#pro-tip for dnd
blujayonthewing · 9 months
really fucking frustrating to be in a dry creative period where what I want is to be consuming and absorbing instead of creating, but I'm still only interested in dnd (can't happen without a bunch of adults syncing up their schedules, repeatedly and regularly) and my own OCs (the only content is content I CREATE AUUUGH)
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finalskies · 8 months
Great design! it's so nice your DM allowed you to make your imaginations Live, have fun in that campaign!
Oh, I missed this! Thank you! Yeah, Chimera's a special one, I'm glad my DM allowed it! Always enjoy playing dragonborn sorcerers, my go-to combo.
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The Void of an Absence
Moonshine thought she was ready for the fact that she would have a life after Hardwon passed away. She was not ready for a life without him that was his choice.
A look at Moonshine (and Beverly) in the aftermath of Cobb’s death and Hardwon’s departure.
Keep reading on ao3
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thebalancedangel · 9 months
Sebastian: Look what I found! ^.^
Sebastian: *holding a bat mostly by the neck*
Petras: :O
Petras: …Drink it.
Sebastian: Huh? O.o
Petras: It would be funny!
Sebastian: *visibly uncomfortable*
Astarion, thinking: WTF even is this that I’m looking at?
—— LATER ——
Astarion: …and then Petras snatched it out of his hands and drank it.
Karlach: …Was it rabid?
Astarion: :] Of course!
Karlach: :] …Aw, they sound like a bunch of merry cretins!
Astarion: :]
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butch-enjoyer · 2 years
Actual dnd pro tip!
If you don't want to make a new religion/cult for your campaign, but you need to, just combine all the Abrahamic religion and describe them like if you were an outsiders of them.
Example: the cultists are here every weekend, chanting, making requests to their Gods and feasting upon the blood and flesh of their God.
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hell0mega · 1 year
tears of the kingdom is so much easier when you think "how did the developers WANT me to solve this puzzle?"
it doesn't work all the time because some of those people must've been sadists and/or stupid but it's saved me A LOT of grief
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spicedddrum · 2 years
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misses my idiot child forever and ever
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thewallshaveeyes · 2 months
Me, every night at exactly midnight: so, let's see... Wisdom saving throw against procrastination... Let's put that at advantage because I'm listening to good music.. Setting the DC pretty high, though, since my motivation is pretty low... Alright, that's a natural 13, plus 2 is a 15... with a DC of 17, if I can get someone to cast guidance on me in the next 5 minutes, that should be enough to pass this saving throw.
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megalodongle · 8 months
PRO-TIP: When making crafts, keep a new Journal Entry open for editing.
What you copy from the book to go in your craft should be pasted in the new Journal Entry, first. It will eliminate all of the line breaks for you. Then ctrl-A to select all, ctrl-X to cut, then put your cursor where you want the text in your craft and ctrl-V to paste.
If you copy one paragraph at a time, "autopilot" is a lot easier. You won't even need to pay attention to the content any more than looking for indentation. You can focus your attention on television or whatever else.
The same goes for D&D 5E Lite or any other system (as far as I know) on Let's Role.
It goes so much faster!
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perschlaps · 9 months
If you can't make your own dungeons or dragons store bought is fine.
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Get a graph paper notebook. It's good for:
- Notes
- Emergency character sheet
- Emergency battlemap
- Plain old map
- Doodling
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tropicalscream · 1 year
blah blah Bethesda bad anyway
my favorite thing about Elder Scrolls is how goddamn fuckin weird it is
like on surface it's just some dnd game but like even a cursory glance shows tis fucking insane like:
The moons is the corpse of a god
the stars are actually holes in reality when alot of primordial spirits hated that mortals were becoming a thing and fucked off
The demon lord of forbidden knowledge/resident Cthulhu stand-in might also be the beta version of the entire fucking universe made sentient when it wasn't chosen to be the used reality
there are cat ppl that take the form of furrys, lions, or regular cats, so you can have a cursing Pirate legend whose an alcoholic & wanted in 5 countries but is also a like basic tabby cat
the wood elves are so pro-nature they're cannibals and also they murder vegetarians
Vampires came from the Lord of Rape doing well ya know
Werewolves came to exist bc the lord of hunt got bored and is a furry
sex is treated like a fucking ip copyright contract on what aspect of sex is happening and what god it's under. There's been many religious wars about this
The lizard ppl are part tree
the Dwarves all fucked off somewhere and disappeared bc they were so atheist they did math to break relativity and literally no one has any idea where they went God or mortal (except maybe Cthulhu and hes not telling)
Said Cthulhu stand-in treats hiding your grandma's secret cookie recipe & hiding a spell that would end the universe and slay a god the exact same and he will murder you for either
Everyone wants to fuck the Orcs but will never admit it and they got so bent out of shape that a demon god killed the og orc god, ate him, and shat him out bc she couldn't deal with everyone complimenting them all the time so now all Orcs are cursed to be hated but they're all still sexy & so is their god
And all this isnt even the tip of the iceberg
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wall-e-gorl · 1 year
Kul playlist!! with non spoilery explanations under the cut caues theres a whole 17 songs and i dont want a whole long post for it
loons at dusk- kinda like the overture of the playlist? its birdcalls with atomospheric chords the mountain song- [redacted] song to the bone- what should have been the only worry. [redacted] pov storm away- storm theming sparkle_emoji welly boots- [kul] and parents, [kul] and redacted, [kul] and redacted bird song- bird, violence, haunted by it common loon yodel- bird again, symbolizes the beginning of the change from [kul] to kul fish in the sea- sea shanty, mostly for vibes but also start of captain theming siren's song- captain song santiana- just a sea shanty again abandon ship- becomes first mate, fully pirate now ashes- time passing song two- kul cares so much. about hai about the captain about [redacted] dust- kul is getting older ozymandias- [redacted song] the man who sees tomorrow- [redacted song] hello darlin'- [redacted song]
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atthebell · 9 months
how to clip (redneck ash atthebell edition aka not the most efficient necessarily)
my best methods for clipping & posting to tumblr
tl;dr use clipr for downloading clips from twitch, other methods vary by mileage
Clip on Twitch & Download using Clipr
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IMO, this is the best method for posting clips. Twitch clips don't always display properly on Firefox, and it also means that if the clip ceases to exist on Twitch for whatever reason, it's still uploaded to Tumblr. You can also guarantee the quality you're downloading in, which is usually 1080p unless the streamer has for some reason lowered their stream quality (happens by accident sometimes).
Downsides: 1) You have to be able to download the clip to your computer, and doesn't work on mobile. Well, it could, but it would be way more difficult and I don't know why you would do that to yourself. 2) If the moment you want to clip is longer than 60 seconds, you have to use another method. Twitch only lets you clip something that long. I bemoan this fact every day.
Screen capture on your computer
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The pros of this method are that you aren't limited to 60 seconds, and if you're trying to clip something from a YouTube video, it's easier than trying to download a YouTube clip (have never been able to successfully do this myself) or downloading the entire video and then editing it down to the moment you want to clip.
The cons are that you have to make sure you're not screen capturing sensitive shit from your own computer, and you have to turn off all other audio and make sure your volume levels & video quality are at appropriate levels (aka don't have your volume super low, don't have the video on 480p if possible). If you're clipping off YouTube, you have to deal with having the channel's watermark in the corner, but otherwise it's great for when you want to just clip something from Twitch but it's longer than 60 seconds.
How to do this (on Windows):
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Remember to put your computer on DND (Discord as well) and put the video on highest quality and decent volume levels. Press Windows key + G (if that's your configuration) and select "Start Recording" on the capture window. Remember to give time for the scrub bar and shit from YouTube or Twitch (or whatever) to go away, so go back a little bit before where you want the clip to start. Record until you've got what you want, then open it in whatever video editing software pleases you. You can find the recording in Captures on your computer (usually in some folder chain in Users) or by just pressing Windows key + G again, it'll let you open the recording in file location. I use Microsoft Clipchamp to edit because Windows Media Player crashes my computer and I'm not going to pay for nice editing software rn. Anyway, edit out the bits with you moving your mouse around and the video player UI and get it to whatever length you like. Save or redownload to your computer, upload to Tumblr.
Downloading off Twitter
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Use twittervideodownloader or twdown. Copy the video address from the video and paste it, then download in whatever quality you'd like. Please attribute said clips, particularly if they went through the trouble of adding subtitles or you're using their translation (or just to let people know where they came from-- i.e. is this from a cc's own IG story, or is it a random fan recording them; the latter means you maybe shouldn't be reposting this video). Translation itself is often a thankless project so it's very appreciated to acknowledge translators. Also if someone else went through the trouble of clipping something, it's just nice to acknowledge them for it. Preferably include a link to the original tweet. This method is best for just needing stuff off Twitter, for IG stories that someone else already screen captured, or if the only clip you can find is on Twitter and the original vod/video is gone for whatever reason.
Extra fun tips:
If you are a frequent clipper, get in the habit of naming your files! If you're keeping them all on your computer, for organization's sake, it will save you SO much time and energy if you just have names on your files. It doesn't have to be anything crazy formal; for example, my format is just "oct 12 cellbit scared by sign tts;" date followed by a very short description.
Similar to the above, it also helps to include some amount of context to clips when you're posting them, particularly if you're not liveblogging. Sometimes people rb clips onto my dash and start freaking out about some kind of lore going on and it's like dude this clip is from two months ago, calm down. Please turn on timestamps also for the love of fuck.
You can download videos straight off Tumblr! If someone else already posted a clip you like and want to have on your computer, you can download it off the dash or off their blog and just have it, no extension or screen capture or website needed. One of the very cool things about this website!
Related, if you really want to find a clip that you know was already posted to Tumblr by someone else, use people's archives. They're also one of the actually functional parts of this website. You can filter by post type, month, and tags, which can usually get you closer to finding what you're looking for than searching will.
RoyalArchivist tends to post and reblog a lot of clips, so they're a good resource alongside myself, pix pixiecaps, and jay cellgatinbo, all of whom clip like maniacs. I also just reblog a lot of things and have a pretty extensive tagging system. RA also has a timestamp archive for QSMP with notes about lore and things-- please check that out if you're interested in helping document events or looking to find a certain moment.
MCYT Archive Project has public vods spreadsheets for QSMP as well as other MCYT projects that are incredibly extensive, so if you're looking for a moment and you remember the date, you should be able to find the vod on the sheet. You can also use the vod archives in junction with wiki articles to figure out exactly or approximately when something happened (the QSMP Miraheze wiki includes citations in their articles, which is a massive help for this kind of thing).
Finally, I am a lunatic who figured this all out through trial and error. There are probably other, somewhat more efficient methods, like I said at the start. If you know of any, please (politely) add onto the post.
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bolithesenate · 6 months
do you like hair sticks?
If so, what's your favorite one?
I feel like Sifo would use the crescent moon ones
I DO!!!
hairsticks are apart from big clasps the only thing that can reliably hold my mass of hair together so i wear them quite often!
though i only have three, two wooden ones and one carved from bone
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the wooden ones both look the same and originally had charms as the one in the pic attached at the end, but they both got loose and fell off 😅 i might try to fix it at some point but tbh the dangly bits always got caught in my hair so this is more practical
the bone one is so nice tho because its very long and holds really well
technically, i also have a metal one that looks like asword, but it is too short and slippery for me to actually use in daily business. I only bought it as a holy symbol prop for my dnd Cleric XD
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so yeah, pro tip: you want your hairpins to be made from a porous material like wood, bone or amber, those have more grip
bonus thing:
hairpins are really hard to get where i am so the wooden ones are from the thrift and the other two from renfaires, but my ultimative dream would be to find a nice jade hairpin someday because THE CUNTICITY IS OFF THE CHARTS
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butch-enjoyer · 8 days
Life pro tip, if you are working with something outside and someone is asking you, what are you doing.
Just respond that you are working for a mayonnaise commercial. No one is interested in mayonnaise enough to ask more questions. When was the last time you remember a mayonnaise commercial? Never, they are all boring so they will leave you the fuck alone!
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