#proud satanist
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aubr3y-ac1d · 1 month ago
Satan is always there for me. He is like a father figure to me. Whenever I want to hurt myself I always stop and talk to satan about it (through prayer). I always feel so refreshed afterward. It may not fix the problem but it calms down. Ave Satanas! 🖤🖤🖤
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funeralpyres · 2 years ago
well. that was the best thing i’ve seen in my entire life
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sluttyten · 5 months ago
The Devil in Me
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Kinktober Day 9 | Haechan Masterlist | Member Masterlist
tags: loss of virginity, first time, oral sex, marking, biting, possessive/protective Haechan, mentions of human sacrifice, demons, a lot softer/romantic than it sounds
length: 8293
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Maybe you should have heeded the warnings of your friends and family, but you’d thought it was all just a bit of small-mindedness and prejudice. 
When you started seeing a guy who was a loud and proud satanist, your friends and family had all told you that he would be bad news. But you’d done some research into the belief system of satanists, and it wasn’t inherently evil, as they all seemed to believe. And you liked this guy, he was charming and handsome and he spoke to you like you were his everything, that you were someone special to him. 
And now, in your present position, you can see that you were in fact someone special to him. 
You were his virgin sacrifice. 
It had been a mistake to tell him that you were a virgin. You could’ve fed him some other excuse for why you didn’t want to have sex, but you’d gone with the truth. And now look where it got you. 
He’d brought you out into the woods on the premise of a night hike, stargazing, camping and keeping each other warm beside a campfire. But now you were strapped to a wooden table in the middle of a circle of fire in the woods, and he was pacing in circles around you, chanting words and drawing symbols on his bare chest in either red paint or some kind of blood. 
He’d already given you the evil villain speech. This was a ritual to summon a demon he’d read about — a chaos demon who could grant him wealth and talent by stealing it from others. He was going to sacrifice you and blah blah blah. You’d stopped listening after a while. The straps on your wrists were so tight that you were losing feeling in your fingertips. Your ankles were tied down too, and you could see no way out of this, resigned to your fate. 
All you know is that if he kills you, you’re going to haunt the shit out of him. 
When he stops his pacing, when the chanting slows, you close your eyes and send a prayer out to anyone listening to save you. 
The asshole teases you with your own death. He trails his hunting knife from your neck down between your breasts, slicing apart your shirt as he goes. 
Your shirt falls open, and he returns the blade to your throat. You refuse to make a sound, you refuse to give him the satisfaction of hearing you cry out. 
“Look at me!” He yells, his hand gripping your chin. “I want you to watch.”
Your eyes fly open, and you stare this asshole in the eye, putting as much hatred and vitriol in your gaze as you can. 
He grins, trailing the knife lower, and with a flick of his wrist, he gives you a shallow cut just above your left breast. You can see the first drops of your blood well up to the surface. His eyes light up, the chant falling from his lips again as he lifts his hand and the blade, drawing them up into the air over the center of your chest. 
He’s going to plunge it into your heart, that’s something he said during his monologue. 
You suck in a breath, watching his hand, watching the moonlight glint off the blade. 
He swings. 
And a tan hand curls around his wrist, halting the movement. 
“I don’t think so,” a smooth voice says. 
You watch the hand on your would-be murderer’s wrist. The hand guides his, redirecting the path of his blade, and you squeeze your eyes shut as the blade draws across his throat. You try to tune out the wet choking sound as your would-be murderer collapses, as he pulls himself away through the grass and the brush, as he dies the ugly death he would have given to you. 
You open your eyes when you can no longer hear him struggling to survive, and you see before you a beautiful, beautiful demon. 
His eyes glow a deep red. Two black horns stick out from his black hair. Ragged black wings jut out from his shoulders. And he’s beautiful. Devastatingly handsome. 
The summoning ritual worked. 
The fight for survival comes racing back through you, and you jerk against your bonds, crying out, screaming for help. You’ll not have your soul taken by a demon. That’s not happening tonight!
“Don’t be afraid,” he says calmly, “I’m not here to hurt you.”
With a wave of his hand, the bonds on your wrists snap, your ankles suddenly are freed as well. You sit up, clutching at the sides of your shirt to pull them together over your chest. The demon looks at you, and then turns his head to the side towards where you last heard that bastard's dying breaths fade away. 
“Some humans are real assholes, yknow?” The demon says, still not looking at you. “They think we all want sacrifices, which, don’t get me wrong, they can be nice from time to time, but we don’t demand the murder of virgins. We certainly don’t demand unwilling pretty women be murdered in the woods.”
He spits towards what you can only assume is the dead body of your would-be murderer. And then the demon looks back at you, eyes aglow. 
“I’m Haechan,” he introduces himself, holding his hand out to you. “But you can call me Donghyeok.” 
You hesitate for a moment, uncertain if you should give him your name or shake his hand. You feel like you’ve heard stories about how bad doing either of those things could be. But in the end, it’s the way that the corner of his mouth tilts up as he watches you that convinces you. 
You put your hand in his, and you give him your name. 
Donghyeok lifts your hand, brushing his lips across your knuckles. “Pleased to have saved you.” 
Your pulse throbs in your veins, pounding in your ears. 
An actual demon is holding your hand, standing before you smelling like sea air and citrus rather than the burning brimstone stories would have you believe. Donghyeok lowers your hand, and you pull it back into your lap. 
“That guy seemed like a dick.” Donghyeok turns away, shaking his wings as he walks over to the nearest flickering ground torch. He continues talking while he extinguishes that torch, saying, “Very bossy in his summoning chant. I probably would’ve ended up killing him even if he wasn’t trying to murder you. How did you end up here, anyway?”
“I was stupid.” You droop forward, hanging your head as you look down at your knees. “I let him trick me into thinking he was a good guy despite all the warnings from everyone around me. I thought they were just prejudiced since he was a Satanist, but they were right.” You risk a glance in Donghyeok’s direction. “I shouldn’t have ever told him I’m a virgin, I was basically just asking to get sacrificed in a demonic ritual.”
Donghyeok’s wings flare as he turns to look at you. “Don’t say that. Don’t ever blame yourself for the actions of a stupid man. He is the one that did this, not you.” 
He extinguishes two more torches before either of you speak again. 
“Virgin sacrifices don’t actually mean, like sexual virginity, yknow?” Donghyeok says, his back facing you while he puts out another torch. Now only four of them remain lit in the circle. “It’s virgin blood. Blood that’s never been used for a ritual before. As soon as he cut you, I felt the call, and I saw what he was going to do to you. I’m tired of men killing women with the excuse of summoning me. I just require a few drops of blood to be spilled, not a life taken.”
Donghyeok waves his wings, and three more torches flicker out, leaving just one glowing right in front of you, providing just enough light to see by as Donghyeok strides back to you. His bloody red eyes sweep over you from head to toe. 
“What are you going to do to me?” You can tell your voice is small, nearly lost in the whisper of wind through the trees. But Donghyeok hears, and he cocks his head slightly to the side to watch you. 
“Haven’t you been listening?” He reaches up, snapping his fingers together and drawing a handkerchief out of thin air. “I’m not here to do anything to you. I came to rescue you from that asshole, and now you’re free.” He holds the handkerchief out to you. 
“So you’re just going to leave me here?” You accept the silky white cloth, and you find one corner of it embroidered with flowy script — LDH, it says, and you run your thumb over the fine threads making up the letters. 
“I didn’t say I was leaving you.” He smiles, and again, your pulse thunders. “We can go, or we can stay here and have sex.”
A squawk of surprise and indignation leaves you, which makes Donghyeok laugh. And fuck, you thought he was beautiful before, the sight and sound of his genuine laughter makes him even more beautiful. 
“I’m joking!” He keeps laughing, his shoulders shaking as he tries to hold it in while he speaks, “But I can get you out of here in a snap so you don’t have to hike back through these woods in the dark.” 
“Please!” You reach out, grabbing both of his hands, holding them between yours. “Please, get me out of here.”
Donghyeok’s expression goes serious. “I will, I promise. And what about him?” 
You begin to turn your head to look, but you change your mind, keeping your gaze fixed on this beautiful demon. You shake your head. “Leave him. The police can deal with him, I’ll report the crime when I get back to town.”
Donghyeok watches you for a moment, contemplating something. Then he shrugs, holds tighter to your hands, and you feel a tug behind your navel. 
The scenery around you has changed.
You’re still in the woods, but just at the edge of it. You can see the lights of town just ahead through the trunks. 
“Here, let’s at least make it look like you’ve run back here.” Donghyeok crouches down, filling his hand with soft dirt. “May I?”
You’re not entirely sure what you’re agreeing to, but you nod. Immediately, Donghyeok is touching you, spreading dirt over your clothes, a smear of mud along the torn open edge of your shirt. He runs his fingers through your hair (which shouldn’t feel as good as it does). He plucks some twigs and leaves, sticking them haphazardly in your hair, dangling from a new rip at the bottom of your shirt. 
He takes a step back to appreciate his handiwork, then nods, satisfied. 
You both stand there looking at each other for a moment, and finally you say, “Thank you.”
Donghyeok nods. “You didn’t deserve what that asshole was going to do to you. None of them ever do deserve it. He, however, deserved everything he got, and everything he’s going to get when I get back to Hell.”
“Thank you,” you repeat because you mean it, and there are no words more genuine that you can think to say. “Really, Donghyeok, thank you.”
You turn towards the lights of town. You’re going to the police, filing a report, making sure they know that that bastard tried to kill you, and he's the reason he’s dead. 
“One thing before you go!” Donghyeok steps in front of you. You look up at him just as he reaches out and puts his hand on your right shoulder. His hand burns hot and then hotter through your shirt, and you hiss in pain, trying to draw away, but Donghyeok holds on, only releasing you once the pain begins to fade into a tingle. 
“That’s all. See you around.”
And then the demon disappears into a shadowy mist. 
You stand there for a moment before you pull yourself back together, and you walk into town, straight for the police station. 
They believe the story, which is good since most of it is true. Only part of it is fictionalized: when you say that you managed to slip the bonds he’d had on your wrists, the part where you wrestled the knife from him, where you’d cut him across the throat and then run miles back to town through the woods. But the story is believable because the facts and evidence are all there — the police trek through the woods and find the site of the ritual, find his body, find a blade that somehow has your fingerprints; they find plans in his apartment, records of messages between him and others, of his search history on how to summon a demon and how to perform a virgin sacrifice. 
When you finally leave the police station, returning home under the care of your family and friends, you finally get a moment to yourself in the shower. 
You peel off your pants and socks, drag your shirt over your head, slip off your panties and bra, and then you look at yourself in the mirror. 
Black inky lines that weren’t there before these events are there now. You twist, angling better towards the mirror to be able to see what appears to be a whole tattoo that you never got. 
A sunflower curves from front to back over your shoulder and down onto your arm. 
You brush your fingers over the petals, feeling your skin tingle in a not unpleasant way. It sends a curl of warmth into your belly, makes your heart pound. 
It’s Donghyeok, you know it is. 
This is his mark, left on you. 
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The next time you see him, it’s too brief for your liking. 
There’s a street festival, sort of like a carnival in town, and you spend hours down there one day as afternoon turns to evening turns to night. It brings all the weirdos out, from your town and those surrounding. You stick close to your friends, you have fun, you spend too much money on greasy food and rigged carnival games, you flirt with a cute carnie to get the big stuffed teddy bear prize. 
Your friends decide to ride the Ferris wheel, but your mild fear of heights and the lure of a big pink cloud of cotton candy call to you instead. You’ll stay here feet firmly on the ground, enjoying your cotton candy, and watching them take a turn on the giant wheel. 
But first you have to find the cotton candy booth. 
You’re carrying your teddy prize like it’s a toddler, hoisted up to sit on your hip. You’re still rather pleased with yourself for having flirted it out of the carnie, even though you’re not quite sure what you’re going to do with it, and carrying it around for the rest of the night is possibly going to become a bit of a hindrance. 
You cut between two game booths, slipping into the shadowed path that runs along the backs of the games, like an alley between the ring toss games facing one way and the basketball and shooting games facing the other. The cotton candy booth is visible at the end. 
You have to step over wires, bags of vacuum-sealed prizes, a crate that’s surrounded by cigarette butts. The dings and chimes, alarm sounds and cries of joy all sound muffled, leaving you feeling a bit apart from the carnival despite being right in the heart of it. 
A figure melts out of the shadows, suddenly keeping perfect stride with you. 
You gasp, twisting around with the bear between you and this shadow-born devil. 
“Me again,” Donghyeok laughs. 
He’s got his hands tucked into his pockets. The devil horns are concealed by a hood. He’s wearing a leather jacket that has black wings stitched into the back panel. He could pass for normal, you think as your heart settles back into a more normal rhythm, if only his eyes weren’t still a deep red with his pupils reflecting light like an animal’s eyes at night. 
“Donghyeok.” You almost collapse against the back of one of the game tents. 
His lips curl around the sound of your name. You like the sound of that — his voice, your name. 
You just stand there staring at him for a moment, amazed that he’s actually here. In the days after your near-sacrifice, you’d almost convinced yourself that Donghyeok had been nothing more than a figment of your imagination used to soften the trauma of that night a little. But here he is again. Real. In the flesh. 
“Are you keeping out of trouble?” He asks, and when you nod, he scoffs. “But you’re back here walking by yourself? Do you know what kinds of people are drawn to work these carnivals? The transient lifestyle calls to some pretty awful people.” He turns to look back along the path you’ve been walking in this makeshift alleyway. 
Several feet back, there’s a slumped over figure where there hadn’t been before. And the longer you look, the more you realize it’s that cute carnie that had given you the bear.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ve got your back.” Donghyeok pats your right shoulder, his skin hot against yours. “You should get back to your friends before they start worrying. Here, this is for you.” 
Out of thin air, he draws a large fluffy pink cotton candy, holding it out to you. 
Donghyeok escorts you back towards your friends, and he blends in with the crowd, looking perfectly human except for his eyes. His shoulder bumps against yours. He chatters and laughs with you. You find it so curious the way that your heart skips each time you look at him. 
Hours later, once you’re safely ensconced at home, you notice that the center of your sunflower marking on your shoulder is darker than it used to be, almost like you’d gotten it shaded in. 
Donghyeok again, you’re sure. 
You recall his hand on your shoulder, the gentle but pleasant burn of his skin on yours. 
You turn your head, resting your cheek against your shoulder. The center of the sunflower is warm against your cheek. 
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A few weeks later, you’re certain your family thinks you’re crazy. You’ve not seen Donghyeok again since that night at the carnival, and honestly, you’re beginning to feel very Bella Swan in New Moon about the situation. You’re about to start throwing yourself into harm’s way just to see if Donghyeok will make an appearance to save you; although, you have a strong suspicion that if he knew you were doing dangerous things intentionally, he would make a point of not showing up. 
So, instead of trying to cross paths with dangerous men (again), you decide to go to the library and local bookstores and pull any books you can find on how to summon a demon. You do research online, printing out pages and pages of summoning rituals. You’ve got a whole wall of your bedroom dedicated to the stuff.
“There is something very wrong with you,” your dad says one afternoon when he sees it all. “You survived that satanist dick. Why would you put yourself through this?”
You’re pretty sure your family and friends think you’re doing this to torture yourself. You can tell they’re all worried for you, all of them concerned about what path you’re taking.
But you’re not diving headfirst into satanism or anything like that really. You just want to summon one demon in particular – a chaos demon named Haechan who has asked you personally to call him Donghyeok.
You seek out a different ritual than the one performed when you first met him. You don’t want to have to sacrifice a virgin even if it only means a few drops of voluntary blood; that veers too close to the sacrifice you’d almost found yourself to be in the woods. 
Eventually, you find a source online that suggests a few specific crystals, certain herbs, fire and chalk and a spell in a language that you’ll have to teach yourself. But it seems doable. You just have to find a shop for all of those things, and then you’ll summon Donghyeok. You just want to see him again. You’re drawn to him, and maybe it’s because he saved you so you’ve got some weird type of twist on Stockholm Syndrome, or maybe it’s this sunflower he marked on your shoulder, the roots it’s put down inside you making you want to see him more and more, thirsting for him like a desert plant in a drought. 
You find a shop perfectly suited to your needs. The woman running the place seems quirky enough that you don’t have any qualms about telling her everything — what you’re looking for, how you’re going to use it, why you’re using it — and you’re obsessed with the gleeful twinkle in her eye as she dances around the shop, gathering the items you’ve listed, plucking them from dark corners, from a bay of windows, from bunches of herbs hanging from the ceiling. 
“I do have to warn you,” she says as she carefully packs it all into a bag for you, her voice dipping towards a serious tone to say, “Some demons are always listening for a call, even if it’s not for them, especially when it’s a pretty girl like you calling with almost no taint in your blood. Just know, dear, that when you call for your demon, someone else might try reaching through. So be careful when you speak the spell. Clear pronunciation, clear focus and determination.”
She pats your hand tenderly before you leave, and she wishes you well. 
You set up the ritual in your bedroom. You push all the furniture out of the center of the room, roll back the rug that usually covers the floor beneath your bed. You sketch out the symbols in chalk on the hardwood floor, you set up the crystals exactly according to the diagram on the website, placing candles exactly right too. You scatter herbs across the pentagram, sprinkle a few in a bowl set in the center of the ritual space, and finally you kneel beside it. 
You clear your mind except for thoughts of Donghyeok, your wish to have him in front of you, and you begin speaking the words you’ve been practicing since you found them. 
Before, they’ve felt like hollow words, but now as they fall from your lips there’s a new weight to them. 
You continue, keeping your mind set, and you strike a match, watch the flame flicker and wave as you continue speaking the spell, the foreign words feeling strange on your lips and tongue, creating a tingle that makes you feel that this must be working, that you’ll be able to see Donghyeok again. 
You drop the match into the bowl of crushed herbs in the center of the pentagram. The bowl is instantly engulfed in flame, the heat kissing your cheeks, and the final words of the spell incinerate in the air, the flames crackling and flashing a solid purple for a moment. 
You feel the air from the room disappear as the fire swirls and sparks, as the candle flames around the circle shoot up elongated and casting shadows. The crystals crack and shimmer.
And when it all falls away, when the flame in the bowl extinguishes and the candles resume their normal flame size, you look up at the demon standing above you. 
It’s not him. 
You gasp, falling back on your hands. 
The demon is fearsome, brutish. He reaches for you, gnarled red fingers clawed with filthy talons. You scramble backwards as he grabs for your sleeve, tearing the fabric when you jerk backwards. 
Suddenly the demon releases you and stands straight within the pentagram. 
“Haechan’s mark?” He utters in a garbled, deep voice straight from the pits of Hell. “You are under Haechan’s protection?”
A sharp whistle from across your bedroom draws your attention and that of the hideous demon in front of you. 
Donghyeok sits on your bed, looking relaxed as ever. He cocks his head to the side, staring down this other demon. “That’s right. She’s under my protection, so get the fuck out.”
Donghyeok flicks his fingers, and the other demon vanishes in a wave of smoke and embers. 
You can’t look away from Donghyeok lounging on your bed like it’s his throne. He’s wearing that leather jacket again, though right now his devil horns are visible poking through his dark hair. You’ve missed looking at him. 
He looks at you now too. “You called?”
“I wanted to see you,” you tell truthfully. 
“Why?” Donghyeok asks, not moving from the bed, just sitting there and watching you. 
“Well why did you mark me?” You lift your fingers to the flower on your shoulder, brushing your fingers over the petals. 
Across the room, Donghyeok’s eyelids flutter, and he rolls his head on his neck a little as if to relieve tension. “I marked you because I want you to be safe. I knew if any other demons saw my mark on you, they would leave you alone, as just evidenced.” He gestures at the pentagram. “And because I wanted you to have something to remember me by. And I like the thought of you wearing a memory of me.”
You stroke the petals of the flower again, and Donghyeok sits up on the edge of your bed, sitting forward. 
“The flower changed the last time I saw you.” You draw your finger up to the center, darker now than it had been when Donghyeok first marked you the night you met. “The center has color now.”
“I know.” He leans forward, but doesn’t leave your bed, though he seems to just be hanging onto the very edge of it. He doesn’t explain more, just looks at you as if waiting for more. 
You climb to your feet, picking your way through the candles and crystals and herbs, and you come to stand just in front of Donghyeok. He raises his gaze to your face, his hands are planted on either side of his thighs, and he doesn’t say a word as you reach out a hand, as you first touch his cheek with just your fingertips, and then you move them along his jaw, up into his hair. 
Donghyeok’s eyes flutter shut, a sigh falls from his lips. 
Your fingers find his horns, and gently you run your fingers along them both. 
His hands fly to your hips, a breath catching audibly in his throat. “What are you doing?” He asks, voice tight but not in a way like he wants you to stop. 
“You’re beautiful, Donghyeok,” you can’t resist saying, “And you’ve marked me, so maybe I want to return the favor.”
Donghyeok’s lips draw into a smirk. “Mark me how? Who are you trying to show that I’m yours?”
Your heart thunders, heat racing through your body at the sound of that. I’m yours, he said. “Say it again,” you demand. 
“Say what?” Donghyeok’s eyes open at last, flicking open and lifting to meet your gaze. “That marking me would show others that I’m yours? That I belong to you in some way?” His hands tighten in your hips pleasantly, and you shuffle a little more forward into the V of his open thighs. Donghyeok smiles up at you, saying, “Baby, you’re mine. And you have been since the night we met, since I put my mark on your shoulder. It’s only fair that you put a claim on me too. Do your worst.”
Challenge burns in his red eyes, and heat flows through you, rivers of fire that all lead to one point, settling low in your belly — a pool of burning need that you’ve never felt with anyone else before. 
With your fingers still in Donghyeok’s hair, you tip his head back. His lips pull into a wider grin, a soft sound of amusement, and then, “I forgot, baby, you’re a virgin. Are you intimidated by the thought of marking me?”
“No,” you groan. “Shut up.” 
You push Donghyeok’s shoulders, and he flops onto his back in your bed. 
God, he just looks like a guy, any normal guy that you might have found and invited back to your bed. And you’ve had a man in your bed before. You’ve had make out sessions, had heated heavy petting that never led anywhere. You’ve had hickeys, and given out your fair share of them too. 
But Donghyeok is Donghyeok. There’s definitely something intimidating about the confident way he’s looking at you, the sexy look in his eye as he watches you — not just a look that says that he knows he’s sexy, but even more arousing is that the look in his eyes tells you that he finds you incredibly sexy. 
You sink onto your bed on your knees, straddling the demon’s lap. Donghyeok lifts his hands up, interlacing his fingers behind his head as he watches you, and the expression on his face is just stoking that fire inside of you. 
“Can you sit up?” You ask. “Take your jacket off?”
“Mm,” Donghyeok hums. “I like when you tell me what to do.”
Your belly swoops, and his grin widens. 
He sits up, and you find his smile just inches in front of you. He shrugs out of his jacket, pushing it off the bed, and then he’s sitting here beneath you in a plain white tee, the denim of his jeans rubs against your thighs. And he’s right here. Right here. Lips just in front of you, and your hands drift back to touch him, to feel the warmth and breadth of his shoulders, and then your thumbs are sweeping in to trace over his Adam’s apple, which bobs when he swallows and breathes in sharply. Your fingers slide around to the nape of his neck, just pushing into his hair, and Donghyeok makes a noise so quiet yet so filled with desire. 
You’ve been sitting here watching the path of your hands, but now you look at his lips so full and moist in front of you. And then you look just a bit higher to his eyes. 
Perhaps the demonic bloody red of them should scare you, but they don’t. They stare into yours and you can’t bring yourself to give a damn about the fact that Donghyeok is a demon and not just a man. 
That doesn’t matter to you one bit when you finally press your lips to his. 
Donghyeok immediately kisses you back, opening up to your kiss, but he lets you take the lead, lets you do what you want with him. He moans when you push your hands higher into his hair at the back of his head, moans when you suck on his tongue, moans when you press your chest against his. 
You moan when his hands finally find your hips again. Donghyeok drags your hips across the front of his pants, and you break the kiss to let out a shuddery moan. 
“Okay?” He murmurs, lips falling down to your jaw, leaving butterfly kisses along the underside. 
“Yes,” you sigh, “Do it again.”
Donghyeok drags you over his crotch again, rolling his hips up too, and you can feel him then, his erection beginning to press against the front of his jeans. He does it again and again, and after a few moments, you pick up the rhythm, taking over as you simulate riding him, and you bring his mouth back onto yours. 
Again, Donghyeok is happy to let you lead, to control what’s happening. 
He just touches you without pushing you, kisses you at the pace you set, although that doesn’t mean he’s a passive participant in all of this. He’s reacting and vocal, occasionally nipping at your bottom lip, occasionally bucking his hips out of rhythm with your moves. It’s like he’s giving you little peeks into his desire for you, moments when his cool demon facade slips. 
Donghyeok moans when you leave his mouth behind to instead kiss his neck. His hands come to rest on your ass while you keep rolling and grinding down on his straining erection, and you’re feeling the tightening in your belly, you know if you don’t stop soon you’re going to cum like this. But it wouldn’t be the first time. You’ve had boyfriends and casual relationships before that respected your virginity, that had been content with things like this, found it hot to cum when fully clothed. 
Donghyeok seems to be in the same mindset. 
His golden skin beneath your lips is hot, and he moans your name again and again, rolling his hips up to meet each downward push of yours. You rock your hips more frantically, losing control as your orgasm rises. You bite at his throat as you cum, and Donghyeok’s hands on your ass keep you moving, keeping up with the push and pull of your pussy grinding over his erection. 
Your body is still tingling as you roll off of him, as you lie down in your bed and pull him over you. “More,” you demand, “I want more.”
“Are you sure?” The demon above you asks. 
You crave more from him. Donghyeok has you hotter than any man ever has before. 
He kisses you without warning, jolting forward and sweeping you into a dramatic, hungry kiss. You want him, and you pour that desire into the kiss, impatient and horny for him to give you more. 
You don’t wait for Donghyeok to start undressing you, you reach down and unfasten your shorts, maneuvering them off your hips and down your legs. The shirt’s a bit more difficult to rid yourself of, but Donghyeok obligingly breaks the kiss to let you pull it over your head, and while you’re in this position with space between you, you reach for the hem of his shirt. 
“Can I?” You ask, tucking your fingers beneath the hem. “I want to have all of you.”
Donghyeok’s eyes flash flaming red. His voice is rough with emotion when he says simply, “Yes.”
You drag his shirt over his head without another moment wasted. And then your hands are back in his hair, stroking the curve of his horns as Donghyeok crushes his mouth to yours again. 
Donghyeok grinds against your thigh while the two of you make out, and you have to pull one of your hands from his hair, seeking out one of his hands to pull down between your legs. 
You’ve been touched like this before too. Over the panties, an ex rubbing your clit and stroking along your slit with the thin fabric between you and him. You’d managed a weak, unsatisfactory orgasm from it after a drawn out attempt, and decided to end things with him a few days later citing that you just didn’t feel the chemistry. 
But presently, the moment Donghyeok’s fingers make contact with your clit over your panties, your brain is buzzing. Every nerve ending in your body is alert. 
Donghyeok kisses you through every gasp and sigh. He smiles when you whine and buck your hips, when you circle your hips and grab at his wrist to guide his fingers towards your wet entrance, to the spot where your panties are absolutely soaked through. He kisses the corner of your mouth, and teases, “Do you want me to continue?”
You push away your panties, almost tearing them in your rush to be rid of them. 
This much you’ve never done before. Never done penetration even with a man’s fingers. 
Whether Donghyeok can read that in you, or if he sees the slight anxious anticipation in your gaze, he tenderly kisses your lips, sufficiently distracting you as he slicks his fingers against your bare pussy. This is a first for you too. Bare fingers and bare pussy, slick wetness making the glide so much easier and more pleasant. 
Donghyeok kisses you and touches you until you’re whimpering, reaching for his wrist. “Inside me, put them inside me,” you beg, urging his hand lower. 
It doesn’t make sense for a demon to be so gentle, but he is. Donghyeok eases first a single finger inside you, then another. He leaves your lips to kiss down your throat and chest, kissing lower and lower, drawing down your body until his mouth is right there and he licks your clit. 
You’re not sure if it’s just the experience of oral sex or if it’s because it’s Donghyeok, but your entire body lights up as he licks your clit, as he thrusts his fingers into you again. He takes his time with you, filling you with his fingers, curling them inside you and brushing a spot that makes you gasp, body jerking at the incredible sensation. 
Donghyeok laughs, delighted by how you’re reacting. He kisses your hips and your belly, slowly works his way back up, and you swear it feels like he kisses every part of you. His fingers press inside your pussy, slow thrusts until you’re begging for more, raking your fingers through his hair while he’s kissing your belly. Your fingers find his horns, and you use them like handles to guide his head back down. 
He’s laughing still, thoroughly enjoying you taking control, guiding him to where you want him. 
You arch your back, rolling your hips down against his face as Donghyeok sucks your clit between his lips, his fingers suddenly fucking into you at a faster speed, skilled at touching you exactly right. 
A second orgasm sweeps through you, and you ride it out on his face and fingers. 
When you push at Donghyeok’s devil horns, he backs off, kneeling up between your legs, and he gazes down at you while he licks his lips, and brings his fingers up to his mouth. You can’t look away, completely enraptured as he licks between his fingers, as he sucks them into his mouth. His eyes are hot, raking over your body. 
You want him bad. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Donghyeok asks, pulling his fingers out of his mouth. His hand drifts down to the front of his pants, and you watch him give himself a squeeze. “Looking like you want to eat me, baby.”
You want to take a bite out of him. Well, you at least can’t fight the urge to bite him, to leave the imprint of your teeth in the curve of his shoulder, to bite his neck again since he’d seemed to like that earlier. You don’t want to eat him, but you sure want to take all of him, to have this devil inside you. 
Donghyeok slides the heel of his palm along his clothed erection, and you decide right then in that moment that you’ve had enough of waiting. 
“I’m ready,” you tell him. 
Donghyeok blinks, and again he looks more human than demon. “Ready? Like for… for sex?”
You nod. 
“You want to lose your virginity with me?” Donghyeok clarifies. You nod, but that’s still not enough for him. “I need to hear you say it.”
“Donghyeok, please will you have sex with me. I’m ready to let go of the idea of my virginity. I’m ready to have sex, and I want it to be with you.” Can you be more clear?
Yes, you’ve waited a long time for this. You’ve picked and chosen, selecting this actual demon over some normal men. But despite Donghyeok’s demonhood, he’s treated you better and been more considerate than any of the men you’ve come close to considering doing this with before. You’ve just been waiting for the right man to come along, and the right man in this case just happens to be a horny, red-eyed demon. 
Donghyeok kisses you once again, and then he waits, holding just above you until you reach up and pull him back in. He’s smiling when you kiss him, and again, he lets you take over, lets you touch him and do what you want. So when you run your hands along his ribs, when your fingertips reach the waistband of his jeans, Donghyeok just moans happily. 
His hands join yours in the effort to push his pants down, and the demon above you laughs delightfully, kissing you thoroughly making you forget the slight nerves you feel at the prospect of finally doing this, finally having sex, instead you’re just excited, just laughing and moaning along with him. 
As soon as Donghyeok’s pants are slid down and kicked off, you reach for his dick, touching him the way an ex-boyfriend of yours had liked. He’d always told you to make it all about him, taught you to do things the way that he liked. 
“Wait,” Donghyeok says, “You don’t have to do all that. I’m already worked up for you, baby. You may think being a demon comes with supernatural endurance or something, but in this I’m no better than a human man. You’re gorgeous, and that makes me want to just…” He cuts himself off by kissing you, but you think you get what he means. 
He finds you beautiful, and not only that, but beautiful enough that he feels at risk of cumming too fast if you keep touching him before he’s inside you. 
“Then fuck me.” You whisper the words to his lips. “Take me as a virgin sacrifice, Donghyeok. Like I was meant to be.”
Donghyeok scoffs, kissing you again and then he’s moving. His hand brushes yours away from his dick, and he rolls his hips forward, pressing the tip against your entrance without actually entering you. 
“Are you sure?”
“I find it beyond charming that you’re a polite, gentlemanly chaos demon, Donghyeok. Yes, I’m sure.” You shift your hips, circling them down, and Donghyeok’s dick sinks in. 
He keeps going, pressing in deeper. He’s watching your face, and you hold his gaze while you adjust to the full feeling, the different feeling of having something this thick and deep inside you. Not a bad feeling, just a different kind. 
“Don’t stop!” You gasp when Donghyeok just goes still inside you. 
He holds himself above you, just looking down at you with this expression and all of these emotions in his red eyes. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, lifting a hand up to cover his eyes, but it does nothing to block his radiant smile. “Are you gonna move or just dock yourself in me?”
Donghyeok laughs again, and you’re quickly realizing that’s your favorite sound. “Maybe I’m taking in your virgin sacrifice,” he teases, “Doing my demon thing.”
“Right, sure. But can you hurry up with your demon thing?” You move your hand from his eyes, pushing your fingers into his hair to find his horns again. Donghyeok shudders with pleasure as you stroke your fingers over the ridges on one horn and then the other. “You’re not acting very demonic, you know. Treating me all gently and tenderly.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. You’d rather I bend you into strange shapes and fuck you hard and rough for your first time?” Donghyeok pulls his hips back and pushes back in roughly. It stings a bit, but you don’t mind all that much. And then he does it again. “Like this?”
“Sure,” you whimper, “Fuck me like you’ve done to all the other girls you’ve ever fucked.”
Donghyeok simply kisses you, getting you to melt beneath his lips, and then he moves again, thrusting into you. You gasp into the kiss, and Donghyeok takes advantage of that to deepen the kiss, making out with you as he fucks you, his dick reaching places that you didn’t even realize existed. He’s got your legs spread wide, his hips crashing against you repeatedly, drawing pretty moans from you with each thrust against your sweet spot. 
And once you get used to this new sensation of having a dick inside you, you really enjoy it. Donghyeok’s tongue being down your throat helps a bit too, his skill with kissing is definitely distracting you from the less pleasant sensations. 
Your whole body tingles each time that Donghyeok buries himself to the hilt in you. He grinds forward, stimulating your clit, externally and internally. He touches your boobs, but that doesn’t do a whole lot for you. You keep your hands in his hair, on his horns, and that seems to drive him mad with lust; each time you’ve got your fingers on his black devil horns, Donghyeok jerks, fucking into you a little harder, a little out of control. 
It’s one of those times that you’ve got a hand curled around one of his horns, your other hand cradling the back of his neck as Donghyeok kisses your collarbones, that he moans so beautifully for you. “Fuck,” he moans, “I want to give you everything, baby. Everything I’ve got, all for you.”
You want it, whatever that means. Whatever Donghyeok has, you’ll take it. 
A moment later, he cums, heat flooding your belly, sticky and slick as he pulls out, streaking it across your inner thighs and your pussy. 
“Everything, baby,” he murmurs, kissing along your collarbone to your right shoulder. He rolls his hips forward, filling you with his dick once more right as he kisses the sunflower mark he gave you that first night. 
Fire ignited throughout your body, pleasure and desire tangling together, ramping up higher and higher. Your climax tears through you like a wildfire, and Donghyeok fucks you through it, hips driving against yours; his teeth dig against your shoulder, his tongue following to soothe the bitemark. You can only hold onto him, hold tighter, keep moving your body with his to keep the waves of pleasure coming. 
Even once you’re coming down from your orgasm, your whole body is still tingling and warm. Donghyeok is all but stuck to you, both of you are all sweaty so your skin sticks together. His lips press to the sunflower mark he left on you, his hands slide against your ribs, leaving a hot tingle deep under your skin, and you have a feeling he’s leaving another mark, another claim or protection. 
You can’t get a good look at the marks he’s left on you, but you can feel them all – the warmth of the sunflower on your shoulder, which you’re pretty sure looks a bit more yellow in the petals now than it did earlier; there are the hickeys and bitemarks Donghyeok left on you; now these new marks on your ribs, which look like a swirl of small inky spots that are resolving into anything familiar, and on the other side you swear it’s a fine-line rendition of the sun. 
You wish you could do the same and leave a mark on him, more than the sparse hickeys you left on his throat earlier. 
For right now, you settle for just holding him. You wrap your arms around him, and Donghyeok tucks his face into your shoulder, moaning softly as he rolls onto his side, bringing you with him. Your legs are still tangled, bodies pressed together, his dick still inside you though he’s gone soft. 
“Call me crazy,” Donghyeok whispers to you, “I know we’ve only met twice before tonight, but I feel like we have a really good connection. I like you.”
Your heart races at the confession. “I like you too.”
You feel his lips curve into a smile against your skin. “Good. I’d hate for you to have just given up your virginity on a guy you don’t even like. A demon, at that.”
“It doesn’t bother me that you’re a demon yknow. You’re more decent than most of the guys I’ve known.” You trace your fingers down Donghyeok’s back, feeling two long angled scars by his shoulder blades, like that’s where his wings come and go from. “If anything, I don’t understand why a demon is interested in me.”
Donghyeok lifts his head, and he looks you in the eye as he says, “I told you earlier. You’re gorgeous, and the moment that asshole tried to sacrifice you to me, I caught a glimpse of your soul. You’re a pure soul, so utterly good that it pains me to look at you with all the layers peeled back, but not in a bad way. It hurts me the way it hurts to look at something you aspire toward; looking at you is like looking at the stars and knowing that you’ll never be able to hold one in your hand.”
But his hands are on you now. 
His fingers trace over your ribs, and you can tell by the tingle now that he’s definitely left a new mark on you. 
You take up his hand, pulling it up to your lips, and you place a kiss in the center of his palm. And when you look at his face, you see right there on his cheek that maybe. He’s closer to holding the stars than he thinks. You trace the constellation of moles on his cheek and down his throat, so similar to one that you see in the night sky. 
Donghyeok leans his cheek into your hand, and he holds you a little closer. He presses his forehead to yours. 
The candles behind you on the floor have burned down to nothing but puddles of cooling wax. The herbs and crystals and chalk symbols can be picked up and wiped away in the morning. But for tonight, you hold a demon in your arms, completely at ease in his warm embrace.
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a/n: I'm sorry for the long wait on this one! Day 9 is finally being posted on Day 11, which has definitely put me behind, and is making me reconsider my decision to do this for this month. But I really liked writing this one! I've been very Haechan-biased since The Dream Show 3, so I needed to write this tbh.
If you notice any errors or if you feel I should include some more tags/content warnings, please let me know!
I hope you enjoyed! Reblogs are deserving of my eternal gratitude, likes are greatly appreciated, and your thoughts and comments are always welcome !
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abzania · 1 year ago
List of Book!Crowley things I think you should know:
Owns a collection of soul music (that he's very proud of)
Has snake skin boots that may or may not be his feet
Has a tendency to hiss when he forgets himself
Whispers commentary to Aziraphale while the Metatron and Beelzebub discuss if Armageddon should happen
Is an optimist who believes the Universe will take care of him
Reads novels
Loves naps, particularly after a large meal
Bought petrol just for the bullet hole decals
Doesn't make reservations because that's something that only happens to "other people"
Believes every car has a cassette player, so every car he drives does, even if it's not supposed to
Breathes life back into a dove Aziraphale accidentally smothered in his jacket
Likes classical music, but can't listen to it because the cassettes keep turning into "Best of Queen" albums
Thinks about putting his message box cassette into his car to turn Hastur into a "Best of Queen" album but decides he's not that evil
Thinks satanists are weird/disturbing
Can do weird things with his tongue
Also, highlight from the book you should see, because Crowley is fucking adorable:
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expfcultragreen · 7 days ago
Now everyone report to the cladistics textbook
No pictures!
She must think collies and chihuahuas are different animals if she thinks we're not a species of ape, i mean, they look more different from one another than we look from gibbons ffs
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This is a gibbons skeleton:
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Familiar! Its like, we're primate and theyre primates, or something wacky like that! Again for the record we didnt evolve from chimps, or gibbons, we and chimps evolved from some other thing that we both branched off from like 9 million years ago, we just have stuff in common because its the same lineage
And like we've watched dog breeds change over time, we've recorded the changes. How does she explain that?
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Again, does she think different breeds of dog are different animals? Or that they werent originally all wolves?
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These are widely regarded as the same species (subspecies of wolf actually) because of the known history and firm genetic evidence, like, theyre crossbreedable with eachother. They just look different because of morphological derviation. Same basic principle with humans vs chimps with more millions of years added in: we look a bit different but the skeletons tell the whole story, we're all apes, sorry! This couldnt get any easier to substantiate
#no one can deny that we are watching dog breeds change morphologically under our guidance across successive generations#therefore actually..all triggers aside...everyone knows evolution is fucking real. end of story.#its too obvious#youd have to have profound cognitive impairments to not get this so if you can tie your shoes & drive a car its a grift if you say otherwis#and i hear god hates liars.....i bet the beauty of her system is something she's proud of in particular.....#people just get offended when you tell them 'the satanists want you to believe we evolved from chimps' because chimps are fug#lbr#tell them we share a common ancestor with gibbons (less closely but true nontheless) and maybe its easier to get into#and beautifully enough#the further back you go....the genetic relationships between all species can be plotted...a glorious tapestry of divine will#its horrific to deny the glory of it. the superb and magnificent reason of it all...apparently beyond many humans comprehension still#as when the texts they pledge allegiance to were written. only a few thousand years ago. hardly millions. we've come so far so fast....#....a shame to waste it OR ignore it as though its an inconvenient truth when its an epic ode to genius beyond our prior grasp as creatures#clear evidence of god it isn't...shes clear in her highly narrative acts of intervention. the magical realism of it all. but once u know...#...that she is there and necessarily set all this in motion....its intricate finetudes take on a special charm.....her very own terrarium..#we are all her children#every atom
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pr0blematic-h0unds · 2 months ago
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|| ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 0:13 ───ㅇ───── 1:34 || ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ ⁀➷
╚══《✧ABOUT US✧》══╝
✶≫ ❝ [ Our Main/Preferred prns are: Xe/He/Pup/Bark/Snarl/Growl/Hound/Bone/It/etc] please refer to us w/ these pronouns; they/them is kindly asked not to be used for us.] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We are an adult, we are bodily 18 ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [You may adress us as relatively anything you wish, but we prefer: Hound, or Mutt. Mutuals and friends may call me Pup or anything else of their choosing <3 ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We are Proship, Comship, & Darkship! We are Prokink, & Propara but Anticontact! ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We are a Fictive heavy, Traumagenic + Stressgenic DID system of 100+ alters! This is our Pronouns.cc for our main system and this is our pronouns.cc for our subsystem! ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ I have now have a strawpage!!! ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We have Major Depression (MDD), Autism, Psychosis, PTSD, DID, OLD, BPD, NPD, ADHD, Anxiety, Alexithymia, and MaDD. Were also a sociopath but uh we don't bring that up shhhh-] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We are a Satanist / Atheist ! And a proud member of The Satanic Temple! ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ Our special interest is UTMV / Undertale!! We've been in the fandom for 9 years now!!! ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We are proud furries and nonhuman shapeshifting entities. We are also polymorph/polykin therians, in which we are Vulturekin, Dragonkin, Crocodilekin, Succubiskin, BiblicalAngelkin, Faunkin, (+more kins) our other theriotypes are Coyote, Spotted Hyena, Cottonmouth snake, Avian Siren, Rüppell's Vulture, Griffin, etc ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We are IRL + Fictionkin! Our biggest fictionkins/IRLs are Alfred Alfer, Traffic, Subspace, Pest, Shadow Milk Cookie, and most specifically Ink Sans!!] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We petre sometimes, oftentimes we are a Dog, Cat, Vulture, or Hyena ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We are Bi Poly Fictorose Aro/Ace] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We are taken by a very lovely polycule! Please do not attempt to court us. ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [We are trans F->M who still comfortably identifies as a Persagirl ButchBoy and also as Agender, Xenogender!] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We have a skelesona! We will draw ourselves as it often and will link its ref once it has been fully set up! We also have a Sparkledogsona in which is basically the mascot of this whole blog, however we most likely won't draw ourselves as it unless for silly little emotes (simply too much work to constantly draw with all those sparkles tbf). However, we do have a main fursona we will draw ourselves as, in which we will link the finished ref once ready! ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ We are very friendly!!! Please talk to us!!!! We love making new friends and talking to people so genuinely please do not be afraid to talk to us, we dont bite that hard <:3 (yes that means u can even DM us were totally fine with that! Or if u want just staying on anon in our inbox is 1000% okay too <:) ) ] ❞
✶≫ ❝ [ Ask box for general chatting is always open, be as silly as you want there's no limit to how silly you can be here!!! My art requests are always open as well! It might take me a bit to do them as I take awhile to get motivated for art, but I will get to them eventually!!! ] ❞
┌─────═━┈REST OF INTRO UNDER THE CUT!┈━═─────┐
➻❥ Some of our other hyperfixations! : Objectified, Blocktales, Let Him Go. The Roblixa: Untill Dawn, Kaleidoscope, Cookie Run Kingdom, Epic: The Musical, Regretavator, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, Qsmp, Fpe, Class of 09, TBHK, Trigun, Highcard, Pressure, Phighting!, Jim's Computer, Presentable Liberty, GASA4, Cult Of The Lamb, Alfred's Playhouse, Fe, Dungeon Meshi, TBHK, FnF, CoS, ROTTMNT, DHMIS, FPE, Indigo Park, The D!ckheads, Souris, Ramshackle, PinePoint, Bojack Horsemen, LMK, Wendell & Wild, Tuca & Birdie, Dandys World, Shelter, Welcome Home, The Last Guardian, Owls Of Ga'Hoole, Deltarune, Catching Up, HH & HB, Lackadaisy, etc!!
➻❥ Some of our fav Bands/Artists! : Mindless Self Indulgence, Suicidal Rap Orgy, MC BUSHPIG , Sodikken, Lemon Demon, Femtanyl, Rio Romeo, Alex G, Pompey, Will Wood/Will Wood and the Tapeworms, Fish in a birdcage, Tally Hall, Tv girl, Salv the Dog, MAILPUP, Mother Mother, Jack Stauber, Bogio, Jazmin Bean, The Dresden Dolls, That Handsome Devil, Odetari, Penelope Scott, Cave Town, BoyWithUke, Baby Bugs, Ryan Mack, Epic: The Musical, Etc!!
➻❥ Some of our fav songs! : Fuck The Supreme Court, Genital Warfare, You're my stump, Redmageddon, Ghost Boys, I Am a Poseur, Get In The Water, Wouldn't you like, God Games, I'm So Sorry, WEBKINZLID NYA NYA DANCE, CyberDance, LOVESICK CANNIBAL!, Amygdala's Rag Doll, Hole Dwelling, Rockstar, Nosedive, P3t, HARDER DADDY, Plus Boy, Femboy, Seriously?, I/Me/Myself, Charlie's Inferno, Your Graduation, Choke It Out!, PUPPYPLAY!, Wet, I Deserve To Bleed, I'm so crazy for youuu </3, GOOD LOYAL THOTS, NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER, GMFU, My Alcoholic Friends, Butch 4 Butch, Fish In A Birdcage, Stalkers Tango, Stupid MF, Spy?, Dogmatica, Shut Me Up, Lights Out, THIS HURTS, Get It Up, Devil Town, This Is Home, Etc!!!
➻❥ Some Fandoms were in! : Undertale, UTMV, Phighting!, Blocktales, Let Him Go., The Roblixa: Untill Dawn, Kaleidoscope, Jim's Computer, Presentable Liberty, Epic : The Musical, Deltarune, Objectified, QSMP, WoF, WC, FPE, Indigo Park, Bojack Horsemen, Tuca & Birdie, Fpe, Dandys World, Class of 09, TBHK, Trigun, FnF, DHMIS, Horrid Henry, Alfred's Playhouse, Lackadaisy, Tmnt/Rottmnt, COTL, TSATWON, TOH, Sweet Tooth, Ramshackle, Pinepoint, Dungeon Meshi, Demon Slayer, BBU, MD, TADAC, Owls Of Ga'Hoole, Welcome Home, Poppy Playtime, Hellsing, WOTHH, Bee & Puppycat, Wednesday, Wendell & Wild, HH & HB, Pokémon, Monkey Wrench, LMK, BSD, Sarah & Duck. FNAF, Animaniacs, Invader Zim, etc!!!!
╰ ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─ ╯
✦❘༻BYI + Boundaries༺❘✦
‣ Please do not refer to us as humans in any sort of way. We physically and mentally identify as Ink Sans and a canid/vulture.
‣ Do not call us a women. Only we are comfortable with calling ourselves those things we will block you if you do this.
‣ Please do not EVER send us any sort of harassment, if you do not like our content block and move on. Harassing us will solve nothing and will not create any solution to your problem with us.
‣ DO NOT send us any sort of gore and sexual images, gifs, or videos. If you do these things you will be blocked and reported on sight.
‣ Please be patient with us, we struggle to understand/feel emotions and we have extremely low empathy, it is not our fault for being this way. We also apologize if we ever say or do anything that can be offensive or makes you upset, we have a very hard time picking up on if we have hurt someone or done something we shouldn't have.
‣ We struggle with being very obsessive, clingy, and jealous over the people we are extremely close to, were sorry if this is irritating in anyway but this isn't something we can just stop.
‣ We have Disassociative Amnesia, we often will forget things as soon as it has been told to us. Please be patient with us in this topic, and please provide us with reminders if we are in a conversation and we forget something.
‣ please use tone tags when talking to us, we are tone deaf half of the time and will start to p a n i c if we take something the wrong way or misread something.
‣ do fucking not send us any Errorberry, Error X Swap or Swap X Error content. We fucking hate that ship with a burning passion and WILL block you if you try to talk to us about it or send us content about it.
‣ Just because our system is almost completely made from fictives doesn't mean you have the right to treat us any differently. We are still living separate beings in our own rights and we will not stand for any sort of discrimination against us. This also goes for sources, we are not all our sources and some of us are even quite uncomfortable/distressed with mentions of source or being compared to source. Just because we may be from that source, doesn't mean we are exactly like it, and we are CERTAINLY not a roleplay opportunity just because of it.
‣ Please do not personally speak to us about topics of Rape, SA, Grooming, Animal Mutilation/Murder, Underaged Substance Taking, Drinking, Smoking, Waterboarding, Dehumanizing, Neglect, Starvation, Forced consumption of animal food, Self Harm, Mental and Physical Abuse, Parental abuse, Parental Incest, Overdose, Plushophilla, Religious abuse, etc. These are very triggering topics to us because these are the things we had to go through as a child. Fictional topics of these things are 100% fine as we cope that way, but reality wise do not bring these up.
Quick tag rundown as we close this off ^^
#Hound Barks -> yapping and just random posts by me that aren't reblogs or art
#Hounds art -> kinda self explanatory but yeah its art
#Hounds reblog -> also pretty self explanatory its just reblogs
#Hounds Tail Wag Moments -> inbox/interaction through inbox
#Hound 'n the pack! -> Friend interactions!
#An Alter Barks -> the tag that will be used by our alters/headmates for whatever they post/reblog/say/etc ^^
#Wah continued reblog -> a reblog that ended up becoming continued, most likely from talking to someone through that reblog. Block this tag if you don't wanna see these lmao
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(Our intro is very inspired by other blog intro layouts, if it looks similar to a blog you may be familiar with thats why. Bc it most likely could be our intro inspo!)
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river-billcipherfan · 5 months ago
MY NAME IS ADRIEN. (Also known as adri or A)
Also a proud pagan! Though I respect your religion no matter if you are a fellow satanist or not!
My gf's account: @skylartheaxeanon (sky❤)
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made by me!! I'll take requests if ya want!
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imsatu · 8 months ago
Papas' mothers
i need to warm up my writing and i got inspired, so here’s what i think the papas’ mothers could've been like
these are all maybes and what ifs, they’re not really my hcs just things that i came up with, also i like sister imperator, even though it might not look like it from the things i wrote hehe
cw: maybe it gets a bit nsfw? but not heavy, it's a just in case, also rhrn spoilers, again just in case
Primo: his conception was one of the first duties nihil had to carry out, conceive an heir to the position, that’s why primo is much older than the rest
nihil had to select a sister of sin from a thoroughly sorted group out of the women of the satanist convent, being a great honor to all of them to be even considered for the position. he ended up picking a beautiful, blonde woman with bright, blue eyes, arched nose and plump lips, and a serious and solemn demeanor (the one that resembled sister imperator the most). it didn’t take long until she became pregnant. as a mother, she was stern and preoccupied in rising the perfect heir for the role of papa, and made sure primo grew being able to carry out his papal duties perfectly
Secondo: he came a few years after primo, product of a sudden (and a bit of frowned upon) relationship with a sister of sin. still, the clergy had to accept him as the heir he was, but secondo felt the subtle rejection of the anti-church, even from his mother, as life practically fell apart around her because of the affair with nihil (big part of which sister imperator made sure happened, out of jealousy). his mother was never important in his life, and was raised by other sisters of sin along with primo. the hard time he had during his childhood, adding to the pressure of becoming papa helped turn him into the party-animal, miserable, wounded, and bitter old man he was known for.
Terzo: his mother wasn’t a sister of sin, like his older brothers, in this case, it was a fan of the ghost project from when nihil was the frontman. she followed them around for the concerts and ended up pregnant, terzo being born in the midst of the chaos of tours and rituals, which he loved. his mother helped him become not only the best papa he could be, but also and most importantly, the best rockstar. since he was a kid, she helped him come up with his skull makeup, enrolled him in music lessons, and transmitted to him a burning passion for stages and glamor, so when he became frontman of ghost, he made sure to make his mama proud
Copia: we all know who copia’s mom is, but, how was sister imperator as a mother? she just wasn’t. when she found out she was having twins she had to come to the most complicated decision she ever had to take, as she wouldn’t be able to be a mother to twins and also fulfill her job as sister imperator. so, she decided to surrender her children to the sisters of sin, the same ones that had raised the three papas. she made sure that nobody, including both of her babies would ever know who their real parents were, thinking that she was protecting them, and made sure to give them a good life, making copia a cardinal and later papa emeritus. 
what about the other twin? until we meet them, any theory could be our best guess. maybe they died (following the story of romulus and remus that it seems copia and a few songs make reference to), maybe they decided to leave the clergy, who knows
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stevieharringtonwifeguy · 2 years ago
fae!steve who, practically the moment he learns what he can do, sets up a trap curse for his parents. if they ever kick him out and disown him, then the second he exits their threshold he'll take all their luck with him. he'd feel bad about cursing his parents, but the point of a trap curse is that it doesn't activate unless the targets of the curse do something to meet its requirements. if his parents were just good people, good parents, then nothing bad will ever happen to them.
but they really can't seem to help themselves. steve guesses he saw this coming.
he tells eddie about it, when eddie comes to pick him and his one allowed box of clothes and shit from the harrington house. eddie'd offered to curse them, 'might as well make good on my whole evil satanist reputation', but steve told him he already had it covered. told him about the trap. he's never seen eddie look so proud and so sad at the same time.
and sure enough, all good luck leaves the harrington household when steve does. a random irs check reveals harrington sr's years of tax fraud, and his business goes bankrupt trying to pay the fines. someone leaks pictures of one of mrs harringtons senior aides on a drug filled bender in the city, ruining both her campaigns squeaky clean image and her chances at reelection in the fall. several of mr harringtons former secretaries sue for sexual harassment, while seemingly every other woman he's ever come in contact with simultaneously sues for child support.
and steve just watches. he's happy now, living with eddie in a small apartment with their cat and the various small woodland creatures eddie keeps trying to sneak in (so far steve's had to kick out three raccoons, a possum, a skunk, two bats, and a coyote. they've all been very understanding when he's explained the situation to them but eddie still acts like a kicked puppy every time he does it). eddie keeps a little shoebox under their bed with newspaper clippings of every terrible thing to befall the mighty harringtons, says it's in case steve ever wants the reminder that he got one over on them in the end. a reminder that steve's happy and they're not.
steve doesn't need it. he feels it, every time the curse does something to them, something clicking in his chest like one of those alarm clocks with the flaps that flip over from one minute to the next. he wonders if it'll ever feel like too much. if he'll ever think they've been punished enough. they've had a rough couple years, it's sort of only a matter of time before something happens that's unlucky enough to injure or kill them.
steve thinks if he was human, maybe he'd care. maybe he'd look at that shoebox with the guilt eddie seems to be half-expecting every time he brings it out. but he's not, so he doesn't. he set the trap, but his 'parents' are the ones who sprung it.
they really should have known better than to cross a changeling.
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thelampisaflashlight · 1 year ago
Some remade ghoul headcanons, because my lore is everchanging. Let's go.
-It's a well known fact that Dew is a hybrid, but the exact elemental shake out isn't as simple as half water, half fire. Physically, he has more traits associated with water ghouls; Gills, scales, a thicker tail for moving through the water, etc., but his magic is primarily fire based.
However, the main reason he's not completely 50/50, is because one of his mother's parents was an air ghoul, so he's really half water and then an equal measure of fire and air.
This technically classifies him as a multi-ghoul rather than a hybrid, but he has no air ghoul traits, so he rarely, if ever, brings it up.
-Rain is from Limbo -as is Zephyr- which isn't really considered part of Hell proper, but it exists within the same "sphere". It's a bit like being from a small town outside of a major city.
However, despite being from Limbo, Rain's family is pretty well connected in the depths, and there's rumors going around in the pit about them being somehow related to Lucifer himself, but Rain can neither confirm nor deny these claims.
-Mountain used to be human, but he committed "a terrible sin" in life and was thrown into the pit to undergo punishment for what he had done.
During his time in the pit, he did reflect upon his crimes, but even he isn't sure he truly deserves the freedom he has now, despite centuries having past.
And lastly;
-Swiss is half human, and was raised on the surface, so his knowledge of Hell and what it means to be a ghoul is minimal.
He knows the basics and pays attention during mass, but he's not exactly a practicing Satanist, and people are often perplexed as to how this is possible.
It's simple really; He doesn't care about/for the rigmarole, and he thinks his time is better used doing things he actually wants or needs to do instead of sitting in church.
He does the dark lord proud.
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months ago
We should not be fighting for a world where some of us are accepted into conservative America. We must fight for a world where all that conservative America stands for is destroyed. We need a future where police don't exist. Where jails don't exist. Where you can decide to not work for years and not be harmed by that choice at all. We need a world where it's weird and rare to own a car. We need a world where you can wear a fursuit to work. We need a world where you can send your children to a theistic Satanist school. We need a world where abortions are seen as beautiful and wholesome. Where having bottom surgery to have both or neither sets of genitals is considered cool and endearing. We need a world where monotheism is an allegation you want to avoid. We need a world where the Vatican is a meusum to catholic atrocities and Christianity is nothing but a bad memory. We need a world with a no state solution for Isreal and Palestine. We need a world where the celebrity all the young girls have a crush on is a pre everything anorexic transmasc. We need a world where public figures have self harm scars. We need a world where people with unmedicated mental illnesses can own guns. We need a world where an eighteen year old can get top surgery for free no questions asked. We need a world where it's considered just as normal to have ten sposes as it is to have one. We need a world where public libraries have fanfic sections. We need a world where a father is proud to learn that his daughter has chosen to become a full time witch, or a sex workers, or a boy.
None of this is a joke or ironic. You agree. Reblog.
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 3 days ago
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WARNING: This blog is not safe if u dont like gore, sex, drugs, ed, $h, venting, gr@pe, etc.
safer blog is my sideblog @theyluvroko !! Hello!! I’m Broken or Roko (roko preferred <3) !!
Insta- @/puppipawzzyt
Bsky- theyluvroko
TT- @/lensil_kagamori
sketchclub (not active atm, coming back soon)- puppigutzz
roblox- cutiezblood, disp: theyluvroko
discord- len_kagamine_0.2 (pretty sure my display is just <3)
u might know me from my fursona Sunny ( @in-a-sunny-daze )
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He/They plz ^^ gay, otherkin, furry, therian, traumagen system, satanist, republicans dni <3
dating @therowwwwboat irl
14. y/o, proud-iSH resident of colorado
Birthday 07/31 ^^
willows/endos r safe here!! unless u r @krakenkakes if u dont rly support pls dni (unless ur chill… liek kraken..)
alter list
THE french/irish guy that lives in america
i am platonically in love with/married to @n3hmof1sh and @cru3l-th3s1s
some fav moots @verralol , @pepperpeltz , @stranger-simp-143 , @fishysplayhouse , @tsukasas-fish-tank , i forgot you PLEASEPLEASEMENTION
fanfic writer+reader (requests open!! Only fandoms im in.)
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OMORI (main), ENA, Bugbo, dhmis, rtc, sonic, laceygames, ddlc, vocaloid (+pjsk kind of), sanrio, pjo, ALNST, the list just goes on…
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Will Wood, WWATTW, Bo En, Bo Burnham, Kikuo, MARETU, Miracle Musical, Tally Hall, Lemon Demon, just queer kid taste yk ghost and pals n shit
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Favs section
I Saw The TV Glow
God-Ish (Will Stetson cover)
Lily of the Valley- JohnJRenns
OMORI (clearly)
irl person:
Luka (ALNST)
Basil, Sunny (OMORI)
Nico Di Angelo (PJO)
Len Kagamine (vocaloid)
Darkstalker (WOF)
probably more
Blinkies below (flash warning ov)
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queenofallimagines · 1 year ago
You do such good writing! I’ve read all your obey me stuff and I love it! I’m always glad to see more black!MC self insert stuff. I am not black myself (but also not white, so I get the white MC struggle), but I’m always glad to see it because it should exist more!
I also super love your luciferian (and satanist) au stuff! It’s all very cool to me.
I’m imagining the Luciferian MC glaring at Solomon trying to pact with Lucifer, like “he already HAS a human, he doesn’t need you, he SAID he doesn’t wanna work with you, get out of my spot” lol
Idk if Lucifer would like MC getting like that, but I think it’s funny
Thank you, I really appreciate it🥰 and I’m glad you like it! It came to me randomly and now it’s rent free in my brain lol
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- oh he would LOVE it
- If it’s one thing about him he’s gon he prideful✨
- Giggling and flapping his wings I fear
- Always gets flustered that his human will jump to his defense
- Like this might as well been a marriage proposal because that’s how he’s going to look at it
- Smirks at you snapping at Solomon
- “That is your answer then.”
- Stupid smug look on his face
- Solomon just barely holding back from telling Lucifer he looks like a proud peacock puffing up its tail feathers
- He doesn’t want to have you hating him so he cuts his losses and backs off(for now)
- Lucifer gleefully invites you up to his room for demonus
- He is not calling you up to drink
- He’s just about to pour you a drink before he lays it on thick
- “I never expected you to be so possessive”
- “You’re really one to talk, Lucy”
- Makes you sit in his lap as he praises you but in a “oooo you want me so bad” type of way
- Like you’re the one who yearns for him achingly
- But you can feel his gloved hands firmly holding your hip
- Thumbs rubbings loving circles into your sides
- You can literally see the hearts orbiting around his head
- “I have to say. I never thought being claimed as belonging to a human would be appealing to me.”
- Just fuck him in that chair fr he’s going to keep being smug until you do something about it
- Walks around with his featheresall ruffled and head held high like the proud peacock he is
- Throws Solomon a little side eye and smirk
- Will say shit like
- “Sorry I cannot MY human is in need of assistance later this afternoon.”
- “Apologies, I have been instructed to help MY human with something for the student council”
- he’s literally so annoying 😭
- Mammon almost got tied to a ceiling fan for pointing it out
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satanicallypanicky · 5 months ago
it's a good time to remind all y'all that I've got a theistic Satanist discord I'm 1/3 of the mod team for.
we've small (50ish people as of writing in October '24) but active. we're diverse in our locations, ethnicities, backgrounds, ages (all welcome!), pantheons, and spiritualities. we have beginners who are 1 month in and people who've been in it for 20 years and who know all your favorite Satanist authors personally. but we've all got Satan in common.
we have a great resources channel, so many roles (that's my job and I'm very proud of it), channels for dreams, divination, "indulgence", being mad at Christianity, 18+, and so much more.
the mod team is Satan's librarian, a self-described "shitty wizard", and a mad scientist (yours truly).
come hang out with us. DM me for invite. we'd love to have you.
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uniicornmorgue · 7 months ago
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- my name is casper, buttons or fester !!
- i am a theistic satanist who worships the devil
- i have medium support needs autism
- i’m a fem agender and am taken by my wonderful bf !!!
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- special interests: bats, horror, and collecting
- collections: purple things, dolls, shopkins, furbies, trolls, LPS, MLP, plushies + more!
- horror faves: terrifier 1 and 2, the conjuring universe, rob zombie horror movies, longlegs, killer klowns from outer space
- music: type o negative, rob zombie, ICP, the millionaires, kesha, KMFDM, massive attack, she wants revenge + more
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- pastel goth, fairy ke, general girly style, mcbling, 2014 style, seapunk + i just wear whatever i like !
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- i am very much anti cringe culture !! i’m extremely non judgmental and against any of the “proud hater” bullshit. feel free to message me as long as ur kind and not a creep!!
- secretary 2002
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steveisagay · 2 years ago
The boys (whoever you have ideas for) with a scremo singer (artist?) Like what they think when they first met? If you need more details for tis lemme know!
Stranger things x Screamo singer!reader
I am so sorry I didn't get to this until now and I'm writing this thinking that the reader hangs out at The Hideout, I hope this is what you wanted!
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You two probably met one night at The Hideout whether you just happened to be in that night or if you had a gig
He'd think you were so cool when he finds out what music you do
It might not be exactly his style but it's so different than some other styles that he can't help but like it
If you had a gig of some sort he'd definitely be there, hearts in his eyes as he watches from the front of the small little stage
100% your biggest fan without a doubt
He'd try to get you to sing a few songs with Corroded Coffin
He will be your biggest supporter and you his
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He is not into any type of screamo at all
When you two met he was not there by choice
He'd think that you were weird, and a freak but after getting to meet you he'd start to warm up
He would support you, but maybe not as outright as Eddie, he'd show up but he might not get as loud and enthusiastic
He'd be so proud of you for doing what makes you happy, something that he would never be able to do in a thousand years
He definitely sticks out like a sore thumb in his bright polos and soft colors
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He might not always be able to frequent The Hideout but he definitely tries to
You were basically this person he'd never seen before, sure you were hot but there wasn't much more that met his eye
But then you got on mic and damn...
He tried to buy you a drink afterwards
When it got to the point when he's have to go home his number would end up on the napkin under your drink
After you two got together he would brag to everyone about how talented his partner was
Also 100% your biggest fan
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His first instinct would be to call you a Satanist freak
I have no idea how y'all would meet
Maybe highschool?
But if his feelings changed he'd be proud that you were so talented but their would be a few fights some nights
He would think that your style would end up going against his religion
It probably wouldn't last
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