#protostar crew
spockvarietyhour · 2 months
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Star Trek Prodigy "The Devourer of All Things Pt. 2"
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xchronicles · 12 days
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The exact moment Chakotay went "these are my kids now" in his head.
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ilovefredjones · 11 months
i’m always thinking about how dal never knew his parents and the only mother figure he had sold him into slavery as a child and then it turns out he never even had parents, he was just a failed experiment. and then his next mother figure is simply a hologram of a famous admiral who then deceives him before ‘dying’. but the real janeway cares for him so much, and defends and advocates for him in court and wants him to join her crew
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geoderocks · 3 months
Oh my goodness Prodigy season 2 is incredible! Fantastic writing and character development, and also stunning art (these are the kinds of planets I always hoped to see in Star Trek!)
This show is making me feel again how I did when I first fell in love with Trek, decades ago. (It inspired me to become a scientist, and Janeway never stopped being a role model for me.)
Thank you to all involved, @aaronwaltke and cast and crew! 🖖🏼❤️
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baylardo · 18 days
i think the nature in which kathryn retires in the prodigy universe is sad. like losing faith in the cause youd once doubtlessly sacrifice your life to uphold. i think that in itself is sad and hopleless for her. as opposed to how the first splinter timeline treats it, which was a forced “retirement” (albeit brief) where at first she struggles with giving up the fight but settles into how the universe is not in her control nor will it ever be and she finds peace in that. its not inaccurate to her character, but it sucks that its where we landed.
the same could be said for chakotay who’s serving a cause kathryn once held dear but starfleet no longer resembles what it once was. why go back into that? after how they were fine with abandoning him lol. idk maybe he thinks he would have made that call too and his life was too insignificant to risk so much. maybe him and kathryn disagree over that :T
it just sucks that starfleet’s future is so bleak in canon and seeing where it has now canonically placed these characters who had such interesting and evolving perspectives on starfleet. maybe it was inevitable with what picard did and impossible to satisfactorily salvage while still complimenting the other series. in support of the decisions prodigy made, those are the cards they were unfortunately dealt. i mostly just dont like where chakotay landed lol for all that he endured. maybe he owes it to his protostar crew. its just hard to justify. like girl settle down and do anthropology, captaincy was never your dream i hate that thats what gets pushed on EVERY beloved trek character it feels like.
i think itd be really interesting to explore the switch in roles shes taken with chakotay though. like no doubt wouldnt be surprised if she helped the romulan evacuation despite starfleet’s reluctance similarly to picard. almost maquis in nature. i just think its frustrating it so easily pits chakotay against her tho lol. like if they were younger, YES ABSOLUTELY. but ummmmm they really should not have a dog in this fight anymore imo.
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divinemissem13 · 1 year
30 Days of Prodigy - Day 30: Boldly Go
On the bridge of the USS Voyager-A, Commander Tysess stood to attention as the turbolift doors slid open to reveal the ship’s commanding officer. 
“Vice Admiral on the bridge!” he announced, prompting the other officers on the bridge to stop their work and follow suit. 
Kathryn Janeway nodded to her crew as she emerged onto the bridge. “Thank you, Commander, as you were,” she ordered and the bridge immediately became a hive of activity once again. Kathryn loved this part of a mission - the buzz of excitement as everyone went through their final preparations for launch, the anticipation of what would come next, and welcoming her carefully selected crew to their new home. She began her tour of the bridge at the Ops station, just to the left of the ‘lift. 
“Ensign Icheb,” she said warmly, placing a hand on the ex-borg’s shoulder, “it’s good to see you. Welcome aboard.”
Despite the years of history between them - or perhaps because of them -  the young ensign was determined to display the utmost professionalism and so he nodded sharply and replied, “Thank you, Admiral, glad to be here,” and then returned to analyzing the status readings on his screen. “Everything appears on track for an on time launch,” he added. 
One last pat on the shoulder and Kathryn was moving along to greet the rest of the crew. The bridge was a bit more crowded than usual, due to the presence of a large number of trainees who would be joining this mission. She had requested several jump seats be installed along the back wall of the bridge to accommodate observers and she stopped there now to welcome her warrant officers aboard. 
“Well, are you ready for your first official Starfleet mission?” she asked them. 
They all answered at once, their voices overlapping gleefully: 
“Yes, Admiral.” 
“Ready, Admiral!”
“Yes, Vice Admiral Janeway.” 
“Jankom Pog is ready… er, yes, Admiral.” 
and of course, a few chirps from Murf. 
She smiled at the ragtag group, despite herself. They may not be Starfleet officers - yet - but what they lacked in official knowledge and experience, they more than made up for in enthusiasm.
Kathryn continued on her tour, freely offering welcoming smiles to crew members old and new.
She even afforded a tight-lipped smile at her new head of security, the only member of the crew that she had not hand-picked for this mission. Commander La’an Noonien-Singh seemed extremely competent, if a bit cold. But Janeway still resented the fact that Temporal Investigations had seen fit to place one of their own on her bridge. Even if they were going to be dealing with time travel on this mission. And even if she did have a bit of a reputation where such things were concerned.
Finally, Kathryn reached her command chair. She lowered herself down reverently and ran her hands over the arms of the chair before allowing herself to relax into the backrest and cross one knee over the other. 
Commander Tysess stood to the left of her with his hands behind his back and she gestured for him to begin systems checks. (The one thing she really didn’t like about this new class of ships was the fact that the command chair sat all alone in the middle of the bridge. She missed being able to lean over and share the odd observation with her first officer at any time.)
As each station reported in, Kathryn gripped the arms of her chair, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. Here we go again, she thought. She opened her eyes and looked towards the tall blond pilot sitting at the conn. “Mr. Paris, is the course laid in?” He was the best pilot she knew, and after her last helmsman turned out to be an undercover saboteur, Kathryn was doubly glad to have Tom Paris at the helm of her ship now.
“Yes ma’am,” he drawled with a cheeky smile. 
“Let’s do it.”
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gun-roswell · 3 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Prodigy, Star Trek Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dal R'el, Gwyndala (Star Trek), Rok-Tahk, Zero (Star Trek), Murf (Star Trek), Maj’el (Star Trek), Hologram Janeway (Star Trek), Jankom Pog Additional Tags: Poetry, Ficlet, Homage, Found Family, To the Journey!, Fluff Series: Part 1 of Tales of Star Trek Prodigy, Part 169 of Poetry Shorts Collection (Various Fandoms) Summary:
They, are all family now.
Part of Tales in Star Trek Prodigy / Fandom Poetry series
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ncc-42069 · 27 days
For Halloween, the Trek-obsessed 4-y.o. now wants to go as the Protostar.
Not as a member of the Protostar crew. The ship.
We're going to make this happen.
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startrekprodigyfan · 2 months
First scenes of Last Flight of the Protostar Part 1:
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Last scene of Last Flight of the Protostar Part 1:
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He lost one crew and gained another.
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rin-solo · 2 months
Following especially the latest season of Prodigy, I would just like to give a shoutout to Chakotay.
I actually liked him even back in Voyager, although he could definitely have been written better in that show. But then Prodigy came, and despite his limited screen time, that show did him SO well I can still barely believe it. And no, I'm not talking about how unexpectedly hot he looks in a cowboy hat ... That's the bonus cherry on top if anything.
If Prodigy proved anything (besides that it is now one of my favorite Star Treks of all time) is that Chakotay's earned that captain's chair, and so, so much respect.
I love how we get to see him be the selfless, dedicated, strong leader that he is and has always been, entirely disconnected from Janeway or any other legacy character. Now more than ever Chakotay and Janeway are just equally hardcore, badass captains who would give their lives for the greater good in an instant, and that's part of what makes them so great. Their equality, despite the different ranks, really came across in Prodigy more than ever before, which I loved to see.
Honestly, whenever I see Chakotay dismissed as a doormat or "best off as second in command" I just kind of rage a little. Even back in Voyager, it was pretty clear to me that he wasn't (for example, some people seem to forget that he was a captain originally and only became a first officer for the good of the Maquis crew.)
And now that we have Prodigy ... Even though we don't really see much of it on screen (which is a shame), I like reminding myself how, since the launch of the Protostar, he went through 12 (!) more years of (self-)sacrifice and (leadership) hell and managed to come out of that seemingly stronger and more certain of his place and himself than ever.
Even the events of "The Last Flight of the Protostar" aside ... Just think about how many life-altering, defining, difficult choices and sacrifices he had to make in those 12 years.
In the timeline that was averted, he sacrificed his only shot to get back home through the wormhole (the Protostar) to save the Federation from the weapon on board.
In the new timeline, he sacrificed himself by choosing to stay on that planet where he and Adreek landed, also for the sake of protecting the Federation from the weapon on the Protostar.
Chakotay was technically stranded in the Delta Quadrant twice (once with Voyager, once with the Protostar), and despite how abysmally things went on his first command, he never sacrificed his integrity or his dedication to Starfleet's values. He becomes a little grumpy over 10 years in solitude, but honestly, who wouldn't? And then the first thing he does after being rescued is take over Voyager-A and continue his service ... That's some dedication if I've ever seen it. I think he may have wanted to prove something there ... and honestly, he couldn't have succeeded more.
And no, he did not "teach" Dal that his place was "the second in command" ... On the contrary, he very likely showed Dal through his own competence and perseverance that Dal himself was simply not ready yet for such a responsibility.
He's just an extraordinary captain who has gone through things and made choices that very few others could have made. Choices like sending the Protostar back in time, that had the fate of the entire Federation depending on it.
I adore Prodigy in general, but one of the things I adore the most is that it finally shows us more of why Chakotay is not second to Janeway or to anyone. He's his own leader, his own character, and his own captain who deserves so much more acknowledgment.
Although, I still feel that we were robbed of some of Chakotay's best moments by not showing us the arrival of the Protostar on Solum and later the events preceding its (presumably) emergency landing on that planet where it stayed for ten years (honestly, I'd love for future Prodigy seasons to have maybe a flashback episode or two about the Protostar's maiden voyage and Chakotay's arrival on Solum and maybe later on that planet where he was stranded.)
Anyway, long rant over ... All I wanted to say was that Chakotay has more than earned the command of Voyager-A; seeing him in that chair made me very happy, I won't lie.
And I really hope if/when Prodigy gets more seasons, he'll be a more major character because he deserves a more central role.
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spockvarietyhour · 2 months
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Star Trek Prodigy "The Last Flight of the Protostar Pt. 1"
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xchronicles · 22 days
I don't think I can explain how much I loved the kids as the Protostar crew with Chakotay as the captain. Their time on Ysida clearly made him trust them fully and their competence (and vice versa), and Chakotay wanted THEM to be HIS Protostar crew, with Gwyn as his first officer. He treats them as equals, not hesitating to be a little harsh when the situation demands it, but also giving praise for a job well done.
This was one of my favorite things about Star Trek: Prodigy. Also, Dal shouting 'That's my crew' was one of the most wholesome moments of the season. He doesn’t need to be on the Protostar as part of the crew to still feel connected to them and be super proud.
Chakotay and the Protostar kids are just chef's kiss of this season and I love them.
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isagrimorie · 2 months
On my slower rewatch of Star Trek Prodigy season 2, episode 11 - Last Flight of the Protostar, I.
After 10 years with the Protostar, it really is Chakotay’s ship. It’s an interesting thought that Janeway would find immediately find a way to go down with her ship, but Chakotay has the bad luck that all his crew went down instead of him.
A Captain’s worst nightmare realized. He has lost his people twice over, first the remaining Maquis in the Alpha Quadrant and second, his entire Protostar crew.
Another interesting thing about Chakotay, without an external motivator he could actually live his days in some planet. (BTW, HoloJaneway and Chakotay still acting like an old Married, but in a reversal of his dynamic with Real Janeway, Chakotay is the grumpy one, who would push away people to hide his hurt.)
Last Flight of the Protostar is Chakotay’s Night (Voyager).
Chakotay staying in that planet for 10 years mean without someone else prompting him, he can settle on any planet.
Captain Janeway’s stubborn refusal to give up and continue the journey home is the engine that kept Voyager moving to the Alpha Quadrant. Adreek shared this stubborn personality, he didn’t give-up, even in death he found a way to help.
Chakotay needed that kick in the pants to get his spark back, and he got it in spades with the kids, and finding Adreek again.
*Edited /July 11 638 AM
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fate-motif · 1 year
harry: don’t be deceived, this doesn’t mean harry would go to therapy willingly. but i am 90% sure at that whatever posting he took after voyager, he was asked to do therapy and he scoffed because he didn’t go through the dominion war, why would he need therapy? but he’s still convinced to do it to go with the flow, you know, make everyone else feel a little less bad for needing therapy. but no matter how he ends up in therapy, that therapist is just shocked by all the shit harry’s telling him, and he can tell harry’s not telling the whole truth, but because he can’t make harry tell him anything he doesn’t want to, especially if it’s about the others’ insane psychological issues, that therapist needs to start getting therapy themselves. i’m half convinced this was migleemo and this is how he ended up on the cerritos.
chakotay: he’s perfectly well aware that he needs therapy, but he puts it off successfully for a long time by justifying that with so many dominion war veterans, he does not want to take away their more urgent care when he’s relatively well off in terms of functioning. of course, he’s hiding the trainwreck of a personal relationship he had with seven, and by the time he takes the protostar posting he’s like, okay, alright, i’ll take a therapist with me on the protostar, this is going to help. and then he vanishes. and the therapist probably dies. rip.
tuvok: tuvok’s first inclination is to look for a psychiatrist, not a therapist. he can compartimentalize his trauma so much easier if he just points to any kind of damage he might have incurred between all those mind melds and head trauma in between missions. this lets him look a lot saner than most of the voyager crew who refuse to see any kind of professional but eventually t’pel outs her foot down and confronts him with the fact that his time on voyager has had a lasting impact on his rationality and control and he Requires assistance in addressing it. even then it’s most likely some kind of spiritual guidance, which is pretty close to therapy for vulcans considering their spirituality revolves around psychological control and all that, but he still dodges the needing therapy allegations publicly like a pro.
the emh: he recognizes that he needs therapy, would most likely want it, but he doesn't last more than a couple of weeks with anyone he tries because he thinks they're too dismissive of his issues because he's a hologram, so he tries to pour out his issues into trying to defend the right to mental healthcare for holograms while avoiding any kind of therapy himself because he doesn't want to go through all of that again.
seven: the federation has universal healthcare so therapy is available to seven, but she still refuses mental health care services when she realizes what the attitude towards xBs is in the federation. the closest she ever came was considering couples therapy when she was still with chakotay but that was a passing consideration and it was the prelude to her breaking away from the federation entirely after she broke up with chakotay. if she has received any kind of therapy afterwards it’s unlicensed, highly questionable, and probably self-managed which really shouldn’t have been the case. 
tom: he’s fully well aware he needs therapy, but he refuses to on the principle that he knows the therapists are going to blame his issues on voyager when clearly it all started with his dad and his unfair expectations of him and — but he does end up going to therapy specifically as couples therapy when his relationship with b’elanna was beginning to fall apart. the therapist recommends they both go individually for their own issues and they reject that vehemently. they probably continue to attend just for the insane task that is co-parenting miral between the two of them and they continuously rotate their therapist when they start getting into voyager a little too much.
b’elanna: it’s a miracle tom even got her to couples therapy at all. in the meantime, she’s mostly journaled, read books about therapy, done everything in her power to prove to everyone that she has her own mental health in her own hands and she’s doing great, but she can’t engineer her way out of depression since the age of 6 so you know. it would take a huge crisis for her to finally end up caving to suggestions that she go to therapy.
janeway: everyone who’s worked with her since voyager is telling their therapist about janeway and the way she is. no one directly asks her to go to therapy and the few people that do get shut down because clearly she’s keeping everything together, right? but the psychology academics’ circle of the federation and probably beyond know that they need to be ready for the day kathryn janeway gets therapy. they’ve been talking amongst themselves about who’s going to do it, who’s ready for it, how the dsm is going to have like 42 new mental illnesses at the end of it all and how they’re going to divide the work when they all start working on the scientific papers that make their careers based on how this woman’s brain works.
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divinemissem13 · 1 year
30 Days of Prodigy, day 22 - Uniforms
Barniss Frex was perturbed, to say the least. 
“Cadets?! All this time alone out here and Starfleet sends me cadets?”
“Actually… we’re not really cadets. Or Starfleet.” Dal admitted sheepishly. 
“But we want to be!” Gwyn added quickly.
“And this is what, your entrance exam? ‘Here kids, take this starship and go visit poor old Frex at the farthest outpost in the galaxy.’ Hmmph! In my day, it was all done on the holodeck!” Frex grumbled. 
“Well, not exactly,” Dal said.
“We stole it,” Jankom chimed in helpfully and Frex’s jaw nearly hit the floor.
“You children… stole a Federation starship?!” he exclaimed, incredulous. 
“Borrowed!” Dal corrected, giving Jankom a shove. “We were slaves. We used the ship to escape. We plan to give it back, honest! That’s sort of why we’re here!” 
“Yeah, we just want to get to the Federation!” Rok-Tahk added hopefully. 
Barniss Frex didn’t get to interact with people much and so maybe it was his rusty communication skills but he could only stare, speechless at the ragtag group of thieves before him. 
He wiped his sweaty hands on his pant legs, making him acutely aware of the disheveled old uniform he wore. He had been out here so long, even before the Dominion War, and the jumpsuit he wore was woefully out of date. He knew that there were new styles now with jackets and more flattering cuts, but there didn’t seem to be a point in updating the replicator pattern when he had so few visitors. 
He regretted that decision now as he looked at the odd conglomeration of not-quite-cadets in their sleek gray jumpsuits. Starfleet or not, and despite their varied sizes and species, they looked like a team. It had been such a long time since Frex felt like part of a team. Then, adding insult to injury, he noticed something on their uniforms that he had always wished for. 
He finally found his voice long enough to exclaim, “Pockets?! Your uniforms have pockets?! You’ve got to be kidding me.” And then he turned and stormed out of the room, still grumbling to himself. 
“That guy needs to take a chill pill,” Jankom Pog stated and followed Frex’s lead into the station.
“What is a chill pill? I do not believe I have heard of that medication,” Zero called, following behind him.
The rest of the crew of the Protostar just looked at each other and shrugged. 
“Come on,” Dal said, leading the way. He put his hands in his pockets as he entered the next room. Just because he could.
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miminmimikyu · 3 months
Prodigy episodes 11-12: Jankom you hero! You know that those anger management classes were good if Jankom managed to de-escalate a conflict between a tactless angry Dal and an absolutely livid Chakotay in a room with no Janeway
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Jesus episode 11 got really dark really quickly.
Gosh that opening sequence of Chakotay’s life on Ysida was so beautiful. The gentle piano and strings music accompanying this montage was so understated and pretty. The soundtrack on this show...
ngl when Chakotay carved that third chess piece I thought it represented a child
TEN years! That’s longer than Voyager was stranded in the Delta Quadrant! If anyone of the ex-Voyager crew can survive 10 years on an isolated planet, it’s Chakotay, but oooff. I guess 10 years of solitude and the deaths of your entire crew weighing on your mind constantly will do that to a guy. I think that the closest he’s ever been portrayed as this.. callous(?) was in Timeless, where he also lost all but one of his (& Janeway’s) crew. It was so satisfying to see Chakotay get so many emotional moments this episode (still, quite shocking to see him try to attack defenceless kids).
The scene in the cave was so perfect, everything came together— the moody blue of the cavern, Dal’s initial shocked expression and inability to speak, Adreek’s skeleton just sitting there and protecting the antimatter for god knows how long.. and then to top it off the two-hit KO of the incredible animation conveying Chakotay’s horror and grief and guilt, and Robert Beltan’s voice acting!. (I’m so used to his clocked-out performance for a large part of Voyager, I was taken so off guard by the emotions he conveyed in this episode (and the next).…. God that was beautiful
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Please.. I’m already dead π_π
I love how it’s not a sense of sudden responsibility for some children but the kids just earnestly working away that gradually drags Chakotay out of his shell. Worn down by their work ethic (and them finding the corpse of his first officer for him 💀).
Yet again: what a cool planet!! A lot of the planets the kids have visited this season have been devoid of humanoid life but each of them is so unique and interesting. Not the worst place to be marooned, if not for the beasts.
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I really like the reversal of the Janeway-Chakotay dynamic here. On Voyager, Chakotay kept Janeway in check, now holo Janeway does that for Chakotay. It’s cute how he looks back at her for input from time to time.
Dal and Chakotay actually make a great duo. I really liked their heart-to-heart. Also the way they clash, definitely a different dynamic compared to Dal and Janeway. I didn’t expect Dal to confess his insecurity re:the peek at his future so soon. I don’t think that this solved it but I’m glad that he was given a bit of a confidence boost.
These two episodes sure reminded me of Resolution… stranded on a planet, the planet is plagued by ion storms, Chakotay/Janeway infected vs. the Protostar infected. Chakotay is resigned to his fate while Janeway/Adreek is set on fixing the situation (Janeway didn’t manage but Adreek did).... and then in episode 12 Chakotay tells Dal about how he always felt lost (as a child on his homeworld, in the maquis as an adult..), until he met Janeway and became her number one… that’s almost exactly the same thing that he told Janeway in Resolutions (minus the metaphor + heavy romantic overtones). Hell, episode 12 even starts with Vice Admiral Janeway getting her shoulder massaged (/manhandled. by the doctor. and she hates it. unlike when Chakotay did it on New Earth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ). Only Janeway isn’t actually stranded with him on Ysida…
Chakotay and Holo Janeway… do you think they explored each other’s bo-
Beverly Crusher is k i l l i n g me being all “Jean-Luc? Dunno, you know him, always working!! Hahaha, let’s talk about motherhood” while hiding her now 4-year old secret lovechild.
Anyway. So if Voyager is nearby (ish), that means that this is present-day and Chakotay crashed 10 years in the past? So besides fixing the protostar back up, they need to wipe holo Janeway’s memories, crash the Protostar in the past and I guess Chakotay just loses 10 years of his life now?
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