mkkenziiie9 · 4 months
I totally forgot about Tumblr 😭
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mkkenziiie9 · 1 year
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Read part 1 here: Asked For It
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Boyfriend!San x Fem reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings/tags: Idol!San, Established relationship, rough unprotected sex, light bondage (with his belt), oral sex, facefucking, pussyeating, dirty talk/foul language, degrading, namecalling (slut/whore), doggy style, hairpulling
@anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @star1117-archives @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @thatonenoona
Tell me if u wanna be added to my taglist!❣️
When you entered the dorm and went into San's room he was already waiting for you. He sat on his bed, wearing a white button up shirt with dark grey slacks, shiny and pointy shoes covering his feet. His shirt was slightly open, revealing his toned and pumped chest. His hair was styled backwards and in his hands he held his belt.
Exactly way you liked it.
''Wow, what a treat,'' you said, smirking as you dropped your bag and walked over to him. ''Mhm, thought I'd get on the whole sexy CEO look thing for you, since you're gonna have a long night, dear,'' San said. His smirk was dark, nearly evil and you knew he was going to absolutely ruin you tonight, punishing you for not making him cum.
''How thoughtful of you,'' you grinned as you stood in front of him. San got up, his big form towering over you. He grabbed your chin roughly with his hand, kissing you with so much passion and power you nearly fell to your knees. San had you pressed against the door, smacking it closed with a loud bang.
You felt his tongue on your lips, making you gasp and granting him access. San's hands explored your body as his tongue explored your mouth. You melt into his embrace as your lips mold together. There was no other explanation to the mess you were making in your panties than Choi San's tongue. It worked miracles on you everytime, no matter where he put it.
San broke off the kiss and took off your shirt and lacy bralette, licking your nipples and making you gasp as he ties your wrists together behind your back. ''S-San,'' you tried but he shook his head. ''You know better than to tease me and leave me hanging, princess, so now you're just going to take whatever I give to you, am I understood?''
''Yes, San, I understand,'' you nodded as San guided you to your knees. He unzipped his pants and dropped them, revealing his red, angry cock. ''You're gonna take, whatever I fucking give to you.''
He took a handfull of your hair, yanking on it, making you whine out. San saw this as a good chance to force his cock into your mouth. You felt it hit the back of your throat as he slid it in and out repeatedly. You tried so hard not to gag on his cock as he picked up the pace. He held your head in his hands as he fucked your mouth.
San's heavy balls slapped against your chin, making you yearn to have them in your mouth. You whined around San's cock, tapping on his thigh and making him pull out.
''Yes, angel?'' he asked with a softer voice, looking down on you to see if you were okay. ''I know, I will take whatever you give to me but maybe you wanna switch between your big delicious cock and your balls? I fucking love having both in my mouth, please,'' you begged.
San laughed at you and shook his head mockingly. ''Such a little cockslut, aren't you?''
Before you could answer he had already stuffed his balls in your mouth. You licked and sucked on them as much as you could, earning some low groans from your boyfriend.
''Such a good little slut, taking my balls like that, you like that huh? You fucking like that?''
You moaned around his length, clenching your thighs together. You nodded eagerly as San slapped his member on your cheek, before entering your mouth again, balls going back to slapping against your face.
Tears flowed down your cheeks as you kept on taking his cock. You were nearly full-on sobbing on his dick, clenching around nothing. San was grunting and groaning like an animal, having no mercy. ''Such a good little cockwhore, you like it huh? Well then fucking take it, take it baby, fucking take it, take my load, take my load baby, fuck. Take. It. Take. It, TAKE IT!''
San groaned loudly as he came in your mouth. There was no way you could have swallowed it all. San always cums with a generous amount, leaving you breathless. He pulls his member from your mouth, a thin string of saliva and cum still connected to your plump lips. The cum runs down your chin, dripping on your chest, making you hiss.
He helps you with getting up and taking you to the bed. San sits you down and slides down your skirt and panties. Immediately, you spread your legs instinctively, revealing your achingly wet core. San strips himself from his sexy CEO clothes too, sitting before you on his knees.
''Let me get a taste of that sweet little pussy, angel,'' San smirks as he dives down between your legs. You want to run your hands through his hair, want to pull it, but you are restrained by San's belt around your wrists.
You whined at the feeling of San's strong tongue deep inside your cunt. ''God, San, Yes,'' you moaned out. San was so eager to fuck you with his tongue, despite what you had done earlier. He was so good, never disappointing, and you could never get enough of him.
San was always like this. No matter what you did or how much you teased him, he wanted to have you writhing because of his touch. And you were, grinding your pussy on his face as you felt yourself come closer to climaxing. Before San could stop to tease you back, you came with a loud moan, spilling your juices on the idol's lips.
''Oh my God,'' you moaned out as San licked a stripe from the bottom to the top of your cunt. ''You're such a little whore... Cumming on my face after only a few minutes of my tongue?''
You whined as he moved you further on the bed, turning you over, nearly pushing your face in the matrass. San held onto your tied wrists with one of his hands as he guided his cock into your tight wet cunt with his other.
''O-Oh, San,'' you moaned out, feeling a burning sensation from the delicious stretch of his delicious cock. ''Be a good girl, okay? You are going to take my fucking dick as long as I want? Okay?''
You moaned as San pushed his cock as deep as he could, pistoning it in and out of your hole. You could not even form words so all you let out were murmured sounds, making him smirk at you. He had you at his mercy, completely. Always.
''You're fucking mine, you whore, you're mine, you're my body to fuck, my pussy to own, do you fucking understand?'' San grunted. All you let out were loud moans, muffled by the sheets half in your mouth, catching your drool.
''You are not in charge of me. You don't get to leave me hanging. You only get to get fucked and take my cum and I don't care if you can't take it, I don't care if it is too much, I don't fucking care because you are made to take my cock!''
''Y-Yes! Yes I am yours, I am yours, I am so fucking yours, fuck my pussy, please!''
San pulled your hair roughly, making you whine and cry out of pleasure. The stretch and the pulling were painful, but it was worth it. He was worth it. Everything he gave you was worth it. The cum that San was spilling inside of your cunt was so worth it.
He stayed hard and kept fucking you, making you think he had turned into some sort of sex God, completely ruining your pussy. But he filled you up so perfectly. The squelching of your wetness and his cum made you come undone on his cock.
You screamed out his name as your body shook roughly. San smirked and pounded you even harder, if that was even possible.
''Yes, yes, YES! Fuck me like you fucking mean it,'' you challenged him. You knew he loved it when you challenged and teased him with your words. Both of you knew what was gonna happen if you did, both of you wanted it to happen so you never cared.
''Yes baby, take my fucking dick, I fucking love fucking your cunt, I love your cunt baby, Take it!''
The tip of his member hit all your favourite spots. It didn't take long before San was moaning just as loud as you were, spilling his seeds inside your wet cunt once again.
You felt his chest and shoulders on your back, pressing you deeper into the matrass. You felt like you were gonna suffocate, but San was slowing down, clearly out of breath and stamina. He pulled out of you and took his belt off your wrists, breathing heavily.
You laid down with him, in his arms. The two of you smiled and just laid with each other in silence. You didn't need to speak, you didn't need to say a word. Your eyes told more than words ever could. Even with the roughest sex in the world, San still loved you. He always loves you. Always. Even when you asked for it with your teasing.
''ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING DONE YET? WERE YOU KILLING HER IN THERE?'' Seonghwa yelled, smacking the door with his hand, making the two of you laugh.
''TAKE IT. TAKE IT. YEAHHHH, BABY TAKE IT!'' Mingi imitated San with a rough voice. You laughed for a long time, cuddling with San.
''I'll kill them, for real, they've asked for it.''
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mkkenziiie9 · 1 year
I really thought this video was 20 minutes long 😭 @idols-in-sweatpants has loads of these and many ateez ones - please check it out omg
#ateez #bulge
[ source: unknown behind the scenes ]
[ video is not mine. credit to @/lilyeobun on twitter ]
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mkkenziiie9 · 1 year
𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙪𝙥 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨
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☆ Swich!Reader x Dom!San x Bratty!Sub!Seonghwa
☆ There isn't a summary for this one. I don't want to give any spoilers 🤭
☆ Word count: 326
☆ Warnings: Polly!Relationship, Teasing, Big Dick!San, pet names, Anal M recieving, Bondage, Ropes, Blindfolds, Ball Gag, Blowjob, Vibrator, Butt Plug, CBT, pain kink, mentions of a cockring, and a little degration
Please let me know if i missed anything :]
• ♡ •
San has been out for a week. It doesn't seem too long and it wouldn't normally be a problem it's just that you haven't heard from him at all since he called you the same day he left to tell you he made it to the Casino. You were obviously worried. You decided to give him a call but it went straight to voicemail. You thought to ask Seonghwa if he had heard from him. You diled Seonghwa's number on your phone and called, but he left his phone and it was ringing right beside you. You sighed annoyed picking up his phone. You walked out of the kitchen and into the long hallway looking for him. You walked into Seonghwa's room. "Hey, Hwa?" He was playing a video game and didn't even bother to turn around but he responded. "Yeah what's up" You sighed from the lack of care. Is it that hard to turn around and talk for a minute? "Have you heard from San lately? He's not answering any of my calls" you questioned. With that said, Seonghwa turned around in his gaming chair. "No i haven't, but i do know why he's not answering" You walked over to sit on his bed. You were tired of standing at the doorway and you didn't know how long this conversation was going to last. You sat his phone down next to you. "and why is that?" Seonghwa turned back to his video game and said "He's finishing his song cover back in Seoul. Did he really not tell you?" You were stunned and freaked out. San was back in Seoul and didn't bother to tell you he left the city? What was up with him? Thousands of thoughts were running through your head. Did he want to break up with you? Was he mad at you? Did... did he die? Without saying anything else, you walked out of his room and into yours.
You felt a tear come down to your face. 'Maybe it was a failed message or call' you thought to yourself. You whiped the tear away and layed down on your bed. You scrolled on your phone for a bit to try and take your mind off it. Seonghwa came in a few minutes later and asked if you were okay since you just walked out of his room without saying anything. "Yeah im fine. I'm just curious why he didn't tell me he was leaving" you said. Your voice was quivering. You started to cry a bit again. "Oh, Y/N im sure it's nothing personal. It was prolly just a failed text". He said as he layed down beside you. "Yeah that or maybe he doesn't want me anymore" You were bawling now. Seonghwa whiped your tears away and hugged you. "Y/N i'm positive he does. He loves you. Prolly more than he loves me". You laughed quietly. You felt your tears starting to dry. You decided to get into the shower to try and refresh your mind. You gave Seonghwa a small peck on his lips and kicked the bedsheets off of your body. Although, when you got up, your hand accidently swiped against Seonghwa's unexpected bulge. Eventhough you noticed it, you didn't say anything.
You made your way into the bathroom to start the shower. Before getting in, you peeked back into your room to make sure Seonghwa left and went back into his. He did. You walked back into the bathroom and got into the shower.
Mid way through washing the conditioner out of your hair, you heard your bathroom door open. You were sure it was going to be Seonghwa so you didn't think much of it. All until you heard San's voice. "Y/N? You in here baby?" Your heart dropped from the unexpected voice. You were so sure it was going to be Seonghwa. You were so thankful to see him. You wanted to run out of the shower and give him the biggest hug, but you remembered you were still mad at him and held the desire back. "Yeah i'm here". It was quiet for a while but soon you heard San's clothes falling to the floor. Of course he was going to get in with you. You siged and turned to him. "I missed you" he said with a warm smile leaning in to give you a kiss. You pushed him away. A confused look appeared on his face. Before he could say anything you asked "Why didn't you text me? You were gone for a week! You didn't tell me you were leaving the city! What is wrong with you!?" There you were. Crying. Again. San looked at you still confused like he didn't know what you were talking about. "Baby, you know i can't text you everyday when i'm at KQ. You know they don't let us have our phones when we are staying there and recording. Plus, you knew i was flying back to Seoul to finish my cov-" You cut him off with a furious tone "No, i didn't! No one told me!" You were breaking down in front of him. You couldn't even see through the tears. 'Did he just lie to me?' You thought to yourself. He looked at you with angry eyes. "Are you kidding me? Honey, im so sorry. I told Seonghwa to tell you i was going straight to the airport. I got a call from my manager 5 minutes after i got to the Casino. I told him, and very clearly, that i will be spending the week in Seoul to finish my song cover. He was supposed to tell you the second i hung up the phone. Im so, so sorry." You just looked at him. Even though none of it was your fault, you felt bad. You whiped your whole face and ran over to give San a hug. The hug was close. You could feel his heart beating. "I love you so much" you said still hugging him. You lifted your head to give him a peck in the cheek, but he moved his head to give you a kiss on the lips. You moved away after a second but San held you in place. The kiss started to turn more and more passionate and a mood was starting to form. You were surprised at how fast he could move from such a heartfelt moment to something like this without making it awkward. Even though the emotions switched fast, not in any way were you complaining. You and Seonghwa only had sex once while San was away. So to be honest, you were craving San's cock and the way fucks you.
San moved his hands to play with your nipples. You let out a small moan at the sudden feeling. The slow and teasing start just made you more desperate. You weren't going to take that so you did something back. Your hands moved down his hips to his cock. You gripped his shaft and started pumping him painfully slow. "Don't tease me like that, Y/N". You formed a smirk on your face and pushed him towards the shower wall. You dropped to your knees still making eye contact with him. You opened your mouth and began to suck him off. You didn't know if he jerked off at KQ but it was easy to figure out after watching him squirming uncontrollably only 3 seconds in. He was at least 8 inches so you couldn't fit all of him in your mouth, but that clearly didn't matter to him. He took hold of your hair and started guiding you. San's moans got so loud that you didn't hear Seonghwa opening the bathroom door. Seonghwa heared San's moans but they were so high pitched that he thought it was you. Without hesitation, Seonghwa stripped and got into the shower. You and San saw him but you didn't feel like stopping. It didn't seem like San wanted to stop either. You kept going but it got harder and faster. You made eye contact with Seonghwa when you felt San twich in your mouth and cum without warning. You swallowed his load and turned to look at San making direct eye-contact with him. Just seconds after, you stood up making your way over to seonghwa.
You put your arm around his waist and started teasing the head of his cock with your other hand. "So i heard you were supposed to tell me about San leaving, but didn't. What's up with that"? You said. Seonghwa knew what was coming for him.
San was finally done putting himself back together after not cumming for a week. He walked over and leaned on the shower wall next to you, shooting an enraged look at Seonghwa. "M- maybe you should have b- been more clear Choi San. I'm not your m- mailman". Said Seonghwa with a shaky voice. A disgusted and low-key offended look appeared on your face. You looked over at San. By the look of him, you were praying San wasn't going to kill him. Two seconds later san opened the shower curtain and threw Seonghwa and himself out. You followed them out into your room unsure what was going to happen.
San pushed Seonghwa on your bed. He quickly moved over to your closet pulling out a big box of sex toys. San pulled out a long red rope. He walked over to Seonghwa and said "ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ꜰᴏʀɢᴇᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʟᴇᴀᴅ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪꜱ".
San tied Seonghwa's hands against the bed post and tied at least 5 nots. He took a black rope from the same box and tied each of his ankles away from eachother locking it in at different sides of the bed leaving him completely exposed. San told you to get the blindfold and Ball gag and put it on Seonghwa. You weren't surprised you were going to to use these on a count of you only used them for punishments.
You and San took a few steps back to admire the work. "He looks beautiful doesn't he?" Said San turning to you. You smirked and added "only as much as a slut can be". You laughed and walked over to the box again to take out lube and a 6 inch vibrating butt plug. You took some lube onto your hand and rubbed it all over Seonghwa's already wet hole and slid the plug in. You hit the 'start' button and left it at his prostate on the MAX level.
You made your way onto the bed right in front of Seonghwa and stated "Since you want to be a brat i'll treat you like one. The safe word is 'Halazia' but don't use it just for the sake of 10 orgasms". Seonghwa nodded in submission. You took your hands and squeezed them tightly around his balls. He jointed away and groaned in pain. You squeezed as tightly as you could, then let go ending with a painful slap.
San walked over and got on the bed sitting behind you. You moved over to the left side of Seonghwa and began playing with his nipples. You started lightly caressing them then pinched with strength. Seonghwa groaned again but in more pleasure than pain. San took his left hand and slowly started giving Seonghwa a handjob while his right squeezed his balls. Seonghwa moaned loudly but didn't bother to try and move away. "Oh does my little slut like to have his balls busted? You like that?" Said San. Seonghwa moaned lightly at his words. You knew San was going to use that against him and you knew you wanted to aswell. "I bet you would also like to watch me fuck Y/N while you lay there with a vibrating cockring on you." Seonghwa immediately nodded. You weren't surprised. You always knew Seonghwa was a painslut, but it always felt new when you saw it in action.
San started pumping Seonghwa's cock quickly. You untied the ball gag. You wanted to hear his moans and the begging to let him cum. Seonghwa jointed his hips up and you saw his thighs start to shudder. "Hey i think our whore wants to cum" you said starting to move the butt plug out of him. Seonghwa moaned again at the sudden loss of pleasure. "Is that true, slut? Do you want to cum?" Seonghwa nodded forcefully. "Use your words like a good boy". His thighs shuddering non-stop he somehow managed to say "yes, S- Sannie. Please let m- me c-um". You laughed at his sad attempt to speak slapping the head of his cock. You turned and looked at San. San easily said denyed and stopped jerking Seonghwa off. He whined loudly at another loss of pleasure. You moved toward him and removed the tear-stained blindfold.
"Y/N, are you sure this slut deserves to watch you be fucked by me?" You smirked looking at Seonghwa then looked back at San and said "I think that's okay. Besides, it's not like we'll let him get in on any action".
Tysm for reading 😭💗
I'll do a PT.2 • Comment if u liked this and want to be tagged for the next
@wooyoungmybelovedhusband Thank u for inspiring me ♡
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mkkenziiie9 · 1 year
[230324] EXO Instagram Reels/TikTok/Twitter Update with SAN, SEONGHWA | Walk as you please, follow my will🌟🐻⛰️
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