#prophecy ooo
the-gimmick-oracle · 14 days
@the-real-catholic-church kissed @eastern-orthodox-church. -@the-official-news
No way!
But should they truly become lovers, then as Time turns the pages It will surely be a romance for the ages The road shall wind, and a whisper may start And one shall end up with a stitched-up heart.
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ladysophiebeckett · 2 years
all the daemon stans being asked ‘what are ur thoughts on the choking scene 🧐’ like it’s a gotcha. like, bby some of us (me) don’t give a shit.
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this is an old comic i cant get the dialogue to feel right but i get feelings about finn sometimes why do he and jake reincarnate together every time to be together next to each other every time only for Life to chuck his soul across the ocean so he had to suffer to find jake
anyways glob seems like hes like. prophecies-man up on mars. so like. he knew about finn. he knew he was floating up to ooo and needed to meet his parents so he could be the golden hero. of course there were prophecies about finn. of course glob knew. and he wanted to watch
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
I totally get I just finished my exam week (I had to do a math test at 8am Sat😭). Wish you luck tho!
Also do you have any good buddies fics? Destiel too?
Math test at 8am is BRUTAL
Thank you I will definitely need it😭😭
Unfortunately I only have buddie fics to offer😔:
(Warning I do like a fair amount of angst)
Right where you left me - by hyacinthusbloom ( @thebloomingheather on here) - when I say I might be as big a fan of this fic as I am of the show I MEAN IT, you do not even understand how much I love this fic or how obsessed I am with it, I have reread it so many times despite it still being in progress that I think I may genuinely qualify it as addictive, me and @estheticpotaeto legit wait for updates like a dog at the author’s door istg, like everything about this fic is flawless and written with so much love and emotion and the way the writer captures the effects of trauma is just amazing because it’s so rare to find this level of diving into ptsd and the more uncomfortable aspects of it that are more taboo or less understandable to people, like I can yap for an hour about this fic but I’ll just say READ IT
Any fic by daisies_and_briars ( @cal-daisies-and-briars on here) but one of my favourites of his is Both blade and branch and muscle memory and four can keep a secret and appetency and the two she’s writing right now (change the prophecy and steal my sunshine) -wow at that point I should’ve left it as any fic because that’s a lot of favourites😭😭
Any fic by @loserdiaz plus with them you get enough lighthearted fics to even out the angst
Ooo I’m not sure what their username on here is but lizzybizzyzz is also another writer who I just love their fics
Fractals by hobbitprincess - one of those fics that make you squeak at how much love these fictional characters have for each other
Beneath my mother tongue by archerincombat - the angst the writing the way they hit every single emotional beat? Amazing
Anything by this_is_moony_lovegood
Leave the light on (I’ll be coming home) by HMSLusitania - the presumed dead Eddie fic of your dreams, a constant reread for me it’s just 👌
Anchored by adorkable_buddie - sorry Chris you gotta be injured sometimes just for us to get our buddie dreams hope you understand and we appreciate your sacrifice 😔🫶
empty, broken, lonely, hoping by daniweb - when I tell you I love the presumed dead trope you best believe I’m telling the truth because the ANGST?? Yes please, LISTEN it’s the closest you can get to the emotional beats of killing off a character without ever killing them off because you love them and happy endings too much so TIM MINEAR TAKE NOTES I KNOW YOU SAID YOU LOVE THEM TOO MUCH TO KILL THEM, anyways back to to the point this fic again is just flawless execution by the writer like absolutely love it
every time we stop talking (the universe starts screaming) by withmeornotatall - emotional destruction and I absolutely love it, divorce era 2.0 and it HITS
Home is where it hurts- by rileyblue2001 - can you tell I hate the Buckley parents because I HATE the Buckley parents
The one with the return of the sex addiction by buddiefication (pumpkincreamcoldbrew) - I’ve reccomended so much angst so have a funny little light hearted buddie fic with the father bobby vibes we all love❤️❤️
Falling Slowly; Sing Your Melody (I’ll Sing It Loud) by Princessfbi ( @princessfbi on here who I also love sm of their fics so highly suggest just going on their page and looking through all the fics) - absolutely love it, legit gave me brain rot and got me obsessed for a GOOD while
I'm comin' back, don't let me go by wikiangela ( @wikiangela on here also love love their fics again so check them out but this one is probably my favourite of theirs)
Okay this is looking more and more like a uni reading list so I’m gonna shut up now but I hope you enjoy these fics and that a few of them emotionally damage you like they did me because I love to spread the joy (see: pain and suffering) 🫶🫶
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snowashl-blog · 1 year
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Ooo Lore? Maybe that why she acts snobbish? Because of that prophecy and she knows she going to lose everything so it’s like why if she acts like she doesn’t care maybe it won’t hurt as much as it will? It’s like people who bottle stuff in, they’re fine on the outside but on the inside they’re have cracks showing up.
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sombrathedragon · 12 days
HI HI hyperfixation question time!!
I’ve never listened to EPIC, tell me a few reasons you love it (bc I wanna know if I should listen to it) and tell me your favorite song so I can go listen to it immediately :D
Ooo okay !! :D
let me give a summary first: EPIC is a musical adaptation about Homers Odyssey. It’s broken up into 9 sagas, with each saga being about 4-5 songs long. The sagas basically break up Odysseus’s journey into different parts: The Troy saga (Odysseus and his men winning the Trojan war and beginning to sail back home, we also get a introduction to Odysseus’s mentor, Athena here !!) The Cyclops saga (Ody and his men having some trouble in the Cyclopes cave) The Ocean saga (Ody and his men trying to sail back home to Ithaca through storms and troubles (spoiler alert they don’t make it)) The Circe Saga (Ody and his men landing on Circe’s island instead, with Ody having to convince Circe to give his men back. (Fun fact in the actual Odyssey Ody stays here for a year! I don’t think they do that in EPIC though!)) The Underworld saga (Ody and his men travel to the underworld and get a prophecy on what the rest of the journey is going to be like (‘nother spoiler Ody doesn’t like it, also this is the end of Act 1!!) the Thunder Saga (Ody and his men going through tricks, betrayal, and Zeus himself) the Wisdom saga (Perspective change we’re now back in Ithaca in the POV of Telemachus, Odys son!! Telemachus now being under the guidance of Athena, gets help from her to fight the suitors and convinces her to go help her old friend (cough cough HIS FATHER) who may or may not be stuck on a certain goddess island for 7 years (cough cough CALYPSOS ISLAND) another fun fact this is actually all the sagas released currently! There’s still 2 more in the works which are the Vengeance saga (Ody gets off of Calypsos island and actually sails home, but of course he encounters another monster and another god, that man can’t get a break!) and the Ithaca saga (We go back to Ithaca to see Penelope, his wife and the 108 suitors there, who don’t exactly treat Penelope and Telemachus the nicest.. but Odysseus is finally home and I won’t spoil much more but he does kill the suitors :] yayyy happy ending !!)
Anyways, actually answering your questions now !! Some of the reasons I love it are that the music is absolutely amazing, the callbacks with the instruments combined with the vocals are enough to make me bawl my eyes out sometimes :’) Same with the talented animators and artists in the fandom, who just make my jaw drop when I see their masterpieces. Also the community is just lovely, it sometimes gets toxic but overall it’s a relatively chill and peaceful fandom! but urghhh my favorite song? Ahhh they’re all so good !! I would have to say Little Wolf from the Wisdom Saga, it’s very catchy and very groovy, but I do also love The Challenge from the Ithaca saga as I love my girl Penelope !! (sadly it’s not released yet, how I listen to it is Jorge (creator of musical) sometimes puts out snippets of the songs, and wonderful fans combine them together so yeah :])
Anyways I DEFINITELY recommend it if you need a new musical to hear, it’s just perfect <3
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ritz-writes · 11 months
@asleepyy so sorry for tagging u twice in one day and i hope im not bothering u with my brain rot 😅
but yes, i did actually dissect the lyrics. yes, i am actually insane. and yes, i love this au quite a lot.
here are my notes and what i think each song represents, tho its mainly just the vibes i get. i made notes as i listened to them (note: i see songs almost always in animatic form. idk if that will effect how i imagine what each song means, but i thought it might be worth mentioning)
join me as i lose my mind over the course of an hour and a half
say what you think: def making me think of them both in heaven and jophiel wanting to ask questions.
running up that hill: AHH this one hurt. very obvious as well. jophiel seeing that azazel shouldnt be a demon. "And if I only could I'd make a deal with God, and I'd get Him to swap our places." i am sobbingggg
what difference does it make?: at first i was going to say its jophiel wanting to figure out what went wrong but azazel makes them promise not to, but i think its better suited for azazel understanding hes a demon, but he cant help but still have faith in the almighty
please please please let me get what i want: fuckkk is this about azazel being a demon but still wanting to do good 😭 short but still painful
ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn't've): my first reaction to the title alone was like the second image of the kambucha girl meme. anyway i think this one is about them becoming friends (or more?? 👀) but knowing its seen as wrong. "And if I start a commotion, I run the risk of losing you and that's worse" makes me also think of jophiel talking to the metatron and realizing he shouldnt ask about azazel lest he risk the poor thing being smited.
nothing critical: ohhhh this one gives hella vibes of jophiel not trusting heaven and knowing "something isnt right here" in regards to the fall-- HOLD UP "I know, someone had to go, If not him it'd be me instead" HELLO??? aziraphale asking for jophiel??? is this like after he finds out what azazels name used to be??
flowers never bend with the rainfall: hmm... i feel like this is a plot point song. not sure why. but "And I hide behind the shield of my illusion" makes me think it pertains to azazel
bird in space: oh this ones a bit tricky. i think ive reached the songs that no longer fit the lore we've been given thus far. so the only thing i can think rn is jophiel enjoying earthly pleasures? not rlly sure
angel, won't you call me?: oh fuckkk is this about a fight they have? "I fled at the face of my rival. When I felt his breath at the back of my neck. Angel, won't you call?" theres no way that isnt about azazel saying smth and then leaving, only to be scared he severed his tie to the only person thats been nice to him.
the stranger: first of this is a bop and im loving it. very groovy. the first thing that comes to mind is the "choose your faces wisely" prophecy. ooo is this about jophiel trying to convince azazel hes still meant to be an angel? that he wasnt meant to fall? also, the last verse is sticking out to me... not sure why
all i think about now: fuckkkkk this is giving me the vibes of jophiel finding out azazel Fell cuz of him and feeling guilty about it. "If I'm late, can I thank you now?" FUCKING OW?? oh yeah for sure this is about jophiel finding out and being sucker punched with guilt
ill be your mirror: oh goddd this song. i know crowley listens to this song but i cant remember what its about so lets see. AH SHIT YEAH THATS RIGHT. okay so jophiel reminds azazel that he is inherently good, regardless of if hes a demon. thats what im getting from this (also just tihnking of that ask i sent about the reflective sunglasses bthwjegkrw)
me and my husband: okay all im getting from this is "they r down bad". they r very very very much in love. getting vibes of this being after they stop the apocolypse. or maybe their feelings developing thru the centuries
time in a bottle: oh man this song always gets me. okay so, this and the last song r giving the oh-shit-i-might-be-in-love vibes. but this one is with jophiel's pov, while me and my husband is azazel's
ritz note: the last couple songs have been cute and lovey and i am now terrified of what the next ones r gonna be. cuz i know this fandom. and i am not ready for the pain. i am afraidddd
lonesome town: i fucking called it i knew the happy wouldnt last 😭😭 they had a fight didnt they. yeahhh they had a fight. FUCK why is this so sad but so pretty
across the universe: is this one sad too??? hang on theres a bit thats not in english, what does that mean... "Hail to the Heavenly Teacher." okay so i assume this is an azazel song. this is just making me think of the bookshop fire, but its azazel thinking jophiel died 😭 ....i am staring at the lyircs. i am glaring at the lyrics. this song MEANS something. i just dont know what. but its important. im squinting at it very hard (note: i came back to this song and am STILL glaring at it. its like. its like im seeing it covered in sand but i know theres gold underneath. i cant SEE the gold, but i know its there. this is driving me nuts /pos)
no wonder i: hm.. im not rlly sure with this one. OH?? is this azazel finding out heaven isnt that good?? "Suddenly I'm not so sure. That intentions can be pure." hmmmmmmm
what do they know?: holy shit okay this is a completely different kind of song than the others. im.... glaring at these lyrics too. feels like a plot point but cant tell what it is. i think its about jophiel? maybe heaven too?? idk im grasping at straws with this one
sea of love: oh yay a happy song again 😌 okay this is just short and sweet. gives me forgiveness and/or confession vibes.
who are you, really?: this one sounds important and i am glaring!! makes me think of "we dont need heaven we dont need hell" and also "a demon/angel that goes along with hell/heaven as far as he can". also just makes me think of jophiel speaking.
the moon will sing: i fucking love this song but i dont think ive ever looked at the lyrics so lets goooo. right away i see "I could have been anyone, anyone else. Before you made the choice for me" and think of aziraphale asking and falling for jophiel, and in a way making the choice of jophiel staying an angel. "Instead, I made a bed with apathy" jophiel trying not to care about a random demon. "I shine only with the light you gave me" jophiel giving azazel ideas on how to do "good" while being "bad". also with that line, thinking of azazel saying that to god and being sad about having fallen AUGHH i have a whole animatic in my head with this song and im losing my mind
matephor: hnnnn another important sounding song. jophiel vibes. fight song perhaps?? "Don't look too hard 'cause you won't like the scars he left in me" azazel vibes??? this one is elusive to me but i love it. okay im slowly getting more azazel vibes. like azazel trying to convince jophiel that he is a demon and fell for a reason
providence: right away getting "heaven and hell r bad" vibes. OHH okay okay this is giving me hella jophiel vibes, but specificly snarky and sassy jophiel vibes. of being like "oh yes heaven is oh so great, we kill children! but its for the greater good, of course. gotta beat hell and all that, even at the cost of innocents. all for the almighty and her ineffable plan." (this song is a bop omg)
earth angel: oh i know this one but only with crowley and aziraphale, so im excited to listen to it with an oopsie omens mind set. omg wait why does it hit HARDER. love sick azazel is such a cute image 🥺🥰
what more can i do: hmm.. them being in love but knowing its "forbidden"? cant tell who i imagine with it more
starman: this is just them. classic good omens song, regardless of the au. love to see it 💖
a pearl: AH FUCK ANOTHER SAD ONE. mitski whyy. hm.. azazel song? jophiel?? i think jophiel... tho my mind might be turning to mush at this point so im not sure. one of them is sad
duvet: oh def azazel vibes. oh maybe some jophiel vibes too?? i can see it swaping povs. i think it fits azazel more tho.
ritz note: OKAY the next song is in a different language and for a split second i legit thought i was having a stroke when i pulled up the lyrics ngl bgkewrrkjq
différent de toi: no idea what this song is about but its pretty 😊
oh thats all of them! i think the first half is more coherent observations, while the second half is just... rambling a bit lmao. idk if any of this makes sense. i might also be looking for things that arent there with these songs, but oh well. this was fun!
and now, after looking back at them all, i really does just slowly derail near the end lmao
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multifandomxreader · 2 years
I heard you were looking for Bruno x male reader ideas 🤤
Ooo what about a Bruno x male reader where the reader is like a vagabond that comes to Encanto every year to hang out with the Madrigals? Kind of like a Snufkin and Moomin thing. Like they're kind of together/pining for each other?
One year that M!Reader returns he finds that Bruno isn't waiting for him because he's 'disappeared' so he travels even further in order to look for him, he still comes back every year to see if he's returned. After the events of the movie reader is reunited with Bruno and obviously he's super pissed but he's also so relieved that his favourite boy is back and alive.
Mayyybeeee they get married? uwu'
sorry you had to wait so long for this, hope you like it!
Bruno Madrigal x Male reader
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With your backpack heavy on your shoulders, you finally arrived yet again at la casa Madrigal. All year you would travel, you slept in a tent, and made your money by playing the guitar. You made great friends along the way and got to tell all your amazing stories to anyone who would listen. Every year you hung out with the family for a few days sometimes even weeks. You had never been one to settle down but with the family Madrigal, you wouldn't mind staying in the same place forever. When you sprained an ankle or had back pain Jullietta patched you right up with her cooking. Delores would keep everyone updated on your whereabouts and well-being and when you were close to the village Luisa would meet you halfway to help carry your baggage and gifts with pleasure. The Madrigals were basically your family.
They loved to listen to your tales, especially Bruno who hung at your lips every time you spoke. Even when most people wouldn't really talk to Bruno you saw him as the highlight of your visit. After years of your annual visits to the Madrigals you realized your feelings for the dark haired man. You had a while to think about them on your travels. You were certain he would be the one to make you stay and settle down.
You arrived with Luisa at casita, Camillo and Mirabel ran in your arms. You entered casita with the little girl on your back and a copy of yourself. The other family members came to greet you one by one. Julietta welcomed you with a plate of arepas and Isabella gave you a beautiful flower crown as a welcoming gift. Felix welcomed you with open arms "Here comes my favorite visitante!" The weather was perfect and a big smile was plastered on your face as you chatted with Felix and Agustin.
You tried to keep calm but your eyes couldn't stop wandering over to the door of Bruno's room. Agustin noticed the way you looked around, waiting for that one special person. You turned back to him "Where's Bruno?" Suddenly the room went quiet and the faces around you grimaced. Abuela straightened her back and spoke "We don't talk about Bruno" you were so confused and everything felt wrong. Julietta's hand landed on your shoulder and lead you to the kitchen where she let you sit at the table. While making you a drink she told you how Bruno had disappeared without a note.
The following days felt wrong without his presence, you tried to find him but when you realized he really was gone you stayed alone in his room. Your heart ached as you thought about the last time you had seen him.
The dark eyes look at you with admiration as you sing about the things you had seen on your travels and then a goodbye song. Your song ends and you smile at Bruno "Will you write a song about me by the time you return?"  he asks. "Look in the future and find out." You wink. Bruno opens his mouth"I don't want to" You give him a confused look. He takes your hands in his "I don't want to ruin our future with a stupid prophecy." You give him an understanding look and hold his hands tighter. "I'll be back."
Years passed as you looked for Bruno, asking every person you meet if they had seen the small dark-haired Madrigal.
You didn't find him.
Still, you returned to the Madrigals every single year. The smaller Madrigals had now grown into teenagers and the town had been growing too. Even though it was a delight seeing the colorful family your mind kept turning back to Bruno.
It was your annual visit and you arrived at the spot where Luisa would usually wait. Instead, you were met with Bruno. Your Bruno. Maybe a bit older and with more grey strands of hair. But still yours.
You dropped all your stuff and ran over to him. Grabbing his shoulders to make sure he was real. "How the fuck could you do this to me? I was so worried! I- I didn't know what had happened to you..." Bruno kept apologizing while you teared up. You threw yourself into his arms and you hit the ground together. You hugged the air out of his lungs. "I'm just happy you're back" you told him. His hands cradled your face and wiped your tears. "Te amo" he whispered before passionately kissing you, this time it was him making you breathless. You melted into the kiss. "I still want to hear that song"
A few months later you held the most beautiful wedding the town had ever seen, Pepa didn't ruin it (only because Bruno was marrying you). The whole family worked together to make sure you had the best day. Isabella took care of the flowers, and Julietta cooked a heavenly buffet with delicious desserts... You couldn't stop smiling and every time you met his eyes your heart could beat out of your chest. You finally found your reason to stay.
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charmwasjess · 1 month
"water" for the wip game, please
Ooo, this is a funny one - but technically it counts, it's an unpublished bit from a WIP! From one of my deleted scenes early in Rabbit Heart, where Sifo-Dyas is just free rolling nonstop visions instead of lying down for a nice hurt comfort scene. I ended up cutting the scene because it got way darker than I wanted to go in a fic where I also... uh, burn the love interest at a stake?
There was no logical reason for Sifo-Dyas to be conscious. Yet, he was. 
Dooku had tried to make him comfortable on the shuttle. He piled blankets on top of him, tried to hold water to his resisting lips, and promised him safety. And yet, the seer seemed broken. His eyes weren’t clearing out like they should have after a vision. His face looked overloaded, like someone receiving too much sensory information all at once. Prophecy spilled from him, mingling into incoherent nonsense.
“Do you know her? Why is she crying?” He clutched desperately at Dooku, blood running from his mouth and nose. “Promise me that you’ll help her!”
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fallenclan · 1 year
does anyone in fallenclan currently have any of these traits?
dreamwalker/dreamshaper (or other variant)
prophet/prophecy-seeker (or other variant)
omen sense/omen seeker (or other variant)
dark forest affinity
ghost sense/ghost sight (or other variant)
if a cat has dark forest affinity there's a chance for you to get an event where they wake up screaming, head filled with images of blood and claws (or something along those lines)!! i just find these traits super interesting from a story-telling perspective.
OOO I DIDNT KNOW THAT EVENT WAS A THING THAT'S SO COOL.... sadly no fallenclan cats seem to have any of those traits :( we DO, however, currently have a kit with the "oddly observant" skill. i can't remember if that's the baby version of one of those or not, but i think it would be a really cool skill for him in particular
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the-gimmick-oracle · 15 days
Hi!! (Intro post)
Hey there! I’m Pythia! Well, that’s not my real name, I just use it for the sake of tradition! And also because I think it makes me more mysterious. I was chosen by Phoe for this job just last week, so I’m really new to this whole Oracle thing, but I’m getting the hang of it!
Anyway, information! - I’m 15! - I use she/her! - I’m a lesbian! - Whenever I refer to “Phoe”, that’s just the nickname I use for my guy Apollo. ‘Cause like, Phoebus is his prophecy epithet. - Expect cursing on this blog! Like the swearing kind. I don’t put curses on people. I leave that to the beings that are apparently called “anons”. - PFP is from picrew! - The tag I use for when I make a prediction is #prophecy ooo - If any of the situations I predicted for develop, depending on if I was accurate or not the tag could be #oracle success or #fate defied - In character tag is #oracleposting, ooc is #ooc of course - Asks tag is #someone has approached - That’s about it!
Tagging other gimmicks under the cut so they know I exist:
@maryland-officially @the-gimmick-doctor @samahs-chaotic-mess @gimmick-therapist @ohio-thestate
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wings-of-flying · 5 months
a summary of all that's happened so far in my fic where sea meets shore (link at the bottom) but i'm silly goofy about it (spoilers, ofc)
up to the current chapter (19)
part one: rosebud
prince chip's last search for his father is cut short by a storm. he falls into the water
jay arrives at whitethorne castle in rose kingdom and hears the prince is missing
chip wakes on the beach and meets the figure who saved him, but they're interrupted before they can be introduced
later in the day, chip returns to the beach and, with help from marshal john, brings a newly injured triton back to the castle
gillion paces the room he's been put in, regretting his decision to help, then chip enters with jay, who can speak primordial, allowing them to communicate
flashback to how gillion ended up in this mess, we see the deal with niklaus, who has the additional title of 'sea witch'. niklaus offers to help gill fulfil his prophecy and, after some convincing, gill agrees. niklaus' deal lets gill understand common and know where to go (whitethorne castle) at the cost of an unspecified favour
after rolin loffin reinstates himself as royal advisor, chip officially meets gillion and jay and they arrange to travel to whitethorne village
during this village, jay connects with john over their shared past connections to raft's navy and a letter from general lizzie lafayette shocks john
meanwhile, gillion and chip are dancing and getting closer despite the language barrier
the letter turns out to say that, though lizzie's journey to canella successfully converted the island to a rose ally, raft's navy swept in and killed a bunch of the crew. lizzie will be returning with the few survivors
and she does, with caspian and a surprise addition of a small boy named oliver. while chip has an issue with this, lizzie has more of an issue with the fact chip's allowed a ferin and a champion of the undersea into the castle
a tense dinner introduces gillion and jay to the new arrivals (minus ollie). gill and caspian hit it off, considering caspian can also speak primordial. jay, alternatively, has a glaring match with the general (she loses)
that evening, chip and jay connect over their shared losses of family, and they mourn drey ferin (who both were close with). chip doesn't think lizzie's disapproval of jay will last
a ball is arranged to celebrate lizzie's return. chip and julian joke about how terrible rose's situation is, but the party goes well. until, that is, roofus makes an ill advised comment and chip is sent into a spiral about all he's lost
this is interrupted when gillion arrives, accompanied by an announcement of all his titles. he meets with chip and shortly after jay arrives
chip disappears to speak with rolin, and the remaining two are approached by caspian and lizzie. caspian and gill continue to hit it off, then jay dances with lizzie and is threatened (lizzie thinks she's a spy)
shocked and distressed, jay runs to her room and writes a letter to kira (👀)
meanwhile, chip's arguing with rolin and then sees his sister is really drunk. he leaves her in the care of caspian then hangs out with gill. ooo feelings perhaps, but only a little
the next day, chip hangs out with ollie, then the whole group goes to see the newly built ships (just finished in time for the trip to edison)
jay feels awkward and left out, while gillion seems to get on with the group. caspian takes gill aside to tell him about a spell by finn tidestrider which allows gillion to magically be translated into common
gill excitedly runs off to tell chip, but overhears a conversation chip's having with rolin where it sounds like they're agreeing to keep gillion as leverage over the undersea
chip tells rolin off, but the damage is already done. gill is pissed
the next morning, when caspian and lizzie have left, chip finds gillion's coated the ballroom in ice. they duel over gill's honour, and this is only interrupted when jay breaks them apart
chip storms off to be healed by rudith
jay tells gillion to stay where he is and meet her in the library. he does not, instead trying to find chip and make amends (chip's set to leave for edison today). he gets distracted by a painting of the late king beau rose, and notices a silhouette in the background of the portrait with horns... john arrives and tells gill that chip's already left
jay meets with gillion, then packs her bags
chip stares angstily into the sea as his ship leaves
someone known only as 'the dagger' waits in his office, for an informant to arrive. the game begins
part two: falling petals
jay and gillion are hiding in a crate on chip's new unnamed ship. they're quickly discovered and chip is not happy, but they've made it to edison. john offhandedly reveals he knew jay was planning to run away
jay's very excited to be in edison with all its technology, and the gang are led in by guards sent from edison palace, including one named dominic
slight problem, jay and gillion are unexpected, so there aren't enough beds. this is resolved relatively quickly, but chip is suspicious of the butler, garrieth, who claims the king is 'unwell' and thus unable to meet them yet
jay calls gillion 'gill' for the first time. gill realises maybe there's more to his prophecy than preventing war in the oversea
after a nightmare about her sister, as well as chip and gill's duel, jay connects with dominic in the corridor
chip writes to rolin about the issue with the king and sneaks out to deliver it disguised as john. he overhears that raft soldiers have been spotted in edison, and that the king hasn't been meeting with anyone for ages
jay, gill and dominic go out to get gillion new clothes. gillion gets a vision from niklaus, showing the last time he met with edyn
rolin's reply to chip's letter is concerningly brief
jay goes out with dominic again a few days later, and they connect on a deeper level and kiss. dominic confesses wanting to run away, and asks her to accompany him. she's conflicted
to be continued...
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spade-riddles · 5 months
I was listening to The Prophecy and absolutely love her little ooo’s at 2:45. And they’re nearly identical to the ones at the end of Dorothea. Soooo, she was hoping to change her prophecy so Dorothea could still be the same girl she met under the bleachers.
it’s a half-baked thought and mostly wanted to share it with the community to see if it helps anyone else’s analysis
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journeysfable · 1 year
I wasn't watching it a lot but it was honestly kinda funny to me judging from liveblogs
Like, the communication train crashed and burned for bbh and forever XD it seems like the solution was so simple. Bbh was concerned that the system could be exploited to force the islanders to vote for either bad option number one or bad option number two, and Forever thought bbh was just being salty about furniture, right? Idk. But I know from other livebloggers Forever is trying his best and having everyone expecting him to be manipulated by the feds doesn't help (and everyone being sus of him is kinda causing a self fulfilling prophecy and ooo the angst potential) And also I understand if it's kinda hard to figure out how to make a yes and no option work meta wise. Idk maybe give an option to vote on something that has no consequences there for it's technically a no option.
I feel like they got too caught up in who was in the wrong or who was right, yknow?
I feel like it would have destroyed me emotionally lol but I was getting curious ngl
And now I'm really sad. Fuck Twitter omg. We're the fucking audience, this isn't our story to tell!!!
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zalrb · 8 months
You touched on this in your Steferine fic but if we were being serious people and in character do you think if Katherine gave Damon what he wanted in the present he'd drop Elena for her? I always just feel like, he was literally existing for her for like 150 years, and then when that doesn't work out he basically goes, ooo, another one, and tries getting at Elena. I mean they straight up have Katherine reject him and then he goes to Elena like, wut about you? YOU want this!? Elena is plan b.
So, I've spoken about this quite a few times before
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so, there is the stuff in seasons 1 and 2
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but it's really seasons 5 and 8 that get me. because a) the same language used for him and Elena is used for him and Katherine
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b) Julie Plec spoke about how they put in this scene
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for these two reasons:
Talk about the decision to show Katherine's real first meeting with Stefan (Paul Wesley). Plec: It was two-fold. It was one way for Katherine to throw a little dig in at Damon [saying] in the question of who I love more, guess who? And the other was to dig at him to say, "Hey listen, this doppelganger prophecy sounds ridiculous. I mean, who believes in the universe bringing two people together? And yet, I was minding my own business when who did I see? Stefan Salvatore and it changed the entire course of my life."
and this is Damon's reaction
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and then in the series finale, she throws a dig at him again about how she would choose Stefan over him.
First when she says that Elena would choose Stefan, he plays it off
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when she explains why
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it hits him
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so if she can still goad him by saying that she would choose Stefan first and his reaction in season 8 echoes his reaction in season 5 when Silas goaded him
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which echoes his reaction in season 2 when Katherine explains she chose to save Stefan's life
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which echoes his reaction from 1864
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then I think it makes absolute sense and keeps in character for Damon if Katherine managed to seduce him not by [clumsily] using sex but if she put in effort and time into doing what she does in my fic and tell him that she was wrong, that it was always him, that his love really was enough and she was unworthy, that he's the better man, that she's been running from her feelings etc. etc. he'd cave. Of course, he'd cave.
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hazelcephalopod · 1 year
Thinking about the Wheel of Time show, which I liked overall but in retrospect I do have some thoughts about the dragon prophecy. I don’t really want to go over what they did wrong -and right- too much, but I’ll give a little retrospective thoughts. The mystery about the dragon was ok, including the girls was understandable -I get why they did it for a modern audience- but I do have minor issues with it. Mainly because I think it set up a lot of people to hope “ooo one of the girls will be The Chosen One” in a series where that would be, well not exactly impossible but difficult to execute because of the premise. No matter how you did it I think ultimately it would feel like a trick, because the series is kind of about masculinity and mens trauma made manifest by presenting their side of magic being corrupted -not because being a man is inherently bad but because these negative things have been unnaturally tied to parts of it, partly due to the choices of their ancestors. Secondly (and even more minor but I’ll throw it on) I think they could have done a better job showing how much the Dragon was feared and reviled, especially if he came back as a man. Logain showed this a little, but I think it could have been more.
However, all of that I can excuse, if they continue to explore how and why Moiraine and Siuan were hoping the main prophecy might be wrong. That the Dragon might not be a man doomed to this terrible curse, because tbh the thought is terrifying. Which I think could become more clear when they show the breaking, and how powerful Rand actually is. Which I actually have high hopes for, I think it’s a ploy to shock the audience which I question a little -just because the twist culture for shows lately is a bit tiresome- but it can be executed well.
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