ericmie · 1 year
Eric Mie - Le Complexe du Prolo (Chanson Inédite)
En ce week-end pascal, j'avais le choix entre des chocolats ou une nouvelle chanson.  Comme au total, près d'un Français sur deux est soit en surpoids, soit en situation d'obésité, j'ai préféré vous offrir ma toute dernière chanson... 
Le complexe du prolo 
paroles & Musique : Eric MIE
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tipshouse · 2 years
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
Just using an ask to let you know it's always great fun to see your progress on Susan Taxpayer. I've been part of the SMBX2 dev team for years now, and I always love seeing people use the engine to make cool stuff, especially when it's their own creation. The game looks really fun and really reminds me of some of the Wario Land stuff I played years ago. Got a really great energy to it and I'm loving that movement tech. I love seeing what's possible with SMBX2 these days, and it makes me happy that some of the stuff I worked on can help out in some ways.
gosh thank you SO much!!!! your help has been instrumental in even getting Susan Taxpayer off the ground, so really thank you so much for being kind and extremely helpful whenever i come asking for coding advice, haha! I'm glad the movement tech looks fun; I've been specifically engineering the levels so that all the different moves play around each other in satisfying ways and I'm glad that's coming across in what I've been posting. Can't wait for folks to get their hands on it!!
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moonisdead · 7 months
the one (1) shakespeare-adjacent thing in my life i've enjoyed was the fucking game changer episode around it, that fucking slapped so hard
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capitainecorbeau · 2 years
Putain à chaque fois que je retente de regarder ce que fais durendal je me rappelle pourquoi j'avais arrêté de le regarder ce type à vraiment une capacité d'analyse en carton
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thoughtsineedtoletout · 5 months
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Source: https://x.com/TSwiftEdits_13/status/1781449512244117821
This piece is included in the CD insert. I think this is an important to read before going into the album as it provides context. I wish it was done as a spoken piece as part of the album to hear the emotion she would use to portray these words.
However, I am thankful for those who have their copy of the CD already and have shared it (mine is still making its way to me via post).
I think it would benefit listeners to read this prior to listening to understand where her headspace was when this period of her life happened.
Taylor wants us to know this period in her life was a mutual manic phase, where she left the oven and went straight into the microwave. To me, this reads as her leaving her long-term relationship (oven), into something that is later referred to on track 12 'loml' as a "get-love-quick scheme" (microwave).
Ovens heat up slowly and if left unchecked, whatever is in there is going to turn into ashes eventually, whereas microwaves can heat up fast and destory what's in there quickly. She's using this to tell us the difference between these relationships, but neither produced anything successful and both burned down in the end.
She also tells us that she went temporarily insane and explains this with having been caged for too long and then was set free, but was still in a vulnerable place. What happened next was a little rat of a man who took advantage of her when she was in this headspace and love bombed her. Making everything so much worse than it had to be. She refers to him as being one of the worst men and later as the smallest man who ever lived on track 14.
A lot of critics don't understand this album and think Taylor has done too much here and needs an editior, but that's the point. The point of this album is meant to illustrate Taylor's temporary insanity and her manic phase; that's why it is wordy and it feels like a lot. She's done it this way so we can become immersed in the emotions of how she was feeling when this was all happening to her. The critics aren't doing enough research into the thematics of the album.
I standby this album not being for the general public, but rather this is for herself and for those fans who know the lore and know it well. It's for the fans who understand her as a writer and storyteller. The general public and the critics only really know Taylor for her radio hits and this album is not for them.
This is something she discussed during the Melbourne Eras Tour Night 1, which you can watch here. She called this album her life line.
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nanarenpanavision · 8 months
Wolf creek (2006)
Vu le 05/02/24 / Horreur, Flasher / Australie
Les amis Ben, Kristy et Liz partent en excursion dans le parc national de Wolf Creek. Lorsque leur voiture tombe en panne, ils reçoivent l'aide de Mick, un homme bizarre. Il devient vite évident que ce dernier ne veut plus les laisser partir.
Premier signe de faiblesse : le film est uniquement disponible en français sur PrimeVideo. 25 minutes de flirt et de cringe propre aux années 2000 s'en suivent, sous une lentille quasi-misandre et donc presque réaliste. Une pause contemplative se marque après une suite de scènes clichées et dépourvues de la moindre trace de tension. Soudain, l'intrigue prend un tournant surnaturel : l'élastique s'étire mais éclate sans émouvoir. Si l'on garde en tête le grade "Série B" du film, on peut finir par suivre jusqu'aux scènes les moins inintéressantes. L'antagoniste tant attendu manque sérieusement de sel. On échappe pas à une représentation traditionnelle des agressions sexuelles comme mobile, sans aucune créativité ou subversion. Le budget moyen est incompréhensible : c'est un téléfilm glorifié.
Besoin d'un chef-d'oeuvre ou d'un vrai nanar pour fixer votre attention ? Zappez et mettez "La Colline a des Yeux" pour voir l'inspiration de cette réécriture d'une réécriture, d'une réécriture, d'une...
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sillysiluriforme · 3 months
Can tell us more about the school and how the characters got into the school
Lycée FDP* is a prestigious private school, with its student body being divided into bourgeois (rich tuition paying students who have no troubles in paying for the education) and prolos (students attending on scholarships or otherwise barely paying just enough to be there).
Most of the prolos are put in the same classes by the school, which further reinforces the class divide. Hell, even the uniforms are different based on whether or not you're a scholarship kid.
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*This is the most common abbreviation for the school among students, because it's also an acronym for "son of a whore" and teenagers find that sort of thing funny.
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cola-psaul-ogy · 2 years
Journal de bord - 29/06/23
Depuis que les patrouilles ont arrêtées de passer l’ambiance est moins tendu. Les gens se parlent de nouveau, comme si c’était la police et sa répression qui nous ont fait oublier notre humanité et qu’on en retrouve les morceaux égarés dans les tiroirs au fur et à mesure des jours.
Plusieurs femmes de la campagne se sont mises en groupe et apprennent au gens de la ville la permaculture et ça jardine dans les espaces verts. Ce ne sont plus les mêmes variétés, les anciennes sont trop fragiles pour la canicule mais c’est comme tout le reste, de nouveaux goûts pour de nouvelles habitudes. 
Qui sait, on fera peut-être mieux cette fois, j’espère en tout cas  
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Chapter four: Proof
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Arkham Knight/Jason Todd × Bruce's daughter!reader
Summary | Jason won’t believe you no matter what you say so you decide to find proof.
Warnings | Angst, so much angst, but also fluffy moments here and there, Jay needs a hug, he’s doing his best.
Words | 2.8k
Notes | I didn’t add any smut to the beginning of the chapter sorry guys😔 I’m probably going to add more at the end of the fic tho
Ao3 link | <3
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Chapter three
A few hours later you were laying with your head on his lap as you both read a book, the news playing faintly on the tv. You jolted up when you heard it. 
“We’re coming to you live just minutes after the explosion at Wayne Manor, following the dramatic unmasking of billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne as Batman.” You stared at the screen in shock listening to her explain what happened. “It was reported that Wayne and another man were inside at the time of the explosion, the whereabouts of his daughter are still unknown. Though no bodies have been recovered on the scene yet, officials highly doubt that anyone made it out alive.” Even though you didn’t want to believe it, they were broadcasting live footage of the manor on fire, the entire front part in pieces on the ground. 
“No…” You said quietly, still staring at the screen in shock. “No, that- that doesn’t make sense.” The tv went black, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look away from it. You felt Jason’s hand on your shoulder and distantly heard him calling your name, but you kept your eyes on the empty screen. 
“I have to… I need to find him.” You said through a breath, standing up and walking to the bedroom to get dressed. You felt numb. You still didn’t believe this was true and honestly you don’t think you can handle it if it is. An arm on your bicep turned you around and you were met with the sight of Jason, brows furrowed, asking you where you’re going. 
“I have to find him.” 
“No! No. This can’t happen, he wouldn’t let this happen.” You said, pulling away from him to change clothes. 
“Call him.” 
“I don’t have my fucking phone.” You snapped, immediately regretting speaking to him like that. 
“I know.” He held out a phone and you stared at it with furrowed brows. Why is he letting you do this? After he went through all the trouble of not letting you contact him. Instead of questioning him, you took the phone in shaky hands and dialed his number. It went straight to voicemail, so you tried again. Then the house phone. Then the bat phone that he barely even uses. Then Dick. 
“Who is this?” 
“Oh my god you’re okay. Bruce said you were taken.”
“No I- I’m fine.” Did he not tell him about Jason? “Have you seen the news?”
“Not yet, why?” 
“There was an explosion. At the manor. My dad and Alfred were inside.” He was quiet for a moment and you held your breath as you waited. 
“Shit. Are they okay?” 
“It- it said they think they’re dead. Dick, did he tell you about anything he had planned? Where he would go- anything?” 
“No… But I mean, he revealed his identity, it’s not surprising someone would do this.” 
“No- He’s not- they’re not dead. He wouldn’t be that stupid, it has to be some kind of staged thing. And plus they haven’t even found any bodies yet.” He said your name softly and you knew he was about to make you feel delusional. Just like he did with Jason. 
“Don’t fucking call me crazy again because I was right last time.” You hissed, practically shaking from all the emotions you were feeling. 
“What? What do you mean you were right?” You glanced at Jason. Your dad really didn’t tell him... Why wouldn’t he tell him? 
“Jason… He’s- he’s not dead.” He was silent for so long, you almost thought he hung up. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” He said lowly. 
“He’s alive. He was the one who took me.”
“You’re with him right now?” You glanced at him again, finding his jaw clenched as he stared at the wall next to you. 
“Yes.” Once again, the prolonged silence made you think he hung up, but you just waited anxiously for his response.
“Is he okay?” He finally asked, voice just barely shaking. You stared at Jason, debating how to respond. 
“He will be. Please help me, Dick. You know him- he wouldn’t let himself get blown up, he’s not that careless.” You begged and he let out a heavy sigh. 
“Let me call some people. I’ll let you know if I find anything.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Of course. And- will you just… tell him I miss him? And I’m sorry for giving up on him so easily.” 
“I will.” He hung up and you slowly lowered the phone from your ear, watching Jason turn back to face you. “He misses you.” You handed him the phone and he rolled his eyes as he put it back in his pocket. 
“I’m sure he’s plenty happy with his new baby brother.” He scoffed, walking back into the living room. You trailed after him, sitting next to him on the couch. 
“You should go see him.” You said softly. 
“I’m good.” He picked up his book, trying to ignore you. 
“Even if you don’t consider them your family anymore, they’re still my family. You can’t avoid them forever.” He looked over his book at you with narrowed eyes. 
“Watch me.” He spat, then focused on the page again. 
“Jay, I’m serious.” 
“So am I.” He fired back. You sighed and looked away from him- you don’t want to argue about this right now, not while you’re so worried about your dad and Alfred and…
“Oh my god…” You muttered, suddenly remembering. “Oh my god, Blue.” 
“That thing is still alive? It was ancient when you stole it.”
“I don’t know if he’s still alive, that's why I’m freaking out.” You gritted, even though his response almost made you laugh. “And I did not steal him. It was the cat distribution system.” 
“Okay, princess.” 
“And he’s not an ‘it.’” 
God you hoped he was okay. Especially after he lost Jason too, he deserves to know he’s still alive. As your thoughts moved back to Jason, you thought of another idea. 
“Do you still have your… Arkham Knight resources?” This time when he looked over his book at you, it was with curiosity. 
“Bruce pretty much took all of it down but I still have some.”
“Can you- Will you help me?” You asked nervously. When he didn’t respond immediately, you continued. “Not for him. For me. Please, Jason.” Lowering the book, he sighed and looked away from you as he clenched his jaw. 
“Fine. For you.” He muttered, making the corners of your lips turn up. He went to his room, closing the door behind him, and you waited anxiously. It only took a few minutes before he was walking back out. 
“I have someone looking into something, but honestly it doesn’t seem very promising.” He said, sitting back down next to you on the couch. 
“Thank you, Jay.” You gave him a small smile and kissed his cheek, making him blush. “What would I do without you?”
“Probably die in an explosion since you would’ve gone home.” Your smile turned into a frown and you could see the exact moment when he realized what he said. “…Too soon?” He asked nervously. 
“It happened like 20 minutes ago so yeah- too soon.” You glared at him, but when he gave you a sheepish smile, your expression softened. 
“Noted.” Instead of letting you reply, he scooped you up and placed you on his lap, hugging you from the side. “I’m sure he’s okay. You’re right, he’s not that careless.” He said, rubbing a hand up and down your leg to soothe you. As a comfortable silence filled the room, you kept repeating the reporter’s words in your head. 
“Wait… How did they know he’s Batman?” You leaned back enough to see his face as you stared at him with furrowed brows. 
“Scarecrow gave him an ultimatum.” He shrugged eyes not meeting your own. “This time he actually chose to save Robin.” He added bitterly. You mulled his words over in your head. You want to help him get over this, but how do you reverse months of emotional manipulation? 
“If you think that, then you also think that I didn’t choose to save you.” That made him scoff. 
“No I don’t.” 
“Well, he stopped looking after I stopped. So I guess that means I’m worse than him.” You shrugged. 
“Stop. I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work.” 
“I don’t even think you really understand what I’m trying to do, Jay.”
“You’re trying to manipulate me! You’re trying to feed me the same lies he fed you.” You almost thought he was about to throw you off his lap to the floor because of how angry he sounded. You were silent for a moment, debating how to respond. 
“You really think I’d do that to you?” You asked quietly, staring into eyes that wouldn’t meet your own. 
“He’s your fucking dad, why wouldn’t you?” He spat. Ouch... It’s understandable that he’s hurt and angry, but it still hurt knowing he thought of you like that. 
“Got it.” You whispered. Should you get off his lap? He’s still holding you though... Should you leave the room? Change the subject? “I would’ve thought that out of everyone, you’d trust me the most to tell you the truth.” 
“I’m not- That’s not it. I'm sure you’re telling me what you think is true but that doesn’t change the fact that he lied to you.” 
“He didn’t though!” This back and forth was getting really old. “You know what? I’ll prove it to you.” You got off his lap and walked to his room again to change into your clothes. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He sighed, trailing after you. 
“I’m gonna go watch the damn video myself. It’s on the batcomputer and there’s another entrance to the batcave besides the one in the manor. So I’m gonna go watch it, then we’ll know.” 
“Are you crazy? You can’t go there.” 
“Why not? They already blew it up, I doubt they’ll do it again.” You sat on the edge of the bed as you put your shoes on. 
“You’re not going.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest. You stopped tying your shoe and looked up at him.  
“Excuse me?” 
“It’s too dangerous. You’re not going there.” He shrugged and you clenched your jaw. 
“You know what, Jason? Fuck you. Do you think I want to watch a video of the love of my life being tortured and murdered? I’m doing it for you.” 
“For me?” He scoffed, frowning at you. 
“Yes! Because whatever Joker said to fuck with your mind is still affecting you and no matter what I say, you won’t believe me.” You finished tying your shoes, then stood up, walking to the front door, but Jason grabbed your bicep and turned you around. 
“You said you weren’t going to keep me here forever.” 
“I’m not.” He sighed. “I’m going with you.” Even though he more than likely meant to protect you, it gave you a sliver of hope when he agreed to go. Maybe that means he’s going to be more open minded about all this. 
One long, silent drive later and you were entering the batcave. Everything pretty much looked intact- at least no one’s found this yet. You sat down in front of the computer, Jason standing behind you with his arms crossed, scowling. 
“Would’ve been somewhere he wouldn’t think I’d look…” You muttered, running through the options in your head. After a few minutes of trying a couple things, Jason sighed. 
“Can you just admit that you were wrong and this was a waste of time?” You ignored him, continuing to try and guess the password for a locked folder. After the fifth guess, the login screen was replaced with a dark, blurry screen. This has to be it, but now that it’s right in front of you, you’re having second thoughts about watching it. You shouldn’t show Jason either, that’s messed up on so many levels. You can just convince him another way. 
“This was stupid,”
“Play it.” He demanded, staring blankly at the screen with a clenched jaw. 
“Play it.”
You took a deep breath and, with a shaky hand, pressed play. It opened with Jason, exhausted and broken, the J mark somewhat fresh on his cheek. 
“Have you got something to tell the nice man, Jason?” The sound of Joker's voice made you sick to your stomach. 
“My name.. is Jason Todd.” 
“Who do you hate?”
“Batman.” He only hesitated for a moment, but with the way he said it, you knew he was telling the truth. 
“Excellent.” The video zoomed out suddenly, showing him sitting in a chair, not even restrained. “Of course you do.” Joker rounded the camera and leaned down so only his face was in the frame. At the sight of him, you just felt blinding rage. You could barely even hear the video because you could only concentrate on him. The loud gunshot, followed by Jason being flung backwards, snapped you out of it though. He laid there, not moving or breathing, until the screen went black again and the video ended. 
You sat there, holding your breath and staring at the blank screen, building up the courage to turn around. When you did, you found him still staring at the screen, brows furrowed in confusion as his bottom lip trembled. Then he started shaking his head. 
“That doesn’t make sense. He already replaced me months before that. I saw the picture.”
“Tim helped look for you.” You said quietly, worried you’d set him off. “Honestly, part of me thinks that the whole reason my dad recruited him in the first place was to have more help.” You debated adding this next part. “And are you sure that’s how long it was? Or is that just what he told you.” 
“No… That's not- it’s a trick. Or he edited it or something.” 
“That didn’t happen to you?” You could tell just by his face that it did. 
“I don’t understand.” He muttered, brows furrowing even more. 
“Joker lied to you. He manipulated you. Is that really so hard to believe?” You tried to put the explanation right in front of him, but he still couldn’t see it. 
“But, he-“ 
“No, Jay. Just answer this. Would Joker lie to you?” He nodded. “Would I?” He was frozen, just staring at you. “I know you need more time and I’m not trying to force you back into the family right now, but”
“No.” He said, significantly harsher. “If Bruce was the cause of everything, then I can still get revenge. But if it was Joker… that’s it. I can’t kill him, I can’t do anything.” His voice started shaking and he glanced away from you. 
“Jay…” You stood and cupped his cheek, your thumb brushing over the marred skin that you’ve slightly gotten used to by now. You wanted to tell him that he doesn’t need revenge to get closure, but other than slowly just getting over it, the only way you would be able to get closure was if the Joker died from something worse than a fucking disease. 
“I felt the same way. I wanted to kill him myself for what he did to you and the fact that he just died from a disease feels like mercy. Do you want to know the one thing that helped me start to get over it?” He just barely nodded. 
“Don’t laugh at me for sounding cheesy, but.. love. Getting you back, feeling whole again, just made revenge seem less important. That’s what family does. They make you feel whole again and I can tell you that right now, our family is still missing something and I know you are too.”
“I can’t go back. Not after everything.” He whispered, biting his bottom lip when it started trembling again. 
“You came back to me.” You said softly. 
“That’s different. I didn’t try to kill you.” 
“Jay, I think if I can forgive you trying to kill my dad, then the others will forgive you just fine. They all miss you a lot.”
“I- I don’t…”
“Just start small. We can get lunch or something with Dick, so you can work your way up to it.” You suggested, carefully monitoring his expression so you don’t push him too far. 
“I’ll think about it.” He said quietly and you gave him a small smile. This was the best case scenario- him saying anything other than no. You pulled him into a hug, standing on your toes so he’d be more comfortable, then used one hand to run your fingers through his hair like you used to. 
“You don’t have to be alone anymore. I’m here now, and I know everyone else will be too, if you let them.” You said softly, making his grip tighten around your body as he kept this head in the crook of your neck. 
Chapter five
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@igotanidea @clairacassidy @phoenixgurl030 @halleest @emmerskiri @randomgurl2326 @darkmercury
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felkithecreator · 7 months
I forget if you’ve answered this or not, but does Prolo Village replace Lurelin Village? In my brain it always has because of the absolutely fascinating and tragic implications, but then I realized I didn’t actually know if that was true, so I checked and they’re in different locations, but both of them are based on outset island (even having structures similar to Aryll’s lookout)
Sooooo does it? Sorry for rambling, this fic simply plagues my every waking thought
No worries!! I don't know if I explicitly said "it's not Lurelin" or not, so let me do that here!! Prolo and Lurelin are two very different villages. I based the houses quite a bit on Lurelin's because I need something to reference, but they're two different villages.
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I've posed this image before, but here it is again!! (Ignore how close I am to dying in this screenshot, there was a Talus.) It's not the greatest sketch explaining how the village looks, but it worked for me.
(Speaking of which, maybe it's because I've yet to do this for Saihoku that I'm having such a hard time writing the next chapter. I now know what I need to do today lmao.)
So they're quite far from each other! They've got the whole Necluda Sea between them. I'm sure the probably trade with one another, but yeah, different villages.
I hope this helped? And thanks so much for your question!! I'm glad you've liked the fic :DD
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laurierthefox · 3 months
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Bonjour à toustes,
Je profite de cette illustration (qui est un futur badge qui m'a été beaucoup demandé) pour parler de ce qu'il s'est passé hier soir.
Comme vous l'avez vu le résultat des élections européennes sont catastrophiques et le plus grave c'est la dissolution de l'Assemblée Nationale par Macron.
La dissolution signifie que dans 3 semaines le RN peut rentrer au gouvernement. On rappelle que le RN au pouvoir c'est les droits des femmes, des personnes racisé'es, migrant'es, sans papier, prolos, ouvrier, précaires, LGBTIAQP+, handicapées...etc qui seront balayés.
En plus des lois fascistes, néo-libérales et pro-riches qui pourraient passer dans un gouvernement RN, les fascistes se sentiront légitimé et pousser des ailes dans la rue. La conséquences seront des agressions physiques, sexuels et des mort'es.
Nous avons 20 jours pour nous rassembler, pour reprendre la rue, pour faire de la pédagogie encore et encore sur les dangers du RN, pour exiger l'union de la gauche, d'un VRAI front populaire.
Chacun'e à notre niveau -par exemple je suis handi et ne peut pas aller aux manifs- on peut militer et faire bouger les lignes.
On peut y arriver.
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Aaahh, Tubiana...! Elle est des nôootres..... Là au moins c'est clair!! Saloperies de socialistes, saloperies d'écolos et les communistes peuvent être rassurés... ils ont fait le bon choix!! Elle est des nôootres!! Ils avaient déjà donné un avant-gout en faisant élire Darmanin, La vieille bique Borne du 49-3 contre les représentants des prolos... ! Allez les cocus! comptez vous!!
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trashlord-watson · 8 months
je repense à renard en docteur et genre........ les implications sur les compagnons.................
raph il a trop une vibe rose (à peine adulte, un peu paumé dans une routine de prolo précaire, il a sa vie sociale un peu restrainte mais présente, plaque tout du jour au lendemain sans prévenir, un sentiment de devoir faire la chose juste) (le seul truc qui lui manque c'est la relation d'égal avec le visiteur)
mattéo c'était le mec qu'il pensait pas embarquer avec lui à la base mais il faisait partie d'un package deal, et au final c'est assez la rigolade quand même, jusqu'au moment où.......
judith : la compagne tragique. rose, donna, amy, clara, bill....... need i say more? bref, trauma supplémentaire gratuit pour le docteur. d'autant plus qu'elle était l'une des seules à le call out on his bullshit, à lui tenir tête. l'une des seules, mais pas la seule, parce que...
j'ai énormément de pensées à propos d'henry compagnon. évidemment que le docteur sait que c'est un robot. évidemment qu'il le trouve magnifique, brillant, fantastique, super stylé. mais que dites-vous là ? un compagnon........ basically immortel ??????? dont il n'a pas à craindre la mort lors d'une aventure ???????? dont il n'a pas à craindre la vieillesse ???????????? someone he... wouldn't leave behind?????????????? évidemment qu'il y a un attachement émotionnel aussi intense que malsain (imo). est-ce que cette version du docteur essaie de battre le record de longévité de genre. 11 et 12? rester des milliards d'années en vie dans cette régénération, juste pour profiter au maximum du compagnon infaillible ?
mais aussi, le compagnon puzzle ? qui est ce robot parfait qui est capable lui-même de voyager dans le temps ? d'où vient-il vraiment, qui est-il vraiment... comment comprend-il aussi facilement comment fonctionne le tardis... et c'est quoi, cette machine bizarre... cet "introspecteur" ? attendez... vous voulez dire qu'il aurait sous la main la possibilité d'explorer son propre passé... sans interférence ?? peut-être même... (spoiler pour 13 et 14. celleux qui savent, savent)
henry, c'est donna et river song, le maître et jack harkness, c'est rose et clara... c'est le compagnon ultime.
(also je suis enfin débarrassé de l'angst "immortal being left behind" donc moi content)
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capitainecorbeau · 2 years
Putain à chaque fois que je retente de regarder ce que fais durendal je me rappelle pourquoi j'avais arrêté de le regarder ce type à vraiment une capacité d'analyse en carton
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floofanflurr · 1 year
An interlude that takes place after Chapter 5, but before the events of Chapter 8 in HotT. It's as canon as you want it to be. (Something uplifting after all the hurt)
Papyrus trekked through the snow as he made his way over to Grillby’s. Warm light poured out from the windows, and cheerful chatter got louder as he got closer. The smell of greasy food filled the air. Papyrus marched to the door with purpose and shoved it open, a shout already coming from him.
But he stopped short when he saw Sans slumped over the bar counter across from Grillby, snores escaping him as he dozed.
…What a lazybones. (Sans… had been sleeping less lately. Which was a good thing, right?)
Still, Papyrus didn’t try to wake him up. It was late, and Sans had already read to him and Frisk before he went out for the evening. Papyrus was fair! And Sans really hadn’t been napping throughout the day anymore. 
The fellow bar-goers that filled Grillby’s looked away when they realized that Sans wasn’t going to annoy Papyrus with his usual infuriating antics. All except for the dog guards that zeroed in on Papyrus. Papyrus narrowed his sockets at them. No! They may be less annoying than his nemesis, but he knew they wanted his bone attacks, too. Sans had fueled their bad habits by giving them bones when he saw them.
Eventually, Papyrus’s impressiveness was too much for them, and they turned back to what they were doing! Satisfied, Papyrus bounced up to the bar and looked at Grillby.
Grillby looked at him with amusement and didn’t respond.
And Papyrus reached for a bone in his inventory and slid it over to Grillby. Grillby took it with a quiet crackle, and added it to the box behind the counter that Papyrus knew was filled with all sorts of rare and amazing bones that Papyrus had given him over the years. Including the very first bone he’d given Grillby when Papyrus was 14 and trying to figure out how to pay Grillby back.
He knew Sans paid his tab. But! Grillby liked the bones Papyrus gave him! …Grillby was a rather nostalgic monster. He kept that framed photo of a Snow Grillby that some of the children in town had made him. And he kept every bone Papyrus had ever given him, even the more clumsily shaped attacks that Papyrus made when he was still learning magic.
It was tradition at this point, and who was Papyrus to ignore tradition?
Papyrus turned to Sans and leaned down to scoop him up over his shoulder. Really, Sans knew better than to be napping out here. 
…But Papyrus would allow it. Just this once!
Papyrus turned towards Grillby and apologized again.
Grillby smiled and crackled as he waved goodbye to Papyrus, and Papyrus waved back. Grillby’s food may be a grease trap, but the monster himself was very kind.
With that done, Papyrus left for the door with much less fanfare than normal. That was okay, though! Papyrus could afford to cut Sans some slack for once. He shouldered his way back out into the snow, with Sans a solid weight on his shoulder.
Sans had… not been okay. But also… very okay?
Papyrus didn’t know.
Sans was not feeling good. Guilty, and grieving, and so upset. But he also wasn’t apathetic anymore. Papyrus didn’t know if this was an improvement or not.
And the thought itched and scratched as it clawed at him. Sans was… maybe, perhaps, not as okay as Papyrus liked to pretend. (Far from okay, actually.) He was. …Falling down. Papyrus tried to shove the thought down and took in a short breath.
Sans felt heavy on his shoulder suddenly, and Papyrus took another breath in. In. And out. Papyrus was fine! Papyrus was completely fine, and thinking about Sans’s slow descent into falling down and never waking up definitely wasn’t stressing him out. He was okay! But… Sans…
Prolonged illness. Stress over a long period of time. Those would bring a monster’s HP cap down, further, and further until it dwindled to nothing. Until they would close their eyes and fall into dust.
…Apparently, Sans’s apathy counted. And every time Papyrus would check him, his HP would be lower and lower. He never had a high HP to start with. His magic was too much for him from a young age and caused him to be sick constantly when Papyrus was a baby bones. His HP never recovered fully.
And then something happened. And Sans was suddenly in charge of Papyrus. But that wasn’t when it started. No, he worked frantically, desperately for a handful of years. Until, eventually, something snapped. Sans had looked at Papyrus and told him that he was sorry. That he wasn’t taking care of him properly. That he was going to quit his job and take care of Papyrus like he should have been. That what he was doing there was useless, anyway. …That it didn’t matter.
Papyrus shut his sockets for a moment and grit his teeth. And then he opened them and stepped forward those last few steps to his front door as he opened it silently. Frisk was sleeping on the couch, and Papyrus did his best to tiptoe through the room as he brought Sans up to his bedroom.
Papyrus scrunched up his face when he saw the absolutely horrendous mess that was Sans’s room, and nudged aside some crumpled up clothing on the floor as he brought Sans over to his bed.
And then he drew away and looked at Sans.
…Papyrus had been very happy when Sans said he was going to quit! Sans was killing himself with how much he was working, and really, wouldn’t staying home with Papyrus be better anyway? (Working in a lab was dangerous. What if Sans never came home?)
But staying home with Papyrus was when that horrifying apathy that lay over Sans’s SOUL really set in, muffling him, suffocating him. And… his HP started dropping. (Was it Papyrus’s fault? Did he do something wrong?!)
Sans’s HP started dropping, and he was falling down. It… wasn’t too bad at first! Just… a few ticks, here and there. (Sans didn’t have much to lose.) But. When Papyrus got older, around the time he turned into an adult, and Sans started stepping back more. It. Gained speed. He would have a bad day, or a bad week, and more and more of his HP dropped.
Papyrus barely noticed as he fell to the floor next to Sans and reached out. But then he snatched his hand away and took another deep breath in.
Papyrus. Was. Fine!
But Sans. Maybe wasn’t.
His HP was at 10.
…He was walking dust.
And Papyrus couldn’t do anything, no matter how he pushed or pried or tried to help.
Tears built up in Papyrus’s sockets, and he took another breath in. His fingers curled into his gloves, and he clenched his teeth.
He had to check.
He had to check!
Sans was…
Sans was struggling. Papyrus had thought he was getting better. Frisk, the wonderful, amazing child, was very great! And! They helped. Sans’s apathy had been slipping away, and Papyrus felt more joy and happiness from Sans than he had in a long time. Frisk joining their family was the best thing that had ever happened. And Papyrus felt… hope from Sans.
And Papyrus finally felt hope too.
His HP stopped dropping then. Which couldn’t have come sooner. Because if Sans had lost another tick of HP off his cap…
Papyrus muffled a sob and something wet splashed onto his glove. His shoulders shook, but he still didn’t reach for Sans. He didn’t reach for the familiar magic to check him. (Papyrus was terrified.) 
If Sans lost another tick of HP, he might not wake up again.
And Papyrus had to check. He had to check. Because after Frisk’s flashback, Sans had gotten sick. And he wasn’t filled with that suffocating, horrifying apathy anymore. But it might have gotten worse. Because when Sans wasn’t muffling their bond, Papyrus felt SOUL-stopping levels of guilt and horror and grief from him. 
He had to check! He had to check Sans. (But what if he found what he was scared of? What if Sans’s HP had dropped again?)
He didn’t want to check.
Sans lay in front of him, dozing quietly on his mattress as Papyrus kneeled next to him and sobbed quietly enough that Sans wouldn’t wake up. (What if he never woke up?)
He couldn’t lose Sans.
Papyrus curled his hands into tight fists, and clenched his jaw shut as he tried to bite back his tears. He was The Great Papyrus, and he would do what he had to. He wasn’t a coward. And Sans would. Be. FINE!
Papyrus reached for the magic rapidly, and ripped it off like a bandaid.
*HP 11/11
*He’s sleeping right now.
Papyrus wasn’t breathing.
His sockets were wide and his hands shook as he reached forward to touch Sans’s shoulder.
He was reading this wrong. Surely, he was reading this wrong. Sans’s HP hadn’t increased since he was a child.
Papyrus checked again.
*HP 11/11
*He had a long week.
His HP… 11/11. That was…
A sharp pain in Papyrus’s chest told him that he needed to breathe, and he let out a gasp of air. He checked Sans again.
*HP 11/11
*He loves his family.
*HP 11/11
*He’s not okay, but things will get better.
And again.
*HP 11/11
*He’s looking forward to the future.
Papyrus tightened his grip on Sans’s shoulder for half a second before he let his hand drop. And then a sob tore out of his throat, and he threw himself on Sans, wrapping his arms around his middle and not caring anymore if Sans would wake up.
“wha…? papyrus?”
Sans’s voice was bleary, and he tried to look at Papyrus in concern, but Papyrus tightened his grip and buried his face in Sans’s jacket, his tears soaking into the material. Sans hummed and shifted so that he was sitting up, bringing Papyrus with him. Papyrus must have startled him badly, but Sans just hugged him back.
“pap, what’s wrong?”
Papyrus never thought something so good would hurt so much. His SOUL ached, but it was the best aching feeling in the world. He hugged Sans tighter.
Sans hummed, and Papyrus pushed his feelings of love and happiness, and joy through the bond. Maybe he could speed it up. Maybe Sans could get even better.
Sans wasn’t falling down.
Sans wasn’t going to leave him.
Papyrus shook and he held onto Sans tightly as he sobbed and hiccupped and smiled.
Because Sans was looking forward to the future.
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