techfoogle · 10 months
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bloggerreview · 2 years
Inalsa Inox 1000 Plus Food Processor Review
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Który procesor wybrać? Intel czy AMD?
Który procesor wybrać? Intel czy AMD?
Który procesor lepszy? Intel czy AMD Ryzen? Ułatwimy podjęcie decyzji. Od wielu lat Intel i AMD rywalizują ze sobą o palmę pierwszeństwa na rynku w kategorii procesor do komputera osobistego. Przez długi czas oczywistym faworytem był Intel deklasując wcześniejsze produkty AMD. Utarło się, że AMD są mniej wydajne, bardziej się grzeją, i są awaryjne. Sytuacja na rynku zdecydowanie poprawiła się od…
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errolluck · 2 months
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Working on concepts for my 3-headed Transformers OC, Pursuit (general name, but each head has an individual name, personality and procesor).
They are reformed Decepticons that now work with the Autobots.
Based of a motorbike I saw in real life after a hospital visit.
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mychlapci · 3 months
cannibalism can be a love language if i try hard enough
thinking about sparkeater perceptor slowly consuming brainstorm over a period of time, being so careful to keep his beloved scientist alive because he doesn't want the energon or plating to curdle and rust
i want him to lick along brainstorm's plating, long tongue snaking so tenderly between the microtransformation seams as the jet below him writhes in both pain and pleasure; nerve endings and pleasure centre conflicting over whether or not he should be aroused over the fangs dancing over his exposed protoform
perceptor rips open his cockpit at some point, basking in the beauty of brainstorm's spark as he slowly consumes every part of his partner until all that's left is the spark casing and helm
thinking about a satisfied perceptor, cradling the last bits of brainstorm as his fuel tank rumbles happily as the new spark joins his
-burnt ice anon
Ouohh... Perceptor cannot help wanting, needing to eat Brainstorm. But what little of his processor remains, unclouded by the desire to consume, can only slow down the process. He'll keep him alive for as long as he can, chipping away at Brainstorm's frame slowly, until there is nothing left but a spark-case and his helm.
Brainstorm's procesor is fuzzy, the frayed wiring sliding down his exposed spine buzzing with energy, trying to control limbs that aren't there anymore, struggling to squirm when there is no body for him to move. Brainstorm will cry slowly as Perceptor licks at him, muttering out sorry, sorry, sorry, he has to do this, he has to do this. Perceptor cannot help it. He'll have to eat his spark. He's sorry. Once he's swallowed Brainstorm's spark, at least it will remain with him. For now, forever.
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isidora567 · 5 months
A small comic of Starscream finding scraplet and wanting him as a pet.
Story under the picture.
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Starscream: GUYS!!! Look how cute he is can we keep him? PLEEEEESE!
Dreadwing: KILL IT! NOW!
Starscream: Oh please he will behave, come on!
Everyone: NOOOOOO!
Shockwave:How hard did you hit him my Lord? It appears his procesor is broken.
Update: they let him keep it as long as it's not eating anything important
@starscreamhasdied @doritooooo
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rollo-rolls · 2 months
hi! i saw you recently built yourself a new pc and as someone who is interested in building their own i was wondering what your new specs are? i have no clue how any of this works so im hoping by seeing other peoples builds i can have a better idea for mine. thanks!
Hello! So a wonderful journey is ahead of you, haha :D
These are my specs:
System: Windows 10 x64
Motherboard: MPG Z790 EDGE WIFI
Procesor: Intel 12th i7-12700KF 3.60 GHz (I heard that 13th and 14th Intels are giving people trouble)
RAM: Kingston FURY 32GB
GPU: GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4060 Ti Aero OC 16GB
SSD: 3TB (each TB on different drive... Yeah, I need a LOT of space xD)
I don't know what budget you have, but I hope you will be able to build a PC from your dreams! ♥
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Roasted Garlic and Jalapeño Hummus
A mild, Mexican-inspired smoky hummus appetizer with just a little kick on the back side.
Food procesor
Baking tray
Parchment paper (optional, just makes clean up easier)
2 15 oz cans chickpeas (almost completely drained)
1/4 cup Tahini
5-6 garlic cloves
Juice of two limes (medium) = about 6 TBSP.
2-3 jalapeños
3/4 teaspoon salt
3 TBS. Avocado Oil (olive oil also okay)
1 1/2 tsp. Ground cumin
1 tsp. Smoked paprika
Optional topping
1/2 cup pumpkin seed
1 TBS Avocado oil (or Olive oil)
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
Pinch of salt
Pinch of fresh ground black pepper
1. Preheat oven to to 425 degrees F.
2. Place jalapeños and garlic cloves (in skin) on baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Drizzle lightly with olive oil and place in oven. Roast for 9 minutes and then rotate the jalapeños. Garlic cloves may be ready at this point, and you can remove. Roast the jalapeños for another 9 minutes. When jalapeños are done, wrap then in aluminum foil to steam for about 5 minutes. This will make the skin easier to remove. Remove skin and scrape out seeds.
3. Place everything (except ingredients for the topping) in the food processor and blend until smooth.
4. Topping: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a small bowl, combine pumpkin seeds, salt, pepper, and cumin. You can use the same baking sheet/parchment paper to roast them on. Roast for 5 minutes; stir and then roast for another 5 minutes.
5. Serve with topping and small amount of avocado/olive oil drizzled over the top with vegetables, pita chips, or fruit.
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arobutchsab · 6 months
thinking about diabling the pnumatics in your legs so you can't get up and have to keep sitting there working away on your dissertation
don't worry your pretty little procesors about doing your own maintenance, I can handle that for you
such a weak little thing
ghhhhhhh.... please, make small "mistakes" and when I ask about it, tell me its nothing, knowing you just pushed me closer to totally being at your mercy. please loosen my vocal cords so I can't even protest or ask, all the words I can make have to just be tapped out by my hands. my dissertation interrupted by short typed out pleas hidden in paragraphs. soon they're pleas to make me weaker, keep tinkering with me for your own pleasure until my ability to type is nearly gone.
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stevebattle · 2 years
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Hobbybot by Allan Branch (1985), Branch & Associates, Glenorchy, Australia. "This is a robot designed especialy for the experimenter! It's a versatile, low-cost unit, which can be easily adapted or modified to suit your needs. And to make things simple a complete kit containing all of the hardware, electromechanics, micro-procesor, software in EPROM and electronic circuitry has been developed. You will be able to send your self-contained Hobbybot around the house, performing various types of behaviour, by programming it with an easy-to-use controller included in the kit. No external computer is used and no prior knowledge of computers, programming or electronics is required. If you're feeling innovative and have some adventurous ideas, the kit will provide the starting point for your own experiments in robotics. Your own specialised sensors and actuators, or even additional electronic pc boards, can be attached to the Hobbybot and interface, increasing the power of its microprocesor ‘brain’. Or the control software can be replaced by your own programs to give your Hobbybot its own ‘personality’. Again you can expand the artificial inteligence of your Hobbybot by connecting it to your personal computer.” – HOBBYBOT easy-to-build navigating robot, Electronics Today International, November 1985 (pages 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69), December 1985 (pages 78 79 80 81).
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twojtesc · 4 months
Procesor pości po kolokwium
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gunthermunch · 2 years
congrats on a new laptop, miss ai! 🥳 what are your specs now, if it's not a secret?
i5 procesor, 8 gb ram, gtx 3050, pretty lady, munch box,
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 9 months
Animatronics' built, endurance and why is Bonnie offline?
What does it take to incapasitate an animatronic?
It's fairly easy to knock down an animatronic. But it is very hard to keep one that way.
During the events of security breach, we see glamrocks being broken down by Gregory. When that hapens they lie down unconcious. But later they bounce back. The same happens when Cassie desactivates Roxanne. We see other animatronics, moving around despite being crubling husk. Monty only really has jaws, arms and torso left.
My interpretation is that they have some kind of swith that turns them off when they get damaged badly, but if nobody comes to pick them up, they just turn back on by themselves. It is either their built-in feature or result of their AIs acting in their own and just not wanting to remain turned off.
Also, the fact that Freddy's head is still talking after being separated from the body, and that Prototype Freddy's body can work without its head tells me that they have separate batteries in their body and their heads and that their personality chips are in their heads.
There must be also some separate proccesing unit in their bodies. Would explain why Freddy can be aggresive when his head is disconnected from the rest of him, why is he "not him self" sometimes. Something must be wrong with his chest-procesor. Maybe with all of the endoskeletons.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that, since Bonnie is shown beindg in seemingly better shape than Monty in Ruin, but he is inactive, both of his proccesing unit must be either damaged, missing or out of power.
Notice that he has both his chest and head got busted open.
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lady-arryn · 2 years
i just realised u said u make gifs on a NOTEBOOK???? gif GOD perhaps
Hahahaha, yeah, I've always made my gifs on notebooks 😅 It's not that bad! I only wish I had better memory/procesor, because with all the blending and different effects my computer sometimes sounds like it wants to explode when it loads gifs in photoshop 😅
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my-doru · 2 days
AMD anunță Ryzen Z2 Extreme pentru 2025: Posibil bazat pe arhitectura Strix Point
Sursa foto: ROG AMD a anunțat recent că succesorul popularului procesor Ryzen Z1 Extreme, utilizat în dispozitive precum Lenovo Legion Go, Asus ROG Ally X și Asus ROG Ally, va fi lansat la începutul anului viitor. Informațiile despre noul Z2 Extreme vin de la Jack Huynh, responsabil pentru divizia de computing și grafică a AMD. Acesta a făcut anunțul în cadrul evenimentului IFA ce are loc…
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idared-serwis · 5 days
Bateria w iPhone 16 Pro i 16 Pro Max: Dłuższa żywotność, większa wydajność
Bateria w iPhone 16 Pro i 16 Pro Max: Dłuższa żywotność, większa wydajność
Wprowadzenie na rynek iPhone 16 Pro i 16 Pro Max przynosi nie tylko większe ekrany, nowy design oraz potężny procesor A18, ale również znaczące usprawnienia w kwestii baterii. Apple, jak co roku, dokłada starań, aby poprawić wydajność energetyczną swoich urządzeń, a w modelach z serii iPhone 16 te postępy są wyjątkowo widoczne. Dzięki połączeniu nowej technologii procesora, zoptymalizowanej…
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