#probably gonna polish this drawing more at some point
elise-mopie · 24 days
@that-house I ran an oh fuck! the killer! one shot as my first time DMing and it went really well! Here’s a drawing I did of the final scene :) In mine, the house itself was the killer and stabbing its heart was how you defeated it:
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The floor was also covered in the emaciated bodies of the past victims/owners of the various light sources over the years, but I didn’t feel like drawing them :P
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mega-punani · 2 years
Can we please have some headcanons for pirate boys reacting to y/n falling asleep on them? Btw, I absolutely adore your art, keep up the good work!💗💗💗
Y/N Falling Asleep on the Bois:
Aw yeahhhh, now this is the life.
Sans probably woke up to see you napping right up on him. When that happens, he'll just give you a sleepy smile and rest his hand on your back.
He likes cradling you or having you basically on him. Like a weighted blanket! He'll draw shaped on your back or pat you while you sleep.
Very rarely you'll have a chance to relax with the energetic Papyrus. He's always jumping around, and he hardly sits still! But once in a while, he'll settle down.
He'll lean right into you the moment he feels your weight on him. And let out a quiet squeal when he notices that you're snoozing.
As nice as couple nap time is, he's got things to do! He'll slink away as carefully as possible and leave you to sleep.
Blue isn't the most comfortable thing to sleep against... or on for that matter. He's always jumping around and bouncing off walls! How can you even get him to sit still?
Well, he'll want to take care of his cannon at some point! When he goes to polish his cannon, take a lil nap against his shoulder.
He'll catch you softly snoring and stay still until you wake up! It's hard for a man of his energy to do, but anything for his wonderful datemate!
Absolutely squealing.
He's frgid, man is never gonna move again. He was just wiping his banjo with you leaned up against him. And then, BAM. You were fast asleep.
He'll wrap an arm around your shoulders ever so carefully and pull you in. Although his exterior is calm and collected, he is SCREAMIN on the inside.
With how loud Red's workplace is, you'd have to be extra tired to sleep near him, let alone against him!
But the moment you do, he'll stop tinkering away and slowly slide you into his arms and carry you off to some place quieter.
One he has you rested up and tucked in maybeeeee he'll join you... who's kiddin. He's hopping right in and cuddling up next to you, listening to your steady heartbeat.
Stiff as a muthafuckin board.
He is the quietest skeleton alive. He has never raised his voice above a decibel. In fact, he doesn't speak, not with the risk of you waking up from your little nap.
He'll pat your head and softly untangle any knots in your hair, all while gently scolding you about staying up for him. Of course, he's flattered.
If his brother teases him, he gets tossed off the ship. (Quietly) And anyone else who tries to wake you up gets a wordless glare.
He's flattered that you would wait for him until he was done with his work, but really, you didn't have to...
He'll sigh and drap his coat against your back. Maybe a lil smooch if he can tell you were not waking up right away.
No, that wasn't him. What are you talking about? The cruel and terrifying Razz would never drape his favorite coat over you when you were asleep. DON'T THANK HIM EITHER CAUSE HE DIDN'T DO IT!
He's probably napping far before you start, so hey! More the merrier.
He'll relax against you and soak in your warmth as you cuddle up to his bony body. But sometimes, if he's feeling a little mischievous, he'll poke your cheeks or tickle under your nose to annoy you.
At some point, you'll wake up to him grinning like an idiot. Of course, he drew on your face...
Oh... you're sleeping next to him.
He was so absorbed in looking at the stars that he didn't even register your body snuggling up to his side.
He'll take the teacup out of your hands and pull the blanket around the both of you a little tighter. You being here bring him such comfort that it feels almost unreal. He thanks the stars before he himself falls to a light slumber.
There are two wolves inside of Cinnamon. One wants to squeeze your body against him while he giddily swings you around. The other wants to kiss your head softly while patting your back.
He ends up just smiling really hard and leaning into you as well.
Also, will snipe Cash with peanuts if he even tries to get close enough to troll you.
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color-craz · 2 months
AF MidWeek Round-up!
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This is just a simple post compiling all of my attacks so far along with some artists notes! Mostly because I found myself much more active this year than last year (Minus these few couple days due to some appointments). I'll be tagging everyone and linking to other socials so you can see these lovely folks. Of course if you want to attack me, I'm ready to fight! Without further ado, here's all the attacks so far :>
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@cosmicdenro @stellarknightz - Weekend Date The name of the game for these first few attacks was to get everyone who I was supposed to last year but ran out of time ^^;;. I decided upon Jesse's Zircon over Jesse the character (one in my bookmarks) b/c it seemed like Turquoise Zircon was less drawn this year but was his icon on AF. So easy pick from me :> (Btw doing Sodalite's stripes and copying Zircon's shape language was really fun!!)
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@/clawothy (Twitter) - Chill Cat Another attack from last years bookmarks! It was definitely a soft but enjoyable opening into drawing furries since Claw's so human shaped. It was fun drawing his tail and patterns :>. This is just a nice character design all around.
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@twidaisi - Speedy Service Twi was also one from my bookmarks, but also a doorway down an ArtFight rabbit hole. Which will become apparent in the next two pieces. For this one, I had a pretty clear pose in mind so I placed it onto O.R.B.I and went from there!! His design is so neat and he seems so cool! The pose was also pretty fun to do as well, just an overall fun art piece (Also this one got a revenge!!! I still really really love thank you so much!!!!!)
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@scratchgeist - Escapism Ho! This was a doozy! Twi had Scratch's profile linked so I ended up hitting him with an attack too. Drawing Scratch's mane turned out to be a pleasant experience despite me originally fearing it. This scene idea also came from a prompt of Scratch going outside. I ended up putting Polish on this because all those scratchy "ink like" lines I actually did manually (take a fuzzy brush and then go over it using a sketchbook eraser). It was nice dipping my toes into BatIM again and trying out more animal feature.
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@/stylin.art Instagram @/crypticc0rpse Instagram - Pirates in arms One of those two people were linked on Scratch's profile and the person linked also linked to the other person. But I realized that both Stylin and Crypt had some shared characters. So this ended my little rabbit hole of people by attacking these two lovely fellows at the same time. This little crossing swords idea took me a nice minute to come up with but I liked how it ended up anyway. I really did like drawing James together like this (probably helps that I really like pirates in general). Also yes I know her hand is fucked up I noticed way to late to fix it.
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@smoresthehalloweenqueen - Listen to the waves Once I finished up with that I moved onto the next bookmark, which was Smores! Originally I was gonna draw Brutus but then I was like "I like his sona it looks like fun!" So I drew them listening to music because why not :>. I struggled on the arms initially but it came out real clean and nice. Honestly might be my best work so far! (Fun fact, I color picked the waves + background from Seafoam's icon.)
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@skittisketch - I got it! Mr. Sascachawean himself! I referenced this pose form the classic Objection point because I thought it would fit his personality. This was also a little bit of a test with a style I had only done in sketches (Basically my human style but omitting a neck which somehow shaves off a lot of time). This was a super fun pose to do with a pretty nice background! (Once again, fucked up hand I know I noticed too late again)
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@justpainterrobot - Rare Nightly Sight I had this really really clear picture of what I thought up for this attack and I'm happy that I was able to make it a reality. I put the polish tag on this one because I almost got super super detailed of what the junk was below her (Stuff coming down from Elysium n all that) but due to a lack of references I just went with typical metal and wood. Fun fact, the night sky in the background is based on the one from Deponia itself (The first game's scenes with the professor at night). I think this rewrite of Toni was really cool from what I could find about her. Overall a labor of love type of attack.
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@coelpts @swan-swanno - Boss Battle I thought to myself "Hm, I see Coelpts around a lot, lets hit him with an attack." and it turns out Ciel's gay married to Swanno's charater Mikhail, who was the last one in my bookmarks from last year. So another double attack for this one! It was a struggle starting this one mostly because I was debating whether or not to draw Ciel's Lord outfit but I ended up doing so because why not :>. It was a fun experience copying Swanno's more angular style, which is a stark departure from my more rounded shapes (As you can see here). Has a nice venture doing the lighting as well, overall a good experience.
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@tailsylennon - Sweet Treats Mitchell showed off Tasily's proflie one day and I saw their sona and was I was like "Lemme draw it!" and did! I ended up following another prompt by her because it was their birthday! (By the time I started on this it was 8 pm and I freaked tf out and got to work). Her sona was really cool and I really loved drawing them. Fun fact, each of the set pieces references the Hallows Souls trio. The chair is decorated after Terra, Markus is the table, and Whistle pallet is used for the tea set :>. It was just a pleasant and cozy attack to make overall.
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@ceaseless-enemy - Congratulations!!!! I've actually known about Voila for quite awhile now and thought his design n theaming is quite neat! I actually based the pose off of Ai from Oshi No Ko (I think one of her key arts before the anime released, ifykyk). But I skillfully cut out the legs because I can't draw digitigrade legs... Hooray... Otherwise it was quite nice to work on this attack in particular, especially the eyes and the hair :>.
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@killbent - Getting Ready This is another one I had a real clear idea of prior to doing this, specifically because Killbent gave a prompt to give Mr Fairchime pink hair, so i thought a "pre-show" set up would look nice :>. The lighting was another new venture for me, because I usually do cool/night time like lighting but I think it turned out nicely for Fairchime. It was also fun doing the accessories and stuff on the vanity as well. Fun Fact, it's a bit hard to see through the watermark + lighting but the face paint and pallet both have the colors of his make up! Overall a pleasant and warm attack for this year.
And that's all of them so far! I picked up some new bookmarks + I gotta get Twi back for drawing Compact!! So those will probably be compiled by the end of AF so about, early August-ish if I keep up the pace. Anyway, thank you so much for reading and gracing me with the opportunity to draw all of these amazing characters!
Until next time!
-Gappy, Witch of the Stars
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wanderingaldecaldo · 7 months
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Tagged by @gloryride, @gamerkitten, @chevvy-yates, and @aggravateddurian to share something I'm working on. Thanks, chooms! Still leaning into the ADHD, so there's several things I'm working on simultaneously. Most recently it's been...
The cutoff vests are 95% done, just need a few touches before I can make them live on Nexus, so what better time to start a new modding project? 🙃 A friend mentioned wanting Vik's pants and I'm always looking for more butch clothes for Val especially ones that ride low on those hips but also the belt & tools seem like a fun project.
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Unedited. Not bad for an hour's work ☺️
Both the pants and belt are simple replacers to start while I test. I have some clipping to deal with on the pants, but so far the weights look okay. 🤞
As for the belt, I lost the tools somewhere between Blender and Wkit lol. I wanted to take a go at texturing them in Substance Painter so I split them off into their own submesh. Not sure where I lost them but I'm sure they'll turn up again.
It's fitting that Durian tag me because my latest writing was incited by a scene in his fic "The President's Lady" in which Myers invites Sol and V to lunch at the White House. I'm going for a more, uh, traditional take on The Tower ending than he is, using my fave angst, combined with some good ol' longing and probably some flashback smut. I've been canoodling on this in my notebook since Durian's chapter came out, writing a bit each night before falling asleep. I started transcribing it just for this post, so here are 315 of 338 words, hot off the Google Docs.
Some backstory: The second time I played Phantom Liberty I beelined to Dogtown, and skipped meeting the Aldecaldos and doing pretty much anything past finishing the VDBs quests. Vik was the only one who called, and she decided to take Sol up on his offer of a job at Langley. Soon after she's back in DC, she gets an invite to lunch from President Myers.
“Thank you, Madam President.” “V, please. No need to be so formal. I believe we’re well past that now.” “Heh, just a few weeks ago, told you—” “Yes, V,” she cries out, breath hot against her neck— Stopping, Rosalind turns to look at her, eyebrows and lines of her forehead drawing to a point, as if finally she recognizes V for who she still is. “I suppose that really was like yesterday for you.” The lines soften and she leads V to a sofa across the room, gesturing for her to sit first, then sits close and takes her hand. Long, graceful fingers teasing her skin— V stares down at her hand in Rosalind’s, her arms blank of cyberware still a disconcerting sight, but she doesn’t pull away. “How are you feeling? I can’t imagine the news was easy to hear.” “No, wasn’t,” she says with a shake of her head. “Thought I was gonna die a merc but now....” “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to tell you myself. Solomon suggested it would lead to too many questions among the staff. He’s right of course, but I still feel I let you down.” V frowns. “Ma’am?” “You weren’t my agent for long, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t important. What you did...” Rosalind trails off, eyes dipping to her mouth before she drops her gaze to their hands on her lap. Her nails are still perfectly polished, buffed to a shine. She looks up and says, “I’ll never be able to repay you for all that you did for me.” V down looks at their linked hands then, heart pounding, she leans forward to kiss her, as if she’s just any other woman, not the most powerful in the world, and Rosalind tilts her head and parts her lips and— She swallows and shakes her head. “You did, though. Least as far as I’m concerned.”
Tagging with the usual no pressure disclaimer: @medtech-mara @breezypunk @streetkid-named-desire @peaches-n-screem @rosapexa @luvwich @merge-conflict @steelscorner @ghostoffuturespast @byberbunk2069 and YOU!
Take this as an invitation to share something you're working on and tag me! Doesn't have to be Cyberpunk, or anything fandom-related!
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genericpuff · 2 years
Ladies and gentlemen... we got 'em.
Every now and then, Rachel will post a sketch to her IG story or her page, oftentimes accompanied with a caption that states how hard at work she is.
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Now, some of my pals and I in the UnpopularLO Discord have been taking note of the time stamps of when these get posted, so we could keep an eye out for when they inevitably show up in an episode. Normally I wouldn't be hyperanalyzing a creator's posting habits like this, but there's been a unanimous suspicion among the LO community that Rachel's buffer for LO is only a couple weeks ahead at any given time. So, we waited. We kept our eyes peeled for these panels to show. And hoo boy, are the results of this little experiment pretty damning.
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The sketch on the left was posted to Rachel's IG about 4 weeks ago. It showed up in Episode 219, posted last week on October 29th.
The sketch on the right was posted to Rachel's IG story on October 27th. It showed up in this week's episode, November 5th, just a little over a week later.
I'm not gonna pretend like we know all the facts from this evidence alone, but again, people have been suspicious over this for a while now so seeing these finished drawings show up in the new episodes anywhere from a week to a month later tells us a lot. To lay out some of the brunt of it:
Whatever buffer Rachel has is small and shrinking fast. There was a 2 week break at the start of the season to "rebuild LO's buffer", and from cross-referencing the HxP make-out sketch and when the episode went up, we know that the buffer at one point was around 4 weeks. Most Originals creators are encouraged to have a buffer of 9-15 episodes, not episodes in progress, but actual finished episodes that are ready for posting, so that the series can still update with new episodes even if the creator needs to take a break for a week or two or if an emergency arises in their life. With the proof of last week's sketches showing up in last night's episode, I think it's highly probable we'll be seeing another 2 week break by the time December rolls around, but it will likely be presented under the guise of a "holiday break".
Rachel does the roughs at the last minute and nothing more. It's basically been confirmed at this point that Rachel's only contribution to the comic is the roughs and script. From former interviews and Patreon chit chat posts that allude to this, to the fact that the only progress pics from Rachel that we ever see are roughs, to the credits in every episode that feature upwards of five separate assistants working on each episode but somehow the comic still manages to have incredibly inconsistent plot threads and art that looks like it's been rushed, Rachel is basically just doing the roughs for her comic, writing/drawing one panel at a time, and passing them along to her assistants to finish at the last minute. This would account for the art being so inconsistent (Rachel's roughs likely aren't very polished and don't feature any sort of referencing or direction for the team), every episode now being made up of mostly copy+pasted panels, as well as it feeling so rushed, because the assistants literally don't have time to draw different shots or put the episode through any rounds of clean-up before submitting it.
Considering there are ALSO sketches of HxP fluff that haven't made it into an episode yet*, Rachel may as well be working on fluff content before she works on anything else. Just because that H x P panel was drawn 4 weeks prior to it being uploaded doesn't mean that's the buffer. She could have just as well drawn it first because it's what she felt like drawing and either shoehorned it in somewhere or just saved the 'boring' stuff for last. So either her buffer was only a month ahead of time at one point and has since shrunk back down to 1-2 weeks, or she's working on new episodes a week at a time and saves the 'boring' stuff for last hence why each episode ends up with so many repeated copy+paste panels and drawn out dialogue. Both scenarios are terrible and indicative of a creator who is both clueless and doesn't give a shit.
Rachel spends an absurd amount of time on social media. Between her Instagram and Twitter (both of which are often chock full of re-shared fan content that has the Lore Olympus hashtag on it) her new Tiktok account, her VERY strictly moderated FastPass FB groups (that she is an administrator for so she can lock any thread that has a hint of criticism in it**) and her Discord, Rachel seems to spend the majority of her time stalking her favorite hashtags and retweeting them (I've literally had some of my own fanart pieces retweeted within SECONDS of me posting them). But she'll still put out Tiktok videos talking about how behind she is and how hard she's working - literally working on episodes the week they're due as we've proven - videos that she's clearly spending time away from her comic to make and that she's sticking around in afterwards to check the stats and respond to comments from her fans. It's great that she's sharing fanart from her readers, but not so great if she's doing it so much that it's eating into her time to develop the very comic they're creating fanart for.
Hot take, but I can't help but feel that Rachel can only afford to not give a shit about her workflow and how she manages her team because she's in the top 1% of creators. Believe me, I've seen the stress building up in the WT Originals community from creators who are being vastly underpaid and overworked. None of them can afford to be so lazy with their work, because a single week without an episode for them means not paying the rent that month. They don't get mid-season hiatuses, they don't get 2 week 'buffer build' breaks, it's a constant grind of 12-18 hour days because if their series doesn't perform well, not only will they not get renewed for another season, but they likely won't even receive any FastPass revenue due to not hitting the 'threshold' they need to hit to receive it. This is not a problem for Rachel who is someone with millions of subscribers and thousands of regular readers checking in each week but also someone who we speculate got in on the FP program before they introduced the Minimum Revenue Threshold around 2020. Hence, she likely does not need to hit that threshold in the first place to receive her earnings. Every other Originals creator who is subject to the MRT system has to work their ass off and hope that Webtoons will give them enough promotion to draw in traffic to hit that threshold and not get cancelled - but those beneficial front-facing slots are often given to Lore Olympus every time it updates, often for an entire weekend at a time, while its creator fucks around on Twitter, gets mad at 'haters', talks about how busy and 'behind' she is, while she visibly miffs around with non-comic-production-related-things like making memes or rigging Vtuber models.
Let's just say, there's a reason why whenever there are Webtoon controversies concerning the state of their working conditions, you never see Rachel say a word. She is simply not affected by WT's current state of affairs so does not feel the need to speak up against it. I'm willing to bet the only time we'll ever see Rachel talk 'bad' about Webtoons, it will be after she's inevitably driven her own image and comic into the ground.
Concerning *: Here are some sketches that haven't made it into any episodes yet. It's hard to tell if they will, I can assume the one on Twitter will show up but the other two could very well just be Rachel faffing about for fun. Either way, these exist and are still publically viewable, so if they DO show up in any future episodes, we can cross-reference them later.
Left: Oct 28th Middle: Nov 4th Right: Oct 29th
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The following Hades panel will very likely show up in the upcoming November 12th FastPass episode. If it does, that not only tells us Rachel truly is only working on these episodes 1-2 weeks ahead at a time, but also that she's working on them out of order as this FINISHED drawing showed up BEFORE the UNFINISHED Persephone sketch from above showed up in her IG story - with its respective finished drawing showing up literally a week later.
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Concerning **: Rachel is literally an administrator in the official LO FastPass group on Facebook, which wouldn't be an issue if she weren't so anal about any perceived slight against her work. She will literally lock any thread that doesn't make her look good.
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And her own interactions with these fans posts may as well be borderline psychotic. She'll either immediately refute any amount of fan theories on the spot (destroying any semblance of discussion or fun theorizing to be had) or just... comment really messed up shit that says a lot about her and how she writes her precious cinnamon roll protagonist.
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Fun fact, she got banned from a FB group that memes on LO because she tried to harass the administrators of the group to ban all criticism. The admins banned her instead. It's not really relevant to this post but I wanted to say it anyways because it's fucking hilarious.
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***EDIT TO ADD: She didn't just get banned, she was so butthurt over it that she apparently bitched about it in her Patreon, which her cult accepted as permission to go after members of this same FB group. All just for not kissing the ground RS walked on. Literally psychotic cult behavior.
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Let's Play creator mongie has done similar things, so this seems to just be a general attitude among the top-earning creators on WT (yikes), but that's another topic.
Concerning the actual topic at hand, the last thing I'll mention is, save for the credits at the end of each episode, Rachel barely ever gives her assistants credit when she goes on rants about how "busy" she is or how "successful" she's become. You'll never see her thank her assistants or give them credit for how easy they're making her life that she can get away with doing the roughs at the last minute and spend the rest of her time talking about her dog, showing off her new gel nails, or talking about how much of a workaholic she is. But she sure as shit will throw her assistants under the bus whenever she has to come up with an excuse for the sloppy inconsistent art.
TL ; DR: Rachel is not 'busy'. She's just incredibly bad at managing her deadlines and team of assistants and would literally rather whine about how behind she is to make it sound like she's pressed for time. Which, she absolutely is. But it's not because of Webtoons or because LO is a hard comic to put together, it's literally her own undoing. You know what they say - it takes way more work to pretend to look busy than it does to actually do your job.
Rant over.
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snugglesquiggle · 5 months
Just finished reading your corrupt combustion notes and damn you cooked up another fucking banger!
Some of my favorite parts are J's powers (of course), Nori's whole vibe, the way you shine the spotlight on Beau, which I love that they're kind of the main character here, with Cyn infesting them.
There's also all the mysteries, like who's giving the orders, what's the solver's final goal, how different is the solver from Cyn, and Nori's whole backstory. I especially got caught on both Doll and Uzi - they're getting along! Go them! But also the mystery of what they're up to, and how it ends up. I wonder how many plot beats will come from JJK, how many from MD, and how many will you make yourself.
Speaking of Doll, I love what you did with Adam - a tragic tale of losing yourself, and even when given the chance to turn away you don't. Girl is probably gonna be devastated.
Not gonna lie, some of the parts of all your outlines feel like good enough writing to just put on AO3. Can't wait to see what you do next, whether or not it involves Murder Drones!
thanks for reading! i'm glad you enjoyed
there's quite a few plotlines i'm itching to do write ups for. i'm very proud of what i have in store for j and uzi. and that's without getting into my thoughts on v & lizzy, or what i have planned for alice.
but most of all, nobody is prepared for the "pilot" — which at this point, is such a byzantine clusterfuck the relation to episode one is in the manner of the ship of theseus
the problem with posting these outlines is that i get caught in a paradoxical spiral. if it's good enough to post, then it's good enough to polish. and the trouble with polishing, is that if i'm gonna sit down and check for typos, i might as well tighten up the wording here and there. if i'm gonna tighten up the wording, i might as well add a few more details for clarity and impact. if i'm adding details, well it's kinda jarring if the fidelity is inconsistent, might as well flesh out the sparser sections too. if i turn this summary into a mini scene, i can add this cool character beat or i can foreshadow this plot point. and you know, if i reimagine this bit entirely, couldn't i make it more dramatic, more inspired? if i can make it a little bit better, why not take it just one step further?
which all then just snaps back to "if i'm gonna post it, i might as well draw the rest of the owl" and it's just.
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aurumjank · 2 years
Sooo... It's going to be kind of a "Thank you" post. With some prehistory and explanations. A really, really long ones 😂
You see, I'm a gleek (or rather Glee-addict) and a huuuuge Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer) fan. I watched this show for the first time two years ago. I rewatched it again almost instantly (told you, addict!). And when I rewatched Glee for the third time and realised that things in it are not gonna change, at some point I started reading fanfiction. And this stories helped a lot with different things - some small and big ones.
First of all, english is not my first language (and not even the second, to be honest), but I couldn't read stories about this characters in any other. I tried, but since I watched the show in original language, I couldn't hear their voices in my head while reading in, for example: Russian or Polish. And then I risked it and looked up stories in English and... Well, let's just say that I'm a lot more confident about my level after two years of reading fanfiction then after years and years of learning it in school 😅
English wasn't the only school subject I learned (or learned better) while reading. For example, as a person from Europe I wasn't really good at American geography. Now, though, I'm a lot better 😄
Thanks to Glee I found out how much of a musical fan I am. And thanks to this show (but, mostly, to Glee fanfiction) I also expanded my playlist on Spotify. I mean, before it consisted of few pop songs and a lot of old rock, but now... When I put it on shuffle it jumps from pop, to musicals, to some rock ballad, to country, to more heavy rock, to pop again, then to classical music and even some rap (and I'm not very fond of this last style of music, but I found out there are some exceptions). It helps in conversations sometimes, to know so many different types. It helps me, as an introvert, to calm down and be a little more confident when I can use music to keep the conversation going.
As I already mentioned, I'm a Kurt Hummel fan (my OTP is Kurt Hummel/Happiness), so of course I mostly read stories about him. And sometimes authors do such an amazing job of describing all the details and doing this huge researches to make story more real. Thanks to this I started baking more (@elledelajoie, you mentioned Kurt making a banana bread in some stories and here I am today - made a banana bread for the first time! It's actually as easy as you made it look in your stories).
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I also researched work in fields I'm more interested then my educational field because I got inspired by all this stories and some things that authors tell about their own lifes. I looked up some online courses as well. And in my free time I'm trying to do more things that I enjoy (for example: weaving bracelets, drawing, molding small things from plasticine and cross stitching). I even started writing a little bit myself (I don't have any finished things, but I'm not afraid anymore to write down my ideas and try to expand them to actual stories).
Thanks to some angst and hurt/comfort stories I learned about health problems and mental illnesses. It helped me notice some more things in people around me. It pushed me to research this more and find ways to help, to support.
But the biggest thing I learned is, probably, all the information I found on LGBTQIA+ community thanks to the stories that encouraged me to do the research. And while looking up information out of curiosity, I actually found out that I'm not "a late bloomer", "just didn't find the one", "concentrating on my studies right now". There's a different reason why I'm a 22 year old girl who didn't have her first kiss, because she didn't even have the real urge to do this. For a long time there were this fears and doubts and questions "He's handsome and she's gorgeous, but is it an attraction?", "How does love suppose to feel like?", "What's wrong with me?". And there's nothing. Nothing is wrong. I'm still coming to terms with this and I'm still looking for the exact label, but now I now that it's normal. It's okay, I'm just somewhere on the ace and aro spectrums. And it's such a relief... 😌
So, now let's get to the "thank you"s. Thank you Glee creators, crew and cast for this show. None of you will probably ever see this, but it doesn't matter. Special thank you to Chris Colfer (though he's probably not going to ever see this as well) for being such an amazing guy that creators wrote a role for him and for making Kurt the way he is (also for his wonderful voice, because it got me hooked and I was listening to his songs on repeat until I finally snapped and found my first fanfic). And huge thank you for all the writers. No matter what you write, how small or long it is - you'll find your reader and your story will change something for them. Maybe it'll encourage them, inspire or teach them something new. Maybe it'll make them smile or laugh during hard times or give them a reason to cry when they have too much bottled up. All I know for sure is that every single story I read did something for me. And for that I thank you 💜
@jwmelmoth @elledelajoie @simplysebastian @vcg73 @pixiealtaira @kurtbastianarchive @backslashdelta @cristalknife
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
"Xilixas!" Roxy called after knocking on his door loud enough to be heard down the hall. Her patience was very quickly running out.
She was just about to knock again when the door opened, and she damn near knocked on Xilixas's bare chest. She was lucky then, in that he was around. Unfortunately, today seemed to be one of those days. At least he was wearing shorts.
"Hey," He purred, eyes half lidded as he closed the door a little to lean against the frame.  "Something I can help you with?"
The suggestion in his tone was not lost on Roxy, but she wasn't in the mood for that kind of sparring match with him right now. No, right now she was after something else.
"Not now." But her tone was just enough pleading that his eyebrows arched playfully in response.
“Dude, seriously, don’t you look around?” Jamie’s words would have come across annoyed with anyone else, but Xilixas caught the lighthearted tone.
“Oh, hello,” He singsonged, leaning a little harder against the door frame. “Here for a snack?” He asked, tilting his head to the side to bare his neck a little.
At this, Jamie seemed at a loss, but whether that was because Xilixas’s brazen offer had caught him off guard or because he was genuinely considering it, Roxy couldn’t tell.
“He actually just polished off a bag of cheese-dusted nacho chips.” She cut in, drawing the flirt’s attention back to her.
Xilixas’s borderline sultry expression dropped into one of amusement. “That’s a choice.”
“Come on, I didn’t come here to be shamed.”
“So what did you guys come here for?” Xilixas slipped into more of a slouch against the door frame.
“Heard you might have some info regarding the whereabouts of a certain sword of mine.” Roxy said, with no small amount of impatience.
Xilixas snorted and opened the door wider before slipping farther into his room, his invitation entirely nonverbal.
Roxy wasn’t optimistic about his response, but she followed him anyway, Jamie in tow.
Xil’s room was messier than usual, things strewn across the floor haphazardly. He wasn’t known to be tidy, but he was rarely this messy.
“So is that a yes?” She asked as Xilixas picked up an orange tank top that had been draped over the back of the couch and pulled it on over his head.
“It’s not a no, I’ll tell you that much.” At her blank expression, he continued. “It’s not really a yes either though. The only thing I know from talking to Dez is that Salem might have it, but no one wants to go into his room to check.” He shrugged. “And that’s assuming that he’s not carrying it around with him.”
“So you don’t have anything new?” 
Xilixas snorted a soft laugh again. “Who told you I did?”
At this, Roxy was forced to admit that perhaps her source was not the most reliable, but Jamie cut her off.
“Dani said she overheard you talking to Dez about something that sounded relevant.” He leaned back against the wall beside the door. “To be honest we’re kind of out of leads.”
“How many people have you talked to?”
“Feels like half the household by now.” Roxy sighed.
“You talk to the dragons yet?”
Xilixas had no way of knowing what her morning had been like so far, so she really shouldn’t have gotten as frustrated as she did by that question.
“All except Salem,” She said through gritted teeth.
“Okay okay, take it easy.” He held his hands up in a placating gesture. “What about Jude?”
“Does she know something?”
“Probably not,” Xilixas chuckled. “But you’re gonna want her help kicking Salem’s ass when you do find him.”
“You know, at this point it might be an idea to abandon the whole lead thing,” Jamie said. “Seems like he’s leading us through the whole house anyway, might as well talk to everyone.”
Roxy sighed, long and deep.
“Alright, let’s go see Jude.”
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mrawkweird · 2 years
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So the teaser for Invincible season 2 dropped a while ago looking more polished in the animation department due to being directed by animator Balak. Some time after a tweet started to make the rounds about how someone was shocked to find out this incredibly fine looking animation for a tv show was done by a nsfw artist. Now they clarified that they didn't say this in a negative sense but the damage was kinda sorta done.
Now I'm sure I'm gonna sound cringe when I say this but I feel like this comes from the result of stuff like cancel culture, or the amount of terminally online kids who don't know anything but have learned to try get the moral highground as fast as possible and even the recent stigma against nsfw artist being the "easy way" to popularity.
Everyone is back to assuming "what you see is what you get" or judging a book by it's cover especially when it comes to nsfw artist. Hell it's even worse now cause it's general pornography as well the more taboo art.
I'll never forget or forgive that shit that happened last year when someone on the Amphibba crew was revealed to draw nsfw art of the shows characters got attacked and forced into hiding.
I feel like a decade ago when becoming a nsfw artist in the open was becoming a thing a lot a people were worried that it meant any dream of making into the industry was probably not gonna happen but look at Bruce Timm, Rebecca Sugar (yes really), Ian Jones Quartly and now Balak.
Hell, what am I talking about? Balak already made it before this dude is part of the main team of a popular comic as well as it's tv adaption, which has some of the most tasteful sex/nudity and hard hitting violence western animation has possibly ever seen especially for tv as well being a part of independent small animation studio.
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Anyone genuinely shocked and confused that someone can draw porn and general good art is someone who is admitting that they can't think outside the box.
I saw when someone mentioned who animated it and I was wondering when the cluster fuckery would begin. I don't know why some people even bother trying to come out talking as if some of these NSFW animations isn't some of the most legit looking shit these days. It shouldn't be surprising because once you mastered fuck psychics in animation you mastered the world and that should become a test before you get brought on to animate a project. "Oh, you wanna animate on the OK KO Movie? Well, just get me a test animation of Carol and Wilhamena double teaming Captain Planet by next week and I'll see if there's a spot for you".
Also, nobody should be playing the moral high ground card when they're clearly showing that they know of these things a little too well. It's like when teachers get fired for having an Onlyfans. Like, how the fuck did y'all find out? How did y'all confirm it?. And I still remember when the streets tried to come for Rebecca. Shit, Walt Disney legit got a secret stash out there too. For every single person that always wants to point fingers just let their search history pop up one time.
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I've had this account for years, but I've always been suuuper anxious about doing anything that, like, makes it an actual Tumblr blog that people can interact with
No posting, no reblogging, just invisibly following and liking stuff ><
But! I'm gonna start trying to get more comfortable with it! So I can finally Tumblr correctly!
Hiya, I'm Emily!
I'm 21, and my pronouns are She/Her ^^
I'm into a lot of stuff, but for the last year or so I've been suuuuuper obsessed with the MOTHER/Earthbound series!
I like to draw and write, and I think moooost of what I post myself will probably be fanart (and if my fics ever come anywhere close to being finished and polished, I'll link them here too!)
My favorite character is Porky Minch and GOD will I be posting about him
Aside from Earthbound, my favorite games are Undertale and Deltarune!
Other random things I like are:
Other Nintendo properties (mainly Mario and Metroid)
Uhhh idk Minecraft?
I can't for the life of me think what else I like
I used to be super into LotR and still know way too much about it but the constant stream of racism and toxicity when the Amazon show came out killed any love I had for the series :/
I'll get back to you
Soooo yeah, that's me! I will probably make this way better at some point
Oh also I just came up with this name on the spot because I needed one, I will probably change it whenever I can think of something actually good ^^
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fruttymoment · 1 year
is Aggie like a mobile app or do you just doodle on the website on your phone
aren't you like afraid to lose your data because of tabbing out of your browser for a second
Aggie is a website, where i doodle more polished stuff compared to PENUP ! I used to use PENUP but it doesnt even have a stabilizer lol, and Ibis Paint never worked for me soo,
Your drawings doesnt get lose that easily, actually! For example, tabbing to another thing or straight up closing my Internet app never really lost my data! However, i do heavily suggest you open an account for it first. From what i understand, Aggie seems to save your work automatically the moment you stop drawing.
But, did i encountered some data loss at all? AH YES. YEP.
Aggie likes to glitch sometimes. Rarely, when i go back to my drawings the save system seems to not work on my recent doodles. So i sometimes saw that my work i completed is a bit back to being unfinished, only missing small stuff tho.
Aggie experience HEAVILY depends on your INTERNET. If your internet is great, strong signal, no pings, then your experience would be great! (There were some cases where aggie somehow disconnects EVEN if i had great internet, no idea why. But your overall experience should be fine with a good internet!)
If you have bad internet, low signal and sone pings, pray.
One thing i dont like about aggie is it usually DOESNT TELL YOU IF YOU ARE DISCONNECTED. When something goes wrong with the connection, our bro aggie doesnt even tell you usually and because of that you think there isnt no issue and continue drawing. Thankfully, aggie doesnt stay too long disconnected. Only for like 3-5 seconds i suppose. After several seconds, aggie suddenly stops and that horrific "Connecting..." message pops up in the top right.
I see that message in my nightmares.
When you encounter that "Connecting..." message, first of all, ANYTHING you draw in lets say 10 seconds recently probably has been completely fucked. If you are lucky, aggie immeditely tells you the message and disconnects you so you dont lose big stuff. But mostly, when it comes to ping or lagging, aggie struggles to tell you. Bro is shy and waits several seconds to tell me "um you are actually disxonnected something is wromg with th internet im so sorry im gonna reconnect you ok??? Oh and everything you drew in last 5 to 10 seconds are gone probably. Am so sorry"
You lose your data because you draw when aggie isnt even connected. And the problem is, like i said, aggie has some trouble to tell it.
The last type of error i witnessed is just straight up corrupted data.
Oh god.
I dont know why and how, but RARELY, your drawings suddenly gets fucked up. Like it looks like you accidently tapped on the screen and i dunno?? Here is an example;
Everything is What the fuck
finee :3 just happened
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This can happen either in your very own eyes, or when you are away and open aggie again. Now this glitch thing is pretty rare i experienced it only few, but its so annoying because you cant even get rid of it simply by pressing the "undo" button. It does not delete it that way and you have to delete whats wrong manually.
On some cases, some pieces of your work even may get erasee in this glitch aswell. Its like your cat smashed your drawing tablet or something, just completely random stuff happens and you cant even undo your way out of that one bruh.
..what was i talking about?
Aggie is a website :>
Data loss only happens if your internet bad, and sometimes, rarely, with strange glitches
Also important to note that the point of aggie.io is to draw with friends, aggie itself is not an professional drawing service i think. Its still neat tho!
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rhokisb · 2 years
Dragonlance Session 6 Results
Writing DnD Campaign notes/story is so much different from just writing. Every time I think I've planned for everything, I am proven wrong.
Our session started with trying to get all the players together again. One of the missing party members was in a room next to where they woke up. He's a bard so I said, "A familiar tune underscores the yelling coming from the room to your left." 3 PCs go to the room, 2 ask to go chill with BlipBlup, an NPC my PCs love. The three who find the missing member, well he wants to wait for them to be back before he says what happened. 3 PCs chase after missing 2, while found (A) stays in the room. Alriiiight.
1 of the 3 walks into a shop where the person working there actually saved them as a child. They listen to the story, purchase rope and a grappling hook and leave. Wicked aha.
The 2 who left with the NPC, they go to a blacksmith to dull some daggers so they can continue to teach BlipBlup how to juggle. BlipBlup asks if they can teach him to fight so he can stop being a burden. 1 of them teaches him archery and gives him their short bow. BlipBlup is super happy and tells them he's gonna be the hero of the city one day, "just you watch".
They eventually are found by the 3, so then all 5 plus BlipBlup are back together again. As they go back to where their missing friend was it was TIME TO INTRODUCE A NEW PLAYER (which would have worked better if friend had gone with them but he wanted to stay). Insert mishmash of what happened to A while introducing new player B. Admittedly could have been organized better but I didn't expect A to want to stay in a random ass room.
All 7 PCs and BlipBlup talk to the king of the ruined city who tells them about a secret tunnel under the dragons lair. Oh yeah BTW this is the BBEG of the campaign so far, 1 Ancient Black Dragon. Cool, they head off over there. While walking they all agree that when they beat the dragon they're GONNA TELL THE KING BLIPBLUP DID IT SO HE CAN BE A HERO. *my heart*
They get to the Dragon. Epic fight. There was plot armor for this fight. I whisper on roll20 to ONE PLAYER that a God is whispering in their ear to hit the dragon with their staff. They say...
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And attempt to just keep fighting the dragon. After some COAXING (PC was drunk irl so it was more me shouting YOU WILL 100% DIE) they do it.
Dragon is killed instantly; PC who hit the dragon disappears, but the cave they're in begins to collapse. Insert DEX checks to avoid falling rocks here. Chaos. They watch the city they just left be crushed knowing a large number of the new friends they just made are probably dead. BlipBlup is shrieking in terror to the point one of them needs to carry him.
They get out and as more survivors make their way from the destruction the party finds their PC who killed it beneath a statue in a temple. She gets a new mission and they rest above the ruins of the city for the evening.
DURING WHICH TIME: one of them makes BlipBlup a crown out of broken iron chains, one of them polishes it and gives him a "How to Be a King for Dummies 101" lesson AND makes a new emblem for the city they just destroyed, one of them attempts to find him a BF/GF (we stan representation so he provided options) both of which refuse (their entire city and all of their friends and family just died 2 hours ago bro) so he gets a rock and draws a smiley face on it and presents it as BlipBlups partner. Also gives him a childhood trinket. Another PC gives BlipBlup his short sword, a set of fine clothes, and the insignia of the secret order they're a part of.
They didn't want the session to end so they end up traveling for 3 days back to their hometown which has been destroyed, get into a bar fight, and immediately are captured by the invading army of Draconians.
But WAIT: when they killed the dragon I gave them one opportunity to search the hoarde during the collapse. On the road they found out what they pulled. One of them pulled a cloak of invisibility.
So at the start of next session, 6 of the 7 are prisoners and one of them is running around like Harry in God damn Hogwarts in an invisibility cloak.
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You can never predict your PCs. Don't even try.
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subzeroiceskater · 2 years
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I think some of my previous posts might give the impression that I don’t like my RR present. It’s not that.
This year, I got to meet one of my favorite bands. I didn’t expect to, I went in just wanting to buy one of their shirts, and even then I was expecting that to fall through. Then I not only got to see them, but I spoke with the lead singer and even got to eat lunch with them. I wasn’t supposed to but the lead singer invited me up. It was the high point of the year to me, and easily one of the best moments of my life. 
I was severely depressed the weeks after that.
This is the exact situation but like with Mega Man gift stuff. Made worse by I’m still not over meeting the band and how their songs are pretty embedded in my fanon. I went in just wanting a picture of Friska, but I was half-expecting it to fall through. Then I got something I’ve always wanted. I haven’t even read it but knowing it exists is enough. Except. It’s like, how there were so many questions and comments I could have asked and told the band but now I’ll never have the opportunity ever again. I basically blew a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I experienced a good thing but it could have been a lot better if I had just less of a fuckup and believed good things could happen. 
Now I’m always gonna be extra sad when I hear Sponge Cola songs or look at my fan character.
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I had the opportunity to ask his favorite MM character and I never did.
I’m always anxious when dealing with some people because I go on the defensive and assume they’d rather not deal with someone like me. If I don’t exist to them then I’ll hurt.
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I still get apprehensive every time I have to speak to Miyabi and he’s basically just a guy who wants to do stuff for the MM community. I only managed to deal with that by wrapping on several levels of irony and defensive humor. My apprehension just grows with more intense personalities than his. Probably because I can be an intense and moody person. I can easily set off other people so it’s better if I don’t cause more problems.
If that anxiety seems to be so bad then why join something like an art exchange? Because most of the time, I do okay. I wanna art trade. I wanna see Tundra art because I love Tundra art. I like feeling that I can draw something for someone, too. Sometimes, there’s something I want badly enough to get over it like joining a contest because I want Tundra stories or maybe asking for scans or something else. It's an unfair generalization but I tend to assume stuff based on artstyle–like, oh, this person will want nothing to do with me. A very polished style tends to have a very “polished” person (smoothed/hardened by years of dealing with other people through the years)  so would not have time for the nonsense of someone as messy as me.
So I’m not a total wreck, I can handle one of these on a good day. It’s just the whammy of all these combinations is driving me crazy. Imagine the frenetic typic of hours and the soul crushing realization that it was too late. Like, you could have avoided all these if you hadn’t been the mess of a person you are and are able to check messages and emails like a normal person, instead of constantly hiding away, because, well, it’s not like anyone is gonna send you anything. If I had never met SC, then I would never have experienced being really happy but I’d still be able to listen to the songs without sadness. If I hadn’t gotten a comic with Tundra & Café, I never would have felt the happiness if someone actually drew it but then I wouldn’t feel a little sad looking at her pictures. Would that have been worth it? 
It really is the most extreme spectrum of emotions because I felt it all–all these feelings churning. Nothing can match the meeting with the band because they’re tied to feelings outside of fandom–but I made Café so in a specific, very personal way, I feel the pinprick of emotions from getting the gift to be a lot sharper. My feelings from the band very much feeds into my feelings of my fave characters (Tundra) and fan ones. Just the perfect storm of intense emotions. I’m dealing with it. 
And if I’m really being honest, there’s a part of me that’s very resentful and intensely  jealous because… I’ll promise to admit it in a week. I still need to finish my own work. I can’t read my own gift otherwise. I’ve given up trying to rush especially with this whole thing so I’d rather take the penalty than end up with something I’m more unhappy with. I just needed to sort my feelings out more. 
I’m still happy I got to meet Sponge Cola and received a comic.
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foli-vora · 3 years
my girl
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A/N: look, I don’t even fucking know. I saw the reference picture and my mind just went absolutely feral. What started out as what could be a simple threesome, soon turned into this—whatever the fuck this is. I refuse to apologise. I enjoyed this ride and will now throw this out into the abyss like a grenade and run back to the safety of my blankets, ashamed to ever return.
This is for @autumnleaves1991-blog Writers Wednesday ❤️ such an incredible idea! Thank you for letting me join in!
Pairing: Dave York x f!reader x Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: this is straight up filth. FILTH. SMUT 18+ NO MINORS!! Swearing, alcohol, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), lactation kink—not everyone’s cup of tea, I get it... dirty talk, Dave’s a bastard and Frankie’s a pussy eating king—both things we know by now. Um, enjoy, I guess?
You laugh lightly, head falling back onto Dave’s shoulder as Frankie drops his cards to the table with a drawn out sigh.
“You can’t lie for shit, Morales.”
He shoots a half hearted glare at Dave, crossing his arms stubbornly. “I don’t think that’s a bad thing, York.”
You snort quietly, fingers intertwining with the hand resting comfortably on your thigh. “It’s not a good thing, either. Drink up.”
“Two against one is hardly fair.”
Dave grins, momentarily pressing against your back to reach for his own beer before reclining comfortably back in the chair, pulling you tighter against him as he goes. “You say that like she’s a threat—she’s as hopeless as you.”
The sun still warms your shoulders as it starts it’s descent below the heavy tree line behind your property, the bright summer glow fading into something softer, more relaxing, and you eye the mess of paper plates, cups and random toys strewn about in the yard—the leftover destruction of your sons first birthday.
Dave’s fingers softly pinch your chin and return your focus to the table and the drinking game currently taking place, coaxing another beer into your hands while he kisses softly below your ear. “Stop looking at it—we’ll do it in the morning.”
“Yeah, when I’m long gone.” Frankie mutters, grinning at you before tipping his head back and polishing off another can while Dave laughs quietly.
He liked Dave. The guy was strange sometimes, what with his out of town work and mysterious friends that made the hairs on the back of Frankie’s neck stand, but Dave was a good guy... adored the absolute hell out of you and that’s all that mattered. He served, too, but unlike Frankie choosing to retire, he took up an opportunity with the CIA. Not too shabby.
Frankie’s checking in with his babysitter a little while later, having lost again, when he hears a little moan. His eyes move towards the sound before he can help it.
What the fuck?
Frankie shifts in his seat, not looking straight at the pair of you in fear of fucking flat out moaning. He chalks it up to just not being with someone for a while but wow. He could see you from the corner of his eye, see Dave’s hands and the way they move to squeeze and pinch at your tits as his mouth practically devours yours. You’re complete putty in his hands, melting into his lap and taking whatever he gives you hungrily.
Maybe he should go.
Fuck. Did you just whimper?
Jesus. He needs to leave now.
“I’ll head off... give you two some space—”
Dave’s low voice stops his rise from the chair, his ass hanging awkwardly over the seat as eyes that match his in colour and depth zero in on him from across the table. “What’s the rush, Morales?”
“No rush. I just don’t want to intrude—”
“You’re not. Sit down. Have another beer.”
Say no. Say no.
He resettles in the chair, immediately reaching for another can as wonders why he suddenly feels so fucking studied under Dave’s watchful gaze.
“So how long have you wanted to fuck my wife?”
You blink in shock, “David!”
Frankie just about chokes. Beer spills from his lips and he hacks a cough in surprise, sleeve catching the drops of liquid that fall from his chin. Fuck. Fucking shit. What the fuck is he meant to do? He’s gonna get his ass kicked, and if he’s being honest with himself, he fucking deserves it.
He should’ve fucking left.
“Man, I swear—” He swears what? He can tell by the way Dave’s looking at him that the man already knows. He’s not angry—not even a little bit. He’s just... smug. And curious. What kind of fucking game is this guy playing?
“Oh god, Frankie, I’m so sorry—please ignore him. David, what’s the fucking matter with you?!”
You bristle when he blatantly ignores you, instead raising a brow in challenge at Frankie. “Am I wrong?”
Frankie works his jaw, eyes narrowing slightly as he tries to work out Dave’s play. He doesn’t seem to be looking for a fight. Doesn’t seem to be doing it out of spite or wanting to upset you. He has no idea how to act, what to fucking say.
Dave nods, grinning. “Thought as much.”
His hand cups your chest, squeezing the flesh softly, and you squirm in his touch, cheeks flooding with embarrassment for your friend as Frankie swallows uncomfortably, eyes immediately finding the crushed cans on the table. “Dave—”
“He doesn’t mind—do you, Morales?”
You watch in slight surprise as Frankie’s eyes flutter to your chest, watching the way Dave handles you roughly before they’re moving away again, almost shy.
“It’s alright. You can watch. Can’t he, honey?”
And then Frankie’s looking at you, eyes unsure and questioning but burning with something that has a thrill running along your spine. You nod quietly, heart beating unsteadily as Frankie’s eyes widen slightly, body squirming in the chair.
“If—if you want to.”
He exhales softly, now watching with rapt attention as Dave brings both hands up, undoing each button of your dress until your modest cotton bra is on show, nipples poking through and straining against the fabric. He feels the air leave his lungs the second Dave pulls at the cups, spilling your tits out to the open air and his wandering gaze. He can’t help but make a noise at the sight of them, cock hardening to the point of discomfort as Dave massages them softly, your eyes rolling a little as he pinches at your nipples.
Frankie stiffens in the chair, breath catching and stomach dropping.
Fucking shit—
Dave hums lowly in appreciation, feeling a warm dribble across his thumb and fingers as you squirm from the familiar tingle in your breasts. “She’s trying to stop and dry it up, but it takes a while, doesn’t it, honey? Not that I care—more for me in the long run.”
Frankie almost whines. Fucking whines. He catches it just before it falls from his throat, close to embarrassment. Dave knows—the bastard. You look so good. So fucking good. Fuck, there’s so much—
“Have a taste.”
You moan softly at the idea, and Dave hushes you softly as he presses a kiss to your throat.
Frankie eyes the milk that falls from your nipple before glancing up and meeting Dave’s gaze, lips pursing in thought despite the way his cock throbs in his jeans. What was the ulterior motive here? Was it a test? Was he just looking for a reason to knock him out? Does he even care?
Dave watches him, expression unwavering, almost teasing as he coaxes more milk from your tits and runs his fingers through the warm stream sliding down your skin.
“What’s the catch?” Frankie eventually asks, voice hoarse, and Dave grins.
“No catch.”
Did he get up too fast? By the way Dave laughs at him, he probably did. He doesn’t care. He can’t get around the stupid fucking glass table quick enough.
Frankie drops to his knees in front of you, attention completely focused on the way Dave squeezes gently at your nipple and draws more milk from your tit.
He wants to double check. He knows Dave would never push you to do something you didn’t want to, but there’s been a bit of alcohol involved, and even though he knows your tolerance level is much higher than a few beers, hell—even tequila doesn’t bring you down, checking doesn’t hurt. “Are you—”
You nod, “It’s okay, Frankie.”
“Go on.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. Frankie’s lip attach to you the second Dave opens his mouth, his tongue running immediately over your nipple and groaning when the taste of your milk sinks into his taste buds. So fucking sweet. You whine into Dave’s ear when Frankie increases his pressure, greedy for more as you flood his mouth, and your stomach tightens at Dave’s low hum.
“Feel good, honey?” He asks quietly, other hand cupping and rolling your free nipple in his hand as Frankie moans softly against your skin, the prickle of his facial hair so different to Dave’s clean shaven face, but no less pleasant.
“S-so good—”
Dave’s fingers gently pinch at the hem of your dress, sliding it up along your thighs and pooling it above your waist before coaxing your thighs open a little more, Frankie immediately moving into the free space as soon as he could. Dave pulls your panties to the side, running his fingers through your slick folds with a low groan.
“You’re so fucking wet. Do you like him sucking on your tits?”
You whine quietly, hips arching into the two fingers that swirl around your entrance before they slide in and curl against your hot walls. He moves slowly, dragging them almost lazily in and out of your pussy as he feels more of your arousal coat his hand.
“Yeah, you do like it—so does he. Do you think he can hear how wet you are, baby? Do you think he can hear my fingers move in this greedy little cunt?”
Frankie groans. Loudly. He’d be embarrassed if he wasn’t so fucking turned on. He can hear it. It’s driving him fucking mad. He wants to look, wants to watch how your face moves as Dave finds that spot deep along your walls, but he can’t pull away from you. Not yet. If this is the only chance he gets to do this, then he’s taking it and fucking running.
Dave’s gentle as he pulls his fingers from you, swirling his slick soaked fingers around and over your nipple before coaxing Frankie to the other side. The obscene groan that vibrates against your chest sends flutters through your entire body as Frankie laps at your skin with a ravenous frenzy, tongue smoothing over every bit of wet skin he could find before latching onto your nipple without abandon.
Dave picks up on it immediately. “Easy. You hurt her, I hurt you.”
A tongue smoothes over your nipple in silent apology, and your fingers run through the flattened curls of Frankie’s hat hair in acceptance, his face nuzzling against your skin as you bring him closer. Dave’s fingers return to your pussy, leisurely circling your clit, swollen and throbbing from lack of attention.
“Do you want to cum, honey?”
The needy whine that leaves your mouth has him cooing into the side of your face, fingers picking up speed and pressure at the desperate little buck of your hips.
“Maybe if you ask Francisco nicely, he’ll eat this pretty pussy until you cum.”
Jesus fucking Christ.
Is he serious?
Frankie shudders against you, cock straining so fucking hard against his jeans he almost wants to cry. He’d beg if he has to. If that tiny little taster Dave gave him was anything to go by, you’d drive him fucking wild.
“P-please Frankie—”
Dave tuts lowly in your ear, “‘Please Frankie’—you can do better than that. He can’t hear you.”
“Fuck. Please—”
“Please what?”
“Please eat my pussy—please—”
Dave winds his fingers into Frankie’s hair and tugs sharply, the other man detaching from your tit with a wet smack of his lips. He eyes the small trail of milk sliding into Frankie’s beard and scoffs quietly, “Messy.”
Frankie’s already flushed cheeks darken even further, but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is how fucking stunning you look, legs spread and face morphed in ecstasy as Dave rubs over your clit with a shadow of a smirk—the man knew he drove you crazy.
God, so fucking wet—
You’re dripping. He can see it. He watches the way your entrance flutters, pussy clenching hungrily around nothing as Dave slows his movements.
“Well? You heard her.” He parts your folds, baring you in all your slick fucking glory, and Frankie all but fucking loses his god damn mind. He dives in, uncaring that Dave’s fingers are there and his tongues probably running over them more than he cares to count. Dave doesn’t seem to mind.
The cry that falls from your lips has Frankie pressing forward, mouth pressing greedily against you as his tongue works at your pussy, lapping at your weeping entrance before lathing attention to your clit, tightening his lips around the nerve and letting his tongue massage over it.
“Oh fuck, Frankie—”
Dave hums, curved nose trailing softly along the side of your face as you thrash in his arms, bucking into the mouth that all but fucking devours your pussy. His tries to ignore the way you shift on his lap, the way your ass drags so fucking nicely over his hard cock straining under you, tries to ignore the delicious fucking sounds coming from both you and Frankie, but he can only endure so much.
He bites into your shoulder, eyes tightening as he fights off the waves of tempting bliss tingling at the base of his spine. Not yet. He wants more.
“Come on, baby. He’s been so good—cum on his mouth. Give it to him.”
Your body thrums with waves of electricity at Dave’s words, each swipe of Frankie’s tongue driving you further and further until you’re stiffening, Dave cooing quiet praises and quickly slapping a firm hand over your mouth as you find your peak, crying out and shaking in his arms as Frankie holds onto your thighs, tongue burying itself in your fluttering pussy to take everything you give him.
Your cries turn into whines, and soon you’re squirming, trying to get away from Frankie’s mouth. He takes the message before Dave can intervene, pulling away with a shaky exhale and desperately trying not to blow his load in his fucking jeans. He had a feeling Dave would never let him live it down, but it was so fucking hard not to. You were wrecked.
He watches you come down from your high from the floor between your thighs, heart hammering as Dave softly runs his fingers along your skin, voice almost silent as he murmurs in your ear. Dark eyes are soon on him and Frankie briefly worries he’s overstepping his welcome, until Dave speaks.
“That’s what you get when you lose, Morales. Imagine what you’ll get if you win. Deal ‘em.” Dave nods to the cards on the table, acting like he didn’t have you still trembling in his arms with your tits out, and dress bunched around your hips with your pussy still spread and quivering.
Frankie swallows, nodding silently and moving back to his seat, reaching for the cards with a sudden urge to win and wipe that fucking smirk off of Dave’s face.
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed @mouthymandalorianalso @frannyzooey @wyn-dixie @intu-witch-tion @amneris21 @mad-girl-without-a-box @pinguinstudiert @sergeantbannerbarnes @betterthanbucky @kat-r-in @starlightmornings @randomness501 @antisocialthat70sshow @buttercup--bee @sleep-tight1 @spideysimpossiblegirl @greeneyedblondie44 @hope-for-the-best-98 @bunniwarrior @fangirl-316 @acourtofsnakes @leaiorganas @princess76179​ @mamacitapascal @221bshrlocked @danniburgh @lv7867​ @autumnleaves1991-blog​ @julesorwhatever​
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genericpuff · 11 months
What makes a comic good in your eyes? And what makes it bad?
Oof, that's a BIG question that I can't exactly give one single answer to. There are a ton of factors. For me the biggest thing is writing, while the art might be a turnoff if it isn't polished in the beginning, it's still not a dealbreaker for me, I've read tons of comics that started off still figuring out their art (and that's the beauty of webcomics, really). It's when the writing isn't interesting or good that I tend to drop off. Maybe the plot doesn't make sense or takes too long to establish what it's trying to do, maybe the jokes feel forced or poorly written.
I think writing tends to sort of take an unintentional backseat in webcomics, and it just comes with the territory. Tons of online artists naturally come up with their own characters that they want to write stories for, so they gravitate towards webcomics. Whereas writers - even online ones - don't tend to see webcomics as the default, they'll usually end up in the fanfiction circles or on Wattpad or even just ditching the online format entirely and going straight into trad publishing. It's why there are so many writers looking for artists in the webcomic community, you won't find artists looking for writers quite so much because they usually wind up using webcomics as an entry point into writing. Writers can't use webcomics as an entry point into drawing quite as well, there's a LOT more upfront work into learning how to draw vs. learning how to write (but writing is ultimately harder to master, knowing how to write scenes on the page doesn't necessarily mean you're writing those scenes well).
So I find more often than not the writing ends up being a dealbreaker for me. Art gets me interested enough to take a peek, but the writing is what keeps me invested, so if the writing isn't sound, I'm probably not gonna stick with it. If a comic does feel like it isn't written (or even drawn) up to what I would define as "good", I try to identify what exactly what's wrong with it, not just so I can better understand why it isn't working, but so I can implement that understanding into my own work. It's not just learning what works in a comic, it's also learning what doesn't work.
Still, I try to distinguish between whether a comic is "good or bad" vs. whether or not it's even meant for me. I've definitely read comics in the past that didn't click with me but I could totally see why people liked it, it just didn't appeal to what I was looking for or my humor or whatever. Some comics are objectively great and they just don't connect with me, like Scoob & Shag, Homestuck, etc. where I can respect why people like them, I just like, couldn't get into them no matter how many times I tried LMAO And then some comics are objectively not great and I enjoy them anyways, like Deep Fried Pudge, which is literally just a daily single panel dad-humor-full-of-puns comic, it had no right being in my subscription list when I was still on Tapas but something about it was so charming to me. I feel bad even calling it "bad" because it's not trying to be anything, it's just this humble little passtime project that someone started and never stopped. And I mean it has not stopped updating since 2012, every time I check in on it I'm astounded to see it's STILL going at 4,036 episodes. I have no idea what power the person who makes this possesses but they will surely outlive us all, I can only rationalize its existence as the closest I've ever been to perceiving God.
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