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prismjiinx · 5 days ago
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Cynder W.I.P I'm willing to share because I don't feel like drawing Spyro rn
I also hate drawing wings... and horns...
(I've drawn these characters for 10+ years why is still frustrating everytime??)
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bleuhillbitz · 9 months ago
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These two are forever my favorite friendship <3
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multiprism · 2 years ago
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I guess I really like drawing these two together
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nuclearprism · 1 year ago
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turrondeluxe · 1 year ago
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BANYANYA MIKEY MADE ON STREAM FROM A WHILE AGO! (he's a marketable sticker too here lol)
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daydream-believin · 1 year ago
a real stand up guy ba dum tss
summary: you get stood up by an internet man. douxie, your waiter and secret admirer, remedies that jackass’s mistake.
warnings: uh. swearing, alcohol, i’m too lazy to proof, the yooj. oh and doux doesn’t know how to handle this crush without getting slightly into stalker territory sorry. its a red flag but i think its cute. you may not think its cute.
a/n: tumblr was glitching while i tried to post this so idk how many paragraphs i accidentally erased. i mean i tried my best to make that number 0. but anyways if something is off let me know. the challenge for this one is that im not allowed to use italics. which you should know was very hard for me agshjfkgjdjh
taglist: @moppetwithamanbun @alovesongshewrote @blixeon @prismarts @fantasyiswaybetterthanreality @ukuleles-and-roses
okay quick psa i know it’s been years so if you want off the taglist just hmu. also if you were on the taglist and got taken off thats bc tumblr says you don’t exist anymore
uh this was a request. i’m not doing requests tho dont think that. looking back yeah that ask if from march 2022 and this doesn’t even match up to what you asked 😂 im so sorry @rose-writes-shit
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you took a peek at your watch. 7:34 o’ clock. letting your head fall into the open palm of your propped up hand, you sighed.
coffee meets bagel boy was supposed to have met you at 7:00.
of fucking course. you let your plucky pink-haired coworker convince you to download a fucking dating app and make a profile, just for the only guy who had actually been interested enough in you to ask you on a real date to stand you up. makes sense.
it’s not like you’ve ever had luck with these kind of things. it’s not like you’ve ever had luck period. your kind might be the black cat of humans.
you’ve spent way too long eating the free bread at a mr. benoit’s of all places. it was the “classiest” establishment in the certain suburban hellscape of california you inhabited, albeit. you took in the scenery for the millionth time that night with a renewed sense of disgust. at least now you had a legitimate reason to hate this place.
your waiter slinked over, and you could tell he felt bad for you with the awkward shuffling gait to the pity grimace on his face.
“so, uh, perhaps more bread?”
you rolled your face towards him, arbitrarily throwing animosity his way with your dead eyes, just because he was there. but soon your compulsive desire to be the funniest pathetic wretch in the room won out.
“i’m considering burning this whole place down right now, actually,” you joked.
he grit his teeth, sucking in a breath, “could i perhaps convince you to do that on a night i’m not closing, instead? tomorrow is my least favorite coworker’s turn, for your consideration,”
“hmm,” you pretended to think, “i’ll do that then, it’s only kind,”
“thank you for your generosity,” he grinned, “now, are you still waiting for someone or?”
douxie had been watching you for over half an hour now. not creepily. he swears. he just got a little excited when he saw you come into the restaurant is all.
anddd maybe he might have badgered the host into giving you one of his tables. but again, he was just excited. he’s been looking for an excuse to talk to you for the past three months, after all. forgive him for jumping on the opportunity.
he maybe fancied you. just a wee bit. perhaps a rather large bit. or at least, the version of you he’s cooked up in his head from the way he sees you interact with people at house parties and the things he’s heard from zoe.
but he’s sure he’ll love you. as soon as he gets to know who you actually are. which, hopefully, is about to be sooner rather than later.
he did not anticipate this situation, however. whatever benevolent deity blessed him on this night decided to throw a jar of pickled herring in with the otherwise yummy pastry filled gift basket they left for him.
not long after you arrived at 6:56 pm, not that he marked the time you came in or anything he just happened to glance at the clock around that time, he watched you, how they say, deflate. your demeanor shifted from antsy to sad to downright annoyed.
you were dressed nicely. not fancy, not pretending like this wasn’t a benoit’s. but nice. orderly. like you wanted to make a good impression on whoever it was you were expecting to meet. so either a date, or mayhaps a job interview.
not that you didn’t look nice or orderly on other days. you just weren’t in your hex tech uniform shirt. or in the incredibly casual clothes you wore when he saw you around. you were just. clearly cleaned-up, is all.
whoever it was, it was obvious that they were not coming. doux applauded you for being patient enough to wait this long, but again, they obviously weren’t coming. which, if it was a date, was good for him, but bad for you. very bad for you.
and honestly who does this person think they are? letting you down like this? horrible. disgraceful. this person was a grade A jerk-off. they have to be dead from the neck up to leave you waiting here like this, publicly embarrassing you as you sat at a table set for two all alone at one of the busiest restaurants in town. shame on them.
he was glad you seemed to be in the joking mood, however. and about arson, too. oh, he’s always had a soft spot for arsonists.
he hoped you’ll forgive him for having to do his job. if it was up to him, he’d give you all the bread in the pantry just so you wouldn’t leave. but alas, he had to deal the killing blow.
“now, are you still waiting for someone, or?”
your eyes drifted downward to the empty wineglass in your hand as you swirled it sarcastically as if it were still full.
you sighed, “yeah, no, it’s clear he doesn’t plan on showing,” you looked back up at him ruefully, “i’ll order now. i shouldn’t have waited this long for an internet man, anyway, huh? could’ve made it less pathetic.”
“i don’t think there’s a way to make these things any ‘more’ or ‘less’ pathetic,” he began taking out his notepad, ready to write, “because i wouldn’t call it pathetic at all. getting stood up is a thing that’s done to you, not because of who you are, but because of who someone else chooses to be… unless you stole this guy’s car or something. then it’s your fault.”
you laughed. genuinely.
“no, no, it’s a first date. i haven’t known this guy long enough to steal his car yet. but thanks… that’s. a better outlook than mine. kinder,” you apologized, “… uh, can i have like, the cheapest bottle of white wine you’ve got back there? the whole thing this time.”
“i take it back. that definitely made it pathetic.”
while you shared a laugh, douxie mentally congratulated himself. you had just given him the information that a) you were single and b) you were into men. a good day to be a charming single man, then. he had a chance.
“so are you ordering any real food as well? or did you plan on just having wine and bread for dinner? have to say, i don’t think that’s wise, love.”
“well i suppose i gotta, since, i’ve, uh, eaten three baskets of complimentary bread,” you stumbled over your words for a second there, “and i’m sure it’d make the manager mad if it didn’t, right?”
“right you are. he’s uh,” douxie lowered his voice, “he’salreadybeenonmydickaboutyou so yeah, you gotta. plus i’m just— you should eat something, yeah.”
you awkwardly turned your attention to the menu as you did that thing where you hold it and pretend to look over the menu as you order like you forgot or something, “the duck confit sounds good for tonight, i think,”
douxie snorted.
“no, no, that wasn’t a joke,” you shook your head, smiling fondly, “i actually just like duck, i promise. no sarcasm. i do understand the irony though. i get it.”
he didn’t completely believe you, “well then, one order of duck confit, coming right up. be back shortly, love.”
doux grabbed the breadbasket on his way out.
when he glanced back to throw you a short and unnoticeable but longing stare, as he paused in the kitchen doorway, you were fidgeting with the flowers on the table. he should get that order in now.
when your waiter came back with food, he placed two plates down on the table. you looked at him like he had suddenly grown a second head as he took the other seat as well.
“what are you—“
“i called in a favor with the owner. i’m still working but, i’ve got a bit of free time now. if you don’t mind me joining you,”
you shook your head in astonishment.
“not at all,” you smiled, still absolutely flabbergasted that this man would do something like this for you, “you’re douxie, right? zoe’s mentioned you a lot.”
“oH—,” he coughed, “oh, uh, she has?“
he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, “only good things, i pray?”
“oh, sure. sure. good things,” you took a demure little sip of your glass to torture him with the pause implying the contrary.
he swallowed audibly. nervous, then. what dirt did zoe have on him. you watched as he awkwardly shoved up the sleeves of his shirt, perhaps feeling a bit warm now. it was cute.
you’d be sure to ask zoe all about him later. how could you not. this was the most interesting thing to happen all year. and it’s december.
you racked your brain for what you knew of this guy for conversation topics.
“you’re in zoe’s band, right? the lead guitarist.”
his face lit up at the mention of it, “oh, yes. you’ve seen us?”
“once or twice, i believe.”
it wasn’t really your thing, live music. you mostly hung around the back of the bar when you got dragged to shows. you liked loud, sometimes. just not often. it really depended on how your brain was feeling that day.
“well, you’ve gotta come to the next gig, then, at least. i’m sure zoe’s already invited you?” you nodded. “the venue’s holding a wee little music festival, it’s going to be nuclear,”
“ah, that’s fun,” you smiled. that sounded like hell but now that two very enthusiastic wizards have invited you, you don’t have the heart to weasel your way out of it. you’ll bring the “XTREME” ear plugs.
“but yeah, the bands great. i love that i get to play with my mates now. a team that works as well together as we do is rare, so i really appreciate them.”
“speaking of,”
doux hummed inquisitively.
“what’s going on with zoe and that new girly y’all’ve got on the drums?”
“oh,” he paused to take a sip, narrowing his eyes mischievously, “they’re boning.”
you clasped your hands together excitedly, “thank you! you’ve just won me a betting pool.”
he almost had to spit the wine back into his glass,“hhhh. how many?”
“oh, just the entirety of the hex tech arcadia staff.”
“i’m not sure she’ll be happy to hear that.”
“which is why you won’t tell her, mr. casperan,” you placed your hand over his with a cheshire cat grin.
well, he couldn’t argue with that.
dinner progressed. alas, you can’t say you lingered as long as you wanted to on conversation. you were kinda rushing things because you felt a little guilty doux was getting someone to cover for him while you had your little date. was this a date. it had to be. as mentioned, he’s going out of his way for this, and you can’t imagine he’d go through all this trouble because he wasn’t interested in you. but then again, you couldn’t believe he was interested in you either.
“do you like cryptozoology?” douxie tried his best to ask nonchalantly while he scratched the bridge of his nose to look a little less interested. he was feeling a bit energized since talking about the band. you had been paying attention to him like he’d been paying attention to you, if only in passing.
“a tad more than the average californian wizard, why?”
“well, later this weekend, i’ve got a job exterminating a goblin infestation in the next town over,”
“yeah, snelling. the guy i was partnering with told me he was backing out this morning, so now i’ll be going it alone. and im sure you know how fighting goblins alone usually goes.”
“makes it easier for them to gang up on you, yes.”
“see, that’s why i’m asking if you’d be interesting in taking his place?”
“well, i’ve got the weekend off and nothing to do,” he knew that, he got the hex tech schedule from zoe every week(to know how to schedule band practice. and, if he also took a peak at your schedule, it was purely accidental. yeah.), “so, i don’t see why not.”
doux grinned, both relieved he wouldn’t be fighting goblins alone, and feeling clever that he found an excuse to spend more time with you, “perfect, i’ll text you the details? but, oh, i don’t have your number do i?”
you were about to ask why he couldn’t just tell you in person right now, but he said that soo hammy. it took .01 seconds to understand what he was doing. you snorted.
“okay, okay, here,” you held out your hand and he gladly placed his unlocked phone in your hand. you made the contact and sent yourself a text of the first emoji he had in his recents, which happened to be🫀. ah, a goth romantic. you gave him back his phone.
“perfect. thank you, love.” he tucked the phone into his chest dramatically before placing in back into his pocket.
you rolled your eyes fondly, “you know, goblin smashing isn’t exactly my idea of the perfect second date, you might have to turn up the charm.”
“oh, i’m sure i’ll make it worth your while,” he let his head fall into his palm propped up on the table, gaze going soft, “so was this a perfect first date, then?”
you laughed, “hardly. all things considered. but—“
“but i’m glad it happened this way. i’ve had a good time, mr. casperan.”
he grinned in agreement, “me too.”
you put your hand on top of the one he left resting on the table, and he took the opportunity to take that hand and gently lay a kiss to the top of your knuckles. he lingered for a moment, eyes shut tight to take in the tenderness of the moment.
alas, he has to go back to work now.
doux pulled out your chair and helped you to your feet. you thanked him as he started stacking the dishes.
“should i—?”
“no, god no,” he chuffed, “i’m the waiter, remember? i work here.”
“oh yeah.”
that reminded you. you shuffled for your wallet, but he stopped you.
“i’m paying for dinner, love. go enjoy the rest of your evening, i’ll text you after i close.”
“you sure?” it didn’t really sit right with you, considering he probably took a pay cut by not working the whole time you were on this little “date.”
“well,” he paused, and placed the dishes back onto the table for time being, “you could leave me a tip, if you know what i mean. just a teeny thing—“
“c’mere,” you snickered as you pulled him down by the lapels to kiss him.
chaste, just a peck. but perfect and sweet all the same.
when you pulled back, you watched as douxie held his eyes closed for just a moment longer than he need to before letting that blinding all encompassing smile bloom across his face.
“well then, a very goodnight to you, y/n l/n.”
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lovedropletsdreams · 1 year ago
Lost time - What If | Hisirdoux Casperan
Plot : You’ve known him for almost a thousand years, he’d known you for a few centuries when he should’ve known you the same (Hisirdoux Casperan x reader)
Word Count: 700+
Warnings: none (slight swearing really)
A/N: It's been a while since i wrote this but this feels nice, the idea of it. Thank you @prismarts for being such a dear to help me beta read again (really you're just the sweetest bab), any suggestions and feedback are welcomed :D
Taglist: @furblrwurblr@prismarts@alovesongshewrote @castle-of-my-dreamsj
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what if, instead of taking the second chance, you saw how happy he is with his life. Not knowing that he knows he's missing something that he can't put his fingers in.
So you decide to stay away from him. to avoid getting yourself tangled in his life ever again.
But the funny thing about fate, they just keep finding you at every turn. And with those every turn you find yourself unwillingly getting more and more tangled with him. He sees them, the way you'd try to avoid sharing too much about yourself, avoid showing too much emotion with him, and avoid spending more time to be in each other's presence.
At first, he thought it was how it was with you. Not until some time passes and he realizes.. it was him you avoid getting tangled with. only him. He was the one that you avoided sharing things about yourself, those little details about your life that you never opened up with. He was the one that you avoid showing much of your emotions from, whether it was happiness or other emotions, just a small polite smile here and there if he was lucky. He was the one you declined for invitations to spend more time together, getting to know each other more.
He was the only one you avoid. The one whom you set up your walls at. And the worst part is, even with all the avoidance and declined invitations, even with that polite smile of yours, he felt *full, just knowing you are part of his life, no matter how little it is. He felt the missing part, the void inside him was slowly filling up. And it hurts.
He was okay just to be part of your life, but for a long time, to get to see you and know you, even for a slight more, he craved more, he wanted more, to be someone (not that he knows he already is). He knew he started to grow feelings. And that's why it hurts, thinking you don't feel the same. And it's getting worse once you realize you can no longer avoid him and you started pushing him away instead.
So one day, the dam broke.
"Please let me have a chance, to get to know you, more. Not just about some task, or duty we need to do, but about you as a person. Stop pushing me away."
"You do not need to know me, i am not someone you need to tangle yourself with. Please just let it go--"
"Damn it, why? Why am I so infatuated with you?" And for the very first time in front of you, he snapped.
"I have never felt such a desire to know someone. Every fiber in my body is telling me I should just stop, but… I…"
He stopped and took a deep breath, stepping closer as he looked straight into your eyes. Your heartbeats grew until you could hear nothing but blood pumping inside your heart. It feels like your lungs are being cut off from the air as you see into his eyes. The past images flashed in your eyes, that damn gaze, the very same gaze, your Douxie used to give you. the close distance between you two doesn't help your mind to process everything fast enough.
"I do not understand you" he spoke softly, with a tone similar to a glass breaking, he laid bare his broken heart at you. "You are the most complex person I have ever met. Perhaps I should hate you for everything you've put me through. But.. despite all of that, every moment, every encounter, every second I spent with you filled my heart. It filled the void I thought I'd have to live with all my life. You put the pieces to fill that void without even realizing it. I was content with my life, even with that void." He pauses.
"But, meeting you and feeling how the void was finally filled, is more magical than any magic I ever seen in my life. So please, will you give me a chance to let me in? No more avoiding, no more pushing, just you."
So the decision is in your hands, will you let him in and bare yourself?
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tenebrius-excellium · 4 months ago
I just listened to 'The Horse And The Infant' and it's...good??? VERY good??? The animatic too?????
So basically, what I'm getting from this, is that this is like pandemic tiktok chains where everyone can participate but... intentional????
An entirely 'fanmade', which means crowdsourced musical???
I don't know what Hadestown is either
Hiiii Prism. Hey so. Wanna introduce me to Epic The Musical???? I see it on my dash all the time now but I never bothered to look up what it actually is. On purpose lol. Because at first I totally skipped over it thinking it was some Percy Jackson fanart, and then I thought it really wasn't that big of a deal, and now it seems to be a HUGE deal to so many people on Tumblr. And I enjoy the kinda not-in-that-fandom-adjacent tea-sipping vibe veeeeeery much. So. I literally do NOT know what it is. Is it like Hamilton??? Is it a Percy Jackson fanwork??? Is it neither???? You have now been given the absolute power over whatever you let me know. Because I have no clue.
Go wild. (Please haha.)
Okay okay uhhh finedje. I NEVER had to pitch something to someone without the ability to just physically sit them down and like show them before cause I'm generally bad at explaining things but LEMME TRY!!!
So so, Epic the Musical is a musical concept detailing the Odyssey that is being made and like chopped up into 9 sagas! We have 8 of them now so one more to go!!!
Made by the wonderful, and very silly, Jorge Rivera-Herrans, Mr. Jalapeño himself. He wrote it with the theme of ruthlessness in mind, as in when do we adopt the philosophy of being ruthless to other people and when do we show kindness and mercy. (I may be explaining this wrong, Jorge has so many little videos explaining his process about creating Epic, i might leave a link so you can hear from the man himself)
It's not like a Percy Jackson fanmade thing, I know Jorge has read the Odyssesy and is essentially adapting it into this musical in his own way (I say this cause some people just can't comprehend it being its own thing as an adaptation). I don't think Jorge has read PJO? I could be wrong.
I will uhhh keep note that Epic takes heavy inspiration from video games and anime which has the musical take several creative liberties and not be a one to one of the actual Odyssesy. One example of like the video game inspirations is every saga having some sort of boss battle esque song at the end, as if you are going through a video game, level by level.
And the anime inspirations are heavy in the ways Jorge uses iconic anime imagery or like I guess visual tropes in his references whenever he commissions artists to do animatics or animations.
THAT'S ANOTHER FUN THING TOO!!! Aside from the thousands of fan animatics that come out with each saga, Jorge also just commissions art, animatics and animations from artists with each new saga that he'll debut during the album's live watchparty where we listen to the whole musical up till the latest saga. So we have like fan animatics but also in a way, canon animatics and animations on how things go down.
He puts so much care into the music and the like themes and and uhhh musical terms escaping my head but he carries over chracters and their musical motifs so well throughout the story.
He also uhhh does open auditions to EVERYONE like ANYONE could audition for Epic with just leads to so many hidden gems of singers and songwriters that he just hypes up so much, he hypes up their work in Epic and their own personal musical endeavors.
Some of the amazing cast are: Teagen Earley who plays Athena, TROY who plays Hermes, Steven Dookie as Polites, Talya Sindel as Circe, Barbara Wangui as Calypso. Of course, Jorge himself plays Odysseus and he is also just incredible vocally.
HE ALSO uhhh casts his family members in this which is super fun and wholesome and I won't spoil who they play cause its such a fun treat to discover as you listen.
Aaaaaaaaaaa what else-
It is also very silly, we get quite a few silly moments and I really enjoy that. Jorge is really good with sprinkling the silly moments in between the songs and just delivering such a good experience. A lot of the silly moments just become memes and that's also a fun time.
I just love the way he adapted the musical in this very very unique and amazing thing, it's this phenomenon of like story telling and music and also just a collaboration of art between not just the cast who come from so many places but also the HUGE community and I think that's the most special part, y'know?
I think that's all? Imma try to link some of Jorge's shorts and videos here just for fun and because he might explain things better lol.
Thank you for the ask bab! Hope this helps explain, I'm not that good at it lol xD 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 *hugs*
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what-if-toa-rott · 1 year ago
What is #What If ToA RotT?
A project of 20 dedicated people who invested 2.5 years to rewrite the beginning of the 2021 movie Tales of Arcadia: Rise of the Titans. It became a beautiful 30 min fan animatic.
It was based on @tenebrius-excellium's fix-it fic. (outlined)
What is it about?
Blinky narrates A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore No. 48 as an alternative prologue to the movie. Visually, we preferred to use a sepia-colored book-like aesthetic. The og intro, in contrast, was felt to be rather rushed and confusing.
We then open into a scene playing in New York City, which explains the premise and what Douxie, Nari & Archie have been doing since the former events of Wizards: Tales of Arcadia. The scene is meant to pick up the audience where they were left off after the show, since the movie forced a rather abrupt continuation. What was dubbed by us as the #café scene goes at a slower, more comfortable pace, and intends to pay more respect to the world lore, character relationships etc. It then neatly ties itself to the canon follow-up scene which is commonly known among fans as the "subway scene".
What do I do with it?
You can view the scene as an insert into the canon movie. It is placed in the timeline between Blinky's recap of previous events and the subway scene as a slower and more informative opening.
You can see it as the first, animated scene of @tenebrius-excellium 's fanfic idea, which pursues a very different, more satisfying plotline afterwards.
You can use it as a base to invent your own fix-it story for a movie that could have been good but was sadly largely perceived as disappointing. Have fun! :)
Where can I watch it?
On Youtube! Here are the links to the...
...Trailer: Trollhunters Rise of the Titans: WHAT IF [a fandom project] Official Trailer
...Full movie: Trollhunters Rise of the Titans: WHAT IF [fandom project]
...Blooper Reel: What If ToA Rott Bloopers
This is amazing! Who participated in making this?
All credit goes to @nikibogwater @capsulect @bluespiritslight @sopafa @e7y1 @the-fandom-hopping-mage @prismarts @i-am-gun-robot @squabasaurus @livmadart @tempestimes @noperopesaredope @malleepp @honeyxmonkey @bluheaven-adw @azure-za-raid @sweetkever @guardianofideas @jmeestella @tenebrius-excellium on Tumblr!
Have fun and enjoy!
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prismjiinx · 10 months ago
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Meeting again and catching up after so long
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bleuhillbitz · 1 year ago
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Little snake friend for St Patricks day ☘️💚
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multiprism · 2 years ago
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Ayo I’ve got some adopts if anyone’s interested https://ko-fi.com/multiprism/shop
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nuclearprism · 1 year ago
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Made redesigns of Youmu and Yuyuko from Touhou 7. This was fun, I want to do more in the future.
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thequeenofthedisneyverse · 11 months ago
Fall little Wendy bird fall - Au playlist (It's actually seeable this time)
@casinotrio1965 @nightrae13 @prismarts @varian-wonder
song recs are welcome
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tenebrius-excellium · 4 months ago
(I'm stuck too deep in my term paper talking about Tumblr meta so I wanna start a reblog chain. Y'all don't have to put a link to your posts, I just really wanted to hehe.)
I'll go first:
Mushroom Post (always)
Forbidden olé Friendship
Bottle of Caesar Salad Sauce is always a classic
For some weird reason, when New York City when it became official (Idk the atmosphere was neat)
This one, actually (Idk haha I also think it's neat)
Tagging @silver-and-shadow @granny-griffin @prismarts @thekingofthenameless @e7y1
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gaylightisminetocommand · 1 year ago
Happy birthday @prismarts!!!
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Illy was a joy to draw, hope you like it 💙
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