careblairxoxo · 14 hours
People really are like “why did Rhys want to make Tamlin so mad under the mountain”
The reason is pretty straight forward, Feyre’s bargain with Amarantha was about specifically freeing Tamlin and his court. It’s very specific to freeing Tamlin and his court, nothing about the other courts. If you look at the exact verbiage Feyre could just take Tamlin and his court out from UTM.
Amarantha knows this, she used the bargain against her after she won from the tasks, Feyre failed to set a date on the first bargain. She only frees Tamlin from his curse through answering the riddle. Amarantha even if she lost Tamlin and his court likely expected too keep the rest of Prythian and try again with Tamlin later.
Rhys knew this too, he wanted Feyre to win and have Tamlin in such a rage that after he was freed he would kill Amarantha. It was Tamlin killing her that freed the rest of the High Lords. Tamlin could have just taken Feyre out from UTM and left them all there with her, this is what Rhys wants to prevent.
He wants Tamlin in a violent raged, he wants him so angry that once he’s freed all he’ll do is want to kill Amarantha.
Rhys isn’t acting out of any desire but that of wanting Amarantha dead.
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careblairxoxo · 14 hours
What do you think Rhys is referring to when he said Nesta is an Illyrian at heart in acofas? He says it’s a compliment but then he says that because of that, there is no excuse for her behavior. Is the behavior he is referring to how she treated Feyre? What would being an Illyrian at heart have to do with that?? It’s just something I was confused on while rereading acofas.
Note: I read these books more than 1.5 years ago and only reread the first book in February so I don't have enough evidence and what I'm saying is from what I remember. If anyone has a better answer to this I would love to hear it. My opinion is based on my own understanding so you don't have to agree<3
This is a very interesting question, one that I've never paid attention to before and it's the first time I noticed, because all this time I thought Rhysand meant she has a warrior soul, and later on, she got an Illyrian mate and now is warrior/Valkyrie. And it still can be interpreted as such but like I said I forgot in what context he said it, so I read that scene again:
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And it reminded me of this scene:
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People obviously got mad at this and told Mor to "get off her high horse" but they never bothered to stop and think why would she say it in the first place and what impression Nesta gave, for her to reach this conclusion.
The first time Mor and Nesta talk in acowar, Mor tries to be hospitable toward her and make friends with her. That's her personality, she did the same with Feyre as well.
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But Nesta, instead of not saying anything at all if she's not in the mood for friendship, decides to question Mor's choice of dress. (in my vocabulary this is called sl*t shaming. Nesta was shaming Mor for her choice of dress) Now who also shamed Mor for her choice of lifestyle? Her father, Keir, who lives in the Court of Nightmare. She lived the first few years of her life there as well and she knows how those people are.
I also want to point to this scene at how CoN treat the women:
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I know a while back people were "criticizing" Rhys for dressing Feyre like a "wh*re" (???) and asking why he got mad when Keir called her that... I'm not even gonna bother to prove how wrong and far from canon is but... I, personally, don't go around, looking people up and down and shaming them for the choice of their dress. A woman can be naked and I wouldn't call her *names* but ig that's just me... continuing:
Mor sees Nesta's behavior and the first thing she probably thinks of, is how her family treated her and still does. And from that stage of the book we don't see her being nice to Nesta at all. Nesta triggered something in her and that changed her opinion of her for the rest of the series.
Now Mor's reaction to Nesta is quite similar to Rhys'.
When Feyre asks why he's ok with Elain and not Nesta, he answers "Elain is Elain." Because she doesn't trigger anything for him. She just exists in his house and doesn't bother him or more importantly, his mate. On the other hand, he has witnessed how Nesta treats Feyre and his brother. How she's verbally abusing them.
And if you noticed Rhys was just like Mor when he met Nesta, He was polite. Because he had no reason not to be. But that changed the moment Nesta showed how she act towards Feyre.
I don't have any text evidence of this because I couldn't find it but I remember how Rhys said he was never respected among Illyrians. They're afraid of him and cowards, yes but he has heard the names they call him. They couldn't physically hurt him but they never stopped verbally expressing their feeling toward him. He was bullied by them. They called him "bastard" and "half-breed".
See, Nesta behaved toward both Rhys and Mor, the same way the people they hate so much and have bad memories of, did. Nesta reminds them of the people who gave them these traumas. Rhys hates Illyrians and Mor hates CoN citizens. I just realized both Rhys and Feyre have the same childhood trauma... God, they really are the same person lmao
So when Rhys says Nesta is an Illyrian and there's no excuse for her actions, it's because he sees Illyrians as hateful and full of rage creatures and there's no reason behind why they behave the way they do. And let's be honest that's how Nesta showed herself. I know some people will say he didn't understand and YES he didn't!! It's not his job to know what's wrong with her. The opposite can be said about her sisters and mate that they should've guessed but that's debatable. It's why later on we see how Nesta is full of anger and hatred and why she's the way she is because she explained it herself, we were in her pov and got to understand her.
And him saying "it's a compliment" can means that he can see some good in them, like his brothers. His mother and sister. He just hates their culture, their mindset that he's been trying to change for centuries and I think Nesta reminded him so much of them. That's why what he said is contrary of each other.
Anyway I think this is the only explanation because I don't see any other conclusion as to why he said that. But like I said if you have other things to add or disagree I would love to hear your thoughts. Sorry if I got carried away with Mor, I wanted to show the similarity in these two situations and have an example to explain better :D
Thank you anon for trusting me to answer your question lol I tried to answer as best as I could, I hope it helped with the confusion<33
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careblairxoxo · 5 days
Tamlin’s sole purpose was to Humiliate Feyre at that meeting yet some people want his redemption arc 😂😂😂
I genuinely hate Tamlin for many a reason but what he said underneath it made me realize I would never be able to even tolerate him if he even saved their world a 100 times .
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This is after he humiliates Feyre the first time and Azriel defends her . In this paragraph He :
* Put his own court bare for Hybern yet blames it on Feyre .
* Chooses to ignore the misdeeds of Ianthe constantly and victimized HER of all people .
* Somehow tries to twist Feyre and Rhys wanting to protect Prythian into something selfish , because he is someone who would do this . He quite literally brought KoH into SC because he couldn't respect Feyre enough to listen to her wishes
* Belittles Feyre even after what she did for the High lords and Prythian as a whole because he doesn't like her partner .
* Chooses to remain ignorant of who Rhys actually is ( he was once friends with him before he betrayed Rhys ) .
He has no issues in victimizing himself and being rather immature during an important meeting which regards a WAR . This is also someone who constantly says demeaning things towards a woman in power among his "peers".
I just can't respect or even tolerate someone like that . Also am I the only one who didn't find what he said "iconic" ? , it was just plain pathetic .
P.S : This whole scene just showed why Rhys has to remain a morally grey person , none of the high lords truly started respecting him UNTIL he showed his power and REMINDED them with his actions that their claims make absolutely no sense (this is regarding them believing he's against Prythian and is evil) .
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careblairxoxo · 5 days
Nesta is a Narcissist
Signs of Narcissism
Narcissism is still being studied and explored, since many narcissists and people with narcissistic personality disorder don't seek treatment. But there are some common traits of people with narcissistic behavior that you may be able to spot.
Sense of Entitlement
A common sign of people with narcissism is the belief that they are superior to others and deserve special treatment. They believe that others should be obedient to their wishes and that the rules don't apply to them.
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Nesta felt entitled to Feyre’s money cause she chopped some wood ?? ( also im not condoning Elain’s behaviour either im just focusing on Nesta)
Manipulative Behavior
Another common trait of narcissism is manipulative or controlling behavior. A narcissist will at first try to please you and impress you, but eventually, their own needs will always come first.
When relating to other people, narcissists will try to keep people at a certain distance in order to maintain control. They may even exploit others to gain something for themselves.
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Need for Admiration
One of the most common signs of a narcissist is a constant need for praise or admiration.
People with this behavior need to feel validation from others and often brag or exaggerate their accomplishments for recognition. They also like to feel appreciated to boost their ego.
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Lack of Empathy
Lack of empathy is another sign of narcissism.
This means that the narcissist is unwilling or unable to empathize with the needs, wants, or feelings of other people. This also makes it difficult for them to take responsibility for their own behavior.
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People with narcissistic behavior already see themselves as superior to others, so they may become rude or abusive when they don't receive the treatment they think they deserve.
While they hold themselves superior, they may speak or act rudely toward those that they deem are inferior.
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But Nesta can’t be a Narcissist she hates herself
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Sound familiar ??
(Also I would like to add the last bit was also confirmed by my aunt who is a qualified therapist so 
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careblairxoxo · 5 days
Fucking Preach 🙌🙌🙌
Removing the fact that Rhysand is biracial or a man of colour to fuel your hate of him is so funny... And wrong.
Calling him a "white man" when there is clear racism against him in the books when Kier and the CoN didn't used to listen to him cause of his Illyrian heritage makes you wrong.
The Illyrians/batboys aren't "taned white people" THEY ARE PEOPLE OF COLOUR get that right.
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careblairxoxo · 7 days
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So I made a TikTok about how Nesta’s trauma isn’t an excuse for her behaviour and this is one of the comments I got, so I just wanna elaborate that although Nesta’s trauma was terrible there is absolutely NO REASON to abuse everyone around you because of your trauma, you cannot justify hurting anyone else because you are hurt that is just Fucked up. And that got me thinking if Nesta stans want to justify her shity actions on her trauma why can’t we justify other characters actions on their trauma,
So here is Rhysand’s trauma
Rhysand’s Trauma
* Was thrown into a war camp at eight years old when he was sent to the Illyrian war camp for training by his mother, Where he was brutally beaten up and stripped of his clothes (After his mother tended to his wounds, he noticed one of the boys that beat him that day going into a cave to sleep, he had enough decency at EIGHTH to go ask him if he wanted to stay with him)
* After years of hard training, he entered the Rite where he had to fight his way through Illyrians who wanted to kill him for being a Half breed, to find his brothers who he didn’t know if they were still alive or not.., he then had to slaughter most of the Illyrians because they were trying to kill his brothers too
* He constantly had the mental weight of having to know that he has to become the HL without ever having a choice in what he wants. And always wanting to be better then his forefathers.
* He was told his whole life by partners that no one wanted to shoulder the burden of being his lady as it was too risky for them. Therefore he believed he could never be loved.
* The First war happened where he was separated from his brothers, by his jealous father.
* After every battle went through EVERY SINGLE DEAD ILLYRIAN to make sure they weren’t his brothers.
* Rhys was captured by Amarantha
* Rhysand’s wings were bolted and chains to nullify his high fae powers during that time. And tortured him as well.
* Rhys was forced to watch the slaughter of Jurian as Amarantha ripped him apart for days.
* Rhys felt guilty when being rescued by his father but not being able to be at the final battle due to healing his wings. He was forced back by his father.
* His ABUSIVE father wouldn’t let the healers heal his wings as punishment so he was sent to the cabin to wait until his wings were healed BY HIMSELF, it was there he got the news of the war ending and a peace treaty being made where Amarantha and the King of Hybern were let go with no responsibility for the atrocities they committed.
* Rhys and the other bat boys had ptsd after the war (they all changed). He felt so angry that Amarantha didn’t get any consequences for what she had done thanks to the treaty after the war. Even his father ordered him to let it go but he never forgave Amarantha.
* He was sent his mother and sisters heads in a box down the river, by Tamlin and his family,
* He was also supposed to be there so the immense amount of guilt he must have felt not being there to protect them from that atrocity

* He was never able to to find their wings constantly thinking Tamlin still kept them as trophies just like Tamlins father had.
* His father in seeking revenge for his wife and young daughter was slaughtered in front of Rhys
* He was now left with responsibility of being High Lord of the Night Court after losing his entire family a family a few days prior
* He felt a little smug when Tamlin’s father was killed since he was Amarantha’s friend it was a small consolation for what she had done to his soldiers. (Including this to show how much his soldiers meant to him).
* When Amarantha returned he and Tamlin were the only one’s mistrusting her, and thanks to how close Tamlin knew Amarantha he knew she hadn’t changed so he decided he’d kill her to protect Prythian and to claim revenge, that’s why he went UTM. He didn’t tell anyone about it
* His powers got stripped away again from Amarantha during the party UTM like all HL’s. But before losing all his powers to wipe the minds from the men from court of nightmares to protect Velaris. “I threw the shield around Velaris, binding it to my friends so that they had to remain or risk that protection collapsing, and used the last dregs to tell them mind to mind what was happening, and to stay away. Within a few seconds, my powers belonged wholly to Amarantha.” (S.520, chapter 54).
* Amarantha then slaughtered half the court of nightmares right then and there. He tells why looking haunted and bleak and he knew that he would do anything to keep her from looking towards his court again or the people he loved.
* He let her sleep with him so she could get her revenge on his father’s ghost and to let her from looking toward his loved ones.
* He wanted her dead everytime he was inside of her but he hid that from her by giving her more pleasure so she started to trust him.
* Everyone sneered at him calling him whore and other cruel names when he did it all to protect his family.
* “I hated myself, but I was glad to do it. (missions for Amarantha) After a decade, I stopped expecting to see my friends or my people again. I forgot what their faces looked like. And I stopped hoping.” (S. 521, chapter 54).
* It was only when he starts to see images of feyres life that he stared to have hope of a normal life again. When he saw feyre and she looked at him he realise she didn’t knew him that he might have seen her dreams but she hadn’t seen his. He realised he had to let her go before Amarantha found out anything about her so he walked away. He knew they would do unspeakable things to her if they found out she was his mate so he didn’t even dare thinking it. But deep down he knew. He was thinking feyre be glad to get rid of him (p. 522).
* “There you were. Living in my second-most enemy’s house. Dining with him. Reeking of his scent. Looking at him like
like you loved him.” (P.523).
* Rhys went into feyres mind to scare her enough to go home and he did the same to Tamlin so he would send Feyre home. So Feyre wouldn’t break the curse because Amarantha would kill her.
* After he left he threw up.
* He thought feyre made up Clare’s name and was shock the girl was real.
* So when Amarantha tortured and killed her he took away her pain. But after a week of seeing her tortured he couldn’t let them them continue so he went into her mind and ended it. She didn’t feel any pain.
* And Rhys admits he still see Clare’s face, his men’s faces and the others that he killed for Amarantha. (P.524)
* He never felt a horror like he did when Feyre made her bargain with Amarantha. He had to watch the disgust and hatred in Feyre’s face when she looked at him. So he pretended, always pretended to be the person that Feyre hated.
* The fact Amarantha saw Rhys getting jealous when Tamlin kissed Feyre UTM and he had to service her right after for longer than usual?!
* When she tortured feyre after the final trial the mating bond snapped and he wanted to kill Amarantha or die with Feyre. “I knew right then what you were. I knew you were my mate, and you were in love with another male, and had to destroy yourself to save him. (P 526.)
* He talked to all HL to save Feyre as she died and all agreed to save her only to see her being held by Tamlin and kissing her. He wanted to go home straight away but he had to stay and see that she was okay.
* On the balcony the mating bond became permanent since feyre had become fae. But he knew if he freed her from the bargain Tamlin would lock her away and he never see her again.
* He left Feyre so he wouldn’t take her with him because he knew she was going to hate him then.
* He told himself Feyre would be better without him and that she hated him so he was going to let her be happy and marry Tamlin. Even if it killed him.
* “It killed me, Feyre, to send you back. To see you waste away, month by month. It killed me to know he was sharing your bed. Not just because you were my mate, but because I
I knew I was in love with you the moment I picked up the knife to kill Amarantha.” (P. 528.).
* He decided to not let her out of the bargain right away because if there was a chance she’d love him, she would be taken from him like the rest of his family had.
* He then had to watch as that same man slowly started killing her again through is neglect and controlling behaviour.
* He was ready to watch the love of his life marry the man who killed his family if that brought her happiness
* He never told her they were mates because he didn’t want her to shoulder the burden of being with him as he thought he was unworthy after 50 years of 🍇 and what his other partners told him
* Feyre said Rhys doesn’t feel like he deserves someone like feyre that he doesn’t deserve love at all.
* He had to watch as his mate went back to her abuser so he could save her sisters and his brothers
* He died because he wanted his friends and family to have a better chance at life even if he never saw it
* Even after a year of being together Rhys still believes Feyre deserves better and can’t believe she actually loves him “it's hard sometimes," I admitted, staring toward the snow. coated field outside the house, the training rings and dwellings beyond it, "to remember that she picked it. Picked me. That it's not like my parents, shoved together."
* Learned that his mate would die from childbirth along with him.
* Shouldered the burden of that pain so Feyre could enjoy the pregnancy they wanted more then anything
* The man who bows to no one but his kingdom was on his knees begging Helion to save Feyre.
* He still wakes from nightmares about what happened to him UTM and now nightmares of what will happen in the future with Feyre dying again with him along side her
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careblairxoxo · 8 days
Emerie and Gwyn ride Nesta's dick so hard it's so embarrassing. The fact they tell her she has nothing to apologize for when they know NOTHING of her past is ridiculous.
Imagine being a massive abuser and treating strangers with more kindness than your own family. Nesta found traumatized, lost little puppies and adopted them bc they followed her without a second thought and worship the ground she walks on. Imagine how badly Nesta would lash out at them the moment they would "stray" from her, maybe worse than what she said to Elain.
Emerie and Gwyn should have died in the rite. Nesta should have died giving her life to bring Feyre back after birthing Nyx. That would have been my happy ending.
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careblairxoxo · 9 days
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I love when she puts an annoying ass bitch back in their place.
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careblairxoxo · 11 days
Antis fighting for their life trying to demonize Feysand and IC is so funny but also very fucking frustrating because they're getting more aggressive, more vile, and twisting things so much they're creating events that never even happened in canon bc their faves are shit people and they need Feysand and IC to be bad to make themselves feel better (and make their faves look better)
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careblairxoxo · 12 days
N.esta doesn’t deserve to be high lady more than feyre. Let’s be serious. She can’t even take care of herself without her LITTLE sister stepping in. She’ll let her people suffer until someone else step in. No leadership skills.. everybody can’t be feyre. Let her stay in her own laneđŸ€Ł
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careblairxoxo · 12 days
Nesta dicksuckers everytime they insert themselves in pro feyre/anti nesta spaces:
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careblairxoxo · 12 days
Can I just say, if we are talking about scenes that happen off screen in these books, like how Rhys rules the NC, then can we talk about how bad Nesta’s verbal abuse must have been.
Everyone was so cautious around Nesta on Feyre’s BIRTHDAY on Winter Solstice because they were afraid of what she might say
..How bad was she that they were afraid of what she might say to her HEAVILY pregnant sister on her BIRTHDAY

And Rhys had to warn her to be nice to a 🍇 victim just in case she bullied her or said something nasty in her anger. Like honestly how BAD can her verbal abuse be that he has to take into consideration that she might verbally abuse Gwyn !! 
.. how does she have supporters honestly 🙄🙄
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