#prompt: there was only one bed
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creativepromptsforwriting · 10 months ago
only one bed
morning after dialogue
"Please, don't make this awkward."
"Did you know that you snore quite a lot?"
"We don't have to talk about it."
"You stole my blanket and fought me for it."
"I need to use the bathroom, could you let me go please?"
"See? That was alright, wasn't it?"
"Never thought you would be a cuddler."
"You're seriously like an octopus."
"How did you sleep? I slept surprisingly well."
"I can't feel my arm anymore, you were laying on it all night."
"You are like a furnace, I felt like I needed to get my clothes off."
"Has anyone ever told you that you talk in your sleep?"
"I couldn't leave, you were lying basically on top of me."
"When did you decide that I was the pillow?"
"Can we delay getting up for a few minutes more, please?"
More: bed sharing scenarios + only one bed dialogue
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scealaiscoite · 1 year ago
reasons for there to be only one bed ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
¹⁾ they’re undercover as a married couple, and as such need to act like one
²⁾ there’s technically two beds available, but it’s freezing cold and everybody knows body heat works best
³⁾ it’s a camping trip, and one character’s forgotten their sleeping bag
⁴⁾ a character goes to their friend’s house after an emotional upheaval in search of comfort, and ends up staying the night - but refuses to kick the homeowner out of their own bed, resulting in the two of them sharing it
⁵⁾ in a roommate scenario, one character’s bedroom has been rendered unusable - and with the couch being unsustainable in the long run, they proffer sharing the one remaining bed as a solution
⁶⁾ there are two beds, but only one blanket
⁷⁾ a character’s taken ill, and the other party worries too much to leave them alone for even a minute
⁸⁾ in a fit of anger after a mission gone wrong, both characters sleep in the only available bed because no one was chivalrous to offer to take the floor
⁹⁾ a character’s had a nightmare, and needs company to feel safe enough to go back to sleep
¹⁰⁾ the weather takes a tumultuous turn, meaning a late night hangout has to turn into a sleepover when a character gets stranded there for the night
¹¹⁾ it’s a late night at work and when they both grow too tired to continue on, the only option is the lone office couch
¹²⁾ a threat’s been made against one/all character(s) involved, and so under the guise of safety in numbers it’s deemed safest if they stay together - everywhere
¹³⁾ one character joins the other for a late-night conversation, and ends up getting comfortable in their bed next to them - evidently too comfortable, as the char in bed falls asleep on the visitor and effectively traps them there
¹⁴⁾ there’s no bed in the shoddy refuge they’ve found after things went sideways, so when it comes time to sleep the only real choice is to stay close together
and, of course,
¹⁵⁾ it’s the last room available at the hotel after a long trip
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greenglowinspooks · 1 year ago
Ok guys consider this: DP fic where Danny and Wes run away together
Make no mistake, they still absolutely HATE each other. Wes has been trying to expose Danny’s identity since the beginning, and that hasn’t changed a bit since the GiW appeared.
Now, though, it makes a little bit more sense to Danny.
Wes is at his window, panting and shaking, and he is bleeding. The GiW, he explains, had been harassing him since the beginning. An hour ago, they got the warrant needed to take him into custody, and they went after him immediately. To add to that, they got the papers to go after one other person as well. Danny.
So now, they’re on the world’s worst road trip to Florida or Alaska or some other, equally far away state because Wes has an uncle there who he knows has a deep enough grudge against the government that he won’t sell them out for anything.
They hate each other, and desperately wish they could ditch each other, but Danny’s the only one who can actually keep their rustbucket bike (originally Wes’ brother’s, gifted to him after it started breaking down) working without dropping at least 2 grand on repairs, and Wes is the only one with a driver’s license.
Danny’s honestly surprised that Wes didn’t just sell him out. Wes told him that, quite frankly, he probably would have, had the GiW not attacked him as viciously as they did. He still hated Danny, of course, but he couldn’t live with himself if he just…left someone to get tortured like that.
Danny snaps that he knew the GiW would do that since the beginning, and if Wes had just listened to him—
In truth, he’s surprisingly touched. He’s never gonna tell Wes that, but still.
Basically just roadtrip of hell where Danny and Wes slowly get closer and start to understand each other, while simultaneously Jazz and Sam are working together to politically destroy the GiW, Tucker is running digital interference as much as possible (Danny, please stop showing your full face in front of security cameras, are you trying to give him a seizure), and the parents Fenton are beginning to think that they might’ve, just maybe, made a slight mistake in their understanding of Phantom.
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ogdoadfates · 1 year ago
There was only one bed/sharing a bed Prompt list
We doing this masterful trope this time lol. Again like always feel free to use for anything.
Person A waking up to a sleeping Person B clinging onto them tightly.
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
Person A waking up to Person B curled up and sleeping on top of them.
"Join me?"
Person A helping calm down Person B who woke up terrified and crying from a nightmare.
First time sharing a bed as a couple.
"Can I join you? I just...I just don't want to be alone tonight."
Whispering "Oh you are going to be very embarrassed when you wake up."
"I don't know, you just make me feel safe."
"It's late and we're tired."
Accidentally falling asleep on the bed to wake up to someone walking in on them.
Person A & B finding out when they wake up that they both cuddle things in their sleep (in this case each other)
"I can take the floor?" "No it's alright, besides it's big enough for the both of us."
Person A idly playing with Person B's hair while they are asleep.
Person A waking up to notice Person B was watching them sleep.
Person A staying the night after an event involving Person B.
Person A staying the night to help Person B recover after they were released from the hospital.
"You sure this is okay?"
"Do you want me to stay?"
"This okay?"
"It's alright, I'm here."
"Weirdly, the best sleep I've ever had."
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localcryptid95 · 8 months ago
dont get me wrong the “theres only one bed trope and they end up sharing and end up cuddling by the time they wake up” is nice but id be a liar if i said i didnt think the “theres only one bed so one of them sleeps on the floor and they just lay there staring at the ceiling and end up talking about anything and everything and just soaking up their voice and the emotion in it and wondering what the others face looks like when they talk that way” is better
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holmesianlove · 3 months ago
Chapter 22 -  Ghosts
After quite a long day interviewing everyone thoroughly at the mansion, and running around after Sherlock all over the estate, John had been exhausted. The hostess had wanted to have them at her table for a formal dinner and John had actually dozed off, sitting upright at the table. He had put in his apologies and headed up to his room to prepare for sleep. In the end, it had been too late to get back to the train, so they would stay the night and head home the next morning.
Sherlock of course, had been right. The daughter was responsible for the theft and had eventually admitted to the crime and returned the jewels all before sunset. John had at least felt useful to some degree, having been the one to go and sit with her and sympathise, until she exploded into tears and admitted it all. Sherlock had lathered him with praise for his work, which felt ridiculous. It really just consisted of him being a good listener, but he would take the praise wherever it was bestowed. Especially when Sherlock was doing the praising.
He and Sherlock had been given adjoining rooms on the second floor of the mansion. There was something comforting about having his own space but also knowing Sherlock would burst through the adjoining door whenever he wanted, as he was prone to doing. He opened the French folding doors which allowed him to walk out onto a shared balcony and take in the beautiful tailored gardens below. John couldn’t imagine what life would like to be so wealthy, that you would own an estate of this size. It felt overwhelming despite its beauty. Standing there, alone, he suddenly felt a pang of sadness. They would be returning home in the morning. Back to London. Back to routine. He could already feel his chest tensing, his mind closing up. Over the last few days he had been sure that there had been… something brewing there with his flatmate. He couldn’t put his finger on exactly what had changed to make him think it. Not to mention, he would never make an assumption of someone like Sherlock without actual, verbal confirmation from the detective’s mouth, but even so, it felt like things had shifted with them. Perhaps it was just a shift to a more intimate friendship in Sherlock’s eyes? They had shared more stories, more confessions, but also more physical touch. In any case, John had been enjoyed it all. He wasn’t sure how comfortable he would feel back in London being that way in public with his friend. They endured enough crap as it was. No matter how many times he told people… they never believed him. 
Not gay.
And he wasn’t. Not exclusively. Not entirely. Mind you, he thought he would simply make an effort, try to make an impression on Sherlock, show he was serious about the work and dress up a little bit. And the way Sherlock had looked at him when he came down to breakfast in his suit! But he didn’t expect the detective to wear that shirt. That was a spanner in his plan. He was pleased to see Sherlock was a little surprised by the outfit, and a little thrown, perhaps? Or maybe he was just sleep deprived too. But the man had struggled with words for the entire day. Did it mean something?
John had left Sherlock at the table to speak with their host a little longer and talk her through the next steps now that her daughter had confessed.
He undid his tie and shirt and smiled to himself, as he began to get changed for bed. The last few days had really taken a toll on him somehow though, combined with the sleep deprivation of the night before. It was time for an early night. It took him very little time to fall off to sleep in the large, very soft and comfortable bed, surrounded by fluffy pillows. He intended to sleep well.
He didn’t know how much later it was, but he awoke in the dark, with Sherlock kneeling beside him up on the bed, holding his shoulders.
“Sherlock?” he croaked out, sleepily. “What is it?” He pushed himself up a bit to be able to look at his friend who flopped his weight back to his knees with a heavy sigh. “What? What is it?”
“A nightmare, John. Or a night terror, more accurately, I’d say.”
“Oh, are you alright? Do you need me?” John asked, becoming more alert.
“Not me, John. You. You were screaming.” He swallowed loudly, his voice sounded shaken. “You were screaming my name. Over and over. I was sure you were being murdered in your bed,” Sherlock rasped out, his voice full of worry.
“Oh. God I’m sorry I don’t… I don’t know what that was even about.” He rubbed a hand over his face as he tried to remember what he’d been dreaming about but it completely escaped him now. “I don’t… I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault,” Sherlock said, relaxing further onto the covers. “You didn’t do it on purpose. I had to shake you awake. I hope I didn’t… hurt you?”
John shook his head as he tried to register any feeling in his body. “No. No, I’m fine.” He looked at Sherlock who seemed terrified still. Even in the dark, he seemed to be shaking slightly. “I’m so sorry.”
“Honestly, John. It’s fine." Sherlock straightened his shoulders, his voice sounding more calm now. "Do you really not remember what it was about?”
John looked at his lap, just breathing, trying to remember. “It’s usually just about… the war… ghosts. People I’ve lost, moments I wish I could change. The day I got shot. The day one of my friends died in my arms.” He shook his head. “I’m not sure I’ll ever be free of those ghosts.”
Sherlock watched John for the longest time and finally put a hand on his thigh. “I’m sorry.”
John shook his head again. “Not your doing.”
“Is that why…” Sherlock cleared his throat, rethinking the question.
John raised a brow, looking at his friend who suddenly seemed unable to speak. That was very unlike him. “Why what?” “Is that why you don’t like to… make friends? Make… connections with people?” Sherlock asked.
John frowned. “I don’t think I…” He sighed. “I don’t know. I think you’re the very best friend I’ve ever had, closer than any of those blokes,” he said candidly, his brain waking up slowly. “I don’t trust people easily, that’s true. And I don’t like people because they don’t… understand me. But you do, Sherlock. I don’t think I’m… restricting myself. Not with you. And I don't need any more connections than that.” He blushed a little, knowing of course there were some things he wasn’t going to tell Sherlock, but otherwise, Sherlock had access to everything about him. “I protect you so fiercely, when we’re on a case, when people say things… because you’re my very best friend and I wouldn't be able to… survive a loss… of that,” he said honestly. He swallowed hard and flopped back onto his pillow. “I’m sorry I woke you.”
“I’ll probably stay awake now,” Sherlock sighed. “It’s three A.M.”
John sighed. “Me too.”
As he lay there in silence he felt the bed move and Sherlock was suddenly lying down beside him, on the other pillow. He had his hands clasped together chastely on his stomach and he looked at the ceiling, not making eye contact. “We could tell ghost stories? While we wait for the sun to rise?”
John turned his head to look at Sherlock and smiled. He always knew how to cheer John up. Sherlock didn’t move his eyes from the ceiling, so John turned his head to look up at the ceiling too. There was an ornate light fixture and beautiful plaster work to observe and the moonlight made shadows that created changing patterns there. He could stare at those and keep his eyes away from his friend lying beside him. “Okay. You go first, though,” John suggested.
“Okay,” Sherlock said with a smile and so he began.
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nevermeanttoknow · 9 months ago
whenever theres some silly guys i like i have to draw them with passerine by the oh hellos or ill die irl
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geraskierfanficprompts · 9 months ago
Prompt 81
In a modern world, Geralt needs to stay the night at a hotel. The only problem is that by some weird mistake, they gave him the keys to a room already occupied. Nevermind- There's a second, bigger problem which is that the man inside mistook Geralt for his Grindr date and kissed him as soon as he walked into the door. Third even bigger problem, Geralt REALLY needs a room, so he has to now very awkwardly explain the entire situation to this horny pretty man with an instrument case slung over his shoulder, and sinful lips. Fourth biggest problem, It's a fucking single bed.
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spacedace · 2 years ago
Quick dp x dc prompt:
Danny, Tim & Kon decide to play matchmaker to Elle, Damian and Jon because they're sick and tired of the three of them dancing around each other.
They are unaware that Elle, Damian and Jon have decided to do the same thing to them for the same reason.
There's so much matchmaking collateral damage (other people stumbling into schemes and dating the people they fell into them with).
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x-emeraldsky-x · 1 year ago
Prompt - Only One Bed
Shikamaru groaned lightly as he walked to the village gate. Per Hokage's orders, he was tasked with housing one of the Hidden Sand's Jounin for a week, and as much of a drag it was, he was grateful only his father was home for the duration. He loved his mother dearly, but he had no intentions of hearing any talk, whether it was about dating, marriage or sex.
The very thought of bringing a woman to his mother shook him to his core, especially a woman like Temari. Temari was very forward, and often she'd lack a filter for the things she'd say. His mother quite easily took offense to things, and Temari's "I-Don't-Give-A-Fuck" nature was surely a horrible mix.
As the gate neared he tried to push his exhaustion away. Temari was a woman in high power, and despite what his younger self would think, Shikamaru respected her quite a lot. It was important to him to look professional in front of her.
Temari was a very intelligent woman. Often her battle strategies had led Sunagakure strongly, she was an amazing leader. Authoritive, but still caring towards the soldiers of Suna. She also showed great skill when it came to puzzles and boardgames, she was one of the few people to come close to beating him competitively. Her dedication to protecting her family was also quite admirable; always rushing in to defend her brothers, even when they were strong enough to do it themselves. She was so full of love, and balanced her work and home life well. Shikamaru admired her strengths greatly.
A light burn on his cheeks brought him out of his thoughts, whether it was a blush or the sun, he wasn't sure, but Temari's voice began to creep to his ears. He had to focus now.
Temari stood talking to a couple guards at the gate, the two that often teased Shikamaru for his apparent "obvious crush", Izumo and Kotetsu. Dreading the embarrassment, he waited for her to finish talking before approaching so they didn't have to stay long.
He muttered a small greeting, ignoring the shit-eating grins from the men beside him, and turned to Temari.
Her eyes carried dark circles, clearly tired from her travels. She had a tendency to get careless and do the whole trip on one nights sleep and a nap, and while Shikamaru found it troublesome, it was the perfect excuse to get home faster.
"Oh! There's the little love bird. It's such a shame he always keeps you waiting. It's already late afternoon!"
"Yeah! Come on, Shikamaru. Have some mercy on the poor girl, she's already stuck with you~"
Temari shook her head, half waving to them while walking off. The two said their goodbyes, and after Shikamaru glared at the them for their immaturity, he started to lead Temari across town.
They went their typical route, passing shops with their keepers trying to draw Temari in with their wears, kids dancing and playing together on the path, and all the usual Shinobi and Kunoichi making their way to their posts. It was relaxing in the only way your hometown could bring, and although Temari wasn't from Konoha, he could see her enjoying it too.
She watched the busy streets with a soft smile, the same smile she gives to her brothers, full of love and admiration. There was a sadness in her eyes, though. The sadness of growing up, or more so, watching your family grow up. Shikamaru didn't understand how it felt, but maybe one day he would.
As the sun began to set, they arrived at the house. Loud talking and slight shouting rustled the walls. Shikamaru groaned, recognising the voices, and slid open the door.
"I'm home, father... and Chouza and Inoichi."
The three men turned to them, raising their glasses and laughing. While Shikamaru and Temari stepped inside and removed their sandals, the room was filled with tipsy greetings.
"Welcome home, son. And, uh... who's your friend?"
"She's uhm, a Jounin. From Suna. She's staying here for a week."
Temari looked around while Shikamaru spoke with his father, grimacing at the smell of alcohol as she passed by. Family photos and clan symbols lined the walls. It was far more cozy than her home at Suna. With both her and Kankuro on missions, and Gaara as the Kazekage, it was practically unlived in.
Bits and pieces of conversation filtered in through her focus, Shikamaru arguing with the three men about their relationship. In a way, it reminded her of her own parents during their love, commenting on any boy she showed interest in and teasing her about crushes. None the less, what Shikamaru said was true. They weren't together, and while she was an adult and he was still 16, they wouldn't be until many years have passed.
Eventually, Shikamaru got fed up with their banter and lead Temari to his bedroom, where she would be staying throughout the trip. It was a small room with a simple double bed, very little furniture inhabited it aside from necessities. It had a door leading to a private bathroom as well.
Exhausted and quite gross from her travels, Temari decided to hit the showers while Shikamaru prepared the room better. Fluffing the pillows and making sure nothing vulgar was out in the open; he was a boy in his late teenage years of course. When he was done, he sat and waited for her on the bed.
The sound of running water covered the loud three man party in the living room, Shikamaru was rather surprised that Ino and Chouji weren't there was well. Usually if one generation of "Ino-Shika-Chou" was present, the other would be too. Maybe his father took pity on him and decided just three people teasing him was enough.
Around five minutes had passed before the water shut off, and Shikamaru prepared to take one himself. The door opened and after one final look around the room, he had a realisation.
"Where are you gonna sleep, Mr. Crybaby?"
He didn't have another place to sleep.
Shikamaru's face began to flush from embarrassment. How did he not plan this out better? He felt like an idiot. Temari's laughter didn't help either.
"I didn't plan this right."
"Clearly," Temari snorted. "But it's fine. I'll sleep on the floor, I have a sleeping bag."
Shikamaru watched her unfurl it, stopping her before she laid down. Temari raised her eyebrow, unimpressed by the contact.
"No. You've had too big of a walk to be sleeping on the floor. Take the bed."
Temari moved her body from his, crossing her arms and looking down at him. It wasn't much of a tactic to intimidate him, only to show her displeasure, but it was affective in both.
"I'm not taking your bed from you."
"I'm not letting you sleep on the floor!"
They went back and forth for a few minutes, both just as stubborn as the other, before Temari gave up.
"Look, if it's that important to you, lets just share the bed. Put pillows in the middle."
Shikamaru grumbled lightly. While he did respected her greatly, she was quite a troublesome person. He swallowed his pride and accepted.
The rest of the evening went smoothly from then on. Shikamaru gathered some food for them while Temari took the time to relax; stretching and easing the tension in her muscles. Shikamaru's matress was soft. It sunk in beneath her weight quite a bit, constantly making the pillow wall fall apart, but it was worth the annoyance after the past few days.
Shikamaru came back with a simple meal. With how fast it came, Temari guessed it was premade. Shikamaru didn't seem like the type to cook, quickly or good, but food was food in the end.
While they ate, Shikamaru looked at Temari closely for the first time since he met with her. She was only wearing a bra and long pants, a good portion of her skin showing, and the most odd thing, she had her hair tied into two rather than four. Her skin looked rough and damaged from wear he sat, he was willing to bet it'd feel just the same, and her body had many healed scars from training and battle. He had heard how harsh Suna's training was, he wondered how many scars were from village people and how many were from enemies.
"Whatdya staring at?"
Shikamaru turned away embarrassed. "Nothing... sorry."
She laughed and shook her head, finishing her food before lying down again.
"You apologise too much."
Shikamaru ate in silence, trying to keep his eyes to himself. She was right in a sense, he apologised a lot when it came to her, something about her nature made him want to, even if it was any other person he'd just shrug it off. Deep down, he knew his father was right. Izumo and Kotetsu too. Naruto, Asuma, Chouza and Inoichi. They were all right. He loved her, he just wasn't ready to admit it.
Temari tossed and turned for a bit trying to get comfortable, settling for laying in her side. Back facing him. Part of him wanted to pull the blanket over her, another part wanted her to hold him close. He settled for taking care of the dishes, trying to pull his mind away from his feelings.
When he returned, snoring had filled the room. Temari's position much more sloppy then when he had left. It was unladylike, but still beautiful. Shikamaru smiled softly, the muscles in his face straining when he tried to stop.
Turning off the light, he crawled into the bed beside her, her body out of sight with the pillows dividing them but the feeling of her body remained. The bed was more comfortable, more warm, and more cozy with her in it, and he quietly wished she could be there longer than a week.
Shikamaru's eyes grew heavy with the warmth, the sound of her snoring made him feel oddly at ease. Usually he hated noise when he was trying to sleep, but there was something about Temari that made it tolerable. She made him feel safe, protected, at home. It was easy to fall asleep by her side.
In the morning, he was sure she'll find a way around sharing a bed, but for now, he'd enjoy her comfort while he could.
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creativepromptsforwriting · 10 months ago
only one bed
dialogue prompts
"I guess someone needs to sleep on the floor."
"This will not be awkward at all."
"We're both adults, we can sleep in one bed."
"It does look like a very comfortable bed..."
"One bed is one thing, but only one pillow and one blanket?"
"You will survive sleeping next to me for one night."
"We're both tired, so please just get in."
"It's not like we haven't slept together before."
"This totally does not feel like the movies."
"I will take the couch, it's no problem."
"Quit acting like I have the plague."
"Just put a pillow between us."
"No one needs to sleep in a bathtub, that's ridiculous."
"I don't want to freeze, so just let's get it over with."
"We're friends, this doesn't need to be weird."
"It's just for one night, we can handle that."
More: Bed Sharing Scenarios
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! 🥰
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snacho-to-ur-nacho · 7 months ago
hear me out, rather than there was only one bed:
-theres two beds and four people and theres tension going on between two that their friends can see
-theres two beds but one is larger so they keep arguing until they just both dive for it
-theres two beds but one is under the ac and is freezing
-theres two beds but theyre like really close friends and are wondering ic ut would be rude to just immeadierly go for the other
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froizetta · 6 months ago
Superbat Week Day 2: Ordeals on the Road
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Fandom: DCU Pairing(s): Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Length: 5.5k Chapters: 1/1 Summary:
The last time they’d shared a bed, they’d had sex. Afterwards, Clark had lain beside him, the world feeling fuzzy and pleasant in the wake of it. He’d tipped his head towards Bruce to see that stern profile relaxed, hair a mess, skin glowing with exertion, a soft smile playing about his lips.
He was everything Clark wanted. And Clark had thought to himself, very calmly, that he couldn’t do this anymore.
(or: The Only One Bed fic that literally no-one asked for.)
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razzle-zazzle · 3 months ago
1896 words; post-canon
Secret Santa for @loudlychoppedbread! A oneshot of Lili flirting with Raz via bad pickup lines!
AO3 ver
Lili needed to get Raz to visit her garden more often.
Well, maybe not. It was her space, as nice as it was to have Raz help her with the flowers. Even if his herbaphony was next to nonexistent and his green thumb was more like a small thumbnail. But it was nice to share this with him, and he was just so…
A jet of water splattered onto the begonia in front of her, putting out the flame that had started eating at the leaves. Lili flinched back, face flushing as she realized she what she had almost done in her distraction.
“You okay?” Raz asked, pulling the watering can away from the begonia. “Usually I’m the one setting your plants on fire.” He added, a small grin at his little joke.
Lili snorted. “That was one time.” She physically stepped back from the begonia, and mentally stepped back from thinking about stupid boys with cute faces and heroic attitudes that made her want to cup that face in her hands and just shake it for being so stupid and cute and frustratingly endearing—
The smell of burnt hair was the only warning Lili got before the watering can was turned upon her, Raz standing upon a levball as he put out the tiny flame. She shrieked, startled. Raz snickered. See? I can water the lilies just fine! He grinned, thought trickling down into Lili’s brain.
“I’ll get you for that!” Lili declared, lunging forwards. Raz yelled, levball rolling back before he tumbled off of it entirely, flipping backwards away from Lili’s tackle. The watering can fell to the ground, forgotten in the chaos as Lili and Raz tumbled around in the grass. The plants were shouting in their own way, either encouraging the tussle or demanding it stop before something got trampled.
So, yeah. Maybe it wasn’t a great idea to have Raz in her garden. Or near her at all.
But Lili was better than this! She wasn’t gonna let some stupid crush get to her! She was gonna take this crush and crush it the best way she knew: by flirting.
As this was a matter of the utmost importance, Lili had to pull out the Big Guns. She’d hesitated to do this, both because there were bigger things to worry about and because she wasn’t sure yet—but now it was time to come out and say it.
“Did it hurt?” Lili asked, not quite blurting the words out but still speaking more abruptly than she wanted.
“Did what hurt?” Raz asked, eyebrows drawing together in confusion. For a single, precarious moment, the very concept of words fled Lili’s mind, replaced by flames and only flames. Raz stared at her, expecting a response. Lili stared back. Stalemate.
“When you fell from heaven!” Lili blurted. The tulips startled at the sound, but Raz—
“Um.” Raz’ face flushed, slightly, before he recovered his bravado, “Of course not. I learned how to fall before I learned how to walk.”
Now it was Lili’s turn to be flustered—that wasn’t how she expected him to react. But she probably should have expected it, given Raz’ acrobatic proficiency and general… Raz-ness. Still, she would not be so easily cowed.
“Yeah, well, if you were a vegetable,” Lili started, grabbing Raz’ gloved hand in hers, “You’d be a cute-cumber.”
Pink and white streamers shot from Raz’ mind to hers, flustered snarls of flattery tangling their link. His mouth opened, face flushed as he fumbled for words.
“You’re cute too!” He managed, through the swoon clawing at his mind. Lili giggled, satisfied with her victory—no, wait, Raz was floating up into the air—Lili snagged Raz’ hand, yanking im back down to earth. He landed on her with a dull thud that knocked the air out of both of them.
After a moment, Lili laughed.
Lili hopped off the balance beam, having successfully made her way across it with minimal wobbling.
“You did it!” Raz cheered, grabbing her hand.
“Of course I did.” Lili agreed, squeezing Raz’ hand back. His mind sloshed against hers, tangly vines creeping between the two of them as they giggled. The perfect moment!
“Are you from Tennessee?” Lili asked. At Raz’ confused look, she elaborated, “Because you’re the only ten I see.” A prime line, taken directly from observing her dad in action—so it was guaranteed to work.
And work it did, because Raz’ giggle turned into a squeak. He started to float, his grip on Lili’s hand tightening—
“That has got to be the lamest pickup line I’ve ever heard.” Dion chuckled, perched up on a tree branch overhead. He jumped off, flipping through the air on his way down. He rolled as he hit the ground, coming to a stop just in front of them.
Raz scoffed, eyes already rolling. “Yeah, because you hear so many pickup lines.”
“Mmhm.” Dion nodded, blatantly ignoring Raz’ sarcasm. “Tons.” He grinned, only to look at Raz again and double-take. “Why are you floating.” He grit out, sounding annoyed but broadcasting wary.
“I’m not floating.” Raz denied, pulling on Lili’s arm and landing back on the ground very suddenly.
Dion’s eyebrows quirked in disbelief, before he visibly decided it didn’t matter. “Whatever. Mom wanted me to ask if you were gonna stay for dinner.”
Lili’s eyes narrowed. She didn’t know Raz’ older brother very well, but what she did know of him she didn’t like very much. “My pickup lines are great, actually.” She interjected, pulling her hand from Raz’ so she could put both hands on her hips for a good and proper glare. It probably wouldn’t be too rude to set Raz’ brother on fire, right? She could probably put it out before any real damage was done. Probably.
“I don’t care if you’re ten or whatever, your pickup lines suck.” Dion said, and now Lili really wanted to set him on fire. She opened her mouth to retort—
“Well, I like them!” Raz interjected. Whatever he was about to say next was cut off by the sound of a levboard grinding to a halt as Gisu came to a stop next to the group. “Sup?” She greeted, one foot on the ground, the other on her levboard.
“Hey.” Dion greeted, the look on his face a little bit similar to the way Raz sometimes looked at Lili. Lili resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She didn’t get why or how, but somehow putting Gisu and Dion together made them both so lame.
Gisu grinned, something like determination leaching off of her. “Just wanted to say,” she started, “If you were a McDonald’s burger, you’d be the McGorgeous.” She wiggled her eyebrows, smug grin threatening to shake into laughter the longer she stood there. “And babe, I am starving.”
Dion brought a hand to his mouth to cover a scuffed laugh, flush dusting his cheeks. Infatuation rolled off him in waves, so obvious that Lili probably didn’t even need to be psychic to notice it. Ewwwwww.
“That was awful.” Lili opined. Neither Dion nor Gisu seemed to care, though, already darting away on Gisu’s levboard with stupid sappy grins on their faces. Geez, Lili and Raz didn’t look at all like that when they were together. Not at all!
“I don’t get what she sees in him.” Raz said. He tentatively reached out, grasping Lili’s hand in his. Lili squeezed back, and resolved to put weird older brothers out of her mind.
“You know, if I could rearrange the alphabet,” Lili started, “I think I’d put U and I together.” She grinned as Raz blushed, rising a few inches into the air. Boldened by the victory, she continued. “You hear that?”
“Hear what?” Raz asked.
“Sounds like we’re near an airport!” Lili declared, squeezing Raz’ hand. “Because my heart is taking off!”
It took a solid ten minutes before Raz came back down.
Lili frowned. Francis needed more water, Fred needed a little more sun, and Fiona was complaining about aphids even though there were ladybugs all over—
“Hey, Lili!” Raz’ voice broke through her thoughts, his mental presence a calm balm against Lili’s rising frustrations. And also another source of frustration. But mostly a balm.
Lili turned her attention away from the begonias to look at Raz, who was balanced on a levball. “Yeah?”
Raz grinned. “Wanna see me do a flip?” He asked, bouncing in place.
“O…kay?” That was weird. Raz never asked to do flips or cartwheels—he just did them, when he felt like it. Lili could tell he was planning something, but when she probed with her mind, a wave of mischievous winking and wait-and-sees blocked her out.
“Watch this!” Raz rolled his levball, looking ready to launch into a flip—
“Ow!” Raz declared, stumbling forwards, levball popping beneath him. His knees hit the dirt, and his head was quick to follow, only for his arms to hit the ground first and transfer his momentum into a somersault. A somersault that ended with him prone on the ground, face in the dirt as he groaned, but a somersault nonetheless.
“Wh—are you okay?” Lili grabbed Raz’ shoulder, hauling him back up. He flopped down, limp against her hold, and Lili almost dropped him floundering for something she could use to help—
Raz rolled over, throwing his arm over his forehead. “Lili…” He groaned, face pinched in pain.
“What?” Lili demanded, kneeling down beside him. “Did you break something?”
“I need…” Raz sighed dramatically, one eye cracking open to look at her before slipping closed again, “I need first aid.” He said, his other hand falling over his chest. “Because I hurt my knees falling head over heels for you.” He finished, his head lolling to the side and his tongue falling out of his mouth with one, final, “blegh.”
Lili froze. All of her earlier panic slammed face-first into the wall of realization as it hit her what Raz was actually doing. “You—” Her face burned, her chest suddenly very light—almost weightless. The ground fell away from her, Raz sinking down as that weightless feeling grew out from her chest into her arms and legs. She curled up, burying her face in her knees to muffle a flustered scream as the ground continued to sink down away from her. Unfair! That was so unfair!
“Lili?!” Raz’ eyes were open wide now as he stared up at her. She floated a little higher, squeezing her knees against her chest as though it might soothe the fire burning up her brain. Stupid cute boys with heroic streaks who were nice and cute and made her want to bite her own pigtails and punch him in the shoulder—
Raz’ hands grabbed onto her arm, pulling Lili from her thoughts. He was standing on a levball, arms stretched as far as he could reach in order to grab onto Lili before she floated off entirely.
“Stop being so cute.” Lili grumbled, uncurling just enough to grab Raz’ hands in hers.
“I could say the same to you.” Raz flirted back, the weightlessness coming back in full force. Lili gasped, fumbling for a response that would send Raz floating right up into the air with her—
No words came to mind. Their feelings intertwined, and Raz floated up without Lili needing to say anything at all.
It took a long time for them to come back down.
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mochiiniko · 1 year ago
@sirwow and they were ROOMMATES
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patrice-bergerons · 2 months ago
I affectionatelly refer to the current fitzier law au installment I am working on as "shameless james whump" (let my man jump into the thames to save someone from drowning, nearly drown himself, and then choose the worst possible way to inform francis that he's landed himself in the hospital, okay) but I want the next one to be a christmas fic.
Specifically, what if neither of them had plans (due to Reasons) and figured they might as well stay at home and get work done but to admit to that is embarrassing so they both told each other that they were going out of town.
except then christmas eve rolls around and they are BOTH still home with no suitcases in sight, leading to a :spidermen pointing at one another: moment, leading to...well seeing as neither of them have any plans, they might as well get chinese takeaway together, no? and thus, they spend the entire christmas together, and there is tree decorating and hallmark movies and just free flowing far ranging conversation bc they are finally at a place where they can talk without the mind games and the pretense. what then you know?
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