dicasdelongevidade · 1 year
Tecnologia que transforma Vidas.
Estava assistindo um filme sobre um golfinho (Winter). E com as informações a seguir vamos confirmar que tecnologia é incrível e transforma vidas.
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ave-immaculata · 10 months
girls will be off of work sick for the second day in a row and be like am I throwing my life away
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ithoughtiwasslender · 2 years
ppl r overcompensating for fanon stede who is not bitchy and ignorant enough by making stede too evil and sadistic tbh hes a sweet boy he picks flowers he cries at violence he loves ponies he just isnt practiced at giving a fuck about others due to his wealth and privilege. and autism.
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megacursos · 2 years
Quanto custa a prótese sobre implante?
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Se você quer saber quanto custa a prótese sobre implante lei este artigo até o final que iremos esclarecer.
Problemas dentários podem ocasionar outros transtornos bucais ou até piores. A saúde bucal tem relação direta com o restante da nossa saúde e também com a autoestima, pois interfere na estética também.
Agora imagina perder um, dois ou mais dentes na boca? Isso vai prejudicar a nossa fala, atrapalha para comer algum alimento, fora que interfere até mesmo na nossa respiração. É nessa hora, que muita gente procura por uma prótese dentária.
Os casos devem ser avaliados de forma diferente. Ou seja, cada caso é um caso. Hoje em dia, os profissionais de odontologia permitem que várias técnicas sejam aplicadas, a fim de suprir a falta de dentes em um indivíduo.
Seja uma prótese sobre implante ou outra técnica, a questão é que vai depender de cada caso. O que interessa aqui, no momento, é que seu paciente ou alguém que você conhece, precisa voltar a sorrir.
Fique até o final deste artigo para entender melhor sobre a prótese sobre implante.
O que é uma prótese sobre implante?
Uma prótese sobre implante é um dente artificial que é colocada em um implante dentário e tem a funcionalidade de substituir, dentes na boca, sendo um ou mais deles.
A prótese ajuda também na mastigação do paciente, não só na estética. Com isso, melhora a qualidade de vida do paciente.
As próteses definitivas podem ser confeccionadas em porcelana,  por isso são mais parecidas com os dentes e geram ótimos resultados estéticos e de saúde ao paciente.
Quando a prótese sobre implante pode ser utilizada?
Para descobrir, os dentistas precisam realizar uma avaliação completa da saúde e da estrutura óssea do paciente para ver se esse tratamento é indicado. Para isso é necessário realizar exames médicos.
Nesse contexto, pacientes diabéticos descompensados ​​e hipertensos devem controlar a doença e, em seguida, submeter-se à cirurgia de implante. Fumantes também devem ser tratados com precaução, pois fumar inibe o processo de cicatrização.
Fora isso, a saúde bucal também deve estar sendo acompanhada por um profissional, pois as doenças periodontais podem levar a problemas de adaptação até a perda do implante.
Para quem a prótese sobre implante é indicada?
Não há uma idade específica. O tratamento é indicado para pacientes de todas as idades que perderam um ou mais dentes na boca.
As próteses sobre implante podem abranger desde próteses unitárias e próteses totais. A segunda opção é melhor para pessoas que perderam todos os dentes e não querem ou estão insatisfeitas com o uso de dentaduras.
Vantagens da prótese sobre implante
O ajuste da prótese é muito fácil porque, ao contrário das dentaduras, ela é fixa. Com isso, ela se torna mais confortável. Não é só o sorriso bonito, mas a segurança para ter mais qualidade de vida, porque uma das grandes vantagens está relacionada à mastigação.
Os usuários de próteses nem sempre têm o deleite de saborear um bom churrasco, por exemplo.
Quem usa a prótese sobre implante, pode ficar tranquilo, porque ela proporciona segurança para isso e oferece uma boa capacidade na hora de mastigar.
Com os devidos cuidados, implantes e próteses podem durar por muitos anos.
Porém, isso vai depender bastante da higiene bucal e dos cuidados do paciente. Lembre-se de escovar os dentes diariamente para evitar a formação de placa bacteriana e tártaro.
As principais vantagens, sem dúvidas, são a autoestima e a qualidade de vida do paciente. Eles são os fatores principais a serem levados em consideração na hora de realizar o tratamento. Assim, o paciente perde o medo de sorrir, o que melhora significativamente a qualidade de vida.
Como acontece a confecção da prótese?
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O método mais convencional de iniciar a confecção da prótese do paciente, é realizando a moldagem de sua boca. Embora eficaz, este método produz próteses que devem ser testadas e ajustadas para adaptação permanente.
No entanto, com o desenvolvimento tecnológico da odontologia, escaneamento 3D substituíram os moldes. Junto com impressões 3D e máquinas especificais, a manufatura acelera o processo e cria próteses de alta precisão. Antes da produção, um dentista usa um scanner para obter uma imagem tridimensional da boca do paciente.
As tecnologias atuais, também permite simular a forma do paciente mastigar. Dessa forma, o dentista pode predizer como os dentes entrarão em contato com a prótese e criar peças que se encaixam impecavelmente na boca do paciente.
Uma outra coisa bem bacana dessa tecnologia é que ela permite a criação de detalhes com cores muito semelhantes aos dentes naturais.
Clique aqui para continuar lendo!
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apollo-zero-one · 4 months
One of my cats, the one who is the best natured, the most tolerant and loving, bites my mom. Real, hard biting that breaks skin. He doesn't do this to anyone else in the house. She acts very victimized by it.
But when I ask, were you bothering him? I know you like to annoy the cats on purpose, were you teasing him after he gave you warnings to stop? Were you ignoring boundaries he set? And she'll give the most nonchalant, 'Yeah, probably.'
I'm realizing a lot about my own childhood trauma. I'm remembering, vaguely, distantly, the way I would have my own warnings ignored. I think I remember being overpowered, physically. In good fun! To play, to tickle! Except that I was so so small, and whether I wanted to play was irrelevant. And I was laughing, clearly I liked it! There was nothing I could do once she was playing, so I started avoiding physical play, keeping myself out of positions I could be trapped and tickled as much as I could.
I remember... How important it was to me to speak for my brother. To make sure he was clearly understood. He needs this, he wants that. He doesn't like that.
He doesn't like that. (Please stop doing that to him.) (Please stop doing that to me.)
We both got bigger and were eventually able to defend ourselves. Strong enough to squirm free and crawl away, or to stay curled up in a ball and not have our limbs pulled open and tickle spots revealed. My brother learned that if he gave no reaction, it would bore her until she stopped, and that worked for him. I learned that I had to grab her wrists and physically push her away for her to stop, and that, in combination with avoiding getting into the situation and repeatedly saying while in a safe position I didn't really like to be tickled ('Of course you do, you used to ask me to tickle you as a kid!' maybe sometimes.) finally got her to stop.
We're both big now. She bothers the cats. She likes to touch their noses and whiskers. The girl cats have learned when to walk away from her, they are able enough to squirm and then run. Roman is too big, too out of shape to run, so he's learned that when he has had enough, the only thing she'll listen to is his teeth.
I don't like being touched by strangers. I hate being tickled, it makes me feel out of control, and helpless. I hate feeling helpless.
I love my mother and she never meant any harm. But I am recognizing more and more harm from her as I start to dig deeper into my past and recognize things as trauma that I didn't flag earlier because they didn't sound traumatic. "I was often held down and tickled by my mom as a child" sounds like a cute childhood story. "I was physically overpowered, touched in ways I didn't want to be, had my protests ignored, and made to feel helpless by a parent" has a much different ring to it.
I was also shamed/guilted into having very, very lax physical boundaries. My mother could touch or grab me wherever and whenever she wanted. I was never sexually abused, never, so it has taken me a long time to recognize the situation as traumatizing. My mom jokes that when I started picking my own clothes, I always dressed like a prude, I never wanted even an inch of skin uncovered on my legs or waist and I would make sure to find the right clothes to achieve that. Leggings, all socks, oversized shirts, layers. As soon as I learned I was allowed to wear jeans I started to do so, and to this day Denim feels like armor to me. She's mentioned it's a texture she doesn't like. I wonder if that's related. I wonder if I was always subconsciously (maybe even consciously, I don't remember much of my childhood and I mostly have emotional amnesia about the parts I do remember- as if it was someone else's life I'm remembering) shielding myself from unwanted touches.
#there is a game my mother plays called 'toe rape' where she tries to catch you by suprise when you are lounging on the couch or recliner#without socks on and she tries go to stick as many fingers between your toes as possible before you physically stop her.#Saying or even shouting 'no!' and 'stop!' will not get her to stop. She's laughing and playing its a harmless game!#I am rarely if ever found without socks on. I have found myself sitting sockless on the couch and when she arrives home gotten up to go put#socks on. I tend to sit on couches with my feet tucked under me and it isn't always comfortable but it feels secure.#I wonder why.#Whenever im home Roman likes to sit on my lap. I pet him and never mess with his nose or whiskers. She says he likes me so much more than#her. She says it jealously. Multiple people in this household have told her its because I don't annoy him on purpose (most of the time.)#i have tried to point out his tells to her. His warnings. When to stop. But she doesn't care. She thinks messing with him and watching him#get increasingly worked up and agitated is funny. Until he bites her. And then she pushes him away all offended and complains.#mom he didn't want to be pushed away he was happy cuddled on your lap he loves you. He just wants you to stop touching him there. He just#wants you to respect his boundaries.#Her husband is the most common target of 'toe rape' and I recognize his yelling and swearing as genuine protesation when she does. I dont#know if she recognizes it too and just thinks it's funny to cross what she surely considers a harmless boundary anyway... or if she thinks#he is playing too. I feel inclined toward the former unfortunately.#And it isn't like she likes to be touched these ways either! And she is firm in those boundaries while making the rest of us feel like we#can't be. ...I don't know. I'm just. Thinking about stuff. Reframing somr childhood memories.#trauma#mental health#mental illness#childhood trauma#atypical trauma
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followpp · 5 months
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dracarmencalixto · 7 months
Próteses dentária
Um Sorriso Completo e Renovado com próteses dentária
As próteses dentárias são dispositivos que substituem um ou mais dentes perdidos, devolvendo a função mastigatória, a fonética e a estética facial.
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carmen-calixto-odonto · 7 months
Próteses Dentária
Um Sorriso Completo e Renovado com próteses dentária As próteses dentárias são dispositivos que substituem um ou mais dentes perdidos, devolvendo a função mastigatória, a fonética e a estética facial.
Um Sorriso Completo e Renovado com próteses dentária As próteses dentárias são dispositivos que substituem um ou mais dentes perdidos, devolvendo a função mastigatória, a fonética e a estética facial. A escolha da prótese ideal depende de diversos fatores, como o número de dentes a serem substituídos, a saúde bucal do paciente, o orçamento disponível e suas preferências pessoais. Tipos de…
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diamonddoll · 9 months
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what is this propaganda on my fyp….my tits will be out at my future catholic wedding thanks!
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sauolasa · 1 year
In Israele lo stop alla riforma della giustizia non ferma le protese
A Tel Aviv bloccata un'autostrada, a Gerusalemme in migliaia davanti alla residenza del presidente Isaac Herzog che conduce le trattative
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mncxbe · 1 year
Can you write how the hunting dogs would react if jouno is a complete sweetheart to his S/o? If not, That's okay, don't stress yourself ((: <3
Aww this is so sweet I love it. It's a bit sillier than I intended it to be but it kinda matches the group dynamic of the hunting dogs. Hope you enjoy♡
𝑱ō𝒏𝒐 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff/ silly♡
let's start off with our sweet boy
I feel like he's quite unfazed by Jouno's saccharine affections; he knows that at heart his colleague is a good person
but he still feels awkward sometimes
he's lowkey happy for the two of you and the fact that Jouno finally has a safe space to express his love
Tetchou likes to observe the sweet, little interactions between you (especially when you think no one's watching) and smiles so gently
if Jouno is especially annoying one day he'll tease him about it; "Jouno how can you be so nice to Y/N but so mean to me?"
It was Monday morning and Jouno was once again smothering you with kisses. He only indulged in these affections when he wasn't at the headquarters.
The three of you were currently on a mission and decided to take a coffee break. You and your boyfriend were on one side of the wooden table and Tecchou on the other; awkwardly tracing the outline of the cup he was holding.
"Darling do you want a sip of my coffee? Or maybe a slice of cake or another kiss?" asked Jouno in a playful voice as he leaned in, placing another peck on your plump lips.
"Sai please stop we're in public" you protesed but the tender tone of your voice hinted the opposite. You were enjoying this display of affection just as much as he did; a rosy colour tinting your cheeks as soon as your partner pulled away from you.
Tetchou couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy around you. He felt like an intruder, interrupting such a private and peaceful moment. Nevertheless he felt a warm feeling blooming in his chest as he watched the two of you.
He was happy that his colleagues found comfort in one another and enjoyed your sweet interactions. A childish smile rose to his lips as you leaned in, kissing Jouno's nose.
she always makes snarky comments about the two of you and teases Jouno, saying that he's growing soft and all that
but in fact shs's really supportive of your relationship
the first time she saw him willingly kiss you in front of them after a mission her heart exploded
if you ever go out together she's like mama y papa, mama y papa
You and Teruko were just about to end one of your infamous girls' night out. Spending half of your salary on expensive dinners and elegant dress you were probably never going to wear was something you did at least once a month.
"Shall I call us a cab, Y/N?" asked the woman as you exited the dimly lit restaurant.
"Actually Jouno's going to pick us up. He said he can also drive you home."
Teruko's brows furrowed, a look of obvious concern on her face "How does a blind man even get a driving license? Is that possible?"
"I dunno. Beats me" you chuckle "But it's Jouno after all."
"Fair enough"
Soon enough a car pulled in front of the two of you and your boyfriend stepped out of it. With a wide smile on his face he pulled you in for a hug, twirling you once.
"How's my beautiful girl doing tonight? Did you have fun?" he asked in a tender voice as he placed you back on the ground.
"As per usual we had a great time" you beamed, urging Teruko to get into the backseat.
Jouno quickly opened the passanger door and, with a bow, gestured you to take a seat.
"Wow Jouno I didn't know you were such a gentleman. Looks like Y/N trained you well" teased the rosy haired woman as your boyfriend occupied the driver's seat, turned on the engine and drove off.
In the rear-view mirror she could see her colleague's lips curl into a sly smile at the sound of her words
"I am always well mannered with beautiful ladies, Teruko." he replied in the same tone.
"But you never opened a door for me or- Wait. Are you saying that I'm ugly you idiot" yelled the young woman, causing you to burst out laughing.
"Just wait 'till we're out of the car Jouno I'll beat your ass." pressed Teruko.
"Hey guys, be civil" you added between giggles.
Teruko pouted, crossing her arms over her chest as she laid back in her seat. She caught a glimpse of Jouno's smirk in the mirror but didn't dare say another word as not to ruin your wonderful evening.
"You're lucky I like your girlfriend. You'd be dead otherwise."
"Yea, yea kiddo. Don't forget to fasten your belt." mocked the man.
Teruko didn't find this conversation amusing; she hated being given a taste of her own medicine but she couldn't deny how happy she was to hear your laughter. You've been friends ever since you joined the Hunting dogs and she knew that getting together with Jouno was the best thing that happened in your life; probably in his too. So she was willing to let the man's jokes slide.
As the three of you drove home Teruko's gaze remained fixated on your pinky, which was loosely interlocked with your boyfriend's on the shifter; a smile rising to her lips.
out of all the hunting dogs he's the most confused and shocked
what happened to the cold hearted Jouno? he could be arguing with Tetcho about some trivial matters but the second you step foot in the room he has a wide smile on his face and hugs you???
nevertheless he's happy for the two of you and constantly reminds you of that
he does sometimes tease Jouno about it tho but in a sweet way
Tachihara had his suspicions about Jouno's crush on you but he didn't expect you to start dating so soon. It's been two weeks since he last saw his fellow colleagues and he was shocked to find you and Jouno cuddling on the cushioned couch in the back of the conference room.
"Uh... What's that?" he asked Teruko, barely able to conceal his surpirse as he pointed at the two of you.
"Oh them? They've been at it for a week now. Jouno's all over her all the time really they're quite enamoured."
Before he got the chance to reply, the captain stepped foot in the room and announced the beginning of the meeting.
You and Jouno haistly rose from the sofa and occupied your designated seats opposite to his.
During the meeting he kept stealing quick glances at the two of you: that giddy smile never left Jouno's face for a second.
As soon as Fukuchi dismissed you, you all went to your offices to finish the last reports for the day. Tachihara decided not to let this opportunity go to waste and walked after Jouno.
"Hey man. How're you doing?"
His colleague nodded "Quite well actually. And you?"
Tachihara had never heard Jouno sound so light-hearted in his entire life; a sense of pride and joy washed over him.
"I'm great too actually. It's good to be back. What I wanted to say... Congrats. I'm happy for you and Y/N."
Jouno's face turned a light shade of pink upon hearing his words, his lithe fingers adjusting the collar of his vest.
"Thanks, Hara. I'm happy too."
secretely hoped that the two of you would date from the beginning
he's still surprised by how affectionate Jouno is with you
gives you that half smirk of his (y'all know what I'm talking about) when he sees you holding hands under the table during a meeting or hugging throughout the day
tries to avoid pairing you up on missions cuz there's a big chance y'all get distracted
It was a usual Friday afternoon and Fukuchi had summoned you all in the conference room to hold the weekly debrief meeting.
"So. What's the status of your missions?" he asked in his usual stern voice.
Tachihara was the first to speak. He talked about the Mafia's plans and recent activity but soon started rambling on about what the other mafia members were doing in their free time. Fukuchi didn't interrupt him and actually tried to pay attention to what the redhead was saying but his throughts slowly drifted off to the bottle of sake hidden in his desk.
To take his mind off of the alcohol he scanned the room; his gaze slid idly from Tachihara to Tetchou, who was doing pushups behind his chair then to the opposite side of the table: to you and Jouno.
His lips curled into a smirk when he saw that the white haired man was toying with your fingers in his lap, tracing their outline.
You were doing your best to remain composed as your boyfriend glided his nails along the skin of your forearm. Everyone knew how ticklish you were.
Seeing this innocent display of affection truly pleased the old man, who secretely rooted for you ever since you joined the team. He was however surprised by how doting Jouno was; always by your side, holding your hand, kissing your forehead when he thought no one was watching, allowing you to doze off on his shoulder after a straining mission or buying you cups of coffee from a nearby shop when you needed an energy boost.
Tachihara's voice suddenly snapped him out of his trance.
"Captain, are you still listening?" inquired the redhead.
He quickly striaghtened his back and cleared his throat before speaking.
"Yes, please go on."
And so Tachihara went on detailing Port Mafia's plans while he tried his best to ignore the hushed words you shared with Jouno.
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We're trying to help others in need, spread information, and boost fundraisers!
Please consider checking this drive out, it has information about Venezuela, charity, artists that need commissions and so much more!
This docs made by @beforeliteracytherewasdeez
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I haven't organized this one, but it has a various links. Shared by @serica-e
Palestine 🇵🇸
URGENT: help @yousra1-gaza Yusra' ask
Multiple links
Ways to help Palestinians
Help Samira!
The original ask was delated but this one has useful links.
Osama Basil
A list of asks
Needa's campaign
Juliet's ask | post
Imithital's ask
Hamdi Ayyad's ask
Hazem Mohammed
Salam's ask | Post
Docs of people vetted by @gazagfmboost
Docs of people vetted by @nabulsi and @el-shab-hussein
Donations for @90-ghost
Salah's family.
Sonic says freedom!
Juliet's ask
@pkmnbutch-inactive 's list of Palestinians' campaigns
Basel Ayyad's ask
Mahmoud's ask
Mohammed Ayyad's ask to @epickiya722
Hossam Al-Ser'a ask to @bobadila
Mahed's ask
Ali's ask
Asks/tags shared by @pteropods
Baraa Al-Shorafa's ask
Nadine's ask
Hadeel's ask
Nada's ask
@yasermohammad 's ask and donations
Ibrahim Mahed's ask
List of fundraisers by @tododeku-or-bust
Help Noor | ask
Khaled's Family's Ask
Help the family of a Children's Books Illustrator flee!
List of fundraisers shared by: @illamda-spaminations
Venezuela 🇻🇪
This raffle ends on September 10th, 2024!! By @silvervarian
Ways to help venezuelans
More ways to help venezuelans
Help @Lunes 's grandma, Dorka!
@pumpariah 's Commissions to Help Parents Flee!
The original ask was delated but this one has useful links.
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Victor & Eldy
Valproic acid, national shipping
Vikoon's commissions shared by @systhemes
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@transform-artion 's Commissions
Help a Venezuelan Family Flee! Shared by @yuissamidare
Cuba 🇨🇺
URGENT: Ester Asprón, a 2 years old.
Pocket's commissions!
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Nicaragua 🇳🇮
The only Nicaragua's links I've found in this hellsite
Democratic Republic of Congo 🇨🇩, Sudan 🇸🇩, Haiti 🇭🇹, Ethiopia 🇪🇹
Note: Campaigns for these countries oftentimes are together. We may, in a future, give a section for any and all of these countries, but for now they are together.
Fundraisers shared by @serica-e
Eman Abdelrahman's campaign
List of fundraisers shared by @marigoldcanaries
Help the Haitian Refugees in Ohio shared by @maeamian | A new Support Center @resolutedoubt
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neropece · 9 months
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“a silent story” photo by Fabrizio Pece (tumblr | 500px | instagram)
Il bosco di betulle, ai piedi della montagna, si ergeva come un santuario silenzioso, un luogo dove il freddo inverno si abbandonava alla grazia candida della neve. Alle dieci di quel mattino, il sole cercava di penetrare tra i rami spogli delle betulle, gettando un bagliore argenteo sui sentieri di neve intonsa. Non c'era un suono tranne il leggero fruscio delle foglie secche cullate dalla brezza.
Guido, un uomo di mezza età con una cicatrice profonda sul viso e gli occhi che portavano il peso di troppi inverni, camminava solitario tra gli alberi. Il suo respiro si trasformava in nuvole vaporose nell'aria gelida. Vestito con un cappotto logoro, con lo sguardo assorto, era un intruso in quel regno di pace e silenzio.
Le betulle si stagliavano come figure spettrali e la loro corteccia bianca risplendeva sotto il tocco del sole invernale. I rami sottili si intrecciavano come dita ossute, protese verso il cielo. La neve, immacolata e incontaminata, scricchiolava sotto i passi di Guido, un suono delicato che sussurrava i segreti di una terra dimenticata.
Nel cuore del bosco si fermò. Poco distante notò uno spazio aperto dove la neve si adagiava come un manto soffice. Si avvicinò e si sedette su un tronco caduto, osservando la vastità del paesaggio innevato. Il silenzio del bosco era sospeso nel tempo, un'armonia serena che avvolgeva ogni pensiero.
Un cervo, timido e maestoso, fece la sua comparsa ai margini del bosco, i suoi occhi si fissarono su Guido. I loro sguardi si incrociarono per un istante, un legame silenzioso tra l'uomo e la creatura selvaggia. Poi il cervo si allontanò, scomparendo tra gli alberi come un fantasma della foresta.
Guido si alzò lentamente, sentendo la solitudine del bosco penetrare nelle pieghe della sua anima. Era come se il silenzio avesse rivelato la fragilità della vita, la bellezza effimera di un momento invernale. Con un'ultima occhiata alle betulle, al loro bianco splendore, si diresse lentamente verso il sentiero di neve, lasciando il bosco alle sue spalle.
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iza-bel-a · 1 month
I have no idea if I heard it somewhere before, but I've been thinking of an anime about a trans guy who presents very masculine and all, maybe he's still more of a skinny pretty guy but he's still very much masculine, but he obtains magical girl powers and any time he transforms he gets a cute skimpy girly magical girl outfit with a short skirt panties and heels, he still didn't have his top surgery yet so his huge D cup breasts pop right out and his cleavage is on full display.
He at first gets very upset but as soon as world threatening events start happening he jumps right into action, all the villains aggressively calling her by her feminine superhero name despite her heavy objection. But she can't just abandon all these people so she continues to endure this humiliation, eventually she's talked about in the media that also ignores her proteses and calls her an "icon for women's strength".
Not gonna lie, I kind of want to turn this into a story or stories, let me know if you'd like to read something like that.
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desyblu · 1 month
Oltrepasso la soglia dei miei 50anni e vergine di social, scelgo tumblr, in cerca di aforismi; da sempre affascinata dal potere delle parole, alla ricerca dell'orgasmico piacere di una frase giusta detta al momento giusto. Mi tuffo nel gomitolo...mi affaccio alle vostre finestre e trovo vite...trovo persone con cicatrici vistose che si arrossano ancora al sole cocente del tritacarne, chiamato vita, in cui ci muoviamo o con ferite ancora aperte e sanguinanti, esposte alla fame delle prede...trovo cuori lacerati, cervelli in panico, mani protese a cercare altre mani per farsi risollevare...trovo corpi senza forze, che si lasciano schiacciare da un mondo che corre troppo in fretta, senza rispetto per chi non ce la fa, senza attesa x chi resta indietro...trovo anime a brandelli che si sentono sole ma che hanno paura del contatto di altre anime sole...spaventate, uccise, morenti...
Cercavo parole ed ho trovato vite silenziose che parlano più di tutte le parole dell'intero universo...che libro l'umanità....quante pagine siamo in questo mondo...non basta un'enciclopedia per racchiuderci tutti...
Questo è un omaggio a tutti voi...al popolo Tumblr...a voi trovati per caso nel libro della mia vita... Solleviamo i nostri capi e guardiamoci per un attimo negli occhi....attraverso gli occhi si arriva all' anima....magari capita di scoprire nell' altro la nostra stessa sofferenza e in modo ridicolo sentirci un pochino sollevati dal condividere lo stesso tipo di dolore. Usciamo a guardare l'alba tutti insieme...ognuno la vedrà diversa attraverso i propri occhi, xchè ognuno è diverso ed è questa la nostra 'grande bellezza'.
Buona giornata a tutti voi...a tutti noi! ❤️
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dinonfissatoaffetto · 4 months
Ninna nanna per Giovanni.
Pensa agli alberi
quando c’è il vento
alle loro cime giocate
con dolcezza improvvisa
pensa alle foglie
finalmente lavate
della polvere estiva
ai castori
nelle loro tane lontane
sotterrati in vera compagnia
alle carovane dei pionieri
protese alle avventure
pensa alle care voci
della sera
al suo buio stellare
e all’effetto volatile
che fa nella tua mente giovane
nei tuoi pensieri innocenti
nelle tue sane paure
meraviglie incancellabili
mai progredite
e da sempre esistite.
- Salvatore Toma
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