#prompt: rainbows
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thebibliosphere · 1 year ago
I feel like I've complained about Tim's email situation in Gotham Knights before (edit: I have), but the truth of it is just so funny.
He's signed up for so many podcasts, video game streamers, and random news alerts; it's just a constant barrage of data going straight into his constantly whirring brain. Hell, he even floats the idea of the Batfamily having their own podcast as a way to correct misinformation about them (which Jason shoots down instantly), and it's made me realize something.
Timothy Drake would be a YouTuber.
In this universe specifically, Timothy Jackson Drake, the heir to Drake Industries and the foster son of the late Bruce Wayne would be a YouTuber.
Think about it. It'd be the perfect cover. Who would ever suspect that some 16-year-old nepo baby with a YouTube channel could ever be Red Robin? You'd have to be mad. I mean, look at him.
Red Robin just dropped out of literal thin air and garotted someone four times his size, and you expect anyone to believe that's the same kid who does 24-hour Minecraft charity streams and occasionally drops 6-hour video essays (his last one was on Lex Luthor's illegal bit mining operation on the moon)?
That kid?
You think that kid is Red Robin?
Ch'yah, okay, sure. And the Joker is funny 🤡.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 6 months ago
Writing Notes: Exploring your Setting
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(Excerpted from the Young Novelist Workbook) ⚜ Basics: Setting
PART 1: Settings That Create Moods
Mood - the feeling of your novel; its emotional quality.
You can also think of the mood as how you want someone to feel while reading your novel. 
Examples: playful, serious, mysterious, tense, warm, dangerous, joyous
The setting of a novel - where and when the story takes place. As you know, most novels have more than one setting.
Usually, the author decides to have one large setting.
Example: Los Angeles in 1995
and then many smaller settings
Examples: The laundromat where the characters hang out on the weekends, or the classroom where they get in a fight
Settings do more than serve as a backdrop to the action in your novel. They can also create or enhance the mood of your novel. 
If you wanted to create a creepy mood for a scene in your novel, you could start with something like: 
"A dead tree stood alone in a dark field. Its branches creaked in a cold wind, and in the distance, something howled.”
These images remind us of dark, disturbing things, and show the reader that the scene of the novel is “creepy” without having to tell them directly.
Describing the Setting: A Sample Exercise
Describe the settings that would help create each of the moods listed below.
Try to write 2 or 3 sentences for each mood.
Include specific details about the sights, sounds, sensations (and maybe even smells) of the settings you choose:
Creepy, Joyous, Suspenseful/tense
Now make up 2-3 of your own moods and describe a setting that would go along with each one. 
The last step is to apply your new skills to your upcoming novel.
Think of a scene from each section of your novel.
Then, write or list details to describe a setting that will help create the right mood for each scene.
Example: You might set your climax on the edge of a crumbling cliff at sunset in the middle of a thunderstorm. 
A setting from your set-up:
A setting from your inciting incident:
A setting from your rising action:
A setting from your climax:
A setting from your falling action:
A setting from your resolution:
Now you have settings to enhance the different moods that will be in your novel.
PART 2: Settings That Reinforce Characters
Another advanced writing trick is to show things about your characters just by putting them in specific settings.
Examples: If you were writing about a mysterious person, you might place them in a dark mansion on a hill outside of town; if you were writing about a musician, you might place them in a messy room filled with instruments, speakers, and microphones.
Sample Exercise
For each of the following characters, try to come up with a setting that will reflect or reinforce what you imagine about them.
As you write, try to be as detailed as possible.
Don’t forget colors, sounds, and even smells.
Focus on where the character is.
The shy new kid in town:
A secret scientist superhero:
A character from your novel:
Another character from your novel:
Source ⚜ Writing Notes & References ⚜ On Setting
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sunnys-side-upside-down · 4 months ago
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Ponytober Day 22 - Rainbow Dash Sleepwalker (Redesign)
I did mild redesigns of the characters I’ve put into Sleepwalker, and Rainbow’s was my favorite! I always felt like she needed more of a cloudy/thundery addition to her design, and although it’s a very minimal change, I like it a lot! (also Rainbow is canonically the smallest of the main 6, u can’t change my mind >:]) .
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deepwaterwritingprompts · 5 months ago
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Text: The basement is storage for five types of starlight, well-sealed jars of Greek fire, and several suspended rainbows. One has gone bad, leaking colors that shouldn’t exist all over the floor.
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chimchiri · 5 months ago
For the requests: maybe Dash and Spitfire are doing some bonding gaming with Scoots? I'm sure they enjoy some console gaming, but maybe they could be convinced to do some board games as well?
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I had to color this in because I loved this idea too much. Scootaloo gets some help from Spitfire and learns an important lesson about strategy and playing the long game.
Poor Rainbow gets demolished.
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tippenfunkaport · 5 months ago
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For the Sheratober prompt Rainbow 'cause, get it? It's rain, Bow!
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Y'know, I want a superbat story from an outsider's pov of someone having a visceral realization at like 3am that it's like birds. Brightly colored bird- or alien in this case- showing off and trying to impress potential mate- in this case cryptid bat thing- who is much duller in color but way more likely to straight up fight something.
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ithilien-writes · 1 month ago
Hiii I love your recent ficlet of buddie running into Abby and I was wondering if you could do one of them meeting bathena on a date night :)
aaah thank you! 💜 i decided to go with secret relationship buddie and as much as i appreciate everyone's headcanon that bobby is the og buddie shipper i personally think oblivious/frogboiled!bobby is just funnier 🫶
(to anyone reading: this was written really quickly and without much editing, so please take it in that spirit. i'm past the block that sparked the original call for prompts, but you can still always feel free to send me some more!!)
Just Like That [buck/eddie, bobby/athena, G, ~700 words]
Bobby is feeling pretty pleased with himself as they enter the restaurant, he has to say. It was not an easy reservation to get and Athena is practically glowing, absolutely stunning in a brand new dress she bought just for the occasion that Bobby is valiantly trying his best to enjoy without jumping straight to imagining it on their bedroom floor at the end of the night.
He's... at least partially successful.
But he's definitely distracted enough that it's no surprise he misses them at first. So it's Athena who ends up pulling him slightly away from where the server had been leading them, stopping in front of a different table entirely.
"Well, look who it is," she says.
Her voice is warm, but her eyebrow is also raised slightly. And sure enough, there's Buck and Eddie, both dressed in dapper suits and looking up at them in surprise.
"Ah, Cap!" Buck says, he and Eddie both standing to greet them. "Athena. Hey! This is- that's so-"
He looks to Eddie, who smiles in way that Bobby might almost call a grimace if he didn't know better.
"It's great to see you both," Eddie says. "Date night?"
"It's our anniversary," Bobby tells him.
"Congratulations," Eddie tries to say, but Buck's voice cuts in at the same time, talking over him a bit.
"We were just- just hanging out, n-no special occasion here."
Athena's other eyebrow raises to match the first, but Bobby just chuckles slightly, unfazed. The server coughs discreetly behind them and Bobby nods his head, his hand moving to the small of his wife's back to gently steer her back towards their intended table.
"Well, you two have a nice night," he tells them, and Eddie gives him that same grimacing smile again.
"Oh, yeah, we- uh. You too!" Buck says as they turn away, both he and Eddie moving to sit back down again.
It's not until they're seated at their own table across the restaurant that Athena reaches over and hits Bobby on the shoulder. Hard.
"Ow," he says. "What was that for?"
"When were you gonna tell me about that little development?" she asks, and Bobby tilts his head slightly, still rubbing at his shoulder.
"What?" he asks again, eloquent as ever.
His wife rolls her beautiful brown eyes at him.
"Buck and Eddie," she clarifies. "You could have told me they were dating."
Bobby can't help it, he laughs a little, though it turns into a bit of a cough when he sees Athena's unimpressed glare.
"Sorry," he says, after a moment, "it's just- honey, they're not dating."
Athena's eyebrows both return to her hairline.
"You saw that just now, right?" she says.
Bobby nods, bringing his hands up in a slightly placating gesture, still chuckling a little despite himself.
"Trust me, that's just how they are," he tells her. "I have to work twenty-four hour shifts with those two, remember? I think I would know."
"Bobby, sweetheart, I love you," Athena says, somehow making the words sounds like, you are so dumb, "but this restaurant has a six-month waitlist for reservations. No one is taking a friend here for a casual hang out, and that's not even to mention Buck acting like a teenager caught with his pants down just now."
"That's just... how Buck is," Bobby tells her - determinedly not thinking about the time he actually caught Buck with his pants down.
Athena sighs deeply.
"I'm not even gonna touch that," she mutters, as the server comes over to take their drink orders.
Once the server leaves again, she takes his hand across the table.
"It's our anniversary, so I'm gonna let this go for now," she tells him. "But after your shift tomorrow, I'm gonna need us to circle back so you can tell me how right I am."
Bobby smiles.
"So just an average Wednesday then," he teases, and Athena's responding scoff is ruined by the way she grins into it, clearly pleased.
And well- Bobby should really know better by now than to bet against his wife. But given the way the rest of the evening goes for him - because God, that dress really does look even better on their bedroom floor - he'll gladly take the 'I told you so' he has coming with grace.
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rainbowsandwhumperflies · 2 months ago
whumpee who’s an absolute dick to their caretaker. complete menace, known for being difficult to deal with. desperately looking for any semblance of control in their life. it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, because the worse they act, the more control has to be taken away by their caretaker to keep them safe
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palimpsessed · 2 months ago
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COC, day 25: Truce
I wipe my hands on my jeans. “Turn around, Snow.”
“Are you done?”
“No.” It comes out soft. “Turn around.”
He does. His hand drops from his hair. “Hell and horrors—you look like a butcher. Are you always this messy?”
“Only with you.”
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geraskierfanficprompts · 4 months ago
Prompt 134
Jaskier sits in the clouds, and sings colors and vibrancy into the world he passes by. His clouds take him across the continent from a bird's eye view. He'll lounge on his stomach, and strum his lute, and sing down below him, and watch the life of the villages he passes become more lush. The villages marvel at the skies, and the plants, and the birds, and the butterflies, and even their own clothing, as it seems more colorful than usual, and it's all because of Jaskier, the rainbow, having passed by. He loves making people happy, with his songs and colors. When he sees a village taken by tragedy, he sends them good tidings in the forms of his rainbows. Beautiful beacons of hope, as well as a stairway for the lost souls. A way to climb to their new home instead of turning into some horrid ghastly creature witchers hunt. ... Witchers. Now that's something that intrigues Jaskier. He's never been able to catch one. They seem to run from his colors. His songs. Sulking all alone in the gray. But when he catches one, he promises himself he'll make sure the witcher sees every beauty possible. Jaskier climbs down the staircase of a rainbow and decides to nap in his favorite meadow. Jaskier wakes up to a sword against his neck. Hm. He looks up and spots- "A witcher!" He grins. "What... are you?" "I am a rainbow!" "...What?" "I'm a rainbow! Would you like to see? I could make some things more colorful, or paint in the sky, or make a rainbow to show you-" "You needn't go through the trouble." "Pleaaasse? Please can I show you!? You witchers are always in the grayest parts of the world! Let me give you color, please? Please, mister witcher?" "I was sent here to kill you. The nearest village believes you to be a troublesome fae intent on tricking them." "All because I made their begonias pinker?" "It appears so." "Well, I'd rather like to ignore the 'kill me' part going forward with our new companionship." "Our what?" "I'm going to show you beauty, Witcher. Just you wait!"
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benevolenterrancy · 5 months ago
once asked the question do you think Liu qingge do a sonic rainboom now I may ask could Xie lian do a sonic rainboom? And who in mdzs do you think could do a sonic rainboom?
Also I feel like I'm spamming ur asks I'm so sorry
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Out of all the characters, I think (post-series) Xie Lian is the most likely to actually survive flying at supersonic speeds and could theoretically get the actual "boom" if not the colour
(Hua Cheng, on the other hand, would be more than happy to supply the rainbows)
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Wei Wuxian is the most likely to ATTEMPT it and inevitably blow himself up in the process (the only thing going boom here is Jiang Cheng's patience)
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
A Guide to Descriptive Writing
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Descriptive writing makes reading a more visual experience.
Utilize descriptive writing, to show not tell your story to readers.
However, it is important to note that if passages of descriptive writing are too long or too complex, they will slow your story down.
Alternatively, the story's development and readability fall flat if you do not use a variety of types of words.
Take time to choose your words carefully, expand your vocabulary, and practice descriptive writing.
Below are some tips that may improve your descriptive writing.
Try Using Metaphors
Metaphors compare one thing to another.
Utilizing this technique is not saying the objects you’re comparing are the same, but that your audience can note shared traits between the two.
Example: Jordan is a living map.
Explanation: Of course, Jordan is not literally a living map. What the map and Jordan have in common is geographical information and the ability to help others navigate locations without getting lost. What the writer has done here is demonstrate to readers that Jordan has an excellent sense of direction.
Play with Similes
Similes also compare one object to another but discuss one thing as being like another.
You will often find words such as “like,” “so,” “than,” or “as” used in similes.
Example: Diego soars across the soccer field like a jet.
Explanation: Again, this is not a literal statement. The author shows us that Diego is a fast runner and creates a vivid image in the reader's mind that would not have been present if they had simply stated that Diego is fast.
Make a Statement with Hyperboles
Hyperboles are exaggerated statements.
They are used to make a point.
Example: Math class lasts a million hours.
Explanation: Your readers will know there is no way a class can realistically last a million hours, but they will understand the feeling of time dragging on when you’re doing something you do not enjoy.
Use Sensory Details
Adding sensory details is a great way to help your reader experience your story.
Depending on the character and story, sensory details may include sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.
Be careful not to overload passages with sensory information.
Only use what is needed to communicate with the audience.
Example: Cold, wet glue dripped from the bottle onto her fingers; the tangy, chemical smell flooded her nose. She rubbed it between her thumb and long finger, relishing the transition from silky gliding fingers to tacky digits to peeling the cast of her fingerprint away from her skin with the satisfying crinkle of crisp paste.
Explanation: In this description of glue on skin, readers encounter details of touch and smell. Although this scene is not happening to readers at this moment, they can easily recall the smell of glue and the feeling of it between their fingers.
Choose Vivid Language
Choosing vivid language can form a clearer image in your reader’s mind.
For instance, you may select words that more accurately convey what you’re aiming to communicate, whether you are simply searching for a synonym to vary language or trying to locate a word with a more nuanced meaning.
Example: “The knight entered the kingdom on the back of a horse.” vs. “The knight stormed into the kingdom on the back of a mighty stallion.”
Explanation: Having a knight storm in on a stallion rather than enter on a horse is a much stronger, more heroic image. Additionally, stallion may be a better word choice than horse because it is specific. The word stallion tells the reader the horse is male and could be used for breeding, which, since this is a knight’s horse, could be relevant since it could be used to breed warhorses.
Incorporate Feelings
Crafting a visual experience for readers marks successful descriptive writing, but you also want your readers to experience your work emotionally.
For your story to reach its full potential, you need to incorporate feelings, whether those feelings are positive or negative.
Example: Desiree felt the weight of the empty space in bed pressing down and stealing her breath like a knee to the chest. She was cemented in place, limbs unfeeling, as she floated above the bed tethered to her body but no longer secure within.
Explanation: Here, the author shows the readers a woman dealing with the pain of grief and the hollowness that sometimes accompanies it. Most readers have experienced some level of loss in their lifetime and will understand and emotionally connect with Desiree.
Source ⚜ Descriptors ⚜ Common Metaphors ⚜ Mixed Metaphors Plot ⚜ Character ⚜ Worldbuilding ⚜ Imagery ⚜ Notes ⚜ Writing Sounds
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sunnys-side-upside-down · 4 months ago
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Ponytober Day 18 - Twilight Sparkle (Rainbow) #ponygiriponytober
Another niche reference, this time for Rainbow Roadtrip! I have no idea how a Pegasus can fly with crocheted wing bling on, I guess through the magic of rainbow lasers, but they're a cool accessory nonetheless! 🌈💕🔥
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deepwaterwritingprompts · 6 months ago
Deep Water Prompt #3378
In the Lightweaver’s workshop a rainbow hangs suspended, halfway braided. Intertwined, its hues muddle and turn black, a spell for an hour of guaranteed darkness. 
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chimchiri · 5 months ago
For the request thing; Rainbow introducing the girlfriend and/or daughter to the parents
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This might have been the funniest idea that came to my mind lmao. From the first time she saw Rainbow's parents at various WB shows and appearances, Spitfire anticipated what meeting them as the official girlfriend would be like. She just vastly underestimated the intensity of it all.
I thought her parents would be either super enthusiastic about Spitfire (i.e. super proud that of course their girl managed to catch the interest of her little role model crush) or super critical (i.e. no one is good enough for our perfect little girl). I went with the former while still imagining that her parents see Rainbow as superior. "Oh yes, your figurines are super nice. But have you seen the high quality of our custom made figurines of our little daughter?"
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