sunkissedfawn · 1 year
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 6 months
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Since im in a dino mood:
today on old art i never posted here's some conepts I made like a year or two ago
so like the 2 most fun things to draw are dinosaurs and anime girls so I had a galaxy brain moment and decided to design some dinosaur magical girls (plus evil T-rex villian lady)
so like hear me out so the girls would do magical girl transformations to fight evil dino girls and then it would be like power rangers where after they are defeated once they come back in their dinosaur form and then the girls have a second magical girl transformation where they would turn into their dinosaur forms (and like power rangers there's no reason they don't do this from the start other than just because)
I didn't actually do anything with this concept but like it is a banger concept still
bonus: concept art and more rambling
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each girl was designed with a color in mind and i tried to get a variety of dinos (originally the Yi Qi girl was a microraptor hence the 4 wings in her hair but it felt to similar to velociraptor so i went for a different flying dino) velociraptor girl would be protag kun. The last 4 would be like characters who join the group later with the the pachycephalosaurs girl being an anti hero and the Gallimimus and Yutyrannus girl straight up starting as a villians
i wrote like 2 scenes in my head one where Yutyrannus girl betrays and fights evil T rex lady and its a cool tyrannosaur vs tyrannosaur fight and one where velociraptor girl and gallimimus girl talk about something and i ship them for it (so like gallimimus girl is self concious that gallimimus isnt a traditionally like cool dino but raptor girl cheers her up and then gallimimus girl joins the good guys)
also side note that Yutyrannus girl might be one of my best character designs ever lol (I also gave her the most clever name for an OC I've done so like her name would be Yukiko because it starts with a "yu" like Yutyrannus but also yuki = snow and Yutyrannus is accociated with snow)
for the record i forgot what i named the rest
anyway yeah i never did anything with this concept depite how galaxy brain it is lmfao
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omdrawings · 4 months
It's been a while since I drew some of my favorite brainrot beans...
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Sketchbook page 3 filled with a bit of 3D paper layering :]
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chiyana · 2 months
Jon: Damian, I have a suggestion that you're going to hate, but I need you to bear with me and seriously consider it Damian: very well Jon: *takes a deep breath* I think we should go on an adventure with our brothers (Kon and Tim) instead of our dads Damian: *visibly vibrating with anger* *deep inhale* ...eXpLaIn Jon: our dads are constantly talking about responsibility and the importance of a well-balanced SuperBat partnership, working together as a single unit and approaching things seriously Damian: they are respected heroes, above reproach in their conduct and two of the three main founders of the Justice League Damian: meanwhile our "brothers", as you say, have a public history of being reckless and idiotic when teamed up together and are regularly involved in inane, useless shenanigans Jon: they would let us ride laser dinosaurs into battle without question Damian: they- Damian: -later- Damian: father Jon and I are going on an adventure with Drake and his clone boy
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specialagentartemis · 9 months
The thing about Velociraptors is that Jurassic Park presented them in as precise scientific accuracy as was available in 1990. Michael Crichton consulted with leading paleontologists! So did the filmmakers! They read academic journals and stayed abreast of cutting-edge paleontology!
... for Deinonychus. Not Velociraptor.
All of the inaccuracies and misconceptions regarding Velociraptors that stem from Jurassic Park are literally because the dinosaur being portrayed is not Velociraptor, but its relative Deinonychus.
Lived in Montana? Deinonychus. Velociraptors lived in Mongolia and China.
Wide, blunt snout? Deinonychus. Velociraptor's face was long and thin.
Coordinated pack hunter? Deinonychus (hypothesized). Deinonychus skeletons have been found in groups; Velociraptors have almost exclusively been found solo.
Six feet tall with six-inch claws? Okay that's Utahraptor actually. That was exaggerated for drama in the movie. Deinonychus was about 4 feet tall with 4- or 5-inch claws. Velociraptor, though, was about 2 feet tall.
Feathers? They almost certainly all had them but we didn't know that in 1990 yet.
Crichton was describing Deinonychus because it was bigger and scarier, but he liked the name "Velociraptor" better. It was cooler, fiercer, and lets you say "raptor". So in the book he made up a cutting-edge paleontological hypothesis that Velociraptor and Deinonychus were not actually separate genuses, and Deinonychus was not just a close relative of Velociraptor but was actually a species of Velociraptor. Just so he could call his meticulously researched and scientifically sound Deinonychuses "Velociraptors."
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paleo-cafnir · 2 years
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What if fluffy dinosaurs were girlfriends?
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Put that mf in the kitchen with the raptors!! (Image provided if you wanna use)
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kaufmo seems to be in trouble...!
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drinkinggblood · 11 months
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take adam's rib, make it your own; just as god did
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
Who is flashiest tailed birb group??? vote now on phones!!!
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vince-linder · 6 months
Nights Out 💙💚💙
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Vel and Vin invited Valera to a nightout, looking all fabulous
Valera belongs to @daceyarik
Full picture under the cut
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deltacygniart · 10 months
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silverdori · 2 months
81. can u roll ur r's
for the ask game 😈
I can barely even words half the time so that's a big no 😭
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seasalt-burn · 16 days
I am so embarrassed I never want to show my face in public ever again
I'm currently on a little vacation, and when I was swimming in the sea, I went far away from all the other people, made sure that nobody was around, dived really deep into the water and screamed my fucking guts out to release emotions or whatever.
It is actually a good thing to do- very therapeutic, but the downside of this is that sometimes your blind glassless self will not see one single swimmer around who is now staring at you like you're crazy (because you are)
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bestfictionaldinosaur · 2 months
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Saurnament Profiles: Blue [Jurassic Park/World]
Blue is a "velociraptor" from the Jurassic Park franchise, specifically the Jurassic World movies, or the JCU/Jurassic Cinematic Universe as no one calls it. Born in a lab and raised more or less from birth by some guy that sounds exactly like Mario from the Super Mario Bros. Movie (and nowhere else), Blue is the beta of a pack of velociraptors, with the alpha being the aforementioned not-Charles-Martinet. She was raised in captivity as part of the new park's asset collection, and after the events of the 2nd film in the World series, flees and begins living in the Californian wilderness, while appearing to maintain some level of affection for her former tamer.
Now, the Jurassic World films have a built in defense mechanism for their dinosaur designs in that strictly speaking, none of them are actually true dinosaurs. They are essentially chimeras, created from the remains of dinosaurs, but with genetic material from various other animals, such as frogs and cuttlefish, to fill in the gaps as needed. So, it's technically futile to criticize them for accuracy, but I'm going to anyway in this case!
The JCU would have you believe these creatures are the size of short adult humans with incredible social skills and intelligence on par, or even surpassing that of humans. But in reality, these things differ from real velociraptors in 3 main ways: feathers, size, and intelligence. The first two can be summarized by this image:
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Velociraptor is 2; 3 is the Austroraptor and 1 is the Microraptor. If the only dinosaur in image that you're bigger than has "micro" in its name, you're definitely not known for your size.
As you can see, Velociraptors were tiny! And, like many theropods, were covered in feathers! Note that not ALL dinosaurs had feathers, in fact most probably didn't. I plan to make another post on feathers later, but only a small subset of raptors had full on feathers. But, velociraptors were almost certainly one of them!
And as far as intelligence goes, well. It's impossible to measure human intelligence, let alone that of animals, let ALONE that of animals that died millennia ago. So we'll never know for sure. That said, the JCU depicts these things as highly social, capable of empathy, with the ability to use tools and calculate, all traits reserved for the most intelligent of animals, like apes and crows.
There is really no evidence for this. We don't even know for sure if they hunted in packs. But we also have no reason to believe they had any of these intellect based traits; by modern estimation they were no more or less smart than the average (non parrot, non corvid) bird. Pretty smart as far as animals go, but most likely not able to set traps and such. So less "clever girl" and more "moderately intelligent girl".
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fun-friend-yea · 1 year
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So I realized that I never drew a proper piece done for his werewolf form and maybe, just maybe, went a teensy tiny bit feral.
Little treats under the cut
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gaia-prime · 1 year
I think eurasian jays are my favorite underrated corvid because this:
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looks few teeth and some big toenails short of a velociraptor
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