#prompt list 10
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youneedsomeprompts · 1 year ago
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requested by: @crochet-cafe request: How can I foreshadow or hint that my character has severe depression? I want to make the reveal a big deal when it happens and catch readers off guard
Feel free to use and reblog!
having other characters associate the person's mood with their character traits ("they're always grumpy")
masking their depression really well but being absolutely drained and a lot worse as soon as they're alone
appearing as a 'neutral' person, when their neutral mood actually indicates the emptiness they feel inside
their growing passivity makes them fade into the background
the more excited other people get the more downcast the person becomes (they get perceived as a killjoy)
they don't accept invitations anymore
they always say they're busy but can't answer the question what exactly they're doing
they show no emotional reaction in a fight
everyone says about the person that they have such a hard shell
they usually have been very caring and sensitive to everyone around them but suddenly they seem like they couldn't care less
note: If you or someone you know feels that way and really needs help, please seek professional help <3
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trashcantasch · 4 months ago
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oz-qwin · 10 months ago
Mariner May: Day 10 - Wanted
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Context: everyone -excluding Tails- doesn't know what Sonic really is.
Also, I told yall I would show you what was hiding in Sonic's hair back on day 3
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blu3haw4 · 1 day ago
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Happy Clexaweek everyone! I bring to you today a new idea born from... such a random post. An anon sent me a prompt for introvert college gamer Clarke and Lexa and I couldn't resist. I build up their characters through asks and I've been having a lot of fun with it, So
Here's... (already on AO3)
The Sex Life Of Gamer Girls
Summary: Clarke and Lexa are introvert college student who unknowingly attend the same school. They both love gaming and they meet online, they love chatting with each other, and there's lots of flirting online as well. After learning they attend the same school -and a little awkward silence- they make plans to meet up.
“You’re still in your underwear!” Octavia groans, closing the bathroom door forcefully behind her.
Lexa turns to frown at her, despite knowing that attitude is more than justified. She’s changed too many times to count, and they don’t really have that much time until they must be at the theater for sound check with the rest of the orchestra.
It’s just… that she has a few options. Three pairs of pants and three blouses give her room to try them all a few times in different combinations, and that’s not even adding the jackets, which may change the outfit completely-
“Why are you so worried, I though Sky was just a friend”
“She is! And it’s Clarke-”
“Not the point” Octavia rolls her eyes; she knows Clarke and Sky are the same person.
“That she’s my friend doesn’t mean I don’t want to impress her” Lexa deadpans.
“Okay, and you don’t think the master solo you’re playing tonight will do the trick?” Lexa just huffs at her and turns to examine her clothes again.
Octavia groans again.
“Just tell me what’s up” She rolls her eyes falling into her bed. They both know what’s up, they’ve been best friends for too long and roommates for what feels like even longer to not know what is up.
Still, neither would say it.
“You’ve never cared about your looks other than the prize and brand of your clothes-“
“That’s not true”
“Yes, it is”
“No it’s not”
“And understatement then”
“Whatever!” Octavia growls and Lexa can’t help the triumphant smirk “If she’s really just a friend go black dress-pants, black shirt and the grey vest. You look cool, you dick”
Lexa’s smirk falls, she utters a response about the word sounding like dyke just to keep Octavia talking as she turns back to her clothes with a frown.
She knows she looks cool with the vest, profession even, some might say. The colors, or rather shades, are fitting for the play and she knows it’s going to be comfortable on her seat. And she knows Clarke is just her friend, her online friend that she’s going to meet in real life for the very first time. After a year of playing together and recently after an awkward couple of months since they found out they go to the same school, but ultimately, just her friend,
But she might be more, closer than expected, they flirt a lot, or at least Lexa thinks they do, sometimes, not that she has ever asked or acknowledge it with her, she doesn’t want to or would admit it -right now-…
“What if…” She sighs through her mouth, sitting down on Octavia’s bed and avoiding eye contact with her “cool… is not… what I’m going for”
A second goes by, then another. She counts to three before gazing over to Octavia. She’s narrowing her eyes and it’s clear she’s trying to tame the smirk raising, Lexa can’t help but join her.
“If… you would rather, let’s say, look… hot. Go with the leather pants and the green knitted sweater with the… big crunch turtleneck” Octavia hums “Your figure does “Woop!” She says, making an hourglass silhouette with her hands and winking at her.
“I don’t have an hourglass figure” Lexa rolls her eyes at Octavia’s defiant laugh. She stands to get the sweater regardless. It wasn’t within her first options, but it should work, she can envision the outfit in her head and… yeah, she does look hot in that.
“The tight ones?”
“No, the others. With the belt. You could also do heels.”
“I’m not doing heels” Lexa rolls her eyes, putting on an undershirt before grabbing the sweater.
“Your ass pops with heels. Sexy as fuck”
Lexa pauses, with the turtleneck half over her face, considers for a second and turns to look at Octavia. She’s already smirking, Lexa huffs as she pulls the sweater the rest of the way down revealing her own smirk.
“I’m just saying, Sky is going to love it, she would have to be blind to not want to kiss you”
“It’s Clarke” Lexa corrects as she slides the pants up and bounces to get them past her hips. She ignores most of the sentence and refuses to acknowledge the blush rising to her cheeks.
“It’s the same person! We both know who I mean”
“But I need us to get used to calling her Clarke”
“Because I’ve been calling her Sky since we met, and she asked me to please call her Clarke when we see each other”
“Okay… but why?”
“Because it’s her name!” Lexa rolls her eyes. And okay, that is maybe a bullshit answer, but she doesn’t have to explain everything to Octavia.
There’s no need to, really, when Octavia has heard it all already. From the first time Lexa realized they never addressed each other by any names, through teasing when she heard ‘princess’ coming out of Lexa’s mouth for the first time, all the way to a few days ago when Clarke asked to "please, for the love of god, don't you dare call me Sky.”
It was a funny thing, a few memories that Lexa held dearly, close to her heart.
The first time they talked they greeted each other with ‘hi there’s and ‘hello’s and continued to talk directly about the game, they told each other coordinates and gave each other directions, they were the only two playing so there wasn’t any real need to clarify who they were talking to.
It went like that the first few times they played together, just greeting each other with ‘hi’s and ‘hey there’s while Lexa started to realize there were only two ways she could think of to call her new duo and one of them was ‘Princess’.
The first time she called her Sky wasn’t even talking to her, Lexa was telling Octavia all about her new online friend and she went with it and it just kinda… stuck. She still didn’t bring it up to Clarke for another while, Clarke hadn’t brought it up either, but they’ve talked once about potentially playing in teams of four which would inevitably force them to talk about it.
“We were just talking the other day that it would be fun to play squad but” Lexa tasked, she didn’t know why she felt so nervous “I mean, I would have to ask her a name or something, right? If we’re going to be talking with more people, I mean… But her username is SkyPrincess… and I’m not about to call her Princess”
Octavia eyed her suspiciously, because of course she noticed Lexa’s nervousness, she could’ve brought it up directly to this Sky, but instead she asked her best friend for advice.
So, it was her job… to tease her.
"I mean if you wanted to” she said suggestively.
"Octavia! No" Lexa blushed, because… maybe she did. A little. Secretly.
"Okay, but keep it in mind" Octavia winked at her before tasking and turning more serious “Just ask her. I mean it’s not like GaHeda gives any indication of your name. It translates to Girl Commander”
“She could think of calling me Heda”
“Didn’t you already tell her what it means? She would be having the same argument we’re having with her friends”
Which might as well be the case, she didn’t ask, but she got a better grip on her emotions by the time the subject of playing squads was brought up again.
“Should we play with open mic?” She asked.
“I mean… sure, it would be   fun. Does it matter?”
“Uhm not really I just… I would need to know... how to call you, so we can communicate better.” Lexa paused. “Cause I’m not gonna call you Princess"
“What if I am an actual princess?”
“I... you aren’t- are you?” Lexa stutters, not that she believed so, but… could it-
Clarke snorts, unable to keep up her own lie “no… but I could've been” she joked, oh so pleased with herself.
Lexa snorted and rolled her eyes “Can't imagine a princess using Fornite’s open mic”
“Are you a princess? How would you know?”
“I could be. And that's the reason I wouldn't call you a princess”
“…You just stepped on your own lies” Clarke giggled out after a second.
“Whatever!” Lexa rolled her eyes again, she was smiling though, Clarke always made her laugh whether she was trying or not “Can I call you Sky or are you going to tell me your name?” She tried, smiling through it, no longer nervous.
“Will you tell me yours? Because I don't want to call you "Heda" now that I know it means commander... even though you are bossy” Clarke started laughing,
“You are bossy!” Lexa laughed with her.
They calmed into a few giggles “Okay, okay. I must admit I do like sky…” Clarke chewed her lip and considered for a second before adding “but uhm, my name is Clarke”
“Klark” Lexa tried out, and it made her smile.
“Mmh, sure, click the K however you'd like” She couldn’t help but murmur, trying to tame her smile.
“I'll stick with Sky then” It’s the tasked respond she gets, making her laugh a full belly laugh. She could almost imagine the eyeroll that accompanied it, if only she knew how Lexa looked.
“I should make you call me Heda just for that” Lexa huffed while she was still laughing.
“I'll call you Gabe if you don't tell me your name” She shot back, still giggling when she answered, not missing a beat.
“Noo! Iugh, that's awful” Lexa sounded truly disgusted “It's G-AH not G-ei-b. You're not trying to say g-ei-m. It's like g-ah-m-ah” she clarified, it was a different language after all.
Before Clarke could come up with a joke she added “aaand! My name is Lexa”
It paused Clarke. It’s pretty, it fits her in a way that she can’t fully understand. She tested it in her head for a second, mouthing it as her eyes roamed her screen, dreaming of putting a face to the name.
“Lex-ah” She smiled, unable to be serious for too long “... not lex-ei?”
“I’m disconnecting” Lexa sighed immediately through what Clarke simply knew to be a tamed smile.
“No wait!” She called out anyways, giving the seriousness Lexa was surely looking for… only for a little bit “Lex-aH is fine, Lex-aH is perfect, beautiful even"
She said without thinking, not realizing she put no filter in her words. She didn’t take it back, not embarrassed, no regrets. She hoped Lexa liked it… or at least didn’t hate it.
“You done?” Lexa asked in a dry tone that was just so… her. So used to be serious but hiding laughter behind it.
Clarke couldn’t help but smile knowing that she had got to know Lexa enough at that point to be able to tell those little details.
“If you forgive me, yeah” She tried with her brightest smile, knowing that even if Lexa couldn’t see it, she could surely hear it.
“Let's play then Sky”
“You're really not going to say my name again?”
“Noup” and there was laughter, slipping through a single word and making Clarke smile and giggle.
Clarke didn’t argue, she did laugh the first twenty times Lexa called her Sky, not caring that their different teammates couldn’t understand what was so funny.
Lexa continued to call her Sky every time after that day, and Clarke did end up calling Lexa Heda sometimes, mostly as a way to mock her bossy-ness, laughing at her -and maybe flirting a little- after Lexa described exactly what she needed to do.
Lexa got her turn as well, when Clarke was feeling serious and she took it upon herself to boss her around about weapon load-out and heals and locations, she would just throw in a “yess, princess!” not only making her blush but immediately disarming her.
It was annoying that she liked it so much.
Annoying that she liked Sky just as much, because no one else called her that, it was their thing, Lexa’s names only for her. There was always a specific tone that came with it as well, a tone to shifted and morphed through the months, when there used to be a teasing tilt now there was a softness to it, an affectionate tilt to the word, maybe a flirtatious one as well… or maybe Clarke was projecting.
There have been other names recently, proposedly thrown in there to test the waters on what exactly their relationship was about. It was a constant state of doubt, of overthinking and questioning if what she was doing was okay, if Lexa liked it or was just been polite, of whether she was actually clueless, and Clarke wouldn’t -couldn’t- blame her, she didn’t know what exactly she was doing either.
She couldn’t say that it had started recently, but it definitely felt like there had been a pause when they found out they went to the same school, and then they were back to it even stronger after the holidays.
It was a little over a year since the first time they played together when they talked about it for real. They both knew the other was a college student, but they didn’t know much else about it. They hadn’t really talked about it in depth, just the classic ‘oh I need to study for a class’ or ‘I have this group assignment’ and then they were back to talking about the game.
The only reason Lexa started asking more questions that time was because Clarke had joined the game three hours later than they had agreed, she was three hours late because a group meeting for a class she didn’t even like had run that late because everyone was knee on arguing with each other and they couldn’t agree on anything. Clarke was so tired and so pissed, Raven was out at a party with Nyilah and Echo had a terrible headache and Clarke just needed to complain about it to someone.
That night was the first time she shared about her career choice -by complaining about the classes that didn’t fit with it anymore- how she had only truly realized what she wanted mid semester and now she was stressing with a pair of classes that she didn’t like or care for, and it felt good to share with Lexa this new part of herself one she was really and recently excited about.
In turn, Lexa shared a little about her life as well, she told Clarke about the classes she was learning were not what she wanted, those subjects she learned she only liked as extracurriculars, she told her about her extracurriculars, and that it was very likely that anytime she said she couldn’t make it after class it was probably due to them, much more probable than her needing to study.
They talked about the different courses their schools offered and were surprised to realized they offered pretty much the same ones, they got suspicious when Lexa mentioned a science fair she attended a few day prior and Clarke remembered there had been one at her school as well. Neither of them really wanted to ask because they were afraid to be right; Clarke had never pondered the idea of actually meeting Lexa in real life, but suddenly it became all too possible when Lexa cleared her throat and reluctantly asked.
“Hey uhm… Clarke?” and that was already a change, Lexa calling her by her name always meant serious, though until this point nothing had ever been truly serious “are you… attending *Polaris University*?”
“I… am. Are you as well?”
They were in the middle of a game, so it wasn’t hard to shift subject and ignore the awkwardness, one that was born from… very confusing feelings. Because they both knew that if this was anyone else, they would close the game and block the person to never have to worry about it again, instead, because they liked each other so much they were caught in this limbo of what the fuck to do.
When they ended second place in their game and the options’ screen loaded in, Lexa asked “Ready up?”
“Yep, let’s go” Clarke answered, and they played for another hour before saying goodnight like any other time, only difference been not asking when they would get on again.
It was around the end of November so it wasn’t hard to use Thanksgiving as a self-told excuse to not play much -Lexa lying more than Clarke about not having the time, she retired back to other, offline, games since she wasn’t spending it with her family, and there's only so much time you can spend talking with your best friend when only one of you has a social life and you live together-
After Thanksgiving is finals time so it’s the same thing, neither ask the other to play and they don’t really chat over discord, but it still feels like they are giving out excuses even when they’re only in their heads. It’s around this time that Clarke finally tells her roommate and college best friend, Raven, about Lexa. Over the past year Raven has heard her name a few times, she’s never bother asking more though since Clarke also played with other people including her childhood best friends.
Clarke has no filter that day, she sits on Raven’s bed and asks for her help on her dilemma, she explains how she met Lexa and how great she is and how much she likes playing with her and how good it felt to tell her about her life and feel like real friends -she didn’t mentioned the flirting- but how that had led to finding out they were in the same school which then led to the awkward thanksgiving break that made Clarke realize she didn’t want to lose her but didn’t know how to move forward. Ultimately the answer was giving it time and Raven promised not to tease her about it… in front of their roommates.
Finals roll out and then winter break and they finally calm down a bit, Lexa has been playing on her own since Clarke hasn’t even started the launcher, but then a day before Christmas she gets on.
They’re both in their hometowns, it’s late at night for both and it’s easy to send a group request and play together, blaming their quietness on tiredness and just chilling in every game. Just like that, they start playing regularly again, Lexa confesses to being practically free all break long and Clarke jokes -and means it- that she’s going to use her as an excuse to get aways from too much family time.
They go back to school, and they go a few weeks playing without mentioning it, each pondering in their heads the chances of running into each other, of whether they would recognize the other and whether they would want that to happen.
It feels like they get to the same conclusion at the same time when they start tiptoeing around the subject. The flirting turns ON for real, silly still because that's who they are but oh so clearly there. It’s fun, and it’s easy to forget they were troubled by about a month with this when now it felt so easy.
Clarke starts very consciously saying "sorry, babe" and "babe, c'mon" during fights, Lexa leans much more into calling Clarke Princess, either while watching her clutch a 1v2, or when she's found her favorite gun and she’s bringing it over to her - Clarke misses snipers this season but will settle for the hunting rifle recently added- Lexa also sneaks a little "goodnight princess" every so often, that makes it impossible for Clarke to sleep those night, blushing and smiling like a fool while trying not to imagine other scenarios where Lexa could call her that.
The nagging feeling that it can all fall apart if she pushed too far is still there, and then Lexa brings up meeting up, very casually mentioning she’s going to be playing with the orchestra -because yes, she plays the piano- and she would like if Clarke could assists “I think you could like it, it’s quiet an epic set”
The doubts and questioning and overthinking only increased after they had agreed to meet up. And they are right there as Clarke changes outfits so many times, not deciding on color palette or style, and what she’s supposed to do for her make up, and her hair-
She tried to do all this freaking out during the week, preparing beforehand was a smart move, even though she wasn’t supposed to be stressing; Lexa was her friend… had to be, at least until they met for real and she figured out her feelings.
Hiding away from Raven … wasn’t her smarted decision. She Is, after all the only person who knows about Lexa, or how Clarke feels about her. She already knew her so well - sharing a dorm and a room together for a year and a half does that- of course she clocks Clarke’s internal struggle the minute she walks into their room, dressed and ready to be Clarke’s plus-one, and finds her in front of the mirror with three different tops on her hands, and none of them on her.
“Girl, really?”
Clarke turns straddled, wide eyes pressing the tops close to her body and blinks.
Raven closes her eyes and sighs, if she wants to laugh, she covers it perfectly, she drops her bags and massages her forehead before getting to work.
“Did you pick the bottoms?”
“Cargos, then, you look good, you’ll feel comfortable and they’re easy to match” Raven grabs one of the tops from her hands and throws it back to her bed “That one doesn’t. Are you going light or dark?”
“I… was thinking light” she swallows, she’s not intimidated… at all, it’s just that Raven is weirdly this serious and she’s unsure how to react. That’s all.
“Light blue one, I love those. These two don’t match though” Raven says as she grabs the remaining two tops and throws them as well. She finds Clarke’s cargos and throws them at her “Put them on” She says as she starts rummaging through Clarke’s closet.
“Ohhh look at you! you’re perfect” Raven gasps after a second “Listen I know you love cleavage” she says turning to face Clarke “but you don’t own this top for no reason” she smirks showing her a knitted, sleeveless crop-top color cream.
She doesn’t wait for an answer before she’s throwing it at her, she throws herself to her bed with a satisfied sigh and lets Clarke get dressed.
“I think you know you need to go with the combat boots, and for coats, just pick any of the high-end long-ass ones, I know you own a bunch but just don’t take forever. Actually, just go with the cappuccino one”
Clarke simply nods, going over her large selection of coats in her head as she finished dressing, confirming that, yeah, the cappuccino one is perfect. She’s a bit surprised at how… honest Raven’s help seems to be, she know Raven is a good friend and cares about her, it’s just that her help is usually accompanied by-
“I don’t know why you’re so worried about this- Scratch that I know why” Raven interrupts her thoughts, turning to her with a smirk.
Oh, there it comes.
The teasing.
“Obviously you’re like in love with this girl or something-
“I’m not!”
“-but I mean come on, you already know each other, she already likes you!”
“I’m not worried”
“And I’m not a genius, Griffin don’t lie to me!” She rolls her eyes “if you weren’t worried you wouldn’t have told me about her when you found out she was studying here” she raises her eyebrows, giving her time to say something even when they both know she won’t.
“You say she’s your friend, and you think she’s inviting you to this thing as a friend… but you don’t know if you want her to be more -Your words, not mine-”
“I know! Can you just… forget it, just today. Just be there, don’t mention it” Clarke pouts and then spins in place showing off her outfit to Raven.
“Hot” Raven nods and winks, and as Clarke walks to her closet to grab her coat and boots Raven sighs, long and tired “Fiiine, but only because I love you. And only today, I want all the details tomorrow. No gatekeeping!”
“Some gatekeeping”
“Only if you get lucky. I’ll forgive you wanting to keep the details of some gross love making”
“Raven!” Clarke scowls, blushing.
“Do we have a deal?”
“Ugh!” Clarke simply groans and walks out with her purse and phone.
It’s nerve wrecking, to stand backstage knowing Sk-Clarke!- is out there and will be able to tell who Lexa is immediately. It’s a little ridiculous that she’s not nervous about playing but about Octavia getting recognized by Clarke while popping her head out of the curtain to try and see if she finds her.
“How do you not know how she looks?” Octavia huffs as she closes the curtains for a third time.
“I told you, she just said she’s blonde” Lexa shrugs, she doesn’t want to stress out -more than she already is- trying to find Clarke in the audience, the chances of recognizing her were practically zero, she had no description, no picture, nothing.
“How will you meet up then?”
“I told her I play the piano, and that we can meet after at the… one of the exits, I don’t remember now” Lexa shook her head. Octavia rolled her eyes painfully and returned to her position between the curtains trying to see if she could spot Clarke.
She gets scowled at by their maestro and sent to her seat behind her drums a minute later and Lexa follows suit sitting behind the piano. She tries to focus on the sheets of music written in front of her, but her head is already running over any possible place Clarke could be sitting and how she might look from there.
‘So much for not stressing’ She scowls at herself, but it doesn’t stop her from spotting every blonde in the audience as soon as the curtains open. She closes her eyes a minute later as the greeting applauses quiet down and she takes a deep breath, focusing, tuning everything else out.
The music’s start with the piano and Clarke can’t comprehend how incredible Lexa looks leading the group. Raven asks which one is Lexa as soon as the curtains open and Clarke has to pause for a second, realizing she’s going to need a minute -or an hour- to process seen Lexa for the first time, so she lies, she tells Raven she doesn’t know. She’s honest when she tells her that they’ve never shared any social media or pictures of each other, but the reality is that there’s only one piano, and the pianist fits the description perfectly.
Lexa looks… majestic. The sweater is very feminine, the crunch turtleneck softens her broad shoulder, the light behind her accentuates her waist, as does the thick belt attached to the high wait of her pants that have no right making her legs look that good while sitting down. Clarke can’t tell from this far, but she wonders if the color of the blouse is a choice to accentuate that of her eyes. Her hair is tied back at the top by a few braids and the rest falls like a cascade over her back, her posture is pristine and relaxed, she moves with the music naturally and graciously.
Clarke can’t imagine how she’s supposed to stay friends with this girl.
The set ends with an explosive assembly, Lexa meets eyes with Octavia, both sighing heavily out before smiling brightly. As usual the standing ovation and exit of the stage is a blur, Lexa find Octavia out of the shared changing room, and they hug the rest of the adrenaline out.
And while still high on that feeling, on that excitement that is amplified by the thought of meeting Clarke, her stomach still crunches when she spots a blonde girl walking towards her with purpose at their agree exit. She’s looking at her, a smile growing bigger with each step, because of course she already knew who Lexa was, she had to have known from the moment the curtains opened and must’ve been watching her the entire set.
Lexa is breathless before Clarke can even reach her, because not even all the excitement in her body can make her heart cartwheel the way seen Clarke for the first time does.
Clarke is… gorgeous, she looks like a model striding towards her, the cappuccino coat gives her an air of confidence that matches her steps, the cargo jeans frame her hips perfectly, giving a teas of her tummy before the crop-top covers her from and reveals the slightest bit of cleavage. Her hair is loose, and her waves bounce with her steps. She’s wearing eyeliner, a simple strip of black line makes the blue of her eyes shine, or maybe that’s just the excitement.
When she’s finally withing reach, Clarke goes in for a hug; she lifts her arms before the distance is gone, shrugging a little as a warning to Lexa, barely missteps, cautions for only a fraction of a second, before she goes fully into it, deciding that it’s fine, because they’re friends, they have been for over a year now and it might be the first time they see each other in person, but this is how Clarke greets her friends, and she won’t apologize unless Lexa complains.
She doesn’t, she actually likes it, so much that it feels unreal. Lexa’s not a hugger, she only ever hugs Octavia but other than that she keeps physical contact to a minimum, and yet, she melts into the feeling of Clarke’s body fitting into hers. Clarke pulls her close and Lexa wraps her arms around her waist over the coat, she closes her eyes against Clarke’s shoulder and squeezes back when Clarke pulls her even tighter against her and sighs into her neck.
It's definitely a little too long before they pull apart and Lexa spares a thought to Octavia before she’s looking at Clarke again and all thoughts evaporate.
“Hey there!” Clarke breathes out as her eyes jump all over Lexa’s face, trying to take it all in at the same time.
They haven’t let go at all when Lexa laughs a little nervous “Hi”
It takes them both right back to the first few times playing together, all the excitement and nervousness to get to hang out again, the comfort of having fun with someone new, the insecurity of sounding cool that faded through time as they learned to be goofy with each other.
The very first time they played together was in the early morning of November first, Lexa had dropped Octavia off at the custom party of one of their soccer teammates before getting back home to play fornite -with her spookiest skins- She decided to play duos a few hours in and opened her microphone.
Meanwhile, Clarke came back from a frat party she went to with her friends -who all remained there or migrated to other parties- a little tipsy and knee on continuing to have fun she immediately opens the voice chat and starts playing duos.
Lexa is the first person to join the voice chat since Clarke started.
Clarke is the first match since Lexa opened her microphone.
They greet each other and Clarke is very excited to talk to someone, Lexa isn’t sure if she finds it endearing yet, but she plays along. At first all they say are technical stuff; where the other likes to land, with what strategies the other plays, which are you chosen weapons and such, better at shooting or building and such.
They communicate well during fights, and they actually win their first game. From then Lexa gets more friendly, she asks more specific questions about the game and preference whiting it, she laughs and tags along to Clarke’s idea of switching skins anytime they lose, Clarke asks her which are her favorite and they spend an entire game discussing old ones and new ones, Lexa can’t believe she agrees to put on the Christmas ones nor can she understand how Clarke convinced her to ‘go festive’ to ‘call for the Christmas spirit’
They learn through games and games what better strategies fit them better, Lexa is less coy -and maybe a little flirty, Clarke has a pretty voice- when admitting to feeling like a pro at building and editing them. In turn, Clarke’s confidence turns up as well going over the top to prove that her aim is unmatched.
They win countless games, and they go on for hours until the sun rises and they’re both shocked that they’ve been up so long. Joking and laughing they promise to get on another time and try playing ranked since “Clearly we’ve found ourselves the wining duo”. They disconnect with quiet goodbyes and go to sleep with untamed smiles.
For months to come they play together often, they get each other’s discords to be able to invite each other more often and the audio is often better as well.  They keep playing for months and months, through winter, spring and summer all the way back to fall.
Octavia, who has known about Clarke all along, and is casually standing behind Lexa, can’t help but think “Friends’ my ass” as she tries not to react at Lexa’s very unusual response to a hug. She stands there for even longer than she expects after they part from the hug and just hold each other.
Eventually they seem to remember they’re not the only people in the world and Lexa turns to look at her, finally -and maybe reluctantly- letting go of Clarke.
“Uhm, Sk-Clarke” Lexa slips for a second and Clarke’s eyes widen even while her smile seem to grow “This is Octavia, my best friend” she finishes, turning to Octavia with a blush raising from her chest up to her cheeks.
“Hey, I’ve heard a lot about you… and heard you a lot” Octavia winks as she extends a hand.
“Sorry about that” Clarke breath a laugh while Lexa frowns at her. Before they can fall into some awkward argument or silence Clarke continues “Well, I would love to introduce you to my roommate, who so kindly joined me” she give Lexa a look, a smirk is there and Lexa’s eyes shine with hers “But she has abandoned me as soon as we stepped out”
“Oh no, were we that bad?” Lexa jokes, still smiling, unable to stop. She can’t explain it and doesn’t want to think about how Clarke’s mare presence makes her so happy.
“Oh no, god, you guys were amazing! It was honestly so enchanting, it felt magical”
“Thank you” Lexa and Octavia answered automatically, they could both hear the genuine tilt of happiness in Lexa’s voice though.
“Raven’s probably off trying to find a party” Clarke added after a beat of smiling at Lexa.
She just couldn’t help it, Lexa was… so pretty. Beautiful, and hot and just- so attractive, but specifically pretty, her gaze had a softness that complimented the sharp angles of her jaw, and her smile? The way her eyes lit up with it and her nose seemed to crunch a bit as if she was used to taming it down, she was just so pretty, and Clarke didn’t even want to pretend. She was sure that after a few more conversations she would say it to her, just like she told her she liked listening to her voice after only a few times playing together.
“I’m uhm-” Lexa turned only for a second to look at Octavia “I’m pretty sure some of the boys are from a frat house, they surely have a party or something planned”
Lexa finds herself saying, unsure why and not really bothered by the implication that she would go to something like that. She doesn’t get the chance to clarify anything or for Clarke to ask her because Raven joins them, all cheerful jumping into Clarke’s back and shouting a ‘hey-yoo’ as a greeting.
Lexa’s eyebrows raise up to her hairline, her smile is too bright to fully fall, but there’s definitely a different feeling in her gut now.
“I landed us an invite to the celebration with the musicians! I already texted the girls. Did you find your chick?”
And now she is blushing -she’s not sure which is responsible, the implication that ‘your chick’ is more, is different, not necessarily a friend or that ‘your chick’ is said with familiarity, like Clarke talks about her like she’s… hers.
“Raven!” Clarke hisses, blushing as she pushes her off her “Don’t jump on me” she says trying to cover up for the phrasing. Because she’s not ready to process any part of that sentence, even when it’s only two words “Be nice This is Lexa, and her best friend Octavia. This is my roommate Raven”
“I’ve been denigrated to ‘roommate’!? You’re repaying me with extra shots tonight. Hi! It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you. Great play back there, by the way, gave me chills, for real!”
Clarke sighs, she tries her best at not closing her eyes -or rolling them- at Raven’s extra extrovert greeting. Lexa remains still, smile frozen and eyebrows still raised. She looks like a deer caught in headlights.
Clarke moves to try and say something, salvage the situation, but it seems to be all Lexa needs to recover.
“Hi. All good thing I hope and… thanks, we’ve been practicing a lot, it was very exciting. The crowd’s reaction was great” she says fluidly. Strongly, confident.
Clarke swallows, she sounds different than she’s even heard her, natural but also monotone like she’s used to it, like she knows how to handle it, she sounds… very sexy. And her smile is still there, her eyes don’t shine as much until she glances at her briefly, and maybe Clarke is protecting, but she smiles again, even if Lexa isn’t looking at her anymore.
Lexa sees her smile in the corner of her eye as Octavia greets Raven and they start talking about the party, sure that she’s no longer needed in the conversation she turns back to Clarke. She’s smiling, wide like she can’t be bothered to tone it down and it makes Lexa feel validated, because she’s so happy, she’s so excited to get to be with Clarke in person and she’s still too stunned to know what to do with herself.
“Y’know…” Clake stars, needing to stop the racing thought in her head “when you told me you played the piano, I didn’t imagine you would pull a solo like that, it was truly incredible”
“Thanks…” Lexa blushes, it’s not that she doesn’t know she’s amazing in her solo, it’s just that Clarke… noticed- “I mean you’ve seen my skill building and editing…” She adds, smirking a little, leaning closer “Did you really think I don’t explode this talent”
She doesn’t mean to flirt -or so she tells herself- but the implication of how far her talent extended wasn’t lost to her once the sentence left her mouth, and she won’t bother with clarifications.
Before they can gather their thoughts, their friends tell them to start moving. There’s a slight pause after Clarke asks where they’re going, and Raven rolls her eyes “Obviously to the party I just mentioned”
Octavia looks at Lexa and she doesn’t know what to say or do so, she looks at Clarke instead, who’s already looking at her with a questioning gaze. She doesn’t look hopeful nor disappointed, a little worried maybe but Lexa doesn’t even question it when the next sentence out of her mouth is “Sure, let’s go”
Her hopes of not making it a big deal go out the window when Octavia jumps on her back, letting out a strangled “Really?” before she’s squeezing her tight and vibrating with excitement.
“Okay, people this is not a drill! Let’s get going before she changes her mind!” Octavia says as soon as she jumps off her, she grabs her hand in the process and pulls at her while Lexa blushes furiously.
Raven turns to Clarke with raised eyebrows and all Clarke can do is shake her head with a shrug. She laughs when Raven grabs her hand with a shrug of her own and pulls at her in a similar manner.
She doesn’t let her anxiety take over, it starts pushing her to wonder if Lexa doesn’t actually want to go to this party, instead, Clarke takes a deep breath and waits until she’s alone with Lexa again -it happens fairly quickly, they catch up and Raven replaces her with Octavia, before they resume their own conversation.
“I take it frat parties aren’t your usual?” She asks even while Lexa still isn’t looking at her, she does smile at the question though.
“Not really” Lexa concedes and braves a look at Clarke “Parties in general are not… my usual- but hey! Neither is making friends online and yet here we are” She smiles bright, renew excitement over the topic.
Clarke smiles with her, likes the way Lexa shrugs and lifts a conspiratory eyebrow, still she can’t help but worry “We don’t…” she swallows “We don’t have to go, if you don’t want to- we can do something else or… go somewhere else” it’s Clarke’s time to shrug.
Lexa’s smile softens, and she has to look away from Clarke because really, quit it with the blushing! “It’s fine, really” she reassures “It’s not that I’m not a fan of parties per se” she smirks just thinking about it “I just… don’t particularly like people” she grimaces but her smile is too bright for it to look genuine.
Clarke snorts, like she doesn’t mean to laugh but can’t help it “You and me both” she hushes leaning closer as they giggle “I’ve heard… that alcohol helps a lot with it though” she says after a bit and it’s Lexa’s turn to snort.
“Oh I know” she nods her head, leaning into Clarke as well, because she can, and it feels good and Clarke isn’t complaining “I do know it tends to... become a problem later on as well”
“Touché” Clarke nods “Good thing we can leave whenever we want” she winks, reassuringly, she thinks, she wants Lexa to know that she can be honest anytime she’s not comfortable. And so what if it’s also a little flirty? It’s harmless.
They make good use of that statement in the end.
When they arrive at the party, the frat house is packed, there isn’t a line yet, but a couple of boys are out talking, planning a head of that moment. One of them is the guy Raven talked to, he shamelessly flirts with her and looks shocked to realize Octavia and Lexa are coming with her, he invites them in and promises to find Raven later.
All throughout Lexa eyes Clarke with a slight frown, she just keeps shrugging and shaking her head lightly, it’s a normal thing, typical Raven behavior.
Octavia grabs Lexa’s arm inside and they make it to the bar. Her best friend is giddy she gladly takes two shots from Raven, Lexa doesn’t even look at Clarke as she dedicates the first of whatever is in the tiny plastic cup to Octavia.
Lexa turns to Clarke when Raven places a second round and Clarke smiles, she leans in to be heard over the music and tells Lexa that she’ll take hers if she doesn’t want it. Lexa in turn raises a challenging eyebrow clinks it with Raven’s before taking it.
Octavia hugs her again once their grimaces are gone and Raven offers to pour them a mixed drink to last them a while, Clarke wants vodka and Octavia asks for rum for her and Lexa, she winks at her discreetly and then hugs her again.
“You’re not even drunk, stop being so clingy”
���I’m just excited that you’re here!”
“And I’m excited that you’re both here!” Raven cheers downing her drink quickly and pouring another “Which one of you is going to introduce me to the rest of the music bros?”
Clarke tries not to laugh as Lexa turns to her alarmed, she shrugs just for the sake of it and then Octavia is speaking, Clarke can’t hear it very well over the music, but she assumes she’s offering because a minute later they’re both gone.
The butterflies come swinging back to her stomach and a smile rises without her consent when Lexa turns to her again.
“Do you wanna go somewhere quieter?” Lexa leans in, a smile of her own adorning her face.
It takes them a minute to move around the packed house and then some to find a pocket of air with less noise. They end up sitting in the nook of a window by the corner of the huge lounge room, they’re farther from the dance floor than they were in the kitchen, and they both sigh a sigh of relief followed by giggles as they lean back.
They sip their drinks, suddenly a little awkward, not sure how to start a conversation and afraid to keep on just looking at each other. Clarke is the brave one at first, asking about Lexa’s drink choice and how Octavia answered for her.
“I’m don’t usually drink so… I tend to not care what I am drinking” Lexa shrugs, she takes another sip and braves a look at Clarke “Is Vodka your usual?”
“Yeah” Clarke smiles “It’s… tasteless enough, I think it makes it easier to mix. I’ve learned to drink tequila in mixed drinks with Raven, though, and there’s just… nothing like it”
“In a good way?”
“Yeah, it’s so much better. Specially with sweet drinks… but it’s more expensive and it’s quick to give a hangover”
Lexa laughs “Oh yeah, I’ve had my fair share of tequila hung overs”
It’s easy to move the conversation around, it feels nice to ask the questions they avoided before, those that felt too person for two friends that only talked about the game they were playing. Lexa shared about her friendship with Octavia going all the way back to sophomore year of high school, Clarke tells her how Raven quickly scaled from roommate to best friend and how her childhood friend met her the summer before, and they were so jealous.
They talk about all their classes and possible majors, Clarke just about figured out before break that she’s really interested in biochemistry, and she’s excited to see where it might lead her, Lexa joins in excitedly to talk about science since one of her many extracurricular is focused on chemical experimentation, she explains to Clarke that she has a lot of extracurriculars, always has had, from sports to chess, to science and music, all her passions have led her to a variety of classes, but she’s mostly find them boring or overly specific.
They talk a little bit about high school and how each of them moved around the bizarre social hierarchy of it, they maybe throw in a little hint about their dating game and maybe it’s a little flirty, maybe it’s a bit of a joke but so easily not.
Throughout their conversation Raven comes over a few times to check in on them and Octavia comes over to hug Lexa anytime she sees her, Lexa accidentally calls Clarke Sky a couple of times and it may become a little less intentional once she realizes Clarke blushes every time.
They’re constantly leaning on each other and talking closely, and giggling all the time.
They refill their drinks and ‘babe’ enters Clarke’s vocabulary full force, she ignores Raven’s looks from across the room and can’t help but blush any time she catches Octavia winking at Lexa, for her part Lexa downs her drinking faster than Clarke, too happy and too comfortable to care about any of it.
Their friends drag them into a game of beer-pong with shots -warm beer is gross and it’s not like most people here aren’t rich- appealing to their competitiveness to lure them. Octavia and Raven team up against them, swearing that they’re the sober ones and thus will win. Clarke and Lexa are content to stay glued to each other, leaning into the other as they wait for their friends to shoot, holding the other as they drink their shots and calling out sweet encouragements before every shot.
They end up winning against their friends, barely, and as celebration the crowd makes them down the remaining of their shots. They chose to grab some water next and return to their little nook. With liquid courage they get even more comfortable in each other’s personal space, they flirt a lot, smirking every other sentence and talking about anything that comes to mind.
Clarke calls Lexa Heda jokingly making her drop a few Princess’ in between, they’re not blushing as much anymore, just enjoying it and leaning into it, so much that they don’t mind Octavia’s side eyes and Raven’s raised eyebrows, they just keep trying to find ways to make the other call them pretty names.
They start talking about fornite at some point, they recall Winterfest and how they sped through levels to get every reward possible, they agreed, now that it was over, that it was kinda… ‘meh’, the year before had been better and it mostly had to do with the addition of the OG maps and all the hype about that taking away the attention of the holidays.
“The collaborations were insane though!” Lexa rolled her head back and the sideways to rest on Clarke’s shoulder.
“Right?!” Clarke turns to her even when she knows she won’t be able to see her, it’s nice to have their faces so close together “Like what do you mean Snoop Dog, The Shack and Marya fucking Carey all have matching Santa skins?”
They both break into laughs and Lexa leans heavily into her. They sigh in unison with smiles on their faces, content to watch the party for a minute- that is until a group of frat boys not too far from them start… barking?
Lexa quickly lifts her head off Clarke’s shoulder and turns to frown at her, Clarke shrugs with a shake of her head and it’s not long until they start laughing again. They giggle the remnants of their cringe out while looking at each other and then Clarke smirks a mischievous little smirk.
Lexa tilts her head, and Clarke does the same in the direction of the exit, she doesn’t take her eyes off Lexa and her smirk grows when Lexa imitates her, they continued tilting their heads and nodding them until they can’t keep from laughing anymore.
The frat boys are still barking when they stand up and start looking for their friends, they tell them they’re heading out and make a quick job of leaving, they both take deep breaths a block down the house and sigh out giggles.
“Where should we go?” Lexa asks, and she doesn’t care that she still hasn’t let go of Clarke’s hand.
“Don’t call me crazy-” Clarke uses their joined hands to pull Lexa closer and whisper conspiratorially “but… we could… go… play”
“Oh, this is why we get along!” Lexa throws her head back and Clarke reigns her back in when she loses her balance for a second.
“Let’s go then Heda”
“Lead the way Princess”
They agree to go to Clarke’s place first, Octavia will be staying with a friend so they can have the room to themselves, thus they’re going to pick up Clarke’s laptop and go. The walk is full of talking and laughing and flirting, it’s silly, so unserious but so… them.
“This’ me” Clarke nods to their right as they approach the dorms wing of campus.
“Really?” Lexa huffs “I’m right over there!” she points to their left, two buildings down from Clarke’s.
“For real? That is so crazy!” they laugh and decide to ignore that before today -okay maybe form a month ago- that information would’ve been scary as fuck.
They enter Clarke’s dorm quietly, not remembering that her roommates were all at the party they just left, Clarke hesitates before letting Lexa into her room, but it’s hard to think when she turns her head and Lexa is right there, practically glued to her and so giddy.
They’re a little drunk, so Clarke is stumbling a little, throwing her coat over her bed and trying to get her laptop, she’s also trying to make sure her -half- of the room is presentable or close enough to Raven's to pretend. And Lexa is all excited for apparently no reason other than being in Clarke's room, and the flirting hasn’t stopped and it’s making them both a little dizzier.
So when Clarke stands up and Lexa is standing too close, neither of them move.
They're breathing unevenly and they stare at each other for a long moment, trying to decipher what's going on, looking for the answer in each other’s eyes.
Lexa is all too happy to stay right where she is, she knows in a few minutes or less she’s going to want to touch Clarke in some way, grab her hand or her wait, kiss her or worse, lean her forehead to hers, but she can’t be bothered right now, because Clarke is really pretty and she’s really happy that she was brave enough to invite Clarke to her orchestra, because she’s really happy to be there with her.
Clarke is a bit more antsy; she’s looking up because Lexa us wearing a bit of heel, and she was already a bit taller than her and her lips are right. There. So Clarke has enough. She leans up and touches her lips to Lexa’s softly. She doesn’t mean to capture her lower lip in hers, she’s just a little clumsy, at the moment, and Lexa-
Lexa is kissing her back.
Lexa’s hands move quickly to hold her -uncovered- waist, and sighs into Clarke’s mouth at the contact, she doesn’t question anything, doesn’t even think about it when she stars leaning into her, chasing her lips and that tongue that ever so softly teases her bottom lip.
Clarke sneaks a hand up to Lexa’s jaw and holds onto her -very… vert strong- bicep with the other, she takes half a step back and her ass meets the side of her bed, she has to sort of sit on it when Lexa keeps leaning because the bed is a little lofted for storage. She doesn’t move her hands from Lexa, which makes it so she can feel her bicep flexing when Lexa takes a larger step closer and pulls at her waist lifting her so she’s sitting fully on the bed.
The kiss is teasing and tight, but the moment Lexa wiggles her way between Clarke’s legs, parting them just enough to fit and pull her close, the kiss turns deep, Clarke doesn’t think twice when the new angle and closeness allows her to comfortably slide her arm around Lexa’s neck and swipe her tongue confidently into Lexa’s mouth.
Lexa moans in turn, chases her tongue and sucks on her bottom lip, she’s still leaning on Clarke, pushing her onto the bed. She extends a hand for leverage and snakes the other one around Clarke’s waits, leaning more fully into her. Clarke’s hand on her bicep flies back to hold herself as well when Lexa keeps on leaning until she’s practically on top of Clarke even with her feet still on the ground.
It’s outrageously long before they break for air, and when they do, they don’t part if anything they hold each other closer as if to make sure the other won’t leave. They press their foreheads together, but neither is brave enough to open their eyes, they breath heavily, drunkenly.
Lexa moves slightly, bumping her nose with Clarke and huffing a giggle at Clarke’s answering bump, she opens her eyes just in time to see Clarke open hers and the smirk adorning her lips reaches up to her eyes.
Over all the noise in Clarke’s head, questions and desires and also just mush, she can’t help but high-five herself in her head, she was right Lexa’s sweater do compliment her eyes, it’s a deeper shade of green than her grey-ish green eyes, but green all-the-same.
“Hi” Clarke’s giggle drunkenly.
Lexa smiles dopily “Hey there”
“You didn’t tell me you were such good kisser”
“I’m good at a lot of things” Lexa giggles, and she really doesn’t mean it flirty this time, but then Clarke’s pupils dilate and she’s thankful to her subconscious.
“Yeah?” Clarke bites her lip “Will you show me?”
Oh hell! She’s got game!
Lexa kisses her, she kisses her deeply and dirty because that was really hot, and oh so smooth and she doesn’t know what to say, she’s always been better with actions anyways-
She can’t help the smirk that gets kissed off by Clarke at her next idea; Lexa sneaks a hand under Clarke’s top and feels around the clap of her bra, she pulls away from the kiss with a wet sound and smirks at Clarke’s frown before she’s snapping the claps open with a simple twist of her wrist.
“Example number one” She giggles again and Clarke gasps at her with a smile.
“You should get my top off next” Clarke winks, recovering quickly.
It takes Lexa a second to swallow down before nodding her head “yep, great idea”
They make quick work with the crop top, and Clarke throws her bra to the side enjoying the way Lexa completely stops at the sight of her boobs.
“Like what you see” she bites her lips, one hand back behind Lexa’s neck and the other planted back on her bed, her back arches in such way and she knows she’s an spectacular view.
Lexa gapes, blinks once and then not for a long while which makes Clarke chuckle, she pulls slightly at Lexa’s neck, urging her to lean on her again and Lexa can only brace herself on the bed, still transfixed.
“Can I-” She clears her throat, her voice is hoarse, eyes dark with want as she looks up to her eyes. Clarke shudders a breath as Lexa swallows and tries again “Can I touch you?” she breath out.
Clarke could moan at the sound of Lexa’s desire, she bites her lip harder instead, takes a shuddering breath and nods her head.
Lexa’s eyes are back down to Clarke’s breaths, it’s not that she hadn’t realized Clarka had… such voluminous rack, she just thought she wasn’t supposed to care. And there’s a very big difference between clothed and enclosure boobs and… this.
She moves her hands to Clarke’s hips, enjoys the way her breath catches when she moves them to her waist and they make contact with her bare skin. Lexa licks her lips as her hands travel up Clarke’s ribs and move accordingly to fit the underside of Clarke’s breast in the cup of her hand.
They both sigh when Lexa presses up and squeezes the full weight of Clarke’s boobs.
Clarke smirks, and Lexa can’t be bothered to recognize that she said that out loud, she plays with Clarke’s nipples for only a second before Clarke is pulling her forward into a kiss. She pauses her ministration, if only to moan into Clarke’s mouth as their tongues meet.
A hand snakes down her neck groping her tits over the sweater on its way down to her waist when Clarke pushes the sweater up to pull her closer still. She quickly pushes it higher util Lexa has to lift her arms to take it off, she does so reluctantly, not happy to let go of Clarke’s breast.
Clarke laughs at her when they kiss again, having regained her balance she kisses Lexa more comfortably, now sitting up, while making a quick job of Lexa’s belt, and consequently, her pants.
Lexa steps back to step off them and Clarke takes the chance to slide off the bed, ready to comfortably kiss all over Lexa’s body when she freezes. Lexa’s is wearing a matching set of linger. A dark shade of green, it’s not see-through but the artist in Clarke can recognize the work of the beautiful design over the lace.
She blinks when Lexa huffs a smirk at her, her gaze breaks the patter of bra-abs-panties to look at Lexa in the eye; she gives her a smirk of her own and pulls her closer by the hips, bending down to drop a kiss under Lexa’s sternum and dropping down to her abs.
While Lexa shudders at Clarke’s lips on her skin she can’t help the smile on her lips, it feel good to have this effect on Clarke, it makes her feel sexy and desired and she likes it. Clarke moves up her body grabbing a handful of Lexa’s ass to drag her closer and kisses her again, she’s still leaning on her bed and Lexa happily steps into her again, holding Clarke’s shoulder as they kiss and taking the chance to kick off her heel.
The first step down leaves her eye level with Clarke and their lips part at the change angle. Lexa moves her hands down to Clarke’s knees consciously through the holes in Clarke’s cargos, and Clarke wraps her arms around Lexa’s waist. She kicks her second heel off while they look at each other smiling.
“Come here” Clarke breaths into her leaning forward for a kiss and then back to pull Lexa on the bed.
They giggle and adjust so Lexa can climb on the bed, they kiss and tickle each other trying to get Clarke’s shoes and pants off. Clarke lays flat on her back and encourages Lexa to straddle her.
The sight of Lexa fluidly sliding down to kiss her is one Clarke’s sure she’ll never forget, she moans into the kiss and holds Lexa’s waits, she arches her back at the feeling of the linger gracing her nipples and she suddenly can’t wait to her Lexa’s bra off.
She’s a little distracted though, Lexa moves to kiss her jaw and down her neck, and Clarke’s hands travel up to Lexa’s ribs and then down to her hips and back to grab a handful of her butt.
They moan and sigh and they pull at each other for kisses while molding their bodies together. Lexa sits back to flick her hair, and Clarke follows her halfway up, chasing her lips, but stopping at the gorgeous view of Lexa straddling her. Clarke absently traces her hand up Lexa’s tight and while leaning on her elbows she sneaks her hand to cup Lexa’s cover core.
Lexa bites her lip to contain a groan as she rocks her hips into Clarke’s hand. She keeps going like that rolling her hips sensually, her hand holding her hair as she watches Clarke watch her.
“Fuck… I want to touch you”
“You are touching me, Clarke” Lexa smirks, enjoying the effect she’s having on Clarke.
Clarke pushes herself up and ghosts a kiss over Lexa’s lips “I’ll be more specific. I want to be inside you” her voice huskier than a second ago “Can I do that?”
The little whimper that crawls out of Lexa’s throat is not something she’s proud of, but she can’t ignore the glow of pure want the fill Clarke’s eyes after hearing it. She bites her lip, nodding her head and moves her hands into Clarke’s hair to draw her into a kiss that is all tongue and teeth.
Clarke wastes no time moving her underwear aside and making room for her fingers to explore. Lexa resists the urge to roll her hips into every touch while smirking at every one of Clarke’s gasps.
Clarke teases her entrance repeatedly, rubbing around her clit but never truly touching it, she bites Lexa’s bottom lip and licks into her mouth while using her free hand to encourage her rolling hips.
It’s not long before they both know Lexa is ready and Clarke enters her with a singular digit. They moan into each other’s mouths as Lexa stills and gasps, adjusting to the feeling, she moans again when she starts moving and Clarke follows suit, calmly going in and curling out. A second finger is added, and Lexa turns her head to hide in the hollow between Clarke’s neck and shoulder, she nibs and kisses the skin available as her arms go around Clarke’s shoulders, giving her more leverage to rock into her fingers.
Clarke sucks her neck and bites her earlobe as they move in sink and she gasps every so often, adjusting her hand to give Lexa a better angle to rub her clit over Clarke’s palm. It’s only the third time Lexa’s open mouth kiss turns into a shuffled moan that Clarke speaks to her.
“Lexa… you know we’re completely alone right? You don’t… need to keep quiet” she says, blushing. Because they concept of wanting to hear Lexa feels way more intimate than the position, they’re in, specifically since it’s an addition to it.
Lexa grunts lifting her head, she doesn’t stop the rolling of her hips and Clarke doesn’t stop the movement of her hand “These are paper-thin walls Clarke!” She scowls, heaving the words out, her face is flushed, and the crown of her head is damp from forming sweat -Clarke didn’t know she could get even more beautiful- “of course I have to keep quiet!” She groans.
Clarke kisses her instead of arguing, because she can, and she looks so pretty, and she can feel the moan she heaves into her mouth and it’s good enough for now. They continue kissing and huffing and moaning into each other until a particularly perfect moan from Lexa cuts off by her biting her own lip.
“Hey. Listen” Clarke huffs “quick floor plan description, behind me is the common room, currently empty. Behind you there’s a laundry room that is obviously closed right now, past my closet is the hallway, also empty, and out the window… you saw it was also quite empty”
Lexa closed her eyes hallway through the sentence, frowning and she kept moving and conflicted as to how Clarke could form such an elaborate sentence when all Lexa could think was-
She feels the smirk Clarke presses onto her neck, she bites her lip again and assumes her brain understood beyond her consciousness.
“That’s it, let me hear you, Heda”
She moans a filthy moan, Clarke smirks is wider, she bites Lexa’s neck, and she huffs in mild annoyance.
“Make me, Princess” she shoots between hoarse breaths.
She smirks when she opens her eyes to a gapping Clarke staring at her with lust, she closes her eyes quickly after when Clarke moves to lean one hand back fuck her harder with the other.
“Sky!” Lexa moans and immediately blushes.
It was loud, very loud. And the wrong name-
“Say that again” Clarke hushes, nibbing her jaw, thrusting up to meet her rocking hips.
“Sky…” Lexa… whimpers, she wishes she could call it something else, but it is what it is.
Clarke kisses her and they rock against each other in sync, Lexa moans and Clarke gasps and they’re both panting. Lexa closes her eyes, throws her head back, Clarke can’t keep staring. Their rhythm is thrown off for a second when they hear a creaking sound, they both blink and quickly realize it’s the bed protesting from the motion.
They smirk at each other.
They kiss messily while still smiling and pick up the pace, Lexa throws her head back again, moaning freely and Clarke latches her mouth to her neck. She moves her arm from behind her all the way around Lexa’s torso and pulls her close.
Lexa adjusts in Clarke lap, making her lean on her hand again and she takes the chance to push her by the shoulders back to the bed. Clarke lands with a huff and her hand flies to pull pillows behind her head when Lexa presses her hand over Clarke’s ribs, almost cupping the underside of her boob and starts rocking her hips firmly into Clarke’s hand.
Her moans grow louder, her eyes close and her breath heaves even more, her hips eventually start stuttering, moving erratically and Clarke holds her hip while thrusting up, helping her hand reach deeper.
“Fuck! Sk-mmhh, Clarke!”
They both know she’s close, she’s riding Clarke’s fingers with purpose, sighing and moaning and huffing heavily, all it takes is Clarke moving her free hand to press her thumb to Lexa’s clit and one singular undulating thrust for Lexa to frees in pleasure, strangled moan caught in her thought before she comes undone, shaking screaming out the end of her moan.
She leans heavily on her hand over Clarke’s ribs through her orgasm and eventually flops forward, laying half on top of Clarke with both pairs of hand trapped between them.
As Lexa lays there, completely spent, Clarke can't help but smile and move to kiss the side of her forehead. Her fingers are still wrapped around Lexa's warm walls and her hand is folded with her release. She leans to kiss her shoulder as well as she moves her hand out of Lexa and from between their bodies, she grabs Lexa's hand to move out from between them as well and can't resist the chance to kiss the back of it.
Lexa huffs a laugh and what feels like an audible eye roll. She lifts her head slowly and deliberately leans in to kiss Clarke. The kiss is soft and so deep, Lexa is fully leaning on her now and her weight make the kiss harder.
Lexa moves her kisses to Clarke's jaw, she bites her earlobe and sucks on her pulse point, she moves down to kiss her collarbone as Clarke huffs a shig, her breaths fastening. It is with only one slurry look, that Clarke arches her back, and Lexa starst devouring Clarke’s nipples expertly.
“Can I go down on you?”
“You, uhm- you don’t have to” Clarke breaths, heavily.
“I-" Lexa bites her lip, looks down and they slowly sensually up "I want to”
"Mh-mhh?" Clarke hums, high pitched affected not only by Lexa's work on her tits but also the look of pure desire on Lexa's face.
At Lexa's nod, Clarke nods as well and Lexa smirks as she starts making her way down to her core.
Lexa takes only a short moment to admire the glistening heat of Clarke's heat before diving in. Clarke moans loudly at the first swipe of Lexa's tongue, throwing her head back and grabbing onto her sheets. It spurs Lexa on, each new movement, new swipe or kiss to Clarke's can't grants her a series of different sounds and reaction out of Clarke that are simply too hot.
A thought of where and with how may people Lexa might've learn to be that good crosses Clarke's mind, but before she can get jealous of upset she remembers she's no one to judge. She doesn't dwell on it for too long either, Lexa is far too talented with her tongue for Clarke to be able to hold any thought for longer that two swipes of Lexa's tongue.
Eventually Lexa enters her with one finger and then quickly a second one when it goes in too easily. She looks up as she attaches her mouth to Clarke's clit a second later, smirking as Clarke whimpers a shudders below her.
"Fuck! God Lexa yes!" Clarke throws her head back, a hand jumping to Lexa's hair when she starts moving; both her fingers inside her and her tongue over her clit, circling it expertly..
It doesn't take too long before Clarke is coming apart, shaking and shouting out Lexa's name, shuddering away and up into Lexa's mouth, overwhelmed with pleasure.
She taps Lexa's head tiredly to signal her that she can't take anymore and still whispers when Lexa removes her mouth from her. Lexa smirks and moved to kissing her tight, pulling her fingers in and out slowly to draw out the last of her orgasm.
Lexa kisses her hip next, leaving a mark as her fingers continue moving and Clarke jerks and moan with the aftershoks, she moves to the other hip and pulls out slowly when Clarke taps her head again, she takes a long deliberate path up Clarke's body, kissing any skin aviable and diving right into a kiss to her lips once she reaches them.
Clarke moans at the taste of herself on Lexa's tongue and enjoys the way Lexa deepens the kiss and rolls her hips on top of her as a response. They make out for a bit, smiling and huffing at each other, bumping noses and rolling into each other as their hands roam mindlessly.
That is until Clarke slides a thigh between Lexa's and feels her wetness rub on her. She presses up, moaning as Lexa bites her lips and cants her hips mote firmly into her. Clarke leans up to kiss Lexa and in a swift and impressive move turns them around in the small bed to lay on top of Lexa.
"Fucking me turned you on, didn't it?" Clarke whispers against Lexa's ear, snaking a hand down her abdomen and bitting her earlobe.
Lexa breaths out, swallowing a whimper as Clarke grazes her fingers over her folds finding her freshly wet.
"You're very vocal" she eventually breaths out, her eyes are closed and Clarke is sucking a bruise into her neck as she toys with her can't lazily.
Clarke smiles into her neck, hums in agreement and bites her lightly. She moves her fingers as though she's going to enter her and lifts her head.
"Do you like that? That I'm vocal?"
Lexa opens her eyes while blushing, she bites her lip and nods slightly, she then throws her head back with a moan as Clarke enters her with two fingers easily.
"Good... because i want to talk you through this one okay?" She huffs a chuckle into her lips, and Lexa moans as Clarke pulls out hooking her finger on the way.
Clarke thrust into her with the help of her thigh and starts a rhythm, one that Lexa matches with her huffs and moans and curses and calls of her name, all the while Clarke prises her, and tells her how good she feels, how good she sounds, how beautiful she looks and how she can't wait to see her come undone again.
"Fu-fuck! Like that-SKY!"
"I love it when you call me that, fuck"
"Yeah...? Fuck-" Lexa bites her lip.
The bed is creaking again, knocking against the wall as Clarke pounds her fingers into her cunt.
"Yeah, but... fuck. I want you tl say my name when you come. I want to hear you clicking that K like you always do-
"Fuck- ah! you" Lexa huffs a laughs and Clarke laughs with her, kissing her cheek and making her blush.
Becasue of course something like a kiss to the cheek after a joke would make her laugh, never mind that she's but naked, legs spread open and Clarke fingering her into an orgasm.
A kiss to the cheek is too much.
"Fuck Lex, you're so tight" Clarke hushes against her collarbone.
Lexa moans, because she likes the nickname, it's nothing special, but she likes it. And Clarke is doing ungodly things to her pussy, caressing her sides, saying all the right things and sucking on that specific spot right on top of her collarbone that drives her crazy, because she has her all figured out already.
And she is tight, she can feel it, she's so close, she can feel that familiar feeling in her lower belly, tugging at her, making her moan-
She comes so hard, for so long and Clarke keeps taking to her, she can't tell what she's saying because her brain is mush, but it's dragging her climax on and on until she can't take it anymore.
Still shaking she grabs at Clarke's bicep, squezing and whimpering, moving her hips away.
"No more?" Clarke whispers soflty. Lexa can't only shake her head "Okay baby" she kisses her jaw and if Lexa's face wasn't already red from coming, she sure as well would be blushing.
Clarke kisses Lexa's shoulders soflty, trying to keep her weight off her as she still breaths heavily. Lexa's eyes are closed and Clarke takes the chance to look at her. Her faced flushed a pretty fading shade of red, her lips parted sightly as she huffs her breaths out, her hair is a mess, sprawled around the pillow under her. Her collar bones and chest are red as well, adorned with a couple hickeys she can't help but to be proud of.
And then Lexa blinks her eyes open, heavy eyelids drop a couple of time before she can keep her eyes fully open. And then a smile raises slowly, and Clarke realizes as she tries to smile, that she was already smiling brightly.
"Hi" Lexa chuckles.
"Hey there" Clarke leans in to kiss her and Lexa moves her hands to hold her close.
They move a little messily, laughing as Lexa refuses to separate their lips, Clarke lays on her side and Lexa turns with her.
The kiss turns lazy when Lexa has no strengths to even coordinate her lips, her eyes close permanently. Clarke smiles and pulls back, kissing Lexa's nose just because and watching a smile rise slowly with a slow huffed laugh.
"Sweet dreams, Heda"
"Mmhh, g'night Princess"
...To be continued 😉😌
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hywenhei · 5 months ago
BLOW TO THE HEAD: Slurred Words | Passing Out from Pain | "I can't think straight."
CW: Interrogation, head wounds, slurred words, concussions
Whumper loves to use their most reliable interrogation method on a particularly stubborn Whumpee. Everytime Whumpee gives them a "wrong" answer to their question, they slam their head down into the cold interrogation table. How many questions can Whumpee get through before they start seeing stars?
"Whumpee, for the love of god, do not try and bullshit me with that "I'm fine" business again!" "But... 've gotta..." "You literally can't even form a proper sentence!"
A concussed Whumpee that is forced to stay awake for their own good by Caretaker. Their ears are ringing and their hair feels sticky with blood and Caretaker keeps asking them confusing questions that they just can't focus on and all they want to do is go to sleep.
How did Whumpee get a concussion in the first place? Were they pistol-whipped? Were they hit with the hilt of a sword? Were they given a drug that caused symptoms of a concussion? Were they given a knockout punch to the jaw?
see y'all tomorrow for day 11!! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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eloquent-edits · 1 year ago
🗡️ For the Wicked and Weird (Part 3)
prompts based on quotes that never fail to make me laugh from my D&D sessions
“You can speak to plants?” “Yeah!” “Plants can’t talk.” “Fuck you, yeah they can!”
“God looked at me, thus I have to pay.”
“Character B, what did you just steal?” “A velociraptor!”
“Do I get a third dad now?”
“About what percentage of the population is puntable?”
“I don’t make the plans. I just steal stuff.”
“You’ve got a bright future.” “I’ve got a bright present.”
“So how do you two know each other? Are you two f u c k i n g?”
“It’s like PEMDAS.” “I think I had a friend who prayed to them once.”
“Alright, bone ape tit. Let’s go.”
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steddie-island · 1 year ago
Day 12 of @steddieholidaydrabbles : Only one bed WC: 922 | Rating: M (language, some fade to black sex) | CW: Slight angst with a happy ending Read the full list of tags on ao3
Letting Joyce host Christmas hadn’t seemed like such a bad idea at first. After all, she had the most room, and a big chunk of the group would be there for Christmas anyway– Nancy and Jonathan, and Mike would be there for Will and El. Joyce hosting just made sense, and truthfully, it sounded like a good idea. 
That was before Eddie was actually there, though. One look and  suddenly this was a very, very bad idea. It was the worst idea that anyone had ever had in the history of ideas. 
Eddie, with his big hair and his bigger personality, with his rings and that smile that still turned Steve into a puddle. Fuck, Steve missed him, and it was so much worse actually seeing him again after so long.
He wanted to cry. Or puke. Maybe a mixture of the two things. 
As per usual, Robin saved him; one look and his soulmate  knew  just what he was feeling, knew she needed to get him right out of there. Joyce had a list of shit she needed done, anyway, and Steve was never happier than when he got to be useful. 
Robin directed him where to hang lights, where to move the cars, “No no dingus, Rudolph doesn’t go there, Joyce wants him here!”
By the time they got through all of it, Steve was just exhausted enough to eat and then fall into bed. 
Until the bed assignments were being passed out, and Joyce directed both him and Eddie to the guest room at the end of the hall. 
“Robin and the girls will be in the living room. The boys can use Will’s room, Jonathan and Nancy are using Jon’s old room. You and Eddie can have the guest room!” she’d said, like they were doing her a huge favor by sharing. 
Steve wanted to argue. He wanted to cry. He wanted to offer to sleep in the fucking car instead, or beg to switch with Robin, but Joyce just looked so hopeful– everything was going so well! How was he supposed to argue with her?
So he looked at Eddie, read the expression on his face, and nodded. “That’s perfect.” He could get a hotel room tomorrow or something, there was no need to argue tonight. 
It was off to bed after that– like everyone was suddenly just too tired to be awake for another second longer. 
So he and Eddie really had no choice but to say their goodnights, to head to the back room. He kept his back to Eddie as they both changed into their pajamas. 
“I can take the floor.” It was the first thing either of them had said to each other since the breakup. Steve ached, just hearing Eddie’s voice and knowing those words were meant for him. “Don’t be stupid, we both know you’ve got a bad back,” Steve said. “I can take the floor, Ed. It’s– just for a night.” Eddie looked like he was about to argue, or maybe to ask a question. His jaw worked as he turned the blankets down on one side of the bed. 
“We’ve slept together before,” he said instead. Those beautiful lips curled into a teasing smile. “We’ve done a lot more than that. I think we can share a bed for one night.” Steve thought about it– it was the mature thing, and he really didn’t want to sleep on the floor, not after all the work he’d put in that day. 
“Okay.” He nodded, returned Eddie’s small smile, and turned down his side of the bed, too. “Yeah. We can do that.” 
The lights were turned off, and they both climbed beneath the blankets. It was dark, quiet. Steve drifted off, despite the fact that Eddie was barely six inches away from him. 
He woke up to the warm weight of an arm around his waist, of warm breath against the back of his neck. 
He would’ve thought Eddie was sleeping, if not for the way those lips were pressing so tenderly against his skin. A warm hand was splayed over his stomach, just above his boxers. “I miss you.” Eddie whispered it into his neck, into his hair, and oh, there was no way he was asleep. Not unless he had a new habit of sleep talking, of sleep grinding– okay, maybe that wasn’t so new. Steve could feel him, hot and thick and hard against his ass. His breath caught in his throat, and then Eddie’s mouth was sucking down below his ear. 
“Fucking miss you, Stevie. Miss you so goddamn much.” Steve whimpered, nodded, tipped his head to give Eddie better access. He missed this, too. No one– no one– touched him the way Eddie did. 
And touch Eddie did. His fingers slipped beneath the waistband of Steve’s boxers. He stroked with slow, sure movements, and his hips worked against Steve’s ass with that same torturous rhythm. 
When they came it was together. Steve rolled, wrapped an arm around Eddie’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. “I miss you, too,” he finally said. “I’m sorry.” Eddie nodded, kissed him again. Steve had expected a desperate reunion, if there was a reunion, but that wasn’t what he got. He got sweetness, and tenderness. He got Eddie whispering promises against his chest, his stomach, his thighs as they made up again, and again. 
And again.
When they were sated, while Eddie washed his hair, Steve thought that maybe Joyce hosting wasn’t such a bad idea after all. 
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elfcollector · 4 months ago
can i be controversial? a lot of you have "i like this character and view them as a Good Person so its impossible for them to have any bad politics and therefore it's bad writing when my fav is written to have any prejudices at all, even prejudices it makes sense for them to have" disease and u must cure it
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promptsbytaurie · 1 year ago
holiday prompt list!!!
**please credit/tag me!!**
"You-you ate Santa's cookies."
"What do you mean 'ugly sweater contest'??"
"The tree, I, uh, it's... breathtaking."
"Dashing through the snow... I hate holidays..."
"Oh, don't shake the box, c'mon."
"There is nothing holly-jolly about murder."
"He's already broken three ornaments!"
"We were supposed to buy gifts???"
"Why is it that the moment someone asks me what I want for Christmas I forget every single thing I've ever wanted in my life?"
"Mom likes sweaters, right?"
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gothsuguru · 2 months ago
posting even a tiny little thing in nearly a year is crazy but i’m really proud that i did it :’) i think i want to get used to posting little drabbles like this! it’s writing practice at the end of the day and i have to realize not everything has to be a fic! sometimes little blurbs can be nice to write :’)
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viccaon · 5 months ago
It's time for Ecaflitober!!
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Am I already day too late? Indeed. Am I still gonna do it? YES.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months ago
The wolf remaiend frozen as if it had been hit by an ice keese, and Rusl couldn't help doubling over in laughter.
Uli huffed, motioning with her hand. "Oh, come here, love, it's all right!"
But despite the words of encouragement, there the wolf remained, towel wrapped around his head, making him look less like a fearsome beast and more like a flower with pleading, sad puppy eyes.
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akutasoda · 1 year ago
OoOo, do you think you could do prompt 10 - homely beginnings (first moving in together) with Jouno ^^??
homely begginings
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prompt - first moving in together
includes - jouno
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, wc - 323
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i have stated this before in another prompt but he would take things slow. fearing that rushing into it would cause the relationship harm considering his line of work. however moving in for the first time would probably not be too long after your first kiss. if you're comfortable with it of course.
the idea had been weighing upon both of your minds ever since you two have shared a first kiss. you understood his need to tale it slow but ot seemed like he was more willing to go a bit faster within your comfortability, but you would still wait until he asked you about it to make sure it was the eight time.
the question had came out of the blue. he hadn't wanted to dawdle on it any longer and if he was being perfectly honest, he couldn't wait that is if you agreed. he was around your residence and as you walked into the room he was in he asked it to you. if you remember correctly it was something along the lines of 'would you like this to become a constant? sharing a home?'.
when you do agree, he would be absolutely estatic. he had also proposed that he would prefer it if you were to join him at his residence. that way he felt safer. if you would prefer not to he would respect that, but ideally would prefer for you to live at his residence.
the moving in was quite quick, you both were too eager to begin this new step in your relationship. and it went very smooth. of course eventually you two would have some natural disagreements with sharing a home but they were quickly overcome. it worked even better than imagined.
it truly was a massive step in your relationship but neither of you shared any doubts about this being a wrong decision and it for sure only made your bond stronger.
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drlloyd-light · 5 months ago
Furtober day 10 : Pride
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Today I did my Fursona with the Pride Flags wich I identify myself the most.
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danikatze · 2 years ago
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[ID in alt text]
I made a more or less random Inktober prompt list for myself, because I wanted to start preparing early. Feel free to use it if you like it!
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lollystocks · 1 year ago
Intro to Sigils (Undead Abjuration 101)
Ectoberhaunt 2023 Day 10: Occultism
Summary: The student population of Danny's new college are very, very into the occult, putting Danny's studies (and blood pressure) in jeopardy. Good thing he knows exactly how to jeopardise their efforts.
Or: how Danny finally gains some overdue respect.
Words: 1,121
CW: blood (ritualistic), occultism, off-screen violence
People are dumbasses. Dead or alive.
This philosophy of Danny’s is reinforced tenfold when he starts college. “Fuck Around and Find Out” is a fine way to live when the consequences of said Finding Out are mild - grievous injury or arrest, for instance.
But with his typical luck, his fellow students at university (go bobcats) have decided that they’re going to lightly Fuck Around with the occult, and it’s up to Danny to stop them from Finding Out.
Ordinarily, students messing around with summoning circles and ouija boards is nothing to worry about on two accounts: (1) most occultism you find online is total bullcrap and you’d be lucky to summon a grumpy blob-ghost and (2), being more than a stone’s throw from a dimensional Veil or Tear means your word-perfect ritual ain’t gonna do shit.
Danny himself is not exempt from the “people are dumbasses” rule, because Danny had not done adequate research during college applications, and had failed to realize that Athens, Ohio, was sat on top of one of the thinnest stretches of dimensional membrane outside of his parents’ basement.
A good stretch of his freshman year is spent trying to subtly dissuade others in his hall from having anything to do with the new trend, so harmless elsewhere in the country. When that fails (“Danny my guy it’s a bit of drunk fun, ghosts don’t exist” God he missed Amity), it becomes straight sabotage. Swapping the thyme out for sage; salting some of the badger-blood (where had that even come from?); smudging some carefully-drawn chalk.
On the rare occasions where such intervention is necessary (see above: most online occultism is bullshit), Danny honestly needn’t bother. No one has the time for three days of silent prayer, or has the inclination to acquire a tooth from every participant, and as a general rule the easier the ritual, the weaker the ghostie. The main risk is that something small is conjured, or something a bit more powerful is able to project their voice or image into this plane and no more. Honestly, not particularly dangerous in itself.
But if one ritual works, and gets recorded, and posted to TikTok or something, all hell would break loose and everyone would get in on it and something nasty would be summoned and everyone would die.
So Danny has to keep a very. tight. lid. on every bit of occultism on campus.
It’s not going so well, and at one point Danny is spending his nights invisible and patrolling the whole campus (the whole goddamn town) for ritual behavior, much the same way he patrolled for malevolent spirits at night as a kid. It’s exhausting.
At one point, the worst comes to pass, and it’s somehow a blessing. He manages to miss something, and a Being is conjured. Someone gets hurt, badly, but they’ll recover, and most importantly - everyone believes now. Which is just as well, because the thin Veil is now a Tear, and Danny’s (lovely, peaceful, escapist) college is now overrun with spirits.The more things change, etc.
Now, Danny has never painted himself as a cynic, rather as a true believer who insisted that no one with sense should be touching these things. The few other true believers listened to him because of the deeply haunted look in his eyes that said “trust me, I know”, and others would have listened if it weren’t for the fact that ghosts don’t exist so that look in his eyes meant nothing, right?
So after The Incident, students are rushing to Danny. No one wants to Fuck Around anymore, what they want now is protection.
Danny becomes a mobile consultation service on How Not To Get Got by spirits. He has info that doesn’t appear anywhere else, be it on the internet or in dusty tomes, but everyone believes him.
“Basic chalk sigils for your dorm door - unless it’s east-facing or on a fourth floor, then use this one instead. Oh and you’ll want this extra symbol if/when you’re on your period, don’t ask why.”
“Salt doesn’t do shit to protect you other than change the function of other charms, it actually attracts poltergeists…”
“If you’re gonna get that tattooed, for the love of god get it on the left side of your back, I’m not dealing with the consequences of you messing that up.”
“Look the Latin itself is fine but it’s not actually the most powerful language for temporary wardings like these, better to go for something like Welsh or Cornish, or Yucatec, even Esperanto…”
“I absolutely refuse to “sign off” on your bullshit blood sigils Phil, you losing your dorm deposit is gonna have nothing to do with me and I want that on the record.”
And it works. No one (openly) questions where this knowledge, this expertise is coming from, because Danny is a gift horse and no one wants to inspect that mouth, thanks. He doesn’t charge for his services, but he sets up a little fund online and is able to fuel his coffee addiction with it. He never has to pay for booze, and people will slip him test answers before he can even ask. He’s practically swimming in upperclassmen’s used textbooks, left anonymously at his door.
Knowledge spreads fast (he wonders how much better he could have protected Amity had he had this level of respect then; or maybe it was his parents who ensured that could never happen, turning the town away from these methods and trying to fit a science-based solution into a magic-shaped hole) and eventually, Danny stops being the only point of knowledge.
By the time sophomore year rolls around, there’s a rhythm to it. Someone sets up a whatsapp group. Dorms are left with the previous inhabitants’ sigils intact ready for the new tenants (and the cleaners never report them to management). Freshman orientation includes informal lectures from upperclassmen on how to protect yourself and others from the undead.
By Danny’s junior year, there’s a (locked, invite-only) wiki full of protective rituals, rites, spells and symbols. Freshmen already know what’s coming, if they do their research. Graduating seniors auction off their amulets.
Things have settled pretty nicely by senior year. Danny’s on top of his studies, as well-rested as any other student (ie not at all) and he rarely has to go ghost. He needn’t have worried about spreading occult knowledge to the student population after all; they’d shown they can be trusted.
(And Danny almost gets away with it. But three months before graduation, he is violently and painfully jerked into a sideways pocket-dimension by what he recognises as an utterly perfect Summoning. Because Danny is also a dumbass, as he is about to Find Out.)
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