#pt Xyla
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sweetygardenerpeach · 7 months
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Percy jackson x F!Zues!reader Pt.2!♡
WARNINGS!: Violence. Hickeys, Kissing, Curse words.
A/n: uh, so, this will have two pjo hermes kids ocs of mine..♡
You heard a noise in the bushes, "Shh!" You told percy, You got up from the rock, and picked up your sword."Well, Well, Well, Look who it is, Percy Jackson and Y/n Y/l/n.." Alex; son of Hermes said. "Son of a..."You said. Another kid popped out of the bushes, a girl.."Oh, Shit.." Percy said. The girl laughed,"i see we haven't properly met, I'm Xyla Daughter of Herm-" she got cut off by you "'Daughter of hermes' Yeah, we know!" You yelled at her, you put your sword to her throat, "Alex, Xyla, I suggest you walk away before you get hurt" you told them
A/n: look i am lazy i only got lile 4 hours of sleep last night..so....TIME SKIP!!!(sorry:(..) lets just say you kicked their butts and maybe drowned them and burned them with lightning..
It was lunch now, you and percy were eating together, and apperantly you had forgot about the hickeys that percy gave you, and Thalia had noticed them "Hey, Are those hickeys on your neck?" Thalia asked you, "Shit" you whispered, Lightning struck. "Um, it's from the campfire.."you said to thalia, "No, it's not, you were playing capture the flag almost the whole day with percy- Oh, My god, Percy gave you that hickey!"She looked at percy,"What?- No- why, would i- Of course not!" Percy panicked, "Percy, Did you give Y/n those Hickeys?" Thalia stood up and walked over to percy, "No, of course not!" He moved further from thalia, slidding away on the bench. "Percy."She said. Percy fell of the bench and started running."Great, you scared percy away, Congratulations."you said with a straight face, "Y/n, Did percy give you those hickeys?"Thalia asked,"No, I told you it was from the campfire, At breakfast when i was putting food in the fire it got to close and burned my neck, Twice."You said to thalia, "Fine, I believe you."Thalia said, "Now if you don't mind me i am gonna find percy, Bye." You stood up and walked away, You walked over to the Poseidon cabin and opened the door, "Percy?"you asked, Your voiced echoed, "well, He isn't here-" you got cut off by percy pulling you into his cabin, "Is she gone, Is she angry?"Percy asked,"I made up an excuse, She believed me"You said to him, "Oh, Thank gods" He said, "Hey, is okay if i kiss you again?" Percy asked, "Of course you can, Seaweed Brain"You said, He pulled you closer and kissed you, You put your arms around his neck, and he put his hands on your waist, It became a Make-out session, and you put your hands in his hair and starting playing with it..
A/n: Heyyy, I'll make a part 3 with possibly smut.., you never know, but i just want to make note that english is not my strong suit so sorry if i spelled anything wrong!♡ :)
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deatherella · 10 months
Delilah's Days 25
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Tellerman, now, keeps coming over looing for a fight. Don is happy to kick his can while being cheered on by various family members.
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Either my game crashed or I forgot to save it the last time I played and some things happened over again. Friday, Rani turns child, and there's Tippi showing off her new dress - that stretches funny.
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Don and Nancy were abducted.
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Saturday evening, Cillian joined the family. On Sunday, Don invited PT to visit since his wants said he wanted to be friends with him, but PT doesn't show up in the friends queues so I don't know if that'll work. Mayhem got promoted to Nanny in his teen job. Forgot to take a Sunday Family Portrait, but one is coming on Tuesday.
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The kids are busy enjoying their overcrowded little lives.
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Delilah keeps herself busy while Dawn's at work.
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On Monday, Wolfgang joins the family.
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On Tuesday, Delilah has twins. Xyla and Xena. This week's babies will have fathers in the remaining hair color categories, as I try to finish off all the daddy candidates. We'll be going into the alphabet a second time around to try and get them all.
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Rani got her first A+. Don helped Uhtred turn into a toddler.
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Here's the family portrait on Tuesday. Eighteen people in the present household.
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beez1everywhere · 2 years
Short Story Pt 2
 I open my eyes to the sun's rays peeking through my window. I rub the sleep from my eyes and check my phone for any new messages. I then get up from my bed and walk to the bathroom. I shower and wash my face, then go to my room to finish up getting ready. Today I’m supposed to meet with the director Marlen Black to discuss the costumes and everything.
I arrive at the theatre where the play is taking place and make my way to Mr. Black's office. I knock on the door and wait for a reply, “Come in!” I hear through the door. I open the door and announce myself “Hello, I’m Xyla Thorne, the costume designer.”
 “Oh! Wonderful, take a seat and we can start talking.” Mr.Black says.
After about an hour I finally leave his office and make my way to my office. On the way, I bump into someone.”Oh! I’m so so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention this is totally all my fault.” I say looking up to see who it was I bumped into. Ezren. Just my luck. “It’s okay I don't think I was paying attention either. I was too busy looking at you.” He says with that same charming smile. “If you were looking at me how did you not see me about to bump into you?” I ask with an exasperated sigh “Uhm?” Ezren mumbles. I then walk past him and finally get to my office. Mr.Black gave me the costume designs so now all I have to do is find the fabric and make the costumes. I start on the Romeo costume since I already have the measurements.
 3 hours and I still haven’t finished the costume. All I have is like 10 pricks in my finger. I can’t continue the costume anymore as it is time to go home. I stop to get some dinner on my way home and when I finally got home I sat down and turned on my favorite show.
    I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing “Hello?” I say in a groggy voice. “Oh no, did I wake you?” I hear a familiar voice say. I can't quite pin the voice to a person as I don't recognize the voice all that well. “Who is this?” I ask “It’s Ezren!” I hear “Ezren Black?” He says again “How did you get my number and why do you have my number.” I question him. “Juliet gave your number to me because I asked for it.” “Oh sorry I meant Ivy” Ezren answers “Why would Ivy give you my number? She knows I don't like her giving out my number.” I reply seriously “Well I kind of had to beg her for it, but then she caved in and gave it to me!” He says sounding like a child again. I giggle a little as a picture of Ezren begging looking like a little puppy pops into my mind “You have a pretty laugh.” Ezren says as I jump forgetting I was on the phone with someone “To answer your question you did wake me up.” I say as I get off the couch to get water. “Oh! I apologize, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know you were asleep this early.”Ezren says “This early? It’s 8:00 at night, it’s late.” "8 is late for you?” Ezren laughs loudly. “Why did you call me?” I ask harshly “I wanted to hear your voice. It soothes me.”He says seriously. I feel my face heat up as I start to feel nervous. “Soothes you?” I attempt to say “Yes?” He says sounding confused.
  I hang up the phone because I can barely speak anymore and my face hurts. Soothes him my mind repeats over and over again. I chug my water and then race to my room. I jump onto my bed and cover myself with the covers. Soothes him? Does my voice soothe him? I think as I drift off to sleep.
 I wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. I walk to my bathroom and get in the shower, I repeat those words over and over again “I wanted to hear your voice. It soothes me” How could he say those words so carelessly? Was he not thinking when he said that? I keep repeating those words over and over and over and over. I finally realize that I’m still in the shower and the water is getting cold, I get out of the shower and grab a towel. As I’m drying off I see myself in the mirror. I look tired I think to myself. What time is it I think as I grab my phone to check the time, 3 Am? I only then realize how tired I am and put on some pjs then head to my room. I lay down and plug in my phone, and I notice a message from a random number. “It’s Ezren. Save my number.” That is all the message said. Just those words made my face heat up. How am I supposed to face him ever again? I think to myself as I drift off into sleep once again.
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the-four-of-them-au · 25 days
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the-four-of-them-au · 2 months
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the-four-of-them-au · 2 months
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the-four-of-them-au · 2 months
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the-four-of-them-au · 2 months
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