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gothghostiie · 2 months ago
cod priest au bc my religious guilt is flaring up badly and I need priest!whoever to hold and comfort me gently while i cry in confession booth
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quill-of-thoth · 3 months ago
The Saga of Great Uncle Asshole And The Priest From Hell
It's thanksgiving (in the US) so have a family gathering disaster that is old enough to be funny. Almost a decade ago, after a life of stirring up drama everywhere she went, my grandmother died. She was an unhappy woman who tried to be better to her grandkids than she was to her kids, and didn't always succeed, and she's the reason that when I smell cinnamon tic tacs they're accompanied by the reek of an illusory cigarette. This is not a sad post. This is a post about the fact that her funeral was a fucking disaster and it was ultimately about 50% her fault. See, my whole family was at one point or another catholic. Grandma really enjoyed going to church in her last years because it got her out of the nursing home, and priests have to listen when you tell them about the husband you divorced and the children who think they know better than you. Grandma did not consider the fact that the local priest she'd latched onto like a talkative moray eel in a cloud of nicotine smoke was an unmitigated bigot. She left instructions that she wanted her funeral to be at that specific catholic church and for that priest to do the sermon. It didn't occur to her that the person who would be organizing her funeral would be her gay daughter and her daughter's wife.
Shit started getting real about when the doors opened to recieve mourners. Over the course of ten minutes, my aunt summoned:
her elder sister, a paralegal
my father, who has never seen a conflict he would not cheerfully walk away from
Their younger brother, in order to swear at the priest
My mother, who hadn't had a good opportunity to fight a priest since we left our own church and was game to do it again.
This left me, the eldest grandchild, in charge of the receiving line, despite the fact that I knew approximately no one there. My brother and cousins were woodenly shaking hands and then whispering "who's that?" "I don't know." My aunt's husband was escorting the elderly and infirm up the stairs one at a time. My uncle's wife was also around but she knew even fewer people and was mostly listening at the door of the ongoing argument.
So when my brother and Boy cousin went to see if we could pry someone who knew who was related to us out of the argument and I was busy trying to convince an octegenarian that she did NOT need to figure out which of her cousins had married one of grandma's siblings before sitting down, Girl Cousin was alone at the door.
Great Uncle Asshole arrived in a storm of curses and a faux-coonskin cap. He blew past Girl Cousin, thumped his cane up the steps, and seized my hand. It was like shaking hands with an extremely strong mummy. "You look just like your mother! It's the hair, what a bird's nest. Where's your daddy? And the rest of Helen's brood."
I muttered something about them finalizing details with the priest.
"Well, they'll come see me soon enough. Bet you don't know who I am!" I didn't know who anyone was. Everyone older than me was having a verbal cage match with a member of the clergy or escorting some other old fogey to their seats, everyone younger than me had even fewer clues, and my only hope was to wrap this conversation as fast as possible. "Nope!" I said, "I haven't seen most of the people here in years." If I had ever seen them in the first place. He was going to be mad, but I figured if I had to be the bouncer I could probably take an eighty-something year old guy who breathed like the surgeon general's personal warning to smokers. I could at least shut the door on him.
"Of course you wouldn't! Your gran wouldn't have told you. I'm your great uncle Roger, and I'm here to bury the hatchet, by which I mean your grandma! She and I swore over our father's casket we'd never be under the same roof again while we both lived, and by god I kept my oath!" People were starting to stare, and it was at this moment that a thirty-something man in a suit sprinted up the stairs, and my uncle's wife, with a look of dawning horror, called her husband. "Roger's here." The middle aged folks descended immediately. Here is a snapshot of the ensuing conversation: "Roger, why don't we find you a seat?" - my mother in her best teacher voice "Glad to see you're doing well enough to make it" - My father, in his best 'good god I want to be anywhere else' voice. "Take me to the coffin! I want to see her with my own two eyes!" - Great Uncle Asshole, "And hang up my **** hat! Killed it myself!" "I'm so sorry, I didn't know he could walk that fast" - strange suit man "If you are QUITE finished, I am starting the ceremony in ten minutes" - the priest
As my father and his brother towed a grinning and cursing old man to the furthest reaches of the family section, my mother and my oldest aunt caught all the cousins up on the argument with the priest. My youngest aunt was still crying while her wife stared fixedly at the stained glass panes and periodically handed over tissues. The upshot of it all was that my aunt and her wife would be allowed to attend the funeral (on pain of the whole family literally walking out on the priest) but would not be allowed to take communion, because the priest didn't believe in their marriage. My aunt's wife had neglected to point out that, being Jewish, she wasn't going to take communion anyway. "That's fucked" said boy cousin, and the four of us immediately resolved in whispers to refuse communion as well. The priest opened his sermon with pointed remarks about the older generation's devotion and respect for the church. He continued on through psalms and all that until he got to the blessing of the eucharist and asked the family up to receive communion. My father, who hadn't taken communion since I could remember, stayed seated. My mother stayed seated. My aunts and uncles stayed seated. The cousins stayed seated. About a third of the church didn't move. "Well father, I'll have mine! These young folks think hey have all the time in the world to get right with the lord, but you and I know better!" The priest, who had been visibly hoping god would smite us, turned a wincing glare on my great uncle and the series of distant relatives and nursing home neighbors who were now shuffling up. The service dragged on. We were lined up to say goodbye to everyone, while the suit man (who would turn out to be my second cousin) bodily hauled great uncle asshole and his coonskin cap down the stairs. "I should have known my sister wouldn't manage to raise any good Catholics! Horrible woman." he said loudly as he was stuffed into a car driven by suit man's apparent twin. The priest approached as we were finally ready to leave, to ask why we were so stubborn that we deprived ourselves of communion. After all, unlike my youngest aunt, we weren't obvious sinners! "Oh, I'm Lutheran" - My eldest aunt. "I'm an atheist" - My uncle "I don't think you're qualified to bless anything." - My mother, who learned her religion primarily from a horde of socialist-leaning nuns.
With that, we left the wreck of my grandmother's funeral behind. "Helen," said my mother, very deliberately, when we were safely in the car, "would have HATED that." My dad started laughing. "Are you kidding? She would have loved that! It would have been all she complained about for years!"
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stayuntilthefoglifts · 6 months ago
Born to spend all my free time reading and writing fanfics about dead gay wizards/chinese men (who never got justice due to the censorship), forced to have responsibilities.
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ave-immaculata · 5 months ago
fellas we're once again wrestling with imperfect vs. perfect contrition and why imperfect contrition with a firm resolution to not sin again and promptly receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation doesn't save
#I get that it doesn't but !!!! I don't like it and I think its bad and I'm mad at God#it's definitely not because I only have imperfect contrition and get afraid to die#but like if its a gift from God#so much more of a gift perfect contrition is#but if cooperating with grace only results in imperfect contrition#why is it still damnable#his ways higher than my ways i know the line#this didnt save my other tags ahh!!!#but take this example from movie recently#man is a lapsed catholic#hes murdered people etc. very many grave sins#he has a terrifying near death experience and in the hospital asks to have a Priest come#because he wants to confess his sins#he ends up being denied one and murdered himself#to me (vibes) hes motivated by genuine belief and fear (imperfect) but hes also made#TANGIBLE STEPS to try and receive the Sacrament#he clearly wants to be reconciled and is trying#and the most we can hope for him is the same extraordinary salvation we hope a muslim has or an atheist?#intuitively that seems wrong idk#also moots i just realized this might be scandalous etc. I'm trying to religious submission of mind and will#pls tell me if i ought to delete and i will#also tbf on some level I would get the extraordinary salvation is all we can hope for bc of the efficacy of the Sacraments#EXCEPT for baptism by desire#and specifically the fact that motivation to be baptized does not come into consideration#you die before you can be baptized when you've expressed a desire and are trying to be baptized?#saved. no questions asked.#thats what makes this tough for me
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blueiscoool · 1 year ago
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3,400-Year-Old Ancient Egyptian Cemetery Found With Colorful Coffins
Archaeologists have uncovered an Ancient Egyptian cemetery dated to more than 3,000 years ago containing the colorful coffin of a high priest's daughter and preserved mummies, among hundreds of other finds.
Researchers unearthed the cemetery at the Tuna el-Gebel necropolis, located almost 170 miles south of Cairo in Minya Governate, Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced in a statement on Sunday.
The cemetery, which dates back to the New Kingdom (16th-11th centuries B.C.) of ancient Egypt, was used as a burial ground for senior officials and priests during the period, according to archaeologists.
The cemetery was uncovered during excavations that began last August in the Al-Ghuraifa area of Tuna El-Gebel and features "many tombs" that have been carved into rock.
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Researchers have also made hundreds of archaeological finds at the site, including stone and wooden coffins—some of which contained mummies—amulets, ornaments and funerary figurines.
One of the most notable finds at the cemetery is a colorful, engraved coffin belonging to the daughter of a high priest of the ancient Egyptian god Djehuti, often referred to as Thoth.
This deity, commonly depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or baboon, was a key figure in ancient Egyptian mythology and played several prominent roles. For example, Thoth was credited with the invention of writing and is also believed to have served as a representative of the sun god Ra.
Next to the coffin of the high priest's daughter, archaeologists found two wooden boxes containing her canopic jars, as well as a complete set of "ushabti" statues.
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Canopic jars were vessels used by the ancient Egyptians to store the organs removed from the body in the process of mummification—the lungs, liver, intestines and stomach—in order to preserve them for the afterlife.
Ushabti statues, meanwhile, were figurines used in ancient Egyptian funerary practices that were placed in tombs in the belief that they would act as servants for the deceased in the afterlife.
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Archaeologists also made another particularly fascinating find at the New Kingdom cemetery: a complete and well-preserved papyrus scroll measuring approximately 42-49 feet in length that features information related to the Book of the Dead.
The Book of the Dead is a collection of ancient Egyptian funerary texts consisting of spells or magic formulas that were placed in tombs. These texts were thought to protect and aid the deceased in the afterlife. They were generally written on papyrus, a material similar to thick paper that was used as a writing surface in ancient times.
Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said in the statement that the discovery of the cemetery is an "important" find.
By Aristos Georgiou.
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danjaley · 9 months ago
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Alice: Well, we must hope and pray for the best. But to think that this very moment my husband is somewhere in France among heathens!
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spaceytoxinz · 14 days ago
its 3 in the morning and i should be sleeping for my class later oops
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why can't i just oc x canon normally smh. Anyways as you can tell i remembered that i can draw. [Slight gore warning below, My oc gets stabbed from behind oops]
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he's just giving him top surgery bruh
i drew these on a whim. I can't believe im angel posting late as fuck again. wtf is Angel vs his relationships even about anymore tbh.
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juggstargeky · 2 months ago
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life-of-architecture · 1 year ago
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Kraków Kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny czyli Bazylika Mariacka foto z 18 grudnia 2019 i 15 lipca 2020
Wysokie na ponad cztery metry epitafium z czarnego marmuru dębnickiego, projektu Franciszka Placidiego, poświęcone dwudziestemu czwartemu archiprezbiterowi parafii mariackiej. Jacek Augustyn Łopacki herbu Kotwica (1690-1761) był doktorem filozofii i medycyny oraz fundatorem licznych przedsięwzięć charytatywnych i artystycznych. W młodości osobisty medyk kardynała Conti zanim ten został papieżem Innocentym XIII, potem w Krakowie leczył na równi magnatów i robotników. Pochowano go w tym miejscu zgodnie z jego własnym życzeniem.
Pragnę i nieodmiennie naznaczam, aby ciało moje bez żadnej odwłoki, zaraz in crastino śmierci pogrzebione było przy kościele Najświętszej Panny Maryi w Krakowie na cmentarzu w ziemi w tyle ołtarza Crucifixi przy murze kościelnym. fragment testamentu J.A. Łopackiego
Czemu się mam żalić, że chociaż dopiero przy zaczynających się żniwach, a już frumentum Electorum nieodżałowany Prałat grobowym na proch jest starty kamieniem, że usechł w oczach naszych tak ozdobny rozmaitym cnót Świętych kolorem, dosyć pięknego bo liliowej niewinności różowego wstydu, ten hiacyntowy kwiat flos decidit & decor. fragment mowy Jana Kantego Laskiewicza na pogrzebie Łopackiego
rysunek Stanisława Cerchy z 1902 r.
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akwarela Stanisława Fabijańskiego z 1917 r.
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rysunek Leona Kowalskiego z 1924 r.
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akwarela Stanisława Janowskiego sprzed 1942 r.
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Zdzisław Gajda, historyk medycyny, przytacza anegdotę o Łopackim: …były krakowskie odpusty u Panny Maryi okazją do swoistego widowiska: przychodziły tłumy opętanych, wzbudzając widokiem swych cierpień najwyższe politowanie, co równoznaczne było z rozsupływaniem mieszka. Otóż po głównych uroczystościach kościelnych wychodził archiprezbiter na plac przed kościołem w stroju pontyfikalnym, przed nim zbierała się gromada dręczonych przez złe duchy (…). Otóż Łopacki, jak to u dobrych lekarzy bywa, nie był w ciemię bity i miał dobry zmysł obserwacji, nie odmawiał tradycją przyjętego zwyczaju, ale podejrzenie miał. I pewnego dnia się przejadło. Wyszedł jak zwykle, modły odmówił, kropidło wziął, opętanych pokropił, a gdy spodziewanego skutku wszyscy się dopatrzyli, rzekł: A oszuści, a nicponie! A udawacze! Gdybyście byli prawdziwie opętani, nic by wam nie dało to moje kropienie, bom zwykłej, a nie święconej wody na was użył!
fragmenty dyplomu doktora medycyny Jacka Łopackiego wydanego przez Uniwersytet w Padwie w 1711 r.
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portret Iacentego (Jacka) Łopackiego w siedzibie Arcybractwa Miłosierdzia, mniej niż 100 metrów od jego grobu
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Kraków, Poland Saint Mary's Basilica taken on 18 December 2019 and 15 July 2020
Over four meters (14 ft) tall epitaph made of black marble, designed by Francesco Placidi, marking the grave of Jacek Augustyn Łopacki (1690-1761) of the Kotwica coat of arms, the 24th Arch-Priest of the St. Mary's parish, and also Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy, a philanthropist and art patron. In his younger years he was the personal physician of Cardinal Michelangelo dei Conti before the latter became Pope Innocent XIII; later in Kraków he kept treating magnates as well as laborers. He was buried on this site in accordance with his own wish.
I want and consistently make a disposition for that my body, with no delay [and] just in crastino of death, shall have buried in the cemetery next to St. Mary's Church in Kraków, in the ground behind the Crucifixi altar next to the church's wall. excerpt from J.A. Łopacki's last will
Why should I complain that though the harvest time has barely started, frumentum Electorum lamented Prelate already is ground by tombstone into dust, that a Hyacinth flower, so adorned with the color of various Holy virtues [that is] quite beautiful lily-rose innocent modesty, already wilted before our eyes, flos decidit & decor. excerpt from the speech of Jan Kanty Laskiewicz at Łopacki's funeral
[drawing by Stanisław Cercha, 1902]
[watercolor by Stanisław Fabijański, 1917]
[drawing by Leon Kowalski, 1924]
[watercolor by Stanisław Janowski, before 1942]
Zdzisław Gajda, historian of medicine, recounts an anecdote about Łopacki: …parish festivals at St Mary's used to be an occasion for a peculiar spectacle: crowds of possessed came arousing pity with the sight of their suffering, which resulted in loosening the purse strings. After the main celebration the Arch-Priest used to come out wearing the pontifical vestments to the square in front of the church and before him gathered a huddle of those tormented by evil spirits … Łopacki, as good doctors are, was no fool and had good observation skills, hence while not denying the tradition, he had his suspicions. And some day he had enough. He came out as usual, said the prayers, took the aspergillum, sprinkled the possessed, and as soon as everybody saw the expected result, he exclaimed: Ah, you frauds! Scallywags and impostors! If you were truly possessed, my sprinkling would help you nothing, as I have used ordinary, not holy water on you!
[pieces of Doctor of Medicine diploma of Jacek Łopacki issued by the University of Padua in 1711]
[portrait of Hiacynt (Jacek) Łopacki in the premises of the Archbrotherhood of Mercy, less than 100 m (90 yd) from his grave]
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thaorins-gate · 5 months ago
Mars "Grave Cleaver" ref sheet
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(This took me a bit to finish because I had to get everything perfect)
Mars "Grave Cleaver"! After losing a duel to a fire caster in defence of the crown, she fled the city and was pursued until she hid in a POP (Pace Obstruction Patch - time dilation field). The magic of the POP triggered an immune response in Mars' Cords (magic), causing her to develop Lycanthropy (werebear) in order to survive otherwise grave injuries (the burns). So, now, on top of all the trauma of almost dying, she has to navigate a new form and new abilities, all while dealing with her healing burns.
Body ref under cut
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Her arms were hit far more than the face (repetitively to get her to drop her weapon). Part of that hit her side, so the burns encroached there, too. The other scars are just from fights and executions she did in the past.
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marlowethelibrarian · 9 months ago
I need you to tell me all about Project Cannibalism actually
Okay! So I have like 10 pages of worldbuilding just for this project, so if you wanna know something more specific, feel free to send me another ask!
Project Cannibalism is currently still in the planning stages.
The story takes place in Suya, a theocracy dedicated to cult of Suyo, a cthonic earth goddess, ruled by hereditary priestesses. Suyo was founded by exiles from the lowlands, banished to the steppe where most of them were killed by the harsher conditions at higher elevations, or by the nomads that lived on the steppe.
All living creatures have some kind of magic inside of them. Life itself is an energy that can be bent towards magical working. Usually this is expressed through alchemy- creating effects by brewing potions and later, by runesmithing. It can be a labor intensive process and biomes with more biodiversity have more options when it comes to alchemy. It is a useful technology that underpins most the engineering accomplishments on the peninsula.
The exiles discovered a way to use the magic of human life, amplifying another's energy through their own bodies to do bigger magic, bypassing the need for the process of alchemy. Other creatures can serve as batteries, but the closer the battery is to human, the more efficient the process. It is with this magic that they created arable land out of the rocky steppe and drove away the nomads.
You couldn't light a candle with the life of a cockroach, but with a another human, you can break up boulders, divert rivers, raise shelters, and only take a few years off of their lifespan.
The story for Project Cannibalism centers on a pair of identical twins, separated by birth. One raised in the temple of Suyo as a talented priestess, the other a genius alchemist that has run out of luck and time and realizes they have an uncanny resemblance to the up and coming priestess.... However, they find themself with more than they can chew, as the aging queen priestess and her heir are at odds with each other, and their twin is being groomed to possibly replace the crown priestess.
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blueiscoool · 2 years ago
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Archaeologists Discover 3,000-Year-Old Priest’s Tomb in Peru
Archaeologists in northern Peru have unearthed a 3,000-year-old tomb which they believe might have honored an elite religious leader in the Andean country some three millennia ago.
Dubbed the “Priest of Pacopampa,” referring to the highland archaeological zone where the tomb was found, the priest was buried under six layers of ash mixed with black earth, with decorated ceramic bowls and seals indicating ancient ritual body paint used for people of elite standing, Peru’s culture ministry said in a statement on Saturday.
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Two seals were also found along the upper edges of the tomb, one with an anthropomorphic face looking east and another with a jaguar design facing west.
Project leader Yuji Seki said the large size of the tomb, nearly two meters (2.2 yards) in diameter and one meter (3.3 feet) deep, was “very peculiar,” as was the position of the body lying face down with one half of his body extended and feet crossed.
The body was also found with a bone shaped into a tupu, a large pin used by Andean Amerindians to hold cloaks and ponchos, which would have been used to hold a woman’s blanket, he added.
“Though this person is a man, the associations are very peculiar,” said Seki. “I think this was a leader in his time.”
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The Pacopampa Archaeological Project has been working in the area since 2005, the ministry said, adding that rock layers indicate the priest, who would have been buried around 1,200 B.C., was some five centuries older than the tombs of the “Lady of Pacopampa” and the “Priests of the Serpent Jaguar of Pacopampa,” discovered in 2009 and 2015 respectively.
Last year’s find of the “Priest of the Pututos,” however, is believed to be older.
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droptoeholdyourhorses · 2 years ago
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vodka-and-ocs · 2 years ago
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spaceytoxinz · 16 days ago
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the self indulgent and the indulgent [id like to think im smart don’t correct me bru 💔 /j]
anyways more priest au doodles i did today. yeah, same shit. same front facing angel. Another one thank you, another one thank you, another on. i should probably commission ppl or smth.
its hard to paint iridecent fabric, it looks muddy as hell. Plus angels hair looks big as hell, its okah tho cause in this AU hes not emo so he doesnt care about styling his hair that much, making it curlier ot smth. He also looks more sad but its hard to see because of his hair so it just looks like the typical RBF
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juggstargeky · 3 months ago
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