#prongsfoot drabble
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siriusblack-the-third · 9 months ago
Sirius walks into the dormitory, takes one look at James and starts cackling.
James exchanges a look with Remus— they're playing chess and Remus is very close to losing— wherein Remus silently asks him if he knows what has gotten into Sirius, and James shrugs 'no'.
Sirius is now slowly sinking to the floor, arms wrapped around his stomach and chest heaving with breathless laughter, and James feels his own lips curve upward into a grin.
"What was so funny, then?" he asks, absently moving his queen forward to take the Remus' knight. "You look like you're about to pass out from lack of air."
That only sets Sirius off again, and he drops to the floor, banging his fist and cackling louder than before.
"Ja- Jamie—" he gasps, and breaks off into more laughter. James is starting to feel his own laughter bubble up his throat now. "You're— oh great Merlin I can't breathe—"
James starts giggling along, and Remus joins in, both of them abandoning their game to shift towards the still-on-the-floor Sirius, who is red in the face with the force of his laughter. "Okay, Siri, I'm gonna ask you to breathe here, I want to know why you're laughing so much."
Sirius takes several deep breaths and forces himself to stop laughing. When he turns around to face James, his lips are twitching with a mad grin.
"Mary told me that some people think you're dating Regulus."
... James cackles.
Sirius joins in, and Remus is not far behind. The walls echo with their laughter, and James fully falls to the floor and curls into Sirius' arms, tears of mirth catching on the rims of his glasses.
"Me and Regulus—" James wheezes, and off they go again, stomachs cramping with how hard they're laughing. Remus has his forehead pressed to the floor, and James can hear his breathless giggling, muffled against the stone.
"Joke for the ages," Remus cries, and Sirius nods in agreement.
"Agreed," he gasps between barks of laughter. "James? Date Regulus? As if he can look away from me for more than five seconds."
James simply laughs louder as he he leans in to press a smacking kiss to Sirius' cheek. "Don't lie, love, you can't look away from me either."
Sirius shrugs, unrepentant, and Remus gags.
"Anyone who believes that bullshit about you and Regulus does not go to Hogwarts," he announces. "Do they not see you two being all over each other every second of the day?"
"What are we talking about?"
Peter stands in the doorway, eyebrows scrunched in confusion as he stares at the three of them lying on the floor. Sirius, James and Remus exchange looks, and burst out laughing.
Regulus and James. HA. Joke for the ages, indeed.
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heaven4lostgirls · 1 month ago
regulus black scratches during sex
remus lupin bites during sex
sirius black screams during sex
james potter cries during sex
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stagprongs · 1 month ago
charlie dalton: maybe in another universe my best friend isn’t dead.
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another universe…
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the poets and the marauders, different world same heartbreak
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darling-deerest-dead · 6 months ago
Drabble: Ignorance
James died not knowing. This is the thing that hurts Sirius the most.
James always told Sirius "I love you" because he got so much of it growing up and he knew Sirius didn't. Sirius had never said it back, dismissing it angrily or awkwardly by turns, pleased but uncomfortable because "we're men, not girls, Prongs".
James had beamed happily at him, shameless and uncaring. There was no room for doubt or regret within him.
Sirius had never said it back and James died not knowing. This regret, amongst all the other regrets, lingers like the pain of severed limbs.
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arliedraws · 8 months ago
Drabble: James and Sirius are tortured together
Just a little Saturday whump. A special thank-you to @blacleria and @fiendishfyre for suggesting and supporting the idea of Prongsfoot being tortured together ☺️
Somehow James starts talking about cannibalism, as one does in times of stress, of course.
“Sirius,” James whispered. “Are you awake?”
There was a short grunt. An affirmative. It was a relief to hear it, to know he wasn’t alone, but James also wished Sirius would simply sleep if only to escape their predicament for a few moments. The weight of Sirius’s head dropped heavily onto James’s shoulder.
They had left the gag in Sirius’s mouth and the blindfold on James. It was useful to their tormenters because Sirius couldn’t warn James of what was coming or who was about to receive pain next, forcing him to suffer the anticipation of James’s screams before James realized what was about to happen. James had to applaud the cleverness of something so simple, but he and Sirius were quick to learn a new language. Their hands were tied behind their backs, lashed with cords around their wrists, their fingers growing numb. Sirius would squeeze his hand once if it they were about to hurt James next but twice if they intended to hurt Sirius. When the Death Eaters had gone from the room, one squeeze also meant yes, but two meant no. And then sometimes Sirius pumped three times in a way that held no concrete meaning that James found himself parroting whenever he started to lose hope that they would make it out alive.
The Death Eaters insisted that the point of all of this was to turn one of them, but James knew better. It was Bellatrix Lestrange’s chance to humiliate Sirius before he died. She wanted to show Sirius what a fool he was for abandoning his family, for sullying his blood, for giving it all up for a bloodtraitor like James Potter. She wanted him to repent. But first, he had to suffer, which meant that if anyone were going to die in this place, it was going to be James, and if his instincts were correct, it was going to be bloody. Bellatrix had already cut into James’s torso and his arms to see him bleed—she had swiped her finger through James’s blood and smeared it over Sirius’s lips, urging him to taste what happened when good blood was defiled by a Mudblood.
But the time to die had not come yet. For now, they were alone again, breathing raggedly, their shoulders pressed together. Waiting.
“How’d I taste, then?” James croaked.
Sirius made a sound of confusion in his throat.
“My blood,” he clarified. “Did you like it?” Sirius growled, but James chuckled anyway. “C’mon, it’s funny. Squeeze once if you think it was good, twice if it was too salty.”
Instead, Sirius crushed his fingers. James grinned, resting the back of his skull against Sirius’s shoulder.
“If you were to pair it with a fine wine—”
Through the gag, Sirius snarled at him to shut up.
“What was that, Padfoot? You said a cabernet?” James turned his head and inhaled the smell of Sirius’s hair. “Or maybe a good whisky. Right, so here’s another question for you: would you eat me if I died and you were starving? Hypothetically, of course. Let’s say we were stranded in the middle of nowhere without food and I died before you. Would you eat me?”
James grinned weakly as a string of curses pushed through the wad in Sirius’s mouth. His swears were muffled but he made his fury obvious.
“No, don’t answer right away,” said James. “Remember the story about the Muggles whose airplane crashed on that mountain in South America? They were all friends, right? They promised each other they could eat their bodies so the survivors wouldn’t starve. So there it is, Paddy. You’ve got permission to eat me if you run out of food. In fact,” he added, “if you didn’t eat me, I’d be offended.”
Sirius began to wriggle in earnest, jerking at the bonds that tied their hands together. It was no use—their legs were bound to their chairs, and they had learned long ago that the chairs couldn’t be budged anyway. And even if they managed to untie themselves, the door was locked.
“Sirius, stop,” James snapped. “There’s no point. We’ll figure out another way.”
Blindfolded (which seemed rather unnecessary since his glasses had flown off ages ago), James failed to see that Sirius was crying. He could only feel that Sirius was trying to pull out of the ropes that cinched the two of them together, but now it was obvious that he was holding back sobs.
“Shh, Sirius, it’s all right,” James urged. His chest was tight as he heard Sirius struggling to breathe. “This—this’ll be over soon.”
It didn’t calm Sirius at all. He was saying something, but James didn’t understand.
“Sirius, stop moving. You’re making my fingers numb. Listen, to me,” he demanded, and Sirius stilled. “If you lean your head back and turn your face away, I could try getting the gag off with my teeth. Can you do that?”
Sirius squeezed his hand once. James felt him do as he was told, and James craned his neck as far as it would go, burying his face against soft hair. It felt a bit stupid fumbling around and feeling for the strip of cloth with his nose, but soon, he’d found it and sank his teeth in, wrenching down to get it past Sirius’s ears. Pain radiated around his neck in the awkward position. James grunted and pulled until finally it loosed; he heard Sirius spit out the wad of cloth that had been stuffed in his mouth.
“Fuck you, James,” Sirius rasped. “I’m not…I’m not going to eat you.”
James was sweating from his effort. He laughed, resting back against Sirius. To hear that voice again, desperate and miserable as it was, made him feel safe. He pumped their entwined hands three times, unable to find the words to convey his relief. Sirius signaled back, sighing.
“I suppose you could eat me if it came to it,” Sirius murmured.
“But you wouldn’t eat me. Reckon my blood’s dirty now?”
Sirius snorted. “Mine’s filthier than yours.” Then he huffed and nestled back against James, his breath warm against James’s ear. “Fine, if it’s what you want, I’ll eat you. But only if you swear you’d eat me if I died first.”
“Of course I would. I’m honored you’d let me, Padfoot.”
“Better you than the worms.”
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the-invisibility-bloke · 6 months ago
sirius/regulus/james | 200 words | @macrocest cestember prompt: threesome
(cw: incest, slightly nsfw)
“Come on, it’s my birthday.”
“God, Prongs, why can’t you ask for normal presents?”
Regulus snorts. “I’d say this counts as a broom polishing kit...”
Sirius slings a look at him, secretly proud. “Pervert.”
“Oi, I’m not the one with the incest fetish.”
James throws a wad of parchment at him. “It’s a kink, not a fetish. Prat.”
Regulus glares. “Do you want us to suck your prick or not?”
James makes a stupid, strangled noise that sounds like a Kneazle giving birth. Still hot, because it’s Jamie. Fuck him.
“Hey.” Sirius sits up straighter, soberer, hornier. “I haven’t agreed to this.”
The thing is, they don’t talk about it. The snogging and groping that happens when they’re high—it’s only ever Sirius and James, Regulus and James, and if Regulus gasped the one time his brother’s fingers brushed over his arse, they don’t talk about that, either.
“Fine.” Regulus crawls over to James’ chair and spreads his knees apart. “You’d probably just get in the way.”
Sirius takes a moment (or five) to appreciate the view, then bats his baby brother’s hand away from James’ flies.
“You really are a prat,” Sirius says, and snogs him before he can argue.
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year ago
Sirius Black has been in a whopping total of one relationship. In fourth year, he had a very lovely girlfriend by the name of Mary McDonald. He and Mary are still good friends and he adores her wholeheartedly, and their relationship was really just a bit of good fun.
Sirius Black has kissed a whopping total of sixteen people. All, except Mary, have meant nothing more than a fleeting kiss and a bit of fun. Fourteen of them have been girls, and two very secret ones have been blokes.
Usually, when Sirius gets kissed by whatever fling he’s having at that time, it’s because they want him to shut up. Sirius has a tendency to ramble. He goes on these long, extravagant rants about things that excite him or boil his blood. He gossips and rambles and chatters until his mouth is dry and his jaw hurts too much to say anything else.
He annoys people. He knows that. He’s working on it, slowly. He’s not getting very far, in all these years of trying. He knows this because when he talks for more than three minuets straight, his current make out buddy will just pull him into a kiss and shut him up for a while. And then, if he starts talking again afterwards, they’ll huff and roll their eyes and that’s when Sirius finally stops. He sinks in on himself and hides away and won’t say much about anything for hours.
Sirius only really gets spontaneously kissed when he’s being annoying. He knows this now. And he hates it.
He’s really trying, but he struggles. He struggles so much, it’s just so hard to shut up sometimes when you have such strong emotions like he does.
But he never expected to be too much for James.
He’s rambling, he knows he is. But James never seems to huff or roll his eyes. Sometimes it seems like he zones out and doesn’t listen, but Sirius honestly doesn’t even mind, because James is still there. He might be in his own head, but he’s always still there, and eventually he’ll tune back in and nod along and even ask questions which prompts Sirius to talk even more.
So when Sirius has been rambling for the better part of ten minuets, and James suddenly grabs him and drags him into a quick kiss, Sirius shuts down.
His best friend in the whole world just made him shut up. He’s even gotten insufferable to James. And he knows he’s going on and gossiping about things James doesn’t care about, but if he really doesn’t want to listen he could have just asked.
He didn’t need to make Sirius feel like shit about it.
And it doesn’t help that Sirius has been dreaming about kissing James for years now.
He shuts off, stops talking, and brings his knees up to his chest, “Sorry.” Sirius mutters, and closes his eyes for a moment.
He wants to cry, but he refuses to be so annoying in front of James.
“Sorry?” James asked, sounding confused and kind of offended, “Sorry.” James repeated, and he sounded kind of gutted.
He knows. The worst part is that he knows. He figured it out. He must have. He knows, just from one simple kiss that Sirius is madly in love with him, and that he too hates himself for talking too much. He’s just ruined everything with his inability to shut his fucking mouth.
James has probably been waiting for Sirius to shut up since he got into the dorm, and the only way he could figure out to do it was to kiss his mouth shut.
Sirius is going to cry. He can’t bring himself to say anything before he crawls out of James’ bed curtains and climbs into his own. He draws them shut and curls up under the covers, casting a silencing charm around him before crying himself a headache.
James pokes his head into the curtain after a while. And Sirius really tries his best to not cry more but he can’t help it, he’s so annoying that his cries outweigh the fucking charm.
Just like his mother said. Insufferable chatterbox. He should have let her sew his mouth shut.
“I’m sorry.” James said, sitting at the very end of Sirius’ bed, knees curled to his chest and cheeks stained with sticky tears.
Sirius couldn’t bring himself to say anything, too afraid it would annoy James more. He hates annoying his friends, especially James. Oh, James.
“I shouldn’t have-“ James cleared his throat, “I know we’re best friends, but… well, I suppose we’re not now. But you’re- you’re the one person I’ve always trusted, and you already know, so I’m just gonna say it, okay? I’m… I’m queer.”
Sirius tensed and looked at James, “What?”
“I’m queer.” James confirmed, “And I- I’m sorry I just… I thought maybe you- maybe you felt the same. Sometimes I wonder… when you… you look at me like- like I’m… I don’t know. It’s stupid. It’s all so- I’m so fucking stupid.” James sniffled, rubbing the back of his palm on his nose, “I don’t want to lose you over some stupid feelings, and I know you hate me. I’m sorry your stupid best friend is a queer, I know it’s- I’m… I’m sorry, okay. But I need you to know- I’ve always wanted you to know.”
“You’re…” Sirius sat up, pulling the blankets to his chest, “You’re queer?”
James nodded, “Please don’t tell anyone.” He looked at Sirius through glassy eyes, “Please don’t hate me.”
“James I-“ Sirius launched himself forward, placing his hand over James’ and squeezing it tight, “I’d never hate you. Never. Why would you- Jamie… I’m… me too, okay. I’m… I’m queer too.”
“What?” James sniffled, “You are?”
Sirius nodded, “But I don’t understand what this has to do with me… with me needing to shut up.”
“It has nothing to do with- Sirius…” James pleaded, dipping his head to search Sirius’ eyes, “Where did you get the impression I wanted you to shut up.”
“You kissed me, James!” Sirius defended, “People only ever kiss me like that when I’m being annoying- need to shut up. I… you found my stupid rambling so annoying that you needed to shut me-“
“I don’t find your rambling annoying or stupid, Pads- I’m… don’t you… wait- people do that? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I’m ashamed, obviously, James.” Sirius sobbed, bringing his hands to his eyes, “You’re stuck with a best friend who can’t shut his mouth. Why would I annoy you more by rambling about my petty problems that are entirely my own fault.”
“Because you’re my best friend.” James muttered, pulling Sirius’ hands away from his face, “And you’re meant to tell me these things so I can protect you from them… oh, Sirius, love, I’m so sorry.” James frowned and wiped some of Sirius’ tears away with the calloused pads of his thumbs, “I’m so sorry people treat you that way. I don’t feel like that, love. You know I enjoy your rambling, I love the sound of your voice. It brings me so much comfort.”
Sirius sniffled, “So why would you shut me up like that?”
“Sirius…” James tipped his head with coy smile, “I didn’t shut you up, love. I kissed you.”
“I don’t understand.” Sirius whispered.
“Sirius…” James pressed, “I kissed you.”
Sirius could only blink at him, the dots unable to connect themselves in his head.
James smiled, huffed a soft breath through his nose that Sirius took as an amused sort of laugh. They looked at eachother for a moment, and only a short moment before James was cupping Sirius’ cheeks and pulling him in close to kiss.
This time when James kissed him, it wasn’t to quiet Sirius. It was simply to kiss him. And James kissed him deeply, breathing a heavy sigh through his nose at first contact. His fingers dug deeper into the plush of Sirius’ cheeks and he opened his mouth, slipped in his tongue, and moaned a contented sigh. James kissed Sirius because he wants to kiss Sirius.
Because James seems to feel the same way.
“Oh.” Sirius muttered when the kiss broke, both desperate for air, “You fancy me.”
“Bingo, love.” James murmured, smiling dreamily up at him. His cheeks were flushed, his lips all wet and swollen, his eyes all glassy and soft. He looked positively chaffed to have just done that, and Sirius found his heart leaping out of his chest at the sight.
“You weren’t kissing me to shut me up?”
James shook his head, “I kissed you because every time you go one one of those rants I fight the urge to kiss you all over. Sometimes I even zone out completely and come up with a whole scenario in my head where I kiss you, and you kiss me back, and sometimes we shag and sometimes we don’t, and we lay in bed together, and I get to lay on your chest and listen to it vibrate as you ramble some more. Sometimes I imagine falling asleep to it, to you, because I love you, you make me feel safe. The sound of your voice makes me feel safe, Sirius.”
“Oh.” Came a shattered sob out of Sirius’ mouth, and he melted. James laughed at him softly, wiping the tears in Sirius’ eyes and pulling him in tight for a hug. He even went so far as to scatter kisses all over Sirius’ head.
“I promise I only interrupted you because I found you so unbelievably beautiful in every way that I simply couldn’t resist anymore. I’m so sick of holding back and waiting.” James leant down to kiss his brow, “I don’t want to wait anymore. I want you now.”
“I want you now, too.” Sirius muttered, curling into James, “You make me feel safe too, Jamie.”
“I know, love.” James chuckled, “You tell me all the time.”
Sirius blushed and wrapped himself tighter around James, “Can I kiss you again?”
“Yeah.” James muttered, and couldn’t stop smiling about it.
“I love you.” Sirius whispered as his lips brushed against James’. He pressed a singular, soft little kiss there before whispering more, “I’m sorry if I annoy you with-“
“You don’t. You can’t.” James promised, kissing him again, “Sometimes I wish I was the only person you’d ramble to, so I might get to be special.”
“You are.” Sirius smiled, “You’re the only person who doesn’t find it insufferable.”
“You’re the only person I’d never find insufferable.” James grinned and kissed him hard and deep again. It lingered for a while, the kiss, until their lips were swollen and they were panting for air. “You’re mine.”
“I’m yours.” Sirius promised, “The person I save my most special rambles for.”
James giggled, “And I’m yours. The person who could listen you nonstop talk for the rest of his life and never grow tired of you.”
“You’re mine.” Sirius agreed.
“Lay with me?” James asked, almost desperate sounding, “Let me lay on your chest whilst you finish telling me everything you wanted to say before?”
Sirius smiled and nodded his head, “And once I’ve finished that, I’ll ramble on about all the ways and reasons I love James Fleaumont Potter, because I’ve been dying to talk about that one for years.”
James kissed him through a smile, and they did exactly that.
★ ★ ★
Someone find me a James to spontaneously be kissed by please and thank you
If you want to read more of my work you can find it all here :)))
Just tagging a few people who expressed interest in this little drabble, all my prongsfoot shippers have got to stick together in these sparse conditions I swear: @vintagetee13 @fiendishfyre @snarky-magpie @groundzero-v @lapassemirroir @siriuslycomplex
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fiendishfyre · 1 year ago
Okay, it starts off with Sirius taking James to the astronomy tower to show him the stars and constellations, etc. It's their thing, Sirius quizzes James on it, Sirius tells him the stories associated with it.
They do when need a break from life and stress.
Years pass and James goes into hiding with Lily and Lil Harry. James wants Sirius there, he needs him to keep him sane.
"I can't look up at the night sky and find comfort if you're not there."
Sirius gives him a pained look. Sirius can't look to his side and find James missing from it.
They are each other's safe place. But things are the way they are. But it doesn't mean he can't give something to James. He gets a clear quartz crystal pendant and carved a star in it and imbues it with just enough of his magic for james to sense it.
"You carry a part of me, always, Jamie, but here's something to physically hold to when you're losing yourself in the starry night, I'll be there, trust me. Watching, holding on to everything you've given me." They kiss. Lily smiles at them, holding a small Harry.
That awful night happens and Sirius doesn't even have time to properly mourn his love before he's spirited away to Azkaban. Years pass, he escapes and he goes to the abandoned, dustry home, knowing he'd find little to nothing there.
Except the crystal pendant. His magic gone, instead replaced with James'. Though barely there, it's still humming to Sirius.
The night sky becomes slightly more bearable to look up at once again.
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wwreversetropefest2024 · 5 months ago
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Reverse Tropes...but make them Fall!? 🎃
Sign-ups are still open for the Wizarding World Reverse Trope Fest, feel free to use one of these (or your own spooky reverse trope) by selecting 'Creator's Choice' when signing up for a prompt.
Ohhhh these are going to be good!
1) Check the prompts on the AO3 collection page. If the prompt you want to write is not there, select 'Creator's Choice.' 2) Claim a prompt. 3) Fill out our Google Form on the fest's profile page. Once you have completed these steps, you have officially signed up! Fics are due November 13th, 2024. I can't wait to read yours!
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courfee · 21 days ago
platonic prongsfoot + 17 pretty pleeeeeease <3
17 - “This is going to hurt.”
“This is the dumbest idea we’ve ever had.” “Why, Prongs? Do you not want to immortalise our bond? Show the world how much you love me?” James looks exasperated at his best friend. He can’t believe he actually agreed to this. “I do,” he insists. “Then what’s the problem?” “This is going to hurt.” Sirius has the audacity to laugh at him. “James. My love. Look at me. Would I look like this if it really hurt that bad?” “You’re a masochist,” James mumbles. Then, louder, because Sirius probably has a point, “Fine. Go ahead. Give me that damned tattoo.”
send me a prompt and i'll write a drabble
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siriusblack-the-third · 7 months ago
James supposes that if he were ever to be asked when he realised he was in love with Sirius, he would say that it wasn't a certain point of time. He would say that it grew over the years, from friendship to something in between to proper romantic love. He would say that he grew into it, into loving Sirius, into being in love with Sirius.
It would be a lie. He knows exactly when he fell in love with Sirius.
In general, he thinks as he takes a long drag from the cigar that he swiped from his mother, beginnings are important.
The beginning is where things gear up so they can fall into place at a later time. The beginning is the point in time where the higher beings, whether they exist or not, line everything up so that it can happen. Without beginnings, existence is.. well, non-existent. The universe began somewhere, at some time billions of years in the past, he thinks as he blows out the smoke. And then the sun was made and it began to burn, and then the earth was born, and then life began, and so forth till it culminated to now. To this.
To James' love for Sirius.
Which came into being the very moment he laid eyes upon him.
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sunkenstar · 2 years ago
Sirius and James having a bet on who can seduce the new hot professor at their uni.
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stagprongs · 2 months ago
remus : there’s a thin line between being a genius and being a idiot , james and sirius uses that line like a fucking jump rope
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lov3-lik3-ghosts · 1 year ago
Here is a small extract from my most recent masterpiece and WIP! It���s a take on a completely depraved and chronically in love Severus Snape whose sole focus is poly!marauders.
Depravity (Extract); Part 2.
Remus drew in an exasperated breath and rolled his amber orbs while treading the few steps towards James. Severus was ever thankful for how comfortable they were in each others space, never failing to look as though they were embodiment of Lucifer’s own wet dreams created by carefully woven magic. Demonstrating his cause of unholiness, Remus cupped the back of James’ neck and trailed his fingers languidly over the skin with an effortless sensuality that could only be described as a caress; Snape watched on with rapt attention and sunk a canine into the inner corner of his lip when his mouth began to run dry.
Potter angled his head down, only to make the smooth skin under his collar more accessible to Lupin but consequently came face to bloodied face with Severus. He knew James didn’t think anything of their closeness but Severus did.
Severus did and he could feel the life James respired from his lungs escape his parted lips only to reach his own, and god forbid any one of the boys had mastered the art of Legilimency because the thought of inhaling James’ air – the oxygen he in-took, that conspired within him, and then exhaled free for him – stirred a blur of feelings previously imbedded so deeply in him he swore he felt them crawl from the burning purgatory and settle in his chest with a roaring ferocity. Ignoring the coppery taste, he sucked in a breath and allowed an ounce of visible depravity in the form of a darting tongue that gave him a deep-seated satisfaction.
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arliedraws · 9 months ago
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompt 15. with slytherin Sirius/gryffindor James plsss
girl u know i'm a slut for slytherin sirius/gryffindor james - i got u:
Hurt/Comfort Prompt #15: "Talk to Me"
He awoke suddenly.
His legs were curled beneath him awkwardly, his shoulder ached, and something warm dribbled down the side of his face. Sirius lifted heavy lids. At this strange angle, the world was bleary and dark. Snow filtered like dust through the hole in the ceiling, crisscrossing through splintered beams to settle on the bodies strewn over the floor. Sirius himself was laying across someone’s body. 
Groaning, he pushed himself up and surveyed the spinning room. Antonin and Rabastan had caught the full force of the blast and were hurled to the other side of the room, their forms now slumped at the base of the blown-out window. A wizard Sirius didn’t know had lost a leg by the looks of it. The man below Sirius who had cushioned the impact of the explosion was breathing shallowly, his body riddled with splinters. 
He had landed on Potter—James Potter who was struggling to breathe, his chest filled with shrapnel. As far as Sirius could tell, they were the only two people left in the world, the only two left alive. Awareness swam back to him as he realized that James Potter was dying.
It jolted him awake. His fingers flew to Potter’s robes, fumbling to unfasten the clasp on his cloak, scrabbling to rip open the buttons on his shirt and expose the bloody chest—
Sirius inhaled sharply. 
“No…no, Potter, don’t do this…”
It was a surprise Potter wasn’t already dead. He was riddled with splinters that punctured his belly and chest. Sirius whipped around to see that no one was moving in the room—all was silent save for James Potter’s labored breaths. 
 He had never seen Potter so pale. A boy with scarlet, wind-beaten cheeks splitting through the air on a broomstick surfaced in his mind. Sirius had never wanted to play Quidditch at Hogwarts, but he had longed to be closer to that boy—the one who flew with such nimble speed, who gritted his teeth with such fury when tailed by his opponent, who erupted with ill-contained enthusiasm when he scored. A boy with so much life. 
Sirius touched the pale face. He needed to leave. The Dark Lord would understand if he left behind Antonin and Rabastan to save himself—they were expendable and Sirius was not. No one would blame him for fleeing without regard to his companions. Yet Sirius lingered, smoothing a thumb across the skin flecked with filth, wondering when Potter’s face had lost the softness of his youth. He longed to see hazel eyes fly open, to see them glaring at him with the sort of vitriol Sirius had craved since they had left Hogwarts over a decade ago. 
“Come on, Potter. Wake up, fool…wake up… This is no place to die.”
At last, the eyelids were fluttering. Little by little, hazel eyes gained focus. Dazed, Potter looked at him.
“Black? What…?”
Potter moved his hand to his exposed chest, but Sirius caught his wrists.
“Don’t touch it,” warned Sirius. 
“God, it hurts. Am I dying?”
“No. I don’t think so. But—but you’ve got to get help.”
Potter groaned and his eyes slide shut. Sirius tapped his face hard. “No—no, don’t do that, Potter. Talk to me. Stay with me.”
“M’tired. Just want to—”
The wind howled through the ruined ceiling, and Sirius shuddered. No one else was moving, and James Potter seemed well on his way to being like the rest of them. Sirius cupped Potter’s face. What would Voldemort do if he found that Sirius had saved Potter but not Antonin and Rabastan? 
“Talk to me,” Sirius urged. “Tell me about your son.”
“Yes, tell me about him. He must be at Hogwarts now.”
“Yeah,” said Potter. “Yeah, he’s there now. Good boy. Good kid.” The eyelids drooped again. 
“Talk!” barked Sirius, jerking Potter awake. 
“Q-Quidditch. Plays Quidditch. Good…at it…”
Blood pooled at the corner of Potter’s mouth. Sirius groped around the floor for his wand, prompting Potter with benign questions as his own panic mounted. Where was it? Had it been splintered int the blast? Potter wasn’t going to live—not if Sirius didn’t get him out of this dilapidated house in the next moment—and that would be the end of Potter—
Then, he spotted it and dove for the familiar wand beneath a pile of debris.
Potter fell silent, his mumblings trailing off.
Sirius growled and lightly slapped the scruff of Potter’s face, but the hazel eyes didn’t reopen. Resolved to accept the consequence of Lord Voldemort’s fury for saving the Auror but not his companions, Sirius drew the unconscious man to his chest, tucked the head of wild hair beneath his chin, and Disapparated.
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year ago
sirius would fall first for james - the second he sees his bright sunshine smile with a big front tooth gap he’d be smitten blushing red and getting hearts in his eyes
james would realise he has a crush on sirius the first time sirius opens up about how cruel his mother is and how worried he is about leaving reggie at home alone all year like that - he’d hold onto sirius and want to protect him with every fibre in his body
they’re both first years, eleven and twelve when they get their crushes.
they’re both third years, awkward teenagers with voices that crack and an abnormal amount of body hair they freak out about together, when they realise they’re in love with the other.
it’s not till they’re twenty one, and sirius is cradling james’ lifeless body that he tells him he’s the only person sirius has ever loved
it’s not till sirius is thirty three and looking across the dark street at a boy with james’ face and a trunk beside him, waiting for the knight bus, that sirius lets himself weep for the first time since that night, about the man he lost twelve years ago
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