#psychological effects of solitary confinement
ghostiguro · 2 months
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i fucking love his design, it's so cool & swag, i hope you agree. 👉👈
OK so allow me to ramble:
Two tails, because I think that's cool af & I love when animal deity's have like extra eyes, tails, horns, wings, etc.
Choker w/ a lil chain detail; although I think he would more likely hate it cuz after being chained for 1000+ years, would you really wanna wear more chains?? HOWEVER, counterpoint, it looks sick af. I rest my case, your honour.
Cold shoulder sleeved shirt cuz, again, it looks sick af.
WEAPONS: so obviously, the God of Death NEEDS a scythe. However, I used to have a character who had a weapon that was basically two mini scythes chained together; I recently learned that this weapon has a name!! It's called a kusarigama (more specifically, a dual kusarigama), & it looks cool, I like it. I like the idea that he can basically summon his weapons from his blood (practical? not really. cool? yes.), so he can switch between the scythe & kusarigama no prob. Side note, if we applied the rules of Avatar: Last Airbender, he would be a water-bender; more specifically, a blood-bender. Cuz OF COURSE he would be, don't argue, council has spoken. (NOTE: I know they're technically sickles, not mini scythes, but I don't care enough to go back & edit it for the 100th time.)
I think his combat-style would be more stealth & agility, as well as magic. I don't think he would be the most physically strong of the bishops (that spot is reserved for dear Heket >:3).
When first indoctrinated (post-battle), I imagine he would have a hard time with things like fine motor skills, walking, etc. cuz he hasn't really used his limbs for over a thousand years now. I also think even after he's kind of recovered, he'd still have chronic joint pain & issues like that. On top of that, I imagine for awhile he would experience some degree of hallucinations & nightmares, as prolonged isolation & solitary confinement can leave a lot of cognitive & psychological damage. In his god form, he wouldn't be as affected by it, but after being knocked down into a more mortal form, the effects of it would grab him by the throat & throttle him around like a ragdoll.
I'm absolutely projecting here... bro has gotta have hella abandonment & trust issues. Is being betrayed & locked away in the afterlife by your own family not the ultimate form of abandonment?? i cast mental illness on him, case closed.
The breed of cat I based him off of is a maine coon; a) fluffy cat :3, b) LARGE fluffy cat. He is indeed a large cat so it makes sense to me. :P
Ok ramble done for now, pls enjoy. UwU
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 10 months
I feel like people arent appreciating the fact eclipse has been literally tortured this entire time, bc thats what solitary confinement is. spending even a few days without interaction leaves some really nasty effects.
yes he killed a human which sucks but like- what was his reason? and either way that is not a valid excuse for eternal psychological torture! like no shit hes gonna be a bit coocoo after that long of being in (what ive gathered as) permanent consciousness without any stimulation such as eating or even a wake/sleep cycle. even if they arent humans they still have the same intelligence and id assume same needs for psychological fulfillment.
in short get this guy a weighted blanket and a laptop with the sims 4 on it to take out his sadism on. and once hes calmed down he needs some fuckin therapy. /lh
yeah he's absolutely not okay :D
you and the boys are going to see together just how his sentence affected him.
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badbirdnews · 6 months
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J6 political prisoner Jake Lang has been thrown into solitary confinement
effectively cutting off all communication with the outside world. This shocking development has left even his attorney, Steve Metcalf, unable to reach him. It’s an outrageous move that reeks of injustice and raises serious concerns about the treatment of prisoners within our justice system.
Solitary confinement is a harsh and isolating punishment that can have severe psychological effects on individuals. It involves being locked in a small cell for up to 23 hours a day, with minimal human contact and limited access to basic amenities. The decision to subject Jake Lang to such conditions is not only excessive but also raises questions about the motives behind it.
Cutting off all communication channels for a prisoner is a blatant violation of their rights. It denies them the ability to seek legal counsel, communicate with their loved ones, or even have a voice in their own defense. It’s a clear attempt to silence and isolate Jake Lang, preventing him from sharing his side of the story or accessing the support he needs during this difficult time.
The fact that even his attorney is unable to reach him is deeply concerning. Legal representation is a fundamental right for anyone facing legal proceedings, and denying this right undermines the integrity of our justice system. Steve Metcalf’s inability to communicate with his client raises serious doubts about the transparency and fairness of Jake Lang’s case.
We must question why Jake Lang has been subjected to such extreme measures. Is this an attempt to suppress dissent or silence political opposition? Whatever the reason, it is imperative that we shine a light on this injustice and demand accountability. No one should be subjected to inhumane treatment or denied their basic rights, regardless of their alleged crimes.
It’s time for action. We cannot stand idly by while individuals are unjustly treated and their voices are silenced. We must rally together, raise awareness about Jake Lang’s situation, and demand that he be given fair and humane treatment. Our justice system should be a pillar of fairness and equality, not a tool for suppression and abuse of power.
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dearestones · 2 years
Lost Time (Yandere! L x Reader)
Warnings: Yandere behavior, drugging, kidnapping, isolation, slight manipulation, major character death, slight angst, etc. 
@tragiclotus Request: Hi! Love your writing. Would you consider an angst filled yandere L x reader fic? Love me some tension. Xx
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Forty seconds.
Forty seconds was how long it took for the heart attack to take effect—as was stated in the Death Note.
Forty seconds for your life to become upended, re-righted, and flipped completely upside down.
"I checked the autopsy reports." 
You looked up from your hands that were clenched in your lap, eyes still somewhat groggy and head still achy from a night full of restless sleep. Above you, dressed in a button down shirt that was rumpled and clearly worn for a day longer than recommended, Light Yagami held up a series of documents. 
You didn't need to look closely to know that these were the reports that Light was talking about.
Your voice was dull, lifeless. It had been a while since you've felt something other than dread or pure fear. 
"Heart attack?"
It almost didn't sound like a question. If your voice was the sole indicator, most would have thought that you were merely stating the truth. The head detective of the Kira Investigation had died suddenly and without warning. At least one shinigami was afoot. The rest of the detectives were distraught.
Obviously, the Death Note was involved.
Light, who had been observing you intently for a while now, simply nodded. Carefully, he placed the sheaf of documents onto the table, careful not to knock over your mug of coffee. Your eyes barely passed over the seal on top of one of the papers before you glanced away.
As you did so, you heard Light pull out a nearby chair. As always, his movements were measured. Methodical almost. He was kind of enough not to drag the chair's legs against the floor, choosing instead to slightly lift it up. You were grateful for his seemingly kind action even if there was some ulterior motive beneath his kind facade.
For a moment, the both of you sat in silence. As you waited for the eventual conversation to follow, you tried to shake off the discomfort that plagued you—this situation was all too familiar to the isolated life you led before. 
Light, polite but forever too nosy for his own good, asked a question that you dreaded being asked from anyone else.
"You don't seem too sad that L died." He paused and if you happened to look up at that moment, you could see the hint of an upturned curve to his lip. It's too bad for Light, though. Despite his careful acting that he cultivated for several months in captivity, you knew him just as well as you knew the man who died. At times like this, it was advantageous, but when all you wanted to do was leave and live life to the fullest, it served as a reminder of all that you lost. "Tell me, when Mogi informed you that he died, what did you feel?”
You barely had the strength to look away from your hands, but your voice was sharp enough to make freshly broken glass look soft in comparison. “If you’re implying that I had anything to do with his death—”
“I wouldn’t blame you.” You looked up only to find that Light was looking down at you, pity and sympathy swimming in his eyes. “Between the solitary confinement, the psychological torture, and forced observation, I wouldn’t say that I haven’t been feeling anything other than relief. In your position, I would think that you would be feeling the same.”
The truth, as most things were in real life, was a lot harder to put into words, much less simplify into plain terms. 
Before the Kira Investigation, you had led a relatively normal life as a private investigator. You were by no means someone who was as intelligent or as connected as the likes of the three most famous detectives in the world, but you were smart and keen on solving any mysteries that landed at your feet. When the Kira Case became publicized and the ICPO were looking for ways to track down Kira, you had offered your services.
And then—
You were approached by L. 
You’ve heard of him. Anyone who was involved with cases that stumped nations, where international cooperatives were needed to track down crime syndicates and bring down seedy organizations, knew about L. He was a famed detective who was renowned for his intelligence and propensity for anonymity. What was more, there was also the fact that he was also infamous for the fact that he rejected several known (ongoing) cases because he deemed them “unworthy” of his time. Arrogance was not something that you can entertain in this line of work, but for L, he practically held the world in the palm of his hand. 
And that arrogance led to him working alone. 
Which made it all the more jarring when you were approached by an elderly man dressed in a pitch black overcoat bearing a laptop. You were on your guard, of course, but you came to heel when you saw the stylized gothic “L” appear on the screen alongside the telltale monotone of a digitized voice speaking to you. At first, you were confused, but the situation was made clear when L informed you that you were to serve as his “in” to the Japanese Task Force and that you would be compensated. 
Apparently, a former FBI agent that L used to work with—Miss Naomi Misora, you were told—had killed herself shortly after realizing that her fiance had been killed by Kira himself. To L, the killer was evident—the teenager that he had been following that day was obviously the culprit. However, he needed proof.
Hence, you.
Obviously, things didn’t turn out too well afterwards. L had to be personally involved and introduce himself by his official title to the Japanese detectives who wanted to take down Kira, two teenagers were apprehended as likely suspects, and you resigned yourself to at least a few more months of observation before you could finally return to your old life.
What you didn’t account for was L setting his sights on you.
As much as you hated to admit it, you were in awe of the detective. How could you not? His intelligence far outshone any other person you had ever known. He was pragmatic and efficient, his idiosyncrasies painting him to be some sort of mad genius confined to the terrors of an organic vessel. Despite his propensity for sweets and clothing that had clearly seen better days, you could not deny that he was magnetic as he was repulsive. 
A computer masquerading as a human. 
During all that time you had spent investigating the Kira suspects, curbing L’s plans to psychologically torture and isolate both Light and Misa, and looking into theories as to how Light and Misa could kill with only a name and face, you had no idea that L was paying just as much attention to you as he was to them. 
What had first started out as brief meetings where you would inform L of your findings had become drawling conversations. You would be remiss to say that you didn’t enjoy stimulating conversation once in a while, but when these exchanges became more frequent, you were at a loss as to what to say. Up until this point, you were in a professional relationship with L and barring that, you weren’t too interested in him outside of the investigation. You thought about asking him why he sought you out so often, but decided that since he liked to remain anonymous that maybe he was just lonely.
And that’s when the restrictions started happening. 
Before you knew it, L wanted to keep you inside for longer hours. 
He wanted you to report more often—the meetings between the two of you occurring at least every other day now even if you had found nothing substantial.
Eventually, when you began to question his motives, he had drugged, bound, and placed into a separate floor for your own personal use where he installed cameras he alone had access to.
It was for your own good, he told you after you had screamed at him to explain himself. After all, you had been in the field for so long, it was only understandable that there was the possibility that there was another Kira out there and it was only a matter of time that they matched your name to your face. 
For the first few weeks, you tried to convince yourself that you didn’t have it as bad as the two Kira suspects. The pretty model was bound and blindfolded, tricked into thinking that she was talking to a stalker. Meanwhile, the young university student was merely confined. At the very least, you could walk around in your room. 
You could make your own food.
You could yell and scream at the hidden cameras without repercussion.
But you could never leave. 
Luckily, when the two suspects had been released from custody (but still bound to the headquarters for further observation), Light had convinced L to let you loose around the building. At the time, you were thankful to move around and actually interact with other people outside of L, but you began to realize that maybe Light might have had a motive behind letting you free…
Out of preservation, you made sure to keep your distance from both your alleged savior and your captor.
And then the Death Note was found, a Shinigami interrogated, and then—
L had died. 
And, for now, you were free. 
Not free from the probing eyes of the detectives who wanted to interrogate you for the circumstances of L’s murder, but you had more freedom than you had for the past several months or so.
You smiled at Light and gave a nod that was more of a jerky twitch than a confident affirmation. Even now, you were wary that there were cameras in the room. Being alone with Light was dangerous enough as is, but if the rest of the team knew that you were fraternizing with him so soon after L’s death… 
Then again most of them were aware of the heinous circumstances surrounding L’s relationship with you and had voiced their concerns, but had eventually been bullied into their place. 
“I’m just sorry that I couldn’t have done it myself.” It barely came out as a whisper, but Light heard you. His eyebrows rose to his hairline and his mouth parted just right in surprise—if he was Kira, he was really good at feigning surprise. “Kira took that away from me.”
“It could be worse,” Light reasoned. “L took away your freedom.”
“And my time,” you muttered. “So much lost time… I could have been helping with the investigation, but…”
You trailed off, unwilling to spare the thought any more energy. 
“Hey.” Light placed a gentle hand on your shoulder; the presence was more than enough of a grounding force to keep you calm. For reasons unknown, you felt his touch warm you. “We can still catch Kira, right? Besides, since I’ll be heading the investigation, I’ll be needing someone to help me who was just as invested and as close to L as I was.” 
He paused when he saw you think it over. 
“What do you think?”
You thought about L and the lengths he went to keep Light close and you closer. 
You thought about Light holding L as he died.
And you thought about bringing Kira to justice. 
What was another L, you thought, when you would finally complete the job that you were tasked to do from the very beginning?
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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thewitchoftheweed · 6 months
Hello! Here's to you having an easier week I'd like to ask; will we see TOWW manifesting himself through Narinder again? I can't imagine after all the business with Neftis is over that he'll go back dormant easily. Would that be the next obstacle for Hamal and Narinder in the next part of the series?
Is TOWW just a leftover part of Narinder from his time in the afterlife, or did you make him into some kind of system? A commentor noted that how TOWW operates seemed like a protector in a system, though they got their info from TikTok so it might not be accurate at all. In a twisted and wrapped way, he does act as a protector for Narinder, keeping his sanity in the core as he acts in his place, admonishing him for letting his guard down and complacent that it cut his knees off, and even maybe attempting to comfort him with his presence during Narinder's breakdown that he will be stuck again in the Veil, forever this time. I don't know, seems unlikely this won't come up and be discussed with again.
May a wonderful week buoyed you through, take your medicine on time and sleep early.
Hi there! Great questions.
When I first started writing for Narinder I did some research on the impacts of long term solitary confinement, PTSD, and eventually DID.
When I first started writing I knew he was going to have severe psychological side effects from his time alone in the veil, but the idea of The One Who Waits becoming a separate “mask” or alternate personality just sort of evolved over time. TOWW does very much function as a twisted sort of protector for Narinder in this AU. TOWW tends to intensify the worst aspects of Narinder’s personality, especially his ruthlessness and resentment toward his family.
TOWW is a more severe personality, but it’s based on the “persona” Narinder crafted during the early days of his family’s worship. The young Bishops needed someone to scare their enemies and make their followers see how powerful they were, so Narinder behaved in a way that would accomplish both goals. It gradually became a tool he used to disassociate himself from his own horrific and cruel actions, and once he was trapped with nothing else, that “mask” drifted into a persona of its own. It’s not necessarily a remnant of who Narinder used to be, but who he felt he needed to be.
You’re correct in assuming that TOWW won’t go down quietly. In a way he’ll always be “with” Narinder, but a big aspect of this fic is Narinder confronting the person he used to be. I won’t say too much, but I will point out that in this AU even mortals have left “echoes” within the veil... 😉
Thanks for reading!
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shadowsrulemymind · 2 years
How the Prison Realm is a worse solitary confinement and what that means for Gojo Satoru:
With Gege stating that they hope to end the series this year and Gojo possibly being released from the Prison Realm very soon, I decided that it was time to write about my favorite theory for the series, especially since I haven't seen anyone else make a full documentation about it.
Content Warning! This theory will discuss in depth about horrific prison conditions, torture, suicide, self-harm, and severe mental health problems.
Spoilers for the manga up to Chapter 213.
To start off I HIGHLY recommend reading This post explaining the theory about Gojo’s left eye! Its very interesting and some of its concepts overlap with this theory. 
What exactly is solitary confinement?
Solitary confinement (SC) is a method used in prisons to punish disobedient/dangerous inmates. SC is carried out by isolating the inmate within a small room that's typically 6x9 ft. The cells may or may not have windows to see out of, have just enough room to contain a bed and a toilet with little space to walk around in, have blank walls, and little to no way to tell the time. Inmates are typically kept within the cells for 22-24 hours a day for however long the prison deems necessary. This can span from a couple of days to years.
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The only contact inmates typically receive when held within a SC cell is restricted to the prison guards that give them food through a smaller door built into the steel door that keeps them trapped.
SC’s conditions have SEVERE effects on both mental health and physical health.
The psychological effects of SC are as follows:
Anxiety / Paranoia / Obsessive thoughts
Aggression / Decline in impulse control
Depression / PTSD
Insomnia / Loss of Identity
Cognitive disturbances / Psychosis
Losing touch with reality 
Increase risk of Self-harm and suicide
The physical effects are as follows:
The shrinking of the hippocampus / Surges in the amygdala
Slowed brain activity / Worsening of intellect
Social Pain (Body translates this into physical pain)
Worsening of perceptual motor skills
Fewer/smaller/decreased connections of neurons
Fewer blood vessels in the brain
Hypertension / Increased heart rate / Shaking
Muscle atrophy / degradation of eyesight
Weakness / Loss of weight
To put it simply SC is designed to break its prisoners. Many of those who have been through SC have stated they would injure themselves to remind themselves that they are still real or even to force guards to enter the cells so that they could have a shred of human contact, even if it means being beaten by the guards and obtaining a longer sentence. Those who have gotten out have said the effects are long term and they have become afraid of being in open spaces or afraid of interacting with people. 
There is no benefit to SC, it makes violent inmates worse and non-violent inmates can become aggressive.
Many inmates commit suicide within SC or eventually do so after release due to the resulting mental health issues. The United Nations declared SC for more than 15 consecutive days to be torture.
Now that you know what the conditions/effects of SC are, lets take a look at how that relates to the Prison Realm (PR).
We only have a single image of what the inside of the PR looks like.
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And just by this singular image you can immediately find similarities between the PR and SC:
Little to no room- While SC gives you at least a little room to walk around, the PR seems to have ZERO room for its inmate to move around in. Seemingly it contains its inmate within the dimensions of that persons body.
Complete isolation- The PR is a pocket dimension designed to completely separate its inmate from the rest of the world with absolutely no contact with the outside world or any other living beings.
No way to tell the time- Gojo states that time doesn't pass within the PR which means he will have no way of knowing how many hours, days or even years have passed while he’s contained within. 
Kenjaku even tells us that like SC the PR can only contain a single inmate and that the only ways out of it is either by being released intentionally or by suicide. Considering the current known similarities its no wonder Jogo states that the PR is taboo.
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There's also symbolism that implies that Gojo wont be coming out of the PR the same as when he entered it.
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As an artist I can tell you that blotting out the face the way that the PR does to Gojo’s before his capture is something we use often to symbolize a few things. Its been used to show that someone is inauthentic (eyes are the window of the soul) and/or that that person is corrupted. 
Trains are also a symbolism here since they can represent change and a transitional period. 
One thing that I think shows that the PR has some sort of effect on its inmate is the fact that Kenjaku wants to one day release Gojo from it. Its become obvious that Kenjaku does everything simply due to scientific curiosity and I believe that this is no exception to that. If the PR does effect Gojo, Kenjaku would ABSOLUTLY want to release him to observe its effects.
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And if the PR effects Gojo the same way as SC would than it will be catastrophic.
Gojo has already shown signs of mental instability throughout the series. He’s unhinged when taking a fight seriously and seemingly had a manic episode during his rematch with Toji.
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And after he kills Toji, when Geto finally arrives he seems to have started dissociating. Which he relies on Geto to help guide him and make the right choices.
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Gojo has also shown multiple times that he wants to simply kill all the higher ups and be done with them all. 
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Jujutsu Kaisen has had many moments that discuss mental health, whether that be during Geto’s downfall, Yuta stating he attempted suicide or Yuji’s current declining mental health and willingness to die. Gege knows what he’s talking about and its abundantly clear that the PR is based off of SC. 
This means Gojo is undoubtedly going to have serious issues when he’s finally released from the PR. 
He’ll be more aggressive than ever, his impulse control will be fucked, he might come out of there hallucinating and unable to even tell what’s real. Which if all of this is the case there is NO chance that the higher ups wont be slaughtered. He already wanted to kill them before and now that most of his friends are dead, his students are mutilated, the higher ups have exiled him and finally him losing the two children its implied that he raised? I can’t imagine he won’t finally snap. 
We’ve seen what happens to those jujutsu society deems worthless from both Maki and Toji. Maki murdered her entire clan and Toji became an unstable mess. It won’t be surprising if we will finally get to see what happens when they put ALL the expectations on someone. When they demand perfection. 
Gojo has been able to pick himself back up every time something has gone wrong, but I don’t think he will be able to do that this time. 
The higher ups at the very least will die, that I’m sure of; However, I think Gojo might take down both the Kamo and Gojo clan too. If he’s in such an unstable state he might just say ‘fuck it’ and kill everyone who had a hand in keeping their society the way it is. 
Gojo has now been in the PR for 16 days. This exceeds the UNs limit of 15 days for being held in SC. 
Another thing that I’ve begun to theorize while writing this is that it’s possible that with Gojo unable to tell how long its been inside the PR, what if the real world time he’s been imprisoned (3 years, 4 weeks) is how long he thinks he’s been imprisoned? Not sure if that will hold any weight but it’s definitely an interesting idea.
Edit: So a recent Q&A happened and...
This basically confirms everything that I said.
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ferinehuntress · 9 months
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Due to Pink's untamable nature, and the inability to fully control her, the wardens decided to place her on the 40th floor. While there were multiple cells, it had been decided that Pink required not just a single floor to herself, but to be placed in complete seclusion. This solitary confinement provides control on multiple different levels.
One was that it ensured she no longer searched for information on something called Powder. While they weren't aware that Powder was a person, Pink often would seek out those on her original floor and demand information about her. It was only until her (assumed) death that Pink stopped talking about it.
A secondary reason for this was that it kept her relatively 'quiet' though it was never assumed that quiet meant tame or peaceful. There was little to worry about her acting out on her floor when she was the only one on it. While solitary confinement was considered a punishment to most prisoners, for Pink it was a necessity in the warden's eyes to ensure her usefulness and control. This is why, when other prisoners were brought to the 40th floor, many knew it was a death sentence. If a prisoner was placed in one of the cages next to her, this was often used as a means of scaring other prisoners. Pink would be pounding the walls with her fist, snarling and growling, and often it would do more psychological damage to other prisoners than even having to put a baton to their head.
The only time Pink ever had any socialization (though not true socializing) was during lunchtimes in the lunch hall, or when there would be recreational time in the courtyards. However, most of the time, everyone kept a wide berth from Pink, who would stay in her corner at her table. The Prisoners feared Pink and most did not want to give her reason to attack. She was unpredictable and if she targeted someone, claws, teeth, and fists often meant the death or near death of a prisoner. Pink would leave prisoners with scars or worse, missing limbs and permanent damage to bones or bodily parts. Some of Pink's attacks were done in the dining hall with the lunch trays or spoons and forks, but most involved her claws and teeth. If people were lucky, they left bloody and bruises, if they were unlucky, they bled out on the ground or would never be able to see, talk, or hear again. Most prisoners believed it was better to die at Pink's hand than to survive with the injuries that would leave them in vulnerable states and a second chance for Pink to kill them as she had their blood in her mouth.
However, there were downsides to Pink's Solitary confinement. As she was stuck in this solitary confinement for at least up to 6 years, Vi struggled with multiple different mental conditions.
The most noticeable one is that she suffers from social atrophy. Much like muscles after a prolonged period begin to suffer from atrophy, so do her social skills. She lacked the natural nourishment and encouragement of socialization that came with people around people. This kind of socialization didn't exist with the wardens, as they treated her more like an animal and less than a person. She doesn't know when to hold back, how to address people, or how to engage properly in a conversation. It's why at times her brash nature comes off as harsh and cruel or why she might just stop talking in the middle of a conversation cause she forgets she can keep talking. Social situations are far too overwhelming for Vi once she's out of prison, and often retreats or stays back. She stumbles with her words and her mood can suffer because she struggles to tolerate social situations and other people. She has been so conditioned to have no social interaction that Vi is unable to process full social stimulation without struggling with it.
This also leads to her struggle and hypersensitivity to visual and sound stimuli. social situations often have both of these senses which is overwhelming to Vi. She will snap back, sometimes in shouts or verbally aggressive, or she can react physically by punching or snapping. She often has to avoid noisy and crowded places and has to learn to handle brighter areas because she has been trapped inside for years and even the sun is too bright at times. Vi likes to wear her hood often because it helps block out some of the noise and hinders the light from blinding her and often why she prefers to let Caitlyn do the talking than herself.
The solitary confinement also adds to Vi's heightened aggression and why she's willing to strike out and snap even faster than before. Everything in the confinement and control of Stillwater left her always angry, so Vi's first action will always be violence and aggression. Caitlyn's guidance helps keep her in check, and she has found that Caitlyn is the soothing water that douses her fire. With her ability to positively cope again (using Vander's lessons of boxing, punching bags, and actively singing and working with her hands again) she is learning to train herself again to control this aggression, but it is so easy to snap still. It also leads to panic attacks, especially if she finds herself alone anywhere. The confinement often left her screaming in anger and talking to herself, because she needed to hear something. But panic attacks will come if she is alone in the room or if she is left alone anywhere, especially in the dark.
The last part that solitary Confinement has caused is that Vi often sees hallucinations of Vander. Without anyone to talk to, her mind started to shift and twist and created a very vivid visual of Vander whom Vi could talk to. Vander was her light in the darkness, the man who raised her and taught her how to survive and live. He often would give her words of encouragement, and the one Vi often sought counsel from. By visualizing him there, he often would guide her to punching the wall, and reminding her what she was fighting for. Because she was still alive, she could get out. She could survive. After getting out of Prison, Vi doesn't see Vander as much anymore unless she is completely alone and feeling guilt and fear. Vander is the one who helps her process and reminds her she's not alone, and at her weakest points, he is the strength that she doesn't have.
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ao3feed-spirk · 1 year
Trektober day10
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50726377 by pip_the_human He was fully aware of the effects of solitary confinement on Humans and Vulcans alike. He knew the mental effects, the startlingly fast countdown to crazytown, a term Doctor McCoy would use. Surak, he missed Leonard. He missed his stupid Human idioms, and his stupid Human mannerisms, and his stupid Human ears, and he would do anything, anything just to hear his stupid Human voice. And he missed Jim, he missed Jim with all his soul. He missed his eyes crinkling in a smile and he missed the sideways manner in which he sat on the chair. He missed the way he blinked and the way his shirt wrinkled when he sat down and the way his breathing sounded and he missed his touches, a short brush of their arms, a brief pat on the back, the feeling of Jim’s hand on his shoulder. He hadn’t felt anything but smooth white for 52.126 hours. ----- OR: Spock is subjected to white room torture. Trektober day 10! Prompt: Sensory Deprivation Words: 1381, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 10 of Trektober 2023 Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy (mentioned), James T. Kirk Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock Additional Tags: this one got dark, sorry - Freeform, Angst, :(, White Room Torture, Torture, Psychological Torture, theres some blood, but mostly he just sits in a room, Prompt: Sensory Deprivation, Sensory Deprivation, Self-Harm, just there for the warning, Hallucinations, Crying, Trektober 2023, Sorry guys, Angst with a Happy Ending, I promise theres a happy ending, Solitary Confinement, I promise he doesn't go crazy, crazy? I was crazy once., They put me in a room., a rubber room., a rubber room with rats., and rats make me crazy. read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50726377
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mikarchive2 · 1 year
generally i think death note pretty consistent and contains few real plot holes (if any) but the way light + misa spent such a long time in solitary confinement before the yotsuba arc really bothers me like. that would have had devastating effects on their mental and physical health. considering its a narrative thats otherwise so focused on psychology that was such a silly goofy choice
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lightdancer1 · 2 years
One of the reasons for my string of 'Death rescues Dream and it goes badly wrong stories'
Is to deal with one of Neil's other points. The Endless are not, in fact, trained superheroes. They aren't trained fighters, either. Death has immense raw power but has never really tried to use it in the ways she does, and in the one scenario where it goes off flawlessly there are completely different problems that come from it.
In reality even a complete idiot like Roderick Burgess, gift-wrapped the most blatantly obvious set of wedges and divide and conquer, would be able to make use of them. And in my scenarios he very much does, because even he could see something that blindingly obvious if it was in front of his face, and since Death is the most human-like of the Endless and loving and forgiving to a fault it almost never occurs to her to either lie or just disintegrate him. To any others of her siblings there'd be less of a deal and more 'the beatings will continue until compliance ensues'. With Death, OTOH, she really does act like a human big sister worried about her little brotjher, and that can go very badly in the right circumstances (or the wrong ones).
The flip side of it is that Death's very humanity also means that circumstances that did have measurable and horrific effects on Dream didn't have quite the same effects as while time passes like it does for mortals, Dream isn't human in his psychology or personal-emotional-metaphysical makeup in the way Death is. Solitary confinement affects Death very much like it does human beings, because this is one of many, many ways where being humanlike bites her in the ass in ways that it wouldn't any of her far less human siblings.
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Toxic propaganda: Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater)
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CW: nonconsensual medical procedures
adopted a child just to see what would happen if she fused a guy that could turn into a sword with their blood. abused Crona and raised them to be as ruthless of a killing machine as possible, punishing refusal to kill small animals with solitary confinement (well not really solitary, but the sword guy fused with them is probably worse than solitude).
I HATE HER I WANT TO DROP KICK HER INTO THE SUN imagine making a child, treating them like an “it,” constantly criticizing them for being weak, injecting a sentient weapon into their blood that constantly harassing and belittles them, forcing them to kill small animals and locking them up in a dark chamber for days at a time without food until they go insane if they can’t do it. *And then* when they finally break free of your controlling ass and learn that people can genuinely care about them, manipulating their insecurities to harm the people around them as a means to your selfish end. And in the manga it’s SOMEHOW EVEN WORSE BUT THIS RANT IS LONG ENOUGH. Worst mother ever gg
I feel like using your child as an experiment is really fucked up. Locking them in a room and telling them to kill a small animal. Having them kill humans once they reach the double digits. Fusing them with an asshole who abuses them further.
She's really mean, experimented on her kid and used them as a pawn for her evil schemes, etc etc.
THE abusive anime mother of all time
i didn't submit her earlier but putting in a submission for her now that she's lost her guaranteed spot but still has a chance, i do still think if there's limited room for mad scientist moms she's juicily toxic beyond that! like honestly giving her kid fucked up blood is barely just the START, it's also a whole gamut of not letting her kid be a person outside of what She wants them to be - deeply isolating them and actively CONVINCING them they have no hope of connecting to other people, that she is the only person they can depend on. like i would easily argue that the psychological effects are way deeper than the physical experimentation effects here! this kid does Not know how to be a person. and it's not even like this was a calculated part of the experiment she admits she kind of messed up there making her kid so unable to stand on their own! like obvs you know The General Deal i won't recap the plot for you, but i don't know if you've read the manga? and in case you haven't i Gotta make sure you know about Thee Toxic Mom scene that makes me go insane which is when crona finally is successful at murder enough for her. she finally starts acting kind and loving to them. and THAT's the final thing that really breaks them, they can't handle her suddenly being kind, it's terrible if it's fake and it's even worse if it's NOT fake! not just because she held off on it for so long but because it's not fair SHE gets to have and keep a person she loves when THEY had to throw away everyone else. and that's when they kill her, and she gloats like it's the final part of her plan but her last words ARE still "i love you, crona" despite everything. she's not JUST cold it's when she STOPS being so that is the worst. if you haven't read the manga read just this chapter pwease i reread it when i need to have a little more mental illness https://manga4life.com/read-online/Soul-Eater-chapter-87.html
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
@fairytalepsuedonym I just watched a fantastic short new show called 'Somewhere Boy'. It's about an 18-year-old boy who spent most of his life locked in his house (located in the middle of nowhere) with his father who wouldn't let him out because he was scared to lose him after his mother was killed in a hit-and-run. His desperately grieving father is mostly loving & the two have scenes reminiscent of the Knightrook flashback montage in 7x13, but he's also emotionally manipulative and psychologically abusive because he tells his son the world is filled with literal monsters who killed his mother and will kill him if he ever goes out.
They show the psychological effects of solitary confinement really well, especially with how he tries to adapt to the outside world once he's free. And spoilers, but the boy comes to realise he's not straight.
Warning for implied suicide (not the boy), swearing, sexual themes (but no sex scenes) and almost nudity (but not really nudity) if you want to watch or anything.But yeah, really good! Gave me twisted Knightrook feels.
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xis-kaab12 · 2 years
documentary prison alctraz
A documentary about prison is a film or series that explores different aspects of the prison system, including the experiences of inmates, the conditions inside prisons, the effects of incarceration on families and communities, and the policies that shape the justice system.
Documentary filmmakers often interview inmates, corrections officers, lawyers, and other experts to provide an in-depth look at the realities of prison life. They may also delve into issues such as racial disparities in sentencing, the impact of mandatory minimum sentences, and the use of solitary confinement.
Some notable examples of documentaries about prison include "The 13th" (2016), which explores the intersection of race, mass incarceration, and the criminal justice system in the United States, "The Stanford Prison Experiment" (2015), which re-enacts the infamous psychological study of the same name, and "O.G." (2018), a fictionalized account of a man's struggle to reintegrate into society after serving over two decades in prison.
These documentaries can shed light on important issues surrounding the prison system and can be a powerful tool for sparking discussions and promoting change.
Alcatraz is a former maximum-security federal prison located on Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay. It operated from 1934 to 1963 and was known for housing some of the most notorious and dangerous criminals of its time.
Alcatraz was designed to be a highly secure and isolated facility, with thick concrete walls, metal bars, and guard towers. Inmates were confined to their cells for up to 23 hours a day and were allowed only limited access to exercise yards and communal spaces.
Some of the most famous inmates at Alcatraz included Al Capone, George "Machine Gun" Kelly, and Robert Stroud, also known as the "Birdman of Alcatraz". Despite its reputation as an impenetrable fortress, Alcatraz had several famous escape attempts, including the 1962 "Escape from Alcatraz" in which three inmates managed to escape the island and were never seen again.
Alcatraz was closed as a prison in 1963 due to its high operating costs and the deteriorating condition of the facilities. Today, the island is a popular tourist attraction and is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Visitors can take guided tours of the prison, including the cells, the mess hall, and the library, and learn about the history of this infamous institution.
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“Restore Pages!” Live Relaxing Nostalgia Music-Talk-Laugh-Family-Sleep ... 
@JoeRogam @David Suzuki @DavidAttenbotough @BillNye @TheRealAdamSavage
    EVOLUTION or to EVOLVE, our BRAINS, our SELVES, & thus our DNA, is the very essence of our being!  It is the underlying reason & motivation behind everything we do!!!
    In a way, it’s simple!  “Evolution in all Living Things!” which has essential Scientific consensus actually includes us!!!  It’s in our brain!  THIS IS OUR  FOUNDATIONAL & SOURCE MOTIVATION!  IT IS SUBCONSCIOUS & AUTONOMIC ORIGINATING IN OUR ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN!  Where else would it be?  EVOLUTION IS OUR JOB ONE!
    Psychology has recently proven that BOREDOM is our Brain’s highest STRESSOR!  Well of course it is because it’s the polar opposite of the brain EVOLVING & that’s why it is  also used as our worst punishment in prisons ie. solitary confinement!!!
SURVIVAL & PROCREATION in their oh so many forms is all we do & how we EVOLVE, all 8 billion of us!
    Only in the infancy of its publishing, this is by far the biggest discovery for BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE MEDICINE, HEALTH & just plain old HAPPINESS in history!
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theogmissg · 27 days
Psychosexual torment is worse tbt
Remember severence??
What are the psychological effects of solitary confinement?
Psychological effect refers to the impact of psychological trauma on mental health, both at an individual and community level. It includes the outcomes of exposure to traumatic events, such as posttraumatic stress disorder and other psychiatric disorders that may arise after trauma.
Solitary Causes Chronic Stress
Neurons in a human brain. Experiments have shown that isolation can shrink neurons by as much as 20 percent.
Solitary confinement often results in tragic outcomes, including physical and mental health crises, increased incidence of violence and high rates of recidivism.
It's a dystopian hex. Voodoo.
Basically keeps me isolated in my own dimension.
commonly known as
《《 THE VOID 》》》
Search it on soundcloud. It's well documented.
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nerdby · 3 months
"It's not that they're happy about having sick time taken away. It's that most people aren't introverts, and it's good for you to live your house. Prolonged social isolation has debilitating effects on mental health and is considered an illegal form torture according to the UN -- just go look up the psychological effects of prolonged solitary confinement or the more extreme white room torture. Deny it all you want, but there are plenty of people out there who are forced to live alone in tiny shoebox apartments and it is BAD for them. And if you can't see that then you need to schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist cause you've likely developed agoraphobia or PTSD. -A Recovering Agoraphobic"
Hi I'm someone who has been suffering the long term effects of not much better isolation for most of my adult life. Not quite an agoraphobe, but I barely interact with people in physical space. I am very aware of the damage that causes.
The post you were replying wasn't even about that. It was past the point of isolation. It was about a place no of employment no longer offering masks, tests, and 80 HOURS (not days, hours) of sick time for employees to try to prevent covid from spreading in said workplace. We should still be masking indoors, ESPECIALLY when sick. We should still be trying to slow the spread of covid and ideally prevent as many infections as possible. We can do that without locking people in their homes, but we can't do it if the majority of people seem to use their isolation trauma as an excuse to act like even basic health precautions are the same as forcing them to stay home for a month.
Hi, yes, I realized a long time ago that I misunderstood the post and because of that I have been working on my listening skills, trying to focus on actually READING and re-reading posts, and limiting my time on social media since it has been proven that prolonged usage shortens users' attention span.
I think it's terrible that those people lost their sick time and they should unionize if they haven't already. However, I think that whether or not someone masks is a personal decision that should left up to the individual themselves. Unless, of course, they are displaying symptoms of COVID or any other illness. In which case, I think it should be mandatory. This is just my personal opinion.
I stand by what I said about the dangers of prolonged isolation. Solitary confinement is considered torture by the UN for a good reason.
Feel free to send in more Asks unless you plan on starting a bad faith argument. In which case, I will not respond and continued attempts to debate me will have you blocked and banned.
Please, keep that in mind and thank you in advance for respecting my boundaries. Enjoy your day.
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