#psa don’t do that
flcryflngcrs · 1 year
Sorry I was gone for 4 years, I was busy doin’ your mother.
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darkfictionjude · 3 months
That's why I do not like when the authors create in Twine instead of CS. It may look boring but it gives you three basic themes; white, sepia, black and you can choose depends on your preferences. We are talking about text game, after all, not visual novel so author should provide the reader comfort during long reading. Aesthetics is a secondary matter.
I don't get it. It seems that most authors in itch.io / tumblr community do not care about readers but create themes that they like the most and do not pay attention that font style, font color or background can be awful to read. This may not be good for the project too: doesn't matter writing is great and the story intriguing, if the potential reader gives up, because their eyes hurt from reading...
I don’t like the idea that a text game is somehow lesser than a visual novel and I don’t like the accusation towards authors in IF that they don’t care about their readers when most authors break their backs creating free games for the audience to enjoy, it is not simple and it is not easy and after all that to have someone say to you that you don’t care about the readers is not only false but hurtful. Do you know how hard it is to write a choice based game? Do you know how many hours of work weekly have to go into it? I’m right now looking into changing the text colour based on themes from a code another IF author just sent me but I will have you know right now that I won’t be disrespected nor be told what is good and not good for my project. I always try to treat my readers with respect and I demand the same in return
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jackklinemybeloved · 4 months
kipperlilly is suuuch an apt villain for a season that takes place during a junior year of high school. she’s basically the smart privileged kid who’s mad she doesn’t have any interesting trauma to write about in her college essay.
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seagreenstardust · 4 months
No matter what happens in canon, bkdk are soulmates.
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sad-endings-suck · 4 months
and if I said that lots of mizu/akemi shippers are actually mizu/fem self-insert and mizu/fem oc shippers then what?
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deadwooddross · 28 days
Crawls out of my hole, OKAY! I had a little deadline to catch up with that I am now finished with, so I will Finally get to finishing up some comms and starting on sketches for the new ones!
If you see this, hi, sorry about the delay but I shall be skittering into your emails Soon
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haloangel21 · 1 year
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him: *randomly tosses the Vehicons off the ship*
also him: “I need fliers!!”
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femme-dor · 1 year
Hey Ladies, men who bitch about women’s outfits with dumb shit like “Men like The Chase™️” & “Women are gifts that should be unwrapped by a special man”, are admitting out loud he’s a predator who sees & prefers non-consenting women as consumable objects for male enjoyment he must outwit & manipulate in order to “win” aka get her clothes off.
It’s never about modesty. Run in the other direction.
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starlooove · 7 months
‘Duke is normal for a bat’ just get it over with and call him a slur atp
Y’all fight to find every excuse to ignore and exclude or other him or just make him fucking boring in comparison to everyone else when that’s not the case? Like if you wanna compare missions/adventures whatever, right that’s just less run time; but y’all extend that to his personality and it’s so weird. Y’all make ‘lack of experience’ everything about him and it’s so irritating bc 3 guesses as to why we don’t have much Duke stuff? Hint It rhymes with bacism. And the crazy thing is the Duke stuff we DO have IS interesting and it has so much potential not just for him but to expand Gotham and the batfam, and even outside of that due to his relationship with the outsiders, in general but y’all can’t stomach that a black boy (BOY! Bc don’t get me started on the adultification to justify ignoring him in order to infantilize ur white faves) can be interesting or have a spotlight shone on him it’s so infuriating. I wish I could blast this into y’all’s brains over and over till you GET it
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Things they teach you in middle school science class: the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell!
Things they SHOULD teach you in science class: do NOT mix cleaning chemicals or you will chloroform yourself (or worse)
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not-a-matopoeia · 6 months
I know it’s a slight departure from my normal posts but I have to say something. In s6 ep.11 at the very beginning Bobby says that Buck has an allergy to naproxen.
Naproxen is an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal (not a steroid) drug used to treat fevers and pain, it’s similar to other medications such as Ibuprofen.
Meaning canonically Buck cannot have the following: Aleve, Anaprox DS, Mediproxen or anything else that has naproxen in it.
So if you’re writing a fic or something similar and you’re like hmm this character needs to take some sort of pain medication you should probably stick to acetaminophen’s such as Tylenol.
I would stay away from other NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) as they can have crossovers (like you’re allergic to some protein or something else in one that might be in the other)- but that’s doesn’t necessarily mean you will be allergic to both. Some people are just allergic to ibuprofen and not naproxen and visa versa.
Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
Naproxen sodium(Aleve)
All in all do what you want, I just find this interesting- especially as a person who has a penicillin allergy with crossovers (meaning I cannot take anything that has similar properties to penicillin whereas other people might be able to)
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cleo-fox · 2 months
Taking individual lines from a fic someone else wrote and changing them so they’re not a direct copy/paste is actually still plagiarism.
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lickithrice · 11 months
Don’t put ai on my feed.
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 9 months
Honestly it may not be your intention or of other people in the conversation but some comments around the sqq light eyes post have really rubbed me off the wrong way. I'm saying this with all the respect in the world and acknowledging your post about how you don't condemn harassment, but even before with the curly haired binghe and overall in danmei fandom it feels overly judgey towards westerners. Like these physical characteristics being a result of "whitewashing" when there's examples of official art or asian artists (the ZeldaCW art you linked) being some of the earliest examples. Most of us don't know Chinese, many don't even speak english and have to rely on MTL. I really appreciate this work you're doing and going to the original source, but I'm not into the gatekeeping tone some people are taking. Like, AHA! I knew this and actually all the people who don't are stupid for regurgitating fanon like it's canon. I'll be honest, there's plenty of fanon I don't like nor agree with, and I also make dumb mistakes myself (it's me, I'm one of the people who'd forgotten the hand scar came from jin lan woops). Sorry if this is too long or overly rambly, also feel free to ignore it. I mostly wanted to share this as a PSA that tone matters, be kind to others, and that preserving canon is not justification to regard people who go with fanon with a high brow. Regards, a non white non asian ESL 3rd world country svsss fan that's been in the fandom for a couple years (I point that out because I've seen way too many times any criticism be attributed to butt hurt white americans).
Thank you for your message!
When I make my posts here, I try my best for a neutral, informative tone, but between neurodivergence and linguistic issues, I’m not always certain exactly how it comes across. Perhaps a bit too blunt, perhaps the academic or formal tone I often use may seem stuck-up… really, I don’t have the best sense of it, though I do try quite hard.
I want to provide information here. This is to provide information for a few types of people: those who wish to maintain canon accuracy, and those who wish to know where an idea might have originated whether or not they care about canon accuracy in their own works.
Some people will hold canon as the most important. Others don’t particularly care. Some prefer fanon. How one interacts with fandom is entirely their own decision. My blog here isn’t trying to tell people they’re wrong. Or tell people that I’m better than they are, or that those who didn’t know something was fanon, or who enjoy fanon, are stupid or otherwise less than those who follow canon.
Fandom is supposed to be fun. I do this because I like analyzing things. Because it might be nice to have a record of details to see where trends came from. Even some things, I haven’t been sure about myself until doing the research, and some I’ve been mistaken on too!
Things can get muddled up. Especially when the wiki is updated with fanon information. It’s not hard for something to be thought of as canon when it isn’t, especially if trying to quickly reference something without reading the book again. No one is better than anyone else for what they do and don’t know about a fictional book.
And when it comes to design choices, there’s no need to jump right to whitewashing. A knee-jerk reaction is common in fandom spaces to anything that may be “problematic,” but sometimes a design is just a design. I only went into more detail on the post regarding LBH’s hair texture because that’s something i have experience with, and it’s not something widely known about that there are differences.
At any rate, there’s no reason to be unkind to others. People should be having fun in fandom. Those who wish to stick to canon should respect those who don’t care to, even if it’s not for you.
My posts are not meant to create a moral judgement against anyone.
If you’re using it for anything but information, then you’re using it the wrong way.
I don’t have the best eye for tone, but I will continue to do my best to maintain neutrality, and informativeness. Everyone who makes conversation on my posts, just because you knew something and others didn’t doesn’t make you better than them. It just means you knew something. Just because you didn’t know something, that doesn’t make you worse— it just means you didn’t know.
Let’s not moralize this sort of thing.
Enjoy the novel, enjoy the adaptations and interpretations that you like.
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sentimentalslut · 4 months
don’t talk to cops!!! it doesn’t matter if you’re innocent it doesn’t matter if you havent done something wrong don’t talk to them!! tell them you won’t speak without your attorney present and then please, for the love of god, shut the fuck up!!!
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trashogram · 1 month
Ok, I’m sorry, but you should not need the creator of a show to tell you that it’s ok to ship whatever you want and that you shouldn’t be harassing other people over ships.
You should not need to be told that harassment is unacceptable. Period. It never is. There are no exceptions.
“But what if…” “Unless it’s…” “Except it’s ok when..” No.
It’s not okay.
“But what if someone is actually harming others or themselves because of a ship?” Then you block and report. If it’s that serious, you handle it responsibly. Insults and wishing harm on others does nothing. You know this. If you don’t, you are not able to handle being in fandom and you need to leave until you are prepared to act civilly.
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