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highbabyofthenightcourt · 1 month ago
The double standards in this fandom kill me.
Tamlin can lock Feyre in a house, emotionally manipulate her, and subject her to literal domestic abuse, Lucien can sit there and tell Feyre to not even bother trying to escape her abuser, and then try to drag her back to him against her will. They can take Elain and Nesta to Hybern without knowing—or caring—if they’d survive. Yet some of y’all will still call them “misunderstood.”
But, after unimaginable trauma, Feyre says one slightly insensitive thing? Or Elain doesn’t immediately pick up a sword and chooses kindness over confrontation? Suddenly, they’re selfish and useless. Every action, every word, is dissected, criticized, and deemed unforgivable. The same grace that is extended to literal antagonists is nowhere to be found for the women who fought, bled, and sacrificed to save their world.
It’s giving internalized misogyny. The female characters people do support tend to only earn that support by rejecting traditionally “feminine” traits. Being cold, combative, arrogant etc. Even the feminist male characters are starting to get hated on. They’re scrutinized for every little thing that isn’t considered “feminist enough,” while the actual bad guys get a pass.
Hold everyone accountable, sure—but maybe examine why the bar for forgiveness is on the floor for some while others are expected to jump through flaming hoops.
Food for thought.
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lilith-13x · 1 month ago
what an interesting view you have on the story & characters, just out of curiosity when was the last time you actually interacted with the source material ?
im looking at you tamlin stans & ic haters tbh
(i saw someone else post something similar and it just needed to be said again)
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batboys-cumdumpster · 5 months ago
If you're a Nesta stan and you don't see how Nesta was slowly killing herself by going out and drinking until she was black out and sleeping with strangers as self harm and only see her behavior as some sort of cool party girl move that didn't need to be addressed in the 'extreme' way of taking her away from all that then sorry, you're not a Nesta stan and you don't actually relate to her trauma and trauma response. You're delusional.
Nesta was depressed and wanted to die. She hated the world and herself, that's why she was acting the way she was. Her family and friends, who for some reason still love her, had to step in and do something before she literally died. If it wasn't for them stepping in and taking her away from the source of her self harm, she would have died.
And people wanna sit by and demonize Feysand and IC for doing that for her. Fucking insane. Nesta was getting worse by the day, not better. She only started to get better when her self harm tools were taken away.
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veryseriouscritical · 3 months ago
The biggest issue with the "critical" side of the acotar fandom is that very few offer any suggestions on how the books could be improved. They latch on to certain characters that they either identify with or feel have been wronged by other characters, making post after post on why x character "deserves better", why x character is actually a trump-adjacent dictator (and yes, you should feel bad for liking them), without considering any nuance or how characters are plot devices before they are "people." Their concern doesn't seem to be with the quality of the books/world building but that their favorite character who they deeply relate to is being used in a certain way that they don't like, without offering any type of interesting analysis or suggestions. In fact, the only suggestions they do make are objectively absurd considering who SJM's favorite characters are (you're never gonna see the entire IC getting killed off, sorry!) You can't be mad that you're surrounded by people who DO see the appeal of the main pairing when the entire selling point of the book series is enemies to lovers/villain gets the girl. And don't be mad when people just see you as goofy contrarians who don't have the critical thinking skills to provide an actual good critique of the series, nor have the creativity to write good fan fiction (if it's the potential of the series you're so concerned with)
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azrielsbreedingkink · 2 months ago
Never heard a reason good enough for me to ever hate Mor 🤷🏼‍♀️
Personally I have a problem with calling a victim a liar just because the full story hasn’t been given to us yet.
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lovemyromance · 1 month ago
it’s too bad Nesta drank wine in taverns every night because she wanted to and not because she was force fed wine by her mate to make her memories hazy so he could do horrifying things to her in public because that would’ve been totally ok
"Horrifying things to her" like what?
State it clearly what you think Rhysand did to her under the mountain. If you can accompany that with screenshots of the book, rather than your own imagination at work, that would be great.
Don't read these books if you're going to sit here and make your own fanfic in your head as you go.
There's enough clearly presented SA in the books. You don't need to make up your own.
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tothestarsinvelaris · 9 months ago
Elain using her gardening and cooking skills to create antidotes, salves, poisons, etc to help in war.
Elain's visions being essential to the success of the NC and their allies to stay ahead of their enemies.
Elain working with Rhys to keep strong mental shields up so people can't use her visions against them.
Elain getting training from Azriel on how to use daggers effectively, how to be stealthy and fade into the shadows.
Azriel helping Elain in the kitchen, using his hands to make warm food for his family.
Azriel helping Elain in the garden, planting seeds and getting his hands dirty in a way that helps bring life into the world instead of taking it away.
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thecatsaesthetics · 10 months ago
“As High Lady, you are mine. And Azriel’s and Mor’s and Amren’s. You belong to all of us, and we belong to you. We would not have… put you in so much danger” - Cassian ACOWAR.
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winterinvelaris · 3 months ago
how i sleep at night knowing that ACOTAR always has been and always will be the happily ever after series and if sarah wanted to make a main character evil or dead or reject a mating bond it would have happened in TOG or CC
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violetasteracademic · 3 months ago
The Inner Circle as the 2024 National Dog Show competitors
Rhysand High Lord of the Night Court
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Feyre High Lady of the Night Court
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Nesta Lady Death
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Cassian Lord of Bloodshed
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Elain the Gentle Seer
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Azriel Shadowsinger and Spymaster
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Amren Nightmare Folklore
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Morrigan Looking Good and Speaking Truth
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high-queen-feyre · 10 months ago
Feyre Cursebreaker being adored by the IC is my favourite thing to read.
They all love her so much and she deserves every bit of it.
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highbabyofthenightcourt · 17 days ago
Imagine this. Lethal, serious, broody Azriel…the male who keeps his business so quiet that even his closest friends don’t know much about his private life…finds out we—his devoted (unhinged) fans—call him “Shadow Daddy.”
At first, he thinks he misheard. Surely no one would dare. But then Cassian is making the kind of wheezing sound that suggests he may never recover. Rhys is trying to cover up his mouth that’s curving into the biggest smirk. Feyre? Cackling. Clapping. Cheering.
And then Elain, sweet innocent Elain, furrows her brows and softly asks:
“What does that mean?”
Cassian HOWLS. Feyre covers her face. Rhys is shaking his head with a smile. Mor? She is on the floor. Even Amren’s eyes are a little crinkled at the corners.
Azriel? Azriel is crimson. He is mortified. He is actively planning an escape.
But… later, when he’s alone in his room? Sitting in the dark?
He might—might—let the tiniest smirk curl at the corner of his mouth.
Because, deep down… he likes it.
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wizxrdpendrxgon · 4 months ago
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The Morrígan is mainly associated with war and fate, especially with foretelling doom, death, or victory in battle. She incites warriors to battle and can help bring about victory over their enemies. The Morrígan encourages warriors to do brave deeds, strikes fear into their enemies, and is portrayed washing the bloodstained clothes of those fated to die. She has also been seen as a manifestation of the earth-and sovereignty-goddess, chiefly representing the goddess's role as guardian of the territory and its people.
@morweekofficial Day 4: Armor
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batboys-cumdumpster · 4 months ago
Tamlin stans romanticizing him and thinking he’s so great when literally everyone at the HL meeting wanted to throw him out for his verbal abuse and mockery of Feyre and sided with Rhysand who was still seen as the bad guy is so funny
Tamlin isn’t deep. You’re being a pick me bc you think you can change him or think that he’d be nice to YOU instead of how he abused Feyre.
Your problematic fave wouldn’t ever choose you and you would never be what changes them in any world they’d actually exist.
Hating the main characters of a story and loving the abusive side characters with no real redeeming qualities doesn’t make you special, it makes you cringe.
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careblairxoxo · 4 months ago
The fact that certain Nesta stans hate the person Feyre has become in ACOSF and say “I miss ACOTAR Feyre” or “ACOTAR Feyre would hate herself now” do u not realise how embarrassing u look …. Y do u only love broken women who haven’t actually experienced any type of love? And you’re right Feyre wouldn’t recognise herself from Acotar to ACOSF because now she actually has a REAL LOVING family something she never had before that.
You need to take a step back and wonder y u only gravitate to girls who hate themselves and who don’t think they deserve love, because at the end of the day Nesta and Feyre both got that in the end but YOU (certain Nesta stans who hate the IC and everything about acotar bar Nesta) need to see that only loving the broken person and denying her “redemption” just shows that you can’t come to terms with yourself, that you deserve love.
And I’m sorry.
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highladyofterrasen7 · 1 year ago
Inner circle antis when they realise Sarah likes the ic and they won’t be the villains in the next book
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