#prompt: misty
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Traintober 2024: Day 29 - Misty
Henry the Green Engine had never forgotten about his encounters by the lake. They stuck in his mind, and he decided to ask Old Bailey the stationmaster about them.
“A fogman’s coat?” quizzed Old Bailey. “I didn’t set one of them up – I put up a barrier across the track with a sign saying the line was dangerous – didn’t you see it?” “No…” Henry replied slowly, and he explained what he’d seen. Old Bailey looked nervous.
“Well,” he said slowly. “There are old legends about this part of the island. Be careful, okay?” Henry agreed, and decided to warn whichever engine Sir Topham Hatt chose to run the new branch.
The day before the engine arrived, Henry had to take a late night supplies train to the far end of the little branchline, beyond the station Old Bailey now ran. The line here curved along the ravine before crossing over an immense viaduct that carried it over said ravine. It reached deep into the Sudrian heartlands, where it passed through a small village, around the lake and then crossed over another, smaller bridge to reach its final destination. The second, older industrial line at Old Bailey’s station had been quietly pulled up, and the station building turned to face the line. Now, the gates simply hung there, smashed and useless. Sir Topham was planning on removing them – but strangely enough, no one did.
It was a beautiful little line during the day, but at night it gained an eerie feeling. The trees seemed more like gnarled hands reached out of the ground, and rush of water at the bottom of the ravine echoed around. Henry didn’t like it very much, and was happy to speed through his job. At the end of the line, he shunted away his trucks and slowly began to puff backwards. An owl hooted in the distance. Henry grimaced – he knew what that meant.
As Henry made his way home, a thick mist slowly rose up from deep in the ravine, enveloping both him and the line. It swirled around, teasing at Henry’s dome and valve gear. Henry gulped, squeezing his eyes tight and taking a deep breath. The ghost had warned him, the ghost wasn’t out to hurt him. He believed in it, and in the fact it would help him if he needed it. Whatever this ghost was, it had proven that much.
The mist grew even thicker, until Henry could barely see the lineside. It didn’t help that his fog lamps had been mounted on his tender to allow his crew to see down the line. “We’re just crossing the viaduct now, old boy,” called his driver. “Thank you!” Henry called back. He rumbled over the viaduct and continued on, making his way along the side of the ravine. As he did, he looked down at the lineside, and nearly yelped. Down by the lineside, lamp swinging, was a dark figure, strolling along the ballast. It was too dark to make out anything but his lamp – Henry quietly hoped it was Old Bailey, but something in his boiler told him it wasn’t.
Henry made his way back to the safety of Edward’s station as quickly as his wheels would carry him. He found Edward there, waiting for the old engine in the sheds.
“I saw something,” hissed Henry. “It was probably the ghost,” replied Edward easily. “No one knows who or what it is – but it is known that it roams that branchline at night, looking out for dangers and warning engines… well, so long as you respect it. Rumour has it, if you insult the ghost… well, it’s said it will exact revenge.” Henry shuddered at the thought. He was thankful that the ghost hadn’t considered his own words sufficiently insulting. He fell asleep hoping that the engine the Fat Controller sent was sensible enough to also heed the ghost’s warnings.
‘PEEP! PEEP PEEP PEEP!” Henry and Edward jolted awake, spluttering and yelping. A bright orange tank engine steamed into the sheds, grinning from ear to ear and showing off his slightly crooked teeth.
“Billy!” snapped Henry furiously. “What is wrong with you?! Don’t you know better than to do that to your elders?” “Don’t be a drag, Henhouse. I’m having fun.” Henry and Edward shared an indignant look.
“Why are you here anyway, Billy?” asked Edward. Billy smirked; Henry wished he could shove Billy off the rails at the sight of that look. Especially flashed at Edward. “I’ve been given my own branchline by the Fat Controller,” Billy boasted. “The one to the lake!” Henry felt his jaw go slack. “You?!” he exclaimed. “Of all the engines in England, he chose you?! Is he having a laugh? You are an insipid little engine with no tact, no sense and not a polite bolt in your frame! I’m meant to hand this line over to you?” “There’s no need for such rudeness,” sniffed Billy. “I’m perfectly capable!” Henry wasn’t sure he agreed.
The big engine was unfortunately tasked with teaching Billy the line over the rest of the day. Billy was not pleasant to work with at all. He banged about roughly, never wanting to do any of the hard work like shunting or arranging short freight trains. All Billy wanted to do was roam about the line with his coaches, adhering to a timetable that suited him and his desires.
This meant Henry spent most of his day physically forcing Billy to stay still and actually do his work – it wore the poor engine right out, and by the time the pair made it back to the sheds Henry was exhausted. At least there was no supply train that evening.
As Henry tried to rest his aching wheels, an owl fluttered over to a nearby tree and hooted loudly. “Stupid bird,” sniffed Billy. Henry winced, remembering his encounter the night before. “You should respect that owl,” he warned. “For whenever that owl hoots, a mist rolls in. There’s a legend that when the mist’s about, there’s a ghost about too. You be careful on that line, Billy.”
Billy scoffed, loudly.
“Don’t be stupid, Henry! There’s no such thing as ghosts, and even if there was it’s a pathetic ghost if it’s heralded by an owl of all things. You’ve lost it, old timer. You can take your sorry excuse for a ghost story and ram it up your—” Edward blasted his whistle as he backed into the sheds, drowning out Billy. His lips were drawn into a thin line, and he looked actually angry; Henry felt a chill run through his boiler at that. Edward was never angry.
“You should learn some sense and smarten up about that ghost, Billy. You’re running that branchline now, and you need to understand what it involves. That ghost will warn you of dangers, but only if you respect it!” Billy rolled his eyes. Edward scowled, but said no more.
“Just don’t insult it,” Edward said sharply. “I’ll do what I like!” Billy retorted petulantly.
The next day was Billy’s first day alone on the branch. As he trundled along with his coaches, he thought back to Edward and Henry’s warnings.
“What a stupid story,” he said aloud. “There’s no such thing as ghosts! I bet I could say that this so-called ‘ghost’ was a disaster and a pathetic excuse for a supernatural entity and it wouldn’t do anything! In fact, I think the two of them are lying to me. Screw you, ghost!”
Billy didn’t notice, but the ground near the ravine weakened slightly, a few pebbles falling from the steep hill down to the lineside.
The day went on, and Billy barely spared a care for the ‘ghost’ or for running his branchline how Henry had suggested. He jaunted about with his coaches, dumping trucks on behind them when he had to and never waiting for his guard or any of the porters, shunters or even his own crew. It was a lucky thing indeed that nothing bad happened!
That evening, Billy was tasked with taking a late night train to the end of his line. He shunted his trucks together roughly, banging them into one another and storming about the yard in a foul temper. Henry puffed up alongside as Billy finished. An owl hooted, the two engines looking up to see it on the station roof.
“You’d do well to be careful,” Henry warned. Billy scoffed. “That stupid ghost malarky again? You and your ghost are both silly, ridiculous and foolish things that can take your ‘careful’ and ram it where the sun don’t shine!” And with that, Billy stormed away.
Henry watched him go, before looking back up at the owl. “I tried,” he sighed, and left.
Billy made his way along the line, muttering crossly to himself. “Owls, mists, ghosts? Henry’s gone soft in the smokebox! There’s no mist for one thing, and for another ghosts are a dumb spooky concept anyway. ‘Oooooo oooo, look, it’s a floating ball of gas that can’t hurt me! Try again with something actually scary, like a monster or a vampire.”
As Billy headed for Old Bailey’s station, he noticed an amber lamp in a tree. His driver closed the regulator. “That’s odd, the line was fine earlier,” he murmured. Billy huffed, and coasted forwards, his driver preparing to stop at any moment. They got to Old Bailey’s station, and found a fogman’s coat stuck on a tree branch and swaying in the breeze. Billy groaned.
“Great, so now people are losing their property too,” sniffed Billy. “Let’s just keep going!”
They crept forwards, and found that the signal by the station was set to ‘caution’. A sign nailed to one of the crossing gates read: ‘slow at the ravine’. The sign was written in an odd, dark red that seemed to almost still be wet. “That’s odd,” hummed Billy’s driver. “I wonder why that warning is there.” Billy scoffed. “It’s probably something stupid. Let’s just get this done already! I bet it’s Henry trying to spook me by pretending to be his fake ghost. Come on!” With no evidence to the contrary, Billy’s driver agreed – but decided to proceed with caution.
As they passed alongside the ravine, a few rocks came loose and fell to the lineside. Billy stared. “That’s what the warning was for?! A few measly rocks?! If there is a ghost, it’s too dim-witted to realise what a true danger is!” “Oh will you belt up about that!” snapped his driver. “I for one don’t know what’s out there, and I’d rather listen to Henry than not.” “Don’t you tell me you’re one of them ‘believers’ too now!”
Billy’s driver didn’t reply, and the orange tank engine continued on.
Both Henry and Edward ignored Billy throughout the rest of the next day. It rained too, adding to the odd tension in the yards. Both Edward and Henry felt like something was off, but they weren’t sure what – either way, they knew whatever it was, Billy was blundering his way right towards it.
For his part, Billy didn’t seem to care. He banged about the yard and the branchline as he had done the day before, not really caring about how the rain dampened the already weakening soil and rock around the ravine.
That night, Billy had to deliver another train to the end of the line. As he prepared it, Edward sidled alongside. “I’d keep a keen eye out,” the old engine said vaguely. Billy scowled. “I don’t need advice from you!” he snapped. “I can do it myself!” Edward sighed, and said no more.
As Billy departed, Edward got the sinking feeling that the next time he saw the orange engine, it wouldn’t be in one piece.
Billy clattered to the junction with his branchline, his thoughts swirling about as he grumbled under his breath about everything and anything. He hated being bossed around or told what to do – he’d rather do it his own way, with his own ideas. And this stupid ghost business too, what rubbish—
“HOOT!” An owl swooped right in front of Billy, jolting him out of his head. Billy glared up at the bird, and tried to wheesh steam at it – but it had already flown away.
“I hate that dumb bird!” roared Billy furiously. “Find some hunters and shoot the darn thing!” His crew exchanged a nervous look.
It was only a few minutes later that the fog set in. It came thick and fast, enveloping Billy until he couldn’t even see his own buffers. This time, there was no amber lamp. There was no signal set to warn Billy, nor any fogman’s coat. Instead, a sign was nailed to a tree by the lineside:
Billy barely spotted it, but when he did, it sent a chill through his boiler. The red paint didn’t look like paint in the thick mist; it looked like blood. Unbeknownst to Billy, a force quietly unhooked his trucks, braking them to a halt at the platform.
Then, it appeared in Billy’s cab, knocking both crew members unconscious and dropping them next to the trucks. Billy didn’t notice – at least, not at first.
“Driver? Driver cut off steam you idiot, we’re going too fast!”
He looked down at the lineside as a flash of light caught his eye. A blood-soaked figure straggled by; Billy didn’t get a proper look, but he thought it’s eyes were glaring straight into his soul. Now he was beginning to worry.
“Driver? Driver! Stop me now!” There was no reply.
Billy roared around the bend, right as the rock and earth gave way. It roared down the hillside, slamming right into Billy and sweeping him off the line. With a scream, Billy was dragged off the line and into the ravine, plunging downwards before smashing into the jagged rocks below.
There was a hiss, a groan – and then nothing.
It was morning when Henry was awoken by a frantic foreman. “Billy never returned last night, and Old Bailey just found his crew and trucks at his station. Go along the line and see what you can find!”
Henry was hurriedly steamed up. Edward opened a sleepy eye. “We tried to warn him,” he murmured. Henry winced, and made his way towards the old branchline.
As he approached Old Bailey’s station, he spotted something that made his fire turn to ice. The sign was still nailed to the tree. In the daylight, it was very clearly written in blood.
“Oh… oh hell…” gulped Henry, feeling queasy. His fireman leaned out of his cab and threw up on the lineside. Old Bailey met him at the platform with Billy’s crew.
“We were driving along one moment,” the driver said quietly. “And then I felt someone behind me – and then we were here. I just don’t get it – what happened?” “I have a feeling I might know,” murmured Henry, feeling deeply unwell. “And Mr Bailey, sir… you might want to take the sign down. The ghost… uh… made itself very clear.” Old Bailey raised a confused eyebrow, and wandered down to the sign. When he saw it, he shouted in alarm and jumped a good ten feet back.
“There really is a ghost!” he exclaimed, and sprinted back to the platform. “And it’s angry.” “I think I know why too,” sighed Henry. “Billy thought we were idiots for being afraid of a ghost. I think it didn’t take kindly to his… uh… words.” “But that begs the question… where is Billy now?” Henry had a sinking feeling that he knew. He shunted the trucks out of the way, and everyone crammed into the works coach behind him. Henry very slowly made his way up the line, before braking to a halt. There was another landslide across the track – or… there had been. The track itself was clear, but debris had built up on either side. Most of it had plunged over the side, alongside…
The orange tank engine was destroyed. The fall had punctured his boiler, and shards of rock stuck out. His cab was crumpled, his wheels sticking out at horrible angles. The worst bit was his smokebox. It had been slammed with a boulder, and was completely caved in. There was almost nothing that could have been salvaged. Henry looked down to the lineside, and spotted an old amber lamp sitting there, glass cracked. He paused, then looked up.
He may have been imagining it, but he thought he could see a figure darkened by the harsh glare of the sun, watching them all as they stared down at Billy’s remains.
Back to the Master Post
#weirdowithaquill#fanfiction writer#railway series#thomas the tank engine#railways#traintober#traintober 2024#ttte henry#ttte edward#ttte billy#haunted henry#prompt: misty#tw engine death#tw: blood#tw death
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Unitober 2024 Day 17 "Magic"
#mlp g5#mlp#g5mlp fanart#my little pony#mlp fanart#mlpg5#sunny starscout#misty brightdawn#izzy moonbow#zipp storm#hitch trailblaze#comet mlp#posey bloom#queen haven#alphabittle#stretched the prompt just to draw fanart of the last episode#i'll miss them
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"who asked first" with the yellowjackets
yay! I'm back! the decision to open a new blog just for yellowjackets wasn't easy at all, but since it's been a year since this obsession has barely gone away and I already had an extremely confusing blog with layouts and the like, I wanted to start over with this one. hope you like it. I'll make a very simple and small prompt first, and then I'll make the masterlist and the oneshots/fanfics. stay tuned! sorry for any grammatical or coherence errors, english is not my first language and I'm trying to improve!
who asked first with the yellowjackets girls...
jackie taylor.
well, if we're going to be honest here, you definitely asked first.
of course, jackie had already been rehearsing for weeks how he would ask you out. but she's obviously a girlfaillure, so you definitely asked first.
it was probably when she least expected it. it could be at soccer practice, or when you were coming home from school together and you had the audacity to ask her to go out with her to some hypothetical and boring place in the middle of the street… whatever.
all I know is that this little loser was eager for you to ask, and she definitely rolled out the classic, "took you too long…"
shauna shipman.
again, you asked first.
shauna doesn't have the social tact to ask you out (she's just like me), and drunk is even worse, so you actually had to make the first move most of the time.
just like jackie, it could have been when she was at soccer practice, or when she was alone enough to vent to her journal and you were able to get close to her without scaring her. anyway, the thing is, shauna was already secretly expecting this to happen (a lot of her journal pages were about you btw), so it wasn't a surprise either when you asked her out.
despite everything, you didn't have any difficulties on your first date. she's pleasant company, I suppose.
natalie scatorccio.
one of the rare exceptions where she asked first.
okay, don't be fooled, either. natalie is very cocky from time to time, but asking to go out with you is definitely one of the times she tends to weaken. so, kevyn probably dared her to do it and she just took advantage of her cooler personality to use it on you.
but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. in fact, it's kind of a good thing (and probably depressing for her) because she only felt like herself when she asked you. I see in nat a huge tendency to ignore some of her feelings, especially when it comes to people she likes.
the invitation was probably also full of teasing on her part, from body language to the words used for it. and somehow she made it look cool and convinced you to accept it.
things that only natalie scatorccio could do.
lottie matthews.
for some reason, I'm 100% sure you asked first.
I know many of us think of lottie as a completely carefree, liberal and often bitchy enough person to ask someone out on a date. but, if we count the pre-crash, I think she was a very insecure person and uncertain of her feelings, more due to the influence of the pills.
so, as incredible as it sounds, you asked first. it was in an extremely relaxed conversation between you that the invitation ended up unintentionally, and she was visibly panicked when she agreed.
lottie is probably the type of person who has a rehearsed speech in front of the mirror while getting ready, and with her enviable style and expensive clothes (some stolen), she would do anything to make your date the perfect date.
taissa turner.
she asked first.
taissa is confident enough to ask you out, I have no doubt about that. but she definitely spent weeks planning the perfect invitation, just in case everything went wrong and she needed to run (just like what happened when she thought about breaking allie's leg before nationals).
anyway, taissa would certainly ask first and it would be quite a surprise for you. taking into account that, from the moment you accepted, you would discover that van also knew about her friend's ideas, and later that half of the team also knew. it would be a shock because you wouldn't understand tai's intentions at first.
but none of them are necessarily bad. one, is that tai was really excited if you accepted, and her anxiety couldn't stop her from wanting to tell the world. two, because she was overly excited that you had agreed to go out with her, and wanted the world to know it as well.
van palmer.
as much as I would really like to prove otherwise, you asked first.
van has the same problem as lottie, but in her case, it's excessively because of the sarcasm jokes and high charisma. she thinks she's being too much for you and that asking for something like that on this level would end up scaring you away.
in the end, it's totally the opposite, but it's going to take van a long time to figure that out, specifically. the invitation would happen when she least expected it, probably when you were feeling confident enough to pass notes to her during classes.
it's a cute invitation, and one that van would hold in question for a long, long time.
misty quigley.
there would be no other answer. she asked first.
misty has no shame in admitting that she has a crush on you. and of course, to ask you out on a date, this shame decreases even more. she doesn't even care if she will be made fun of by her colleagues, what really matters is that she planned everything for you to accept.
and when I say everything, it really means everything.
from the moment she will slide up to your table and quietly ask if you accept, to the tone of voice she will use to persuade your brain to accept, to the place she will take you hand in hand and then let it slide. … she literally thought of every detail.
and, well, knowing misty quigley's ability to create plans, the whole thing worked out… until you figured it all out and admitted that you liked it even more, much to her surprise.
laura lee.
you asked first, of course. there would be no other answer either.
of course, not ruling out the possibility of laura lee asking first, given her hidden impulsive personality, but, in this case, taking the obviousness into account, you asked, and had to be careful with every line said in the invitation.
of course, it needed to be at a time when you were alone, because you were afraid that pressure from other people would make you feel suffocated. this, of course, did not happen. she thought it was a classic weekend outing, like you guys usually did, until she realized your real intentions.
and, truly, at no point did it make her feel restrained or scared. she was ready to be vulnerable and be herself around you, no matter what.
(but, if you casually ask lottie at some point, she will definitely claim that she saw laura lee rehearsing some speeches and compliments for you in the locker room mirror…)
#yellowjackets#yellowjackets x reader#lgbt#romance#preference#prompt#jackie taylor x reader#shauna shipman x reader#van palmer x reader#laura lee x reader#lottie matthews x reader#taissa turner x reader#natalie scatorccio x reader#misty quigley x reader
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The witching hour



Hello all! I have decided some months back to give all of you a threat ( :D ) for Halloween!
Most of the prompts have been taken by the wonderful list of @sassy-ahsoka-tano which you can find here! If any of you want to take a shot at this, I highly reccomend reading that post!
For the enitrety of October I will post blurbs, headcanons and quick oneshots dedicated to Yellowjackets (and other fandoms) everyday!
They will contain: supernatural, horror, fluff, crack and occasional nsfw.
You can see that I left some days blank, those are empty for your suggestions!
As more the month progresses the prompts will go from general autumn to supernatural related, so be sure to use this rule if you want to request a specific thing!
Sadly I don't have that much time to make them very lenghty, so they will be aproximatley one to four pages long (if I am lucky that day).
That's it! Have fun reading and happy Halloween!
Mushroom hunting -Lottie Matthews
Autumn in the wilderness -no pairings
“You have a leaf in your hair” -Lottie Matthews
Making caramel apples -Natalie Scattorcio
Visiting a video store -Adult Van Palmer
Getting drunk at Oktoberfest -Adult Van Palmer
Bonfire with friends -no pairings
Visiting a pumpkin patch -Natalie Scattorcio
Carving a pumpkin -Natalie Scattorcio
Baking Halloween cookies -Natalie Scattorcio
Werewolf girlfriend shenanigans -Lottie Matthews
Walk through the cemetery -Shauna Shipman
"Well...you grabbed my hand first" -Lee Harker
“Why don’t you take off that mask? I’d like to see your face.” -Shauna Shipman
Flirting with a haunted house actor -Shauna Shipman
Getting freaky in the haunted house -Shauna Shipman
“Come on, it’s just a haunted house! It’ll be like a walk in the park.” / “More like a walk through hell.” -Natalie Scattorcio
Wearing a couple costume -Rhiannon Lewis
Watching a scary movie -Shauna Shipman
Announcement -not a fic
Painting spooky canvas together -Adult Shauna Shipman
Announcement -not a fic
The witch's helper -Adult Lottie Matthews
Witchy encounters -Adult Misty
Werewolf boyfriend -transmasc Shaun Shipman
When your werewolf lover has eaten too much chocolate -transmasc Shaun Shipman
Vampire shenanigans - Rhiannon Lewis
Fortune tellers at a fair -Lottie, Shauna, Jackie, Natalie, Misty
"What do you mean you've never gone trick or treating?!" -Adult Natalie
"Search for me in the night" -Rhiannon Lewis
The Witch -Natalie Scartoccio
#yellowjackets x reader#yellowjackets x you#yellowjackets fic#shauna shipman x reader#natalie scatorccio x reader#misty quigley x reader#lottie matthews x reader#taissa turner x reader#van palmer x reader#laura lee x reader#autumn writing prompts#halloween writing prompts#fictober
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DAY 18 @inktober : Drive 😵 Psyduck drives her nuts ! 😵😵💫🙈
Not the brightest tool in the shed, I took a creative wordplay approach with this one

I’m glad my art style translates well into anime character art and not just creatures.
#psyduck#inktober#inktober52#misty pokemon#Inktober day 18#inktober prompts#art challenge#pokemon#pkmnart#cerulean city
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Can you imagine the teasing Sam would have to deal with in a Sam/Misty/Bucky ship?
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We’re lacking in Mistynat fics, which means I just have to write a TON #BeTheChangeYouWantToSee
#mistynat#actually though#you should give me ideas or prompts#I will write it#I love them so much#I NEED MORE FICS#I am so dedicated#trust#misty quigley#fanfic#misty yellowjackets#natalie scatorccio#yellowjackets#natalie yellowjackets#mistynat fanfiction
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Hey, I just had the best time travel dsmp fic idea imaginable, you aren't ready. Hear me out,
Prisoner Dream, at what point I don't care, but for this I'm going to say pre-tommy imprisonment, gets sent back to pre L'Manburg revolution times. Specifically, after he's already declared war
He wakes up, and he's in the community house and his friends are there, and he's just ???? And obviously has a panic attack because everything is wrong, and he is very confused. He doesn't even try to appear normal. Sapnap notices and is like "are you good bro?" and he just fucking implodes. Just full hysteria and making zero sense while trying to process where he is while Sapnap and George are trying to comfort him and figure out why their friend is suddenly unwell. He's staring at his canon lives in confusion, what day is it? Where are all his scars? He is not okay.
Now, this can go one of two ways, either is golden
Dream runs away. Cottage core Dream fic starts now, baby. He leaves a note that's basically like "if y'all hate me so much, I'll just leave, have your damn independence," and disappears off the face of the earth. I want him to have his healing arch by himself in the woods and cope with his actions in the previous timeline while the server is in shambles.
Fun idea, leave the server in shambles, always fun to write.
He stays, but is the most natural person alive with full knowledge of events, and just decides to see how closely things will match timelines without his active participation. He is still a mildly emotional wreck due to jumping from prison to current, but like, to everyone else he's even more cold. Have him write a passive-aggressive declaration of L'manburg's independence, reading it aloud as he writes, before throwing it at Wilbur's feet and leaving. The war is over before it began. Have him invite the same people, absolutely refuse to be a part of or help in the Pogtopia vs. Manburg war, threaten to perma-ban Tommy but let Tubbo deal with his nonsense.
The possibilities are endless, I need you to understand. Like he's just so passive (mostly) because like, if he does nothing than he can't be the villain and things still go to shit, so it clearly isn't his fault.
#dsmp#dream smp#fanfic prompt#story prompt#writing prompt#dsmp fanfic#l'manburg#time travel#Misty writes#c!dream#c!sapnap#c!george#c!wilbur#c!tommy#please someone write this
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All I'm saying is that Misty Quigley would get into a fight on Reddit, realize she was losing it badly, and create a sock account to doxx herself with because she'd consider people praising her for that a win even when there's a mob banging down her door
#yellowjackets#misty quigley#this is hyperspecific in a way where i will NOT elaborate what prompted it
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College Student: Homeroom
Ash wants to win a bet that he can get a date for the dance. So he sends four letters to his close friends, expecting at least one of them to ask him out while he waits behind the school.
What he got is Serena, May, Dawn and Misty each coming to him and accepting his proposal in separate times. This is not going to end well for Ash when the dance happens.
All he wanted to do is to win the bet he made with Gary Oaks. All he wanted to do is prove to his friend/rival he can get a date for the dance. And in a way he got a date…
“Back off! He my date to the dance!”
“Ash rather eat date than date the likes of you!”
“I’m the perfect woman for him to go on a date!”
Ash gulped with heavy heart as he stood in front of the three arguing ladies fighting over him. May, Dawn and Misty growling and screaming at the top of their lungs as they pulled him to their respective directions trying to get him to date one of them with increasing hostility and aggression.
‘I…I am going to die.’ Ash thought with fear and despair in his mind as he slowly accepted his inevitable fate of death via women scorned.
#pokemon#pokemon shitpost#ash ketchum#may#misty#dawn#pokemon dawn#pokemon may#pokemon misty#college au#college au prompt#student au#student au prompt#homeroom au#homeroom au prompt#advanceshipping#pearlshipping#pokeshipping#ash x misty#ash x may#ash x dawn
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just found out abt the au-themed omoritober how do you make it this bad
don't get me wrong I'm all for a fandom event dedicated to drawing aus but making all the prompts specifically be for popular aus in the fandom? really? barely giving any prompts that allow smaller artists to promote their own work? at that point you're making a fandom event into an echo chamber of praise for popular people and popular people only. do better.
#omori#oh yeah I'm maintagging this one. big hater moment#this kind of thing is why I left the fandom last year. there's very little support for smaller artists here#and shit like this only further beats down small artists and writers#and yes I'm aware of the other prompt list for omoritober. that does not erase how poorly planned this list in specific is#misty says things
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MARI — summer prompts 🍋
A/N: I’m not gonna hold you…I was not fw her at the beginning of the series but she definitely grew on me! The little ✨ in me wanted me to write for Miss. Mari with a hint of enemies to lovers so here goes nothing. Please don’t let me flop, or I’ll completely remove myself from the fandom lmao jk.
PROMPTS from this list: 1.) setting up a slip and slide in their backyard + 2.) bonfire on the beach.
WARNINGS: probably language, guns, high schoolers being catty? + slow-burn?
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[July, 1995]
“Who the fuck invited her?” Mari glowers over her shoulder, after approaching her friends and teammates—well the teammates that she considered her friends anyways.
It’s Gen and Melissa who immediately follow Mari’s trail of eyesight to see the fresh meat on the team, Akilah and their ex-teammate, Cosima Chandoo stepping onto the patio.
Gen snickers, “she’s obviously Akilah’s plus one because we sure as hell didn’t invite that traitor.”
Melissa shrugged her shoulders, red cup in her hand as she took a sip and then swallowed, “wasn’t me. Word travels fast.”
Which was true, what was supposed to be a simple yellowjackets team only exclusive party, turned into maybe forty or more people in this open backyard.
“It was probably whacky misty,” Gen adds, lifting her chin towards the curly blonde who sat, awkwardly nodding her head along, as if she was in on the conversation between Lottie and Taissa.
Mari deeply exhaled as her eyes briefly close shut. The mere presence of Cosima being here, at her house on this humid day in July honestly frustrated her. She wasn’t allowed to be here.
“You could always kick her out,” Melissa suggested, “it is your house after all.”
“Which was actually supposed to be at yours.” Mari snapped at the blonde who raised her hands In defense.
Melissa frowned, “Hey, how was I supposed to know my aunt and perv uncle were coming up for a surprise pit stop?”
“Who the fuck makes a pit stop in New Jersey?” Gen comments.
“Clearly they do!”
“Where are they from again?”
“…that makes sense. How sad.” Gen mockingly placed her hand on Melissa’s shoulder who snorted and playfully shrugged her hand away from her.
Mari was already stomping away from their conversation, face not only warm from the sun rays but also from the sight of Cosima who seemed to be all smiles with Laura Lee and Akilah.
“Oh hey, Mari!” Akilah waves as Mari pushes a smile onto her lips.
Her eyes flicker between the group of girls for a moment, between Laura Lee twirling her signature cross necklace, to Akilah’s chipper smile but still unease in her posture trying to figure Mari out, and finally Cosima’s comfortability in showing her face.
“Cosima was just telling us there’s a bonfire down at Huntingney Grounds,” Laura Lee tells the dark haired girl who kept her heated stare on the heart-shaped afro-picked girl, “I probably won’t be attending after this since I have a curfew but it’s a cool idea to end the day.”
No, the cool idea was having everyone here at her house enjoying the slip and slide she spent a good chunk of time putting together this morning by herself, while Gen and Melissa ate away the snacks they were supposed to set up.
Mari swallowed her irritation, “I know about the bonfire already.”
“Right because Danny was blabbing about it down at Wawa’s?” Cosima finally spoke, her usual hoarse tone made Mari’s eardrums itch.
Mari pushed her tongue into her cheek at this, “why would I know about Danny’s whereabouts?”
Cosima blinked, “Are you not dating?”
“We broke up. Weeks ago…and you would know that if you were still part of this team, which you’re not so.” Mari was smug as she said this.
Akilah tried to ease the tension, “well I invited Cosima since I didn’t want to show up alone. Is it just me or do you hate entering spaces by yourself? It’s just super awkward. I thought it would be okay?”
“Why? You’re her replacement.” Mari gritted, confused at Akilah’s thinking as the brown-skinned girl appeared almost like a gapping fish; while she looked at Cosima and Laura Lee for some sort of help.
Cosima smiled sweetly at Mari, hands clasped in front of her, “And you’re still a bitch.”
Laura Lee cleared her throat then, “Girls…let’s just continue enjoying this lovely day without the foul language please! Must this truly be a debate when we’re all on the same team?”
“But we’re not,” she interrupted with a point between herself and Cosima, “not anymore.” Mari was quick to continue jabbing at Cosima who simply sighed, “This is a team members event only and Cosima here quit on us a long time ago.”
“Yeah because I wanted to break three bones in my leg, which caused me to further suffer from a severed artery that also left me with a permanent limp. Do you hear yourself Maribela?”
“Don’t call me that!” Mari hissed while Cosima scoffed.
Cosima knew how much Mari hated going by her full government name, since “Mari” sounded so much better and it was short, simple, and cute. Sure it sounded different coming from Cosima’s lips, compared to her veteran father who commonly barked her name and gave—some might say, cruel orders around the house.
Cosima knew bits of this and still insisted doing so, just to get underneath her skin. Just like Mari knew quitting the team wasn’t something Cosima really wanted to do. Who really wanted to suffer a injury so bad in front of the entire school? Which allowed further permanent damage to be placed on not only your body but mentally? Yet here Mari was throwing old salt in Cosima’s wounds and she really wished she could help it.
Wished she didn’t have so much hate building in her heart but…majority of the time the words were flying out of her mouth before Mari can even process them.
No the two girls weren’t the stars of the team but the extracurricular activity was a bonding moment. They weren’t the best of friends before the team or even on the team but they were nowhere near as bad as they are now.
What changed you might ask?
Oh you know…A shared kiss in Cosima’s bedroom, had Mari’s mind all scrambled. (yes she was still very much with Danny at the time this transpired unfortunately!) Just to break apart right before Cosima’s mother came to the door, completely oblivious and informing Mari that her father was here to take her home. They never got the chance to talk about what happened that night because Mari decided to avoid Cosima like the plague in the hallways. She fought even harder on the soccer field and she only allowed herself to really feel crappy about it after seeing Cosima in shriveled up pain during the last two minutes of the game; when a thunderstorm rained havoc on them all.
It’s not like Mari didn’t feel like shit right after it happened in the first place! She couldn’t find the words to say as she collected her things, mustering up a half-assed wave as she quickly fled Cosima’s bedroom. She was completely confused because she’s only liked boys like Danny—and that wasn’t much to go off of. What was she supposed to do about her pretty teammate with a puff of tied back hair that floated behind her just from her simply standing? What was she supposed to do when she started to like the crooked smile that sat on the corner of her bow-shaped lips that tasted like figs? What was she supposed to do when she felt her intense stare from behind her in trigonometry?
What was Mari supposed to do about the girl that threw her for a loop? She remembers watching Cosima in pain and wanting to hold her hand but there were a lot of people crowding her and a lot of blood she couldn’t stomach. However that didn’t stop Mari from shoving some teammates out of her way so that she could keep her eyes on Cosima, hoping that her stare this time could provide some comfort.
She wasn’t sure if it ever did.
Then came the requests during English to make your own personalized cards for Cosima’s heavy healing journey and Mari knew she wouldn’t write something so basic. So lame. She had to do something better than anyone in their year, a huge card made from purple construction paper where she swirled and curled out Cosima’s name on the front of the page. While the inside she filled with lots of glitter and wrote her message in a pink gel pen.
That didn’t exactly feel like enough so with some of the money from Mari’s piggy bank, she went down to the crafts store to make a small goody bag. She grabbed some things she had a feeling Cosima would like, like shiny stickers—she originally wanted to get her a TLC poster but it wasn’t in the budget, bubbalicious gum, fun-dip, a piña colada lip smacker, a neon translucent phone enamel pin, a bouncy eye-ball she could throw at her wall, a feather pen, and a mini beanie baby that she could add to her collection on her bookshelves.
Mari paid attention to Cosima’s bedroom and that night they shared, so she hoped her goody bag made her feel somewhat better. Like maybe she could make up for running away with trying to ease Cosima’s painful moments.
“Okay…then stop talking shit about me and the team and we’ll all have a good time, got it?” Cosima stated, arms crossed as she stared down at Mari who trailed her wide-set eyes from Cosima’s glowing copper muscular arms to meet her stare.
Mari dipped her head, finding herself, as corny as it sounds, suddenly lost in the hues of Cosima’s eyes—which was better than staring at her lips of course! It seemed as if she was tongue tied as Cosima gave a tight-smile before glancing back at Akilah who was still shocked this was happening.
The slightly taller girl with a head full of hair, walked by Mari who allowed it for a couple of seconds, before she also turned to Cosima’s retreating form, “yeah, I’ll fall back…as soon as you leave my house so I won’t have to see your face anymore, traitor.”
“Mari!” Laura Lee exclaimed but Mari held up a hand to silence the blonde.
Cosima stood with her back to Mari and let out a humorless laugh. It was the same cycle over and over between the two and frankly, she was getting tired of this.
“Hey everybody! There’s a bonfire down at Huntingney Grounds if you’re interested.” Cosima called out to everyone, gaining their attention over some pop track.
The sun was just beginning to burn a deep orange, fading below the blue skies, which means the air would start to cool soon. It took about thirty minutes to get out to the park and longer by foot or moped, like the purple one Cosima commonly drove.
This new information got everyone talking which made Cosima shrug at Mari over her shoulder. Soon she brushed by Mari and whispered, “I’ll see myself out now. Later.”
Mari wasn’t sure if she wanted to mess Cosima up or kiss her in that moment. Maybe both.
Mari can see from the corner of her eye, some of her classmates and even the yellowjackets began to collect their things!
“Whoa! The best time to do a slip and slide is when the night falls. You guys don’t have to leave yet.” Mari spoke to a classmate who simply shrugged and carried on.
Shauna answered, “The mosquitoes also get bad when the sunsets and I’m allergic so, I pick the bonfire one hundred percent but…this was fun so thanks.”
Mark scoffed at the brunette before her eyes settled on someone else, “Jackie, not you too.”
“Jeff’s gonna be there and I heard Danny too.” The large eyed leader winks at Mari who can’t help but to scrunch up her nose.
“I don’t care about Danny!”
Lottie mutters as she makes her way by, “Why because he’s banging Stephanie now?”
Nat snickers, joint pressed in between her lips as she simply shrugs at the glare Mari’s sending her way, smoothing her damp fried bleach blonde hair back as she also makes her exit.
“Okay you know what, all of you can get out then. See if I care!”
“I’ll stay and help you clean up.” Misty offered, making Mari’s icy stare turn to the glasses wearing teen.
“Ohh no, especially you. Get the hell outta here!” Mari pointed at the front as Misty flinched and began to speed walk away.
“You’ve got a nice way of treating your teammates Mari, really! Keep up the superb job and you may just be our new captain soon.” Vanessa’s voice dripped with sarcasm as she made her way by with a laughing Taissa.
Who also sent double thumbs at Mari.
Which earned both girls a nice middle finger.
She couldn’t believe everyone just decided to bail on her right now! All thanks to Cosima.
That bitch.
“Uh Mari?! Your dad’s back.” Melissa informed, now standing by the patio, hand scooping up another cheese doodle.
Mari’s eyes increased in size, bigger than Jackie’s as she began waving her hands around at the remaining guest. “Everybody out! Run!”
“Run? Can’t we just powerwalk our escape?” Taissa asked, arms crossed behind her head.
Gen immediately shook her head, tossing the red cup to the side, “you haven’t met Mari’s dad, he’s crazy! You better run.”
The way she was whispering was almost as if Mari wasn’t in ear-shot. The panic on her face was evident but Gen was definitely not the person to go to as a source of comfort as she fled the scene.
As the older man approached the screen door, Melissa let out a scream as she took off running around the side of the house, orange puff long forgotten in the grass. Mari felt her heartbeat in her ears, her breathing halting, the sun still warm on her skin. Her dark eyes settled on her dad, yanking the door to the side, shotgun in one hand as he stepped out onto the patio, surveying his sorta trashed backyard.
“Holy shit! Is he gonna shoot us?” Vanessa’s eyes were now wide as well.
Mari swallows the lump in her throat as she almost waits for her dad’s eyes to find her’s.
Taissa shoved Mari forward to lead the way as she mumbles, “We’re not sticking around to find out. Go.”
She stumbles a bit, being pulled from her trance as she focuses on getting her legs to operate correctly, stepping into a light jog with the two girls that followed after her, eyes occasionally glancing at the wild man at the door.
“Maribela! I see you! Get your ass over here, now.”
With tears burning her eyes, Mari dares a glance at the man—almost stopping but it’s Vanessa’s turn to grip her wrist and drag her along.
“Maribela!” The man continues to yell, gun aiming and ready to shoot.
And so he does, directly at the neighbors trashcan, by the girls ankles; setting off the neighbor dogs to bark at the noise.
“We can run now.” Taissa yelled, now leading the way as the three girls ran at full speed to the front of the ranch styled home and to her pale gray Nissan stanza.
Vanessa shouts, “Open it!”
“I’m trying!” Taissa shrills, finally getting her key into the door before she flings the door open to mash on some buttons, “It’s open!”
Which is enough for Mari and Vanessa to pull on the doors and hop in. It’s seconds before Taissa starts the car and pulling away from the curb and far from Mari’s household.
She looks back, seeing her father standing in the middle of the street as she retreats and she knows that this is only temporary.
“So are we gonna talk about what just happened or?” Vanessa pries as she peeks at Taissa and then stares hard at Mari, who just hopes she doesn’t start bawling in the backseat.
Taissa can see Mari has her attention on the moving scenery of the city and the way the palm of her hand is pressing into her mouth while the other is clenched is enough for the situation be dropped. Although it seems like Vanessa isn’t ready to let it go, saying this exactly to the driving long haired curly teen, the look Taissa sends the redhead is abundant for Vanessa to take the hint as it dawns on her that this is Mari’s normal.
The drive to the park is tense and the radio, which Vanessa has taken complete control over, only seems to be talking, which the girls were not! instead of playing music. She begins to search Taissa’s car for CD’s and at least some cassette tapes but comes up short much to her disappointment.
The girls at the front of the car have a bit of a bicker at that but eventually quit down to either listen to radio hosts or static. The static ended up being more soothing to Mari than the voices, believe it or not.
By the time the girls pull up to the park, the sky bled navy and the fireflies flickered yellow. The air smelled like fresh grass and burning wood as a slight breeze picks up now.
Mari’s holding the sleeves of her golden mustard yellowjackets hoodie, almost peering around to make sure her father didn’t trail after them in his pickup truck. Vanessa lightly nudged her with her shoulder, making Mari take a sharp inhale.
“Hey…let’s go.” Vanessa gently suggests as they circled around the car to where Taissa stands.
Taissa is eyeing Mari and Mari almost wants to snap something at her but the look in Taissa’s brown eyes is not judgment. Vanessa leaves the two behind as she almost prays there’s more booze at the bonfire after what they just witnessed.
Taissa falls into step with Mari, heading up the incline on the sidewalk to down the hills where the bonfire sat.
“…thanks for getting me out of there.” Mari says quietly, “and…I’m sorry he shot at us.”
Taissa nodded at the younger girl, “Don’t mention it.”
And Mari waits for Taissa to fill the air with questions such as, “Is he always like that?” “How can you live with someone like that?” “Has he ever actually hurt you?”
But they don’t come as Taissa only offers a small smile in understanding. She knows that if Mari wanted to speak further on it, she would. It was clear she was holding onto a lot and maybe she wasn’t the person she needed to talk to about this and that was okay too.
Taissa’s just glad no one died tonight.
Mari finds a empty spot on a log, pressing her elbows into her bare thighs as she looks around the park. Everyone is mostly spread out, a few faces she recognizes from school and her slip and slide and others that probably went to the community college here. She sees Jackie sneaking off with Jeff hand in hand, Gen seems to be dancing away with some guy she’ll ask her about later, Melissa is laid out on the floor in front of a log with her trucker hat covering her face, Shauna is seated on that log behind her almost glaring at the fire—probably pissed Jackie just ditched her, and lastly Mari sees Danny with his hand resting on Stephanie’s hip by a tree as she’s all cuddled up to him.
It makes Mari want to vomit at the sight. She thought she was in love with Danny but honestly he was just there to pass the time outside of school and soccer. There wasn’t much of connection there in the first place, he was just this goofy kid that was good at Math and had beautiful teeth.
There was no spark when they kissed but it felt nice to have him hold her and just to say that she had a boyfriend. That was about it to be honest.
She turns to her left then, spotting Cosima staring right at her. Mari rolls her eyes then, turning her attention back to the fire, assuming she probably looked like Shauna right about now.
A wave of something floral but citrusy hints her nostrils as someone sits down next to her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mari frowns as Cosima plops down beside her.
Cosima doesn’t answer right away but when she does, it doesn’t ease Mari’s irritation, “just sitting and enjoying the fire, what does it look like?”
“Yeah okay but you can go back and do that over there,” Mari huffs, sneaking glances at Cosima who was finally able to hold her stare.
“Nah, I think I like this spot much better.”
“Because you’re pissing me off?”
“A little bit,” Cosima smirks while Mari can’t help but to breath out a laugh of her own, “it’s kinda fun.”
“I’m sure it is for you,” Mari responds, “Ruining my party just to come to this…snooze fest instead.”
Cosima tilts her head to the side eyeing Mari’s semi-dry hair that waved at the ends due to the sprinklers, “your party was dying down anyway and Akilah and I saw your dad earlier before we got to your place.”
“What? Did he say something to you two?” Mari rushed out, suddenly worried.
Cosima shook her head, “No he didn’t see us. I knew he would be heading back home soon.”
Mari listened to what Cosima was saying to her just then. It sounded like she actually looked out for her in a sense and Mari wasn’t sure how she should feel about that. So she broke eye contact to stare back at the swirling flames.
The teen felt something placed on her kneecap while she dazed off into the flames. Blinking she glanced down to see a cube of something in a wrapper. Mari was hit with the sweet smell of strawberries as she brought it up to her eye sight before she looked over at Cosima who winked.
“Uh huh.”
“Watermelon is obviously better.” Mari comments but that doesn’t stop her from unraveling the pink gum to toss into her mouth.
Cosima snorts, “you would say that.”
The small laughter lines appear by Mari’s lips then as she chewed and Cosima can’t help but to focus on them. How they curve into their own miniature smiley faces by the sides of her lips and her little mole on the left. She almost wants to place her fingertips on them, liking that there was a smile on Mari’s face for once tonight. But she doesn’t. She doesn’t want to be further rejected.
“Well you try and enjoy your evening, Mari.” Cosima pushes herself up from the log.
Standing, Cosima briefly stares at the fire for a moment but also wants to enjoy the company of Mari for a few seconds more—no matter how much they clashed.
Just as Cosima turns to begin limping away, Mari lightly reaches a hand out to press her clammy fingertips against Cosima’s warm ones. The touch is short but enough for Mari to feel Cosima begin to squeeze her fingertips back.
Cosima stared down at Mari, awaiting for what she says next.
“I’ll try my best,” Mari whispers, dark eyes almost shining as they look up at Cosima, “…You have a better one.”
“We both know I will.” Cosima teases while Mari rolls her eyes and let’s her hand rest back in her lap.
And with that it’s Mari’s turn to watch her old teammate walk away.
Once seated, Mari can’t help but to keep her eyes on Cosima, ember flames illuminating her skin as she chats away with a smiling Akilah, who notices Mari’s stare. When Cosima turns to catch Mari’s eyes again, she can’t help but to ponder if they could be something better…together.
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Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
#Spotify#yellowjackets#yellowjackets season 2#mari yellowjackets#mari x reader#mari yellowjackets x reader#yellowjackets x reader#summer prompts#queued#you have no idea how annoying autocorrect was every time I would write mari it would automatically switch to mark#Laura Lee#akilah yellowjackets#gen yellowjackets#Melissa yellowjackets#van palmer#natalie scatorccio#Lottie matthews#shauna shipman#jackie taylor#misty quigley#taissa turner
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Prompts !!
1. “We could practice with each other?”
2. “There’s only one bed.” “Fuck”
3. “We could go swimming” “we don’t have anything to wear”
4. “I bet you wish you where gay” “who says I’m not”
5. “Will you teach me how to kiss?”
6. “No your not fine, don’t you think I can see that?”
7. “ do that again”
8. “If you win I’ll kiss you”
9. “You look stupid as fuck right now “
10. “I don’t want him I want you”
11. “Jesus, fuck. I could kiss you right now!”
12. “Bet he doesn’t make you sound like that does he?”
13. “ cry about it”
14. “ I wanna hold your hand dumbass”
15. “Stop staring at me like that” “like what?”
16. “Can I have a hug …. Please”
17. “Are you blushing? That’s adorable”
18. “Is this ok?”
19. “I’ve never done this before” “don’t worry me neither”
20. *drinking* “I don’t wanna say something I might regret”
21. “ are you avoiding me?”
22. “I think I’m in love with them” “congrats captain obvious, your the last to find out”
23. *sharing a bed and waking up all cuddled up together*
24. “Ow fuck that’s sore” “ you want a massage?”
25. “Is that my shirt?” “Maybe…”
Feel free to request any yellow jackets character with these prompts and I’ll write and try to do it justice, please specify which character and who you want to say it (reader or them) and if fluff or smut!!
All characters are 18+ in these fics whether that’s canon or not as I’m not comfy pretending or writing them as minors 🫶🏻
#van palmer#vanessa palmer#jackie taylor#shauna shipman#lottie matthews#laura lee#yellowjackets#nat scatorccio#lesbian#taissa turner#1996#misty quigley#yj#wlw love#fanfic#promtps#fanfic prompt#requests#lovers
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Day twenty eight: fortune telling.
"Madame Holly Fortune Teller" you read out loud, staring at the red and yellow insignia. The sky is a beautiful iliac, giving the insigna's light an interesting and fascinating look, making the place seem altogether more interesting. It would be fun to know your future, right?
"Come on babe! Let's go!" you take her hand into yours, leading her inside the shop's dark entrance.
Lottie, despite not admitting it, has always been fascinated with these things: witches, hexes and curses, spirits and old gods, you name it. She didn't want to seem too interested, but she was, so much that she was shaking a bit. She sits next to you on the plush sofa, her eyes dark against the dim lights of the room. After some questions, you ask Madame Holly the thing you came in for. You bend over the table, talking closer to the old woman, "Miss, what do you see in our future together?". Lottie is a bit taken back from your question, but she's curious to know too. "I see... I see a place, near the mountains and a lake. It's full of people, old and young. You two must help them". You get out of the room with more questions than answers.
Shauna has always had a disdain for these types of things: she never liked this world of charlatans and always believed they only said things to make you lose your money or sanity. She sits next to you on the sofa, sizing up Madame Holly, who sat on her armchair. After a couple of questions, you ask her the question you came in for, "Madame, what do you see in our future?". Shauna feels her cheeks heat up at your question, but makes no effort to stop Madame Holly before she reveals your future. "I see a happy home life. Two parents and a child running through a room. But one of them holds a secret" you'd have to confront Shauna about this later.
Jackie is deeply interested in what this Madame will tell you, but she'd lie if she didn't say she's at least a little bit scared. She sits close, almost on top of you when Madame Holly starts to speak. After a while, she asks the question that has been tormenting her ever since the session started. She stutters as she talks, "M-madame, what do you see in our future?" The woman looks out of it for a moment, as if holding a communion with otherworldly beings, then she talks. "I see uncertainty. Many paths lie in front of you, children. It is your will that will shape your life. The paths unravel, pointing you to a happy life together" she finishes, looking over at Jackie. "I have one piece of advice for you child: be aware of whom you call a friend".
Natalie isn't too interested in these things, but she sure as hell is ready to try them. She almost sinks into the red leather sofa, struggling to stay put. After some questions are answered, you ask the one you've been wanting to for a while; "Madame Holly, what future do you see in us?" Thankfully the dim lights of the room shield Natalie's blush, or both you and the woman would have looked at her like she was about to have a heart attack. The woman raises her hands near her head, humming lowly and looking eerie as fuck, to both you and Natalie's point of view. "All your paths will lead to doom" she says, making Natalie feel a lump in her throat "Unless you wield the strength to break free from your past. Do not chase it, or be prepared to face the consequences. If you do it, you will live a happy life". Both you and Natalie get out of the room with sadness in your eyes, but the hope of a better future in your hearts.
Misty has never believed in any of these divination things: they're scams, they're irrational, and most of all, they're creepy as hell. Her blonde hair tickles your skin and her warm hands close in on yours. Misty is very wary of Madame Holly, but she can't understand if her fear comes from fear of the unknown, or fear that her deepest secrets will be split. She cringes and prepares herself for the worst when you ask the dreaded question, "Miss Holly, what do you see in our future?". The woman closes her eyes, humming lowly, before she speaks "I see a calm life, one made of the stillness of the day and love. But I also see unresolved issues holding you. I see ancient anger clawing at the heart, ready to burst out in unpredictable ways" her words halt, eyes studying your figures on the red couch. "Don't let your emotions get a hold of you, you will regret it".
#yellowjackets x reader#yellowjackets x you#lottie mathews x reader#shauna shipman x reader#jackie taylor x reader#natalie scatorccio x reader#misty quigley x reader#autumn writing prompts#halloween writing prompts#fictober
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Imagine Songbird came back to earth, cured and finally able to go back to Brooklyn. By the time she got back, V already chose to give Johnny her body, and he left NC.
One random day, So Mi wanted to go out on a walk, so she leaves her small apartment and goes down the stairs, on which she finds Johnny - in Vs body, of course, so she thought its her.
Turns out Johnny decided to stay in Brooklyn for one night, then continue travelling and somehow happened to stay in the same motel as Songbird and they just stumble upon eachother on the stairs.
#HELP IMAGINE THAT HAPPENING HOW WOULD THEY REACT#cyberpunk#corpo v#cyberpunk 2077#oc#misty olszewski#cyberpunk fanfic#cyberpunk fanart#Songbird#song so mi#fanfic#writing prompt#cyberpunk prompt#open ending
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i feel like your roman candle; misty/nat, 8k, explicit
written in response to a series of tumblr erotic prompts (since i ended up getting many more than i was expecting, i have combined the ones that fit!).
prompts used: caught masturbating, torn lace, against the wall, fingers (@igotreallyreallytiredofmyoldurl), “do that again”, hair, panting, love bites, taste, restrained, desperate, tease, on the edge, and in public (if you squint)
read here on ao3
#mistynat#misty x nat#nat x misty#otp: you should be thanking me#otp#yellowjackets fic#mine#wordles#~~#this was supposed to be a short break fic! like 2k! CLASSIC me honestly#me writing mistynat: and unstoppable force (two of the most complex characters i've ever loved)#meet an immovable object (my complete inability to write established relationship fic)#(also classic me is choosing to make my first published nat pov fic when she's in her WEIRDEST SOFTEST headspace. i sure love a challenge!)#fyi i do intend to write more prompts since i still have a good handful of mistynat ones i'm inspired by#but i'll pick at them when i need another break from this long fic#ALSO ALSO gotta scream about how happy this title makes me. tfw you're looking at the band you KNOW you wanna use#(angelfish is like. PERFECT. for softer s2 nat amiright)#and you find a line that works on two levels SO PERFECTLY like. god that's the STUFF
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