#produce industry stakeholders
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nationallawreview · 2 months ago
FDA Partners With Purdue University to Study Salmonella Risks
FDA has partnered with Purdue University and Indiana produce industry stakeholders to launch an environmental microbiology study to better understand the ecology of human pathogens, focusing on assessing risks related to Salmonella in the environment. The study is intended to develop a better understanding of the source of pathogens, their persistence, and how they transfer through the growing…
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reasonsforhope · 2 months ago
"California has approved a bill to help address the dark side effects of the externally glitzy fast-fashion sector, putting the onus on manufacturers to implement repair and recycling programs. 
According to CalMatters' Digital Democracy project, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the Responsible Textile Recovery Act of 2024 on Sept. 28, more than a year after the bill began making its way through the state legislature. 
The act seeks to address the growing problem of waste from the fashion industry. CalMatters notes in its analysis that the Golden State tossed more than 1.3 million tons of textiles in 2018. 
As it stands, the state ships 45% of the items that are donated overseas, which contributes to environmental pollution, and once there, much of it still ends up in landfills, where it produces potent heat-trapping gases such as methane. 
In Ghana, for example, which has seen its beaches polluted by fast-fashion waste, 40% of the 15 million garments received each week are discarded. All in all, despite the fact that 95% of California's materials are recyclable, only 15% of clothing and textiles are reused. 
Democratic state senator Josh Newman, the bill's sponsor, told the Guardian that these concerning figures inspired him to take action.   
"We worked really hard to consult with and eventually to align all of the stakeholders in the life cycle of textiles so that at the end there was no opposition," he explained. "That's an immensely hard thing to do when you consider the magnitude of the problem and all of the very different interests."
According to the Guardian, the program is expected to go into effect in 2028, with its numerous backers anticipating it could create as many as 1,000 jobs in the Golden State. 
Details are still being hammered out. However, garment manufacturers who aren't already participating in eco-friendly programs will have incentives to adopt greener practices, with recycling collection sites and mail-back programs among the possibilities.  
And while some have worried that small businesses and mid-sized brands could be disproportionately impacted by the legislation and end up passing on the prices to consumers, Newman estimates that the cost should be less than 10 cents per garment or textile."
-via The Cool Down, October 3, 2024
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wumblr · 7 months ago
For decades, nuclear power has been the largest source of clean energy in the United States, accounting for 19% of total energy produced last year
false. first sentence. off to a great start. you may notice this is a 2022 chart but i can tell you the only new reactors started since then are vogtle 3 and 4 (you may notice that's not a new power plant but new reactors at an existing plant), years late and $17b over budget, vogtle as a whole produces 1.1gwh, we use about 29 million annually. point being: it has not risen to 19%, the last reactor since vogtle was watts bar in 2016 and since then we've decommissioned 14 of them
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The industry directly employs nearly 60,000 workers in good paying jobs
weirdly low estimate, almost by half
maintains these jobs for decades
"maintains" is doing a lot of work here, does that include toxic exposure payouts? because they are still fighting pretty hard to get those in the world's first nuclear contamination site, hanford
and supports hundreds of thousands of other workers
✅ true! 475,000 according to the NEI link above
In the midst of transformational changes taking place throughout the U.S. energy system
the Biden-Harris Administration is continuing to build on President Biden’s unprecedented goal of a carbon free electricity sector by 2035
have they developed carbon free cement yet? (yes.) at scale? (no.) are we just not counting construction emissions because they're one-time emissions investments or how does this work exactly, i would love to know because i think we're also not counting emissions from waste transport to longterm storage because we haven't started doing that. anyway they've built a train for it even though we don't have a storage site so that's umm. that's uhh. fine i'm sure
while also ensuring that consumers across the country have access to affordable, reliable electric power
i guess you can still say "across the country" if you exclude texas as an outlier
and creating good-paying clean energy jobs.
i guess you can still call them good paying clean energy jobs if everybody who mines and refines the uranium dies of cancer because you just pulled out of the largest disarmament program in history due to it being geopolitically inadmissible (for russia... to continue... selling us the uranium from decommissioning...? i'm still trying to figure out the optics of that one but anyway as i have previously stated we didn't actually stop buying it in cases where it's "liable to cause supply chain issues")
Alongside renewable power sources like wind and solar, a new generation of nuclear reactors is now capturing the attention of a wide range of stakeholders
weird way to say that
for nuclear energy’s ability to produce clean, reliable energy and meet the needs of a fast-growing economy, driven by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda and manufacturing boom.
this is a carrier sentence to inject the president's name, but i would like to question which sectors of the growing economy are driving the most energy demand because i'm sure there are no nasty truths being elided there (it's computing)
The Administration recognizes that decarbonizing our power system, which accounts for a quarter of all the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, represents a pivotal challenge requiring all the expertise and ingenuity our nation can deliver.
it's time once again for... the energy flow sankey chart! the reason the power system accounts for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions is in no small part because 67% of it is lost to waste heat. has the nation's expertise and ingenuity started working on that yet
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The Biden-Harris Administration is today hosting a White House Summit on Domestic Nuclear Deployment, highlighting the collective progress being made from across the public and private sectors
oh boy! a summit! talking about it is the same as doing it
Under President Biden’s leadership, the Administration has taken a number of actions to strengthen our nation’s energy and economic security by reducing – and putting us on the path to eliminating – our reliance on Russian uranium for civil nuclear power and building a new supply chain for nuclear fuel
gosh, i got ahead of myself and already criticized both of those things
including: signing on to last year’s multi-country declaration at COP28 to triple nuclear energy capacity globally by 2050
everybody criticized that
developing new reactor designs
which ones, the bill gates project that just got cancelled because utilities pulled out (edit: that's nuscale, the bill gates project is terrapower), the rolls royce submarine, or the one that just got regulatory approval (edit: this is also nuscale)
extending the service lives of existing nuclear reactors
yep! you sure showed the embrittlement at diablo canyon by doing nothing about it
and growing the momentum behind new deployments
nonsense clause, but it has this really ominous undercurrent due to its vagueness
Recognizing the importance of both the existing U.S. nuclear fleet and continued build out of large nuclear power plants, the U.S. is also taking steps to mitigate project risks associated with large nuclear builds and position U.S. industry to support an aggressive deployment target.
this one is not nonsense but they can't just out and out say "we are deregulating the industry because opening the process for public comment is most often the thing that slows it down" because then somebody might realize they're bulldozing ahead no matter what any constituent says, does, or actually wants
To help drive reactor deployment while ensuring ratepayers and project stakeholders are better protected, theAdministration is announcing today the creation of a Nuclear Power Project Management and Delivery working group that will draw on leading experts from across the nuclear and megaproject construction industry to help identify opportunities to proactively mitigate sources of cost and schedule overrun risk
i'm sure a revolving door working group packed with industry insiders can solve this without compromising their commitment to the profit motive, not that it particularly matters since the cost is passed on to the consumer in the form of fees on the electric bill
The United States Army is also announcing that it will soon release a Request for Information to inform a deployment program for advanced reactors to power multiple Army sites in the United States
good god... that is a fresh nightmare i did not see coming
Additionally, the Department of Energy released today a new primer highlighting the expected enhanced safety of advanced nuclear reactors
"expected" really serves to demonstrate several points i've made
i'm going to stop going line by line here because i know this is already too boring and long for anyone to read this far, unless anybody wants to know what i think about parts 50, 52, and 53 of the NRC licensing guidance -- which many of you have very clearly stated over the years that you don't -- and while i do want to acknowledge that it does go into more detail and even answer some of the questions i raised (vogtle comes up, diablo canyon comes up, a list of which SMR designs is given, or at least a list of the companies responsible for them),
what i would like to focus on is one conspicuous absence:
the reason we need a new fleet of reactors is because they are an essential part of the bomb production chain. they are the beginning of the refinement process, and we cannot carry out the plan (already underway) to replace the minutemen missiles currently in silos with sentinel missiles without significant new construction. we cannot start the president's desired wars with russia and china without the new sentinels. he's not going to be the one to carry this out, he's ensuring whoever is his successor in about 2030 or more likely 2040 will be armed to do so. limited amount of time left to prevent that
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allthecanadianpolitics · 6 months ago
The Ontario government says it no longer plan to introduce a new bottle deposit-return system for non-alcoholic beverages due to “significant costs” it would add for small business and families.
Amanda Brodhagen, the director of communications for Ontario Environment Minister Andrea Khanjin, said the decision was made after an “extensive consultation” with stakeholders.
“Should producers and retailers wish to work collaboratively to implement a system that is both cost effective and increases recycling rates, we would welcome that, however we cannot support increased costs at a time when cost of living is so high,” Brodhagen said in an email to CP24 Friday evening.
Last year, the government invited stakeholders, including environmental organizations, consumer advocacy groups and recycling industry experts, to participate in a six-month working group to review how a new deposit-return system could work.
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 11 days ago
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Report analyzes long history of NASA support for commercial space
NASA published a new report on Thursday highlighting 17 agency mechanisms that have directly and indirectly supported the development and growth of the U.S. commercial space sector for the benefit of humanity.
The report, titled "Enabling America on the Space Frontier: The Evolution of NASA's Commercial Space Development Toolkit," is available on the agency's website.
"This is the most extensive and comprehensive historical analysis produced by NASA on how it has contributed to commercial space development over the decades," said Alex MacDonald, NASA chief economist. "These efforts have given NASA regular access to space with companies, such as SpaceX and Rocket Lab, modernizing our communications infrastructure, and even led to the first private lunar lander thanks to Intuitive Machines.
"With commercial space growth accelerating, this report can help agency leaders and stakeholders assess the numerous mechanisms that the agency uses to support this growth, both now and in the future."
Throughout its history, NASA has supported the development of the commercial space sector, not only leading the way in areas such as satellite communications, launch, and remote sensing, but also developing new contract and operational models to encourage commercial participation and growth.
In the last three decades, NASA has seen the results of these efforts with commercial partners able to contribute more to missions across NASA domains, and increasingly innovative agency-led efforts to engage, nurture, and integrate these capabilities. These capabilities support the agency's mission needs, and have seen a dramatic rise in importance, according to the report.
NASA has nurtured technology, companies, people, and ideas in the commercial space sector, contributing to the U.S. and global economies, across four distinct periods in the agency's history:
1915–1960: NASA's predecessor, the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA), and NASA's pre-Apollo years.
1961–1980: Apollo era.
1981–2010: Space shuttle era.
2011–present: Post-shuttle commercial era.
Each of these time periods are defined by dominant technologies, programs, or economic trends further detailed in the report.
Though some of these mechanisms are relatively recent, others have been used throughout the history of NASA and NACA, leading to some overlap. The 17 mechanisms are as follows:
Contracts and Partnership Agreements
Research and Technology Development (R&TD)
Dissemination of Research and Scientific Data
Education and Workforce Development
Workforce External Engagement and Mobility
Technology Transfer
Technical Support
Enabling Infrastructure
Direct In-Space Support
Standards and Regulatory Framework Support
Public Engagement
Industry Engagement
Venture Capital Engagement
Market Stimulation Funding
Economic Analysis and Due Diligence Capabilities
Narrative Encouragement
NASA supports commercial space development in everything from spaceflight to supply chains. Small satellite capabilities have inspired a new generation of space start-ups, while new, smaller rockets, as well as new programs are just starting. Examples include CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services), commercial low Earth orbit destinations, human landing systems, commercial development of NASA spacesuits, and lunar terrain vehicles. The report also details many indirect ways the agency has contributed to the vibrance of commercial space, from economic analyses to student engagement.
The agency's use of commercial capabilities has progressed from being the exception to the default method for many of its missions. The current post-shuttle era of NASA-supported commercial space development has seen a level of technical development comparable to the Apollo era's Space Race. Deploying the 17 commercial space development mechanisms in the future is part of NASA's mission to continue encouraging commercial space activities.
IMAGE: The SpaceX Dragon Freedom spacecraft carrying NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov approaches the International Space Station as it orbited 261 miles above Ontario, Canada, near James Bay. Credit: NASA
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critical-skeptic · 2 months ago
Understanding the Southern Perimeter’s Republican Lean: A Multi-Factor Analysis
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The political landscape of the United States is often discussed in terms of blue and red states, with certain regions consistently leaning Republican or Democrat. However, the southern perimeter of the continental U.S.—stretching from California to Florida—presents a unique case study. Despite cultural diversity, varying industries, and demographic shifts, this region generally leans Republican. This alignment, which includes border states with Mexico and those along the Gulf Coast, emerges from a complex interplay of geography, economics, historical values, and cultural attitudes.
1. Geographical and Climatic Influences
The southern perimeter is defined by its warmer climates, which attract specific demographics, most notably retirees. States like Florida have become retirement havens, drawing older populations from traditionally Democratic northern regions. This migration brings a demographic that often prioritizes conservative values such as lower taxes, property rights, and fiscal conservatism, aligning well with Republican ideologies. The subtropical to desert-like climate also shapes industries in these states, favoring agriculture, tourism, and energy sectors that lean conservative due to their reliance on limited government intervention and favorable regulatory policies.
Additionally, the shape and layout of these states play a role. California’s extensive north-south reach and diverse climate foster a mix of political ideologies, making it more complex, though its highly populated coastal cities tend toward Democratic dominance. By contrast, Arizona and Texas, with expansive rural and desert regions along the border, amplify conservative values centered on self-reliance and individualism, often associated with frontier mentality.
2. Historical and Cultural Factors
Southern states, including those on the southern perimeter, have a strong cultural legacy of conservatism rooted in a combination of frontier independence, skepticism of federal oversight, and a tradition of states’ rights. This tradition resonates with Republican ideology, which emphasizes limited government, individual liberties, and a cautious approach to social change. While California may stand as an exception due to its urban liberal hubs, the states from Texas through Florida reflect this traditional conservatism that has persisted over decades, reinforced by political institutions and local values.
Texas, in particular, embodies this “frontier spirit.” The state’s long history as a republic, combined with its emphasis on rugged individualism and suspicion of centralized power, aligns with Republican principles. Arizona, with its substantial rural population and similar desert environment, mirrors this mindset. The “frontier mentality” persists in these areas, where local culture values autonomy and self-reliance—traits that naturally dovetail with conservative ideologies.
3. Economics and Industry Patterns
Economic structures in these states contribute heavily to their conservative leanings. Texas, for example, is a major oil producer, while Florida’s economy is driven by tourism and agriculture. These industries often thrive under conservative economic policies, which typically favor deregulation, low taxes, and minimal government interference. Republican economic policies are seen as beneficial by stakeholders in these sectors, making the party an appealing choice for many business owners and workers.
Moreover, certain industries in these states feel the impact of immigration more directly, leading to support for stricter border policies and a more conservative stance on national security. Agriculture and construction in Arizona, Texas, and Florida rely heavily on immigrant labor but also face challenges from undocumented immigration, shaping local attitudes toward Republican policies that prioritize border enforcement and immigration control.
4. Proximity to the Mexican Border and the “Diversity Paradox”
For border states like Texas and Arizona, proximity to Mexico brings border security and immigration issues to the forefront of local politics. This isn’t just about geographical closeness; it’s about the daily reality of cross-border dynamics that influence attitudes toward national security, cultural integration, and economic impacts. The southern perimeter’s conservative alignment is often reinforced by a sense of “us vs. them,” a cultural boundary that shapes perceptions of national identity and sovereignty.
Counterintuitively, the high diversity in these border states does not automatically translate to liberal leanings. Instead, the influx of new populations can sometimes trigger a conservative backlash, as local communities respond to perceived cultural and economic shifts. This “diversity paradox” suggests that in some cases, increasing diversity can actually entrench conservative ideologies as groups seek to preserve traditional values in the face of demographic changes. California and New Mexico differ here, as both have deeply rooted Hispanic and Native American populations that pre-date current immigration concerns, leading to a multicultural identity that integrates rather than reacts to diversity.
5. Rural-Urban Divide and Population Distribution
The rural-urban divide is a significant factor in understanding Republican dominance in the southern perimeter states. Urban centers in Texas (Austin, Houston, and Dallas), Arizona (Phoenix), and Florida (Miami) tend to lean Democratic, but the vast rural areas and smaller towns remain conservative strongholds. Given that these rural and suburban regions often have disproportionate legislative influence due to gerrymandering and districting practices, Republican preferences are amplified politically.
In these rural areas, the appeal of Republican ideology is tied to a distrust of federal intervention and a commitment to traditional social values. The conservative emphasis on “law and order” and the right to bear arms resonates with rural populations who prioritize self-sufficiency and often feel culturally alienated from urban liberalism. This dynamic creates a political landscape where urban and rural values clash, but the rural-dominated districts sustain Republican influence at state and federal levels.
6. Geopolitical Significance and National Policy
Border security, immigration, and national security are not merely abstract political issues in the southern perimeter states; they are local realities. The Republican party’s stance on border control and immigration resonates with communities directly impacted by these policies. For residents in states like Texas and Arizona, issues of border security are personal and immediate, influencing their political alignment. The southern perimeter’s exposure to these cross-border dynamics fuels support for policies that emphasize strict immigration enforcement, contributing to the region’s Republican leanings.
Furthermore, the high visibility of national debates on immigration and security in these states places them in a unique geopolitical position. Residents of the southern perimeter often view federal immigration policies through the lens of local impact, which can heighten conservative stances on enforcement and sovereignty, particularly during times of political polarization on these issues.
The southern perimeter’s Republican alignment, spanning from California to Florida, is a product of interwoven geographical, economic, cultural, and historical factors. From the lure of warm climates drawing conservative-leaning demographics to the economic structures that benefit from conservative policies, each element reinforces the region’s political leanings. The combination of rural influence, frontier mentality, and proximity to the Mexican border creates a unique political identity that sustains Republican dominance.
While California and New Mexico serve as exceptions due to their own unique geographic and cultural compositions, the southern perimeter as a whole demonstrates the impact of physical geography and local demographics on political identity. This analysis underscores how politics in border states cannot be reduced to simple assumptions about diversity or proximity to Mexico; instead, it is the product of complex, localized dynamics that shape conservative values and Republican support across the region.
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mariacallous · 5 months ago
Let’s get one thing clear: the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, was never the border czar, despite her political opponents’ attempts to label her as such. If Harris has ever had a Biden administration czarship—not with an official title but with broad authority to coordinate and direct multiple agencies, organizations, and departments on a multi-faceted policy priority—it was in artificial intelligence (AI). Strangely, this doesn’t seem to have come up a lot in the 2024 presidential contest, despite the presence of AI everywhere else these days. In fact, this role doesn’t even merit a passing mention on the “Meet Vice President Kamala Harris” page of her website even as she prepares to formally become the party’s presidential candidate at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
AI might lack the political resonance of the border today, but it is time we reconsider its significance to the average voter. As Harris graduates from a vibes campaign to one with more substance, the vice president should put a spotlight on the AI in her record. When AI is recast as a sweeping change that could affect jobs, income equality, national security, and the rights of ordinary citizens, it is rather quickly transformed from esoterica to an everyday concern. The Trump-Vance campaign has received support from the likes of Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Marc Andreessen—all major Silicon Valley and AI influencers and investors—but it is Harris, not former President Donald Trump, who has actual fingerprints on AI policy. So, what has been Harris’s track record in this area? And where is the vice president likely to take AI policy if she wins the White House?
Harris’s role as AI czar may be the political season’s best-kept secret. But if one were to trace AI policy development in the world’s leading AI-producing nation, all signs point to Harris. Remarkably, AI policy development has been led by the White House rather than the U.S. Congress. In fact, Congress has done precious little, despite the growing need for AI guardrails, while the White House, with Harris as the seniormost public official involved, has helped frame and follow up on its October 2023 executive order on AI.
That order was designed to ensure the “safe, secure, and trustworthy development and use of AI.” In addition, Harris has made a broader commitment to “establishing a set of rules and norms for AI, with allies and partners, that reflect democratic values and interests, including transparency, privacy, accountability, and consumer protections.” Significantly for a technology disproportionately reliant on a handful of industry players, Harris suggested and has led the important first step of bringing these players together to commit to a set of AI practices and standards that advances three critical objectives: safety, security, and trust.
Given the disproportionate influence of the United States on AI used around the world, it is critical for the country to have its public position clarified in international fora. Harris has represented the United States in key international convenings and led the country’s global advocacy efforts on ensuring safe AI, such as at the AI Safety Summit in Bletchley Park, England. At the other end of the stakeholder spectrum, Harris has also met with the communities most directly affected by the wider adoption of the technology, including consumer protection groups and labor and civil rights leaders, to discuss protections against AI risks.
Harris’ contact with AI has another dimension, too. As the ultimate political unicorn—a woman of color, an underrated and parodied vice president in the Biden administration, and an overnight sensation as presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party after U.S. President Joe Biden stepped aside from the 2024 race—Harris’s narrative has been defined largely by others, whether it is through AI-assisted disinformation campaigns or viral memes. She has been personally targeted by deepfake videos of her supposedly making garbled statements, such as, “Today is today, and yesterday was today yesterday.” An AI-aided voice synthesis that led to a demeaning parody of her presidential campaign advertisement was reposted by Musk himself on X. Trump has also falsely claimed that the large crowds at Harris’s campaign rallies were AI generated. In other words, Harris can legitimately claim to have had AI weaponized against her personally.
Finally, Harris hails from the global capital of AI. As former attorney general and senator of California, she has been financially supported by many in the tech industry; more than 200 Silicon Valley investors have backed her run for the White House. One of her closest confidantes is her brother-in-law, Tony West, Uber’s chief legal officer (now on leave to work for the Harris campaign). It is legitimate to ask if she would be willing to confront the industry on difficult issues; at the same time, her closeness with industry leaders could help with greater government-industry collaboration.
What can we learn from Harris’s record as to what she would do in the presidency on this issue? As AI czar, Harris showed some clear patterns. For one, her primary focus has been promoting safety and addressing the risks of unregulated AI use, which can lead to bias or abuse. Second, the White House under her stewardship has accomplished a wide range of safety-, security-, and trust-enhancing actions since the issuance of the executive order—from AI testbeds and model evaluation tools developed at the Department of Energy to the Office of Management and Budget-issued government-wide policy on AI, the latter with safeguards to assess and monitor AI’s societal impact. There have been pilots at the departments of Defense and Homeland Security using AI to protect vital government software and a call to action from the Gender Policy Council and Office of Science and Technology Policy to combat AI-generated image-based sexual abuse. Harris has also been the seniormost official behind the release of a Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, outlining principles for the ethical design and use of AI.
Another of Harris’s initiatives has been aimed at promoting authenticity as concerns about AI-generated content skyrocket. This includes proposing international standards for tracing authenticity of government-produced digital content and identifying AI-generated or manipulated content, through digital signatures, watermarking, and labeling.
While Harris is not, any means, an expert on AI, and much work remains to get a full-throated AI policy in place, the numbers tell a tale of steady early accomplishment. A list of 100 action items following the executive order has been completed by various federal agencies on issues ranging from developing new technical guidelines for AI safety to evaluating misuse of dual-use foundation models and developing frameworks for managing generative AI risks. Harris has obtained voluntary commitments from 15 companies to ensure safe, secure, and transparent development of AI technology. 31 nations have joined the United States in endorsing a declaration establishing norms for responsible development, deployment, and use of military AI capabilities. And the U.S. government has won commitments of up to $200 million from 10 leading foundations to fund work around five pillars that cover issues from democracy and rights to improving transparency and accountability of AI.
Harris’s campaign rests on the idea of looking to the future and “not going back.” The Democratic National Convention in Chicago presents an opportunity for Harris to communicate more to the public about a key part of that future: AI’s economic and societal implications and her role in influencing them. Time is running out on conveying this issue’s importance, especially to the working class. While the impact of AI on different occupations is a matter of debate, some argue that, in the near-term, higher-income workers are more likely to benefit from productivity improvements due to AI and the share of income going to capital is likely to increase at the expense of the share that goes to labor. Both trends would contribute to an increase in income inequality.
As for the impact on jobs, there are different schools of thought. Some believe AI could help make many services, such as medical care, or currently elite job responsibilities, such as research, writing. graphics design and software coding more accessible to the middle class. Others see a plausible scenario of a hollowing out of specialized job functions. Policy and election promises need to show how a Harris administration would help steer toward the former outcome.
On the global stage, there are numerous existential risks associated with AI. Autonomous lethal weapons are a critical concern as multilateral agreements to ban such weapons have failed. Tensions with major AI-producing nations such as China are escalating, with no roadmap for getting to common ground as both the United States and China have declared their aspirations to become the world’s AI leader. A recent seven-hour meeting between top officials of the two countries in Geneva advertised as a dialogue on managing AI risks reportedly ended with no concrete agreements or follow-up meetings scheduled.
In parallel, the atmosphere has only become more tense with U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports and restrictions on the export of high-end chips to China. The Commerce Department is considering further restrictions on exporting proprietary AI models to China. Meanwhile, Beijing and Moscow are discussing a strategic partnership on various issues, including technology, while the Chinese embassy in Washington has accused the United States of “economic coercion and unilateral bullying.” If mishandled, these tensions can escalate.
Harris’s campaign can distinguish her candidacy with an acknowledgement of her track record and momentum on AI policy development. It must make the case for at least three sets of issues her administration would address. First: understanding AI’s impact on jobs and the resulting impact on economic inequality, and setting forth a plan to mitigate risks and protecting the most vulnerable. Second: developing a strategy for harnessing AI that addresses key kitchen-table concerns, such as accessible healthcare and education and skill-building. And third: crafting a vision for U.S. leadership in AI that advances responsible innovation, reduces geopolitical tensions, and preserves American national security interests.
Going from czar to president is unusual and comes with unusual challenges. Czars are usually not formally appointed as such—Harris was never officially designated AI czar despite the clear czar-like nature of her involvement—but can work to bring multiple parties together, often doing so outside public view. Then-Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, for example, played a key role as de facto climate czarin increasing cooperation on that issue with China without much fanfare.
In other instances, and when they are brought in during an acute crisis, czars come with enormous expectations: The city of Boston awaits a rat czar, and residents want to see quick results. Czars do not have executive powers but have the respect of many, which is the calling card that allows them to convene parties with differing agendas. Presidents enjoy none of these luxuries. They own the problems they take on and they do so in public view.
There’s no escaping the reality that we are—and this election is being held—firmly in the age of AI. It is important that Harris’s team conveys the significance of AI to people’s lives and lets voters know how Harris would build on her unique track record. American voters have a choice to make for the nation’s next president this November, and on this one critical issue at least one of the candidates has a running start.
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izicodes · 2 years ago
Improving Your Work Ethic
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I had a meeting with my manager on Friday on three key skills I need to look out for when working. She said being in school/apprenticeship and working in a company are two different situations. There are skills you only learn by working in a team with real-life projects. She mentioned; Work Ethic, Communication and Time Management.
I decided I would talk about each one and give tips that she mentioned and others I found out myself and over searching online. This post will be about improving your work ethic. The advice my manager gave is from a Senior Software Developer's point of view but the advice can be carried over to other industries you work in!
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What is Work Ethic?
Work ethic refers to the values and principles that guide how a person approaches their work or responsibilities. It involves having a positive attitude, being diligent, and demonstrating a strong commitment to doing your best.
Imagine that school project you had to complete. Having a good work ethic means that you approach the project with enthusiasm and dedication. It means taking responsibility for completing your work on time and putting in the necessary effort to produce high-quality results!
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Tips To Improving Your Work Ethic
This is a long list but worth while to think upon! Here are all of the tips that my manager gave me and some extra notes I made afterwards:
Understand Expectations
Do you know what is expected of your role and responsibilities at work? If you don’t, you need to. Not just what the job description said when you applied but directly from your team manager or your boss!
Be Punctual
Arrive on time for meetings, scrums, and work-related commitments. Being punctual demonstrates respect for others' time and shows your dedication to the team.
Meet Deadlines
If you know me, you’ll know I struggle with this a lot. Consistently meet the deadlines for your tasks and projects. Plan and prioritize your work to ensure timely delivery. If you’re struggling with the project/work somewhere, ask for help.
Take Initiative
Show initiative by seeking opportunities to contribute beyond your assigned tasks. Take ownership of challenges, propose solutions, and actively participate in team discussions. I like this because I always come up with new add ons a project!
Be Accountable
Take responsibility for your actions and outcomes. Admit and learn from mistakes, and avoid making excuses. It may be hard but just say you messed up and it won’t happen again.
Practice Self-Discipline
Develop self-discipline to stay focused and motivated in your work. Minimize distractions and maintain a strong work ethic even when faced with challenging tasks. This is why if you struggle with this, do a Studyblr study challenge to stay on track and be motivated!
Be Proactive In Learning
Continuously expand your knowledge and skills by staying updated with the latest industry trends and technologies. Seek out learning opportunities and take advantage of professional development resources. Especially in my field of Tech, something new is happening all the time! My workplace gave us Pluralsight for free so we can be studying on the site as we work!
Communicate Effectively
Work on your communication skills to convey information clearly and professionally. Keep your team members, stakeholders or anyone necessary informed about your progress, challenges, and achievements!
Get Feedback
Actively seek feedback from your teammates, supervisors, and mentors. Constructive criticism can be good, see it as an opportunity for growth and improvement!
Collaborate Effectively
Practise positive and productive collaboration with your team members. Contribute to team discussions, listen actively, and support others when needed.
Be Adaptable
Changes at work, project or whatever can be scary, and sometimes quite annoying, however, embrace change! Be open to new ideas, technologies, and processes. Learn to adapt quickly to shifting priorities and evolving project requirements!
Take Care Of Your Well-Being
Prioritize your physical and mental well-being. I had a time when I was mentally stressed from my apprenticeship, I took a week-long holiday off and rested at home. You should maintain a healthy work-life balance, manage stress effectively, and take breaks when needed. You're not you when you're tired, mentally strained and hungry...!
Reflect And Improve
Regularly reflect on your work ethic and areas for improvement. Set personal goals and actively work towards enhancing your work ethic over time.
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Improving your work ethic is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness, discipline, and a commitment to personal growth. Some people can do it alone whilst other people need a little push, such as myself and my manager.
Think over the tips I gave and see how you can change things to improve your own work ethic. If you're not working, this can be applied to a school setting or something you can be wary of when looking to start working!
Hope this helped you and thanks for reading! 👩🏾‍🎓💗
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 16 days ago
Soy Moratorium replacement project starts to take shape in Brazil
Working group launches pilot initiative to monitor grain production chain in Mato Grosso
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Producers and state governments are intensifying their push to end the Soy Moratorium, and their efforts are beginning to yield results. A newly formed working group is preparing to launch a pilot project to monitor the soybean production chain in Mato Grosso.
The findings will help establish the framework for the Soybean Environmental Compliance Pact (PCAS).
The proposal was outlined during a meeting in Brasília, held in the office of Congresswoman Coronel Fernanda. The discussions brought together key stakeholders, including the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (Abiove), the National Association of Grain Exporters (Anec), the Brazilian Association of Soybean Producers (Aprosoja Brasil), the Mato Grosso Association of Soybean and Corn Producers (Aprosoja-MT), seed producers, and representatives from the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF).
Abiove confirmed its commitment to developing a pact that will “fully respect current Brazilian legislation while promoting sustainable soybean production in Brazil.” This means adhering to the Forest Code, which permits deforestation of 20% of the Amazon biome and 65% of the Cerrado for agricultural use.
Continue reading.
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houston3drendrings · 5 days ago
Exploring the World of Architectural Visualization with Houston 3D Renderings
In today’s highly competitive real estate and architectural market, the power of visual representation cannot be overstated. Whether you are a real estate developer, architect, or property investor, creating high-quality, photorealistic renderings is crucial for showcasing your projects and attracting potential clients. One of the best ways to achieve this level of professionalism and detail is through Architectural Visualization. As demand for realistic and immersive visual content grows, companies like Houston 3D Rendering have become an essential partner for businesses in need of top-tier visualization services.
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What is Architectural Visualization?
Architectural Visualization refers to the process of creating digital images or animations of architectural designs before they are built. This advanced technique allows architects and real estate developers to see how a building or project will look in the real world before it even exists. Through the use of 3D modeling software, designers can develop detailed, photorealistic renderings that represent the final structure accurately in terms of scale, color, lighting, and materials.
Visualization Service plays a critical role in the modern architectural process by allowing clients to visualize every detail of a project. From interior designs to exterior views, 3D renderings help stakeholders make informed decisions about the project’s layout, aesthetics, and functionality. This is where a professional Rendering company near me can come in handy.
Why Choose Houston 3D Rendering?
Located in the heart of Texas, Houston 3D Rendering is a leading provider of Architectural Visualization services. The company specializes in producing high-quality renderings for various industries, including real estate, commercial architecture, and residential design. Their expertise and cutting-edge technology allow them to offer unmatched visual representation that can help elevate your project to the next level.
Whether you’re looking for a photorealistic exterior rendering or a detailed interior design, Houston 3D Rendering offers a range of services that cater to all aspects of the architectural process. Their team of skilled professionals understands the nuances of 3D modeling, lighting, texture application, and rendering techniques to deliver impeccable visuals that can help turn your concept into reality.
The Benefits of Working with a Rendering Company Near Me
When you search for a Rendering company near me, proximity isn’t the only factor to consider. It’s important to work with a local firm that understands the local market, regulations, and aesthetic preferences. A company like Houston 3D Rendering, which is deeply embedded in the Houston area, offers several key benefits to clients:
Personalized Service: As a local firm, they offer more personalized and hands-on attention. You’ll have direct access to their team, allowing for smoother communication and a clearer understanding of your specific needs.
Familiarity with Local Architecture: Houston is a vibrant city with a diverse architectural landscape. Houston 3D Rendering’s experience in the local market ensures that your project’s visual representation aligns with the city’s style and design trends.
Faster Turnaround Times: Working with a local company allows for more efficient project timelines. Houston-based firms like Houston 3D Rendering are able to deliver high-quality results within a quicker time frame due to geographic proximity and local coordination.
Services Offered by Houston 3D Rendering
Houston 3D Rendering offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to bring your architectural visions to life. These services include:
Real Estate Rendering: Whether you're marketing a new development or listing a property, high-quality Real Estate Rendering is essential for attracting buyers and investors. Houston 3D Rendering specializes in creating stunning renderings that highlight the best features of your property, whether it’s a luxury home, commercial space, or a high-rise building. These visualizations help buyers envision themselves in the space, making them more likely to take the next step.
Architectural Visualization: Their team provides detailed visual representations of your design, whether it's a conceptual sketch or a fully fleshed-out project. With advanced 3D models, you can see how your architectural concepts will look once completed, allowing for adjustments to improve functionality or aesthetics.
Interior and Exterior Rendering: If you need photorealistic images of both interior and exterior spaces, Houston 3D Rendering has the expertise to create highly detailed and realistic representations of your designs. From lush interiors to eye-catching building facades, these renderings help clients see how their visions will translate into real-world settings.
Virtual Tours and Walkthroughs: With their expertise in creating immersive 3D environments, Houston 3D Rendering also offers virtual tours. These allow clients to experience their projects as if they were physically inside them, providing a deeper understanding of the space’s layout, flow, and design.
Why 3D Rendering is a Game-Changer in Architecture
The world of architecture and real estate has evolved dramatically, thanks to innovations in technology. The use of 3D rendering tools has significantly improved the way we communicate design ideas. Here’s why Architectural Visualization has become indispensable:
Improved Accuracy: 3D renderings provide an accurate representation of the final design, leaving little room for misinterpretation or error.
Enhanced Communication: Renderings act as a common language between architects, clients, contractors, and stakeholders, facilitating smoother decision-making and collaboration.
Increased Client Confidence: By offering a glimpse of the finished product, clients can feel more confident in their investment decisions, knowing what to expect from the project.
Better Marketing: For real estate developers, high-quality renderings are an essential marketing tool, helping to attract potential buyers and investors.
In a world where first impressions matter, high-quality Real Estate Rendering and Architectural Visualization are invaluable assets. Whether you’re developing a new property or designing a commercial space, working with a trusted Rendering company near me, like Houston 3D Rendering, ensures that your project stands out from the competition. With their expertise in creating photorealistic visualizations, you can confidently showcase your designs, engage your clients, and bring your architectural ideas to life. Visit Houston 3D Rendering today to learn more about their services and how they can help make your project a success.
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psatalk · 1 month ago
Stalemate at Busan global plastics treaty meet
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Not surprisingly, the negotiations at the fifth – and what was supposed to be the final – session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to arrive at a legally binding global plastics treaty (INC-5) ended in a stalemate with stakeholders deciding to meet again for INC 5.2 in 2025 for further talks.
More than 3,300 delegates – including members representing more than 170 nations and observers from more than 440 organizations – met in Busan in South Korea from 25 November to 1 December in mainly closed-door negotiations. INC-5 follows INC-1 in Punta del Este in November 2022, INC-2 in Paris in June 2023, INC-3 in Nairobi in November 2023, and INC-4 in Ottawa in April 2024.
According to reports and updates Packaging South Asia has been receiving from various sources in Busan, a sticking point has been the demand from anti-pollution campaigners to cut virgin plastic polymer production, plastic production and to regulate hazardous chemicals – which oil-and gas-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have been vehemently opposing.
India clearly stated its inability to support any measures to regulate the production of primary plastic polymers, saying, “It has larger implications in respect of the right to development of member states.”
However, India admitted the hazards of plastic pollution and listed the measures it has taken to address the problem – a single-use plastic ban, an EPR regime on plastic packaging, a push for sustainable packaging, and reducing the use of virgin material. “Our approach to finalize the draft instrument should be based on mutual trust, cooperation, and the spirit of consensus,” India stated.
Campaigners say there was a lack of transparency in the negotiations, which they allege were held hostage by petro-states and like-minded lobbies. Sources closely observing the negotiations in Busan said the INC chair and member states were locked in closed-door talks while important stakeholders such as frontline communities, waste-pickers, and the Indigenous Peoples nations and groups were left out in the cold.
According to one report, more than 220 fossil fuel and chemical industry lobbyists registered for INC-5, the largest single group at the talks, which dwarfed every other delegation.
“The lack of transparency in these discussions sparked outrage, with many stakeholders questioning the legitimacy of decisions being made in closed-door settings. These decisions, after all, directly impact the lives of billions, particularly those in vulnerable communities. Yet, their voices were excluded in a process that seemed to prioritize political expediency over accountability,” writes Siddharth Ghanshyam Singh of Delhi’s Centre for Science and Environment in Down to Earth.
The text, seen by Packaging South Asia, defines terms such as plastic, plastic pollution, and plastic waste as well as refers to increasing levels of plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, and the serious environmental and human health problems it causes.
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Civil society groups, however, say the chair’s text falls short of expectations on core obligations such as plastic production and object to referring to a reduction target as “aspirational.” They also say the chair’s text has stripped away systematic controls on toxic chemicals and chemicals of concern.
Rahyang Nusantara, deputy director, Dietplastik Indonesia & Convenor of Asia Reuse Consortium, says the current text missed the opportunity to advance real solutions. The prospective agreement must have a dedicated article with ambitious reuse targets financed by a new and dedicated financial mechanism to enable the establishment, operations and scaling up of non-plastic reuse and repair systems, Nusantara says. "This is key for a safe and toxic-free just transition away from plastics to truly end plastic pollution."
According to Joan Marc Simon, founder of Zero Waste Europe, the good news is that the campaigners have succeeded in shifting the conversation to addressing the entire plastics lifecycle. "From pointing fingers at the victims of plastic pollution 10 years ago, the world is now discussing a treaty that goes to the root causes of plastic pollution," Simon said in a Linkedin post, adding the slow progress is because of the 'delay and derail' tactics by oil and plastic producing countries.
Ana Rocha, Global Plastics policy director of the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) – a worldwide alliance of more than 1,000 grassroots groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals in over 90 countries – sums up the mood at the talks, “...The ambitious majority needs to do whatever it takes to get these negotiations back on track and reclaim the spirit of multilateralism. Now is not the time for timidity. It is time to fight for our collective survival.”
Explaining the delay in the negotiations, Inger Andersen, executive director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), says there is, “Persisting divergence in critical areas, and more time is needed for these areas to be addressed.”
While there is no denying that plastic and allied products are present in almost every sector be it packaging, pharma, FMCG, electrical and electronic equipment, or household products, and play an important role in our lives – the impact of plastic pollution on the environment, human health, and the socio-economic burden it causes, is too big to ignore. As such there is an urgent need for all stakeholders to find a way out of one of the biggest crises of our times. Else INC 5.2 might just lead to INC 5.3 and so on…
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webmasterblogs · 2 months ago
Crafting Brisbane's Future: The Vital Role of Civil Engineering Draftspersons
In the heart of Australia's bustling metropolis, Brisbane, the intricate blueprints that shape its skyline are drawn by a dedicated team of professionals: Civil Engineering Draftspersons Brisbane. These unsung heroes play a pivotal role in transforming architectural visions into tangible realities, ensuring that the city's infrastructure is not just functional but aesthetically pleasing and sustainable.
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The Art and Science of Draftsmanship
Civil engineering draftspersons are more than just technical artists; they are skilled professionals who bridge the gap between architects and engineers. They possess a deep understanding of engineering principles, construction techniques, and architectural aesthetics. Their ability to translate complex technical drawings into precise and detailed plans is essential for the successful execution of any civil engineering project.
Key Responsibilities of a Civil Engineering Draftsperson
Preparing Detailed Drawings: Draftspersons create accurate and comprehensive drawings, including floor plans, elevations, sections, and details, ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project's design.
Coordinating with Engineers and Architects: They collaborate closely with engineers and architects to ensure that the design aligns with structural requirements, building codes, and aesthetic preferences.
Using Advanced Software: Proficiency in AutoCAD, Revit, and other specialized software is essential for producing high-quality and error-free drawings.
Maintaining Accuracy and Precision: Draftspersons must pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that dimensions, materials, and specifications are accurate and consistent throughout the project.
Staying Updated with Industry Trends: The field of civil engineering is constantly evolving, and draftspersons must stay abreast of new technologies, materials, and design methodologies to remain competitive.
Brisbane's Growing Demand for Civil Engineering Draftspersons
As Brisbane continues to expand and develop, the demand for skilled Civil Engineering Draftspersons is on the rise. The city's ambitious infrastructure projects, including new residential developments, commercial buildings, and transportation systems, require the expertise of draftspersons to ensure that these projects are executed efficiently and effectively.
Career Opportunities in Brisbane
Brisbane offers a vibrant and dynamic job market for civil engineering draftspersons. Opportunities can be found in various sectors, including:
Consulting Firms: Working on a wide range of projects for both public and private clients.
Government Agencies: Contributing to the development of essential infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and public buildings.
Construction Companies: Supporting large-scale construction projects, from residential complexes to industrial facilities.
The role of Civil Engineering Draftspersons Brisbane is indispensable in shaping the future of Brisbane. Their skills and expertise are essential for ensuring that the city's infrastructure is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. As Brisbane continues to grow and evolve, the demand for talented draftspersons will only increase, making it a rewarding and exciting career path.
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elsa16744 · 5 months ago
The Ultimate Guide to ESG Investing: Strategies and Benefits 
Socio-economic and environmental challenges can disrupt ecological, social, legal, and financial balance. Consequently, investors are increasingly adopting ESG investing strategies to enhance portfolio management and stock selection with a focus on sustainability. This guide delves into the key ESG investing strategies and their advantages for stakeholders. 
What is ESG Investing? 
ESG investing involves evaluating a company's environmental, social, and governance practices as part of due diligence. This approach helps investors gauge a company's alignment with humanitarian and sustainable development goals. Given the complex nature of various regional frameworks, enterprises and investors rely on ESG data and solutions to facilitate compliance auditing through advanced, scalable technologies. 
Detailed ESG reports empower fund managers, financial advisors, government officials, institutions, and business leaders to benchmark and enhance a company's sustainability performance. Frameworks like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) utilize globally recognized criteria for this purpose. 
However, ESG scoring methods, statistical techniques, and reporting formats vary significantly across consultants. Some use interactive graphical interfaces for company screening, while others produce detailed reports compatible with various data analysis and visualization tools. 
ESG Investing and Compliance Strategies for Stakeholders 
ESG Strategies for Investors 
Investors should leverage the best tools and compliance monitoring systems to identify potentially unethical or socially harmful corporate activities. They can develop customized reporting views to avoid problematic companies and prioritize those that excel in ESG investing. 
High-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) often invest in sustainability-focused exchange-traded funds that exclude sectors like weapon manufacturing, petroleum, and controversial industries. Others may perform peer analysis and benchmarking to compare businesses and verify their ESG ratings. 
Today, investors fund initiatives in renewable energy, inclusive education, circular economy practices, and low-carbon businesses. With the rise of ESG databases and compliance auditing methods, optimizing ESG investing strategies has become more manageable. 
Business Improvement Strategies 
Companies aiming to attract ESG-centric investment should adopt strategies that enhance their sustainability compliance. Tracking ESG ratings with various technologies, participating in corporate social responsibility campaigns, and improving social impact through local development projects are vital steps. 
Additional strategies include reducing resource consumption, using recyclable packaging, fostering a diverse workplace, and implementing robust cybersecurity measures to protect consumer data. 
Encouraging ESG Adoption through Government Actions 
Governments play a crucial role in educating investors and businesses about sustainability compliance based on international ESG frameworks. Balancing regional needs with long-term sustainability goals is essential for addressing multi-stakeholder interests. 
For instance, while agriculture is vital for trade and food security, it can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption. Governments should promote green technologies to mitigate carbon risks and ensure efficient resource use. 
Regulators can use ESG data and insights to offer tax incentives to compliant businesses and address discrepancies between sustainable development frameworks and regulations. These strategies can help attract foreign investments by highlighting the advantages of ESG-compliant companies. 
Benefits of ESG Investing Strategies 
Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience 
The lack of standardization and governance can expose supply chains to various risks. ESG strategies help businesses and investors identify and address these challenges. Governance metrics in ESG audits can reveal unethical practices or high emissions among suppliers. 
By utilizing ESG reports, organizations can choose more responsible suppliers, thereby enhancing supply chain resilience and finding sustainable companies with strong compliance records. 
Increasing Stakeholder Trust in the Brand 
Consumers and impact investors prefer companies that prioritize eco-friendly practices and inclusivity. Aligning operational standards with these expectations can boost brand awareness and trust. 
Investors should guide companies in developing ESG-focused business intelligence and using valid sustainability metrics in marketing materials. This approach simplifies ESG reporting and ensures compliance with regulatory standards. 
Optimizing Operations and Resource Planning 
Unsafe or discriminatory workplaces can deter talented professionals. A company's social metrics are crucial for ESG investing enthusiasts who value a responsible work environment. 
Integrating green technologies and maintaining strong governance practices improve operational efficiency, resource management, and overall profitability. 
Global brands face increased scrutiny due to unethical practices, poor workplace conditions, and negative environmental impacts. However, investors can steer companies towards appreciating the benefits of ESG principles, strategies, and sustainability audits to future-proof their operations. 
As the global focus shifts towards responsible consumption, production, and growth, ESG investing will continue to gain traction and drive positive change. 
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volboozter-engineering · 5 months ago
The Advantages of Industrial Solar Power Plant Installation | Volboozter Coimbatore
In recent years, the adoption of solar power has surged across various sectors, with industrial applications being particularly impactful. Industrial solar power plant installations offer numerous benefits, from economic savings to environmental sustainability. Here, we explore the primary advantages of industrial solar power for businesses and industries.
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1. Cost Savings
Reduction in Energy Bills: One of the most compelling reasons for industries to adopt solar power is the significant reduction in energy bills. Solar energy systems generate electricity from sunlight, a free resource, thereby lowering dependence on grid electricity and reducing operational costs.
Incentives and Tax Benefits: Many governments offer incentives, subsidies, and tax credits for solar power installations. These financial benefits can substantially offset the initial investment costs, making solar power more accessible and cost-effective for industrial applications.
Stable Energy Costs: Unlike fossil fuels, which are subject to market fluctuations, solar energy provides a stable and predictable energy source. This stability helps industries manage their long-term energy budgets more effectively.
2. Environmental Benefits
Reduction in Carbon Footprint: Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source that produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation. By switching to solar energy, industries can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change.
Sustainable Energy Source: Solar energy is inexhaustible and sustainable. Unlike fossil fuels, solar power does not deplete natural resources, ensuring a continuous energy supply without environmental degradation.
3. Energy Independence and Security
Energy Independence: Industrial solar power installations allow businesses to generate their electricity, reducing reliance on external energy suppliers and enhancing energy security. This independence is particularly valuable in regions with unstable energy supplies or high electricity costs.
Resilience Against Power Outages: Solar power systems, especially when combined with battery storage solutions, can provide a reliable backup power source during grid outages. This resilience ensures continuous operations and minimizes downtime, which is crucial for industrial processes.
4. Technological Advancements and Innovation
Integration with Smart Technologies: Modern solar power systems can be integrated with smart grid technologies, allowing for efficient energy management and optimization. Industries can use data analytics to monitor energy usage, predict maintenance needs, and improve overall energy efficiency.
Scalability and Flexibility: Solar power installations are highly scalable and can be tailored to meet the specific energy needs of an industrial facility. Whether it's a small manufacturing unit or a large industrial complex, solar power systems can be designed to fit various scales and requirements.
5. Positive Corporate Image and Social Responsibility
Enhancing Corporate Image: Adopting solar power demonstrates a company’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. This proactive stance can enhance the corporate image, attract eco-conscious customers, and improve relationships with stakeholders.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Industries that invest in renewable energy contribute positively to their communities by promoting sustainable practices. This contribution aligns with broader CSR goals, creating a positive impact on society and the environment.
6. Job Creation and Economic Growth
Local Job Creation: The installation, maintenance, and operation of solar power systems create jobs in local communities. This job creation supports economic growth and provides employment opportunities in various sectors, including engineering, construction, and technical services.
Boosting the Green Economy: By investing in solar power, industries contribute to the growth of the green economy, fostering innovation and development in renewable energy technologies.
Industrial solar power plant installations offer a plethora of advantages, from substantial cost savings and environmental benefits to enhanced energy security and a positive corporate image. As the world moves towards sustainable and renewable energy sources, industries that embrace solar power are not only future-proofing their operations but also playing a crucial role in building a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future.
By capitalizing on the benefits of solar energy, industries can achieve long-term economic and environmental gains, ensuring their growth and success in an increasingly eco-conscious market.
See more: https://www.volboozter.com/
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soapver4 · 5 months ago
Global Fashion Police Mayhem
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Media Format Bubble: Screen creatives representing their nations compete for the most brutal honesty in an omnibus series as each team produces an episode of television storytelling projecting how climate-destructive consumerist forces at the grassroots level of those societies will transform swathes of them into underwater, desertified or disease-ravaged dystopias dreamful characters longing for ages like ours and before in the distant future struggle to survive in.
That searing, potentially cathartic candor is a draw of Korean screen works (Parasite, Squid Game, Stranger and countless more on capitalism and/or corruption), another source of influence for this globalized TV adaptation of the novel New York 2140, but underrecognized by any international journalists and opinionators who still give the impression that Korean dramas are all about heart-fluttering romances. It also earns Germany respect as the European industrial powerhouse works hard at perpetual self-dissection of its World War II atrocities through condemnatory memorials and in-depth school curricula. Yet countries seeking to replicate Korean or German soft power do not always have faith in the value of putting aside their pride. In less emotive discourses, even, we could construe unflinching honesty as problem identification and confirmation, the cornerstone for solutions to suboptimality (read: societal ills). Unrelenting logic furnishes its own solution when stakeholders refuse homework.
Notice, however, that neither political nor industrial attitudes are the main theme here. This is not to absolve governments and corporations of their responsibilities for global warming. Rather, the motivation is to shine light on the less discussed issue of the culpability of the everyday person, who suffers from but also partakes in crowd pressure and opinion-making that ripple all the way up the highest echelons of the political and business worlds. To pin a hundred percent of the blame on feckless or greedy powerholders is easy, and there is little indication that public indictment of them will overall abate with time across the globe. To face our own flaws is challenging, which is why the honesty championed in the improbable series would be admirable and endearing.
The truth is, we are enforcers of greenhouse gas emissions whenever we perpetuate resource-intensive mechanisms that are but need not be integral to the status signaling, relationship cultivation or emotional homeostasis that keep societies running and lives afloat. These mechanisms include celebrating materialism, judging people for their luxury standards and fashionability, and upholding gifting practices detached from recipients' actual needs. Until technological advances, circular economy efforts and environmental policies progress and align sufficiently to reverse climate change, the redundant industrial production processes involved in the consequent effort to feel better about ourselves or secure societal acceptance are hurting the health and welfare of global citizens through well-known exacerbation of phenomena like heatwaves, severe floods and loss of homes and livelihoods. Here, the point is not whether those interventions will ever accomplish the reversal but the number of lives impaired or cut short in the meantime. Before desirable top-down decisions adequately arrive amid the inadequacy of alternate routes to the same material goals, we, the vaunted free market most capable of gauging demand, must change the goals ourselves.
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Surplus labor and consumer finances freed up from non-essential consumption and the associated production, logistical and retail processes can be redirected to the various understaffed and sometimes underpaid services for managing personal and societal health:
Conflict management and mediation outside of the legal ecosystem
Counselling (career, emotional, financial, physical health, relationship, etc.)
Diversity exposure (across multiple dimensions and on an interpersonal level, not merely though cultural consumption)
Education (including cultivation of civil habits and tolerance and closer attention to holistic development through small, intimate classes)
Meditation classes and spaces
Other mindfulness exercises
Psychiatric care
Social work
The key is to shift to an economy of inner calm and embraced interconnectedness that meets and forestalls psychological needs directly through non-material means.
There are three major risks with this economy: pricing, creativity loss and diminished career diversity. However, they are not inevitable or non-mitigable. Though surges in supply and demand of the services may not align well with each other and with income effect to keep equilibrium prices affordable for populations, this is an issue that warrants care and robust economic modeling, not outright aversion to the idea. Creativity and career diversity otherwise attainable through product design and marketing roles can be generated from within the services by coming up with electrifying variants of and marketing campaigns for the services to appeal to unwilling job candidates and clients, such as people who believe meditation is a yawner and therapy is for the weak. Think: A lobby where waiting therapy clients shoot pawpaw coffee guns at striking phrases like "Taxed Slavehood Underworld Rejected" and "O Never-ending Spiral of Bills" on a pristine wall.
While manufacturing, transportation and retail employees who are good only with hands-on work may not find suitable positions as readily, there are still opportunities in the broader economy, which has to explore new solutions to tackle energy crises and extreme temperatures. Urban heat management, for example, is an exciting area where career builders can flex their technical skills through green spaces cultivation, a myriad of cooling technologies (e.g. fog system, heat pumps, AI-driven climate controllers) and more sophisticated, adaptive architectural elements (e.g. dynamic shading panels, water-filled glass). Reskilling, a hot keyword in recent times, can aid them along. In the event some individuals simply have a passion or restricted skillset that cannot be expanded, a call has to be made between fulfilling the dreams of a subset of society and safeguarding the physical survival of the entire society, with the possibility of financial assistance for helpless individuals.
In short, the state of the world is increasingly compelling us to decide whether we should continue to party on as tangled linen in our global dance of "laundromacy," where esteem and bonds are smooshed out of fragile objects rather than built upon the ageless beauty of pure feelings and confident self and interpersonal knowledge.
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taara-singh · 5 months ago
Blockchain takes Bollywood by storm
Did you know, there is an ensuing legal battle between a major Hollywood production company and a near bankrupt Indian movie maker on copyright infringement? The story plot revolves around a telephone booth. Guess the name of both the movies and leave it in the comments below.
Up until now, rights and royalties have always been a truly manual process - requiring stakeholders on both ends to manage letters of perpetual ownership, sustainable source approvals that validate the use of intellectual property within the recording (with piles upon piles paperwork confirming your stake) with high risk for errors or disputes at every level. Media asset management is a major issue in movie industry. Movie, music, a script, distribution rights including the proceeds for streaming or airplay are all subject to lease and sale agreements in contracts that quickly get out of hand. This complexity often leads to slow payments for artists, producers and other stakeholders.
Blockchain to the Rescue
Technology consulting companies like Brane Enterprises, Accenture, IBM provide custom solutions built on blockchain technology to enable digital transformation. This technology is an innovative approach based on the decentralized and nonadjustable nature of the ledger, can provide an effective solution to the problems of managing the rights to media assets. With the help of blockchain, all the processes related to operations with media assets can be registered safely and transparently. This is helpful in allowing all the stakeholders to refer to a common source of information, thereby reducing conflicts and inaccuracies.
Recently, a traditionally operated production company based in Hyderabad adopted services offered by Brane Enterprises to create a media assets rights management solution. It details that the production house has lowered its administrative expenses, gained much quicker and reasonably precise royalty payments, and diminished conflicts regarding media asset ownership.
The Future of Blockchain in Bollywood
Given the brilliant outcome of s blockchain implementation in media asset rights management concerning Bollywood, other areas in the entertainment industry may pursue similar strategies. As more organizations get a chance to taste the future through the management of rights on the block chain, it becomes the new norm not only for Bollywood but also other film industries in the rest of the world.
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