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Paramount trying to get away with pretending a whole series doesn't exist as if they don't remember theyre talking to the Star Trek Fandom. The same fandom who made a holiday entirely to ensure that 27 years later no one ever forgets the canon, emmy award winning, salamander babies.
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divinemissem13 · 2 years ago
So here’s something funny.
Animation (writers, actors, etc) is covered by different agreements than WGA and SAG-AFTRA.
So, imagine you were a network who had a critically and audience acclaimed animated show, with a new season almost done anyway, and no current strikes to stop you from producing more.
But you canceled it.
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startrekprodigyfan · 8 months ago
I must admit that after the DELUGE of upcoming Star Trek related content we got the other day, I am starting to get apprehensive that Prodigy Season 3 isn’t going to happen. Granted the month isn’t over, Netflix is in charge not Paramount, and the fans do seem to want it to happen…
But with no mention of Prodigy at all yesterday, I just can’t help but feel like Star Trek as a universal franchise is just ghosting Prodigy again. And with the show not even releasing in a few key markets before the month is up isn’t encouraging either.
I hope I’m wrong. I hope eventually a Season 3 is greenlit, or even just a made for TV movie…
But at this point I am not holding my breath. I will content myself with what we got. If anything more happens I’ll be ecstatic, but in the meantime I will appreciate the fantastic 2 season we got.
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ignisgalaxia · 2 years ago
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Day 5 of Demanding Paramount Restore Prodigy
Back on the grind and yeah I’m late again but OH MY GOD THIS ONE TOOK SO LONG. If I thought Dal’s design was complicated, Gwyn came and stabbed my hand with her heirloom sword. Her hair tendril things and all the metal she wears made this one a challenge.
Admittedly I went a little overboard with the details, but I wanted to make her look good. And yes, I used one of the promo images as a reference, BUT LOOK HOW GOOD SHE LOOKS! I’m actually really proud of how she came out. She’s not perfect, but I think she looks better than Dal.
As the only character with a weapon, you bet she’s getting ready to use it on you, Paramount. Her people need her and she’s not gonna let anyone get in her way.
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xchronicles · 1 year ago
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Got the complete season one on Blu-Ray and decided to be creative since there's a bonus feature about Prodigy's version of the U.S.S. Dauntless. The one in the pic is the Voyager version.
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rosalie-starfall · 2 years ago
hi! i think it's time for star trek and animation fans to unite once more, because paramount+ has chosen to remove star trek: prodigy from its library as a tax write-off. lucky for star trek fans, star trek is a 57 year old IP with fans all around the world, so we're hoping as much support as possible will get the show saved, since paramount is planing to sell the show to other streaming services! please consider watching prodigy (illegally if you must, since it was removed from p+ by now) and spread the word for support, it's a real gem of a show! #savestartrekprodigy
Friend, I am so crushed over this! I will make some Prodigy gifs for us all because the whole thing is bogus and I'm mad AF about it.
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It's such a phenomenal show and had me emotionally wrecked by the final episode. I don't think I've cried that hard for a show in a very long time. It's so beautiful and a perfect Trek show! I could go on for hours about all the different and amazing things this show can teach little ones but I don't want to go down that worm hole. Plus it's just gonna make me emotional.
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eileenjaneway · 2 years ago
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top40gordy · 2 years ago
Star Trek Prodigy is a great show and their second season is just wrapping up editing. News is that Paramount+ is shelving it and planning to remove it from their lineup. This is terrible news for fans as well as the cast and crew! Please like and share! @paramountplus @trekcultureYT #StarTrekProdigy #SaveStarTrekProdigy
Jun 24, 2023 Yesterday Paramount announced Star Trek: Prodigy will be leaving the streaming service as Season 2 post-production wraps. Here's Seán Ferrick with the news!
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aniketsanimationblog · 2 years ago
To Draw The Similarities between the Current Situation Of This Global Animation Industry with the S1 of Star Trek: Prodigy, here it goes!!
At one point, after the Season 1 Finale of Star Trek: Prodigy, "Supernova: Pt. I & II", we were so psyched for the S2 coming in Winter 2023.
But, then 24th July, 2023, post midnight IST, a breaking news came out suddenly from Paramount+ and, POOF!!
The Waiting of Promised Season 2 of ST: Prodigy, just destroyed Overnight, as the Series got Canceled and Removed from the Platform, alongside, the S1 Arc II Never gonna be broadcasted on Nickelodeon US, calling the reason as "Tax Write-off"!!
All of because, there is a Living Construct aka. Miraculous Ladybug & PAW Patrol Duopoly, aboard the Protostar aka. the Global Animation Industry, which is Created and Installed by none other than Miraculous Ladybug creator, Thomas Astruc, who is nothing but an Egoistic and Arrogant Villain of this Industry, and designed that it can't be stopped or remove it from Existence, has been activated since 2022, when Netflix, who accidentally answered the Hail, and HBO Max (now called Max), started purging most of their Animation Content from their respective platforms!! And it was also affected to Disney and Paramount too earlier this year, 2023!! And it won't Stop, until the construct cancels each and every great Animated Series better than Miraculous Ladybug and PAW Patrol from its Existence, and until the Federation aka the alliance of the Animation Fandom and Animation Industry alike with the Corporate Companies, turn up against each other, and the alliance reduced to nothing!!
Where The WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strikes are happening concurrently, the production companies, in the name of Cutting Costs, they are purging the Animation Contents, with the exception of Popular and Cash-grabbing ones, and removing it from Existence!!
But, Starfleet, aka the True Animation fandom are not ready to give up right now!! They are trying to be vocal as much as they can by using the Social Media, using #SaveStarTrekProdigy, signing the petition and everything to stop/minimise this occurance!!
Please, I want Everyone in this Animation Fandom, to RAISE YOUR VOICES, to be heard by the Authorities, to take this concern as seriously as they can!!
"Because, in the infinite of Space, everyone needs to know there is a place out there willing to accept us all, no matter how different we think we are. Without Starfleet, the federation crumbles, and that dream dies with it. If they've ever helped you, as they've helped us, then hear my words. Allies, Civilians, Outsiders, anyone, Starfleet Needs you now, or it will not survive."
That Monologue by Gwyn in Supernova Pt. I is the reality, the Animation Industry is Facing Right Now!!
Animation Industry wants you to save from the Debacles happening Right in Front of Our Eyes!! Every Contribution from the True Animation Fans like You Matters!!
Please, #SaveStarTrekProdigy, and #SaveAnimation, before it's too late!! 🙏🏼
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chadquandt · 2 years ago
Still one of my favorite pieces of fan art for #StarTrekProdigy. Thank you, psudonym!
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divinemissem13 · 2 years ago
30 Days of Prodigy, day 4: Coffee
Or: 5 times Dal R'El tasted coffee
The first time Dal R’El tasted coffee, it was an accident. During his brief stint as Admiral Janeway, her ship’s doctor had ordered him to drink it and he tried to keep his cool, he really did. But the stuff was disgusting - even more disgusting than anything they used to pass off as food on Tars Lamora. So he spit it out, all over the bridge of the USS Dauntless. 
The second time Dal tasted coffee was definitely not his fault. He was just settling back into his own body when he caught the taste of something familiar…
“Ok,” he demanded between gulps of replicated root beer, “who let her drink coffee in my body?”
“She said it helps her think,” Gwyn offered with a shrug. 
“What’s so bad about it? Our Janeway drinks it all the time!” Rok-Tahk chimed in. 
“It’s awful - it tastes like sour rotten vegetables and I am banning it from this ship!”
“Yes, Captain,” Zero said in a tone that made it clear they would be rolling their eyes, if they had any. 
The third time Dal tasted coffee, he did so in secret. He kept thinking about how Admiral Janeway said it helped her think, and how her doctor had ordered him to drink it, and how even Hologram Janeway often had a cup in her hand. He began to wonder if all good captains drink coffee and if so, he’d better learn to like it. 
And maybe if he was prepared for it, it wouldn’t be so bad. 
So he waited until the rest of the crew was asleep and then he snuck into the mess hall. He ordered a coffee from the replicator, pinched his nose shut, and took a tentative sip. 
Nope. Still disgusting he thought as he finished wiping up the coffee he had reflexively spat all over the bulkhead. 
The fourth time, Dal had become determined to conquer his vile enemy. He had never been one to give up and he wouldn’t start now! 
The next night, he snuck to the mess hall again. His mantra, as he approached the replicator, was ���Real Captains don’t spit out their coffee. Real Captains don’t spit out their coffee.”
Dal spit out his coffee. 
Feeling defeated, he sunk into the nearest chair and covered his face with his hands. How would his crew ever respect him if he couldn’t do something as simple as swallowing a sip of coffee? 
“I thought that stuff was banned on this ship.”
“Janeway!” Dal exclaimed as he jumped to his feet and began fumbling for an answer.  “I, uh, I didn’t - I thought -“
“I just want to be a good captain,” he wailed. “And all good captains drink coffee! Admiral Janeway, you, even Captain Chakotay has a mug in that holo-recording!” He hurled himself back into the chair and flung his head down on the nearest table. Though his arms covered his face, it was clear that he was trying very hard not to cry. 
Janeway studied her young captain for a moment and decided not to correct this assumption when he was so distressed. Instead she chose a different tactic. 
“Chakotay always ruined his coffee with too much cream and sugar,” she said with an amused shake of her head. 
Dal looked up at her, suddenly hopeful. “You mean, I’m allowed to add stuff??”
The fifth time Dal tasted coffee, it was loaded up with milk, sugar, and even chocolate syrup. It was a pale tan color, rather than the deep dark brown he was accustomed to and it smelled of sweetness, with only a faint hint of sour vegetables - and only if you knew to look for it. 
This time, Dal did not spit out the coffee. 
Maybe, he thought, I might be a good captain after all. 
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ignisgalaxia · 2 years ago
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Day 3 of Demanding Paramount Restore Prodigy
Apologies for missing yesterday but I ended up taking a lot longer with this drawing than I thought (Dal why your design gotta be so complicated?).
Dal is NOT happy that TPTB cancelled his show. After he spent so long trying to prove himself, he’s gonna make sure his crew have the right to tell their story, and so will I.
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Ohh. Paramount has a form for general inquiries. I am so happy. I know exactly what to inquire about. 😈
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divinemissem13 · 2 years ago
30 Days of Prodigy, day 17: Admiral Janeway
Admiral Janeway sighs with relief as she steps into her quarters at the end of another long day. She kicks off her boots and shrugs off her admiral’s jacket, leaving a pile of Starfleet armor on the floor to be dealt with later, and pads over to the replicator where she orders a glass of red wine.
All day long, she is Admiral Janeway: fearless, hopeful, and unshakeable.
But alone in her quarters at night, she can just be Kathryn.
This has become her nightly ritual, on this long journey to rescue Chakotay. She sheds her armor and then Kathryn curls up on the couch with a glass of wine, wrapped in the tribal blanket he gave to her years ago, back on the first USS Voyager.
She imagines it still smells like him. It probably doesn’t.
She looks out at the stars as she sips her wine and she talks to him. She doesn’t say anything of consequence. She tells him about her day. She tells him about the antics that the Hellions (which is how she refers to the former crew of the USS Protostar and their shadow, Miral Paris) have gotten up to. She tells him about the class 4 nebula that they flew past and that maybe they’ll stop to study it further on the way back, but there’s just no time now for such frivolities. Besides, she thinks he would enjoy studying the nebula too.
Truthfully, she is fairly certain that the only reason he cares at all about studying nebulas is because he likes to watch her watching it.
When she has run out of new stories to tell, she begins recounting old ones.
She ends, as she always does, with the story of the Angry Warrior who found peace. Only then does she allow a tear to slide down her cheek.
She stands, still clutching the empty wine glass and wrapped in the blanket, and she presses her palm to the glass. He’s out there somewhere, waiting for her. The stars twinkle encouragingly as she silently pleads for them to guide her to him.
Then, just like every night, she folds the blanket carefully over the back of the couch. She recycles her wine glass and she picks up the pieces of her uniform from the floor and puts them in the refresher for tomorrow.
Tonight, she puts on a long, quilted nightgown. She wears it because it is chilly in her quarters.
But also because, for some unfathomable reason, it is his favorite.
She slides between the cool, desolate sheets and orders the lights off. Before she darkens the viewport, she turns onto her side to look out once more at the vast field of twinkling lights and she completes the ritual.
“Good night, Chakotay. I’ll see you soon,” she whispers to the stars.
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ignisgalaxia · 2 years ago
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Day 6 of Demanding Paramount Restore Prodigy
So I’ve decided that every “day” is just gonna be whenever I finish a drawing. This is taking a lot more effort than I thought.
QUEEN IS FINALLY DONE! I’ve been waiting for this one since it’s my first time drawing current Janeway. This one is also special because I used my Janeway figure as a reference. I kinda went nuts on the phaser rifle because of that but I think it looks really good.
I think it’s safe to say that if Janeway’s got a gun, someone fucked up. And yeah, Paramount, you fucked up real bad. Starfleet couldn’t stand in her way, what makes you think you can?
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madmanswords · 9 months ago
Please watch Star Trek Prodigy Season 2 on Netflix
Another round of #SaveStarTrekProdigy won't work if they don't get the views
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