#proper dental care
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johnny-but-emo · 9 months ago
I think that Giorno should have fucked up teeth actually.
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blirpus · 3 months ago
went to the dentist today and i have no cavities, no gum infection and no gum "pockets" plus i got my plaque removed and it feels so nice. everything is as good as can be considering how much ive fucked up my teeth over the years. idk why but i was kind of expecting the worst but it really isnt that bad🥹 who knew that taking care of yourself pays off
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blackmoldmp3 · 1 year ago
w multiple health professionals telling me dental issues can cause long term damage to your heart etc it seems so fucked up that in a country with 'universal' healthcare im still stuck paying thousands of dollars getting this shit taken care of. even w some amount of private dental insurance
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cariciapadre · 2 years ago
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gigglin at his silly teeth .,,... i love how stupid snd weird he is
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gummybugg · 1 year ago
Writing ocs is bestowing them some of the greatest gifts of all in response to your own problems, ex, jacked up teeth
You better count your days Elijah because I'm taking all my dental anger out on you
Just...come over here...so we can play dentist 😈🪥
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kariachi · 1 year ago
Okay, how about some dental stuff for some species?
Have no teeth, moving on
Possess 44 teeth as adults, but only 28 when they're tiny, which begin to grow in at about 6 months (Earth time) and are typically done by about a year old
Dental Formula: I 4/4 C 1/1 P 3/3 M 3/3
Babies/toddlers are missing their central pairs of incisors and two back-most sets of molars, as well as canines- the current theory is this helps prevent injury while nursing and slightly lowers choking risk by keeping food further forward in the mouth
They start losing their baby teeth at about 4, a little after the quills begin to grow in. Normally you can tell when a kitten is going to start losing teeth by checking for canine growth, these will grow in before the first baby teeth are lost
In regions where luat trees grow young twigs are harvested and stored in pots of saltwater sealed with resin, to be eaten over the rest of the year to clean the teeth and freshen the breath
In regions where the luat tree doesn't grow the most common method of tooth cleaning is the chewing of bundles of softened bark strips. The juices of various plants are mixed with salt water and it's in this the bundles are stored. A benefit this has over luat twigs in that the bark is inedible, and while it will wear down over time you still get more use out of a single bundle than you do a single twig
Another benefit is that normally at least one of the plants used will have antiseptic properties, helpful with any gum, tongue, or palate injuries
Necromancy is also helpful with this, and a necromancer good with bonework will probably also be able to handle any general dental problems
Still, you're never going to get perfection, doubly so when you lean heavily into frugivore, and especially in Erinaens that live a particularly long time you're likely to lose some teeth. Though it's rare for an Erinaen to lose all them
Dentures and replacement teeth among Erinaens are typically crystal (let them be, they have a lot of it) though wood and bone aren't unheard of
Possess 30 teeth as adults and 20 as small children, which begin growing in at about a year of age (Earth time) and are typically completely grown by 3 years
Dental Formula: I 1/2 C 0/0 P 3/3 M 3/3
Babies/toddlers are missing their second pair of incisors (present only on the bottom jaw) and back two pairs of molars
Baby teeth typically begin falling at at around 6 years and adult teeth are all in place by 12
Adults' second pairs of incisors grow forward and to the side. In ancient Perison ancestors these formed small, straight tusks used for display and combat, but in modern Perison they grow much more slowly and for most of one's life are noticeable only due to the pushing out of the near portions of the bottom lip to accommodate them. As one grows older, however, uneven wear compared to the rest of the teeth means that without dedicating wearing and grinding tusks become more prominent and can grow up to 2 inches long
All Perison teeth growth throughout their lives in a way similar to horses, to make up for constant wear due to their diet of primarily rough plant matter. These teeth are smaller and grow slower than they were in the past, before cooking became a common occurrence, but care must still be taken to ensure even and consistent wear
This is one of the reasons to chew bone- to encourage tooth wear when eating primarily comparably soft cooked foods
When properly maintained a Perison's teeth will reach the point of uselessness somewhere in their early 70s
For the most part dental hygiene looks like ours, though you won't find floss. Bristles came into play with the advent of plastic (previously you would scrub your teeth with a fabric pad on a handle) but plastics have long fallen out of favor on the planet and as a result one of the most common goods imported from other planets is stiff animal hairs that can be trimmed down into proper bristles- it's expensive, but still less so than setting up whole farms of animals they otherwise aren't going to be able to make use of
Still, the poorest herds and households have mostly gone back to the good old scrubbing pad
There's also a bit of a difference with mouthwashes, which are normally a combination of alcohol and salt which as you can guess isn't the most pleasant thing
Dentures and replacement teeth are normally made out of porcelain anymore, though quality varies. Acrylics and resins are, again, no longer popular. Metals are also sometimes seen, but most prefer for their dentures to look as similar to natural teeth as possible.
The exception is the tusks, which are more often done in metal and, when done in porcelain, are generally done in bold colors or with patterns
Possess 36 teeth and don't deal with that 'baby teeth' situation- the progression from 'grub' to 'chick' comes with a free full set of teeth
Dental Formula: I 3/3 C 1/1 P 3/3 M 2/2
Osmosians regrow their teeth regularly, from their few molars to those nearly 3 inch canines. If you take a tooth out of an Osmosian's head, unless they regrew it in the last month or so you can expect a replacement to come in within the week, and even if they did you can expect a new one in the next month or so
They shed their teeth about once every 2.5 years Earth time, not all at once of course but over the course of the hotter months
This can actually be annoying for Osmosians living off the homeworld, as locations where temperatures in the low hundreds are maintained more often can lead to more tooth shedding, while locations that don't reach those temperatures for sustained periods may not trigger tooth shedding at all
While losing the teeth isn't painful, like any tooth eruption having the new ones grow in can be more than a little aggravating
As a result of this Osmosian dental hygiene is... Lacking. As you would expect from fuckers who just toss their teeth every summer and grow new ones essentially on demand, you don't get big into to taking care of them
It doesn't hurt that the Osmosian diet generally doesn't contain a lot of sugars, so there's less damage being done for the relatively short time they have any particular tooth
They have toothpicks, typically made of copper or silver, but on a day to day basis that's the best you're getting. If plaque build-up gets particularly bad an individual may scrub their teeth down with a piece of hide, but that's not a daily matter.
Pretty much every territory has their preferred plants which are cultivated or gathered purely for the sake of freshening breath, by either chewing or drinking as a tea, and there's heavy trade regarding these particular goods
Possess 36 teeth as adults and 20 when tiny, which typically begin erupting at about 6 months (Earth time) and are all in place by 2 years
Dental Formula: I 2/2 C 2/1 P 2/3 M 3/3
Babies/toddlers are missing their back premolars, back molars, and back pair of upper canines
Baby teeth start falling out at around 8 years and adult teeth have normally all erupted by 14, with the upper canines typically falling out and being replaced last
The canines of Tetramand are notably large in comparison to other teeth- ranging from 1 to 3 inches- with the foremost upper canine being larger still- ranging from 3 to 5 inches. As is to be expected, tooth size correlates to the size of the individual
Tetramand dental hygiene is relatively similar to humans, tooth brushes, toothpaste, toothpicks, you know the deal
Tetramand toothbrushes are generally made of metal or stone, and utilize natural bristles off of a native domestic critter. If you have been a native Khoros critter you will understand what I mean when I say these things don't wear out.
'Change your toothbrush every 3 months' my ass, change your toothbrush every 3 years more like, and that's a low estimate
The fourth most commonly cultivated crop serves a dual purpose here- the fruit is tasty and edible, while the skin of said fruit can be dried and chewed to freshen breath
Tooth loss is more common that you would expect from a planet that actually has good healthcare and access, but then these are Tetramand, most people lose at least one tooth through combat. If you're lucky it'll be when you're little
Dentures and replacement teeth among Tetramand vary by culture- in some locations you'll be given actual teeth- normally from animals, sometimes from dead relatives, while in others you'll get metal. Please try not to eat hot foods if you are in the latter group.
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drsinhadentalclinic · 26 days ago
5 Useful Tips for Oral Health and Proper Dental Care at Home
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“Prevention is better than cure”, this adage is true when it comes to taking care of health. Yes, if you take care of your health at home there is less chance of getting ill and don't need to visit a doctor. And few maladies in the human body are not only very critical to cure but also very painful. Hence, you should prevent your health to avoid going through such treatments.
Teeth are one the key organs or you can say part of the human body that plays an important role in keeping humans healthy and fit. Because you don't have healthy teeth you cannot eat properly and it would be difficult to get proper nutrition without chewing food properly.
Hence keeping the teeth healthy and free from germs or infections is very important to enjoy a trouble-free chewing experience in your life. In respect of the same, we brought here types of dental diseases a few useful tips to take care of your teeth and keep dental problems away.  
1. Brush Your Teeth Two Times Everyday
I know every person brushes his teeth at least once every 24 hours and usually most people do it in the morning. But brushing your teeth in the night before going to sleep is more important than in the morning which becomes one of the main reasons for oral problems.  
In fact, when you go to sleep the movement in your mouth stops due to sleep and taking advantage of these germs and bacteria attacks. As when you awake the salvia in your mouth you engulf also takes these bacteria and germs in your stomach. And if there is any food, fiber or extracts of sweets stuck in your mouth such bacteria attract more damage your teeth.       
2. Use Soft Bristles Tooth Brush and Brush Gently
Brushing your teeth with hard pressure can damage the soft tissues and wear down the external layers of the teeth, which will gradually erode your teeth. Tooth brushing of teeth for 2 to 3 minutes is enough to clean your teeth and is recommended by dentists.
To avoid the excessive pressure on your teeth use the soft bristle toothbrush that has less pressure and impact while brushing. While brushing cleaning your teeth on every corner is more important than putting pressure on your brush.  
3. Avoid Consuming the Chilled or Hot Liquids
Consuming ice-cold liquids like cold drinks, refrigerated water, cold drinks and ice cream like extremely cold food or beverages items are not good for your teeth. Consuming such extremely cold liquids will cause sensitivity problems in your teeth.
Similarly, you should also avoid consuming extremely hot liquids that touch teeth while drinking. Apart from that drinks are acidic in nature and having artificial sweeteners like tea, coffee, packed juice, and soft drinks are also not good for the teeth.          
4. Never Overlook Minor Dental Issues
Ignoring minor dental problems can cost you more in terms of going through a painful experience and bearing the cost of treatment for curing the major dental issues. Hence you should not overlook any dental problem, if you face such issues visit your nearest dentist and get the best suitable cure and treatment procedure and keep your teeth healthy.
5. Regularly Visit the Nearest Dentist
It is not necessary when you face any dental problem with your teeth only then visit the dentist. To avoid critical dental problems you should visit the nearest dentist to get your teeth professionally cleaned. The dentist will not only clean your teeth but also examine the whole mouth if there are any other problems or teeth-related diseases, they can be cured timely to avoid major problems.   
Apart from critical dental procedures, dentists also provide various other services like teeth whitening, smile enhancement and braces or orthodontic treatment. These cosmetic dentistry services make your teeth structure look better for a more confident simile and better chewing experience. Hence, if you are living in Greater Noida, you can visit the best dentist in near NTPC Society Greater Noida for regular checkups. Here you can also get the best treatment for various dental problems.      
Source: https://drsinhadentalclinic.wordpress.com/2025/02/05/5-useful-tips-for-oral-health-and-proper-dental-careat-home/
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A beautiful smile can boost your confidence and leave a lasting impression. Cosmetic dentistry offers a variety of treatments designed to enhance the appearance of your teeth and give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Whether you’re dealing with discolored, chipped, or misaligned teeth, a cosmetics dentist in Silver Spring, Maryland has a solution tailored to your needs.
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herespaaa · 2 years ago
The Art of Dog Grooming: A Guide to Keeping Your Pup Fresh and Healthy | HereSpa
Grooming your dog is not just about keeping them looking fabulous; it's a crucial aspect of their overall health and well-being. While there's no one-size-fits-all answer to how often your furry friend needs grooming, understanding the factors that influence pet grooming frequency can help you provide the best care for your beloved canine companion.
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toothtalk · 2 months ago
a neurodivergent spoonie's guide to having teeth
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This blog is for educational and informational purposes only. This does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. Information on this blog should NOT be used for diagnostics or treating a health problem. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified dental health provider regarding diagnosis and treatment of a dental condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog.
this is as close to a comprehensive guide to dental care as i can make. i'm autistic/adhd/ocd/chronically ill and i've worked in dentistry for several years. i want to use my knowledge to help other spoonies struggling with dental care. i know it can be really hard, but dental health is so important and we deserve healthy mouths just as much as NT/abled folks!!
being neurodivergent and/or chronically ill can make personal care tasks incredibly difficult. so many of us struggle with washing our hair, getting dressed, and cleaning up. but remember: hair will grow back if it's damaged, clothes can be washed when they smell bad, and a dirty house can be made clean again, but we only have one set of teeth to last our whole lives. those pearly whites are worth taking care of!
these tips are based on feedback/questions i've gotten from ND folks on tumblr and facebook, patients at the practices i've worked in, and my own experience. standard disclaimer that this information will not be applicable to every single person, just take what works for you and pass the rest on to the next person. i am also a resource for further information. this is going to be pretty rapidfire, so if you want me to elaborate on anything or have a question about something i didn't address in this post, my askbox is open and anon is enabled. i love talking about teeth and i would love to help my fellow spoonies take care of theirs!
without further ado:
on homecare:
any dental professional will tell you that having good oral health starts at home. taking care of our teeth can be incredibly difficult when our spoons are low, so i've made a list of strategies to make it easier.
best practice is to brush twice per day and floss once per day. this may not be realistic for those of us who struggle with habits and/or executive dysfunction. if you can only remember to brush once per day, brushing at night is the most important.
the ideal order of operations is floss, tongue scrape, mouthwash, then brush. but flossing and brushing are the most important steps in the routine.
brushing your teeth in the shower is perfectly acceptable! personally, i keep one toothbrush in the shower and one on the sink to maximize my opportunities to brush.
if you don't have the energy to floss, a toothbrush with fine bristles like this one is a good compromise.
you should replace your toothbrush or electric brush head every three months. the bristles get worn down and become less effective over time. set a recurring event on your phone calendar to keep track!
if you find it difficult to brush your teeth at all, use a washcloth to gently scrub your teeth until you feel that you've gotten the film off, then use a fluoride mouthwash. they also make single-use waterless toothbrushes like these. i like to keep them on my nightstand for really bad days when i can't even get myself to the bathroom to brush.
this is an excellent guide on proper brushing technique.
an electric toothbrush is an excellent investment. even a cheap one at the grocery store is a huge step above a manual toothbrush. personally, i love quip because they're more affordable than brands like sonicare, and they send you replacement brush heads on a regular basis.
be careful not to brush too aggressively; your brush should glide gently over the surface of your teeth. if you feel a lot of friction, lighten your pressure. brushing too hard can wear away your enamel and damage your gums.
if the mint flavor in toothpaste triggers sensory discomfort, try kids' toothpaste! it has less fluoride than adult toothpaste, but it's still miles better than not brushing at all.
mouthwash is used to neutralize bacteria on soft tissues. use an antibacterial or fluoride mouthwash for healthy gums and strong enamel. listerine original is the best, but they have lots of varieties including gum health, alcohol-free, and many more.
whenever possible, use a straw to drink soda or coffee so it doesn't touch your teeth, and rinse with water after you drink it. try to not sip sugary drinks throughout the day. switching to sugar-free beverages will make a huge difference in cavity prevention.
if you have any gaps between teeth, an interdental brush will help you keep the areas between those teeth clean and prevent decay.
i like to keep a package of floss picks in the living room so that i can floss while i watch tv. the best time to floss is right before you brush your teeth, but there is no bad time to floss.
this video shows proper flossing technique. this video shows proper technique when using floss picks.
dry mouth is a lesser-known cause of cavities. saliva protects your teeth from decay, so when you don't produce enough of it, you're at higher risk. dry mouth rinses like this one are a great defense against this!
remember, something is always better than nothing. brushing once a day is better than not brushing at all. flossing once a week is better than not flossing at all. be gentle with yourself.
on finding a dental provider:
finding a new provider and making an appointment can be confusing and overwhelming when we have low executive function. there are some ways to make it just a bit easier.
if you have insurance, they likely have a tool on their website to find providers in your network. you can usually find this information on your insurance card. this should narrow down your options considerably.
the absolute best thing you can do is find a supportive provider who you can open up to about your struggles with dental care. look up your options on google reviews and ctrl+f "anxiety". if these anxious patients have a good experience, it's more likely you will too.
you can ask for recommendations in your local community's facebook group or subreddit, both of which offer anonymity. specify your needs in your post. chances are, other people in your community have similar needs, and can help you find the right people to meet those needs.
a few people expressed that they avoid the dentist because of a family history of poor dental health, and the fear of having the same problems. i want to assure you that, while dental health does have a genetic component, it is far from the only factor. the most effective thing you can do to prevent dental issues is to go in for regular maintenance. prevention is the gold standard in dentistry.
a lot of us struggle with making phone calls. luckily, it's becoming increasingly common for practices to allow online booking and communication via email. look for these options on a practice's website!
if fear or executive dysfunction is getting in your way, phone a friend for help. sometimes things that are hard for us aren't as difficult for others. maybe your roommate can call the office for you. maybe your sister can drive you to your appointment. don't be afraid to lean on your village.
in the dental office:
a big issue with dental offices is that they are basically a sensory nightmare. while it's never going to be fully comfortable, there are some things you can do to make your experience more tolerable.
be open and honest with your dental providers. if you smoke, tell them (this includes cannabis; they cannot report you for cannabis use even if you're not in a legal state). if you've never flossed before, tell them. their job is to help you, not shame you. if a provider makes you feel ashamed, stop seeing them.
so many people have mentioned they're embarrassed about their anxiety and sensory struggles in the dental office. let me assure you that your providers see so many anxious patients every single day. they're used to it, and they're not going to be judging you. to help illustrate this, i'm going to cite some examples of patients from my practice and the ways we help them manage their anxiety and sensory struggles.
probably the most common concern among patients in our practice is a fear of the numbing injection. i have a pretty severe phobia of needles myself. our dental assistants are well-trained to manage this fear. they distract patients during the shot, and help them breathe through the anxiety before and after. this training is part of the dental assistant certification process, so it should be relatively universal.
you can bring a comfort item with you. be it a stuffed animal, a video game, a book, even a comforting person who can sit with you.
you know that lead vest that they lay on you when they take xrays? you can ask to wear that during your whole visit. it acts like a weighted blanket and it feels so nice and comforting. we have a few patients who do this at my practice.
headphones or earplugs are a lifesaver to drown out all the horrible sounds. i literally refuse to get a cleaning without them. there's even a hygienist at my practice that wears earplugs while she's working because the sound of the cavitron bothers her. there's no shame in it whatsoever.
if your practice offers it, nitrous oxide is a great option for anxiety. most people know it as laughing gas. it puts you in a dreamlike state so you're more or less unaware of what's going on. no joke, this stuff had me so relaxed i fully fell asleep while getting a root canal. you can even get it when you get your cleanings!
a lot of our patients request a specific doctor, dental assistant, and hygienist for their appointments. this is incredibly common. if you find someone that makes you feel safe, let the scheduling staff know that you'd like to see that person each time you come in.
dress comfy. there's no dress code for the dental office; show up in sweatpants if you want.
remember at the end of the day, your dental providers are not there to judge you if you don't have perfect homecare. their ultimate goal is to get your mouth healthy no matter your starting place. i can't speak for every dentist obviously, but the dentists at my practice are incredibly patient and sympathetic and have nothing but their patients' best interests in mind.
again: if you feel disrespected or shamed by your provider, find a new one who will be compassionate with you. you don't owe any provider loyalty, even if you've been going there since you were a toddler.
on recovery:
one of the hardest things to do is build healthy habits when you're starting from an unhealthy place. if you're dealing with poor dental health, getting your mouth healthy again can seem impossibly daunting. i'm here to tell you it is possible, but it takes work.
it starts in the dental chair. your provider should communicate what treatment is the highest priority, and they will start there. rather than overwhelming yourself with the big picture, focus your attention on the next step.
things like root canals, crowns, and periodontal treatment can be very expensive. unfortunately, in the united states at least, dental insurance is quite lacking across the board. if expenses are a concern, dental schools are a great option for having treatment done at a low cost. keep in mind that treatment will often take significantly longer due to the dentists being supervised students.
my job in the practice is treatment coordinator. this means that i work one-on-one with my patients to help them understand their treatment plans and make the process as easy and comfortable as possible for them. ask your practice if they have a treatment coordinator. if they don't, suggest that they create the role, and reach out to me here. my dream is to be able to help people manage their oral health. i will be a resource to anyone that doesn't have a treatment coordinator available to help you navigate your course of treatment.
any restorative work (fillings, crowns, etc.) that you have done has to be cared for, just like virgin teeth. cavities can still form underneath fillings and crowns. make sure you are keeping your regular hygiene appointments, and use the above strategies to effectively care for your restorations at home.
if you have a lot of treatment to work through, it may take a long time. we have patients that have spent 2-3 years working through their treatment plans with us. this can feel daunting and depressing. but remember, it's not forever. the majority of these patients who continue to see us for regular visits only have 1-2 new cavities at a time, if anything, once we finish their initial work.
there are very few dental problems that cannot be fixed. cavities can be filled, crowns placed, root canals done to save teeth that are severely decayed. gum disease cannot be cured, but it can be very effectively managed. i see patients all the time that come in expecting to lose all their teeth and need dentures, only to be relieved when we tell them only a few teeth are truly not restorable.
my job revolves around patient education, and it's always shocking to me how little we are taught about caring for our teeth. please be kind to yourselves; it is NOT your fault for not knowing or having the resources to take care of them yourself. once again, my askbox is open and anon is enabled if you have more questions after reading this guide.
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thepuppost · 2 years ago
The Most Common Health Issues for Dogs and How to Prevent Them
🐾🩺 As a dog owner, it's important to know the most common health issues that can affect your furry friend and how to prevent them. Check out this article to learn more about maintaining good health for your pup! 🐶💪 #DogHealth #HealthyPets #thepuppost
Importance of maintaining good health for dogs Good health is essential for dogs to lead happy and fulfilling lives. Dogs that are unhealthy may suffer from various diseases that can significantly affect their quality of life. To ensure that dogs remain healthy, it is important for owners to provide them with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and routine veterinary check-ups. Table of…
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tarotwithavi · 1 year ago
Saturn in houses
In astrology, Saturn signifies your sense of duty, responsibilities, setbacks, obstacles and karmic lessons.
For entertainment purposes only
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Saturn in first house
Saturn's presence here can make the individual serious, disciplined, and responsible. They may appear mature beyond their years, with a reserved demeanor. They might have a lean or bony physical structure. Individuals with Saturn in the first house may struggle with self-esteem or self-worth issues. They might feel a sense of inadequacy or pressure to meet high standards, both internally and externally imposed. Saturn's influence can affect the health, particularly the skeletal system, joints, teeth, and skin. These individuals may be prone to ailments like arthritis, dental issues, or skin problems. However, with proper discipline and care, they can maintain good health. Saturn's placement here can bestow a strong sense of ambition and determination. They are willing to work hard and endure challenges to achieve their goals. However, they may also face delays or obstacles along the way, which teach them patience and resilience. Saturn in the first house can indicate a cautious approach to relationships. These individuals may take their time to trust others and establish deep connections. They seek stability and commitment in partnerships but may struggle with expressing emotions openly. These individuals are often drawn to professions that require discipline, responsibility, and long-term planning. They may excel in fields such as management, law, engineering, or politics. However, they may face challenges or delays in their career progression, which require perseverance to overcome. Saturn's influence here can also lead to a deep introspective nature and a quest for spiritual understanding. These individuals may seek meaning and purpose in life through self-discipline, meditation, or religious practices.
Saturn in second house
Saturn in the second house often indicates a serious approach towards finances. It can bring financial stability through hard work, discipline, and long-term planning. However, there may also be delays or obstacles in financial matters, teaching the individual important lessons about managing resources wisely. Saturn here instills a strong sense of values and principles related to money, possessions, and personal worth. The individual may place great importance on security, frugality, and practicality in their approach to wealth accumulation. This placement can sometimes create tension or responsibilities within the family regarding financial matters. There may be a sense of duty towards family members, especially in providing financial support or taking care of elderly relatives. Saturn's influence can lead to cautious or reserved communication, especially regarding matters related to money and possessions. The individual may be careful with their words and prefer to speak only when necessary. Individuals with Saturn in the second house may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem, particularly in relation to their financial status or abilities. However, with effort and perseverance, they can gradually build a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence. While Saturn's influence may initially manifest as limitations or obstacles, it also rewards diligent effort and persistence. Over time, the individual can achieve material success and financial security through disciplined work and responsible management of resources. There may be a tendency to be conservative or cautious with money, preferring safe and stable investments over risky ventures. This approach can lead to slow but steady growth in wealth over time. Saturn in the second house often indicates karmic lessons related to finances, values, and self-reliance. The individual may need to confront and overcome challenges in these areas to fulfill their soul's evolutionary journey.
Saturn in third house
The third house represents communication, siblings, courage, and self-expression. Saturn here can indicate challenges or delays in communication. It may suggest a reserved or serious demeanor in speech. Relationships with siblings may be characterized by responsibility, duty, or even distance. Saturn in the third house enhances determination and discipline in communication and intellectual pursuits. Individuals may have a structured approach to learning and may excel in subjects that require focus and perseverance, such as mathematics or technical fields. Saturn's presence in the third house can bring obstacles and challenges in matters related to communication, short-distance travel, and interactions with neighbors or relatives. These challenges may serve as opportunities for personal growth and maturity, but they can also lead to feelings of frustration or limitation. Individuals with Saturn in the third house tend to have a practical and realistic approach to life. They may be cautious in their decision-making and prefer to rely on logic rather than intuition. This placement encourages careful planning and attention to detail in all areas of life. Saturn's placement in the third house can indicate a sense of responsibility towards siblings or younger relatives. These individuals may take on the role of a mentor or guide for their siblings, offering support and practical advice when needed. Saturn in the third house instills a strong work ethic and a willingness to put in the necessary effort to achieve one's goals. Individuals with this placement are likely to be diligent and hardworking, especially in areas related to communication, writing, or teaching. Success and recognition may come later in life for individuals with Saturn in the third house. They may need to overcome various obstacles and challenges before achieving their goals, but the rewards are likely to be long-lasting and well-deserved.
Saturn in fourth house
Saturn's placement in the fourth house often brings a sense of responsibility and seriousness to matters related to home and family. It may indicate a person who takes their family duties seriously, perhaps even feeling burdened by familial obligations at times. Saturn's influence can lead to a more reserved and disciplined approach to emotions. Individuals with this placement may struggle with expressing their feelings openly and might prefer a structured or traditional approach to emotional matters. Saturn in the fourth house can indicate a strong focus on property, land, and real estate matters. It may suggest delays or challenges in acquiring or managing property, but with perseverance, individuals can achieve stability in this area. The influence of Saturn in the fourth house can reflect a significant influence from one or both parents, particularly the father. There may be a sense of authority or strictness associated with parental figures, shaping the individual's upbringing and values. This placement can bring a deep-seated need for security and stability, both externally in the home environment and internally within oneself. Individuals may work diligently to establish a solid foundation in life, striving for long-term security and comfort. Saturn's placement in the fourth house may indicate a propensity towards introspection and a serious approach to inner growth. Individuals may grapple with deep-seated fears or insecurities, but through self-discipline and perseverance, they can achieve profound psychological insights and personal transformation. There may be a strong attachment to cultural heritage, traditions, and ancestral roots with Saturn in the fourth house. Individuals may feel a sense of duty to preserve family customs and values, even in the face of modern challenges or societal changes. Saturn's presence in the fourth house can bring various challenges and lessons related to home, family, and emotional security. These challenges often serve as opportunities for growth and maturity, teaching individuals valuable lessons about resilience, responsibility, and self-reliance.
Saturn in fifth house
The 5th house governs creativity, self-expression, intelligence, education, and children. Saturn's presence here may indicate a disciplined approach to creativity and self-expression. These individuals may have a structured and methodical approach to artistic endeavors, preferring traditional or time-tested methods over impulsivity. They may excel in fields requiring deep concentration, such as research, writing, or technical subjects. Saturn's influence in the 5th house can bring a serious and studious attitude towards education. These individuals may value knowledge and learning deeply, often pursuing higher education or specialized training with dedication and perseverance. However, there may be delays or obstacles in academic pursuits, requiring patience and persistence to overcome. Saturn's presence in the 5th house may bring challenges and responsibilities related to children and parenthood. There may be delays or difficulties in conceiving children, or the individual may take a cautious and disciplined approach to parenting. They may instill a strong sense of discipline and responsibility in their children, emphasizing the importance of hard work and perseverance. In matters of romance and relationships, Saturn in the 5th house may indicate a reserved or cautious approach. These individuals may be selective and practical when it comes to matters of the heart, preferring stable and long-lasting relationships over fleeting passions. They may also experience delays or challenges in finding romantic fulfillment, requiring patience and perseverance in matters of love. The 5th house also governs speculative ventures, gambling, and risk-taking activities. With Saturn here, individuals may approach these areas with caution and conservatism. They are unlikely to take unnecessary risks and may prefer to invest time and effort in more secure and stable pursuits. However, if they do engage in speculative activities, they are likely to do so with careful planning and analysis.
Saturn in sixth house
The sixth house represents service, daily work routines, health, enemies, obstacles, and conflicts. With Saturn here, the native tends to take their responsibilities seriously and may excel in professions that involve service or helping others. They are likely to be hardworking, methodical, and dedicated to their duties. Saturn's presence in the sixth house can indicate a strong focus on health matters. The native may face health challenges or chronic conditions, but they have the resilience to overcome these obstacles through discipline and perseverance. It's essential for them to maintain a structured and disciplined approach to health and well-being. Saturn in the sixth house suggests that the individual may face challenges or delays in their work environment. They may encounter demanding bosses, bureaucratic hurdles, or a heavy workload. However, they have the patience and endurance to handle these challenges effectively and emerge stronger from them. The sixth house is also associated with enemies and conflicts. Saturn here indicates that the native may face opposition or conflicts in their life, but they have the ability to deal with adversaries with maturity, caution, and strategic planning. They prefer to resolve conflicts through diplomacy and negotiation rather than confrontation. Individuals with Saturn in the sixth house often find fulfillment in serving others or working in fields that contribute to the well-being of society. They may excel in professions such as healthcare, social work, counseling, or public service where their disciplined approach and sense of duty can make a significant impact. Saturn's placement in the sixth house suggests that the native is working through karmic lessons related to service, responsibility, and overcoming obstacles. They may need to learn the value of self-discipline, humility, and perseverance in their journey towards personal growth and fulfillment.
Saturn in seventh house
Saturn in the seventh house often brings a sense of responsibility, seriousness, and maturity to relationships. It can indicate delays or obstacles in finding a suitable partner or in the process of getting married. However, once committed, individuals with this placement tend to take their partnerships very seriously and may prioritize stability and longevity over passion. Individuals with Saturn in the seventh house may feel a strong sense of duty and obligation towards their partners. They are likely to approach relationships with caution and practicality, preferring to establish a solid foundation before fully committing. Saturn's presence in the seventh house can bring challenges and lessons in the realm of partnerships. These challenges may include issues related to commitment, communication, or power dynamics within relationships. However, overcoming these challenges can lead to personal growth and maturity. This placement can also indicate success in business partnerships, particularly those that involve long-term planning, discipline, and hard work. Individuals with Saturn in the seventh house may excel in professions that require negotiation, diplomacy, and strategic thinking. Saturn in the seventh house often indicates karmic lessons and connections in relationships. Past life karma may play a significant role in the dynamics of partnerships, with lessons related to duty, responsibility, and mutual support. Depending on other factors in the birth chart, Saturn in the seventh house can sometimes indicate delays or obstacles in marriage. However, these delays are often temporary and can be overcome with patience, perseverance, and maturity. Despite the challenges, individuals with this placement are likely to have long-lasting and stable relationships. They have the ability to weather storms and overcome obstacles through their patience, perseverance, and commitment to their partners.
Saturn in the eighth house
Saturn in the eighth house often indicates a life marked by profound transformations and significant changes. These changes may be intense and may occur suddenly or through challenging circumstances. The individual may undergo various upheavals and experiences that lead to inner growth and evolution. This placement suggests a deep, intense, and introspective nature. The individual is likely to explore the depths of their own psyche and may have a keen interest in esoteric subjects, mysteries, and occult phenomena. They may possess a penetrating insight into the hidden aspects of life and may be drawn to explore taboo subjects or unconventional practices. Saturn in the eighth house can also indicate concerns or challenges related to inheritance, joint finances, or legacies. There may be obstacles or delays in matters pertaining to shared resources, taxes, insurance, or inheritances from others. However, with patience and perseverance, the individual can navigate these challenges and eventually establish a stable foundation in these areas. Individuals with this placement often develop a strong sense of psychological resilience and inner strength. They have the capacity to endure adversity and hardship, emerging from difficult situations with newfound wisdom and maturity. Saturn's influence in the eighth house instills a sense of discipline, responsibility, and determination, which enables the individual to confront life's challenges with courage and fortitude. Saturn's placement in the eighth house can also signify a profound spiritual journey characterized by deep introspection, inner purification, and spiritual transformation. The individual may be drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or metaphysical studies, seeking to unravel the mysteries of existence and attain higher states of consciousness. Saturn in the eighth house may indicate a karmic reckoning, where past actions and debts come to the forefront for resolution. The individual may be confronted with karmic lessons related to power dynamics, trust, betrayal, and emotional intimacy. Through facing these challenges head-on, they have the opportunity to transcend limitations and evolve spiritually.
Saturn in ninth house
Saturn in the ninth house suggests a deep-seated interest in spirituality, religion, and philosophy. The individual may have a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards understanding the deeper meaning of life and may embark on a quest for spiritual truth. These individuals tend to have a serious and philosophical outlook on life. They may be drawn to ancient wisdom, traditional teachings, and may seek guidance from spiritual gurus or mentors. Saturn's presence can bring challenges and delays in higher education. The individual may face obstacles in academic pursuits or may have to work harder to achieve academic success. However, perseverance and dedication can lead to eventual success. Saturn in the ninth house often indicates that wisdom and knowledge are acquired through life's experiences and hardships. The individual may have to overcome various trials and tribulations to gain profound insights and understanding. These individuals may hold conservative or traditional beliefs, and they may be resistant to change. They prefer stability and security in their philosophical and religious beliefs, often adhering to age-old traditions and customs. Saturn here can indicate limitations or restrictions in long-distance travel. It may require careful planning and organization, and there may be delays or obstacles during journeys. However, travel undertaken with a purpose, such as for educational or spiritual purposes, can be beneficial. The relationship with the father may be characterized by seriousness, discipline, or distance. The father may play a significant role in shaping the individual's philosophical and moral values, but there could also be challenges or responsibilities associated with this relationship. Despite the challenges posed by Saturn, individuals with this placement can achieve success and fortune through discipline, hard work, and perseverance. They are capable of building a solid foundation for their future, especially in fields related to law, spirituality, teaching, or philosophy.
Saturn in tenth house
Saturn in the tenth house imbues the individual with a strong sense of responsibility, discipline, and perseverance in their professional endeavors. They are likely to take their career seriously and understand the importance of hard work and commitment. Individuals with Saturn in the tenth house are often career-oriented and may prioritize their professional goals above other aspects of life. They are willing to put in the necessary effort and sacrifice to achieve success in their chosen field. Saturn's placement here may grant the individual leadership qualities and the ability to handle positions of authority with maturity and wisdom. They may excel in managerial roles or positions that require them to take charge and make important decisions. While Saturn brings stability and structure, its placement in the tenth house can also indicate challenges and obstacles in the individual's career path. They may face delays, setbacks, or struggles in achieving their goals, but these experiences ultimately serve to strengthen their character and resilience. Saturn in the tenth house can influence the individual's public image and reputation. They may be perceived as reliable, competent, and respected by their peers and superiors. However, they may also be cautious about how they present themselves to the world, striving to maintain a professional and dignified demeanor. Individuals with this placement may have a traditional approach to their career and may prefer established, conventional paths rather than taking risks or exploring unconventional options. They value stability and security in their professional life. Saturn in the tenth house encourages the individual to focus on long-term goals and legacy-building. They may have a strong sense of duty towards leaving a lasting impact in their field or making meaningful contributions to society. In Vedic astrology, Saturn is also associated with the father. Its placement in the tenth house can indicate a significant influence or involvement of the father in the individual's career path and professional development.
Saturn in the eleventh house
Saturn's presence here can indicate that the native takes their friendships seriously and may have a small but close-knit circle of friends. These friendships may endure for a long time but could also involve responsibilities or limitations. Saturn's influence in the eleventh house can lead to slow but steady growth in income and gains. However, there may be delays or obstacles in achieving financial goals. The native may need to work hard and demonstrate discipline and perseverance to attain financial stability. Individuals with Saturn in the eleventh house may have ambitious goals and aspirations. They are likely to be cautious and practical in pursuing their dreams, preferring to plan meticulously and work methodically towards their objectives. Saturn's placement here often emphasizes social responsibility. The native may be involved in community or humanitarian efforts, driven by a sense of duty towards society. They may also encounter challenges or obstacles in achieving their social or collective goals. Saturn's presence can make the native cautious in forming new associations or joining groups. They may prefer quality over quantity in their social networks and may be selective about the causes or organizations they align themselves with. Individuals with Saturn in the eleventh house tend to have a long-term perspective on life. They are strategic in their approach and may invest time and effort in endeavors that promise long-lasting results, even if the rewards are delayed. Saturn's placement in any house brings karmic lessons, and in the eleventh house, these lessons often revolve around detachment, discipline, and responsibility within social and group dynamics. The native may need to learn to balance their individual aspirations with their obligations towards others.
Saturn in the twelfth house
Saturn in the twelfth house often indicates a deep interest in spirituality and introspection. These individuals may be drawn to meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices as a means of seeking inner peace and understanding. There may be periods of isolation or a sense of being excluded from mainstream society. This placement can indicate a preference for solitude or a need to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of the external world. Saturn in the twelfth house can suggest a strong sense of duty towards serving others or making sacrifices for the greater good. These individuals may find fulfillment through acts of charity, service-oriented professions, or involvement in humanitarian causes. The twelfth house is often associated with karmic debts and past life experiences. Saturn's presence here may indicate a need to confront and resolve unresolved karmic issues or to fulfill duties left unfinished from previous lifetimes. Individuals with this placement may face obstacles and limitations in their life journey, particularly in matters related to the twelfth house themes such as spirituality, endings, and hidden enemies. However, these challenges can serve as opportunities for growth and self-discovery, as Saturn encourages perseverance and discipline. Saturn in the twelfth house can suggest connections or experiences with foreign lands, cultures, or people. These individuals may feel a strong affinity for foreign languages, travel, or living abroad. Despite the challenges posed by this placement, individuals with Saturn in the twelfth house often possess a profound inner strength and resilience. They have the ability to endure hardships and setbacks with patience and fortitude, ultimately emerging stronger and wiser from their experiences.
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violenteconomics · 2 months ago
today’s lesson: proper communication and translation 🗣️
azul: greetings! i am your professor, azul ashengrotto! welcome to "freshmen 101 for aspiring upperclassmen" at night raven college! the only class that will you teach how to effectively handle those little brats— I MEAN loveable new faces you see around your dorm!
riddle: today, we will focus on how to properly communicate with your first-years. some of the things they say may be confusing and/or contradictory, so it's important to know how to translate their sentences into coherent language you understand.
vil: we have set up a variety of examples with our fellow co-professors and fellow seniors to guide you along this journey.
epel: vil, do you think i’d look better with a tattoo?
vil: translation: i am entering my rebellious phase and also want to ruin my delicate skin with a glorified paint job that i will most definitely regret in the future and will make me wish i had listened to my housewarden more. also, i have no hope of a happy future and will live out my days as a gangster on the streets.
epel: …what?
ortho: big brother, can you help me with a cosmetics alteration to my gear?
idia: big brother, i want to be the sparkliest, prettiest, most drop-dead gorgeous, most attractive, most charming, 5-star-reviewed, no notes, darling, glamorous, talented, brilliant, incredible, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, stunning, bewitching, adorbs, graceful, beguiling, smashing, knock-out, irresistible person in the classroom tomorrow.
ortho: yay~! 😀
deuce: sorry i was out past curfew, trey… i’m a little tired, so is it okay if i skip brushing my teeth tonight?
trey: translation: i have a secret boyfriend that i don’t want you to know about because he coerces me to engage in illegal underground boxing rings and convinces me that brushing my teeth is for losers. please get involved and maybe call the police and also never let me out of the dorm again until i’ve properly relearned the benefits of proper dental hygiene!
deuce: …huh?
sebek: silver, i think… i would like to make some friends with the people in our dorm. could you… mayhaps give me some advice?
silver: translation: i am a strikingly realistic imposter of your actual friend. i do not love nor care for you, and in fact, am very frightened by your presence, so i will gather allies from other places in an elaborate scheme to destroy you, the liege you’ve sworn your life to, your father, and your friend, whom i’ve already killed and whose body i have hidden in the basement. please end me.
sebek: pardon? what— what are you— why are you carrying around a camera— NO! NO NO NO NONONONO SILVER IF I’VE OFFENDED YOU I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE— SILVER PUT THE SWORD DOWN—
yuu: everyday, i’m scared that everything i’ve worked so hard to build in this world, all the friends i’ve made… all of it will just— slip through my fingers like sand… kalim? azul? what are your biggest fears?
kalim: translation: wow, things sure have been getting a little upsetti spaghetti around here! let’s throw a huge party in the mostro lounge with food and games and bright lights and elephants and and invite all of our friends to lighten up the atmosphere! the more, the merrier!
azul: translation: and while we’re at it, please don’t forget the mostro lounge’s limited time “part of your world” event, which offers authentic drinks, food, and even little trinkets from all around the world, for 20% off its original price!
yuu: guys pls
ace: hey, riddle? i, uh… i need help with smth.
riddle: translation: i have gotten into some very serious trouble and am about to lure you into a death trap that will get us both severely injured in all likelihood, and i am coming to you, specifically, about this, because i know you care deeply for me and couldn’t say no if you honestly thought my life was in danger, and i am going to exploit it for my own ends. what is it, ace?
ace: …ok, u lil bitch i see how it is
jack: hey, leona? ruggie? do you… do you love me?
ruggie: translation: give me food!
jack: …would it help if i said it first?
leona: …no, wait— i think maybe he said “give me sliced pears on a plate”... not sure, tho.
ruggie: that does sound right...
jack: oh my seven.
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multiakimo · 4 days ago
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all i want is for jongwoo and heejoong to stay in touch post-canon 😔 and also for heejoong to get some proper dental care because oh my god ow
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raziiyah · 5 months ago
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hey! this is actually something i've thought about quite a lot before so here's how i see it:
since monsters are so diverse in the monster world, there are a vast amount of factors that are considered beautiful. some monsters may like 1 eye, some like 3 eyes and some like 8. some like feathers, scales, or fur. it just comes down to preference. but for monsters, generally, scary = beautiful
firstly, for the teeth thing, i imagined that just like human beauty standards, monster beauty standards can change. perhaps yellow teeth used to be the standard, but then it was discovered that whiter teeth made them more visible and gave them a scarier appearance. also, maybe they discovered that poor dental health caused monsters to lose their teeth sooner, which is a problem if you rely on them for scaring. proper dental care allowed you to stay healthy and kept your teeth in good condition, keeping you in the scaring career for longer. like when sulley is brushing his teeth in mi, mike really emphasizes getting rid of plaque
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this change could also be why randall's teeth in mi are visibly whiter than they were in mu
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as for female monsters, i see it sorta like how jessica rabbit from who framed roger rabbit is in toon town. she's regarded as very beautiful, but not as desireable or successful (to other toons) as roger rabbit, someone more cartoony and goofy looking
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so though the more humanoid looking monsters could be considered beautiful, since being a scarer is known as the biggest achievement a monster could have, if you're scary, you're considered beautiful on a whole other level.
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another idea i had is that scaring could be considered as a male dominated career, so the scary/beauty standards for female monsters aren't as scrutinized as much as male monsters. this could be why there are more female monsters that aren't necessarily as "scary looking"
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this could also play a role into why the pnk's are so cutthroat- with a more conventionally beautiful appearance, they might not be considered the most successful in monster society. sure they could be models and movie stars
(though i can still see """scary/conventionally unattractive""" monsters being just as viable as models and moviestars in the monster world, maybe even more so),
but since scarers are the creme de la creme, "prettier" monsters could sometimes be seen as beautiful but maybe not typically the image of someone "successful" or "desireable" (my oc lia is a scarer and has a body type similar to the pnks so i made this an insecurity of hers hehe)
but monsters can combat this by showing their scariness through their glowing eyes, teeth, claws, etc. this could be valuable as well as there's a scary/surprising factor to appearing "innocent" at first, which could be advantageous in scaring, if you know how to use it (like the pnk's in the toxicity challenge or terri and terry in the scare simulator)
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also considering the movie poster seen in maw; it's about monsters in space, likely referring to aliens. humans could be considered aliens/alien-looking to monsters because they come from another world, and heather has a more humanoid appearance
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on the other hand, hss is more favored as "one of the most powerful, scary monsters in campus, and they have a more traditionally "scary" appearance. and in monsters at work, of the female monsters in the mu sororities, rosie levin was the one who made it to the same scare/(laugh) floor that sulley/(mike) are/(were) on, at monsters inc.
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so really i think beauty is subjective in the monster world since everyone is so different. conventionally beautiful monsters are still beautiful, maybe even some monster's preference, but scary monsters are generally favored most, because of how much monster society is centered around scaring. after all, "scariness is the true measure of a monster."
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@moonlight-monster @randall-simp-nadt88
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herboobsaregreat · 1 year ago
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Proper dental care actually improves overall health.
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