#pt Alice
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cece693 · 25 days
My Wolf (Dark Jacob Black x M! Vamp Reader)
This was a request, and I would post the original, but it would reveal the plot twist.
Summary: Jacob killed the Cullens for you—being rejected by the boy he loved—what else would he do? But was he really the one who orchestrated all this?
tags: dark Jacob, death, plot twist, reader isn't what they seem, Cullens bashing
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Becoming a vampire was supposed to be a new beginning—a chance to stand alongside Bella and the Cullens, to be part of something greater than yourself. At first, it was everything you imagined: strength, speed, and the comfort of a family who understood what it meant to be different. But there were darker sides to this new life that no one had warned you about—the endless thirst, the gnawing emptiness that came with immortality. Still, you tried to adapt, to embrace the life you had chosen.
But then there was Jacob.
What began as harmless infatuation soon morphed into something darker, more twisted. He followed you everywhere, his presence an unsettling shadow that grew more oppressive with time. He couldn’t accept what you had become, and his feelings turned into something far more dangerous. You found yourself trapped between his growing obsession and your own struggle to adjust to this new existence.
When Jacob finally confessed his feelings, you tried to let him down gently, explaining that there could never be anything between you. But your rejection only fueled his rage. His eyes darkened, his body trembling with barely contained fury, and in that moment, you knew you had lost him.
He was no longer the boy you once knew; he was a beast unleashed.
Emmett was the first to fall, his strength no match for the fury of a heartbroken werewolf. Rosalie followed, her beauty marred by the brutal force of his claws. Alice and Jasper were next, their bond shattered like glass beneath his relentless assault.
And then there was Bella.
You stood there, motionless, as Jacob’s fury turned on her. Your sister—your blood—reduced to nothing but a casualty of a war she never saw coming. But as she lay broken, her eyes searching yours for some comfort in her final moments, you offered none.
Because deep down, this was what you had wanted. You had orchestrated it all.
Jacob was nothing but a tool, a means to an end. You had played on his obsession, his unwavering need to protect, to love, and twisted it into something monstrous. You had whispered words of rejection, knowing it would push him over the edge, knowing he would seek revenge in the only way he knew how.
And as the Cullens fell, you felt nothing. No remorse, no regret. Only a cold satisfaction that finally, after all the lies and deception, they were paying for what they had done to you. For turning you into this…monster.
When Jacob looked at you after Bella succumbed, you let out a tiny smirk. Even in his madness, he knew you were the one who had set him free. And so, you kept him around. Not out of love, not even out of gratitude, but because he was yours now. A weapon you could wield as you saw fit. As long as he behaved.
The Cullens had tricked you, but you had outwitted them all. And now, in the ashes of their downfall, you stood as the victor.
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bratsygirlsworld · 1 year
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littlemissmoodswings · 2 months
rip aegon ii you would have loved apple by charli xcx.
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formulapookie · 14 days
20 (a kiss on a scar) for MarcMarc
also unrelated, but I read through some of your work and I love it!!
20. a kiss on a scar
Bez is waken from his sleep by a groan coming from the man beside him.
Marc has not been feeling well lately, but as the stubborn idiot his boyfriend is he didn't want Bez to know what bothered him.
Now it's clear he is truly in pain, he's holding his arm tight and trying to regulate his breath.
"Marc? What's going on?" "Nothing nothing go back to sleep" "No it's not nothing Marc, you're hurting, tell me what's going on"
Marc is not one easy to read Bez has found out, not even when he trusts people he lets them see him completely, the only one who may be past all his walls it's Alex, and Bez is still not sure even his brother knows the real Marc.
But the obviousness of his pain it's hard to bypass, especially for someone like Bez who tends to take other's pain and suffering turning them into his owns just to let them free of those weights.
"Marc. Please I want to help you and I need you to tell me how, otherwise I can't and I - I just can't let you suffer like this ok?"
Marc looks like he does some thinking. Tries to be sure he can let down some of his defences in front of Bez.
"My arm. It - I didn't take my painkillers today, it hurts a lot" "Oh God why didn't you take them? Ugh Marc where are they? I'm gonna grab them for you"
Marc hisses again, it's one of those days when the arm just doesn't let him breathe without hurting.
"They uh I think they're in my bag in the blue thing in there" "These?"
Marc lifts up his head to look.
"Yeah I can take them myself Marco don't" "No. you are staying in bed, I'm gonna grab a water bottle and bring it to you, don't you dare move" "But-" "Marc."
Bez sounds resolute, firm in a way it's unusual in their relationship.
Marc knows it's done to help him, to protect him, but he feels like he has to be the one protecting the boy, not the other way around.
He's not quick enough tho, as Bez goes in the kitchen and takes some water, heading back in their room immediately after.
"Here, take - how many did you miss?" "I don't know" "Marc, please" "I think two, this morning and this evening" "Ok here's two, take them" "Marco I can survive without them" "I don't give a fuck, I'm not letting you suffer like this, come on take them"
Marc looks at his boyfriend, worry in his eyes, he feels like a small animal who's been wounded and who's been rescued by him.
He's never - with Vale it was different, there wasn't this tenderness that he and Marco share.
He doesn't know how to navigate it.
"I don't want them" "Marc if you don't take them I'm gonna make you take them with force I don't care, you HAVE to take these, they make your arm feel better no?" "Yeah but... I know people who could manage without I don't want to be weaker than them"
Marco is speechless, because this is just out of this world.
"Marc. Marc look at me. You came back from a surgery and a crash that would've ended anyone's career, but not yours. You fought through it, and won, and now you're winning again! The thing I hate the most about your injury is the fact I wasn't there back then to help you recover from it"
Marc is on the verge of tears, the love Marco has in his eyes, he only experienced it coming from himself towards the others, never the other way around.
"Marc please" "Ok. Just because you ask me"
Bez helps him take the pills, then gets back in bed with him, and hugs him tight.
"You aren't weak Marc. You're the opposite of it. Never say that again ok? Promise me" "Marco I" "Promise. Please. Promise me you'll never say you're weak again"
Marco looks like a kid in need of reassurance everything's gonna be ok, and Marc doesn't have it in his heart to say no.
"Ok. Ok I promise"
Bez smiles, one of his contagious smiles that make Marc curl his lips too.
He moves slightly, placing a soft kiss on Marc's scar, with that never ending love that can be felt through his every action.
"I kiss away your pain see?"
And he just keeps leaving more and more kisses on it, making Marc laugh, a true laugh, not one he trains himself for.
And Bez couldn't be prouder of himself, and of Marc, of course, because even something as simple as accepting help is a great step towards Marc's self esteem and awareness, and he aims at making it perfect.
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moodstabilizr · 2 months
“youre only defending her because she is a woman” absolutely!
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stinkymoldman · 1 year
Oh man. The twilight femslash scene is truly empty right now and it sucks. I thought the renaissance would inspire more fics but its a wasteland. It truly baffles me when a new twilight bella/Rosalie or bella/Alice fic appears, and its a freaking slow burn. STOP PRETENDING LIKE YOU ARE GOING TO FINISH YOUR SLOW BURN FIC. YOU ARE WASTING EVERYONE’S TIME.
I do feel bad complaining but i also hate reading the first chapter of a fic that will never be completed. And you can ALWAYS tell.
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c3rb3ru2 · 1 year
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My fav girl
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c0nfettix · 3 months
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I'm playing pony Town on the English safe server (someone pls play with me I have no irl friends)
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sidesinwonderland · 2 years
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“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”
He took his vorpal sword in hand;
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
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truerude · 7 months
TMP episode 7 without context
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bratsygirlsworld · 11 months
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twilight wedding or NOTHING
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rheaswrath · 2 years
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1.Killing Eve / 2.Better Love - Hozier / 3.Brokeback Mountain (2005) / 4. Tantalus - Florence and the Machine / 5. Euphoria s1 / 6.Kill Your Darlings (2013) / 7. The End of the f***ing World s1 / 8. Fleabag s2 / 9.House of the Dragon s1 / 10. Interview with the Vampire (2022) / 11.Great Party - Frank Iero and the Future Violents
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moonshine999 · 11 months
Goddess of marriage, women, family, childbirth, the sky, heaven.
Queen of the Gods.
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Marriage is supposed to be an unexplainable bond. Passion, sacrifice, trust, love. It blinds you, it changes you, it makes you whole.That’s what she always believed.
Her mother always told her stories of her and father on their adventures, how striking he was, how different he was from the other lords just trying to get her for their own political gain, how romantic he is. She always giggled along while her brothers scrunched their noses up in disgust.
If she pestered him enough, even father would spout a few lines on mother’s beauty. The dead serious, second son of The Tower would happen to blush when mother winked at him during dinners. 
Love seemed perfect then. She dreamed that someday she too may find it. Easy, spellbinding, encapsulating, love. Gorgeous, ethereal, wistful love. Love, love, love.
Her mother wasn’t the only thing that died that night. Her father’s happiness, smiles and all sense of family seemed to disappear in the stars of the heavens. He distanced himself, would never talk about anything other than the duties he has as Hand of the King. 
A strange phenomenon. Something that had to be done. To run the kingdom. To keep stability over the land. Rhaenyra often talked of it. How she was to change the rules and give people as less duty as possible. She laughed at the time. The idea sounded delightful.
As she matured, the ways the world worked were shocking. Some disgusting, frightening, too much. Some more enchanting, charming. Rhaenyra seemed immune to it in a way, she often talked about how it's necessary to see the reality of things if one is to be queen. She seemed so confident, powerful, royal. 
When her father announced his plans for her, she wanted to scream her lungs out of breath till death took her from the misery. She wanted to bite and scrape at herself till she remained just flesh. But she bit her tongue as the women have had to for centuries before and will have to in the centuries to come. A nod. She exited the chambers. 
“Why?” was the only thing that came to mind as she walked back to her rooms. For political power? To have his blood on the throne? On the poison that commands the city? Mother always talked about how her father was different. Did her mother lie to her as well.
Viserys was tough, difficult and hurtful. But he was the king and she was his queen. His second queen. 
Because he murdered his beloved on the childbed. During such pain, anguish and discomfort, he let her be killed. The child could never survive. Rhaenyra was left motherless and she was put to the torture. What good came of it, only the Gods may ever figure.
She prayed and prayed to the Seven. To be with her mother. To know how to battle queenship. Yet they never answered. Why? Why must they too leave her at this moment? Why must they take her mother away from her? Why must they strip her of her modesty, innocence, pride and everything she ever held dear. 
Childbirth was everything she feared and more. The thought always plagued her head. They can kill her at any moment. The King of course can find another wife, perhaps the Lady Laena, to satisfy his cousins. Her father would be disappointed, disgusted that she let herself submit to death like this. Rhaenyra wouldn’t care. She’ll move on. She shouldn’t waste her time worrying about the death of her treacherous step-mother. 
But she survived it all. Four times over. No one cared to congratulate her. Why should they? They had their heir, they had their first son of the house. Why care about the hours she took to bring him into this world. It's a lesson that was too hard to digest at first. People will not care for you but only for your impact. Only that will cement you in history. Only that will give your life meaning. 
Rhaenyra was right in that aspect, she supposed. It's necessary to see the reality of things if one is to be queen. Queen. A Hightower Queen. Laughable. 
Yet she sat the wretched throne more times than she could be capable of remembering now. She took care of all the bloody matters of state, the fucking kingdom with a king rotting away in his bed.
She understood why her father had done this. To some extent. But she was tired. 
The hypocrisies the kingdom expected of her, the standards her own extended family put on her, the turmoil her children put her through. It could never be enough.
To say she cared for her children would make the court jester laugh at your simplicity. She was their mother. The only figure they looked to for guidance, the person who carried them, the person who had to shape each and every aspect of them. Alone. Because even the Gods had lost faith for her at that point. But oh. It was the only love she could bear to let herself dream about. It was gorgeous, enchanting and wistful. It was angry, frightening and dangerous. It was love in its purest form. A paradox. 
She had put in enough effort to go through with this marriage. The childbirths, the motherhood, the love, the pain, this family. Her family. The family she let herself build through all the torture their father subjected them all to. She was not going to let her efforts be forgotten so easily. How could she? If anything, Alicent Hightower was going to make sure that the books of history remember her name as more than just King Viserys’s second wife. Her family’s right to the throne cannot be robbed as easily as her youth was from her.
War was inevitable.
"The beacon on the High Tower. Do you know what color it glows when Old Town calls its banners to war?"
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rodeo-clowns · 2 years
hey hey just discovered your blog and I don't know if you already have done this. But maybe Alice Cullen ( x afab reader but you don't have to) snuggle or kissing headcanons?
Alice Cullen: Snuggle and Kissing Headcanons
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A/N: Thanks for requesting! Sorry, it took so long I have like 0 motivation atm. Word Count: 335 (yes very short but these are headcanons so) Warnings: None other than the fact that this isn't proofread at all.
She'd love love LOOOVEE snuggling, especially on a sunny day.
The Cullens don't go out when there's sun so I feel like she'd use that to her advantage.
You two would find a perfect place to spend the day, either your place (because of the bed) or somewhere isolated in nature but cute.
She'd be the type to rub her face all over the side of yours.
You'd probably take turns being the big spoon during movie dates.
At lunch, you're always smushed together.
Since she's ice cold she uses it to her advantage and wraps herself around you "looking for heat."
As for kisses, I think hers would vary.
If it's been a long day they're passionate but not too heated.
Quick pecks in between classes.
When you're alone they tend to get more heated.
You once joked that she was trying to eat your face. (She didn't find that very funny. Apology cuddles).
If you do snuggle in front of others, Esme and Carlisle would be happy for you. The others however would probably not appreciate the PDA.
While you snuggle she'd play with your hair or you'd play with hers.
I feel like she'd be the type to snuggle on picnics.
Yes, you go on picnics even if she doesn't eat. It's really just an excuse for her to have you sit between her legs while leaning against her.
Long cuddles when she gets a scary vision.
Kissing to distract from her want for blood sometimes. Especially during Bella's birthday (aka the mess Edward caused by throwing her lmao).
I feel like she'd be the type to sniff you during cuddling.
Nothing weird, she just missed your scent after not being able to cuddle all day.
Forehead kisses.
Cheek kisses.
Kisses your hands!!! (I love that sorry.)
Overall just uses any opportunity to kiss you.
Hasn't seen you all day? Kiss.
You got the same grade on a test? Kiss kiss.
You tripped over your laces? Big smooch.
She's just super affectionate!
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Mines Breaking Dawn Part One
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