#but yeah ultimately I was going to show the bit with Sifo-Dyas trying to talk Dooku into just walking out into space
charmwasjess · 1 month
"water" for the wip game, please
Ooo, this is a funny one - but technically it counts, it's an unpublished bit from a WIP! From one of my deleted scenes early in Rabbit Heart, where Sifo-Dyas is just free rolling nonstop visions instead of lying down for a nice hurt comfort scene. I ended up cutting the scene because it got way darker than I wanted to go in a fic where I also... uh, burn the love interest at a stake?
There was no logical reason for Sifo-Dyas to be conscious. Yet, he was. 
Dooku had tried to make him comfortable on the shuttle. He piled blankets on top of him, tried to hold water to his resisting lips, and promised him safety. And yet, the seer seemed broken. His eyes weren’t clearing out like they should have after a vision. His face looked overloaded, like someone receiving too much sensory information all at once. Prophecy spilled from him, mingling into incoherent nonsense.
“Do you know her? Why is she crying?” He clutched desperately at Dooku, blood running from his mouth and nose. “Promise me that you’ll help her!”
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