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rockinjohnny · 1 year ago
The problem is the super-rich hoarding the wealth!
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chefesmith · 6 years ago
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Disease starts in the colon. It’s important to do a colon cleanse. I have tried other colon cleansers and I must say this colon cleanser is the TRUTH! When it says move you better move 😂😂, no 🧢 you better move! Find it on sprouts.com healthplusinc.com * * * * #coloncleanse #health #preventabledisease #youdonthavetobesick #health #liveinspired #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #wellness #chefsmithhhk #healthylife #preventabledeath #healthmatters #healthiswwealth #staywell #livewell #stayhealthy #love #wellness #loveyourself #bewell #feedyoursoul #takecareofyourself #healthy #plantbased #vegan #govegan #plantbasedchef #healthylifestyle #healthyfood (at Huntsville, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzCANSPlpBb/?igshid=oatu825wzzrb
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stillwithhernothim · 5 years ago
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Killer Clown is coming for you. Nothing funny about that. #Repost @liarinchief ・・・ #DonaldMcRonald, #100000, #100000Deaths, #BloodOnHisHands, #PreventableDeaths, #MalignantNarcissist, #StupidestManAlive, #MonumentalStupidity, #stupidity, #moronavirus, #covidiot, #coronavirus, #PathologicalLiar, #vindictive, #moron, #incompetence, #incompetent, #inept, #TheClownMustGoDown, #FlushTheTurdOnNovemberThird, #VoteBlueNoMatterWho, #MakeThemPayOnElectionDay, #RepublicanCowards, #PartyOverCountry, #CorruptGOP, #NationalDisgrace, #RepublicanShame, #DerangedDonald, #LiarInChief https://www.instagram.com/p/CArWp5oAI81/?igshid=101x0nu1aowye
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peachy-queen · 4 years ago
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I wonder how many of the 1263 Americans got COVID-19 from not wearing a mask and social distancing. #preventabledeaths https://www.instagram.com/p/CFjN7mWjAP6NzVVb4h5pXmsEgcxXu-pftTW8Mg0/?igshid=gkzijs0ii3ky
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liberalsarecool · 4 years ago
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If more people had empathy and thought of others, we would have less covidiots. #PreventableDeaths
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ishikawa-hiroki · 7 years ago
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2014年10月に確定診断とSTAGEが決まってから何故標準治療を受けなかったのか真実を伝えることが市川海老蔵の役割だと思います。 虎の門病院→聖路加病院→慶應義塾と日本で名だたる病院を何故変えたのか、医師免許を持つ者へ教えてほしい。 医師免許を持つ者も医師患者関係を見直し反省する必要もあると思います。 小林麻央さんはpreventable deathだった。美談で終わらせてはいけない。第二の小林麻央さんは作ってはいけない! http://ameblo.jp/ebizo-ichikawa/entry-12288359194.html #小林麻央 #市川海老蔵 #ドクターショッピング #確定診断 #STAGE #標準治療 #医師患者関係 #preventabledeath #美談で終わらせてはいけない #第二の小林麻央さんを作ってはいけない (Osaka Prefecture, Japan)
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yesriseecoventblr · 5 years ago
Stay Safe with Smoke Ventilators
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Safety of individuals is of paramount importance. Smoke ventilation systems, also known as Life Safety Systems are manufactured to enable the safe and secure escape of occupants in the case of a fire and also facilitate the fire to be fought immediately in its preliminary stages.​​ There exists a well-structured & stringent law and design supervision that states and directs the installation, act and upkeep of Smoke Ventilation systems that must be taken into consideration and strictly followed when stipulating any system.
Smoke Ventilators safeguard lives and aid in protecting property by:
Allotting escape and entree routes free from smoke
Easing fire-fighting actions
Decreasing the risk of the fire growing further
Shielding the building
Lessening the risk posed to damage of the building​
No matter whether the building to be ventilated is residential, educational, commercial or, healthcare a smoke ventilation system should be encompassed as an integral part of the overall fire strategy which is formulated for the building.
In the developing countries alone, there are several million incidental fires each year. No matter whether they initiate from thoughtless procedures, electricbreakdowns, or to say from kitchen mishaps, these incidents result in thousands of mortalities rate each year. Preventabledeath ratedue to fire such as these are partly because of meagre building fire safety plan, along with poor smoke ventilation.
In the case of building design; fire safety, preclusion, and smoke ventilation are key significant factors to guarantee the safety of the residents. In the incident of fire-breakdown, the chief goal is to make safe the lives of the distressed people, as well as guard the integrity of the building affected by the fire. Though fire prevention techniques can never boast of cent percent safety, scheming an effective smoke ventilation system, bearing in mind smoke safety is the ideal way to lessenhazardouscircumstances.
SHEVS i.e. Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems are powered systems to eliminate smoke from a building permitting low level escape routes to be saved clear of smoke and dippingharm to the building. The chief aim of smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems (SHEVS) is to direct smoke and heat out from a building which is on fire, whilereserving escape passages and stairs free of smoke for the harmless and safe escape of the buildings dwellers.
Horizontal vs Vertical SHEVS Points to keep in mind:
Magnitude of the fire
Site of the fire
Structure of the building
Weather Conditions such as wind, humidity&convection currents
Horizontal Ventilation allows air flow to ejecthazardousgases, heat & smoke.
Horizontal Ventilation Key Benefits:
Swift to device
Can be effective on an area dwelling up to 1600 sq. feet
Active with winds @ 25 mph or less
Operativeup to the range of 25 floors in a multistoried building
Vertical Ventilation
Vertical Ventilation is constructed by opening the roof top with cuts or with prevailing roof top openings.  If it’s insecure to place firefighters on the roof, it’s dangerous for firefighters to pass into the construction
Vertical Ventilation Key Benefits:
Extracts smoke and gases
Curtails the alteration of flashover
Diminishes the likelihood of backdraft
Helps firefighters in tracingsufferers
Aids firefighters detect the seat of the fire
Smoke ventilators designed & manufactured by Riseecovent usebest quality raw material produced from reliablemerchants as per strict industrial quality standards. Riseecovent offers extensive choice of ventilators. It specializes in manufacturing Roof Ventilators & Wind Driven Ventilators.
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questionably · 6 years ago
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#preventabledeaths (at Scottsdale, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqPooHJhsGV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11mum32wex4dq
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I have been receiving some questions from men who are skeptical about their risk for HPV infection and consequently, their need to be vaccinated. In response to those concerns, I have cited some facts from CDC website regarding HPV infection:
1. While not at risk for cervical cancer, men are susceptible to warts and penile, throat, and oropharyngeal cancers, all of which can be caused by HPV. 
2. The CDC recommends that all boys be vaccinated for HPV at age 11 or 12.
3. Anyone who is sexually active can get HPV, not just women.
I have included the link below should anyone want more details about HPV and HPV vaccination.
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chefesmith · 6 years ago
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Health Moment * * * * #nurses #hospital #caringforthesick #staycalm #health #liveinspired #wellpreneur #mindbodysoul #wellness #chefsmithhhk #healthylife #preventabledeath #healthmatters #healthiswwealth #staywell #livewell #stayhealthy #love #wellness #loveyourself #bewell #feedyoursoul #takecareofyourself #healthy #plantbased #vegan #govegan #plantbasedchef #healthylifestyle #healthyfood (at Huntsville, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzA9DEQFxq5/?igshid=1kr1i7ldvqbbx
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ishikawa-hiroki · 7 years ago
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#Repost 乳癌治療ガイドライン2015を読む限り小林麻央さんは2014年10月の段階で 結論:TMN分類ⅢAの可能性が高い 治療:術前化学療法+外科切除+術後化学療法 の可能性が高い 乳癌はⅢAでも5年生存率もかなり高い。乳房温存は難しいかどうか。 海老蔵答えてくれ!2015年は何をしていたのか。確定診断時に標準治療をしなかった理由を教えてくれ!医師が信じられなかった理由を教えてくれ!全国の医師へ伝えてほしい! 市川海老蔵の役目は医師患者関係や標準治療の大切さを医師とともに訴えることだと思う。 私はpreventable deathだと思えて仕方ない。 #乳癌治療ガイドライン #2015 #小林麻央 #死去 #美談で終わらせてはいけない #市川海老蔵 #確定診断 #標準治療 #医師患者関係 #preventabledeath
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ishikawa-hiroki · 7 years ago
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CT画像は体を輪切りにします。この場合心臓(縦隔)の大きさが違います。従って輪切りの位置が違うので左背部の陰影の形も異なります。小林麻央さんの死は医学用語でpreventable deathです。標準治療で防げたと私は考えています https://togetter.com/li/1126706#c3909729 #ct #輪切り #小林麻央 #stageiii #乳がん #標準治療 #死ぬ必要はなかった #preventabledeath #医師患者関係 #美談で終わらせてはいけない #医師や標準治療に信頼性を取り戻す #小林麻央さんの死を繰り返さない (Osaka Prefecture, Japan)
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ishikawa-hiroki · 8 years ago
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2014年10月に確定診断とSTAGEが決まってから何故標準治療を受けなかったのか真実を伝えることが市川海老蔵の役割だと思います。 虎の門病院→聖路加病院→慶應義塾と日本で名だたる病院を何故変えたのか、医師免許を持つ者へ教えてほしい。 医師免許を持つ者も医師患者関係を見直し反省する必要もあると思います。 小林麻央さんはpreventable deathだった。美談で終わらせてはいけない。第二の小林麻央さんは作ってはいけない! http://ameblo.jp/ebizo-ichikawa/entry-12288359194.html #小林麻央 #市川海老蔵 #ドクターショッピング #確定診断 #STAGE #標準治療 #医師患者関係 #preventabledeath #美談で終わらせてはいけない #第二の小林麻央さんを作ってはいけない (Osaka City)
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ishikawa-hiroki · 8 years ago
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2014年10月に確定診断でSTAGEが決まっていたはず。標準治療を受けていれば今死ぬことは防げたpreventable deathと位置付けます。市川海老蔵は標準治療を選択しなかった理由を明かしてほしい。美談で終わらせてはいけない https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20170625-00010001-agora-soci #小林麻央 #乳癌 #死去 #逝去 #確定診断 #STAGE #センチネルリンパ節 #preventabledeath #美談で終わらせてはいけない (Osaka City)
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ishikawa-hiroki · 8 years ago
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乳癌治療ガイドライン2015を読む限り小林麻央さんは2014年10月の段階で 結論:TMN分類ⅢAの可能性が高い 治療:術前化学療法+外科切除+術後化学療法 の可能性が高い 乳癌はⅢAでも5年生存率もかなり高い。乳房温存は難しいかどうか。 海老蔵答えてくれ!2015年は何をしていたのか。確定診断時に標準治療をしなかった理由を教えてくれ!医師が信じられなかった理由を教えてくれ!全国の医師へ伝えてほしい! 市川海老蔵の役目は医師患者関係や標準治療の大切さを医師とともに訴えることだと思う。 私はpreventable deathだと思えて仕方ない。 #乳癌治療ガイドライン #2015 #小林麻央 #死去 #美談で終わらせてはいけない #市川海老蔵 #確定診断 #標準治療 #医師患者関係 #preventabledeath (Osaka City)
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ishikawa-hiroki · 8 years ago
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2014年10月に確定診断とSTAGEが決まってから何故標準治療を受けなかったのか真実を伝えることが市川海老蔵の役割だと思います。 虎の門病院→聖路加病院→慶應義塾と日本で名だたる病院を何故変えたのか、医師免許を持つ者へ教えてほしい。 医師免許を持つ者も医師患者関係を見直し反省する必要もあると思います。 小林麻央さんはpreventable deathだった。美談で終わらせてはいけない。第二の小林麻央さんは作ってはいけない! http://ameblo.jp/ebizo-ichikawa/entry-12288359194.html #小林麻央 #市川海老蔵 #ドクターショッピング #確定診断 #STAGE #標準治療 #医師患者関係 preventabledeath #美談で終わらせてはいけない #第二の小林麻央さんを作ってはいけない (Osaka City)
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