#protect tony stark 2k17
yconic · 6 years
Me in 2012: The Avengers need to protect Tony Stark from the world.
Me in 2018: The world needs to protect Tony Stark from the Avengers.
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lewisscapaldi · 7 years
Watching spiderman homecoming again and honestly im just so overwhelmed with love for Tony Stark?? Like he spent the months after civil war being his best self and going on vacation (looking absolutely beautiful in doing so), patching things up with the love of his life, making a prototype for a new shield for the man who lied to him for years and who also left him for dead, arranging new accommodation for the Avengers despite them now being broken, and finally, watching over a kid he only very recently met (and most definitely sees himself in), guiding him toward making the right decisions, building him a new suit and being incredibly kind and encouraging toward him because Tony knows Peter no longer has a positive male figure in his life anymore, and oh my fucking god im just so in awe of him, Tony Stark is the person i aspire to be and i love him with my entire being
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bill-weasley · 7 years
friendly reminder
i love tony stark.
i love tony stark.
i love tony stark.
i love tony stark.
i love tony stark.
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Me seeing any anti-Tony post on my dash:
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natowe · 7 years
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Fly my beautiful boy!
The result of an art trade with super talented @drzwi-do-szafy​, because Tony needs more crop top fanarts (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Check out her part! [x] So great, so nice, so wholesome
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drzwi-do-szafy · 7 years
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Art trade with awesomely awesome @akwarelki <3 Subject: Tony in a top crop.
[here’s the amazeballs] she created,  *_* I’m loving it. 
Guaches, weirdly fun to paint.
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zeebee-jeebies · 7 years
before watching the iw trailer:
alright, fuck me up, fam
after watching the trailer:
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actuallyredeyes · 7 years
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"When people see his golden armor, they won’t panic! They’ll know he has a heart of gold and an appearance to match his golden deeds!" ---Tales of Suspense #40
i recently got a buddy into Iron Man lately and they requested a fantasy au warrior-smith who built a suit of armor to protect the common folk
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gangstasgirl · 7 years
I kinda feel like it should be said that being Team Iron Man doesn't make you anti-Bucky. I love Bucky Barnes. He's had a lot of horrible, bad things happen to him. But I also love Tony Stark, who has also had horrible, bad things happen to him. They are not the same, which, you know, thank Christ, because that would be lame. I understand Tony's stance on the Accords. I understand that Bucky is innocent. I also understand that Tony was trying to help Bucky. To me, Steve is the one who messed up. I am not, nor will I ever be, Team Crap. But I am not, nor will I ever be, anti-Bucky.
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prismaticsol-blog · 7 years
What if Tony Stark dies in Infinity Wars?
As much as I want him to live, what if he doesn’t? What will we do? Can we hold a funeral for a fictional character? Flood everywhere with fanart and our favorite quotes? Reminisce about our favorite moments? Cry our eyes out in the theaters as we watch? What will you do if Tony dies?
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amberandmetal · 7 years
Forgive me
Author: @waywardkitten Featuring: Stony Warnings: Post CACW angst,  description of the beginnings of a panicattack Rating: Teen and up  Word count: 549 A/N: This is an oldie I dug up. I wrote it after seeing CACW and was in some desperate need for some post Civil war Stony feels. No smut, just angst (and some fluff) ~ Kind words & feedback are food to a creative mind ♡
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"Please no, stop!"
There was no air, no oxygen, nothing to fill his lungs. His chest were making shallow erratic movements, his breaths coming out in too small puffs making wheezing squeaky noises when he tried to grasp for air. He was sitting hunched over shuddering on the bed- his bed, their bed. He twitched grappling at his shoulders, desperately clinging to his own body. A big warm hand snaked around his waist and splayed out flat against his stomach. "Shh.." a soft hushing voice came from behind him. 
Tony jerked against the touch of unfamiliar skin on his before he realised who it belonged to and where he was as his surroundings slowly dawned on him. He didn't let up on his cramp like hold on himself though, he kept his position with his head hung low and squeezed between his upper arms, trying to still his erratic breathing. 
Steve came to enough to realise this was one of the bad ones, not the run of the mill everyday nightmares they both suffered from on a regular basis. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and slowly came up behind Tony, one leg on each side of him cradling him in his big frame. "Tony.. shh.. c'mere..", Steve spoke softly, his face nuzzled in the nape of Tony's neck. 
Steve squeezed him a bit tighter and he could finally feel at least some of Tony's muscles loosening a bit. " 'mokay" the smaller man grunted not sounding too convincing. 
Tony relaxed his shoulders letting his head go from his grip as he straightened his neck. He looked down at the mattress refusing to meet Steve's eyes "..you tried to kill me again.." his voice was small, flat. 
Steve's whole body stiffened for a split second. "Tony.." he began but then let the words just hang in the air. 
He snuck his right arm under the other man's legs hooking it under his knees and pulling, shifting Tony so he was positioned sideways against Steve's chest. He snaked his arms around Tony pulling him in tight. "Tony.." he breathed softly against the warm skin on his neck, right under his ear "..you know what he is to me" 
At that Tony started to try and move away but Steve just pulled him in even closer "but that.." he said in a sharper tone "does not mean I love you any less. I am so sorry and I will never stop telling you that. Not until you forgive me and maybe not even then. I could never kill you, that would be killing a part of myself.." 
He cupped Tony's chin in his palm and tilted his head so he'd meet his gaze. Tony wasn't crying but his eyes were definitely misty and still somewhat distant. "I love you. You, Tony. With all my heart. And I will never leave you again" 
He held his hand on the lining of Tony’s jaw stroking small circles on his cheek with his thumb. He planted a soft chaste kiss on Tony's lips and maneuvered the man's head to rest on his chest as he leaned back against the headboard.
They sat like that, neither moving nor speaking until Steve could finally hear the soft sounds of Tony slowly falling asleep in his arms.
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ohsnapitzmarvel · 7 years
Plz add more post IW headcanons !!!! Can we talk about some potential post infinity war headcanons plz n thank u???? Like I want a Tony Stark who SURVIVES and STAYS STRONG™ during and after the fight against Thanos! A Tony who seeks out PROFESSIONAL help after everything is cleaned up– i.e a therapist, social worker literally anybody who is willing to LISTEN and HELP HIM work through his potential PTSD and grief!!
I want a Pepper who DOESN’T get upset/scared when her loved one has a PTSD/grieving episode!!! I want Tony to have support from her– knowing that even if his actions scare her, she will stay with him and hold him when it’s dark
I want a Peter Parker who SURVIVES and SUCCEEDS after infinity war (plz god plz). I want him to be able to rely/trust his new avenger friends– BUT still have a normal life (plz don’t spoil his secret identity it is so marvel-y pure™)
Headcanons continued: I want a peter Parker who has grown from his new experiences when working with the avengers, I hope he has new SUPER FRIENDS™ but keeps his regular friends (luv u Ned n Michelle) – Idk I also wish this lil bean doesn’t get any srs PTSD he doesn’t need that in his life.
I ALSO WANT A RHODES WHO STAYS IN TONY’S LIFE AND WHO IS GETTING THE TREATMENT HE DESERVES BC I WANT HIM TO WALK AGAIN PLZ. I want this manz to have the world and the moon. Give this man his legs and more bc Tony needs him and he needs Tony (plz give me a pepperony wedding w/ him as best man????)
I want a Thor (beautiful n wonderful Space Labrador) who is HAPPPPPPYYYYY who is able to live a normal life in Asgard and be a part time avenger still (only when the world is in grave danger) I want him to be friends w/ Peter Quill, just kicking intergalactic ass together.
I want a Peter Quill who is finally reunited with his grandfather plz n thank u- his grandfather needs to know that his daughter was not ‘crazy’ when she was always talking about the stars. I also want a Peter Quill w/ a fricking IPod with music picked from every avenger / Marvel superhero (you betcha Tony would pick some AC/DC for his new pal)
I also didn’t realize I really needed a Peter Quill x Thor friendship until now plz lord help me tooooo cute!! (This is my new favourite headcanon)
I want a Rocket and Groot duo finally taking a break plz just doing easy work after infinity war – also keeping in contact with their new friends!
I want a Gamora who is independent now because she has no more evil power hungry purple lard-ass dad to worry about. I also want her to let Peter more into her life plz marvel be nice to her she deserves the world n more –> plz note I also want an actual SIBLING RELATIONSHIP WITH HER AND NEBULA. I NEED THESE TWO GIRLS TO BE STRONG TOGETHER AND JUST KICK ASS!! I WANT THEM TO DO SISTER STUFF
I want a Steve Rogers WHO CAN FINALLY TAKE A BREAK BRUH IDC IF U GIVE UP THE SHIELD AND CAP FOR GOOD BUT Plz plZ PLZ LET THIS BB BOY JUST CATCH A BREAK – I also want him and Tony to talk things out after IW (@marvel plz don’t kill either of these angels)!!! (Somebody plz add more I am too emotional to think of anything else for this precious sun n light of America)
???I maybe want a Bucky Barnes(yah I just want Bucky tBH)?? Jk jk I want a Bucky Barnes who is working on himself now (mAYBE EVEN IN WAKANDA he can eat all the plums he wants, read all the books he wants, catch up on all the history that he missed out on whilst being a badass hydra assassin – maybe I also want him to be the new cap but we can talk bout that another time.
I WANT A SAM WILSON AS A FRICKING FULL TIME AVENGER WHO HAS HAPPINESS AND GOES ONTO ROAD TRIPS TO SEE BUCKY N STEVE PLZ N THANK YOU. I want this bb to just be amazing and still work as a social worker (bless this boy honestly) with soldiers n maybe even SHIELD agents who are suffering w/ PTSD
I want a Natasha who is taking some time by herself, plz let this role model of a icon (English plz) maybe teach girls of all ages how to defend themselves against the evils of the world (plz not Clint would host the male equivalent of this bc the world is a scary place for everybody). Maybe let nat even let her guard down for a bit— let her live her life she deserves– have girl nights with her friends– visit Clint n his beautiful family– keep in contact with Steve n Bucky n Sam n Tony n everybody tBH but let her live
I want a Clint Barton who stays sarcastic as always but is finally with his family, maybe teaching archery to his kids??? I’m so glad he has a lil farm plz don’t blow up his lil farm
I want a Wanda WHO FINALLY GETS THE COUNSELLING SHE DESERVES AFTER LOSING HER BROTHER AND GETTING BLAMED !!!! I want her to have a normal teenager years/ early adulthood– maybe let her be friends with peter they can gossip bout everybody. I want her to be happy and not scared. I also want her to be w/ Vision plz
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bill-weasley · 7 years
do you guys ever sit there and think about how extra tony stark is?
like this man literally took the shrapnel that was wedged inside his chest and made a necklace out of it for the love of his life?
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who does shit like that?
he could’ve easily gotten her a diamond necklace worth more than a house, but instead, he gets pepper an essentially worthless necklace that literally holds all the meaning in the world. tony is legit giving pepper his heart. you can’t get deeper than that. you can’t love deeper than that.
fuck you and your sentimentality, tony. you big bad villain.
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I say I'm a multifandom blog, but until Infinity War is over (and probably longer than that), you bet Tony Stark owns my ass.
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rainbowtransform · 7 years
It’s Something (Chapter 2)
Read the first installment here, or go to AO3 here. Enjoy!
When Tony asked FRIDAY to take down every single video of him and Steve Rogers fighting, FRIDAY knew she'd need to do something else. So, instead, she searched for Siberia's footage. 
(Zemo, the old bat, had the cameras running. No doubt planning to go over the footage and cackle evilly.) Scrambling YouTube's page; she searched for Peter's YouTube when he was on. 
(She knew who Quality was. Who didn't? Oh, right. Everyone else.)
[Read more, mobile users]
FRIDAYLOVER345: Hello, Peter
Quality: Friday? What're you doing? What's going on?
FRIDAYLOVER345: I need you to do something for me. Post this video, Peter.
Quality: Why? Friday? Friday, answer me!
FRIDAYLOVER345: YouTube will be reassembled in a few hours. Post the video then. I'm downloading it to your computer. Please don't let me down, Peter Parker.
FRIDAY cut all ties soon after downloading the video. She kept it all on the down-low and kept Tony calm. (Until he finds the video she sent Peter. Her sources say that Peter uploaded it just a few hours ago.)
BOOTEAMCAP: Wait, what? Is that... Bucky? Steve's friend? And did Zemo kill everyone? What???????????????
32 Replies
ArentWeInsane: I think the most important question is: is that Howard and Maria Stark?!
OhKillThem: Is Bucky killing Howard and Maria?!
HelloSteveRogers: I mean, Bucky was brainwashed, so it shouldn't really count as murder. Should it?
579 Replies
KeepItTogether: Hell yes, it should! Even if he was brainwashed, he just killed two people.
KeepDanFit: I get what Rogers meant, but still. Yeah, Bucky was brainwashed but... like... those are the Starks. Tony was just... what? 23 or something when they died? He's still like an almost-adult.
TeamCapAllTheWay: Tony could have calmed down, man. I mean, he didn't have to actually blow Bucky's arm off. That looks like it hurts.
3,420 Replies
Quality: Tony Stark had PTSD. See how he flinched when Barnes practically shoved his hand out to touch the arc reactor? It triggered Tony; and he blasted Barnes's arm off in self-defense.
ManThesePeepsAintGotNothingOnMe: Wait. Did... did Steve try to kill Tony?
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CoolAidBro: Yup
ImNotGay: Captain America just up and left Tony? He's practically dying! What the fuck, Rogers?!
678 Replies
ImGay: Look at him. Rogers just took Bucky and left. Tony's dying! HE WAS YOUR FAMILY! WHAT THE -
DontForgetAboutMe: I don't think that he really was.
26 Replies
BabyWeGotGood: Did you hear Tony's voice when he said "So was I,"? OMG, Steve needs to stop
Peter's followers really took his Support Iron Man to the next level. This morning, Peter got a message (through the grapevine) that everyone should wear red today. Peter yanked on a red Spider-Man shirt and some jeans. Pulling on his bookbag, Peter quickly tried to brush his hair down before running down the steps.
"Peter!" May called, turning around just to catch her nephew eating a forkful of pancakes. He grinned at her and May waved a spatula around. "Go, go! Take some bacon with you! And don't forget to bring some for Harry!" Peter waved back before exciting, eating the bacon quickly.
Everyone was wearing red shirts. Peter studied everyone quietly. He wonders what the ex-Avengers would say if they'd found it out. Especially Wanda Maximoff. Peter grimaced as someone walked past, sporting a Captain America T-shirt. The New Yorkers were whispering behind their hands. "He must be from out of town," they said. "Hopefully, they watch Quality's video soon." Others continued to say.
It took the media two days to get the footage; and showing it on the news. Peter had watched it by himself, and wanted to laugh as the news began their long spew of how Captain America no longer supported the country. Especially with the 117 countries.
Peter sighed. At least, New York was still with them. Peter hoped that the ex-Avengers would see this one day. Because, no matter what, New York protects its own.
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tin-can-iron-man · 7 years
Listen, even if there are ups and downs in my life. The sun always rises brightly and I always get a full nights rest because Tony Stark is full of sunshine and is trying his best to be a better person every day. It’s a fact for me.
I could be crying uncontrollably and if you offer to watch IM1 I will be happier than I was that morning in about 0.0000000000003 seconds into the film
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