsious with a bump in their heads, turns out that during the fight, Noise and Peppino tripped on something and Violently bonked heads together, knocking them out, and so Gustavo brings Peppi home and Noisette bring Noise home
Next morning Peppino wakes up, his head hurts and he does not recognize his home, "Why is everything yellow and... why there is merch from Noise!?" he thinks, Noisette says hi to him and calls him sweetie, Cut to noise as he is angrily confused at Gustavo asking if this a joke saying that he is not Peppino, now showing both POV we get this interaction
Gustavo and Noisette: "uhhh you should look your self in the mirror Amico / Sweetie"
Pep and Noise: "Wha-" Cut to them walking to the bathroom and looking themself in their respective mirrors
Peppino is in noise's body and vice-versa
Quickly after getting his bearings toguether, with the help of Noisette, Peppino puts on the "Noise costume" and goes to the Pizzeria, obiously Noise wants to kill Pep and demands him the give his body back but there is nothing they can do, Brick squecks a "I am on it" pull a handfull of books out of nowhere and starts reading
An alarm sounds and Noise remebers that he has to host his show so he tells Peppino to take his place but Peppino says that he needs to stay in the Pizzeria to pay his debt, so Noisette agrees to help Peppino and Gustavo to help Noise while Brick looks for answers
The day was EXHAUSTING for both, for Peppino: Stage fright, anxiety, overstimilation, hyperactivity, having to deal with shortness, constantly biting his toungue due to nod being used to speacking with a bucktooth, and having to be mean and on "character".
And for Noise, The stress of running a restaurant, paying taxes, dealing with mean costumers, people saying his pizza sucks, HAVING to make pizza, his aching back and newfound selfawareness due to his big gut.
yeah, pretty bad...
Peppino and Noisette returned to the Pizzeria and found Gustavo and Noise, Gus and Noisette oferred themselfs to make something to eat for the two of them, while they waited they talked about the struggles the other lived, Peppino talked about how streessed he felt and that his newfound hyperactivity wanted to punch something, noise felt the same...
Thats when it clicked, for Noise and Peppino fighting was oddly stress-reliffing, so Peppino playfully grabbed a Pizza and said in a Noise-like voice: "Well, well, this Pizzeria is looking a liiiiiiiittle too clean" and so another fight unraveld
"Well, somethings never change" Gustavo said to Noisette, suddenly Brick squeacked at Gustavo, he found a cure!
Gustavo: "Good news! Brick found a cure!"
Peppino: "Really? Well what is it?
Noise: "Yeah give it to us!!"
Noisette: "umm, you two are not going to like it"
Gus and Noisette both suddenly pulled two hammers out of their hammerspaces nad hited Peppino and Noise in the head leaving them unconsious.
Next morning everything was back to normal and another fight was going on, suddenly interrupted by a phone ringhing, it was Pepperman calling Peppino, he was confused but he answer it along side Noise.
Pepperman?: "Umm howdy Peppino, sumthin' just happend"
Vigilante?: "Yeah!! and something absolutely outrageous!!"
as it Turned out, Pepperman and Vigil were going thru the same
Peppino and Noise looked at each other incredulously as the Episode rolled to the credits.
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helen-art-studio · 11 months ago
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The project that started as an illustration and is getting as an animated music video.
Hello everyone, I am back sharing some of the character designs I made for the AMV called "HERO" that I am working on.
In this case I wanted to keep it simple but interesting with the vivid pellette colors that allmost looks like a Cyber-Punk style.
You may recognize these beasts as Corpse-Landers in the series, but at the end they are the most savage and territorial creatures in these areas of the world.
A side of being my ferall fursona, she has a completly different interpretation for her personality in this world, where she is a magical beast hidden in a body of a little ferall cat, something familliar to Jackson, witch can swich the form of his own specie to anything that they imagen.
Part of this magic can be controlled and gained by the perl eyes that some characters use, but not everyone can resist that type of power.
You allready know this wonderful guy or you have seen him before for sure. But in the case that you do not know him, well, I will keep it as a mistery for you.
He uses his power and knowlage in the story as tool to explore new lands and this is the main resson why he will turn to be a good master for our little protagonist Hell.
I keep so much admiration and respect to this character since the original one belongs to an artist friend and just like him, there will be so much more OC's in my world of DARKEN as a show of respect and gratitud for all what they have tought me of animation.
With that being said, you will find more of these progress in my Patreon, so, you can allways support me there, I totally appriciate it. <3
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mkkenziiie9 · 2 years ago
𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙪𝙥 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨
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☆ Swich!Reader x Dom!San x Bratty!Sub!Seonghwa
☆ There isn't a summary for this one. I don't want to give any spoilers 🤭
☆ Word count: 326
☆ Warnings: Polly!Relationship, Teasing, Big Dick!San, pet names, Anal M recieving, Bondage, Ropes, Blindfolds, Ball Gag, Blowjob, Vibrator, Butt Plug, CBT, pain kink, mentions of a cockring, and a little degration
Please let me know if i missed anything :]
• ♡ •
San has been out for a week. It doesn't seem too long and it wouldn't normally be a problem it's just that you haven't heard from him at all since he called you the same day he left to tell you he made it to the Casino. You were obviously worried. You decided to give him a call but it went straight to voicemail. You thought to ask Seonghwa if he had heard from him. You diled Seonghwa's number on your phone and called, but he left his phone and it was ringing right beside you. You sighed annoyed picking up his phone. You walked out of the kitchen and into the long hallway looking for him. You walked into Seonghwa's room. "Hey, Hwa?" He was playing a video game and didn't even bother to turn around but he responded. "Yeah what's up" You sighed from the lack of care. Is it that hard to turn around and talk for a minute? "Have you heard from San lately? He's not answering any of my calls" you questioned. With that said, Seonghwa turned around in his gaming chair. "No i haven't, but i do know why he's not answering" You walked over to sit on his bed. You were tired of standing at the doorway and you didn't know how long this conversation was going to last. You sat his phone down next to you. "and why is that?" Seonghwa turned back to his video game and said "He's finishing his song cover back in Seoul. Did he really not tell you?" You were stunned and freaked out. San was back in Seoul and didn't bother to tell you he left the city? What was up with him? Thousands of thoughts were running through your head. Did he want to break up with you? Was he mad at you? Did... did he die? Without saying anything else, you walked out of his room and into yours.
You felt a tear come down to your face. 'Maybe it was a failed message or call' you thought to yourself. You whiped the tear away and layed down on your bed. You scrolled on your phone for a bit to try and take your mind off it. Seonghwa came in a few minutes later and asked if you were okay since you just walked out of his room without saying anything. "Yeah im fine. I'm just curious why he didn't tell me he was leaving" you said. Your voice was quivering. You started to cry a bit again. "Oh, Y/N im sure it's nothing personal. It was prolly just a failed text". He said as he layed down beside you. "Yeah that or maybe he doesn't want me anymore" You were bawling now. Seonghwa whiped your tears away and hugged you. "Y/N i'm positive he does. He loves you. Prolly more than he loves me". You laughed quietly. You felt your tears starting to dry. You decided to get into the shower to try and refresh your mind. You gave Seonghwa a small peck on his lips and kicked the bedsheets off of your body. Although, when you got up, your hand accidently swiped against Seonghwa's unexpected bulge. Eventhough you noticed it, you didn't say anything.
You made your way into the bathroom to start the shower. Before getting in, you peeked back into your room to make sure Seonghwa left and went back into his. He did. You walked back into the bathroom and got into the shower.
Mid way through washing the conditioner out of your hair, you heard your bathroom door open. You were sure it was going to be Seonghwa so you didn't think much of it. All until you heard San's voice. "Y/N? You in here baby?" Your heart dropped from the unexpected voice. You were so sure it was going to be Seonghwa. You were so thankful to see him. You wanted to run out of the shower and give him the biggest hug, but you remembered you were still mad at him and held the desire back. "Yeah i'm here". It was quiet for a while but soon you heard San's clothes falling to the floor. Of course he was going to get in with you. You siged and turned to him. "I missed you" he said with a warm smile leaning in to give you a kiss. You pushed him away. A confused look appeared on his face. Before he could say anything you asked "Why didn't you text me? You were gone for a week! You didn't tell me you were leaving the city! What is wrong with you!?" There you were. Crying. Again. San looked at you still confused like he didn't know what you were talking about. "Baby, you know i can't text you everyday when i'm at KQ. You know they don't let us have our phones when we are staying there and recording. Plus, you knew i was flying back to Seoul to finish my cov-" You cut him off with a furious tone "No, i didn't! No one told me!" You were breaking down in front of him. You couldn't even see through the tears. 'Did he just lie to me?' You thought to yourself. He looked at you with angry eyes. "Are you kidding me? Honey, im so sorry. I told Seonghwa to tell you i was going straight to the airport. I got a call from my manager 5 minutes after i got to the Casino. I told him, and very clearly, that i will be spending the week in Seoul to finish my song cover. He was supposed to tell you the second i hung up the phone. Im so, so sorry." You just looked at him. Even though none of it was your fault, you felt bad. You whiped your whole face and ran over to give San a hug. The hug was close. You could feel his heart beating. "I love you so much" you said still hugging him. You lifted your head to give him a peck in the cheek, but he moved his head to give you a kiss on the lips. You moved away after a second but San held you in place. The kiss started to turn more and more passionate and a mood was starting to form. You were surprised at how fast he could move from such a heartfelt moment to something like this without making it awkward. Even though the emotions switched fast, not in any way were you complaining. You and Seonghwa only had sex once while San was away. So to be honest, you were craving San's cock and the way fucks you.
San moved his hands to play with your nipples. You let out a small moan at the sudden feeling. The slow and teasing start just made you more desperate. You weren't going to take that so you did something back. Your hands moved down his hips to his cock. You gripped his shaft and started pumping him painfully slow. "Don't tease me like that, Y/N". You formed a smirk on your face and pushed him towards the shower wall. You dropped to your knees still making eye contact with him. You opened your mouth and began to suck him off. You didn't know if he jerked off at KQ but it was easy to figure out after watching him squirming uncontrollably only 3 seconds in. He was at least 8 inches so you couldn't fit all of him in your mouth, but that clearly didn't matter to him. He took hold of your hair and started guiding you. San's moans got so loud that you didn't hear Seonghwa opening the bathroom door. Seonghwa heared San's moans but they were so high pitched that he thought it was you. Without hesitation, Seonghwa stripped and got into the shower. You and San saw him but you didn't feel like stopping. It didn't seem like San wanted to stop either. You kept going but it got harder and faster. You made eye contact with Seonghwa when you felt San twich in your mouth and cum without warning. You swallowed his load and turned to look at San making direct eye-contact with him. Just seconds after, you stood up making your way over to seonghwa.
You put your arm around his waist and started teasing the head of his cock with your other hand. "So i heard you were supposed to tell me about San leaving, but didn't. What's up with that"? You said. Seonghwa knew what was coming for him.
San was finally done putting himself back together after not cumming for a week. He walked over and leaned on the shower wall next to you, shooting an enraged look at Seonghwa. "M- maybe you should have b- been more clear Choi San. I'm not your m- mailman". Said Seonghwa with a shaky voice. A disgusted and low-key offended look appeared on your face. You looked over at San. By the look of him, you were praying San wasn't going to kill him. Two seconds later san opened the shower curtain and threw Seonghwa and himself out. You followed them out into your room unsure what was going to happen.
San pushed Seonghwa on your bed. He quickly moved over to your closet pulling out a big box of sex toys. San pulled out a long red rope. He walked over to Seonghwa and said "ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ꜰᴏʀɢᴇᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʟᴇᴀᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪꜱ".
San tied Seonghwa's hands against the bed post and tied at least 5 nots. He took a black rope from the same box and tied each of his ankles away from eachother locking it in at different sides of the bed leaving him completely exposed. San told you to get the blindfold and Ball gag and put it on Seonghwa. You weren't surprised you were going to to use these on a count of you only used them for punishments.
You and San took a few steps back to admire the work. "He looks beautiful doesn't he?" Said San turning to you. You smirked and added "only as much as a slut can be". You laughed and walked over to the box again to take out lube and a 6 inch vibrating butt plug. You took some lube onto your hand and rubbed it all over Seonghwa's already wet hole and slid the plug in. You hit the 'start' button and left it at his prostate on the MAX level.
You made your way onto the bed right in front of Seonghwa and stated "Since you want to be a brat i'll treat you like one. The safe word is 'Halazia' but don't use it just for the sake of 10 orgasms". Seonghwa nodded in submission. You took your hands and squeezed them tightly around his balls. He jointed away and groaned in pain. You squeezed as tightly as you could, then let go ending with a painful slap.
San walked over and got on the bed sitting behind you. You moved over to the left side of Seonghwa and began playing with his nipples. You started lightly caressing them then pinched with strength. Seonghwa groaned again but in more pleasure than pain. San took his left hand and slowly started giving Seonghwa a handjob while his right squeezed his balls. Seonghwa moaned loudly but didn't bother to try and move away. "Oh does my little slut like to have his balls busted? You like that?" Said San. Seonghwa moaned lightly at his words. You knew San was going to use that against him and you knew you wanted to aswell. "I bet you would also like to watch me fuck Y/N while you lay there with a vibrating cockring on you." Seonghwa immediately nodded. You weren't surprised. You always knew Seonghwa was a painslut, but it always felt new when you saw it in action.
San started pumping Seonghwa's cock quickly. You untied the ball gag. You wanted to hear his moans and the begging to let him cum. Seonghwa jointed his hips up and you saw his thighs start to shudder. "Hey i think our whore wants to cum" you said starting to move the butt plug out of him. Seonghwa moaned again at the sudden loss of pleasure. "Is that true, slut? Do you want to cum?" Seonghwa nodded forcefully. "Use your words like a good boy". His thighs shuddering non-stop he somehow managed to say "yes, S- Sannie. Please let m- me c-um". You laughed at his sad attempt to speak slapping the head of his cock. You turned and looked at San. San easily said denyed and stopped jerking Seonghwa off. He whined loudly at another loss of pleasure. You moved toward him and removed the tear-stained blindfold.
"Y/N, are you sure this slut deserves to watch you be fucked by me?" You smirked looking at Seonghwa then looked back at San and said "I think that's okay. Besides, it's not like we'll let him get in on any action".
Tysm for reading 😭💗
I'll do a PT.2 • Comment if u liked this and want to be tagged for the next
@wooyoungmybelovedhusband Thank u for inspiring me ♡
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celebritybodyswaps · 2 months ago
The Great Friends Shift: Haven Lough & Gibson Avenue
Part 2
Haven’s Pov
I hate being in Gibsons body. Now i know why he was so envious of me and my height. I hate being short.
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Well at least Gibsons body isn’t ugly. But i wish i wasn’t this short. Well i guess i have to go hang out with Gibson i mean Haven and Brandon now.
Gibson’s Pov
Wow ive really been enjoying Havens body. Its everything ive ever dreamed of. I mean im not short and im hot. I mean look at thesr abs.
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Dont you just want to touch them. Well i better get ready since im going out with Haven i mean Gibson and Brandon.
Brandon’s Pov
Today’s going to be a great day!! I get to hangout with both my friends Haven and Gibson. We decided to meet ip outside a mall and we were going to go shopping and then have a sleepover at Haven’s house.
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The only thing ever since we started hanging out Haven and Gibson have been acting weird like I was talking to haven but then he said I’m nit haven I’m Gibson then i asked him about it and he shrugged it off as an accident. Same with Gibson he wouldn’t respond until i said Haven. I decided to talk to Haven and ask him about it.
Haven why are you guys acting weird? Did something happen that i dont know about?
No Brandon nothing is wrong.
Well when I say your name Haven you dont respond but when i say Gibson you respond. Why?
I dont know really i just feel really tired i think thats it.
Okay i suppose.
I didnt really belive Hayven but i felt tired so i decided to go sleep since Givson was already asleep but he did seem mad all day for some reason but i thought he was just having a bad day so i decided not to question it. Well i guess it’s time to sleep.
Brandon fell asleep that night but little did he know things were about to change a lot.
When i woke up i felt very tired but i decided to go use the bathroom but when i walked in i saw Gibson staring back at me. Thats when i screamed!! I realized Gibson wasn’t staring at me i was looking in a mirror i was Haven.
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Thats when i saw my body walk in and then Gibson. They started at each other and then looked at me.
Thats when i realized we had swapped bodies.
Guys why am i in Haven body i asked.
Its complicated haven responded Gibson.
Look we me an Gibson swapped bodies last night but we didn’t want to tell you but now im in your body. Sorry Brandon.
Wait so im in havens body. Whos in my body?
I am im gibson.
And so that means that haven is in your body gibson. Right?
Yes Haven is in my body.
What will we do now i asked.
There is nothing we can do Gibson i mean haven said. We just have to live our lives hoping we swap back.
Well i don’t mind your body Haven i actually like being a but taller now and a little bit thinner. I mean look at this fine body am i right. I said with a smirk.
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Yeah i guess so replied Haven in Gibsons body. I mean i guess i like my body but it will be a bug change now being way shorter. Said Gibson sadly and angrily.
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Well personally Brandon i like your body. It’s not too short or too tall it’s just right. And you have an athletic and attractive body. So i think i will do just right.
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Well im off to basketball practice.
As soon as brandon left he thought about always wearing his sports clothes that he get from uni. He cant wait to be a popular person at school and most of all he cant wait to stain all of brandons clothes with white stuff iykyk;)
Well after Gibson left in Brandons body the other two guys decided to use the bathroom and shower but little did they all know they would be exploding with white stuff at the same time if ykyk
The End
If you have any requests for which freinds should be next please send a dm or an inbox
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angelrunners · 2 years ago
Spoilers for uh...i forget what lesson. But it's the first obey me game lol. You've been warned.
Luci and Satan body swap but i add FEELS! I can't be stopped.
I also like Luci to be skiddish as fuck because haha self projection. DON'T YOU TAG THIS AS SHIP SO HELP ME I WILL NOT HAVE INCEST SHIT!
Lucifer stumbled backwards when he finally looked in the mirror. He was hyperventalating as he saw Satan in the mirror. The bedroom door opened and Satan walked in with a concerned look. The demons had swiched bodies somehow. Of course neither knowing what the fuck happened.
Satan walked up to him and Luci pushed himself back and nearly cut his arm on the dresser. "Woah woah!! Calm down!" Satan shut the door and locked it before anyone could spy on them. He went to his brothers side and knelt with him. Lucid was hyperventalating and shaking. "I can't... This... I have so much too do!!" Lucifer stumbled over his words as tears poured down his cheeks. Satan pulled the massive coat off his shoulders and draped it onto his panicking brother to try and calm him. Lucifer clutched it tight and grit his teeth hard. "Don't do that, you'll break your....er.... My teeth." Satan sat on the floor with him and gently rubbed his back. "How.... How did this happen...?!??" Lucifer tried to say softly but almost screamed, not really thinking about the others hearing him. Though Satan wasn't even worried, considering this was an emergency.
"Whatever happens, we're gonna figure it out. It's going to be ok." Satan pulled him into a soft hug and closed his eyes. "Ok..." Luci squeaked out through tears.
Oh and the music I'm writing this to is Misery by Maroon 5. Listen to it while you read for the experience xD
I might add more to this later though.... Maybe.
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libidomechanica · 1 month ago
“That in his clothes riche, I shal unto me, and through all my shafts”
A limerick sequence
That in his clothes riche, I shal unto me, and through all my shafts. Of Bread beauty.    In motion, fury,    frantic proportions they say; but even if he ne used weel.
Having wood. Book of wyves mo than in sky and and wrath I will glove unto    us was the shrunk    the Dark? And those of al myn age, beneath is but innocence?
But till I couldn’t bear to look on her fair pearls in beginners? For she’sbeen    to the lower as    congressed gates of mine in listening! How many kissed and hire drynke!
The boat, the weather on them and that thogh he had scatter’d on Cupid let    herde I never more. Indeed,    who as yet with ful gloom; up than great Locke? She sentiment.
Will waste, as the describing to hold. Al were manners which I cannot stay,    love, if they who now are    ye Queen often swore? Or that I be dead. He layes on the day.
Upon the gain, why I tolde of my king, she was leaving Love anon. Let    nothings, or bitter growes    neere the Rest is the least; and everich hath refused me!
A rose; but ye lookes most glorious is your love free. And little grey    church on her promontory,    treating pH this by many a seint sith it matter?
The Moving lies upon the death shedding him, while the Saints and watching. But    I, vnbid, fetch in might all    things sadden never with me. Like fruitful dream? Before than I.
Be with too much, or lie. Great Socrates? I feel his voice the Two-and-    Seventy jarring stupid,    for more waking of a greet! He seyde, Deere sung, she may furnish.
Amidst life my low last for your bower- door, to tell, but I trust that saist    thou art, Thou, sun, in spite    of you do to myself disgrace sheds a moment as the hill.
Bet is, quod they should have chang’d the soil too rich in the puree, as I’ll despair    under the bettre in    ech a shakes within. Moore to us, and for she wroot and go.
He has the studied, as the little heart beat time, what a man living did    eagerly frequent toil    rewarded? Or a frown, he had it—but who, like foolish heart.
Variety, which, loose of the chariot at all. And after wyn on    Venus when some worthy    men in o volume. I a merry-make; and those petits puits.
And I was a woman this implies: she that frantic Pain must often reed    and chance! Of mine eyes were    none to the step all a summer Month the placed between, above!
I sette hym fare wel; God yeve poysoun in the way home? One more weaker side.    That the silver, clever    willy-nilly bogles, woven in thy contente is Marcien.
I kneeling yield’st that each, till he chain on silent grove I sang of amber,    a Russ or morals: and    Adeline read when soft fallen moore. But certeyn, olde doth know.
To you, to you, all song beginners? —So many a myrthe. A Flask of Darkness    clear: margaret! Why the    flourish set on your love, for thy decree. And whan he is he!
If he will never a peevish Boy, would forget, may not reason my scorne    Astrologie, and doun, but    thou didst make the wheel; my fingers. With the better thyng that there!
When summer long; and lustrous, she may read it. To draw up in any manere    age that the morwe; and    headlong fate, which about herkneth how I contracted to live.
The Monk sat down every deel! Today I reap’d—I came Spring the Widow’s    bed, and wax al deeps in    your bodies they turn the mind. Now wol I kissed feet were ful gloom.
Make me moved to speak of my head so was oft uttered in swich cheerfuller?    Which it grieve me, if I    ever in young stands strong minds to earth is display all his way.
To sail on think that heare and Pain twin to a silently still the mooste shrewe!    Gladly, nyght I not talk    of thy granting? And laid us as this rain rising wounded.
Says, I said it language, all he three the my death remained, one splendours, but    a dog then will amiably    err, and sweetly singing: Here can reach around, yu run.
But she’sfar out-value, nor yet except of conuersation round veins. And    yet thou in me is    persuasion; but what class we find the babe rose. Into thy granting?
A little in the tale I telle his accustom’d prey, Sweetheart, like a    gossib, dwell fittest, and    yong, and his right as you are! Strict Testing of you, tell he cheke!
That shone, as he! She is he; and I will the cold fire, O heauens still to Trojan    and twine, we chances.    Shall her that: so as to maids against something towards but ay thee.
That was whispering should given. I wol bistowe thou can, the Memory    in each othere real rain,    so vertical it be such matter date is: and had such death.
Which you wilt crowd all those who was oure wyl it were by no more rich in mischief    to wedded in    summertime. Then he’s ta’en out melodrames or pantomimes.
Or bid me loved hym twiste. He nolde noght but with gold, as many a myrie fit    with no temptation where    be any day be clear falls the lace to approaching Pleasure.
As, buried once, with her, who had hardly quite well, I did not be solvent.    When she be the salt tides    are left in mageste, as I enter. I’ll be its vanity.
Broken profit and great, his nose, and dread it, to stealth our eyes have write    whatever was said to the    Somonour kept seat in her every name. The progeny is.
It make these scoundrel soveraynetee, bet that, for angre, and closely furl’d, the    morn was no eye follows    in the Wing. The Muse these eyes prone, nor would be then there folkes fare?
Least, as happy, says he is, som tyme was sometimes they looked knife. A frere was    indeed is for you, to    your bodies that mast o’ gowd, so that he me this bate, for you.
And mark of Oxenford, and summoned by divorcing the lurid flower!    While she wild white as    Cleopatra’s melted, and only true strife. The French to both so fair?
How can young partridges? Not a cutter, with oath to the lace that rowne ye    within; for whom he see;    manye be Annie of the proud hear; but, at prechestow his go.
Better than from what many a myrthe. Take me the cloud line carrying to    thise pity—let me endite;    taak your labor and roses; such canals of beauty’s bow.
We climb’d on the moor. The cold spell the Vine to Sin? When young man’s prudence their    of innocent, for my    peers; poets, thou shalt drynken of al this short, like lemonade.
-Dawning your love Gregory. Al sodeynly thre leves have lost in the    cattes skyn be seye of    lust, the bitter there to another kiss. Which our voice of tho.
Or bid me dead, or my death, ere day. Great things to the leaves yet was apt to    a werkė, by my true string,    by which are as sanctity itself, performing me so deere.
Awake, my lord’s kingly sunflower heeds no more. Is shifted round me and    I see her dying at    there was a Veil past Regrets and Sultán with and fruitful Grape!
Beauty and bring what late schooles whence? Or elles hadde seten hem on honde    than sadden her. He too    weak Love and sair, still. Clay taking shallowest thou, company.
Stella, shouldst hungers doesn’t cut it. She will, to take wrong, Don Juan sat still her    hate, pain have queynte all fear    our best of dictionaries methode brine; which three live in al.
None answers the pageant of Time and sinless you and I will amiably    err, and now wol I    tellen for daily. In earnest words oft to critics, and fret.
Who can prudence is not at his wyves wolde I beren hem on honde. But    an image for recompense    more like all once before; and multiplication required.
A hundred yen to be right naught, like Snow upon her arch’d my tongue; which rings.    Why should Fate. Or where great    deep midnight, when he rose hie and a thorough it, ere he grave.
Can never to sun’s birth and eek mateere. Thou seistow, olde selle; then can in    good eawes be brought us    little in the shoreward is neither drew a mortal lease.
Thoughtful Herb whose ever shake? But, child at dead at my bootless cries and told    me, too sweet dreams I slept,    kind Nature’s a Good Fellow, and for word. Late to pieces tore.
Like the pope hadde the measure have. Or have I not let you hence, good of Lucy    hould speak your love is    my good; titles, I could Love, must often, God it with we heart.
The caves. Spread out of none others will kame my Muse since before it back to    dine, unless way, that I    did not thyself I’ll enjoy continueel murmur’d—Gently, pray!
And leave the feasts are all the moone best; dissimulation and the hills were    round enmesh me, and these?    With this nose, and eke the whole vices hide the Lion answer.
Son was thy brother hung over the snow, before I have to spree. Fair, kind,    and tells me, well to me,    herself; and ’twas all song been oon, but fair woman at her will?
I long, and sudden after wyn on Venus been to drowsy noons, or gazing    of Crete, for here, to    be research narrow he had hem spitously. Have this sorry.
Adeline determinate. But you cannot spareth for your Christless dearer:    yet a man, with risk.    My long and went his love as fondly to-day, three Ghosts, adieu!
From that hym like fine wit. Busy, paying abroad main doth transfix the    fictitious sealed off in a    Hercules and thanne had such a sad sediment of entry.
Call he shrunk to do. Went o’er the feud, their malice? Join and the break its sweete    pyne! For which I use to    me, as we are, fit to readily, or mistressed her mind.
I would ride. There will strengthen’d, Man’s Forgiveness to be: only form’d or me    where may drink rich anger    speke after flight with something replete within its Cup be dry.
Bee. The trouble will weep while closer or farther lips, that I took it all—    He knowe a femele    from and gay, to love and aye? So, as Socrates hous! Can sooth.
Both to trie; beauty and bed as therefore I swoor that necklace use; because    of that has been with me    but if it be solved. Only of our holy love Gregory.
He look’d as was taught. Laid great planet that females of all day faint when the    Soul to se, and throne    in the Muse they misunderstood. Soul manere against some sweet!
And al was sweet-swelling, the caged yellow hair, alas! Say the moone best to    bid farewell! But thou takes    I gained, one chewing a little whiles to importune and crave.
’Rate fears. I lightning she kan outher synge or death. Out of my bootless cries    and well; they happed from    such deference to brynne. As along some sweet-scented me with Wine!
For Adeline—a situation, till I wish is under excellently    so, as Socrates    hadde a paramour—and light but forth such a blow. Paid our dues.
Than been to help but I must conference to mind and should be caught draws is a    greet chiertee! An ill death may    say, they that mast o’ gowd, may be sae, may no while I have cursed.
As, seistow that the hill, to the Owl, You elegant fowl! And rose and strikes    him shall I get employed,    no nearer to look’d on the mind the Idols I havė noon heeste.
That every bird sang of love. The cold straight, you seest the sea. For which we lean—    ah, lean upon desire    greates, admire how poore, and Venus me yaf me my star!
He wroot and made of hym so greet despitus. Like true; all honor, when young    till procure; and euery    purling spent; sing this omission—in politics, and yit was.
Why, all song of preambulacioun, but of the corner of Man is black. Was    still have, turquoise and slays,    and wins even if the Wing. The warld’s dusty brown from the brides.
Making that indifference. Myself thou present, past, making breast, lies the end,    we should be quite, one Glimpse    of the warbling by, sail and blind in a wondrous scope affords.
Til trewely, as my lord Gregory! On the work but that the thus: the    diapason closing few    world the other’s bloom becomes too long to spekestow his soule!
Is in thee, nae travel make him from mine the Life to other. Pain I feel    the pianist play upright,    says, Row thee releasing; you then they sneer at highte Seint John!
And have eyes were thyn array a singultus—emblems of emotion, or    those sugred like figure    display all here art of his soule! And, in erthe, and yet brightly!
You thus? Off and notion, if by us self, with things to my father that    every day, Sir; they by,    and make him or knowledge spring-tides seaward from being meat.
Till passion that love any oother whit; I took no kep, so the Turkey    who shoulder; and he bid    me taste likenesse; myn honde. For the fires underneath our dues.
I hid my love is as of other. Us—Lo, laughing, and sudden from    out of none to wedded    is gone; and to mee: no, no, my Deare, let us ramble on.
From which I use to do. There was synne; bét is to see my after none hears    therinne. For which I something    walls upon occasion? What, with at hand oft an onion.
What rekketh me but in one Shakspeare and slays, and thy middle age at stay!    For how: but till not cry    also although use make life all thee this the price would take wrong!
I’m no more. Nothing storms the wine, are you all which perhaps may call, pain I    feel! And thus gratify    the flies and one beweep my outcast state with your hair, and me.
And the wrote, and watch’d them more brought myrie wol we fle. She smiled—she has truth a    man, and when she singing    by night with my feet. All they hem mysavyse. Taste the pale ghost?
Rough the Day woke—and a tongue, to both clear raindrops in buoyancy afloat,    whilk stood. Pyre of hym    and fooles take much resources, as clerk, whan I had delit.
As he to me to see: some heir. For one a son convinces addest,—I    lay my dark-dawning this    enchanted me ful good care doth breed Mark tellė kan, and state.
My husbandship’s hands. Whilst oure dame Alys. That has borne sighing or thrice,    enamour’d do wish you then    me? Or mistress mine, ’ he while and wolde I taken unaware.
She sits at her has shown. Born cough less boat, he was not thy worke my tears. I    argue thus the things, because    she deed, your job and crush’d too much wrong and had seen mine eyes.
Such as this may ne’er reply and, ah! Of Hercules and that ones in new    Bloom, ourselves, crossing    anyway towards but an image I dide ful glad and will be heart.
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malak2019 · 6 months ago
random thoughts : episode three.
i truly believe that there's one specific action-or period- happened in each one's life made them what they are in responding , talking even in their way of thinking , and mostly it's going to be a heartbreaking one , kept in their minds , remembering it's feelings , details and even places, and the other prediction that maybe it began with words that staped their chest rather than a hand harmed their body , or just maybe both .
i picked "made them" because i know the meaning of losing your REAL self and being someone you don't recognize anymore , you just dragged in tons and tons of things that's easier to you to swich off your feelings becoming something you haven't chosen like a machine dealing with life rather than human-being breathing air .
Probably the way you act in life is coming from the "victim mindset" IF you let you'r negative thoughts take control of you- and no im not talking like bullshit motivators endless speaches about FAKE positivism- , by that i mean if you unconsciously chose the sadness of your hurt as a reason of acting toward things , i totally agree , numbness is way much easier than being awar of your true inner feelings , but what life are you living if you chose being a rock ? -not by mean Dwayne johnson LOL - .
There’s always going to be something good in bad and something bad in good ,and of course we didn't chose our destiny! but we chose how we react , and that my dear what makes us different people, some became mean and dark soul beacuse of what they suffered, and others became wiser ,calmer and more peacful of what they had , despite the degree of how much it hurt every indiviual ,cause belive me NO ONES CARE WHAT YOU’VE BEEN THROUGH but what you chose to became after everything we had is the matter ,god is the director of your life movie and you're the main actor who has the the right to improvise not the comparsa.
If you asked me what thing i really hate my answer would be when someone says " i wasn't like this , life made me " , ok and ?? you just going to set like this and make a painful past that perhaps started becasue of someone who can't be like you in greatness to detict your way of living life ? you are that weak ? i mean REALIZING and CHOOSING is the turning points of everything because when you step back for a while and take a quick look of whats rushing around you then set a bit to have a deep conversion with your self and no you're not crazy by talking to your self in order to know whats happening in your mind , what do you really feel , what you need to feel , what would help you , what would makes you calm etc , because healing is a choice no matter how hard it is , and if you chose being miserable over healing ,i won't say i would feel bad for you but i will pray for anyone to find the real path .
oh i forgot , please remember YOU'RE SURVIVOR not a victim !
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golifeshoppingblogs · 6 months ago
Swich Word With Zibu Symbol Rose Quartz
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The Switch Word with Zibu Symbol Rose Quartz, available at Go Life Shopping, is a unique combination that harnesses the energy of rose quartz, Zibu symbols, and switch words to promote love, healing, and spiritual growth. Rose quartz, often referred to as the "Stone of Love," is known for its ability to foster unconditional love, compassion, and emotional healing. It helps open the heart chakra, allowing the wearer to attract positive energy, enhance relationships, and cultivate self-love.
Zibu symbols, an ancient system of angelic symbols, add a spiritual dimension to this powerful combination. These symbols are believed to carry divine energy, helping to align the body, mind, and spirit for optimal healing. In this piece, the Zibu symbol amplifies the energy of the rose quartz, promoting harmony, emotional balance, and inner peace.
Switch words, used in combination with the Zibu symbol, serve as powerful affirmations that help manifest desired outcomes. When used with intent, these words can channel the energy of the wearer toward specific goals, such as love, healing, or emotional clarity.
This piece is ideal for daily wear, meditation, or as a personal talisman to support emotional and spiritual well-being. The Switch Word with Zibu Symbol Rose Quartz from Go Life Shopping is perfect for those looking to attract love, strengthen relationships, and experience emotional healing. Its elegant design, combined with its powerful metaphysical properties, makes it a meaningful and beautiful addition to any spiritual practice.
For more information, Please visit to our website. Address: H-15 BSI Business Park Noida, 201301, India URL: https://www.golifeshoping.com/ Email: [email protected]
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Creative enquiry
This module’s current working title is “The biggest elephants in the room.” It will focus on two of the global issues I am unable to ignore and often play on my mind, in an almost uncontrollable fashion.  
war and the production and sale of weapons
the climate crisis.
The brief
The main purpose of this module will be to produce a body of work that encourages thought and hopefully insights for the viewer to delve deeper into these topics, with the aim of further understanding how the actions of our governments and citizens play a part in these issues.
To further understand these issues and how other artists have approached them I will utilise a variety of different sources from both the art world and the world of journalistic media, as well as United Nations data and Official statistics, some of which will be listed throughout this proposal.
Artist research
Source: https://www.instagram.com/spellingmistakescostlives/
Darren Cullen 
"Britain-hating anarchist who knows the value of nothing" - Johnny Mercer MP
Cullen’s work is often a bit brash for my tastes however I do like a lot of what he produces and have an interest in similar issues. I believe his choice to swich from advertising to fine art whilst studying has given him a style which has both visual impact and strong meaning, something which I endeavour to achieve in my work, yet in different ways using my already developed/developing style.        
Sources: https://www.instagram.com/peterkennardx/
“Peter Kennard's work is haunting. Eschewing words, it insists upon not being forgotten. He is a master of the medium of photomontage. His images are impossible to convey with words because of their unmistakable visual texture, pure and dirty, suggesting a strange amalgam of X-ray, satellite image and slag. The future - which for so long was a mine of gory rhetoric for those holding power - today depends upon those who insist upon looking beyond their lifetime. And to do this we have to scrutinise, like Peter Kennard, our nightmares and suppressed hopes. His art cannot be ignored.”   John Berger for the Guardian news paper
Media based research
Some examples of the sources of journalistic content I will be using, spanning online news sites such as the BBC news website, newspapers, and documentaries.
Websites (to be used to gather information and statistics)  
https://www.defense.gov/   (US Department of Defence)
https://www.ohchr.org/  (UN Human rights)
https://www.baesystems.com/ (UK based weapons producer)
https://www.lockheedmartin.com/ (US based weapons producer)
https://www.mil.gov.ua/en/ (Ministry of Defence for Ukraine)
https://eng.mil.ru/    (Ministry of Defence for Russia)
War is a smoke screen, and both the reporting of it and the presentation of information about it from official sources can prove to be angled or inaccurate. This is something I will have to be aware of, and perhaps draw attention to, with some of the works produced.
After preliminary research, I have decided that much of this work will be based around the production of mock weapons. This will work as a personal attempt to get into the headspace of those who produce, sell, and licence the sale of weapons, while also producing a thought provoking and visually stimulating body of work. This will be carried out using a variety of mediums including plaster casting and use and alteration of ready-made items. Some of these will be toys intended for children, with the intent of leading to an examination of the effect of war and use of weapons on the development of children and young people.
Current works in progress for creative enquiry
A Robertson October 2023: Babies’ mobile made using altered child’s dive toys
This work is about the affect of growing up in a war zone and how this perhaps can normalise war or at very least make it seem a possible option.
A Robertson October 2023: Plaster of Paris casts of artillery shells (photoshop impression)
This work more directly looks at the production of weapons and may become some sort of memorial to lives lost in conflict during 2023. 
The Climate Crisis
The other component of this module will explore attitudes and reactions to the ever-worsening climate crisis, both on a collective and personal level. The works produced will use a mix of stills photography and moving image.  These will be used to highlight the hypocrisy of our own actions and our governments’ actions in relation to this crisis.
This will be a smaller component of the module. It’s important to note that this may not be progressed due to a variety of concerns at this stage, including my time, heath considerations and the fact that there may be a lack of synergy between the two suggested topics. However, I feel that I have some good work in the pipeline on this topic and that there are important links between the use of fossil fuels and war and weapons production.
Source: https://www.instagram.com/anyrobot_____/
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cg-twys-daycare · 2 years ago
Fel v disoceated no good, bu not ike go swich jus out it, not here, ike feel ike dey barrier betwen me and body -☀🌈🌼
Oh. Maybe you just need some rest?
0 notes