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inthepink411-blog · 7 years ago
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Weed + Seed + Feed + Protect
Think of your gut as a garden—a veritable garden of life. Take care of this garden, and your health flourishes. Neglect it, and your health may be compromised. Let Plexus® help you manage your inner garden with our gut care system.
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mrsstephenfinch-blog · 5 years ago
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PLEXUS UPDATE To date, I am 16 lbs lighter, inches thinner, my shoulders are not as broad, my hair is thicker, my energy level is steady, my moods are “chill”, my brain is less foggy, my favorite UK sweatshirt is baggier, no sugar cravings( the empty Girl Scout Cookies box wasn’t me-I didn’t have a one of them!) and I’m loving it all! Life is good;God is great! #wellnesssuccess2020 #plexuspower #plexus #slim #probio5 #biocleanse #metaburn #lean #healthy #energy #thebestme https://www.instagram.com/p/B8CGlP2JT-XQjHFC6fs7XC5uZMeaBMDlsdr7Nw0/?igshid=1gogceqlrr510
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The wait is over 😁!! #probio5 #mychoice #selfcare #aknitterslife #creates2finds (at Salem, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2TQ4KjpqDd/?igshid=ccoqxqm8gycv
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msshannon-journey · 6 years ago
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I’ve been talking, sharing and posting about the importance of gut health for almost five 🖐🏻 5️⃣ years! I’m living proof your health can change when you add that important piece to your wellness plan! For me it was with #Plexus! I’ve had conversations with family, friends, co-workers, online acquaintances via phone, text, messenger and yes... face to face 🗣 So when I see someone start posting about the importance of gut health as if they just stumbled upon this... I’ll just be over here happy for your change of heart on the topic and keep my mouth shut and not call you out! #guthealth #probiotics #foodforthought #probio5 #biocleanse #triplex #gethealthywithme 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😂🤯 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxABRgfHbYJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j18qu7orzzol
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kcmertz · 6 years ago
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Plexus and Pregnancy! 🤰🏻 This is why Midwives and OB’s are approving and encouraging Plexus to nursing and pregnant moms! 🌿#Slim a.k.a. the pink drink, is going to help keep your blood pressure and glucose levels stable. It is so healthy for your lipids, helps your energy levels, and even has anti-inflammatory properties. In the world of pregnancy, I’m talking about gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, dizziness from BP drops, and swelling. 🌿The #BioCleanse that I take is a magnesium based supplement that helps clean out the bad junk in my gut, oxygenate my body, and balance pH levels. In the world of pregnancy, magnesium also helps build strong bones and teeth, and helps certain enzymes function. Magnesium may also be helpful in reducing leg cramps. I know all mommas are about sleeping well! Let's also not forget how hormones cause digestion to slow down too!.. pregnancy hemorrhoids anyone? Biocleanse helps keep your system regular. Did I mention it can also help control acid levels? I call that preventing heartburn. 🌿#probio5 is an amazing source of probioitcs that balance the good bacteria in my gut. A special ingredient in it actually attacks the exoskeleton of the bad yeast and kills it so the biocleanse can round it up and move it on out. In pregnancy world, probiotic intake can reduce your child's risk of allergies by as much as 50 percent-- specifically eczema, asthma and atopic dermatitis. Your happy gut also hosts your immune system so you benefit by decreasing risk of colds and respiratory infections. These products also  increase your nutrient absorption and reduce your risk drastically for Post Partum Depression! . . #pregnant #guthealth #bloodsugarbalance #inflammationsupport #healthylifestyle #healthypregnancy #health #healthy https://www.instagram.com/p/BwZEehQAzsL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aihj9jg90oeq
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mommaven · 6 years ago
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Why, ON EARTH, would a $30 non-refrigerated probiotic, with WAY less CFUs work better for hundreds of thousands of people than a $100 refrigerated probiotic with BILLIONS more good bacteria? 🤔 ⠀ ⠀ One word: ENZYMES!! 🥰⠀ ⠀ This fungus in our gut is covered in a thick, tough-to-penetrate shell called “Chitin”— much like the exoskeleton on a beetle — and probiotics alone won’t even TOUCH IT! So, you can be replenishing billions of good bacteria all day, every day without getting to the ROOT of your issues. All you are doing is increasing the GOOD but doing NOTHING for the bad which is what makes us SICK!🧐⠀ ⠀ Unless, of course, you start taking an ANTIFUNGAL PROBIOTIC! ⠀ ⠀ There are a number of other reasons my $30 probiotic works better:⠀ ⠀ 1. It contains freeze-dried bacteria that are encapsulated in such a way that allows them to make it through the digestive process unharmed.⠀ ⠀ You see, probiotics are only needed in the gut...but they’re finicky little critters. 😕 They activate upon reaching heat and moisture and die off quickly after. So, if you’re taking a refrigerated probiotic, what do you think happens to most of the bacteria the second it reaches your mouth? They activate immediately and 70-80% of them die off before ever reaching your gut where they are needed. 😵 Which is also why many contain 10's of BILLIONS of strains. They are playing the odds that some of them actually get to the gut. We don’t need that many because we don’t play the odds - we get right to business and kill off that intestinal yeast!⠀ ⠀ My encapsulated probiotic doesn’t release its bacteria until it reaches the gut, so you get 100% of the benefits right where they are needed! ⠀ ⠀ 2. On top of the good bacteria, it also contains 3 powerful digestive enzymes that help your gut break down foods so that your stomach can digest your meals properly.⠀ ⠀ 3. Lastly, and most importantly... it contains a STELLAR enzyme called “Chitosanase,” which not only breaks through that tough-to-penetrate Chitin barrier, but ALSO attacks and kills the fungus inside! Consider that nasty beetle SQUASHED!!!! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #plexus #probio5 #probiotics #guthealth #healthandhappiness #gutglam https://www.instagram.com/p/BuHVTzMAVIm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uc5c3jybvg0a
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shelbywehrle-blog · 7 years ago
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Almost 9 months ago, i had a 3 month old baby. Motherhood was brand new to me. I was finally getting adjusted to having a baby and being a stay at home mama. And then it happened.. I woke up one sunday morning for church and i had this strange craving for hard boiled eggs dipped in peanut butter. I knew what that meant, i had just been down that road. I was pregnant AGAIN. To say i wasnt scared, would be a lie. I had just went through a pregnancy full of blood sugar problems, yeast infections that would NOT go away, exhaustion to the point where i didnt want to do a thing, dehydration that kept landing me in the hospital, and i had tested positive for the group b strep. That pregnancy taught me how unhealthy i was and it wasnt till it was almost over that i got smart. My pregnancy this time, is a different story. I havent dealt with ANY of that. Why? Because i learned about a thing called gut health. I get the comment "you must be exhausted" ALOT, because they see me 9 months pregnant with a baby already on my hip. I laugh because in the beginning i would have thought that statement to be true, but here i am chasing around an 11 month old and scrubbing my floors 9 months later😉 #plexus #momfuel #guthealth #probio5
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writer-speaker-autismmom · 6 years ago
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I used to think Foldger's was the 'best part of waking up'. Not anymore! THIS is how I start my morning. I don't need caffeine nor crash around 2-3pm. I feel better, mind is clear, blood sugars are kept even throughout the day. When I'm able to sleep, I don't crash-I sleep. There is a difference, and I feel it now. #pinkisIN #ProBio5 #BioCleanse #yummydrink #YOUCANTOO https://www.instagram.com/p/BtRGjqYg7Dk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jet5bwfv42hu
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livethepinklife-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Oh my gosh…..everywhere I turn there are sick people!!! Here is my family’s game plan for avoiding the creepy crud!!! 😷
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rebecca-guthealthcoach · 6 years ago
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Did you know that you can reduce your amount of #flatulence by using a quality #probiotic and #digestiveenzymes? You can buy them separately or get them together like a I do in #Probio5! Let's chat! #goodbyegas 🤢😩😧 https://draxe.com/flatulence/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BvEuCZTHLkO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fkjmet8de38a
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buildthishous · 6 years ago
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My night-time routine. 2 ProBio5 and 3 BioCleanse. #guthealth #restoration #probio5 #biocleanse (at Blueberry Valley Farm) https://www.instagram.com/p/BusST5FA0Ah/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19rezh1z0f72i
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mrsstephenfinch-blog · 5 years ago
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My Renew You Challenge update: I’ve lost 14 lbs, inches around my middle, body aches are easing, headaches are gone, inflammation is diminishing, and I feel great! I’m so thankful!!!! Life is good;God is great! First pic is day 1 and the second pic is day 7. Stay tuned... #2020wellnesssucces #plexuspower #plexus #slim #probio5 #biocleanse #active #exercise #healthy #energy #clearmind #living #thriving https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Vzi9FpmJLvlS94cbTVrYhHEeEd0Xelz9dVSg0/?igshid=b0uj3mpt6im8
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solarasalon · 6 years ago
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Why does our Probio5 stand out among the rest? How is our #probiotic different? It's very exciting and simple... One word: Chitosanase. It's the difference between our probiotic, (ProBio5) and all other probiotics. Most probiotics on the market today, promote a large quantity of probiotic strains. You've seen it - "50 billion strains per capsule!" or "14 billion good bacteria!" or (my favorite) "85 billion live cultures, GUARANTEED!". But, like most things, it's the quality, not quantity that counts. And, none of these probiotics can be absorbed as thoroughly as ProBio5. Why exactly? Well, yeast overgrowth actually INHIBITS the absorption of probiotics. When yeast multiplies in the gut, it forms a tough, protective cell wall called Chitin. This is what makes yeast overgrowth hard to kill. ProBio5 (unlike other probiotics) includes the enzyme, Chitosanase, which breaks through that cell wall and effectively attacks the yeast overgrowth, so that the intestines can properly absorb the culture forming units. The ProBio5 capsules are also specially formulated to dissolve when they reach the pH of your gut. Why is this important? Other probiotics dissolve in your stomach. Unfortunately, stomach acid will kill off a large percentage of the bacteria before it reaches your gut. ProBio5 ensures that 100% of live cultures and enzymes make their way to your gut - exactly where they need to be. Why is yeast overgrowth a big deal? Because it prohibits vitamins and minerals from being absorbed fully. Everyone has a yeast overgrowth to some degree (yes, you too) and it could be the reason you feel sluggish, crave sugar, get headaches/migraines, feel bloated, experience constipation, or many other symptoms. #probio5 #plexuslifegoals #probiotics #guthealth
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michalle35-blog-blog-blog · 6 years ago
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#productknowldedge Because so many people have been asking me this question. Both are $30 our price so $1 per day! You can't beat that! 😊 💙ProBio5 vs 💚VitalBiome What's the difference? Do I need both? 💙ProBio5 = Yeast and bad bacteria control, anti fungal which all affect our immune system and general health including many of our tummy troubles. My favorite product. 💚VitalBiome = Mood, stress, anxiety, more immune system help, relaxation and GI issues. 👨🏻‍⚕️Here's what the scientists and developers say about VitalBiome. It does NOT replace ProBio5. It's a sister to ProBio5. They each affect different organisms in our guts and both can benefit "us" greatly. Do we need both? The answer is YES...as they each have their own uniquely designed functions that will MAXIMIZE our gut health!!! 💙ProBio5 is all about the enzymes. Its main goal is what we've always said it was - to get in there and kill off the bad bacteria so we can have better health and stronger immune systems. The life changing issues we have seen such as seasonal issues, skin issues, auto immune issues etc STILL need probio5!!! 💚VitalBiome will raise the levels of the 8 most beneficial strains of probiotics in your microbiome. The reformulated Slim will help those colonize and grow. VitalBiome is amazing when it comes to changing how you handle stress and how happy you are. The clinical research lab was blown away by the test results. They knew we were going to see big increases in the numbers but when you added in our Patent pending formula Plexus Slim, that's what hit it out of the park. When do you take it (VitalBiome)??? ⏺ Once a day, on an empty stomach in the morning. Take VitalBiome when you drink the New Slim because of the XOS prebiotic added to enhance both the Probio5 and Vitalbiome ⏺The main thing is to take VitalBiome when stomach acid production is low ⏺Continue taking your ProBio5 at bedtime - getting the enzymes into our systems at bedtime and letting them do their thing. #plexusleadingthepackonguthealth #vitalbiome #probio5 #dynamicduo #orderyourstoday #guthealth #ilovemyguts (at Benton, Arkansas)
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kriskili-blog · 7 years ago
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Look what came in today!!!! Can't wait to try the new products!!!! . . . . #plexuslean #feedamerica #probio5 #plexusHC #plexushungercontrol #thiscompanyisrocking #helpingothersissoawesome #loveyourself #healthyfromtheinsideout #youareworthit #youllneverknowifyoudonttryit #takethatchance #naturalenergy #60daymoneybackguarantee #thisstuffworks #youllneverknowifyoudonttryit #takecareofyou #momlife #homeschoolrocks #homeschoollife #crunchymama #healthykids #healthymom #selflove #selfcare
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accio--peace · 7 years ago
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✨🌿🌕 Happy Star Wars Day! . . #Repost @plexusworldwide with @get_repost ・・・ May the (fab) four(th) be with you. Favorite Star Wars character—GO! #starwarsday #fabfour . . . #slim #biocleanse #xfactorplus #probio5 #everydayplexus #plexus #oneplexus #plexusworldwide #healthyandhappy
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