theownerofsich · 2 years
In my opinion the creepiest places are abandoned psychiatric hospitals.Cause we all know the legends of experiments in psychiatric hospitals
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bunnihearted · 1 year
one of the things that hurt the most is when my mom says that im lazy and just dont want to change bad enough. that i give "too much power" to my personality disorder. like i think it's fun being this way and as if im not dreaming about suicide everyday just so i dont have to live with this brain :p
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jellyloveru · 5 months
they're gonna give haloperidol to autistic toddlers 🫣
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homunculus-argument · 10 months
Loving, attentive parents become attuned to their infants' needs before the baby learns how to efficiently communicate. As a matter of fact, learning that you could communicate and be heard and understood is an important step in learning to communicate as a whole. However, if your parents didn't love you, I can understand how you missed this step. But it's not the job of strangers on the internet to learn to interpret what your distressed mewling is supposed to mean, it's not their duty to drop everything they're doing to try and figure out what you're trying to say.
Learning to talk about your feelings with friends, loved ones, and psyciatric professionals is one thing. Take your baby steps over there. That's the right space for them. Going on the internet and making vague comments of "this feels like [bad -ism] and it's making me uncomfy ó^ò" isn't going to make everyone stop what they're doing and ask you 'oh no, what's wrong baby? did I use a bad word? was my argument wrong? was I speaking from a position of priviledge I wasn't aware of? is the tag of your clothes touching you? why are you upset sweetie?' They'll just ignore you.
It doesn't even matter if what you wanted to say was wrong or right. You could have the most justified and correct opinions in the world but it won't matter if you don't know how to argue them when it's your turn to talk. It's nobody else's responsibility to soothe your emotions first so they can get to the bottom of why you were so upset. If you want to get taken seriously as an adult in grownup spaces, you'll first have to learn how to use your words.
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vividmilk · 1 month
ashley (10/10) - reason: he looks like her boyfriend the basher (2/10) - reason: 'he looks creepy af' badaboom (3/10) - reason : 'he looks like he's just murdered someone and he's proud of it' jean (3/10) - reason : 'he looks very awkard and it's not givin' fair enough
shining armour:
ellion (4/10) - reason : 'he looks very zesty, and i hate his name.' triton (1/10) reason: 'i don't like the way he's looking at me. it's giving cat boy from pj masks' IM CRYING HELLO? kai (1/10) reason : 'i don't like the way he was looking at me, he looks drunk and like he has tits' xavier (0/10) reason : 'i am terrifed of spider webs and gingers, get that away from me' logan (2/10) reason : 'he looks like he's been put in a psyciatric hospital. … HE HAS?!'
JayJay (3/10) reason: 'his eyes are scaring me, but i like his hair' (honourable mention maverick (6/10) reason: 'she laughed for 2 whole minutes after seeing this imagine of maverick insert maverick in the dark') hunter (2/10) reason : 'he looks old' V (7/10) reason : 'i like his jacket and his jawline, and his hair is nice (thats about new V)' Atrocity (0/10) reason: 'he looks like a psychopath (he is), he looks like an old guy (fair) and i just don't like him.' James (1/10) reason : 'he gets a sympathy point for getting his leg broken, but he looks like he's on crack.'
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seth (4/10) reason: 'i like his jacket and the eyebrow looks nice' charlie (6/10) reason : 'i think i just have a thing for blondes' ya think? big red/ lucien (0/10) : 'that looks like it came from satan.. IT DID?!' finn (3/10) reason: 'idk he just looks cute, i like his glasses' (but minus points because he looks like vagely someone we hate :,) he was a five) auron (-5/10) reason : 'YOU LIKE THAT?!' kill yourself. /j
RA (based on poor descriptions.)
blake (0/10) reason : 'just when i thought highly of someone.. (i told her about the basement.)' hush (1/10) reason : 'at least he learnt to cook for someone.'
please bare in mind, she's only seen their designs and doesn't know shit about any of them
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laneeeyyy · 3 months
My dearest Yoshi 😋
Luv u bbg 🌝 @yoshiyomi
Today is a huge step for our relationship 😋
I decided to make a hole under their bed so we will never be apart 🫶
My family is worried abt me. They said smthn bout a psyciatric evaluation? But they said the same thing when I said I wanted to bang donnie from tmnt when I was younger so eh their a Lil over reactive.
She's so pretty I just want to bend her over and just get her pregnant. Full of our babies 😋 they'll be so cute
Shes so cute when she sleeps. ☝️🤓 despite me not having a willy I can still take my plasma and make them into the §èəďṣ needed for her to be a milf 😋 her knockers are finna be swole af and Ik as soon as I get them in my hands ima just moater boat it 🙌
Anyways. She hasn't touched grass in a while and it's getting pretty cramped under here. I'll prolly hit soon. Ilyk when I do 😋🙌
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skimblyspones · 2 years
If anyone was wondering, I absolutely subscribe to the hc that post tmp era spones retire mostly to Vulcan and Bones gets a psyciatric service Sehlat bc he fucking needs one ok by the time he's finally out of immediate stressors that man's gonna need a service animal and I think he deserves a teddy bear with 6 inch fangs
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About me: 
- Galexia 
- 27 years old 
- Sweden
- Taurus 
- INFP - Mediator 
- Hufflepuff/ Slythering
- Adhd 
- Major: Nursing 
- Professional degree: Nursing
- Minor: Medicin & Public Health 
- Goal 1: graduate and work at a hospital for 1-2 years 
- Goal 2: Specialise in Psyciatrics 
- Goal 3: Work with children & teens  
- Hang out with my family & friends
- Reading (track #galexias reading )
-Watching Tv-Series
- Harry Potter
- Psychology 
This blog: 
- An honest view of my life as a nursing student 
(struggles, emotions, my personal views and reflections - track #galexias life)
- Tips on how to plan your studies 
(I use a Bullet Journal - track #galexias bujo)
- How I Study 
(notes, mindmaps etc - track #galexias study) 
- And probably a bit about my hobbies - they are after all a part of my life 
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readingforsanity · 1 year
Ward D | Freida McFadden | Published 2023 | *SPOILERS*
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Medical student Amy Brenner is spending the night on a locked psychiatric ward.
Amy has been dreading her evening working on Ward D, the hospital's inpatient mental health unit. There are very specific reasons why she never wanted to do this required overnight rotation. Reasons nobody can ever find out.
And as the hours tick by, Amy grows increasingly convinced something terrible is happening within these tightly secured walls. When patients and staff start to vanish without a trace, it becomes clear that everyone on the unit is in grave danger.
Amy's worst nightmare was spending the night on Ward D.
And now she might never escape.
Jade and Amy used to be best friends, until a bipolar disorder diagnosis has left Jade in and out of psyciatric facilities for the majority of her teen and adult years, and Amy has gone one through college and is now entering into her third year of medical school.
Amy, during high school, felt she was being riddled with schizophrenia, having every so often witnessed a young blonde girl that would speak to her and then suddenly disappear. But, after Jade's diagnosis after an unfortunate incident involving their high school math teacher where Jade tied him up and threatened to kill him, Amy hasn't seen her at all.
Now, Amy is going to be spending the night on Ward D during her psychiatric rotation in school. Along with her ex-boyfriend, Cameron, they meet Dr. Beck who insists on meeting some of the patients staying on Ward D to get an idea of what they're going through. Dr. Beck also explains that they have a very dangerous patient inside of one of two seclusion rooms and under no circusmtances are they to open the door to let him out.
The night begins relatively well, albeit a bit boring. Slowly, the patients begin going to sleep. But Amy is reunited with her former best friend, who has recently joined the others on Ward D. She refuses to read Jade's patient chart, though, and only one nurse is available on the floor overnight, who spends the majority of her time reading at the nurses station.
Amy and Cameron spend the night speaking with various patients, including one 29 year old man who seems relatively normal despite receiving a diagnosis of paranoid schizodphrenia after hearing voices. Will has stated that he doesn't hear the voices anymore, and basically keeps to himself. Though Jade later admits that she and Will are dating, and the two of them were admitted to the hopsital at the same time.
When a power outage results in the doors malfunctioning, Amy begins to wonder if the door to Seclusion One has also malfunctioned and the now dangerous patient, Damon Sawyer, has been let loose into the Ward. Strange things begin to happen to further her concerns, and Will admits that he has stopped taking his medications as he doesn't need them. In fact, his diagnosis was wrong and that he lied to get himself onto the Ward. He's a reporter working for a local newspaper, and he is writing a piece after a former patient on the Ward came forward about the conditions the patients are treated.
However, Jade has explained to both Ramona and to Amy that Will is lying, and that she and Will ahve been dating for the last three years, and that she is truly concerned that something more sinister is going on. Amy realizes that she can trust no one, and finally goes to Dr. Beck to explain that they are unable to get off the ward.
When Dr. Beck investigates, he agrees that something needs to happen as they have no means of escaping in case of a fire. It finally occurs to Amy that when the door to the Ward is opened, an alarming bell sounds to inform everyone else that someone is entering or leaving the floor. She realizes that despite being told that Cameron left due to a family emergency, she never heard that alarm sound.
Using water to create another surge in the power, Amy is attempting to leave but instead the curiosity gets the better of her and she checks inside Seclusion One, especially after receiving a message from her roommate and current best friend that Dr. Beck isn't a young sexy doctor like Amy believes, instead being an older man with a white beard. The very man that is dead inside of the seclusion room, along with another patient named Mary, an unnamed woman, and Cameron.
Amy is approached by Dr. Beck, who reveals himself to actually be Damon Sawyer, and he and Jade have come up with this elaborate plan in order to get back at her for leaving Jade high and dry during her initial diagnosis. Jade is threatened by Amy, who has the life she always wanted for herself, and Damon has a history of arson, and plans to set the Ward on fire, allowing the two of them to move forward in their lives.
However, another patient by the name of Spider-Dan comes to Amy's rescue, having earlier claimed to not let anything bad happen to her; and Amy gets her opportunity to take down Jade, which she does. But Jade quickly overpowers her. But Amy has a knitting needle inside her scrub pocket given to her by the now deceased patient named Mary for protection. Using this, she is able to release herself from Jade's grasp until help arrives.
Will is rushed to the ICU, where he recovers, and Jade and Damon are going to spend the rest of their lives in a ward for the criminally insane. Will and Amy begin dating about 8 months after the events, and Will is writing a book on the events of that night. Despite being told by Jade that her hallucinations were caused by drugs put into her favorite drink (the reason she claims she stopped seeing the girl is because she stopped drinking them), Amy admits that she never really stopped seeing the little blonde girl, as she likely has become a part of her conscious. If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have survived that night that she now has nightmares about. However, Amy claims that she isn't insane, and would never do some of the things the little girl urges her to do, including to harm someone else.
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Nemo Sine Vitio Est!
Do you even know me at all?
Why do you assume that the problem is I just don’t know how to handle my vices? Sorry… spoiler alert: this isn’t my first rodeo. Actually I would like everyone who is in charge of my judgement to stand up. Now, a type who has never smoked amphetamines please sit the fuck down and shut your overly assumptive mouths. Who are you to stand over another in superiority touting hearsay as your gospel? I personally took the time in my younger years to experiment with all sorts of mind expanding poisons so I knew what I was signing up for when I signed on to my current crutch. (Which I selected because it checked the boxes for what i required and nobody else was offering any help). I was working two jobs after having lost my job of 7 years, going through a divorce with a shitty lawyer who charged $5000 to offer bad advice and then acquit himself, got struck by lightning, was teetering on the edge of financial ruin, had a suicidal girlfriend, got hit by a car, started getting kidney stones, was trying to keep my kids happy with limited visitation before two of three divorced me also, my car broke down, contracted a fungal infection, broke a rib, and my ex-wife thought it would be more fun if I had scabies also, so I was constantly exhausted, nauseous, and couldn’t sleep because of stress. Doctors said there was nothing wrong, but since I desired survival… I gave up drinking and chose the cheapest option for what could keep me going. Actually cheaper than what I spent when I was just drinking. So, if you have no experience, what are you basing your decisions off of… praytell, a Google search, a PTA sign-up sheet, PBS, Clinical Western Psyciatric Medicine, please… if you think I cannot maintain my vices, I have been doin so in a variable rotation going on pretty much 30+ years now. I think I know what I am doing.
If you think I have some deviated sexual outlooks, did you know that I first had sex when I was around. 8 yrs. old? Yes that was when I first came in someone’s mouth… first hers and then later his. I had my dick in a pussy around that age too, but I was too young to know what to do, and I don’t remember if I came. But I didn’t get to put it in an ass for another year or so later. And yes, I do not see any problem with masturbation. I started when I was 12, and have gone strong since.
I have come so close to dying so many times that I’ve lost count. But I have never feared dying. When I was a wee young lad I used to have nightmares/dreams at least once a week where I would die or get murdered in the dream. So I guess I kind of got used to the idea.
Any other questions? I have a lot of stories that some of you have never heard (A2a, maybe even 1 or 2 for you, and N5h, if I forget any would you please fill in the rest of the details as you might be the only one who knows them all? ).
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rwhague · 3 years
Overview of Mental Health for Writers
Often with writing, we put our characters through hell. Some of the worst experiences are narrated in our stories leaving scars on our characters. These scars show up in the form of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. in our characters, but unless one has first-hand experiencing these things, they can be hard to get write. And in a world where our readers actually have their own mental health struggles, it is important that we get it RIGHT.
As a registered nurse, I have a different view of mental health that shows up in my character development. I also experienced quite a bit of post-partum depression and anxiety which gave me an eye-opening view of mental health and how it is handled in the US. Long story short: I wasn’t impressed. For the next several blog posts, I’m going to be using my old nursing school textbooks and using that information to show how to write convincing characters that are suffering with mental health crisis.
This will not be a guide to be used to diagnose or treat mental illnesses. It is strictly a writer’s character development tool.
A mental disorder is “a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and is associated with present distress or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom.” (Videbeck p. 3) So basically, if a person has a moment of anxiety, it does not mean that they have an ‘anxiety disorder.’ Everyone gets anxious now and again. An anxiety disorder would be someone who deals with anxiety often enough that it is hindering something in their life. For example, they can’t go to work because of the anxiety, or they develop an eating disorder, or they can’t leave the house. The anxiety is so bad that life—or areas of life—become impossible or very hard.
I got to this point dealing with my anxiety where life was nearly impossible. I couldn’t sleep, eat, work, write, or take care of my child. It was one of the lowest points of my life. This led to depression and thoughts of suicide. It was not that I wanted to die—I just couldn’t keep living with this constant sensation of wanting to rip my hair out.
It’s been 9 months since the worst of it, and I am still recovering while under the care of a therapist. The anxiety is still there—it probably always will be—but we’ve been working very hard on using coping mechanisms. I’ve come a long way and still have a long way to go. But now I have hope, which is something I didn’t have before.
But anyways. . .
There are several different types and classifications of mental/psychiatric disorders. Keep in mind that all of these can come about for different reasons. Some are related to genetics, others physical health issues, stress, and trauma. Each impact a person to different levels and treatments are not identical. Here is a basic list of them:
Anxiety: A vague feeling of dread or apprehension; it is a response to external or internal stimuli that can have behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms. A person with an anxiety disorder demonstrates unusual behaviors such as panic without reason, unwarranted fear of objects or life conditions, uncontrollable repetitive actions, reexperiencing traumatic events, or unexplainable or overwhelming worry. They experience significant distress over time, and the disorder significantly impairs daily routines, social lives, and occupational functioning. (Videbeck p. 227)
Schizophrenia: Causes distorted and bizarre thoughts, perceptions, emotions, movements, and behavior. It cannot be defined as a single illness; rather, schizophrenia is thought of as a syndrome or as disease process with many different varieties and symptoms, much like the varieties of cancer. A person with schizophrenia is characterized by some of the following: delusions, hallucinations, and grossly disorganized thinking, speech, and behavior, flat affect (or seemingly lack of expressions during social situations), lack of volition, and social withdrawal or discomfort. (Videbeck p. 252)
Mood Disorders: Also called affective disorders are pervasive alterations in emotions that are manifested by depression, mania, or both. These interfere with a person’s life, plaguing him or her with drastic and long-term sadness, agitation, or elation. Accompanying self-doubt, guilt, and anger alter life activities, especially those that involve self-esteem, occupation, and relationships. (Videbeck, p. 281)
Personality Disorders: Diagnosed when personality traits become inflexible and maladaptive and significantly interfere with how a person functions in society or cause the person emotional distress. (Videbeck p. 319)
Substance Abuse: A person using a drug in a way that is inconsistent with medical or social norms and despite negative consequences. (Videbeck p. 349)
Eating Disorders: Can be viewed on a continuum, with people with anorexia eating too little or starving themselves, to people with bulimia who eat chaotically, and people with obesity eating too much. (Videbeck p. 373)
Somatoform Disorders: The presence of physical symptoms that suggest a medical condition without a demonstrable organic basis to account fully for them. (Videbeck p. 393) For example: a person who has a limp but no underlying injury.
Cognitive Disorders: A disruption or impairment in the higher-level functions of the brain. They have devastating effects on the ability to function in daily life. They can cause people to forget the names of immediate family members, to be unable to perform daily household tasks, and to neglect personal hygiene. (Videbeck p. 440)
Keep in mind there can be quite a bit of overlap within each of these mental health categories. A person suffering anxiety can have a personality disorder. Or a person with depression can have a problem with substance abuse.
Obviously, this is just a very broad overview of mental/psychiatric health. The following posts are going to be breaking down each of these disorders on an understandable level and providing applications for writers on how to incorporate these things into your stories.
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, by Sheila L. Videbeck, fifth ed., Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011.
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dropdeadbandit · 6 years
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Top tips for surviving your stay in the psychiatric hospital.
Number 1: HAPPY TUMMY HAPPY HEAD (not relatable to eating disorder units)
Regardless on your relationship with food, snacks are a key role on surviving. In my ward, the food supplied by the hospital is good, portions are given by what you ask for, fruit and biscuits are freely available. But waiting around for doctors, medication or simply on high observation so you cannot leave the ward, you need snacks! Boredom eating is common and quite comforting when you’re away from everything that is normal for you.
The downside however, I have gained 13 kg in the 5 weeks I have been here. I used to live off of junk food, now I am eating meals and trying to cut out the junk, swap for healthier snacks. I am also lucky enough to have an activity plan that includes gym time as to not become completely unhealthy.
And yes, I am very aware that high sugar and caffeine are strictly not allowed in this hospital. I am a terrible patient with untreated ADHD and if you can relate, energy drinks slows things down to allow me to concentrate, calms down anxiety, reduces meltdowns and quite basically gives me back some of my self control. My doctor and nursing staff are aware I have been drinking this, as much as they are helping me choose alternatives.
My drawer is constantly stocked up, I find very useful when someone new joins us and missed meal times (which are also protected). Everyone needs to eat, it might not be healthy but the snacks you eat are 100% your choosing.
As my boss likes to say, GOOD FOOD FOR A GOOD MOOD.
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ppapagei · 3 years
just heard the new CWC audio that just dropped. she‘s going to jail now right????? right???
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wedding-shemp · 4 years
no more harley quinn society has progressed past the need for harley quinn
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depressionopossum · 5 years
A binch is back from the hospital
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glamdolldoggy · 6 years
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Laika looking good in her space gear!!
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