Derek Deprey is a speaker, author, and consultant who helps organizations create energized and effective cultures, so that they can fully realize their mission and vision. Connect at
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Today is the Monday-ish. Thursday. Ever. (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
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🎶 What song do you want your life to sing in 2020? 🎶 If you're anything like me, you listen to music while you drive, work, think and exercise. Whether you're consious of it or not, you're listening to inspirational lyrics, such as 👇 🎵 If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off, and try again -- Aaliyah 🎵 I’m a survivor, I’m not gonna give up, I’m not gonna stop, I’m gonna work harder -- Destiny's Child 🎵 You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime -- Eminem 🎵 It’s the eye of the tiger, It’s the thrill of the fight, Rising up to the challenge of our rival -- Survivor 🎵 What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger -- Kelly Clarkson 🎵 It’s my life, It’s now or never, I ain’t gonna live forever, I just want to live while I’m alive -- Bon Jovi 🎵 Drench yourself in words unspoken, Live your life with arms wide open, Today is where your book begins, The rest is still unwritten -- Natasha Bedingfield Today, what song is your life singing? Are you hearing your successes, failures or a mix of both? It's not to late to change your life's song. What song do you want your life to sing in 2020? 👇 (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
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Meetings are completely pointless UNLESS something is accomplished. According to a Microsoft study, 71% meetings are not productive. 😮 Why is this? Because they don’t follow the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ star approach to a successful meeting: 1. Start the meeting by going around sharing messages of gratitude amongst the team. 2. Quickly discuss updates (AKA the nuts and bolts). *Quickly* is key. Information dissemination should be sent via email or a collaborative communication tool. 3. Have one discussion question. The most effective meetings are done when the participants do the vast majority of the talking. 4. Incorporate a training topic. This can be as involved as a workshop or as simple as a participant sharing an article or video that they found relevant. 5. Go "around the horn." Give everyone an opportunity to share on the way out. Maybe it's something they need help with, a new idea to think about or something exciting that happened in their personal life. How do you think meetings can be improved? 👇 #Meetings #Business (at Wisconsin)
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“Daddy, I can’t believe you were born in the 1900s!” 🤣 That’s what my daughter said to me. Aside from immediately feeling like a dinosaur 🦕, I realized that I’ve had a wide variety of different jobs over the years. So many people beginning their professional career worry that they don’t have enough relevant experience on their résumé. That isn’t the case. Use ALL of your previous work, volunteer or school history to exemplify your skills and abilities. When you look deep enough, you’ll certainly be able to find important lessons from your different roles and stages of life. What lessons have you learned from your experiences over the years? Are there any lessons that you still use to this day? 👇 #CareerDevelopment (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
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5 ways to crush it in 2020 *without* a New Year's resolution 👇 1. Be kind. 2. Be present. 3. Be positive. 4. Be a great listener. 5. Be an ongoing learner. The "little" things are the BIG things. What would you add? #goalsetting #newyearsresolutions (at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin)
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😬 “Do you still get nervous before you speak?” 😬 I’ve been speaking for about 9 years, and yet I was more nervous than ever when I recently spoke at Disrupt Milwaukee. When I arrived I noticed one of the speakers, Angela Nino, practicing with some of her friends. After she was done, she asked “Would you like to practice in front of us?” I made a few mistakes and was a bit disappointed in myself. It was a format I wasn’t used to. ✅ Exactly 5 minutes ✅ 15 seconds per slide ✅ Slides automatically rotated Angela encouraged me one-on-one... “I did this last year… I practiced two times right before I went on stage and it made a big difference. Do you want to practice once more?” I practiced one more time. Felt good about it. And before I went on stage the nerves turned into excitement. Now, I can't wait until the video is released! Do you get nervous? How do you deal with it? hashtag#Speaking hashtag#Business
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Mia's first basketball game! 🏀 Think about some memorable *first* moments that happened in your lifetime... For me 👇 🗸 First time roller skating as a family 🗸 First time when Ellie performed in a theater show 🗸 First time when Mia participated in a gymnastics showcase 🗸 First time taking a family selfie Now, think about some *foreseeable* first moments... Write them down. ✍️ Hold on to this list for reference and make a point to be there to CAPTURE THE MOMENTS! (at Whitman Middle)
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Name one person who improved your quality of life in 2019. #Relationships #People #HR #Appreciation #Praise #Recognition #Grateful #Gratitude #ThankYou 🙏 (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
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Every salesperson has a product or service that they need to sell. . Let's look at the fitness industry. 💪 . All gyms have the same "boring" equipment and many offer the same programming. . Here's the kicker: gyms are asking people to pay for something that, statistically speaking, 80% of them hate to do in the first place. . Sales is challenging. Without a doubt, you will hear 🚫no🚫 more than you'd like. . With that said... YOU must be the difference! 👉🙂👈 . Make the decision to create fun, engaging, and memorable experiences with prospects and clients. . Today, stop fitting in so that you can start standing out. . Be the reason someone says YES. 💯 . What does a memorable experience mean to you? 👇 . @wisconsinathleticclub @ihrsa @clubsolutionsmag (at WAC Brookfield)
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Say what?!? I remember a time when I was at the Austin airport and I overheard someone talking. “I work in the office from 7am to 7pm. And then I have automated emails sent to my team from 4am to 6am. They never think I leave the office. And they always think that I’m working.” Trust is the foundation of leadership & teams. The number one way to build trust 👉 integrity. That’s NOT integrity. And if this is you… your team will see right through it. Be honest. Have integrity. It goes a long way. Leaders, what do you think is the best way to build trust? 👇 (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
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🛑 Can we STOP hating on millennials. 🛑 I know a dope millennial. Her name is Jules @philippifitness and she is a group fitness manager at the @wisconsinathleticclub. Jules is awesome with people. Organized. Writes handwritten notes of gratitude. Works hard. Bottom line: I don’t think generations should be labeled. ✅ I know Gen-Zers that are great with people. ✅ Millennials who are hard workers. ✅ Gen-Xers that want to live their passion. ✅ And Baby Boomers who are highly committed to personal development. Do you think generations should be labeled? Why or why not? (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
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“Why and how do you get up so early?” My answer was the same for both: I found a reason to. I asked myself these three questions to find that reason: ✔️ What do I like to do when time flies? ✔️ What energizes me? ✔️ What do I like to read/watch/listen to? Through those three questions I was able to find my reason. Why do you get up in the morning? 👇 (at Wisconsin)
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Imagine this: You’re with customers or prospects you’ve never met before. Within seconds, you make an immediate judgment about them. With a person to your left, you think, “Gee, you're friendly.” With a person to your right, you think, “Wow, you’re a jerk!” A Princeton University study found that it only takes 1/10 of a second to judge someone. It isn't right, but it's a reality. Here are 3 tips to make a killer first impression: 1. Take the initiative to connect. If a customer is within 5 feet of you, look up, smile, nod, wave, say hello, give a compliment… do something! YOU have to make the first move. 2. Put “grandma” at the end of everything you think and say. How would this sound? “Sorry I can't help you, Grandma. Next, Grandma.” “It’s our policy, Grandma." Get it? If you wouldn’t say it to your grandma, why would you say it to a customer? 3. Be interruptible. What do the busiest baristas do when there is a line out the door? They stop for a moment, acknowledge you and say, “I’ll be right with you.” They make you feel valued and important. Service is a feeling. You know what it is when you get it, so give back the same thing. Do your part to make your interaction the best part of the customers' day, every day. I had a blast teaching 'How to Connect with Members & Guests' at the Wisconsin Athletic Club! (at WAC Greenfield)
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A little food for thought before the big feast begins... 🦃 🍗 “I’m too busy to workout.” “I’m too tired to cook a healthy meal.” These are just some of the excuses that we all happen to say from time to time. The mind is the primary diet and the body is the secondary diet. 🧠 > 🏃♀️ You must be in the proper growth mindset in order for anything to physically change. Once you know your why and commit to changing your mentality on something, it will increase the likelihood of it actually happening. #Health #Wellness #Mindset (at Colectivo Coffee)
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Rotten attitudes ruin an organization. 👿 . We all have 99 problems, so number 100 does not need to be overwhelming each other with our gripes. . One bad apple can literally ruin the whole barrel. Bring a positive attitude -- you'll never regret it. 😃 . #Culture #Empathy #Attitude (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
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Goal setting is super important. 🎯 People that set goals, and write them down, earn 9x more money over the course of their lifetime. 🎯 Unfortunately, less than 4% of people actually write down their goals. ✍️ 🎯 Here is one of mine: write half of my new book by December 31st, 2020. 🎯 But goal setting is *not* enough. Less than 1% actually focus on the activities needed in order to achieve their goals. 🎯 ✔️ I unsubscribed from newsletters ✔️ Committed to a publisher ✔️ Blocked off time to write 🎯 So what are your goals? And what are 3️⃣ action steps that you can take in order to achieve those goals? 🎯 Feel free to share in the comments to hold yourself accountable! (at Starbucks)
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Trolls suck. Don’t listen to criticism from people who tell you that “you can’t” do something. Imagine 3 frogs fall into a paint bucket. 🐸🐸🐸 People are on the outside telling the frogs to give up and that they’re never going to get out of there. 🐸 Frog number one dies out of exhaustion. 🐸 The second frog dies because it can’t handle the pressure. 🐸 Third frog springs out of the bucket. It turns out the third frog was deaf. There will always be times when you have to tune out the noise and focus on what matters. Listen to people that 1). believe in you and 2). want to help you. [Frog Story Credit: @tspoon_11, 2019 WNBA Hall of Fame Speech] (at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin)
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