#prongsfoot if you squint
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uhhlifeig · 2 months ago
First Divorce - Jan. 15th - word count: 298 - @wolfstarmicrofic
Sirius groaned as sunlight streamed through the window. 
He knew he shouldn’t have gone out. His head was killing him and his mouth was so incredibly dry, and he literally remembered none of the previous night.
He turned to face the floor, catching sight of James sprawled across the carpet.
“Mornin’, Prongs,” Sirius croaked.
“Don’t talk, mate,” James muttered. “Hurts.”
Sirius nodded, and then immediately regretted that decision when his world started spinning. When he finally stopped feeling nauseated, he took a good look around the room.
There was nothing out of the ordinary- except for the marriage certificate on the table.
What. The. Fuck.
Sirius picked up the certificate, noting both his and James’s signatures. 
“James Fleamont Potter,” he screeched, ignoring his pounding headache in favor of being dramatic. “We’re married?”
James frowned, opening his eyes. “Fuck, the light,” he hissed. “Ow, that hurts.”
“We got married?” Sirius asked again. 
“That’s what it says, no?” James answered.
“But we can’t be married!” Sirius yelped. “I want my beautiful Moony and I can’t have him if we’re married! And you have Lily!”
“Yeah, yeah, okay,” James grunted, attempting to sit up. “Let’s get divorced, then.”
Just then, Remus walked into the room. “Hello, Sleeping Beauty,” he grinned. “I see you’ve found the papers.”
Sirius looked at his boyfriend incredulously. “You knew?” he asked, feigning betrayal. “Moons, Moony, my love, why didn’t you stop us?”
“It was funny,” Remus shrugged. “Here’s some water and crackers.”
“Oh, Moony, my lord and savior.” Sirius said, making grabby hands. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“Good question. Now, James,” Remus said, turning and prodding his friend gently. “Get up and share the crackers with Padfoot. Peter and Lily are coming.”
“Mfffgh.” James rolled over so that he was facedown. “Go away.”
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soft-likethesunset · 11 days ago
all the marauders (but mainly sirius) call james 'sunshine' it's true they told me themselves 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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madamewalburga · 5 months ago
Sirius blinked once to steady himself from the minor sway Apparition always gives him. The grass was wet under his black leather shoes, and he glared at every droplet slowly coating it — as if sheer will (annoyance) might stop the light rain around him.
He could've summoned an umbrella and spelled himself dry, but being annoyed was slightly easier than doing all that.
He stopped at the sight before him, straightened his back, and held his head high. Immediately realizing what he did, he scowled and slouched even lower, glaring at the back of the person in front of him.
Five years after leaving Grimmauld, the sight of Walburga's perfect posture still drives him into the perfect heir mode.
"Summon an umbrella, you dog," Walburga chastised him, back still facing Sirius. She was completely dry, her right hand holding up a transparent umbrella sprouting out the tip of her wand.
Sirius snickered at the insult. He walked closer until she was standing a few feet beside her. He made a show of messily kicking the mud off his shoes at Walburga's direction. Not that it reached her, invisible full-body umbrella and all.
"Half-witted canine."
Sirius smiled wider. "Hello to you too, mother dear."
They stood side by side in silence, breathing in the smell of wet soil of the fresh grave below their feet.
"I have a question," Sirius, for the first time in years, turned his whole body to look at the person who raised him fully. Arms crossed on his chest, he lazily pointed at the sky and asked, "Why does it always rain when someone gets buried? Isn't it a bit... y'know?"
"Finish your sentence, boy." Walburga replied, still not looking at her son. She flicked her wand very slightly, the faint glimmer of her magic reflected on the top of Sirius's head.
Sirius kept his eyes on that wand and reached for his own. He scoffed at the thought of this person starting... things here, of all places, just because he did not finish a sentence.
"Well?" Walburga asked.
"It's a bit cliché, is it not?"
The corner of Walburga's lips rose. "Somebody has to mourn the dead, no?"
"What, you're not mourning it enough?"
"No," Walburga replied quickly. "Are you?"
Smiling at the answer he should've expected, Sirius replied, "Fuck no."
Sirius shook his head. Unbelievable. His mother could not even pretend to be mad at him. He crouched down to touch the soil of his father's grave, tracing an outline of a dick with the tip of his wand.
"How childish."
"You should try it too, Mother. It's a bit fun."
He took a cigarette from the chest pocket of his suit. Before lighting it, he pointed his wand up to summon that umbrella he should've summoned moments ago. Only to look up and notice the glimmer of Walburga's magic over him. He immediately looked back down and lit the tip of his cigarette, swallowing the tightness of his throat before taking a puff.
Sirius finished his first cigarette wordlessly. He pressed it against the soil and watched the remaining embers die before sticking it over his father's grave.
"Do not desecrate your father's grave."
"I would piss and shit here if I was a dog." Sirius took another cigarette from his pocket. "Wait, you called me one earlier." He grinned up at her, who rolled his eyes at him.
He observed his mother's face. Her features were still regal and sharp, even with age. Not that his mother was old. He'd never thought about it, but his mother had him when she was just a bit older than he currently is. Her grey eyes never left the tombstone. Though Sirius considered himself an expert in deciphering his mother's expressions, try as he might he had no idea what his mother was thinking as she stared blankly at Orion's grave.
Sirius offered her the cigarette. "Want one?"
For the first time since he arrived here, Walburga stared at him. Sirius held her gaze.
She took the cigarette and lighted it wordlessly. And wandlessly.
Full of surprises today, his mother.
"You have to teach me that," Sirius smirked at her.
"I tried to teach you many useful things and this is what you ask of me?"
"Well, that's a neat trick." Sirius stood up with a groan. He faced his mother and swallowed the tightness in his throat again.
"You know what you should do?" He asked softly. "You should remarry."
His mother chuckled mirthlessly.
"I mean it."
Walburga exhaled. "You should come back to Grimmauld. Sort out the family affairs. Do your duty to—"
"You know I won't."
"You still should." Walburga exhales smoke again, this time slower. "Much as you and I hate this both, you're the only one who can pass on the family name."
"You can! Go and remarry. Find someone you love—"
His mother laughed.
"—make him take the family name. Spend the entire Black fucking fortune, I do not care for it. Do whatever you want!"
Walburga considered him and for the first time in so long, Sirius saw the same adoration his mother used to have for him. Before he disappointed her. Walburga reached out to touch his face. He flinched and closed his eyes before she could touch him. When he opened his eyes, his mother was back to staring blankly at his father's tombstone, her hand clutching her skirt tightly.
"You know I can't," she whispered.
Blinking back the heat behind his eyes, he whispered. "Yes, you can."
Not hearing a response from his mother, he repeated it more firmly. "Yes, you can. You can do whatever the fuck you want now, mummy. You're free!"
"Are you?" his mother faced him once more. "Free?" Of him? Of me?
Sirius stared at her. He smiled. "I'm doing my best."
"Good," Walburga nodded. "Good."
They stood together in silence once more, both finishing their cigarettes. Sirius opened his mouth to try and convince his mother one last time, only to be beaten to it by her.
"That Potter boy has been lurking around the woods for ages now. Tell him to get lost if he doesn't know how to pay his respects properly."
Sirius turned to the trees and saw James hide behind one. James took a peek after a while. When he caught Sirius's eyes, he raised a brow and mouthed 'Go now?', his thumb pointing behind him.
Sirius threw him a v. "Fucking idiot."
Sirius faced Walburga again. He swiped his palm over his mouth, muttering what sounded like a fuck it. "If you don't mind me bringing James, I could stop by Grimmauld, see what I can do—"
"Don't." Walburga smiled at him. She reached out to touch his face, and Sirius stood still beneath her touch. "You're doing your best, remember?"
Sirius stayed still.
"Go now. Your James is waiting."
Sirius nodded and turned to walk towards James.
He paused.
"Don't sleep with your hair wet."
He kept his head down, staring at his now polished shoes as he approached James.
"Hey," James ran his fingers through Sirius's hair as he tried to meet the other's eyes. "Chin up, yeah?"
"Okay," James smiled at him. He glanced above James's head when he caught the glimmer of magic.
"Home now?"
"Yeah," Sirius nodded. "Home now."
James offered his hand, and Sirius took it.
It was completely dry.
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snarky-magpie · 8 months ago
(Here I come to ruin your Saturday with a bit of angst. You can read the whole story here but it's a sad one.) “And what do you see when you look in the mirror, Regulus? I told you mine. It’s only fair you tell me yours.” 
Regulus holds his gaze, face an emotionless mask.
“Darkness. All I see is darkness.” 
Then he yanks out of James’ hold, turns on his heel, and bolts out without another word. Regulus doesn’t so much as glance over his shoulder, so when James’ knees fold under him, there are no witnesses. Nobody watches him collapse to the ground, clutching his head while broken cries shred his throat to bloody rags on their way out. 
James doesn’t return to the dorm that night. He spends it crying on the cold floor of the Hogwarts basement, unable to recover enough strength to function. A loved child, an admired protégé, James has always led a charmed life. A life that hasn’t prepared him in the slightest for this amount of suffering. 
When the sun comes up, he falls into an exhausted half-sleep, but a sound startles him awake all too soon. For a moment, hope surges into his veins. Hope that Regulus has returned, but once again, it sputters out fast when he sees Sirius come banging through the door, face tight with worry.
“Prongs! Where in Merlin’s beard have you been?” He immediately squats down to James’ levels, throwing his arms around him.
“How did you find me?” James’ words emerge muffled with the heavy fabric of Sirius’ robes. He smells familiar, sandalwood and bergamot, the posh bastard, with the faintest whiff of a wet dog from Padfoot, and James lets the scent wash away his sadness for a while.
“The map, you sod. Thought you went to the Forest without us, but then I noticed you were still in the castle. What are you doing here? What’s going on? Tell me.”
“I can’t.” That’s it. Sirius will hate him. Sirius, who came to his rescue as reliable as ever, unaware of the depth of James’ betrayal. Sirius, who’s could never handle people keeping secrets from him. No wonder, considering his family. And now James has gone and joined their ranks.
Except Sirius doesn’t have a clue about any of this, so he offers him safety and comfort. As usual. “Okay. It’s okay, James. I’m here for you, always,” he murmurs as he gathers him closer. Warm and safe and familiar. 
It remains the greatest irony of James’ life that he fell for the wrong brother, but he doesn’t share his observation with Sirius. Scared he might lose his closest friend, James keeps his mouth sealed for the whole time Sirius holds him as he cries wordlessly over the boy who broke his heart with a smear of dark ink. 
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courfee · 24 days ago
Helloooo 48 and 59 for hmmmm [spins the wheel] prongsfoot please
prongsfoot for 48 - “This is new.” for you :) the other one will follow seperately soon <33
Look, they’ve kissed a lot. For all the reasons there are to kiss. To practice for eventual future partners. Because they’ve had too much alcohol. For parties, and drinking games, and to show off. They’ve kissed as a dare, and as a joke, and because sometimes kissing someone you trust feels nice. Sirius knows what it’s like to kiss James. Until now he’s never felt the need to linger on it for long. But this... The way his heartbeat stutters. His breath hitches. His stomach fills with yearning when James pulls back to spin the bottle again... This is new.
send me a prompt and i'll write a drabble
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arliedraws · 1 year ago
Haha I’ll give it its own post
For anyone who wants to see Slytherin!Sirius Black meet Harry Potter, the son of his longtime rival James Potter
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fishisvibing · 2 years ago
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Autumn 1976 sirius black borrowed lily evans’ skirt
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cursedwithwords · 1 year ago
Since I've been doing so much research on the Patronus Charm for TBOTS I've developed a headcanon that Sirius could never actually cast a corporeal form. He could manage a shield, but that was it, and after Azkaban he couldn't even do that much. It makes sense to me considering the way he was raised in so much abuse, he wouldn't exactly have any happy memories strong enough.
I think he had tiny moments of happiness — when Regulus was born, for example, I think young Sirius was delighted — but every bit of joy would have been quickly stamped down by his parents. I think he did manage to conjure some happiness because of James and his parents, but nothing ever strong enough to bring out more than a shield. Trauma lingers, even in moments of peace, especially if that trauma is deep rooted like his was; and after James' death? Yeah, any chance he could have produced something corporeal died with him.
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wolfpants · 4 months ago
a light that never goes out | a sirius/harry/draco fic
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A Light That Never Goes Out | E | 6.2k Sirius/Harry, Sirius/Draco/Harry
a birthday fic for @citrusses!! 🍋 happy birthday lor, you wonderful, beautiful human. I made you porn. Thank you so much to @hoko-onchi-writes for the beta and @getawayfox for the cheers, you absolute darlings!
Tags: EWE, POV Sirius, past Wolfstar, hinted Prongsfoot, minor Draco/Others, de-aged Sirius, age difference 31/21, memory issues, timey wimey, Department of Mysteries, Sirius lives, road trips, Grimmauld Place, Wiltshire, Harry has long hair and a nose ring, Sirius's tattoos, Draco in the Muggle World, Draco has a summer job at a farm, smoking, scent kink, UST, unresolved romantic tension, semi-public sex/sex in a loo, blow jobs, the tiniest hint of daddy kink, dirty talk, cousin incest, godfather/godson, hotel room sex, hand jobs, hand kink, finger sucking, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, rimming (brief), threesome
Sirius returns from the veil five years after he dies and five years younger than he was when he fell through it. When he and Harry decide to escape the dreary confines of London and Grimmauld Place in search of somewhere where they can breathe, they bump into someone completely unexpected.
Two eyes that look like his two eyes stare back at him from the rearview mirror. Sirius clears his throat and directs his squint ahead, out the window instead. “Have you eaten?” Harry asks Draco, clipping his seatbelt in. Sirius stretches forward to fiddle with the buttons on the radio. They’re all shiny and fancy, nothing like the ones in the old Mini Lily used to drive. He has no idea what he’s doing, flicking through a jarring assortment of stations. Harry throws him a distracted smile and twists around to address their interloper in the backseat. “Only, we were thinking about looking for a pub for dinner,” Harry says. Sirius looks back to the mirror, waiting for Draco’s reaction, spotting a pink flash of tongue as Draco licks the top corner of his lip, staring at Harry across the cramped space. “I’m hungry,” he says, and his gaze shifts, briefly, to Sirius.
a light that never goes out on ao3
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eastwindmlk · 1 month ago
Prompt: Prongsfoot accidental marriage after a night out
Thank you so much! This one took a big of a silly turn! I hope you like it!
(917 words) Read on AO3 or under the cut!
There was something tickling Sirius’ nose and he couldn’t quite make out what it was, but he was also too hungover to open his eyes to investigate. Instead, he decided to turn over and hoped that the other side of the bed would be more comfortable. 
He did not find another pillow, instead, he rolled into the familiar, hard shape of James’ shoulder blades. The impact made his nose burn and he almost blinked his eyes open if it wasn’t for the sun that was already beading down on them like they were in Ibiza and not bloody Scotland. 
Sirius shifted and buried his face between James’ damp shirt. This, of course, started another train of thought that took him further and further away from unconsciousness. Why was James’ shirt damp? He took an investigative sniff and expected the sour smell of beer and vodka and whatever other spirits they’d excessively enjoyed the day prior being sweated out by the perpetually hot—in both senses of the word—James. 
But the smell didn’t come. Instead, he inhaled a nose full of petrichor, grass and the slight musk of a night’s out. 
He supposed that if anything was going to force him to open his eyes, this was going to have to be it. Sirius would simply have to find a different way of coping with the pounding in his head. With a bit of luck, this something was a full English and about three pints of strong Oolong with a generous swig of milk. 
Reluctantly, he willed his eyelids into squints against the morning sun assaulting them from over a hill. 
Now, this would not have been the first time that James and him would have woken up in a field somewhere after a night of too much fun. Though, generally speaking, they could at least see the pub they’d stumbled out of. 
Not this time. It was just a field and a singular highland cow staring at them from across the field, comfortably chewing cud. It seemed friendly enough. It had not woken them in the process of moo-dering them. Which Sirius appreciated. 
That did, however, not mean he wanted to stay in the field with the highland cow now that he had regained consciousness and sobriety brought back common sense.
“Prongs?” he croaked, clearing his while he pushed himself up into a proper sitting position. Sirius tried not to cringe as he started to feel the damp spots where his denim had started to absorb the morning. His fingers reached up to massage the burning soreness of his throat out and brushed past the tell-tale tenderness of a love bite on the soft part of his throat. 
Sirius cursed under his breath, the sound making James stir beside him. “Prongs?” he repeated and placed his hands on James’ side, trying to shake him awake when another odd sight caught his attention. 
If it hadn’t been for the colour, Sirius might not have, but he didn’t wear gold usually. So, the braided band stood out, glinting untarnished and new on the fourth finger of his right hand. He wasn’t sure why, but in that moment he remembered Lily telling him that wedding bands are worn on that finger because it is the only finger with a vein connecting it to the heart. 
His heart just so happened to be snoring, still. 
Sirius rubbed his eyes and rolled back his shoulders before giving James one last shove. “Wake up, or I’ll let the coo lick your face,” he threatened.
Finally, James’ snoring stopped and he stirred. “Yeah, yeah, just let me finish my dream,” he mumbled and turned around onto his stomach, exposing the bare small of his back and for just a moment, Sirius was fascinated with the dimples at the base of his spine. 
Sirius fought the urge to put his mouth on them and to let his mind wander beyond that. Those were not thoughts he should be entertaining in their current predicament. “Sorry, love, but I need you to move,” he protested, his cold fingers brushing along the exposed skin. 
James’s head jolted up, his head swivelling side to side wildly as he, too, took in their unorthodox surroundings. “Where are we?” 
The slight gravel in his voice did things to Sirius’s already acrobatic stomach and he had to take a deep breath before answering. “In a field, with a highland coo and I think—well, hope—Grenta Green is right over that hill there, I think,” he pointed, his eyes lingering on the gold glinting warmly against his pale knuckles. 
He was not the only one who noticed. James twisted to his side and grabbed a hold of the hand that had been pointing in the direction of the infamous village. “That’s new,” he commented and in a torturous display of self-control James slowly unfolded Sirius’s fingers, carefully bending them straight, one digit at a time. His palm pressed into Sirius’ and there he could see the singular gold band on James’ finger.
They both were silent for a moment, their hungover minds taking a while to process what they were seeing. 
“Where did you say we were again?” James asked after a moment of silence. 
Sirius sucked his teeth and pulled up one shoulder. “Gretna Green.” 
“Are you thinking what I am thinking?”
“Yeah,” Sirius sighed, his eyes honing in on the wedding bands, his lips pressed together. “You must have picked the rings, because I have better taste than that.” 
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del-stars · 4 days ago
cheaters oops 😽
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cheaters prongsfoot i love you
A step creaks beneath him, and then a door flies open upstairs. Sirius comes bounding around the corner, face flushed, but he halts at the top step when his eyes land on Remus. His face is flushed because he’s been drinking. His hair is messy because he was outside earlier, and the wind is bad tonight. His lips are red because he bites them. “Moony, what are you doing up here?” James appears behind Sirius, and a heavy weight settles in Remus’ gut. If he squints, James’ glasses look off-centred, like they’d been thrown on in a hurry.  “Could ask the two of you the same thing.” Maybe he’s just being crazy. “Prongsie and I were just discussing our New Years’ resolutions,” Sirius says easily, stepping down to be a few inches closer to Remus. He cups his face with his hands. “It’s almost midnight, my moon. Let’s go downstairs.”
wip game!!
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thebibutterflyao3 · 1 year ago
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Backpacking: Dorcas Meadowes/Marlene McKinnon One-Shot (Prongsfoot in the background if you squint)
Rated: M (for handsy behaviour)
Words: 2,279
Marlene batted at the visor on her helmet as she pulled up behind Sirius at the traffic light. He was showing off, per usual. The prick was smoking his tires and revving obnoxiously while he waited for the light to shift. Typical.
Traffic was heavy, so she zipped between the lanes and maneuvered around the cars, ignoring the grumbling drivers who huffed at her. That was the beauty of driving a motorcycle in the city, not having to wait in the long queue at every light. She screeched to a halt right next to Sirius, then hit his kill switch the moment the light turned green.
“Oi! What the fuck?” he shouted, his head snapping sharply toward her. “Marlene!”
Marlene smirked, dropped her visor, and took off, leaving him cursing as he restarted his bike with a long line of impatient drivers honking behind him. He deserved it, the prat. If he insisted on making a scene, she’d make sure he accomplished it. He hated her little red Honda, so it was immensely satisfying to leave him and his black vintage Harley in her dust.
A few quick turns led her to M4 and she headed west. The engine purred as she picked up speed on the motorway. There was nothing quite as divine as the wind whipping through her ponytail and tugging at the rips in her jeans. She held a hand out as she switched lanes, not bothering to flick the indicator when she was flying past cars and SUVs with ease.
The hum of the engine beneath her seat was almost as comforting as the woman waiting for her. Marlene threw open the throttle and shot forward at an obscene speed. A triumphant laugh bubbled in her throat as she shot past a sedan filled with gaping teens. She knew those looks well. Envy was her constant companion.
When the exit sign appeared, Marlene slowed just enough to slip between the lanes again before gunning it down the ramp. Dorcas would wring her neck if she knew how reckless she was driving, but the closer she got to her girlfriend’s flat, the less she cared about silly suggestions like “speed limits.” Marlene weaved through traffic on the neighborhood streets with anticipation thrumming through her veins.
It was pub night, and that meant she was driving. Just the thought of Dorcas’s arms wrapped around her waist made her shimmy excitedly. Two years in and it still thrilled her to spot Dorcas smoking so bloody casually on her front stoop, her helmet wedged between her knees. Those long legs would be pressed tight to her hips in mere minutes.
She screeched to an abrupt stop and planted her boots firmly on the ground. Marlene flashed a bright smile when she flipped her visor up. “Are you ready, love?”
Dorcas took another long haul on her cigarette before smashing it into cement. She unfolded her slim figure from the stoop with the grace of a dancer, all fluid movements and languid limbs. As if she had all the time in the world to cross the pavement, and nowhere else to be. Her long braids bounced lightly against the leather jacket she’d swiped from Marlene months ago. It was equally devastating and mind-numbing to remain frozen in her path as she approached. Marlene’s muscles screamed move, but she could only stare helplessly at the stunning woman, who for some unknown reason, deigned to give her the time of day.
“Hey baby girl,” Dorcas said, her voice smooth and silky. “Did you miss me?”
Marlene melted on the spot at the nickname. There was something unbearably sweet in the way she said it that warmed her to the bone. Dorcas knew exactly what she was doing too. Her deep brown eyes sparkled with mischief as she propped the helmet on her hip.
“Every single minute you’re gone, Dorky,” she teased. Marlene leaned in as Dorcas tilted her head to the side to peck at her lips.
“Only with you, gorgeous.”
Dorcas smirked and flicked Marlene’s visor down. “Better be. If I hear otherwise, there will be blood shed.”
Marlene chuckled as she held out her elbow to steady Dorcas while she climbed on behind her. They both knew she wasn’t joking and that it was an entirely unnecessary threat. Marlene couldn’t even be bothered to eye up other girls when she’d already landed a stunner like her.
“No need, love. I’m all yours.”
Dorcas hummed a satisfied note as she settled in. She wrapped her braids in a silk scarf, then tucked the bundle in the collar of her jacket. Or rather, Marlene’s jacket. A small shiver raced down her spine at the thought of the soft leather smoothing over Dorcas’s dark skin.
“Are you cold?”
“No, just envious of my jacket.”
Dorcas huffed a laugh as she slid her helmet on. “Such a twit.”
“Can you honestly blame me? As fit as you are? I mean…” she trailed off, reaching back to pat her girlfriend’s hip.
“Ah, it’s that sort of night, is it?”
Marlene squeezed her thigh and grinned back at her. “I wouldn’t be opposed to skipping the pub and staying in.”
“After the week I’ve had, I need a drink.” Dorcas clicked her tongue reprovingly and swatted at Marlene’s hand. “You and your libido can wait.”
“Yeah, alright.” She couldn’t resist a light pinch of Dorcas’s leg as she pulled away.
“Oi! Stop that.”
Marlene grinned as she flipped her visor down and leaned into the handlebars. She’d been looking forward to this all week. With Dorcas’s crazy schedule at the law firm and her own chaotic days at the studio, they both needed a night out with their friends to unwind.
After a full minute of silence, she glanced back and frowned. “Hold on, Dorky.”
“No. You don’t deserve it after pinching me.”
It sounded like Dorcas was pouting, but Marlene knew better. She liked this game, and if Dorcas was in a mood to play petulant passenger, she would humour her. Marlene exaggerated an annoyed grunt and reached back blindly for her arms.
“Come on, Dorky. You have to at least hold on to my hips or you’ll fall off.”
“What hips?” Dorcas taunted playfully, prodding Marlene’s side. “How am I meant to hold on when your love handles are hidden under this?”
Marlene embraced her inner drama queen and gasped at the audacity. “Excuse me? Love handles? Dorcas Meadowes, how dare-“
“Oh shut it, you know I love your curves. I just wish I could find them under all these layers.” Dorcas patted her down, then shrugged.
“You’ll just have to backpack then.”
Dorcas scoffed, “You did this on purpose, didn’t you? Wore this boxy jacket so I’d have to hug you the whole time.”
Of course I did. “I would never-”
“Liar. Fine, you want me all up your arse?” she said, sliding forward and moulding her body to Marlene’s back. “Then, no whining if I accidentally fondle you.”
“Accidentally? Here I was hoping it was on purpose.”
Marlene finally caught hold of Dorcas’s hands and tugged them into a firm grip of her waist. She could practically feel Dorcas rolling her eyes when she playfully clunked their helmets together. It was their silly banter that convinced Dorcas to allow her a second date and Marlene wasn’t going to be caught slacking now.
“If you didn’t drive like a maniac, then maybe I would fondle you on purpose.”
Her body reacted viscerally to that admission. Marlene barely stifled a groan as she rocked her hips back into her girlfriend’s lap.
“Shite Dorky, why didn’t you say so earlier?”
“I didn’t think you could handle it.”
Marlene’s eyebrows shot up. “Is that a challenge?”
“Yes. I am absolutely challenging you to drive safely, you utter twat.” Dorcas slipped her hand into Marlene’s jacket and cupped her breast to give it a light squeeze. “If I have to feel you up to assure we arrive in one piece, so be it.”
A startled breath stuttered out of her mouth as Dorcas thumbed her nipple teasingly. Marlene was in for a challenge alright, a challenge to keep the bike upright if Dorcas continued to be handsy tonight. Not that she objected, she liked a challenge and a handsy Dorcas.
“Yes, please.”
Dorcas laughed and released her. “Best behaviour then, baby girl.”
Marlene internally vowed to drive as slowly and cautiously as possible. If she also happened to take a longer route to the pub, that was an unrelated coincidence. Whatever she had to do to prolong the delightful attention of her girlfriend’s hands was worth the effort.
“Alright,” she forced out, already breathless.
Three gentle turns later led them back to the motorway. As Marlene accelerated up the ramp, Dorcas’s warm hands smoothed down her thighs and massaged her legs through the jeans. A little thrill rushed through her and she slowed to the speed limit automatically. Dorcas’s hum of approval vibrated against her back.
Those clever fingers continued to knead into her thigh muscles as she drove, making her legs flex. It was almost painful to remain in the slow lane, but she couldn’t risk losing the delicious sensations her girlfriend sent rushing through her body. When Dorcas pressed her thumbs into the sensitive creases where her legs met her hips, Marlene shifted her stance to give her better access.
It felt so bloody good that Marlene couldn’t be bothered to weave in and out of traffic. She followed the rattling, rust-bucket of a truck in front of her at a near crawl for the entirety of the twenty kilometres they were on M4. At this rate, they’d arrive by closing.
Marlene flicked on the indicator when she spotted their exit and was rewarded with a brush of fingertips over her crotch. Her hips jerked forward and immediately the bike stalled. Dorcas laughed as Marlene pulled in the clutch slowly and guided the bike down the ramp.
“Bloody hell.”
“You need to be careful, baby girl,” Dorcas teased, resting her hands on the fuel tank. “I’d hate for you to wreck this pretty toy of yours.”
Once they coasted to a stop at the traffic light, Marlene threw the gear in neutral and reignited the engine. The bike protested at first, but eventually hummed happily again. It was lucky they were already decelerating just now. Marlene would rather not drop her bike at 96 km/h, thank you very much.
“You’re a menace,” Marlene sighed as she leaned back against Dorcas and propped her elbows on her knees.
“Mm-hmm, you like it though.”
“My fatal flaw.”
A flash of chrome and black thundered through the intersection ahead of her. Sirius flipped her off the moment he spotted her. His newly acquired rider swatted at his shoulder. Dorcas groaned, then patted the top of Marlene’s helmet.
“Were you terrorizing him again?”
“I would never.”
The light changed and they both leaned forward automatically. Marlene took off after Sirius at top speed, determined to catch up. Dorcas squeezed her tight around her middle and ducked her head. Within minutes, they were right behind him.
Sirius purposefully stayed to the right of the lane and kept an eye on her in the side mirror. His passenger was taller than him, but Marlene couldn’t tell if it was James or Remus with all of the gear on. She sidled up next to him and covered her kill switch so he couldn’t retaliate. Sirius swiped at her handlebar anyway, like a petty child.
“Oi! Stop that.” James’s voice chastised as his visor slid up. He sat back and grinned at Marlene and Dorcas. “Ladies, are you joining us tonight at the prestigious Black Dog?”
“We are, darling,” Dorcas replied, flicking her visor up as well. “Is it just the two of you?”
“Yeah, Moony is knackered and Pete’s working late.”
Sirius revved his engine and jerked forward, sending James crashing into his back with a grunt. He swatted Sirius’s shoulder again, then rolled his eyes at Marlene. Dorcas laughed as she waved to James and mimed tickling Marlene’s sides.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Sirius shouted, flailing when James’s hands twitched agaisnt his back. “I will toss you off this bike. Don’t test me.”
James shook with laughter and hugged him instead. “Alright, alright. So tetchy.”
Sirius pointed at her and Dorcas threateningly, but didn’t get a single word out before the light changed. Marlene shot out ahead of him and led the way to the pub. She saw him in her periphery every so often and blocked his attempts to pass. His loud string of curses made her grin even wider.
Just before they pulled into the car park, Dorcas’s hands started wandering again. She tucked one into Marlene’s jacket, palming her breast over her shirt, and the other gripped her thigh. It took every ounce of control she possessed to park her bike straight.
“At least Dorcas knows to hold on,” Sirius snarked, parking in the same spot. “While this fucker is trying to wave at everyone.”
James glanced at the two of them and smirked. “You want me to hold on like that? Alright then.”
He grabbed Sirius’s inner thigh and squeezed his chest. “Better, Pads?”
“What the fuck?” Sirius spluttered. He swatted at James’s hands before looking back at Marlene. “Oh, I see, you’re all being little shits today.”
Dorcas slid off the bike and lifted her helmet. “Nonsense, I’m an excellent backpack. Right, Marls?”
“The best,” she agreed readily, eyeing her girlfriend’s bum in her tight jeans. Marlene decided right then to spend the rest of the evening with her hands tucked in those back pockets.
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resident-gay-bitch · 8 months ago
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All Sirius Black related fics are below the cut; angst, fluff + smut
All works can be found on AO3 as well.
Wolfstar Works:
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Find Here You can access all my Wolfstar fics via this link :)
Prongsfoot Works:
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Find Here You can access all my Prongsfoot fics via this link :)
Sirius Sundays:
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Find Here You can access all my Sirius Sunday works via this link :) - coming soon
Perfectly Mundane Harry and Sirius spend the day doing mundane people things that Sirius usually finds boring, but his best bud Harry seems to make everything fun (very side wolfstar if you squint) - fluffy as hell
Double Vision (Kinda Jegulus + kinda James & Sirius) Sirius gets a makeover, making him look strikingly similar to Barty, so when James waltzes into the house on the hunt for his boyfriend to fix his broken glasses, vision blurred, he doesn't realise it's Sirius there and outs their relationship accidentally - funny fluff with a split moment of angst because Sirius is dramatic
(All Entries for @marauders-rarepair-fics are listed below)
May 9: Weed (Bitchkiller) Barty and Sirius get high together and realise the other isn't so bad afterall - suggestive themes at end
May 12: Platforms (Starprince) Sirius is getting ready to go to a concert and he's wearing platformed shoes, Severus tries not to melt at the sight of his boyfriend being rediculously tall in them - fluff with suggestive themes at the end
May 17: Radical (Wolfpanstar) Remus, Pandora and Sirius are reading up on patronus' when they all figure out they have each others animagus' forms, which is the truest display of love - fluff!!!
May 29: Rocky Horror (Rosestar) Sirius begs Evan to dress up as Rocky and Frankenfurter for a party, and Evan can't say he regrets it later that night when Sirius' is all over him in that little outfit - fluffy and suggestive as hell
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snarky-magpie · 7 months ago
You are one of the few people who ship prongsfoot and Jegulus. How do you keep that up in the fandom and what is so appealing for you about both Jegulus and Prongsfoot? Elaborate
Hi nonnie, thanks for such an interesting ask (and also thanks for confirming my vague impression that most people choose one or the other ship but rarely both), and I apologize for the incoming wall of text.
How do I keep that up in the fandom—well, tbh, mostly by staying in my corner and not interacting with the fandom all that much. Connecting with people doesn't come naturally to me in general (hello undiagnosed autism), so this is my usual mode of operation anyway. However, Jegulus shippers have been mostly lovely, even though they don't seem to engage much, which I'm guessing is partly because they have so much material to choose from, so it can get kinda overwhelming and impossible to interact with everything and everyone. I did meet a few great people through Jegulus, though, and I treasure those friendships highly. When I tried to interact with the prongsfoot people, I was quickly taught that Jegulus shippers are not welcome. (I mean come on, this is ridiculous, it's just making imaginary people fall in love, it shouldn't be this divisive). It almost soured me on the ship altogether, but I love James and Sirius too much, so I just decided to stick to my lane, quietly write about them, and not get involved in this part of the community. It makes me a little sad, but that's the way things are.
Anyway. Now onto the more fun part, what I find appealing about both of these ships. To me, they're two different sides of the same coin, sort of. I believe I already mentioned this once, but Jegulus has a lot of inherently popular tropes going for it:
Enemies to lovers
Dating/pining in secret
Best friend's brother
Grumpy x sunshine
Sport rivals (quidditch or any other sport in modern AUs)
Second chances (in case Regulus joins the DE and then changes his mind)
Starcrossed lovers (pun intended)
Redemption arc
Tragic endings (if that's your thing)
So despite the characters never interacting in canon, there's a lot to build on and that's what makes the ship so attractive to a lot of readers and writers, myself included. Also, precisely because these two characters never really interacted in canon, we have so much room for interpretation, and almost nothing of it can be called wrong (I mean, it's fic, so it inherently can't be wrong, but still.). If you squint, you can even imagine Jegulus IS canon. Do we know who James dated before Lily? Nope. Him so obnoxiously crushing on a popular girl could very well be overcompensating. So yes, there's a lot to play with.
Prongsfoot, on the other hand, has a lot of basis in canon (I know this doesn't have to matter, but my OCD brain kinda likes it when things align with canon. That doesn't mean I agree or support JKR. She can rot for all I care.) James and Sirius are canonically besties. And not only besties, they're completely unhinged about each other. We only see them interact rather briefly, but it's clear they're devoted to each other. (I particularly love the moment when a girl eyes Sirius hopefully and he completely misses it because he's too busy ogling James.) Sirius is the only one who can make James behave. James is the one Sirius runs to when he needs sanctuary. They created freaking two-way mirrors to communicate when the other was in detention because they're so co-dependent an hour or two without speaking to the other is just too long. I know people argue with "yes, because they're brothers" - excuse me, do you actually have siblings? This is not sibling behavior :D (Also, they're not. Sirius lived with the Potters for about a year when he was 16 before moving out, and that's that.) Tbh, I don't understand why this ship isn't top-tier popular because, in any other fandom, it would be, but here, Wolfstar stole their spotlight, and the rest is history. Probably partly because we don't actually see James and Sirius both alive at the same time. (That's just my guess, though.) Speaking in story tropes, they're the epitome of friends-to-lovers, (possibly bi/gay awakening), soulmates, oblivious idiots. I'm generally a big fan of the friends-to-lovers dynamic, so that's probably what attracts me most to this ship.
So for me, as a writer, it's fun to explore these different facets of the characters—because the James from prongsfoot is not the same James who loves Regulus (although sometimes it's confusing to keep all these headcanons separated in my brain, and they start to influence each other, lol). It's also fun to write the different dynamics, so I don't get bored.
TL;DR: Both ships are great for different reasons, I wish people were more tolerant of other ships (and characters), and I've got a long prongsfoot and jegulus story coming in case you're interested. Cheers, and once again, thanks for the ask.
(PS. this is what happens when someone tells me to elaborate.)
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impishtubist · 11 months ago
With all respect Lord Chaos (is that ok?), but how can it be that your lordship is talking about such amazing stuff anywhere but on the prongsfoot discord? 😭
I love these ideas! I'm currently reading this gem called the ghost of you, it keeps me awake by @gracelesslady23. You have an aged James here, and it's just pure delight! And also a little bit of competency kink if you squint 🔥
Ootp James comes back is my roman empire.
But breaking up and getting together again after meeting at harry's wedding? Sjgjskakkfa? The greedy bitch in me wants it all! :)
Thank you for your little insight 🙏🏼
I actually love Lord Chaos and I'm going to call myself that from now on, thank you 😘
You're right, unfortunately I am not in that server, or very many servers at all. Here's the thing about Discord servers: I don't play nice in them 😂 I have a handful of private ones that I'm in that were started by friends and that are kept very small, and I'm in a ton of Discord DMs and group chats, but servers where there are, like, rules and stuff? And servers where I have to respect other people's opinions on ships I hate???? No. I'm too bitchy and opinionated for that. Don't get me wrong, I love love love Prongsfoot, and I love a lot of the people in the Prongsfoot fandom, but the problem with Prongsfoot is all the side ships are ones that I hate. Usually, because Sirius is taken, people default to pairing Remus with Tonks or Lily in J/S fics, and I cannot handle those two ships. Or they pair Lily with Snape, and that is another hard fucking no of mine.
So I love Prongsfoot, but I hate its side ships, which is why it's best that I keep myself restricted to talking about it on Tumblr and not in a server where I will piss people off with my inability to stomach R*madora, lmaoooooo.
(And yes, I have read that fic, and pretty much every other adult Prongsfoot fic on AO3! Which is, like, 15 fics 😭 We're starving, y'all.)
Thank you for coming to me to talk about Prongsfoot, anon. It gives me life!
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iheartmoons · 2 years ago
for your ship thing!!
jily, bartylus, jegulus, rosekiller, marlily, pandalily, dorlene, prongsfoot, wolfstar
yay!!! thank youu
so i actually don't dislike any of these, but i am still excited to rank them omg. also, i never intended to make a long ass list LMAO. it was supposed to be a small thing, but i got a little invested
wolfstar - i really do hate to be basic, but they'll always go right to the top for me <3
jily - it was very hard for me to put this here for some reason, but it had to be done. mainly because i am obsessed with every jily variant ever in sitcoms and stuff (if you squint, there'll always be a jily variant in a sitcom/comedy), plus they were the first ever couple i obsessively read ffs about a few years ago, so they really got me into fandom spaces
rosekiller - very superficially, i see them as wolfstar, but psychotic and slytherin and clinically insane. also, i love their canon story and how fucked up they are as people. i think the fandom really needed some nuance to it, and these characters very much bring it.
jegulus - love jeggy :) my babies. perfect trope tbh. theyre amazing and in love!
marylily - this one was actually very very hard. i dont knoww. i love dorlene and pandalily, but i feel that marylily is a bit closer to my heart. for so long i would have put pandalily before marylily, but i think because i've written marylily fanfics now, i feel like i know them very well. whereas pandalily is a little more distant from me. (overall though, i definitely enjoy the pandalily trope more)
pandalily - it kills me that i'm ranking dorlene so low, i know. but ugh. god. i love pandalily. theyre so adorbs. theyre so lovely. both pandora and lily as seperate characters are just so beautiful.
dorlene - love them. they're messy and yearning and intensely in love. they're two hearts pulsing to the same beat, but ripped out of their chest and bleeding. idk. theyre great. i love dorlene, though it actually took me a while to, bc when i first joined the fandom i was insanely invested in marylene. (still am)
bartylus - i think they're great, but i much prefer the one sided bartylus. barty yearning over regulus, but regulus being oblivious and far too gone for james.
prongsfoot - mmmm yeah. i understand why others might ship it, but i love them only as a friendship. that being said, they're very much my favourite friendship in the entire fandom, and god they just make me want to sob for hours.
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