#pro team gay
nonbinarylesbianherb · 4 months
Team green this, Team black that,
I’m making a new team
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hyuga-eyes · 5 months
People trying to put hatred between Neji and Hinata's relationship when clearly, after his fight with Naruto, their relationship improved a lot. They fought side by side in the ninja war, Hinata cared about him and and even grieved for his death.
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And you can see that Neji cared about her too. In this scene he is asking her about Naruto because he knows she likes him. He was trying to support her feelings, it's very cute ❤️
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So stop spreading lies and hate all the time. You read the manga all wrong and now you are trying to find reasons to justify your hatred for Hinata, making it seem like she was a bad person when she is not. Hinata and Neji had a good relationship and cared about each other whether you like it or not.
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morally-gray101 · 1 year
i feel like we as a fandom do not take advantage of the fact that andrew did a criminal justice major and told everyone it was for the meme. i genuinely believe he was going to go out there and change the world and make it better, even if it was just a little bit. i mean can you imagine? CRIMINAL LAWYER andrew minyard. OFFICER minyard. DETECTIVE minyard. SHERIFF minyard! BODYGUARD andrew minyard!!! the possibilities!!
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menonlywrestling · 8 months
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More rediscovered archive Pro Wrestling Magazine covers and feature images, on Father and Son Tag Teams from around the world.
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lilycatttt · 3 months
Shit close enough welcome back Margaery and Loras Tyrell
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hersheysmcboom · 1 month
Friendly reminder that nether Tony stark or Steve rogers are homophobic, STOP MAKING UP LIES THAT THEY ARE!!
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lemonboyjosten · 2 years
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40 year old Andrew Minyard rethinking his life decisions that led him to the point where he still has to engage in post game interviews.
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wrestlingarsenal · 4 days
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Scenes from a very queer match between Eddie Guerrero and the leather-pantsed Basham Brothers which I recently viewed on YouTube. It seems Eddie's partner, Chavo, was banned from the ring, so he had to fight the two Bashams (and their female manager) by himself. Double-Teaming is already rife with sexual innuendo, but it only gets more explicit and gayer from there.
We witness an S&M performance as the Bashams are whipped by their dominatrix. Then Doug Basham, perhaps turned on by that foreplay, thrusts his front side against Eddie's back side while executing a Pump Handle.
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The commentators can't help but call out the homoerotic imagery as they ponder why the Bashams are so obsessed with Eddie's crotch. More male-on-male whipping will occur before this one is finished.
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thebluestbluewords · 7 months
pie dough woes
"It's not even good yet!" Jane cries. "Stop stealing all the pastry, there's going to be none left for the filling! You're going to become a raw pie if you keep it up!" 
"You're a raw pie." Jay manages, yanking his hand back out of Jane’s rolling pin range with a handful of dough scraps that he doesn’t deserve. There’s not even cinnamon on them yet, and if he’d just wait, and stop ruining all her plans they’d be twice as nice with the cinnamon and butter mixture she’s got planned for them. 
"You're a delicious baked pie,” Carlos says earnestly, turning his huge and terrible begging eyes up at Jane. "You're perfect and hot and a harbinger of good things into all of our lives." 
Much like a pie (baked), Jane is not going to melt under this pressure. Her butter has already solidified through the transformative cooking process, and she's got nothing left in her to be melted, even by sweet boyfriends with swoon-worthy puppy dog eyes. 
She props her elbows up on the countertop, careful of the flour bowl she's got out by her left elbow to dust the minipie dough with as she works. 
"You're very sweet, but if you eat any more of my pastry," Jane threatens. "I'm going to need to kick you out of the kitchen. And I'll feel bad about it, and then you'll be directly responsible for making me feel bad, and that's not what good boyfriends do." 
"Lucky 'or 'ou--" Jay tries. 
Jane dips her fingers into the flour bowl. If they're going to be menaces in her kitchen, there are consequences that all boys must face. "Choose your next words carefully." 
Jay wisely chooses to swallow the mouthful of raw dough he's stolen from her minipie preparations before trying again. "I said, lucky for you, we're evil--"
Jane launches her handful of flour at him. 
Their kitchen gets morning and afternoon sun because the boys insisted on picking the kitchen with the high, wide windows. It means they need to keep the fans running even in the winter if Jane's doing anything finicky with cold pastry dough, but the sight of her isle boys drinking in the sunlight that spills from the windows most of the day is well worth it. The afternoon sun they've got right now is highlighting the flour stuck to Jay's shirt, his hair, his eyelashes. 
"Oops." Jane says sweetly. "I didn't see you there." 
"Beh." Jay spits. There's sort of a lot of flour in his mouth. Oops.She should probably feel worse about that. "Peh. Ew." 
"I didn't mean for you to swallow it!" Jane cries, but oh, she can't help but laugh too. "I was just-- oh, there's so much in your hair, oh goodness." 
"Yes!" Jane squeaks. She's doing a poor job at containing her giggles. Jay's eyes look so bright and pretty, even covered in flour. Jane's never looked so pretty before, not even when she's dressed to the nines and cleaned up and not covered in flour and buttery fingerprints from where they'd had a slight incident with part of the cinnamon sugar filling before. 
"You really want us to stop?" 
"I mean, I wanted to make a nice dessert, and it's not-- I like having you here in the kitchen with me, but it's hard to finish the pies when you keep eating all my ingredients, and I had a tray for snails all buttered already, and--" Jane forces herself to slow down, take a breath. There's no reason for her to be anxious about baking. "Don't go away, but please stop eating all my ingredients. They'll taste a lot better once they're baked, and I really do want you to try the pies once they're done." 
Jay smiles at her, flour and all, and Jane can feel the tense muscles all along her back relaxing without anything more than the small reassurance. “Okay. We can stop." 
"Thank you." 
“But you should teach us to make this dough sometime. It’s too good to keep it to yourself.” 
“You don’t—“ Jane laughs, because she can’t stop herself. “You don’t even like baking!” 
Carlos drapes himself over her side, careful and warm and comfortable even though he’s made of bones and dried spaghetti noodles. “Because we don’t know how. It’s not like we had the chance to learn as kids.” 
“I’m not a very good teacher,” Jane warns. “I’m impatient. And you’re too smart for your own good.” 
Carlos leans harder. “You taught me how to straighten my hair properly. That took a lot of patience.” 
“Pastry isn’t quite the same thing as hair, babe. There’s a lot more butter in pastry, if you’re doing it right.” 
“I’ll try putting butter in my hair if you’ll teach us how to make pie,” Jay offers, “you know you want to try butter conditioning. I’ll text Evie about it.” 
“Too late, I’m doing it!” Jay says cheerfully. “Butter—conditioner—thoughts? And send.” 
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nonbinarylesbianherb · 3 months
team Rhaenyra on the throne and Alicent by her side as they live happily ever after
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estir-esper · 2 months
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i hope everyone had good artfight!! i sure did... im proud of pretty much everything i've made, and received so much artwork in return
did lots of mass attacks for my last few drawings for this year. wanted to get as many people as i could :)
even ended up copying the sailor moon/slay the princess artstyles for two attacks!!
im rambling but im already excitedly awaiting next year. I'm gonna draw for so many people
if you want to look at all the character credits, please look at my artfight for the attacks! (there are so many here and im doing the stupid thing by uploading them all at once)
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nikosdaydreams · 4 months
The amount of people I see claiming that HELAENA was at fault for B&C is astounding, and these are the same people who claim to be "anti-misogyny" because their fav had to suffer through it, but when she perpetuates it to her "sweet sister" and her stepmother, she's a girlboss?
Newsflash, blaming a woman for the actions of her male relatives to justify violence to said woman is in fact misogyny!
"Oh, well Helaena should have moved with her kids and Dreamfyre to Dragonstone to be with Rhaenyra!" Ignoring the immediate problems with that, why would Helaena leave her mother, brothers and husband, and her home, for her half-sister and her weirdo husband who will probably take the initiative and kill her and her children in her sleep? (Not to mention she will probably be found and returned home before she even gets there - the Greens have a lot of dragons)
"Helaena should have joined Team Black!" I'm sorry, come again, join the team that had no qualms in suggesting to torture her already-mutilated brother? Join the team that would more likely than not arrange "unfortunate accidents" for her family the moment Rhaenyra sat the throne, hoping to eliminate the threat that their very EXISTENCE poses to her power? Join the team that forced her to choose between Jaehaerys and Maelor or Jaehaera would be raped, and killed her six-year-old son right in front of her? The level of delusion people possess to think that Helaena should just ignore all the bad things that Team Black have done is astounding, especially as she is a victim of it.
"But Aegon threw a party, etc etc etc!" But this is not about Aegon. Jaehaerys was as much Aegon's as he was Helaena's, yes, but if his assassination was to hurt Aegon, it would have been over in less than a minute. One clean swipe, and they would be done. But they did it to hurt Helaena. They laughed at her as she begged for them to kill her instead. They forced her to choose, and left her in incredible guilt when they ignored her choice. Also, if they wanted to hurt Aegon, or Team Green, why not kill Aegon, the one who threw the party in Luke's killer's honour? Why not kill Aemond, Luke's actual killer? They targeted Helaena, because they knew it would break her. You will never ever find me supporting B&C, or Daemon for that matter.
Lastly, Luke and Jaehaerys's deaths were BOTH horrible events, and it's understandable to, you know, not celebrate children's deaths? But they were also incredibly different. Luke's death (going from the show here) was not intended. Yes, Aemond is at fault for going at him with a big scary highly sensitive sentient nuclear missile, but you can see why he thinks he is safe. He doesn't really think that Vhagar would properly attack Luke and Arrax, because he is the one in control. At that moment, it's not even about Luke's eye. It's about power. Scaring Luke shitless after years having to adapt around his disability that Luke caused and held no remorse for would have sounded like a great idea for Aemond. (And even if it was about Luke's eye, I'm pretty sure the yelling "No, Vhagar!" and looking mortified would be a telltale sign of "Oh, shit, that did not go to plan")
Meanwhile, Jaehaerys's death was intentional, not only as a blow to the Greens, but as a heavy one to his mother. I don't need to repeat everything I've basically already said, but long story short, the Blacks meant every piece of damage they did to Helaena.
Finally, I want to say, I love Luke. I am sad that he died. I still blame Aemond for following his little baby dragon with a massive weapon of war. But if I hear a specific part of Team Black justifying B&C because "a son for a son" and that BS, justifying the trauma inflicted on Helaena, Alicent, Jaehaera, and Maelor because "Team Black > Team Green", I will lose it.
TL;DR: Helaena and Jaehaerys are innocent and didn't deserve to be attacked. Just because one is Team Black does not mean they are anti-misogyny. Daemon is not a girlboss for murdering children.
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menonlywrestling · 9 months
Part One.
From the 50s thru to the late 80s, it wasn't uncommon to find Pro Wrestling rings in the back rooms of Tea Rooms and Baths in Turkey, Tavernas in Greece, Pubs in the UK and Ireland and Beer Halls in Germany etc.
Mostly these were to try and draw customers in or entertain customers. Sometimes local dads would get in and wrestle, if they had some pro experience, or after a few drinks, thinking they could take on a local Pro, or drunken patrons who want to settle a score with each other.
Here we have some images from that period.
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revvywevvy · 1 year
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i will draw more ship stuff but first chelly with the drip aka basically a redesign B)
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germ-t-ripper · 2 years
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04FEB23 The almighty Irish Pub Army above all. Oi!
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emerald-truth · 2 years
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I swear to populate the noah tag with gifs, starting with this most important one that I made today (it’s going to be full of ogawa)
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